Kars vs ALL of JJK Isn’t Close

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ultimate cars from part two of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is incredibly strong so naturally I want to put them up against all of jjk can he solo them even without a stand cars is one of the most absurdly broken characters in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure usually in these battles I do verse Equalization like we assume people could fight curses and see curse energy things like that but we're not doing that here he doesn't need it in these types of videos I like to see if the character I'm analyzing also has a hard stop as in a character that they simply have no way of defeating so if we can't find one in this video he wins we'll be using a bloodlusted cars as well if I did this like my Udo video for example we'd have two hypothetical versions of cars ultimate cars the exact same as he is in Jojo and a version of him from the jjk verse one where he can interact with curses and has cursed energy by default but that would be pointless because it would be overpowered when we get into analyzing his abilities you'll see why that would be an instant win if he was from this verse we'll be keeping cars with the same stats and the same abilities from JoJo we'll just be dropping him the jjk as is with no extra knowledge so let's go over his physical traits first starting with strength we never truly get to see the extent of car's power it's outright stated that his hone is hundreds of times stronger than Joseph so at bare minimum that's 200 since we're talking multiples of 100 obviously plus his HMO is compared to the power of the Sun and could vaporize Flesh on contact if it literally does have the force of the sun which it is implied to be literal that means the amount of force he could produce is over 87 tons of TNT just from his hmone alone and that's the bare minimum when he used this power he used it pretty casually usually he did it to mock Joseph actually it wouldn't be crazy to place him at small town level as a Baseline and that's the bare minimum to highball he's hundreds of times stronger than post- training Joseph who could fight the other pillar who are stronger than Santana who is above part one Dio who's arguably stronger than part three Dio in some aspects who was able to fight jodo before he got stronger from Rage and fully unlocked the world so let's use jodo to scale this version of jodo has Feats that place him at small town level also such as his fight with Justice and the fact that he stated to have the strongest stand in part 4 meaning it's above Red Hot Chili Pepper which could be scaled to being around here as well so go back to that scaling chain that I just gave you at the very bottom is jodo around small town level so using that it's pretty reasonable to say that cars could wipe out a large city possibly even beyond that but if you really want to stretch it even further his H mod is anywhere from 200 times to 900 times stronger than Joseph's so it really depends where we place Joseph with that same scaling chain from before it's reasonable to say he's around large Town level probably small City level at the high end at least and cars is anywhere from 200 to 900 times that so if you really want to push him you could put him at Mountain level possibly even higher that just goes to show how strong he truly is again we didn't really get to see his full power though and we're using a vague statement about multipliers so let's be a little more conservative here with an estimate I think we could reasonably call them large city level this feels like a really fair Middle Ground to me especially because it puts him on par with some of the top tiers in jjk personally I think he goes even higher but we're going to be conservative with this part now on to durability cars can evolve and adapt to pretty much anything assuming he experiences it and doesn't die instantly and it's pretty hard to kill him in the in the first place look at what happened when he fell in a volcano quickly he tried to adapt and that didn't work but he found another adaptation and found a way to survive in lava for a few minutes when in space we see him trying to adapt even further the issue here was he froze up before he could adapt any further than he already did he actually did survive that in space he's just Frozen so he can't move himself but this didn't kill him so he could survive these extreme temperatures and adapt to extreme situations like this his regeneration is also pretty insane the pillar are even alive as specks of dust apparently they could regenerate from pieces that are around 1 cm cubed and those are for the other pillar for cars it's pretty likely he can go beyond this so he could survive being cut up even further and again as dust he would still be alive you'd have to completely destroy every little bit of him if you want him to die even if you completely pulverize him there is a chance he could just regenerate from that so if you can destroy him completely with one attack you should be fine but if you don't accomplish that he's going to come back regenerated and he'll probably find a way to adapt to your attacks next but even without regeneration his regular body is pretty durable for example when he was launched to space he survive being hit by objects exceeding escape velocity escape velocity is Mack 33 AKA 33 times the speed of sound these objects didn't really hurt him they just propelled him up further plus obviously like I said before he survived the volcano including being submerged in lava and surviving the eruption in case you couldn't tell by this point we aren't using anything from novel cars either this is just part two cars at his Peak though next let's cover his Speed cars at absolute lowest lowball is beyond the speed of light he's Way Beyond it he generated light at one point and moved so fast that he outsped it he also dodged the UV ray which also moves at light speed and the craziest part is this is regular cars doing this not ultimate cars to go even further his combat speeds can be pushed Way Beyond light speed vampire Doo from part one is actually comparable to his part three self due to adjusting to his new body in part three in case you didn't know part three characters are stupidly fast and this retroactively affects some part one and part two characters to an extent tacin for example can perceive 1/ 10,000th of a second and silver Chariot is noted as one of the fastest stands with Feats of its own pushing it beyond the speed of light and star Platinum is above both of them with the world obviously being comparable so at low ball if we assume Do's part three FTS apply to his part one self that boost cars even further cars is faster than part one di who's relative to or possibly faster than di from part three and while I am using the speed of the stands themselves it's worth noting that this affects Do's reaction and combat speeds too because they're perceiving all of this the stands are controlled by them and they perceive what the stands are doing and this isn't traversal speed by the way this is combat and reaction speed which is completely different so cars at bare minimum is faster than light but you could push them even higher for this video one thing to remember is that domains have sure hit effects cars outspeeds everyone but in a domain he would still be hit by attacks I know I said he has no curse energy but we'll cover that more in a bit even if you lowball him and highball jjk cars still outspeeds them even the top tiers in terms of speed like sakuna Gojo and kosimo other abilities he has includes hamon which has multiple uses the fact he can manipulate his body he can create life and the life he creates is actually stronger than normal animals considering considering the fact that he made a squirrel that cut through metal as well as an octopus that stopped a planes propellers he can possess people he has enhanced senses he can copy genetics based on any life form that he knows so that's not going to apply here since we're taking him from JoJo he won't have the genetic data of anyone from jjk that would make him instantly overpowered because he could just copy anything by default as we covered he has great adaptability he's Immortal and has great regeneration but that doesn't mean he's completely infallible and of course he has an IQ of 400 so he's really smart now into the actual battles themselves by the way if you're liking this video so far be sure to drop a like it shows me you want to see more things like this subscribe while you're at it too to see more we'll only be looking at the top tiers of jjk and it's not going to be anything in order it's a relatively short list because we're only going to use people that have any sort of chance to fight him in raw stats alone he outclasses a lot of people to begin with so of course this includes the special grades as well as people with unique abilities that might counter him and a few others here and there that aren't necessarily top tiers but maybe could do something so to start out since we're taking him as is he likely will gain some sort of cursed energy immed I said he doesn't have it by default but cursed energy comes from negative emotions so by putting him in this verse he might just get that by default the thing is he wouldn't have any prior knowledge of it or know how to use it at least not right away again we usually do verse Equalization but we're not doing that here this would happen though this is just the bare minimum and logical if he were from this verse he could copy any genetic thing meaning he could likely copy any curse technique from a major Clan by default due to those being inherited that's why we took him from JoJo because otherwise he could just copy everything this isn't a crazy handicap though just a slight Road bump making it a bit harder for him he'd first have to get a grip on curse energy and this makes him vulnerable to domains which is why I mentioned the guaranteed hits of domains before let's begin with the disaster curses you might think cars wouldn't be able to interact with curses like we gave him some cursed energy but how is he going to actually see and interact with the curses he's not going to have that by default well he already has pretty enhanced perception and since we are giving him some level of curse energy his enhanced senses would really help him here toi for example was able to fight curses based on his height and senses alone and cars already has something like that better than what toi has actually difference is toi had no curse energy and cars does so either way you slice it he would be able to see curses and at least interact with them with the fact he actually has cursed energy here he'd probably find a way to exercise them too it would be a really simple feat he would just need a little bit of time to get adjusted to it and that's why I'm including the disaster curses because they have that slight Advantage from the beginning Hanami and Joo are terrible matchups though cars could do whatever Hanami does and as far as Joe go cars already can't adapt to that type of heat as for mahito you might think he can get past cars' power but I wouldn't think so the concept of the Soul already exists in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure meaning it's a pre-existing force of nature that cars might already have knowledge of and control over as we covered in the Goku versus jjk video there are ways to counter mahito cars would either need to figure out how to protect his soul with cursed energy and then use that energy to attack maho's Soul he could also wear mahito down or just one-hot him even if he couldn't defend against this his regen and his own body manipulation would let him survive even if his soul gets damaged and he could probably figure out how to repair it later on on so I don't think mahito would do anything against him at the worst he damages cars a bit but he learns and grows from it at best cars can instantly figure out a counter to his abilities and walk out unscathed with a very easy fight next to y resum yeah a huge jump here cars already pretty much exactly does what she does but better she has the advantage of creating any substance she knows of course it uses a lot of cursed energy though another Advantage she has is her domain with its sure hit effect although with car's level of knowledge he might be able to adapt in multiple ways he could also die here like if she makes a true sphere in her domain and sends it towards him but I think cars would have a few ways to protect himself against this for one depending on how quickly he gets a grasp on his curse energy he might figure out a way to make a simple domain or even better create other life forms to fight alongside him or maybe split himself something to throw off the domain's targeting it really depends on the situation but I feel like he'd figure out a solution for this so despite the power of her true sphere cars has a really easy battle otherwise as for someone else similar to him let's go to mahara next again he's essentially a better mahara mahara can adapt to any and every phenomena but cars can use the powers of any living thing by default the issue is cars doesn't have any knowledge of this verse so it's not like he could just create anything from scratch until he learns more about it he's limited to what he knows from his verse since cars is bloodlusted he'd probably go for the kill right away but even if cars takes his time for some reason there's no way mahara could adapt to everything because of all the things cars could do there's so many things in his kit that mahara would have to adapt to separately so mahara would just never fully adapt and would be defeated by something else at some point despite how amazing mahara is I'd say car is pretty much no diffs here next on to Kaku this would be a battle of the mines kaku's crazy collection of curses can combat cars at least to an extent nice El iteration there Kaku doesn't necessarily have anything crazy against him and cars can overpower most of what he has anyways if this is the first fight cars encounters that could be an issue because he wouldn't know how to exercise the curses right away but eventually he would adapt so depending on the setup here Kaku might have some sort of path to Victory but I feel like cars has this in the back it's not like kju could take over cars either cars' stats are better and he wouldn't get an opening to do that plus cars can digest people and possess them too if Kaku tried to take over cars somehow cars would just digest the brain and probably grow from it it really all depends on the curses Kaku uses but again I'd say a low death battle next on to Yuki her black hole attack is obviously her best bet here even if it's a suicide move but would it even kill cars personally I think it would at least trap him not permanently let's get into some black hole science assuming Yuki's black works exactly like all the other black holes in the universe well first of all it would obviously destroy Earth would it destroy cars too it really all depends so when you enter a black hole's Event Horizon you get stretched out completely thin a process called spaghettification because it turns you into spaghetti yes that's the real term no one really knows what happens Beyond The Event Horizon though but in this area you get spaghettified you get torn apart you get stretched you encounter extreme heat too basically you get turned into silly putty and get put in an oven and you get pulled towards the center AK The Singularity everything in including light gets pulled there so if cars enters the black hole and reaches the singularity it's hard to say what would happen of course we could assume that Yuki's black hole doesn't work the exact same way as these black holes at least not right at the very instant it's made but for the sake of Simplicity we're assuming it does he probably could survive the spaghettification process but the issue is when he encounters the heat which would happen right away the Event Horizon is millions of degrees and inside the temperature is nearly absolute zero again we're assuming the black hole is around long enough to actually do this using real ones for comparison but in the story her black hole didn't actually do any of this cars can survive lava but probably not that type of heat the temperature of a black hole depends on the size and mass of it but that event horizon usually is millions of degrees I don't think cars would be able to take that kind of heat and if he somehow survives that heat he would be frozen in the center if not completely torn apart with no way to regenerate because that Center is close to absolute zero black holes evaporate over time but over really long periods of time like billions of years depending on the density this is known as Hawking radiation so at some point cars would escape and then be frozen in space personally I think the black hole would kill him but not for the reasons you'd expect the extreme heat would kill him and if he survives the heat he'd survive spaghettification but the center of the black hole would kill him and even if he somehow survived all of that he would freeze instantly at the center of the black hole sure Earth would be destroyed in the process but this would also leave cars out in space once he's eventually freed and he'd just be frozen there his same fate from part two so Yuki wouldn't win against cars but she might be able to stal mate at least because of this with a black hole she would guarantee at least he's sealed if not killed outright otherwise cars low diffs the only thing Yuki does anything here is by sacrificing herself in the process and again cars is bloodlusted so he could just win this by default as for fighting hegar Ruma I think that cars would be affected by his domain but it's kind of random what he'd be on trial for plus his cursed energy being confiscated would just buff him if anything making him immune to domains the death sentence is useless if higuma isn't fast enough to hit him with his attack not to mention I would think cars is smart enough to pull his own Sal Goodman so whatever he is on trial for he could probably defend himself pretty well against it this domain probably wouldn't do too much in the long run and I don't think higar Ruma would do too much against him either even though at first you might reasonably think he would be able to do something his domain's pretty op but not here now on to Gojo this fight's actually one of the easier ones in my Gojo versus JoJo Gauntlet video I sort of glossed over his fight with cars and hindsight I shouldn't have but I assume that Gojo could win really I think this fight has multiple outcomes One path to victory for Gojo is using a domain with purple this should be possible and he's used red in a domain before and nothing's really stopping him from applying the sure hit effect of the domain with purple his domain actually is useless on cars besides the sure hit effect the overload of info probably wouldn't affect him with the mind and adaptability he has cars would be oncap as for surviving unlimited void I think if he just stands still doing nothing yeah it would stop him but he's not going to be doing that he's bloodlusted this could be an issue because despite car's insane intellect he doesn't have infinite brain power to process everything at once you could survive those effects It's just tough to do so sakuna took multiple of these domains and survived with brain damage and Joo was paralyzed by it but still survived cars also has the speed to avoid the domain in the first place and might just figure out that he could break out of it or if he could find some way to protect himself against it another way that could work too why not pull what Andy does in Undead unluck and just turn off his brain acting on instinct or utilize his cursed energy somehow to protect himself or even just attack Gojo immediately before the effects of the domain fully set in I would think it wouldn't immediately affect him to its full extent giving him at least some time to react then launch towards Gojo and attack him also cars wouldn't immediately have a way through Infinity but he might find way through Gojo would have to exploit that to his Advantage for those who don't know Infinity is an automatic filter that Gojo has where he infinitely divides space between him making it so nothing could reach him at least when it comes to threats to get through this with ra power alone you would need an attack Beyond his perception or an attack with imense speeds that can't be stopped like that and the former is Pretty Tough given the fact that he has the six eyes if Gojo uses both of these things to his Advantage he can possibly win by the way Hollow purple is an existence aaser that's a misconception that I honestly believed at one point too it's never shown anywhere to be that and sakuna survives it twice which kind of proves this however a full power Hollow purple likely has the destructive power needed to injure cars and completely kill him too if it fully engulfs him with the sure hit effect of course so that's a way Gojo could win but could cars adapt he definitely could hurt Gojo if he gets through Infinity his power should be enough and that's why in that video I said Gojo gets past cars using reasonable estimates for his power Gojo does have that type of power to do that but to win he would need to one shot as for cars with the power of every living thing the depending on how that goes he might figure out a way to get through Infinity who's to say he can't form a microscopic threat cars can manipulate himself on a cellular level in Hidden inventory Gojo said he was working on filtering out gases and poisons it was never confirmed whether or not he could do it but he probably can by now but again these would have to be things he could perceive and things that he would know as a threat by mixing different aspects of himself who's to say what cars is able to create the options are Limitless no pun intended especially with his extreme intelligence he could probably find some way to create something that gets through Infinity if we assuming Gojo's blood lust to here too all cars would have to do is not get killed by purple right away and that's not particularly easy for Gojo especially because cars can just attack him in his domain at some point Gojo would tire out he doesn't have infinite stamina sure virtually Limitless cursed energy but not stamina at some point Gojo would die from old age too so cars could just outlive him but he likely would adapt to Infinity in some way Infinity isn't infallible especially with cars having cursed energy he could try and utilize domain amplification or maybe unlock his own curse technique in domain Plus hamon could be sent through solid objects if Gojo is standing on something why not just send hamon through that surface point being he likely can find some way through Infinity After experiencing the effects of it he might find his own way through her that I didn't mention here after all he's incredibly smart far beyond any real life person but let's say he can't get through Infinity this way would he just adapt some other way yes he can get through as he fights he can learn better ways to apply cursed energy domain amplification is an option or maybe he'll learn to manipulate energy on Gojo's level as long as Gojo doesn't try to inly one shot in that domain with a hollow purple and hand signs and chance cars can win I think not to mention with the level of perception that cars has he can likely rival Gojo's six eyes again the options of what he could do are Limitless here at some point I think cars would adapt he'd find some way through Infinity he'd find out how to get past the mechanics of it in whatever way possible Gojo can only win here if he's able to onot him with Hollow purple or somehow launch him into space with like a really strong red or something cars has way more paths to Victory than Gojo low di for him again as for sakuna one way he could win is using his domain to pulverize cars to nothingness like cutting him to a molecular level and then using his Divine flame to blow up all the remains but that would be really tough because first of all malevolent Shrine just doesn't cut you up instantly like that it's over a period of time cars would just constantly regenerate to counter this and even if it did act like that he might not be able to cut cars finely enough to make him not regenerate so all of zuna's attacks are pretty much useless including the world dismantle what's the point of cutting someone in half if they could just regenerate from that unless he uses some sort of binding vow to help him out here I think this is another really easy fight for cars there's one person I left out AR cars was originally stopped by being frozen in space so what about ra well I don't think it would do much freezing cars didn't kill him it just stopped him AR could temporarily stop him maybe by freezing him cars could probably be frozen to the point where he can't act at all but AR would have to maintain that temperature which requires cursed energy so AR would get tired out by some point at best they would just seal cars only temporarily without any real way to kill him and that's assuming AR's ice is even cold enough to do this maybe it won't be cold enough to hold cars maybe he can adapt so I don't think they're doing anything either how about everyone together though cars could find a way I would think his adaptation and intelligence would help him with everyone together bloodlusted that gives more avenues for victory it is Jump kaisen after all so maybe this would work but only a few characters have attacks that could do anything to him and this would require perfect teamwork which would be really tough we're letting the strongest characters fight together but that doesn't mean they'd instantly work well together and instantly formulate a plan that would work you actually has the best chance of stopping him given the power of her black hole and how hard it is to avoid like yoru's attack is pretty crazy too but cars would have ways to avoid it outside of a domain and even in a domain he might find a way here's one pretty outrageous way that everyone could stop him at once Yuki makes a black hole maybe not instantly killing him but at least stealing him Kaku uses anti-gravity to help stop the black hole or at least maintain it for a bit while Gojo prepares a hollow purple buff by everybody around him udim and gaku ganji could help him again and of course he could use his own chance and hand signs Kaku let's go over the black hole and if cars somehow survived all of that he instantly gets hit by that 200% Hollow purple and is decimated by that but more likely than not even with everyone together cars could Sol the verse and again this is without using his highball estimates with those it's going to be even easier but what do you guys think let me know below was there anything I should have added do you think it'll be tougher for cars maybe easier than that comment below and like usual I know how power scaling discussions go so be Cil in the comments we're just having fun it's not that serious anyways thank you all for watching watching and I'll see you on my next video
Channel: The Salad Bar
Views: 141,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salad, saiyan, anime, manga, jjk, jujutsu, kaisen, jjba, jojo, jojos, bizarre, adventure, kars, ultimate, gojo, satoru, sukuna, ryomen, domain, mahoragao, mahito, yuta, yuji, itadori, okkotsu, part 2, battle, tendency
Id: kOggt3PMmeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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