The Most Confusing Stand in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

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A sponge and... another sponge.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Warburna ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 15 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

D4C wasn't THAT confusing, was it?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Polygonalfish ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 15 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I watched this the other day and it actually reminded me of what Pat talked about in the Eyes Over Heaven LP. He speculated that DIO Over Heaven's ability was to selectively paste parts of parallel worlds into one prime world, even going as far as comparing it to cutting up different panels of different events. Very close to the original intended ability of D4C.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/BarelyReal ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 15 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] as fans of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure I'm sure we could all agree that the series is no stranger to making its readers feel confused at times you know with the whole it just works meme and all but for the most part whenever Jojo leaves you disoriented it's for a reason whether it's to instill the fear of the unknown by putting the readers in the perspective of its characters being attacked by a stand whose ability is unknown and something I've noticed the series creator hirohiko Araki really likes to do especially when it comes to the series main villains is to show an impossible situation that doesn't make any sense at first but later be explained after a stands ability is revealed like in Stardust Crusaders when polnareff had encountered do nearing the end of the part and each step polnareff took towards do he would suddenly appear back at the bottom of the stairs and had described this experience with the o stand as being completely beyond his understanding leaving both the characters and us the viewers pretty confused but later once the world's ability was revealed as being able to stop time it explains polnareff's experience which turned out to just be do stop in time walking down the stairs picking polnareff up putting him back at the bottom of the stairs and then running back up the stairs and this is just one example of a Rockies intentional confusion writing technique but in today's video I'll be attempting to explain by far the most convoluted incomprehensible and confusing sequence of events in all of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure wait did you guys think this video was gonna be about King Crimson I'm damned if you thought King Crimson was confusing just wait until you get to D 4c so yeah this video isn't about King Crimson but rather dirty deeds done dirt cheap from the seventh part of Jojo steel ball run and more specifically D for C's introduction arc in the sequence of events leading up to the reveal of the Stan's ability which is another one of those impossible situations scenarios we talked about earlier and in my opinion is the most confusing arc in all of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and I'm sure those that of red steel ball run could agree so what is it about the d4c arc that makes it so confusing well pretty much everything this arc has a lot of moving parts and contains a lot of characters all with their own motives working separately from one another moving around the streets of Philadelphia as we go back and forth in time and through different characters perspectives trying to solve the mystery of who shot Johnny Joestar all while funny Valentine and his yet to be revealed d4c are pulling the strings but before I attempt to explain what was really happening during this arc and how d4c was being used well first go through the arc as its presented in the manga to serve as a refresher and also to show just how confusing this arc is from a first-time readers perspective so if anyone still doubts that this isn't the most confusing Jo joke it's just try and follow along but first let's prepare because this is gonna be long and hard to follow so when I first got the idea to breakdown this arc I thought what would be the best way to accurately and comprehensively go through this arc and I realized that the manga panels weren't gonna cut it for visual aids so I decided to recreate the entire location that the SARC took place in via a 3d model I install blender and started messing around with blocks and textures for a few hours until I realized that blender is really complicated so I got some help from one of our community members deke who I commissioned to help me out with this video and recreate the streets of Philadelphia way better than I ever could have so shout out to deke links to his social media are down below in the description and to briefly talk about the 3d model itself this is the most accurate recreation we came up with that best represents this arcs location although some liberties were taken because in the some parts of the city were drawn differently from chapter to chapter most notably being the parks entrance and also the model has all the streets closed off that would otherwise be much longer and this was due to only wanting to focus on the parts of the street relevant to the art but other than that it's pretty damn accurate so finally let's get started the arc begins at chapter 64 when the steel ball run race is nearing its final stage and all of our main characters along with the holy corpse parts are beginning to converge on the streets of Philadelphia we first see Johnny and gyro who arrived from the east who are currently tracking down diego brando who is in possession of the left eye gyro perceives needs some horse off the ground and determines that diego must be close by they then spot diego on horseback running down an alleyway on the other side of the park while also spotting weka pepo who also seems to be tracking down diego Johnny and gyro choose to ignore Weka people for now and continue chasing Diego by splitting up and sandwich in him from both sides and before we go any further it's important to take note of the characters we saw inside of the park when Diego was first spotted we see a group of children a pair of twins and a painter who would be extremely important later in the arc and also during this arc rocky provides a few time stamps which help a little bit and making the SARC less confusing but just a little bit so right before Johnny and Shiro split up the time is 3:30 9 p.m. or at least that's what I thought at first but after rereading this arc more than a handful of times and trying to piece everything together the times just weren't adding up making this arc even more of a headache than it already was so I checked the original Japanese pages and with the help of some of the community's translators we found that the English scans had a small typo in the time here was actually 359 p.m. which made everything make a lot more sense so it turns out for a lot of English readers even if someone really tried to understand this arcs timeline by paying close attention and rereading it still wouldn't make sense because of the typo but thankfully since now it's been fixed so to continue on Johnny and Jarrah split up Shiro follows diego and johnny doubles back around to corner him but johnny keeps his eye on gyro for just a moment in c's disco approaching him from behind and suddenly Valentine also appears and they both had towards gyro Valentine summonses d4c and Johnny yells out to warn gyre but suddenly johnny is shot down from behind by an unknown silhouette and we see that the children the twins and the painter inside the park all witnessed Johnny being shot johnny is then shot three more times and escapes through a sewer grate using tusks act 3 gyro rushes over to see what happened and he sees Weka people in an alleyway just by where Johnny was shot but he's soon attacked by disco and they will continue to fight for the next few minutes after Jarrah defeats disco he goes back to the scene of the shooting to investigate and he notices the people inside the park and asked them if they saw who shot Johnny the children say it was Diego but the twins say it was Weka pepo and the painter says it was Valentine Giroux is understandably confused by this and Ponder's how this could be possible we then get some transition panels representing a change in time as we cut over to Diego approaching weka people from behind saying Johnny Joestar is better left alive on the verge of death but not beyond what could people respond you stayed quiet yes do about the fact that magenta was alive I'm quoting this because will be important to remember later also I assume this conversation took place while gyro was fighting disco because of how wicked pipo is peeking his head around the corner like when gyro saw him earlier we then cut to a flashback of Jesus Christ hanging on the cross and coming back from the dead because you know this is Jojo so after some history about the corpse parts we then come back to steal ball around present time but eight minutes before we last saw gyro at 4:05 p.m. where gyro and Johnny are discussing their plan to corner Diego but this time we see the events that took place in those eight minutes leading up to Johnny shooting through Weka P pose perspective so what could people also notice as Diego run by as Johnny and gyro do and he decides that if he wants to defeat the president then he should be with Diego because Diego has a corpse part and Valentine wants it so I guess his plan is to attack Valentine while Valentine is attacking Diego so what could people follows Diego and on his way passes by disco who is currently heading towards gyro what could people loses track of Diego and finds himself on an empty street when they'd gone on the ground he's then attacked by a silhouette coming out of the American flag who appears to have the stand d4c what could pepo reaches for the gun and shoots the unknown man who then falls to the ground and is revealed to be Johnny Joestar Johnny escapes again through the sewers with us but this time we see that only the twins witnessed the shooting what could pipo is then approached by Diego similar to before but this time Diego says everything is going as planned Johny Joestar is better left alive and what could people response you what were you doing just now magenta was alive you should have known I was tracking you do so this conversation is happening at the same time and in the same place as we saw before but this time with slightly different dialogue and before we even have time to think we go back in time again to eight minutes ago at 4:05 p.m. where we see Diego and we continue the next eight minutes through his perspective Diego is searching for Lucy Steele who is currently in possession of the other corpse parts and Diego knows that Lucy has been disguising herself as the first lady so she should be near or inside of Independence Hall so Diego jumps one of Valentine's guards uses his outfit as a disguise and enters the building once inside Diego was passed by Valentine and he thinks to himself that this might be a good opportunity to assassinate the president while he's alone but he's distracted by Lucy when he sees that she's no longer in disguise and her identity has been revealed so Diego holds off on the corpse parts and goes after Valentine in the streets of Philadelphia once outside Diego passes by disco and notices he's been followed by weka pepo so he decides to use Weka pepo and lure him towards Valentine in the hopes that Valentine awaken people will fight each other so Diego can attack Valentine while he's distracted which is exactly what what capito is trying to do to Diego so Diego turns a corner and uses his dinosaur powers to jump on top of the building and waits for weka pepo but wicked people spots Diego on the roof and shoots at him Diego attacks back as he falls onto the American flag he grabs the gun and shoots weka pipo popipo falls onto the ground and surprised it's once again Johnny Joestar that Diego had shot and from inside the park we see that only the children witnessed the shooting and that wicked pipo is back in his previous location in the alleyway Diego then jumps from under the American flag on the ground on top of the roof across the street and he makes his way behind weka pepo and starts the same conversation using the same dialogue from the first time we saw them talking but this time we see the conversation continued as Diego says just now did you see me shoot Johnny Oh star I definitely just shot Johnny and he fell into the drain but it wasn't me who did it Diego claims it's Valentine's ability that's responsible for these events but what could people respond saying do are you implying that you are the one who shot Johnny before I couldn't understand what you were saying because I was the one who shot Johnny and just moments later Diego and Weka pepo are attacked by Valentine and we see our first glimpse in 2d for C's ability being able to access neighboring worlds and bring alternate versions of people to and from the different universes by putting himself or others in between two things like an American flag in the ground for example and right at the climax of the fight were two Diego's paradoxical existence within the same universe begins to destroy each other we'd go back in time again to 4:10 p.m. just three minutes before Johnny is shot and we see Valentine and disco cornering gyro from the beginning of the arc and as Johnny yells out to warn gyro Valentine uses d4c to essentially teleport over to Johnny by going behind a tree and coming out in between their horses Valentine then shoots Johnny and from within the park we see that only the painter witnesses the shooting Valentine then escapes by going back in between the horses while leaving his gun on the street and we see Weka pepo and Diego approaching and suddenly cut to the two Faizan inside of each other both shooting Johnny at the same time and from within the park we see that the children the twins and the painter all witnessed the shooting and it's finally stated that d4 sees ability is to allow neighboring worlds to exist simultaneously in the same location or whatever that means so in theory after d4 sees ability is revealed it should be able to explain everything that just happened and give us an answer to who shot Johnny Joestar so let me ask you do any of you think that you would be able to fully explain everything that just happened from 359 to 413 and determine exactly when and how d4 sees ability was being used to create the impossible situations we just saw maybe some of you but don't worry I'll save you the time and the headache because that's exactly what we'll be doing in today's video so to start the first thing we need to talk about are the differences in d4 C's ability when was first introduced compared to what it was established as later on the first real explanation of D for C's ability is stated to allow neighboring worlds to exist simultaneously in the same location and this concept is visualized in the next chapter with sponges representing different universes and D for C's ability allows these two sponges aka universes to overlap with each other and become one and applying this concept to Johnny shooting to some extent explains how it was possible for three different people to all shoot Johnny at the same time but unfortunately this ability contradicts what d4c would later become so let me explain going by the sponge theory that would mean that what we previously witnessed were the events happening in three different universes simultaneously so we have three different sponges representing three different universes sponge one being the base universe where Valentine shoots Johnny and the painter is the witness sponge to being the universe where what could people is attacked by Valentine shoots him and the twins are the witness and sponge three being the universe where Diego shoots at weka pipo and the children are the witnesses so originally it would seem D for C's ability would be able to seamlessly merge all three of these universes making them become one with no duplicates but rather replacing certain base universe characters with alternate universe characters like how when we first see Johnny gets shot all three groups within the park see the shooting at the same time but in universe 3 you can clearly see it's only the children that see and the twins have their backs turned so that would mean in this cluster of three universes combined that D for C created it can pick and choose who to replace from each universe as the base universe painter stays the same universe twos twins replace the base universes and universe threes children replaced the base universes but later on we see that this just isn't how d4c works and in Chapter 75 the stand gets its ability redefined with its rules established saying the ability to travel limitlessly to other dimensions by getting caught in between two objects if the same object were people from dimensions meet they will both be annihilated so caution is a must you can't bring money with you for some reason as a rule and lastly Valentine is the only exception to the annihilation rule and the world where the corpses acts as the base universe so it may be possible that rocky had changed he foresees ability to something much simpler than one we saw during Johnny shooting and maybe even throughout the beginning of the d4c arc Araki was still deciding exactly what he wanted DeForest seed to be and was experimenting with the general idea of accessing different dimensions but I don't like retcons so let's see if we can explain everything that happened in this arc with D for C's ability that would be established later on so a few chapters after Johnny shooting when he's being healed by gyro Johnny gives us some insight on what actually happened and we can trust Johnny because he has proved himself to be an absolute genius at deducing stand abilities more than a few times so Johnny says I was shot by do and Wicca pipo but it was because of the president's ability Valentine's body went to a different world and brought another do and a different whack of people back from that world and arranged it to make them shoot me so by going off of how Johnny explains the situation let's see if that's really what happened so starting from the beginning when Johnny and Jarrell first arrived up until the first time we see Johnny shot there's nothing we can really see that would indicate D for C's ability being used but we can establish that these first events take place in the base universe so moving on to Weka people's perspective Johnny claims Valentine brought another Weka pepo from another world to shew him and so far that adds up as we can assume that when we see through Weka people's perspective we are in an alternate universe because the timeline is slightly off being 4 or 5 p.m. and Weka pepo sees Johnny and gyros still together when before in the base universe the time was 359 right before they split up so through what could peoples perspective in what we can call universe 2 he follows Diego but is attacked by Valentine in an alleyway and during his fight right before he shoots we see that the American flag is falling on him and in the next page he shoots Johnny Joestar and is no longer in the same alleyway but instead on the street that's in front of the park which heavily implies that right before week of people shot he was brought into the base universe and shot our Johnny which kind of makes sense and also aligns with what Johnny said so now moving on to Diego's perspective which again begins at 4:05 p.m. and we see Diego steal the skies go Independence Hall see Valentine leave Independence Hall and then begins being followed by Weka pepo which confirms that Diego's perspective takes place in a third universe because before in universe two what could people start following Diego almost immediately at 4:05 when he saw him near the park and Diego did not go near Independence Hall rather he led weka people to the alleyway where he would then fight Valentine and this third universe is further confirmed when we see what a people shoot at Diego which couldn't possibly be the same whack at people as before because this is taking place at the same time when he was fighting Valentine so Diego from the third universe attacks the third universe weka pepo takes his gun and falls onto the American flag he then shoots at who he thinks his weka pepo but it's actually Johnny Joestar so like Weka pepo right before Diego shot he was brought from his universe into the base universe by Valentine to shoot Johnny and we can see universe twos Weka pepo in the base universe still confused by when he first shot Johnny which is further confirmed as when Diego approaches this whack at pepo he makes no mention of them just fighting each other because this Weka pepo was the one that fought Valentine so right here you have Diego from universe 3 talking to Weka pepo from universe 2 who are both now in the base universe so up until this point things are kind of making sense and starting to add up but unfortunately after this point everything begins to fall apart as we would seem what could people from universe 2 and Diego from universe 3 have just replaced their base universe alternatives and once they get into their fight with Valentine its then established that no two versions of the same person can exist in the same universe but where were base universe Diego and Weka pepo when their alternate versions came in to the base universe maybe it can be explained that they were swapped out simultaneously so essentially replacing them but because there was no mention or even suggesting of that happening it doesn't seem likely but now we get to the point where nothing makes any sense anymore and it's really clear that d4c was breaking all of the rules that would later be established because the corpse parts are existing in both universe 2 and universe 3 as we see when through Weka people's perspective which should be universe 2 he mentions the eye and through Diego's perspective which should be universe three he sees Lucy who appears to be pregnant because of the corpse parts inside her body so with the rule that the corpse parts only exist in the base universe that would mean what we saw from both Weka pepo and Diego's perspectives was taking place in the base universe and at no point were they brought to another universe by d4c which just cannot be possible because the timelines don't match up and we see what could people fight both Valentine and Diego in the same location which could not be possible in the same dimension and I haven't even mentioned the witnesses yet which I guess could be explained that Valentine took the twins from universe 2 and the children from universe 3 and swapped them with the base universes like the sponge example from earlier but because of the corpse parts existing and all these perspectives that would mean the witnesses were actually always from the base universe even when the twins clearly had their backs turned to the shooting so nothing makes any sense anymore and the more I try to understand this arc the more confusing it becomes but I do have one last possible idea that could just maybe make sense of this arc but I'd have to work under the assumption that d4 sees ability Falls more in line with its overlapping dimensions explanation so maybe instead of seeing events happening in other universes what we were seeing through Weka pepo and Diego's perspectives were possible realities that could happen within the base universe similar to the schrรถdinger's cat experiment for those that aren't familiar shorteners cat is a thought experiment where you imagine you put a cat in a sealed box with some sort of device that has a 50% chance of killing the cat and until you look inside of the box to see the result the cat is in a superposition as it's both dead and alive at the same time and it's the act of looking to see the result that forces nature to make a decision so what if originally d4c was some sort of twist on this Schrodinger experiment but instead of two different outcomes there are three valentine shooting Johnny Weka people shooting Johnny or Diego shooting Johnny and until the shooting is witnessed all three possible outcomes are existing in the same place at the same time like the cat that could be dead and could be alive but with the twist from D foresees all possible outcomes are able to be witnessed by different people thus making the different possibilities of reality so if this was how d4c worked this art could be explained but unfortunately that's not how d4c works so even after all of this I still don't understand what was happening on the streets of Philadelphia from 359 to 413 and that's why in my opinion d4c and this arc are just the most confusing Jo Jo has ever gotten and that's the video guys the most confusing stand-in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure at least in my opinion but honestly I can't see how any other stand in this series could be more confusing than d4c when it's first introduced because no matter how many times I tried to make sense of this arc and trust me I tried a lot of times it always just ended in a mess because of the contradictions the difference is in the timeline and what could people being in two different place at the same time but they're all the base University it just it doesn't make sense at least to me but I at least told my attempts made for an enjoyable video and hopes you guys understand this arc a little bit more by explaining how it doesn't make any sense if that makes sense but anyways guys like the video if you enjoyed subscribe for more and thank you all so much for watching the blender artists that helped out with the video with the 3d model that I thought was really cool links to Dickie stuff is down below in the description and if you guys want to follow me on Twitter or Instagram or twitch or join the discord all that's down below as well so one last time guys thank you all so much for watching and I'll talk to you later peace [Music] you
Channel: xForts
Views: 3,520,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JoJos Bizarre Adventure, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, JoJo's, Bizarre Adventure, manga, anime, Golden Wind, Vento Aureo, Steel Ball Run, King Crimson, Johnny Joestar, D4C, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, stand, the most confusing stand in JoJo, gyro zeppeli, david production, JoJo Anime, Hirohiko Araki, xForts, Analysis, who shot johnny joestar, D4C explained, part 5, part 7, All Stands in JoJo, Funny Valentine
Id: X30YXFzq5Ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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