Someone Made Pay 2 Win: The Game And Its Hilarious

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in a gaming landscape ever more infected with tricks and systems to extract as much money as possible from its players the term pay to win has surfaced to describe games that Grant the ability to gain an advantage or even power over fellow players by wielding the ultimate legendary item the player's wallet with the discussion slash slap by to have a flowing around which systems and specific games fall under the Pay to Win umbrella one game set out to expose the entire practice by being the most egregious of them all built from the ground up to Showcase not only pay to win in its purest form but also interestingly some of the psychological trickery and bold baggery behind it all making for an eye-opening and frankly hilarious experience this is paid to win the tricks exposed the game opens with a tech scroll written by a developer of free to play games explaining that the game we're about to play has been created with Express intent to highlight and expose what goes on behind the scenes when exploitative and predatory titles are crafted and even explaining that there's a juicy secret behind it all that is promised to be revealed upon the game's completion to begin we are thrown into the world and what is Apparent from the start is just how swift our new hero here is a nice touch to see in a game essentially centered around tedium stepping forward we are greeted by a child of Narnia by way of Arabia who opens with the Epic statement MMOs are dead before qualifying that with claims that contemporary monetization models have killed off MMOs apparently with mobile games being next on The Chopping Block but fear not our exotic pet Enthusiast child goes on to reiterate that this game will look to expose it all before drifting into a rant about welfare and religion which becomes a little too rich for me as coming from this NPC he feels more like watching The Lion The Witch in the wardrobe if it had been scripted using only AI generated Twitter feeds working your way to the game's first and flailing wildly at some of the locals we come across our first Quest Giver NPC a tutor wizard who ironically has the look of a man who legally is not permitted within throwing distance of schools at all with our first Quest hilariously reading blah blah blah who reads the dialogues anyway just shut up and go to the quest area on the map and kill eight zombies after reeling from the outrage of being shouted at by a man wearing such a silly outfit it did make me wonder I have quite frequently just skipped through Quest text especially even non-voiced games but now and again do read through it if the setting of The Game feels worthwhile but I would be interested how many others do though one for the comments arriving outside the town at our destination we quickly dispatched the zombie threat and are rewarded by way of loot with literal crap and a handful of gold coins for our efforts so far so good I thought as pairing up at the stats at the top of the screen we had yet to spend a single dime of luckily not actually real cash but upon passing npc-4 I did shutter slightly seeing a blacksmith and a pay to win game giving me an eerie feeling of what may lie ahead of us returning to the marriage-ending birthday party booking that is the town's wizard we hand in our Quest and are given a couple of skills and some new gear but upon trying to equip them we're told we're currently too lower level to do so seeking out the next available Quest on the map we end up at npc2 a town guard who advises we raise our level higher to level four by once again taking out some of the land zombies outside the town who Upon returning seem to have adopted some Advanced defense tactics standing on top of each other like an undead gymnast act as our hero wastes no time cutting them down to gain much needed experience points as well as as it seems a smattering of additional gear that in its tool tip reveals that it is equippable by all except knights with Knight being our class this being of course a highly relatable jab and MMO looting systems with more than a few relatable occasions coming to mind Undead hordes defeated level 4 achieved a new gear equipped we proudly returned back to the town's guard once again noting our zero dollars spent while experiencing a growing looming feeling that that may be about to change once collecting a slight upgrade reward we are shown part one of the game's lecture on the Pay to Win model giving the player a chance to work for an initially quite useful item to give them some motivation to continue playing as well as some of the acronyms used by companies when putting together these systems marching on Stranger Danger gives us a quest that quote game designers can create without much thought end quote this of course being a kill Quest combined with collecting a number of items while doing so which as we work through we encounter the dreaded first meeting with the monetization quickly filling up our bags with unusable gear Quest items crap and a super box of all things we are prompted to buy more inventory space but resist we must so after selling some junk off managed to scrape by with no purchase necessary the only bag here is the one with one point to me in it I thought before realizing just how stupid that sounded and devouring to make sure that I kept it out of the video oh Upon returning we are asked if any money was spent and walked through some of the mechanics around enticing customers towards their very first purchase but not this customer and so far we have not spent a dime and I'm sure that we will end up what's that I need a key to open the super box now for sake so yes to progress the first bit of money is spent but making sure to go for the 90 off deal to give us the most bang for the buck which on first glance looks like a steal but it's just yet another Cog in the machine for the company to do the very same funds in this pay to win game are added 10 cents at a time by clicking like a madman on the balance button but being only 99 Cents we quickly get our gems needed for the key to our super box that upon opening to no one's surprise simply contains another item that we are the wrong class to use next we are tasked with crafting some potions needing three ingredients to whip up each three bully berries three important ingredients literally called that and three sheet herbs swiftly snatching up the ball berries gathered from out in the plains we turn to carving down some Goblin underscore 01 mobs to collect our important ingredients when this happens [Music] yes we have been slowed to accrual after apparently the trial period for the speed feather running out and if we want to return to a Humane speed we will need to buy another staying strong but slowly going mad the final task was to get the sheet herbs from farming which unlike the speech Shenanigans I had seen coming by collecting three seeds we will inevitably need to farm beforehand and avoiding the most likely the paid to win touche silly pay to win game touche after the game revealed the inner workings of selling time to the player via these forms of purchases and buckling under facing a six-hour wait for all potions to finish and having a movement speed slower than a bro on 420 spent 60 bucks to get us through with a few gems to spare it was all coming apart I thought but in hindsight I had seen nothing yet two more kill quests later with the second querying where the story is even important at all in MMOs and featuring a very kind halving of XP gained after completing our objective as our three hours of full XP were up with this being followed up with an explanation that such restrictions delay the overconsumption of content due to the idea of if there's not something new the player will leave and to put more of a focus on meaningless repetitive quests and chanced based games over story Rich elements and scenes which lose a lot of their impact in the game after the first viewing another Quest completed we are given some new gear and are told to go and fight our first PVP battle although actually an NPC has laughably challenged us despite being a lower level and will clearly be simply [Music] okay I see where this is going this PVP Challenger has of course upgraded their gear giving them a far superior Advantage so we must now go do the same with our weapon to stand a chance against them in a painful upgrade system that dutchly does a great job of emulating actual chance based systems and MMOs with chance boosters items to keep the base item if you fail and upgrade stones of course all costing a premium this I had to admit is where my mission to spend as little as possible in the game started to go completely out of the window reaching over 170 dollars slamming my head against the chance based system with endless amounts of purchases made to ensure that I didn't have to start all over again slowly grinding away little by little getting closer to that coveted plus 10 sword failure after failure until finally it was complete the secret that this game speaks of better be worth it after a grind like that I thought with finally being able to equip this new deadly weapon when [Music] [Laughter] God enhancing the rest of the entire gear set took several hours of mindless grinding grabbing the same materials backwards and forwards trying to get it all upgraded and made all the worse when Once accidentally forgetting the item that stops the damn thing breaking when just about to get it all completed [Music] this as you can imagine took the in-game money spent to insane levels into the thousands and when having to click at 10 cents a Time the items being far from the only things breaking which would have been much funnier if I wasn't constantly reminded that this actually happens to people getting hooked into spending their hard-earned money on systems like this with this game even including the server-wide messages that I've seen in a whole host of games alerting other players of successful upgrades to encourage more into diving into the dark depths of it themselves with interestingly the game claiming that frequently a lot of these messages we see as players are actually completely fake and don't actually reference real players at all which makes me curious to check next time I'm wandering around in an MMO and I see this pop up to test out that claim so if you unlock something in an MMO and a random British guy who starts talking to you apologies in advance hours later and a full set of upgraded gear equipped we return to the PVP Challenger to get some much earned Vengeance with now both a level and gear score Advantage surely now we ah yes of course when you think it's all over there's yet another hurdle to tackle this time being Elemental resistances with yet another chance based system to grind through Toronto correct stats to imbue our gear to grant us enough resistances to hold our own with yet another hole scorched in our virtual Pockets we are told that we now need to retrieve a legendary sword from a premium dungeon which by its name alone I'm sure will only be adding to the aforementioned hole running across the land and paying another dodgy as hell looking NPC for entry and once getting stuck in and challenging the same boss over and over the old trick of dropping unusable items comes back into play leading me to have to take so many attempts at this that I'm getting dread-filled flashbacks of how long it took me to get a certain horse out of the chilling grasp of a certain Lich King you to the Moon arthas to the moon no matter how many times we went in it was no dice but after a final attempt a bunch of advertisements were flashed up and our mission shifted to resorting to getting the sword from a hyper random box which I'm sure you can all see the implication there enough was enough so powered through the utterly ridiculous amount of boxes it took to complete the objective I'm serious this is not split up and was actually the amount of times it took me to get this damn thing foreign of course even after obtaining it we were tasked with upgrading it and also buying a skin to show off our superiority but then as a Victory lap asked to run around the land to cut down players that had opted out of spending real cash to drive the point home although while doing so there were one or two that I did have a suspicion may have actually been in the store after all with only one more task remaining to clear up the unfinished business with the PVP Challenger with after hours of mindless upgrades and thousands of dollars spent and an index finger that would make even Quasimodo dry wretch finally defeating the horned bastard and with that completing the game to have the secret mentioned to the beginning Finally Revealed now it is time to reveal the secret are you disappointed that the secret was so simple yes yes value can be subjective emotional or intrinsic you decide if a game is worth your money if it has value for you then spend your money the end I don't know about you but the secret being a fairly obvious statement is a bit of a cop-out so here's a picture of Maria Brink to make up for it and the lady is what the ladies like there we go joking aside this pay to win exposed game does actually point out some quite interesting details around contemporary gaming practices such as games intentionally creating overpowered classes then nerfing them down the line to lead to players moving from one to the other and with it getting more options to spend money on boosts and cosmetics and the developers can actually become incredibly apprehensive to release massive updates due to once the hype dying down actually losing more players than before it was released due to the VIPs that have spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars no longer having the top Tier gear and items diminishing their investment and that according to this game's Dev team the drop rates on your favorite farmable items is far far lower than you think overall pay to win the tricks exposed is a bit of a tragic comedy when it comes to unveiling the Contemporary monetization models of today's gaming space its tongue-in-cheek Jabs at all too familiar tropes and practices tinged with a quite depressing realization that more and more these elements are making up what we consider industry standard and especially alarming when you see that this game was actually created over seven years ago although at the same time things aren't quite as Doom and Gloom in some areas that the game may want you to think at least as far as I'm concerned not yet and on that note it would be great to get your thoughts on this down in the comments please consider dropping a like on the video If you enjoyed it and show that subscribe button who's boss oh so much more coming up on the Channel I want to give a massive shout out to the channel members who help in supporting the channel if you're interested in joining as a channel member for all sorts of perks including exclusive videos the info is down in the description thanks again and I'll see you guys in the next one [Music] oh Jesus calm down oh dear lord what have I done standing upon his Steve like a segne the former being mostly due to his reputation of being slightly less inaccurate with the spells for unknown reasons
Channel: MitchManix
Views: 3,029,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mmorpg, pay 2 win, free to play, rpg, funny games, mitchmanix, mmorpg 2023, mmorpg free to play, mmo, mmorpgs, warhammer online, neverwinter, black desert online, bdo, mmo 2023, p2w, pay2win
Id: QtxY9J3AM_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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