The Most Terrifying Stands: The World Over Heaven

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foreign [Music] it's been four very long years to get to this point ladies and gentlemen the most terrifying stands the world over heaven [Music] I originally started the most terrifying stands as a fun way to describe stands that are just really weird and abstract and Powerful but it slowly became into this video series where I'm describing just some of the most blatantly overpowered characters within this franchise and in today's episode it's probably the biggest example of that heaven Ascension Dio and the world over Heaven are probably one of the strongest characters in The JoJo franchise including non-canon characters this man is insane if you thought stands like gold experience Requiem made in heaven d4c love train are extremely powerful and terrifying they got nothing on the world over heaven and Heaven Ascension Dio we have entered a whole new class of monstrous in this video series and with that being said please do enjoy the video so this is the start of the video where I would be like what's his musical reference but in this case Heaven Ascension Dio and the world over Heaven don't have a musical reference as they are video game characters so they don't really strictly follow the original Iraqi thought process when making these characters so instead I'm going to actually be explaining his Origins as they ask a question what if d01 and start his Crusaders now that what if has sparked a lot of ideas what-ifs that have appeared here on YouTube but thanks to Bandai Namco and their genius writers they thought let's take a crack at it and make a whole video game about it so what can be gathered from Heaven section Dio's timeline is that sometime during the final battle between him and jodaro deal one and that's as much as they tell you but that's literally it it's just Dio won that fight but there is a bit of information that I don't think a lot of people realize during chapter six of the Video Game Heaven Ascension Dio's poochie actually slightly talks about how he met jodaro in 1988 and then proceeds to not elaborate why he was there in 1988 meeting Johto thank you poochie I guess from this slight deviation of Pucci not going back to Florida and instead staying with Dio in Egypt somehow led to the defeat of the Stardust Crusaders which makes sense Pucci and white snake are ridiculously overpowered I've covered them in the past fast so it does make sense putting a main villain level character with an already established main villain character like Dio would probably end up in the defeat of the main cast it's very show don't tell but it does make a lot of sense once you start to look at it like that so of course obviously Dio and poochie go through with their Heaven plan without challenge now and Dio now is able to ascend to have an Ascension deal where now he's able to rule over the world like a god calling himself the noble one now and receiving his new stand the world over heaven now there is a thing I do want to add here the likelihood of the original plan from part 6 and Eyes Of Heaven this variation of Dio and Pucci probably actually had different Heaven plans why I say this is because in the Original Part 6 manga the entire point of Heaven is gaining a stand that has the ability to accelerate time to manipulate fate and bring a new type of Happiness to Mankind in Eyes Of Heaven with this version of Pucci and this version of Dio they straight up start rewriting reality itself which was not part of the original plan meaning that at some point the plan must have changed in this parallel world second thought here or maybe poochie never actually got the full plan to begin with thank the Lord Dio that this is all on Canon because if any of this were true it would complicate a lot of things and why I say that is because New Moon Pucci in this game doesn't have made in heaven technically in game the game mechanic is he's able to evolve sea Moon into made in heaven but what can actually be seen is that he only has sea Moon so he actually never got made in heaven maybe I'll be honest eyes of Heaven's plots kind of confusing at times due to how things are structured and not very well explained one flashback could have solved all my problems but no it's not how that works and that's the origins of Heaven Ascension Dio and the world over Heaven tldr he won Stardust Crusaders now moving on to the part everybody wants to know about how strong is the world over heaven and Heaven Ascension Dio if there is one thing this game does right and I think everybody will unanimously agree on this is how awesome his introduction scene was the world over Heaven not only bullies act four he also completely destroys gold experience Requiem tanks a shot from Star Platinum the world at its prime and then proceeds to completely utterly stand Rush the out of them I am so sad this is non-canon because this is those single rawest thing in JoJo's that I have ever seen any character do from this cutscene alone you can determine Heaven is such an Dio and the world over Heaven's stats pretty far up on the power scaling chain in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure I will scale all three of these Joe Stars pretty quickly to get this idea across that the world over heaven and having such a deal are just nuts starting off with jodaro in his prime during part 3 Stardust Crusaders it is stated in Stan snack guides and the literal manga itself through scaling and statements of other characters that star Platinum the world is a stand with massively fashion and light plus speeds AP that can be calc at its very highest at Mountain level and durability probably thanks to him fighting Dio in the final half of Stardust Crusaders probably being even higher than his AP as the world has the same amount of AP that star Platinum has the world over heaven and Heaven is such Indio dogged on him Johnny and Tusk Act 4 have the ability to spin their nails to an infinite degree thanks to the golden rotation this power is so strong it's able to destroy d4c Love Trains light barriers which have the ability to make all Misfortune redirect somewhere else giving Funny Valentine the ability to always be in a state of good luck slash Fortune never being able to take damage while inside the light barrier and tus Act 4 thanks to its Infinite Energy was able to completely destroy that light barrier defeating Funny Valentine and in some guidebooks it even states that tuss act 4 and d4c love train are trans-dimensional beings and when it comes to speed and durability Johnny can definitely take some blows but when it comes to his overall speed thanks to stillball run not really giving a lot of speed Feats what best can be determined in that fight with funny Valentine is that he's somewhere in a light speed to faster than light speed category I guess what happens to him he gets dogged on finally coming coming into Giorno Giovanna and his gold experience Requiem I will be using my previous scaling from the most terrifying stands gold experience requiems video scaling to briefly explain all of jer's stuff which now probably considered in the modern JoJo landscape as a bit of a highball for gdr now thank you jobber gr scaling is a bit High considered the ultimate stand it scales above stands like Star Platinum the world in terms of AP and durability or should scale around there and since a lot of the stance that guide statements say that he's still the ultimate stand when he's included with Tusk Act 4 love trained and made in heaven gr speed should be somewhere near infinite immeasurable gr is no featherweight and when it comes to his standability of reverting anything to zero actions and wills included he is an extremely powerful and was considered one of the strongest ants for a very long time before the ending of part eight and even the strongest stand even deemed the ultimate stand was dog washed by Dio and the world over heaven but oh I'm not done there's things people don't even mention slash even member from this game do you know that even Valentine himself stated this that he can't even beat Dio over heaven with the corpse Parts even with d4c love train a stand that's basically able to redirect Misfortune away from him couldn't beat the stand in a hypothetical fight even Valentine states that for a fact it is on screen now when it comes to the overall stats with his stand have an Ascension Dio and the world over Heaven are nuts having speed somewhere in between massively faster than light plus infinite to immeasurable depending on how you want to skill ger and star Platinum when it comes to AP it is probably far greater than star Platinum the world and in terms of durability I would also say the same as well it is also even stated by Funny Valentine his stand power is incredibly powerful and terrifying and since he's already used powerful in this sentence the word infinite here can be described as literally the number not the idea sometimes an anime and manga or infinite's just another cool and fancy word to describe something as powerful that's just his stats I haven't even talked about overriding reality and time stop just to briefly go over because time stop is way easier to explain than overriding reality Heaven Ascension Dio still has his previous ability of stopping time for a maximum of 9 seconds at least in game but in the original part 3 manga had the ability to move in Frozen time for 11 seconds more than likely this version of deal probably has a higher time stop as stated in JoJo 6251 and its stand encyclopedia guide araki mentions that if Dio was never stopped in part 3 his time stop would have grown indefinitely and since Heaven Ascension Dio is quite literally that deal it would make sense this time stop probably should have been longer I guess a reason why it probably didn't get any longer is maybe Dio just stopped using it after a certain point maybe that would be the only explanation why it'd still be at 9 seconds after an undisclosed amount of time and if anything if it was longer it probably would have broke the game so that's probably why they didn't mention it or just even show it in cutscenes to begin with but it's still part of this toolkit it also quick mention no variation of the world over Heaven ordeo has infinite time stop I have no idea where this misconception comes from a lot of people think that for some reason it's never stated anywhere in game he has infinite time stop or outside of the game itself there's nothing I've literally I've stumbled across this idea multiple times throughout my time on the internet and exploring the JoJo Community it don't exist the world over heaven and having such a deal do not have infinite time stop that's just blatant missed information time stop is still op even in 2023 now let's get into the bread and butter of the world over Heaven its ability to rewrite reality to put it simply if the world over Heaven were to touch something with its fist du has the ability to override its reality having the ability to wish whatever he wants into existence after hitting it note it does have limits if deal was truly Limitless with his ability he could wish more corpse Parts into existence and be able to successfully achieve his plan he couldn't do that he didn't do that clearly does have limits if anything it's probably hyper-specific Niche things a part of the JoJo Multiverse that he can't reality manipulate basically meaning that JoJo Multiverse singularities are out of his reach but everything else is basically fair game as long as he can hit it with his fists he can override its reality what he's shown to do with its ability is being able to steal and absorb Souls away use people as slaves if he wants to kill himself automatically with the ability resurrect a dead and completely negate any ability that hits him and is able to actually one shot kill anybody he wants to if he so chooses with his weird purple Mist it's a thing I guess you go a little bit more in depth with how it actually affects stands and people in general it basically makes anybody ineffective against him that seems to be the common Trend even Giorno shockingly his son figures this out and even makes the comparison that his Heaven stand and his Requiem stand are very similar except his father is grossly more powerful than him this ability and stand are by far one of the strongest beings in all of Jojo Bar None there's nothing that basically comes close to it other than novel cars and the Beyond characters and George Joe star so nothing in the Canon Universe even comes close to the absolute nut having to send a do and the world over Heaven can do the only thing he can't do is just make another holy corpse that's about it and the limitations of his own creativity with his mind that will basically answer a lot of people's questions out there that why didn't Dio do that because he just didn't think about it or possibly there's even more hyper-specific rules about it that limit it but you know I can't answer that if I don't know it even when it comes to other characters gaining the same ability I'm looking at you star platinum over Heaven he still says they're not strong enough to fight him and he's still stronger than them he just keeps on getting stronger and stronger the guy is nuts but he does have two weaknesses I will talk about here the world over Heaven requires itself to hit something with its hands to rewrite reality if it does not hit anything with its hands or fists it will not do anything it has to hit something with its fists that's the mandatory requirement so if you somehow with plot armor somehow get objects that were in part three and throw them at Dio and Destroy his hands he's useless right also I forgot to mention he has Multiverse hopping abilities he can tap into any timeline or parallel world he wants to like d4c love train but is still subject to the rules that if he meets another object that's similar to him they will collide and blow up but here's here's here's the big butt here the entire ending of Eyes Of Heaven is super circumstantial and would basically almost never happen it is super plot armor based for jodaro and crew if anything that didn't happen he probably would have won now of course Dio second weakness is of course himself it is stated in literally the manga itself the reason why Dio always loses is because he's always testing his limits this has happened countless amounts of times throughout all the parts he's been in if he just took these fights seriously and actually killed these guys the moment he has the chance to he would win almost all of his fights but he doesn't same idea goes here in Eyes Of Heaven he has the power to do it himself but yet makes his minions do it for him one when he's fully capable of doing it himself and probably much more efficient while he does have these minor weaknesses that you potentially could exploit he probably is going to beat anybody and everybody in his path which brings me into the eyes of Heaven plan more or less Heaven Ascension Dio needs the ultimate 36 Sinners and the holy corpse parts to overwrite all of reality with both of those things collected he reaches his ultimate power which was never shown on screen but every time he got closer to it reality around him would kind of start to break if that means anything to anybody but just going off of what Dio says he would gain the ability to do anything he wants now no limitations probably and I'm just assuming here he doesn't need to hit anything with his hands anymore it's just full-on reality warping he'd basically be unstoppable nobody in the verse would be able to defeat him I'd argue even then he could possibly even beat some characters who are pretty nuts themselves and other non-canon material too but since we never saw what actually happens at his full power we will never actually know as it's just all up to speculation which then brings me into this question that probably a lot of people are going to ask me that is where does the world over heaven and Heaven session deal Place among the strongest characters in the series well speaking canonically here and not talking about his hypothetical overriding reality form plan idea thing at the end of the game he's still subject to Calamity he is still hit by things that still affect and harm him even if they're really plot armor induced or really circumstantial and since he still has to physically hit things for his ability to take effect at least in this state Calamity and the go beyond bubbles would definitely harm him so I would overall state in terms of ability I would like to say the world over Heaven's ability to overwrite reality is better but speaking character-wise here I think toru and gappy kind of have it over him but if it's his full-on eyes of Heaven's day with his ability to overwrite reality oh no those two ain't doing but when it comes to his regular form and with the volume 27 statement and Iraqi supervising over the game and actually making over Heaven deal himself as there are some concept Arts of him possibly maybe Iraqi was thinking about that when he was writing to Jolene with that volume 27 statement meaning that maybe one review and so often what go beyond are just actually stronger than the world over Heaven maybe but it's all really just up to Iraqi and I'm not him so I can't really answer that question I can only speculate but what I can tell you from my educated opinion is that the world over Heaven is definitely in the top three of the strongest JoJo stands if we just are including Eyes Of Heaven and the main Canon arguably number one at full power with 36 Sinners and the holy corpse parts and just in terms of an actual character like Tio himself he's probably arguably one of the stronger characters too in the franchise as well but if we include other non-canon material it does get a bit interesting but that's a story for a later date but I do want to justify one thing with this character that makes him so terrifying probably the biggest reason why I wanted to do this video the deal over heaven with just his regular power or his eyes of Heaven power up that he hypothetically could get gets so grossly overpowered that his own Universe cannot handle him in Canon there's only maybe two characters that can actually beat him and thanks to his extremely powerful hacks abilities and his overall toolkit he can realistically go into a lot of different franchises and clean house basically if it's not another reality warper or a character with some crazy ass Feats they're more or less screwed there are not a lot of characters out there that have the ability to reality warp to a high degree that is a very small category of people and that's what makes him so terrifying there is very little that another character could actually do to him there are a very little amount of characters that could actually probably beat him under those measurements that's why I deem him one of the most terrifying characters in Jojo and probably one of the more terrifying characters in fiction he is nuts he has the hacks and stats to back himself up he's not your standard JoJo's character anymore he's far beyond that he's a different breed of monster now I hope you all understand why I put this character in this category because well he's insane one of the stronger characters in this franchise one of the stronger characters in fiction now with all that being said like comment share subscribe follow me on Twitter stay ahead and see you next one ladies and gentlemen [Music]
Channel: METAs
Views: 653,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: METAs, META, Anime, Manga, Review, discussion, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, stands, Jojo stands, DIO, Analysis, stand explained, Johnny Joestar, Tusk Act 4, jjba, Funny Valentine, part 6, stone ocean, dio, the world, pucci, heaven plan, The Most Terrifying Stands: The World Over Heaven, gold experience requiem, star platinum, eyes of heaven jojo, eyes of heaven explained, the strongest stand in jojo, wonder of u, go beyond jojo, stardust crusaders, jotaro vs dio, Heaven Ascension DIO
Id: 1hWblQzy-Rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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