Will Steel Ball Run ever be animated?

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It's now been well over a year since the anime  adaptation of Stone Ocean has concluded and it's   getting to be around that time where everyone  starts asking when the next part will be animated   which is the highly anticipated 7th Part, Steel  Ball Run so typically my answer has always been   give it a year or two that's when we should  expect to hear an announcement as if we take   a look at the JoJo animation cycle it's been  pretty consistent for over a decade now with   Season 1 ending in April of 2013 and Part 3  starting one year later in April 2014 then   in between Parts 3 and 4 there was a 9-month  break in between Parts 4 and 5 was a 21-month   break and most recently in between parts 5 and  6 was a 29-month break so the wait times for   each part are clearly getting longer although  I wouldn't say that necessarily spells anything   good or bad for the series it's most likely just  logistics as since 2012 David Production have   grown significantly and taken on more projects  like Captain Tsubasa, Cells at Work, Fire Force,   Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe and more all between  the years of 2018 to 2021 so that could explain   the slowdown in production post Part 4 they  just have more on their plate now and during   the 29-month break there was obviously covid  which slowed down the production of just about   everything so on average let's say a year and a  half in-between Parts is typical and considering   the circumstances has been pretty consistent  so right now at the time of making this video   it's been 16 months since Part 6 ended and we  are getting close to that time frame for a new   part although for the first time really since  I started watching JoJo that next announcement   doesn't feel as certain as it did before which  from an anime watcher's perspective you might   think "well what's the problem why stop now just  keep going in order" although as readers of the   manga may understand there is a handful of unique  qualities to Part 7 that could prove difficult to   adapt so let's talk about if we will ever see  a Steel Ball Run anime  and if so then when so starting with the positives  there is some supporting evidence   that gives hope  for a part  7 anime in the near future ♪ Johnny jamming out ♪ Such as the animation director of Parts 1 through  5 Naokatsu Tsuda, had said in a 2017 interview he   wants all parts of JoJo animated and when asked  which part he would be most excited to animate,   Tsuda said Part 8 and you can't get to Part 8  without going through Part 7 first also during   a Crunchyroll interview in 2020 Tsuda said  that we're still in the middle of the story   and there's a lot more to watch and experience  and this was shortly after Golden Wind so clearly   Tsuda wasn't considering Stone Ocean the end  of the project which are some promising words   coming from the man who was at the head  of the production also back in 2021 there   were new patents filed by Shueisha related to  JoJo under the names JOJOLands, Stone Ocean,   and Steel Ball Run and since then Stone Ocean had  received its anime and The JOJOLands started its   serialization which shows that Shueisha had plans  relating to these new patents although Steel Ball   Run is the only one yet to be seen so either  it's in the works or it was just filed ahead   of time or maybe just some upkeep but if you  remember back in 2018 the Golden Wind anime   was also leaked through early Shueisha trademark  fillings of its name and logo which I think adds   at least a little credibility to this patent  but outside of Twitter leaks and rumors that's   about all of the solid evidence we have that  supports Part 7's anime besides the obvious   fact that JoJo has been a wildly successful  IP for David Production it's the foundation   of their studio and what put them on the map so  you could imagine they would like to continue   adapting the series but as Funny Valentine once  said "there is always a balance between the   positives and the negatives" so now let's take  a look at what stands in Steel Ball Run's way So remember the chief animation director I  mentioned earlier Naokatsu Tsuda who had been   working on JoJo since episode 1 and has been  extremely passionate about the series since   he was a child well the most recent adaptation  of Stone Ocean was the only season Tsuda wasn't   involved in and last year he left David production  altogether so all I can do is speculate but this   may or may not have been related to the Netflix  acquisition and the lack of Tsuda's direction   may have caused some of the season's issues  but we really just don't know what I do know   is that it's unfortunate to see someone who  has been advocating for the series and wanted   to animate all of it has now left the studio  capable of doing so but his departure could   just be a personal matter and that's not to  say there isn't still talented people who are   passionate about JoJo at David Production there  of course still is as they managed to produce an   incredible conclusion to the original universe but  that's the other thing at the end of Stone Ocean   it really seemed like it was over JoJo has ended  as in a sense it has with its complete roundabout   ending and connecting back to the first opening  fulfilling the prophecy of Sono Chi no Sadame,   so if David production are going to go into  the alternate universe with Part 7 would they   commit to adapting the entire story by doing  something similar to Part 1 and showing manga   panels of Jodio and Josuke that would of course  be really cool but but are they ready to make   that commitment especially considering how long  and detailed the later parts of JoJo had become   with new seasons estimated to be upwards of 50 to  60 episodes so when you really start to visualize   it you can see there are a lot of things David  Pro need to consider before going into a Part   7 anime and it's not as simple as it was going  from Parts 4 to 5 or 5 to 6 it's the beginning   of a new story and should be presented as such  like Araki did in the original manga and then of   course there is the horses which is always the  most brought up topic whenever it comes to the   Steel Ball Run anime and how the part can never  be adapted or it would be crazy expensive because   of the horse racing which I do agree with to  some extent as I understand it is difficult   and expensive to animate horses moving fluidly  especially considering how much of Steel Ball   Run is horse racing animators who have worked on  JoJo like Kohei Ashiya have even expressed their   concerns saying it would be really expensive to  make and take a lot of time to do right although   I also feel like this is an issue the community  has kind of blown out of proportion as instead of   being viewed as a hurdle to overcome it's almost  turned into an impossibility when that's just not   the case there are plenty of examples of horses  in anime even within JoJo that look just fine   and yes Steel Ball Run would be much longer than  these examples but there are creative solutions to   alleviate this problem like using a mix between  2 and 3D animation like we've seen in JoJo as   well as framing I'm sure most of the shots would  be from the waist up of the characters talking   with a shaky camera and galloping to sell the idea  and make it all feel real and these are just basic   techniques anyone could notice animators use  so I understand I'm not breaking new ground or   trying to offer solutions to the animators they  know better than me I'm more so just trying to   show the community that it's not impossible and  JoJo has never been a crazy sakuga filed anime   so I wouldn't expect that from Part 7 either  not every shot is going to be a fully detailed   horse galloping so I've expressed this opinion  before but I just don't believe that horses are   animations Achilles heel I understand they're  difficult but then again a lot of things are   difficult to animate and I often hear the reply  that well horses are special because their anatomy   is so complex and if the movements are even  slightly off it looks terrible because our brains   have a reference for what a horse should look  like and honestly this argument is kind of BS,   this would be the case if we were talking about  CGing a hyper realistic horse and trying to make   it pass as real which often creates an Uncanny  Valley effect but for animal movements but when   we're talking about anime we don't need to  see every muscle fiber or have it be hyper   realistic and when I see a simple animation  of a horse running in a loop of 12 frames or   so my brain doesn't explode I know I'm watching  an anime and don't expect it to look like real   life so to wrap up this argument my point is I  think the horse problem is a bit overblown but   I understand they're not easy and it would be  more difficult than the previous parts so the   solution will have to come down to maybe more  time or just creative problem solving and work   rounds from the studio as it seems so unbelievable  that a team that have already animated 6 parts of   Jojo and all the wild Stands would just say to  themselves oh this part has horses that's too   much we can't do it also that goes completely  against the studio's philosophy because if you   guys didn't know the David in David Production  is named after David versus Goliath you know the   biblical Underdog Story of the man who overcomes  great challenges through his creativity so taking   on challenges should be embraced by the studio  and Steel Ball Run is just another Goliath they   need to overcome so my personal take is that yes I  do think David Pro will animate Part 7 eventually   it'll just be a longer wait than the previous  Seasons as they should take the time to figure   out how to sustainably animate Araki's monthly  style authentically and the horse racing over   the course of 50 or so episodes with a respectable  standard of quality so if Steel Ball Run is really   coming one of my biggest concerns even more than  the horses is that they continue partnering with   Netflix for the distribution it would just be  a damn shame if Steel Ball Run is given another   batch release format but if we are stuck with  Netflix either of release episodes weekly or   just do seasons like any other anime the batch  format was complete nonsense we all know that by   now it didn't work well for animators or viewers  so my personal best case scenario is 2, 24 episode   Seasons Stardust Crusaders style or do what  Bleach is doing and have four Cours 13 episodes   a Cour which totals in at 52 episodes either way  just as long as they decide on a release format   before or while animating I think that would be  best for the adaptation and would allow them to   pace the episodes and Seasons accordingly unlike  Stone Ocean which was paced like Parts 4 and   5 but with a 9 month gap in the middle of its  release so closing things out with predictions   optimistically announcement this year with a  2025 release realistically 2025 announcement   with a 2026 release I just couldn't imagine they  would keep JoJo dormant within the studio for more   than 4 years if they're going to do it why not  sooner than later and keep up the momentum from   the previous Seasons especially if they plan on  tackling Parts 8 and 9 so those are my hopeful   but also realistic expectations and I want to  hear what you guys think as well so definitely   let me know in the comments down below and we can  continue the discussion also please drop a like   on the video If you enjoyed or if you're looking  forward to the Part 7 anime and together we can   manifest a 2024 announcement hopefully but you  know it wouldn't hurt to start building that hype   early also subscribe to the channel for more JoJo  content 83% of viewers in the last 30 days are not   subscribed for some reason so if you're in the 83  join the other side it's chill around here okay   thanks for watching everyone I'll talk to you all  real soon in a new video, until then i'm out peace peace
Channel: xForts
Views: 350,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pzZfU6LTms0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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