What happened to the World Wonders?

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most people nowadays when I mention the Seven Wonders of the World gobble up the Coliseum Stonehenge the eiel tower and whatnot if you are one of those people you are stupid first of all the eiel Tower and the Stonehenge aren't even world wonders with the ivil tower never being one ever and about the Coliseum sure on paper it is a world Wonder along those other six but can we really agree on that do you want to know how those structures became well became world wonders true an online poll in 2001 some random Suites decided that the common people and not governments should vote on which monument should be praised as a world Wonder sure that's a noble CA but what those Noble sweets forgot are two factors money and nationalism do you think countries are just going to sit there and allow their beautiful Monument to not be a money generator of course not they massively tried and possibly succeeded to rig their Monument onto the list that assures a major influx of Tourism seriously why did the Coliseum end up on the list but the Great Pyramid of Giza did not it's the only remaining ancient world Wonder That Remains standing to this day hey you know what why don't I show you what the real wonders of the world were huh and I got just a tool for it taada you ready let's do it [Music] and here we are welcome to Jurassic Park no wait welcome to Egypt I decided we might as well start with the oldest World wonder and slowly work our way towards the latest one so yeah here we are the Great Pyramid of Giza yep your eyes are not mistaken it's white if you would visit the pyramid in the current day and age it would be more like this instead where the top is slightly missing and it's all considerably more Dusty how that all happen we'll get to later because we should first cover why this 146 M stall Behemoth was made in the first place and what is actually inside of it the Great Pyramid was made to be more than just a demonstration of the wealth and the power that the Pharaoh had its true purpose was actually to be an insanely fortified tomb the ancient Egyptians believed that the pharaohs were deities on Earth and that in the afterlife they would Ascend to join the Egyptian gods to ensure a safe passageway to the Heavenly realm it was crucial that the pharaohs were left undisturbed after their passing so naturally the only logical thing left for the Egyptians to do was to carf out and hold 2.3 million blocks of stone weighing a total of 5.7 million tons or roughly 600 ivil Towers from gizan and surroundings to the pyramid's location to build an impenetrable Fortress for the king to lay in and so they did the massive undertaking took only a short 20 years which they managed to Crunch down to due to the use of skilled workers and hired labor forces yep you heard that right the pyramids were not just simply made by slaves it actually was a huge collaboration from the Egyptians altogether unfortunately faroh kufu died before he could see his tomb finished but the good old chaps the Egyptians were they kept their promise and lay him in there anyway where did they put him inside here in this hollowed out granite slab yep that is the grave of the almighty faroh that had this entire Pyramid built it's almost like they ran out of budget and were like me just throw them in there and close the chamber up which they did by the way by letting three huge blocks slide down this entire Chef to conceal the true path to the king's chamber the other path which just goes down and down leads to a seemingly random chamber with another Corridor after and below it that are both just dead ends strange speaking of strange below the king's chamber is the Queen's chamber which never had something inside of it why was it built then no one really knows the most popular theory about the purpose of this chamber is that it used to house a life-size statue of the king himself however there are almost no claims to back that up and speaking of even more strange the clever ones among you might have wondered what those long tubes are for well they were apparently for air ventilation you can see them leave the king's chamber all the way to the outside here and on the opposite side there but if they purpose is to ventilate air then what are those two coming from the Queen's chamber for they don't even get close to the outside of the pyramid is it really just randomly made like the entire underground section of the pyramid or are there Untold secrets that we are yet to discover about this ancient structure we don't know I mean we could ask the head architect over there but we all know the number one rule of time traveling is that we shouldn't change or interact with anything from the past so I'm afraid we have to wait till someone smarter figures it out for us what we don't have to figure out is what happened to the pyramid throughout the once again 4 and 1 half thousand years it stood proud it has been hit by many earthquakes lootings and Empires which caused the pyramid to slowly but surely changed to the dusty pile of impressive Lego blocks it is today when the modern archaeologist opened up the tomb for the first time both the Faro's mummy and his immense wealth were already stolen bollocks but yeah as you can see there is a lot of mystery shrouding the Great Pyramid of Giza some even claimed that the pyramid was actually an old school electricity generator where hydrogen gas was used to somehow generate electricity that then was wirelessly transmitted by obelisks across Egypt or something if that is true I guess there is only one logical explanation aliens nah I'm just kidding it you little historian wireless electricity transportation and the pyramids being glorified power generators is obviously just foolish conspiracy talk well then on to the second Wonder after [Music] you ah the beautiful Hanging Gardens of Babylon built in the year 600s before Christ it was often described as the Green Mountain within the heart of Babylon which was an ancient city in what is nowadays Iraq the garden hosted hundreds of different plants trees and flowers which it managed to do so by utilizing a surprisingly modern and effective water aggravation system water would be taken up to the top level by an early version of Archimedes screw flow where then the water would flow from the upper levels down past the beautiful greeneries all the way to the bottom effectively watering the entire pyramid like Garden in one Fell Swoop for the year 600 before Christ that's some impressive engineering shame it might not be real though what oh did I forget to mention that this all might have never existed yeah there is no archaeological evidence that the Hanging Gardens of Babylon ever stood here in Babylon the only quote unquote evidence we have of the place are Scrolls and documents from the ancient Greek historians who wrote about it supposedly the Ancient King nebar II which is a real name yes ordered for the gardens to be built because his wife who was from a far away region got extremely homesick and missed the beautiful greeneries her birthplace was known for so to help his Queen get over her homesickness the king ordered for the garden to be built so his wife would never miss the beautiful f her own country had to offer ah doesn't that sound like a p straight from Shakespeare well maybe it is the past Dozen Years archaeologists have looked far and wide through the runs of old Babylon yet they can't find anything close to what is described by the ancient historians and that is why if we want to be historically accurate there is absolutely nothing to see here as no one even knows what the gardens actually look like M yeah enough void seeing onto the Temple femus okay this is technically correct but it's not the Temple of emis it's more like a predecessor that was much simpler and well uglier the reason why it brought us to this version is because there were actually three installments of the temple that existed with the final third one being the one prised as an ancient world wonder the first temple was made around the start of the Bronze Age as a place to worship the Greek goddess Artemis who represented nature and fertility which was kind of important for the people cuz you know it's 1200 BC but unfortunately either the temple wasn't impressive enough or the Farmers had bad luck because around the year 700 BC a huge flood destroyed the excusive temple and all the farmers land around it the surviving Farmers concluded that this all happened because they didn't worship the godess hard enough so they decided that they had to build a bigger better Temple than before to gain the blessings from the godess yet again unfortunately big things cost big money so it all took a small 150 years to get the construction of the improved Temple started and yet another 120 years to finish it but hey at last it was built and stood proud for the farmers to enjoy and worship at though not for long because of this bum hole who I can say the name of because I would be publicly executed for it this man was obsessed with Fame you could say he was the first tick tocker and just like all the others he was really annoying in the dead of night the man whose name I once again can't say snuck into the Temple of emis and started a fire that caused the entire Temple to catch a blaze and ultimately burn down to the ground why did he do this because he wanted Eternal Fame and as much as I hate to admit it I guess he succeeded cuz we still talk about him to this day unfortunately for him though he also succeeded in getting his head cut off so yeah here we are again with another destroyed Temple and plenty of frustrated people who can't worship the godess anymore yes we will build it again am I right folks and so did it this time even bigger even better than the already good one with beautiful statues hosted inside which brought in people from far and wide like the Apostle John who exercised demons there according to the Bible this time the temple actually stood for a bit longer about 800 years in fact like all good things though it had to come to an end first in 268 ad it got set of Blaze by the Goths because no reason actually they just wanted to cause Rampage throughout the Roman Empire like they always did and for the final blow in the year 48 a huge Christian mop came to wreck the place down because the emperor decided it was time to forcefully convert everyone to Christianity it's almost sad but hey at least they recycled the wreckage to build the ha Sophia nobody's the ruins of the temple can still be visited in Turkey where you can also visit the secret final four version of the temple and I'll tell you what man their Sharma is so good oh all right let's go um where are we one sec I'll I'll grab a light yeah I don't think this is ancient Greece my time machine must have malfunctioned and teleported to somewhere completely different I'll take a look outside to figure out where we [Music] are why the hell did a trow is so far away from the machine oh no hey um not to panic but you don't happen to know how to operate a M4 Sherman tank do you great okay think logically surely there must be some kind of manual laying around here ah speak of the devil how to destroy a p tank with one well- aimed Shot For Dummies oh well couldn't come out a better time right before we get into how to survive this deadly situation first a quick word from a sponsor world of T I see what's happening here very clever you guys all right let's do this then do you like blowing things up you you do great then I have the perfect gaming experience for you World of Tanks World of Tanks is a free multiplayer online game where you can drive your own tank and fight massive battles in an 8v8 battle format there are over 800 different tanks to choose from including tanks that are destroyers artillery light medium and heavy join over 100 million players fighting across 40 plus maps in historically accurate tanks by simply clicking the link in the description and don't forget to use the code combat to get your hands on 250,000 credits A Cromwell B British premium tank three rental tanks for your first 10 battles and 7 Days of Premium existing players who haven't played for 30 plus days can also get 3 days of Premium exclusive camouflage and to 7day rental of a premium tank so thanks for listening and install world of TKS for free today make sure to go does this guy ever just get to the point to escape your situation simply click the big red button that says fire what which button oh and it didn't crush your mind to tell me that whatever don't say anything not like you do anyway all right time to show that pcer what American power feels like fired what do you mean I'm fired and which smartass installs a button in a tank that fires you on the go no wonder the tank was empty when we got in there you know what forget it this kid is taking way too long and we still got Wess to cover so enjoy the Cold War losers yeah so fun fact this entire huge structure is not the thing we are here for why we are actually here is for the thing that is inside the building the statue of Zeus the story why the statue was made is actually kind of childish the people on ethens hired this one dude called fidas to make a statue of the Goddess Aina which the aliens no not those in Egypt the early ends also known as the judges of the Olympic games were real jealous of we can't have those filthy pants each of us have a statue of aity while we do not so after slipping fidas a quick 50 50 gold bars they had him also create a statue for the Olympians though theirs obviously had to be slightly bigger and also feature a slightly more important God than their competitors the reason why this statue got on the list is not because it's so so super impressive I mean don't get me wrong it's huge and really portrays the ref of the father of gods but compared to the Great Pyramid of Giza or the one I'll show you next this Wonder could be labeled as underwhelming so then why is it on the list well the statue portrayed more than just the king of the Greek gods it's a symbol of the sheer awe and devotion that the ancient Greeks had for the gods the statue of Zeus at Olympia was not merely a representation of a deity it was a testament to the religious passion and cultural Pride of the ancient people fancy right even though the temple and the statue stood for hundreds of years it too was destined to be slain by father time multiple earthquakes a fire and once again the gos because you know what else would they be doing with their spare time caused the ancient wonder to turn into an archaeologist wet dream stupid Go Girls why can't they just leave us alone for one you know I watched a really fun movie the other day where people could tell how much time they had left to live it was so good in fact that I created these goggles that allow me to see that as well for example uh look over there that is melus he's the governor of karia which is basically this place in nowadays turkey keep a good eye on him because in exactly 4.3 seconds he is going to die jeez these glasses really are something aren't um back to what we are here for see that woman standing next to mess's corpse that is not only his sister but also his wife yeah very before Christ is from them isn't it anyway she is devastated by the loss of her brother/ husband and wants to make sure his burial is done flawlessly in honor of his wishes which he made clear to her before he kicked the bucket His Wish of final resting place though wasn't a simple grave next to a cherry blossom tree in his hometown or something no he wanted a massive tomb in the middle of Kia's Capital City halosis to Forever immortalize his greatness in our history spoiler alert so she did and mousel's Widow and sister made sure to spare no expense she hired the most skilled Architects and Artisans from Greece to work in this masterpiece of a building the melum was decorated with complex sculptures and stunning carvings showcasing the talent of renowned artists that I could name but you would forget anyway what you think you won't forget them here they are scopas briois timotheus and Leo Caris I sincerely hope you memorize them just now because I will test you when we are done with our little Adventure standing at a lot of meters this wonder of the ancient world was a sight to behold its layers consisted of a base iconic columns a tiered pyramid and a beautiful statue of mouseless and emis riding a chariot on top A Perfect final resting place for a governor with a lot of money fun fact this wonder is where the word mousum comes from so thank you melus very cool as a change of pace the mousum did not get destroyed by golf girls and as a matter of fact it survived honestly a lot it survived Alexander the Great aggressive Pirates even fires but it couldn't surv survive our good old friend Mr earthquake who decided to knock it down to the first level around the year 1100 now surprisingly after all of that the temple actually remained for quite some more time till the year 1494 in fact that is just over 500 years ago making it the second longest standing World Wonder with the Great Pyramids in first place of course the final blow done to the melum wasn't done by an earthquake but instead by it doesn't holy kns who were terrified of the Ottoman Empire attacking their Castle so they decided to break whatever was left from the Wonder apart and use those stones to reinforce The Hideout now if they managed to heroically fight the timans S with an epic battle and important Victory I would be okay with them breaking the 1700 years old W apart but no they got absolutely destroyed to be honest what were they thinking the Ottoman Empire was massive at that time and they thought the 80 of them could stop the there at fans yeah quite a boring one-sided siege that happen here want to hear a story about an insane Siege [Music] though the Colossus of roads this massive 30 m tall bronze and iron statue was made to celebrate a significant military victory that the people of Roads achieved and to praise the sun god Helios who they believed had helped them win it to keep it easy to allow me to oversimplify what happened here in this conflict after Alexander Great conquered all of this territory he decided to die understandable we all have to do that one day but he didn't appoint an herir that would inherit all of this territory so instead it was divided among its generals and what do generals like to do they like to wage Wars amongst each other one of those internal conflicts was between the antig Dynasty and the small independent city state and island of roads because roads was a major Center of Commerce and trade in the Eastern Mediterranean it was a massive money generator which made it very interesting for Demetrius the ruler of the antigon dynasty so he decided that he wanted to take it the rodians anticipating the attack fortified the defenses and sought alliances with states around them including the Kingdom of Egypt however those alliances didn't stop the war from happening and in the year 304 before Christ Demetrius started the siege that would in a beautiful bronze Colossus even though the rodians were heavily outnumbered because the city of Roads was well fortified and surrounded by hly terrain they managed to hold the antigonous off for many months on end but then just like in a video game there had to come a final boss meet the taker of cities a massive Siege Tower designed by the great Demetrius himself to be used to finally take down the walls of Roads the tower stood over 40 m tall and 20 M wide and housed the whopping 16 ballistas spread across its seven floors not to mention had a massive crew of over 3400 soldiers in battle but even this monstrous Tower of death couldn't break the spirit nor WS of the rodians and after finally receiving help from the Allied Egyptians the rodians managed to break free from The Siege and ended their one-year period of constant bombardment the antonet chaotic Retreat resulted in almost all of their work equipment including their hellish Tower to be left on the island and what better thing to do with all the metal and bronze than to build a massive Colossus of rus' iconic God this is by far my favorite ancient wonder but it is also the shortest lift Wonder as only 56 years after it being built it broke its ankles and collapsed onto the floor where it remained as a tourist attraction for another 800 years and yes this Wonder as well ended up being looted and stripped down a little bit off topic right but why can't more cities build magnificant structures or massive statues of important figures as a matter of fact why is nothing nice being built nowadays everything we built has turned dull and repetitive for the sake of economic benefits the people of Road survived a massive year-long Siege which ruined the economy and infrastructure of the island and yet they chose not to sell all of the War equipment and instead melted most of it down to create a huge statue to celebrate the Rodan pride and victory culture is pretty cool you know you'll miss it someday welcome to the final Seventh Wonder of our time traveling Journey the Lighthouse at [Music] Alexandria it's the youngest ancient world wonder of the mall as it was built in the year 280 BC which also means if you were alive in this day and age you would be able to visit all the Wonders we covered before just as you would be able to visit this one and hell even the World Trade Center is still here no no no no I'm not making that joke it's too cheap so picture this a big coastal city with an even bigger and busier Harbor ships with unimaginable wealth enter the city in masses to sell their goods and make even more money than they already have it's a good life at least during bright clear summer days it is during the stormy nights it's a world different story in a day and age where not exactly everyone has a degree in sailing it was quite frequent that ships ended up crashing into each other or onto sh due to their bad visibility it also didn't help that the harbor of Alexandria wasn't exactly easy to get in and out to though it was very easily defended from Pirates one day the rich people of Alexandria were like what if we built a lighthouse on that rock over there to make sure Merchants can get into a harbor easily making it more attractive for them to come to our city in general the design of the lighthouse can be split into three levels a square base followed by a cylindrical middle section and as a cherry on top a cylinder where the light will be emitted from such a huge 130 M tall Lighthouse obviously needed to also shine a huge amount of light and because electricity wasn't going to be invented for another 2,000 years unless if you live close to the pyramids they had to come up with a different but clever solution to generate that much light anyway the solutions to this problem were mirrors lenses and Polished bronze which all massively enhanced the light of the single wood fueled flame at the top of the lighthouse the light ended up being so bright in fact that it was the brightest man-made light created at that time and it helped hundreds if not thousands of ships every day to navigate to the port of the city now I know what you're thinking why did they go all out on this super expensive light Li house that ended up costing roughly $100 million in nobody's money if they could have also made a normal Lighthouse and still would have achieved the goal of adding the merchants to their City well to show that they are a better Mercantile city than their competitors of course be honest with me right where would you rather go to a city with a big Lighthouse and beautiful light or to a city with a small Lighthouse with a pathetic normal amount of Light which way Modern Man exactly like muths the merchants swarm the city and lighthouse masses which made the alexandrian elites even richer than they originally were impressive stuff what was also impressive though is for how long it stood for though there were many earthquakes that chipped down the Wonder the Lighthouse of Alexandria ended up staying for a whooping 1500 years till one day the final earthquake knocked the lighthouse down and then everyone crashed their boats and died that final thing I might have just made up and this we concludes our wonderful Journey Through Time now for the killer question that you've been dying to ask me do I think that all the ancient world wonders are better than the current seven world wonders no The Great Well of China for example is way more impressive than the statue of Zeus and with all but one of the Ancient Wonders destroyed it makes sense to fill in those gaps with the new ones but once again why is the Pyramid of Giza not one of the seven I call for another vote on what the new wers of the world should be now before I let you go there's just one small thing left for us to do remember when I dared you to memorize the names of the for renowned artists who worked on the mousum well here we are what were there four names oh you can't remember they were scopas briis toofus and Leo Caris how could you possibly forget I even told you to remember them surely you remember the name of the faroh that lays inside the Great Pyramid farro kufu no you don't either seriously do you remember anything I told you you know what it doesn't matter I cannot let you walk away knowing that time traveling is a real thing plus your time is about to run out anyway so thanks for joining me on my journey and well truth is the game was rigged from the start
Channel: Historically
Views: 981,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seven wonders of the ancient world, seven wonders of the world, wonders of the world, 7 wonders of the world, ancient world, wonders of the ancient world, 7 wonders of the ancient world, ancient wonders of the world, seven wonders, the seven wonders of the ancient world, the ancient wonders of the world, the 7 wonders of the ancient world, the seven wonders of ancient world, lighthouse of alexandria, ancient history, 7 wonders of ancient world
Id: _pKIPqrTh9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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