JoJo Main Antagonists Ranked From Weakest to Strongest

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[Music] foreign idea I've had for quite some time that I've always kind of wanted to talk about here on the channel just because well a lot of the villains here in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure are extremely powerful and I've always kind of wanted to talk about them especially the main villains of the franchise and of course kind of place them in order for people to enjoy and watch and meet to discuss as I have received a numerous amount of comments over the years of people asking me who's the strongest villain or what villain beats which villain etc etc and in the past I have given my more you know thematic thoughts on these villains I've never really given a more descriptive way on how to scale these villains so I thought I might as well knock down two birds with one stone and to go more in depth into how I'm thinking or at least how I'm tearing this is that I'm looking more at a in character scale of them rather than you know just a raw power scaling here's the raw stats this is why they win as a lot of these characters have some weird arguments to them at least in my head to where they are placed when speaking in character for them on top of that none of these villains are weak by any means they are all top tier in this verse regardless of where I place them on this list even the ones at the bottom can clap at least a majority of the villains and heroes in the franchise so just FYI to everybody so with all of that out of the way let's actually get into the tier list so starting off in D tier by himself is part one Dio Brando so I know it might be a bit controversial to have Dio this far down on the list for very many reasons but once I kind of start you know presenting the arguments for the other villains you kind of see why part one is a very early part it's a Rocky's first part there really isn't a lot to really describe here in terms of actual statements and Feats while Dio has a lot of vampiric abilities he does show in part one there's really nothing to really back up those hacks and abilities while these hacks and abilities could work on lesser villains in the series none of the main villains in the series would ultimately be affected by them so if Dio were to use his hypnosis on I don't know diovalo or toru or Valentine 8 it wouldn't work just because they're just very strong-willed characters and wouldn't be controlled by part one deal and while regeneration and his freezing technique are extremely powerful against lesser characters a lot of these other main villains just out speed them or would not get touched by Dio as part one Dio just doesn't have any really good AP or speed Feats while he does have one extremely good durability fee at the end of his fight with Jonathan on the boat as he survived that Steamboat blast that's the only thing he really does have zapelli also did state that Dio is five times stronger than him and he does fight both Jonathan and him at the same time leading to a multiplier very high when it comes to a human becoming a vampire Theo can be five times stronger than a homo and master or on a high ball just be 25 times stronger than both him and Jonathan at the same time but even then with those numbers we don't know any really crazy stats with zapelli or Jonathan so it's just like what does that even mean and even technically then Jonathan eventually does surpass Dio so it's just really really weird and I know some people are going to make the argument that technically you can say part three deal on part one deal are almost virtually the same at least in terms of stats at least during the later fight with jodaro but there are some Stan Shenanigans involved in that part so you really can't say they're exactly the same character so the only thing really holding deal back from being placed any higher on this list is just his actual stats that's really basically about it his hacks are extremely powerful don't get me wrong but he just doesn't have anything to really back up those abilities so moving on to C tier with our only character in that tier is yoshikakeura while on the surface he does have a lot of abilities that are extremely powerful and a lot of good stats to back up those abilities there's just a few character things that kind of at least personally for me plays him this low on the list stats wise with him and Killer Queen he should be at least around josuke higashikata's crazy diamonds level but he should be slightly weaker than Crazy Diamond just because if you you know read the ending of part 4 at least watched it my man got literally boxed out by josuke Gigi Sakira as josuke should be at least relative to jodarokujo a stand user I have talked very frequently on this channel about and on others who should be at a massively faster than light level plus and should have AP ranging in large mountain level on a high ball to low level about small City so Kira and Killer Queen should be roughly around that level but at least a step or two down below these two characters at least in terms of stats the only questionable one here is his AP as killer Queen's first bomb completely destroys something it turns into a bomb even at a molecular level so it's extremely powerful and ability wise Killer Queen does actually have a lot going for him the first ability is to make anything a bomb like I said previously second being sheer heart attack and third being Bites the Dust Kira with his first ability bomb transmutation can make anything into a bomb absolutely and completely destroying the opponent or object Kira has made into a bomb and if you were to touch one of these bombs that Kira has made you will actually just straight up die from the explosion if you touch it regardless if the actual thing that was turned into a bomb is set off the only drawback here is of course that Kira actually with killer queen has to make that motion with his hand the click noise to actually set the bomb off and if stopped the bomb will not go off entering sheer heart attack now it is an automatic stand that comes off a killer queen it is arguably the second best automatic tracking stand in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure tracking its opponents down by heat signature so greater the Heat Signature the more likely sure heart attack will track that thing this Stan's explosion ability is so powerful it can even damage jodoro Kujo pretty heavily and make him unconscious making it arguably as strong as Dio from part 3 just in terms of AP and while it is stated to not have a weakness it technically does just make a greater source of heat to where it will just track that thing now entering Kira's last ability Bites the Dust by placing Killer Queen in the eye of one person if that one person were to speak any of Kira's Secrets Killer Queen will automatically destroy them resetting that day slash timeline making that person Replay that day continuously over and over and over again in one giant Loop slash cycle the only way to stop it is to well make KIRO take back killer queen as Kira is defenseless without killer queen as it's now placed on somebody else and Kira cannot automatically make it activate once it's placed on a person as Killer Queen is now acting of its own will so with all that being said why is he only in seats here by himself well um if you read or watched part four you kind of realize he frankly sucks my mans can't defend himself in the Box for his life's sake like he just frankly sucks at fighting you would think with the ability to make anything a bomb you would you know start grabbing random objects around you and start chucking him after your opponent but he doesn't do that you would also think he would use sheer heart attack a lot more but he frankly stops using this note I feel like this is on a Rocky's part as Iraqi has his tendency to make extremely powerful abilities and just kind of throw them off to the side so I'll blame that one on a Rocky's case here but in character wise he just doesn't use it anymore and for the people that are going to argue for Bites the Dust Bites the Dust only works in hyper-specific cases involving non-stand users to reset the day in an honest fight Kira is defenseless and can't use this standability proper Kira is built around the character of being sneaky slash trying to avoid problems so it totally makes sense why he'd be this loned list as he's not trying to fight people that's not the point of his character and even if I did really really high ball him and really did give him the benefit of the doubt he'd only like move up a single spot but that's on a really good high ball and I'd frankly just don't believe it so finally entering B tier at the bottom of it is diovalo now this is a very similar case to C tier's deal Brando so diovalo has two abilities time eraser slash time Skip and Epitaph time skip allows the ovalo to skip over the next 10 seconds of predestined fate all actions still occur in this time skip but nobody remembers them because they have been skipped over Epitaph is the ability to see 10 seconds into the future meaning that diovalo can pre-cock his opponents a bonus to all of this is within the time skip slash time eraser diovallo is unaffected by everything meaning that he can technically if timed right survive a blow furthermore unlike Kira diavolo actually uses these two stand abilities extremely effectively so effectively in fact during the events between Parts 3 and 5 diovalo had fought silver chariots user pulmonary and actually completely destroyed him leading to the final idea that diavalo at least has to be faster than a Stan like silver Chariot giving him massively faster than light plus speeds on a really good high ball the only reason why I'm not placing them any higher like Dio from part 1 Phantom blood is that we just don't have a lot of stats or statements slash Feats with him in the realm of the physical sense at bare minimum you can only compare him to Silver Chariot which don't get me wrong Paul North is an extremely powerful stand user but in terms of the other villains on this list and who they have fought it's a lot different than polymer if I'll damn tell you that even if I were to highball it and make deal Volo stats the same as I don't know Anubis Paul Nerf that's barely entering the Realms of star Platinum levels of power which I can also say this everybody above this spot is at Star platinum's level or if not higher to be honest I don't really think this is a controversial take as this is pretty consistent with me with the ovalo here on the channel I would genuinely like to play some higher if he had better stats but Epitaph and his time skip are really carrying him this far into the list unlike Kira he knows how to actually use his stand ability pretty effectively so coming into the middle of Beats here is awakened Dio unlike part 1 Phantom blood Dio part 3 deal is a complete monster if taken very literal Dio States after sucking the blood of Joseph joestar this is his greatest high he has ever felt in his entire existence implying the fact that his current vampiric abilities are much greater than they ever were four and for the people that are going to argue but no they can't be for X Y and Z reason Dio's goals and character aspirations in part 3 are to achieve a stand that can accelerate time thank you to part six Dio at least in character views the vampiric abilities he has now as more of a bonus as now kind of the stand potential and stand power he has now is kind of the focus of his existence so that's why we potentially don't see him using any of the other abilities other than regeneration at bare minimum we do have to assume that he just gets overall stronger during this ending fight in part 3. during the beginning of that fight one can assume that Dio is slightly stronger than star platinum and jodarokujo and then when he eventually gets this new high slash this awakened form Dio and the world are definitely stronger than jodorokujo before his rage amp so it's not too wild to say that Dio is in the massively faster than light plus category even greater than jodarokujo before a Rey champ and AP being somewhere in large mountain level Plus on top of all of that Dio has the ability the world the ability to stop time at least in his awakened form for nine seconds and potentially can continuously actually make that timer go up in stop time verbatimally stated by Iraqi himself in a couple interviews Dio and especially awakened deal is extremely powerful quite literally the only thing holding him back is himself due to his Brash and arrogant nature he can get a little bit cocky with his ability and if somebody were to invade his stop time he kind of starts you know sweating a little bit but if none of that actually happens I can confidently say that he's probably going to bully at least everybody in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure unless you know we get to the ignore extreme and more powerful stands in the series personally for me he's in my top 10. so moving to the top of Beats here we have ultimate cars as the final gatekeep to the strongest characters in the series keyword there gate key for a specific reason you see ultimate life form cars is well it's in the name the ultimate life form stated in part two he has all powers of all living creatures on Earth that roughly adequates to about 8.5 million creatures he has the powers to use in his Arsenal on top of that all these animals hacks are at their Peak because ultimate cars is the ultimate life form so they all have to be at their peak of power so it's it's crazy this ultimate car is just ability alone wise is ridiculously busted and even stat wise he is not technically even lacking by no means how the argument should go is the following the food chain shown in part two goes as the following humans vampires pillarmen pillar men eat all life forms on the planet this food chain can technically be seen as a rudimentary scale in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure for power scaling a little bit if taken very literally pillarman cars not ultimate life form cars stat wise should rank above part 1 deal and he does show a few instances of having faster and light speeds dodging light in part two so that's just an argument for pillar man cars so what happens when you give him the ultimate life form buff so the argument becomes this ultimate lifeform cars should be able to match any character in this example part 3 Dio in stats because he's the ultimate life form regardless of Stan Shenanigans Steel's greatest highs cars should be able to match them if not just surpass them as in part two it stated that pillarmen just are naturally stronger than vampires so the ultimate life form in this example should be above even that so basically give ultimate cars all of Dio's stats but just put a plus next to them and there you go but there is a bit of a loophole and that is Stan Shenanigans and technically stands are of alien origin but they did adapt here on Earth so it's like really weird on how you see it cars could theoretically match anybody with a stand in terms of physical stats but stand users could just straight up not be natural to Earth's environment leading to the idea that cars possibly couldn't match a stand user in terms of abilities and stats meaning that the example I just literally used wouldn't work but it's technically going off the idea of just pure vampiric ability and not stand stats and if you do think like that there's still technically the argument that well the guy is literally super Immortal and would literally require a one shot or just a very powerful ability to beat him in general because you know eight million different hack abilities he can use at literally once if he wanted to so that's still the reason why I still Place him in B tier at least in high B tier cars is really really powerful no matter what way you look at them quite literally the gatekeeper to the strongest characters in the series so for context all these characters above ultimate cars and stats and ability wise should be able to beat him on top of that either come from a different Universe where nature might be a bit different slash substant Shenanigans might be involved so they might not be 100 human slash natural to Earth's environments so he shouldn't be able to copy them so starting off with low a tier we have made in heaven poochie surprisingly enough out of all the characters on this list this is is the most easiest one to explain so basically the reason why Pucci is this far up on the list is well infinite to immeasurable speed hacks it quite literally states in the part 6 manga stanstat guide that he literally has infinite speed slash his speed is able to rival that of God I don't know what else to explain to you to prove this point he's uh he's pretty [ __ ] fast and how poochie's speed would work would technically classify him under immeasurable speed here in the power scaling Community surprisingly his most interesting stat here would actually be his AP due to the argument behind it looking back at the part 3 fight between jotaro and Dio star platinum and the world should be at least relatively the same in terms of stats meaning that jodoro can at least endure Mountain level plus attacks from Dio and the world meaning that his durability is much higher than his AP and with an argument I say pretty consistently on other people's channels and mine where jodaro's stat wise with star Platinum should be at least relatively the same throughout all the parts means that technically part 6 jotoro and part 3 jotoro shouldn't be all that too different just you know time stop is the only really major difference here therefore meaning that technically made in heaven Pucci would have to have AP even greater than star platinums or the worlds to actually one shot jotorokujo so basically poochie just has raw stats on his side he basically speed blitzes everybody on this list except for like two and that's mainly because you know he gets out hacked because speed's one thing but like there are some really busted abilities coming up here so at the top of a tier is funny Valentine and d4c love train if poochie is just raw stats and speed Funny Valentine is literally just stand hacks and turtling your opponent to defeat the main gimmick of d4c Love Train is the light barrier the light barrier has the ability to redirect Misfortune usually Misfortune in this scenario is attacks this Misfortune will literally be shot across time and space affecting another person probably most likely killing them the light barrier is basically undefeatable as it takes an infinite amount of energy in this case attack energy not speed energy poochie I'm looking at you to actually overcome this light barrier technically as long as funny Valentine is in between the light barrier he is basically unkillable as Misfortune will be redirected towards somebody in some different time and place or nearby but oh brother does it get worse technically he has infinite lives and an extremely powerful One-Shot ability also he can spawn more of himself enter d4c's basic abilities so before getting the corpse parts and evolving his stand 40 Valentine had access to Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap for short d4c when Funny Valentine is placed in between two objects that fold in on themselves he's able to enter parallel worlds thanks to this ability Funny Valentine can bring more funny Valentines into his world note these funny Valentines are just regular people but having more of yourself is still a really good thing in a worst case scenario if Funny Valentine were to die he can actually transfer d4c over to another funny Valentine basically making himself Immortal but there is more if Funny Valentine to bring another version of yourself and make you collide with that version of yourself you will literally instantly explode because two molecules cannot exist in the same place at the exact same time the only exception to this rule is funny Valentine so add all of those abilities to love train and you basically see where I'm getting at here Valentine is basically unkillable he has an immovable ability he's basically Immortal he has the ability to One-Shot you if he so chooses and has the ability to bring more of himself to fight you the man is busted as [ __ ] I I don't really know how to more basically explain it Valentine is a monster of a threat he could technically fight everybody below him and probably win at the exact same time not even joking the only thing funny Valentine's surprisingly here is lacking his stats part 7 and 8 really don't like to describe things very often for the viewers in terms of powers but since tus Act 4 was able to react to light and literally hold it some people assume that this would vice versa go with funny Valentine and d4c meaning that at bare minimum they would have at least faster than light speeds at a really gracious high ball depending on how you scale test Act 4 versus the world and how you see the world at least in this alternate universe and depending on how you see that fight go down Funny Valentine might and this is kind of a really big might here have massively faster than light plus speeds but regardless of stats and power hacks wise d4c love train is literally bodying everybody just because how broken love train is and on top of that some guidebook statements even describe Funny Valentine and his abilities to be trans-dimensional so take that as you will for a very long time a lot of people considered Funny Valentine to be the strongest villain because of all these abilities and all these statements but of course times change and you get crazier and crazier [ __ ] in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure so my previous statement that d4c love train and funny Valentine would body everybody is technically wrong as in a world in post 8 Joe Julian toru and Wonderview are a thing coming in at the only spot in s tier and being the strongest villain in the franchise Toro and wonder review toru's standability goes as the following if anybody were to wanting to find out the identity of him slash his head doctor Persona wonder if he will activate causing calamities to knock into you depending on how hard you pursue torum you will either get a brutally damaged body and or instantly [ __ ] die as all Calamity that comes knocking into you for whatever reason is extremely powerful example knocking into a couple tables will literally sever your legs off your body another example is literal raindrops literally cutting through your body like butter the reason why it's so powerful is Wonderview controls logic which it's able to infect Calamity on top of that affecting you and everything you try to do to pursue the head doctor it's able to control logic so much it's able to affect all of society on a planetary scale and even a timeline scale do you know why mamazuku died at the end of part eight it's because Jesus Christ literally moved West if it wasn't for that action steel ball run wouldn't have occurred Johnny wouldn't have gone to Japan and the events of part 8 Joe Julian wouldn't have gone down the way they did if it wasn't for logic and Calamity playing a part in society being manipulated by Toro and wonder review note it's only logic and Calamity it's manipulating in society not all of Fate but at least a small portion of things Fates this is The quick summary on how this ability works as it's far more complicated and would take at least 15 minutes to explain at bare minimum to really grasp what it actually truly does I have made previous videos on this if you're a new fan watching this please go watch those other videos they are extremely helpful and helped a lot of people out thankfully Iraqi does give a kind of quick tldr guide to this entire video and thinks that Calamity is the strongest thing in the series guess what calamity is Wonder review Wonderview is literally Calamity energy for people that doubt that here is literally the ending panel of jejolian of one review literally being let loose because toru is dead now also by the way if toru dies wonder if you just kind of roams free to do whatever it wants Calamity wise it's basically unkillable too if you don't have soft and what go beyond on top of that Toro can't actually be hurt at all as everything follows under logic that Wonder of You can manipulate so nothing can actually hurt him so he's Untouchable and can destroy you in one shot if you try to presume hard enough which is pretty insane so basically this stand can defeat everybody on this list probably at once imagine the most goofy scenario yep it probably wins I don't know like d4c love train in between the light barrier Funny Valentine steps on the pebble he breaks his back I'm not joking that literally possibly could happen because Calamity is weird and Wonderview is able to manipulate logic I'm not joking that a literal Pebble can defeat everybody on this list that's how busted this character is and for the people that want stats literally grab the greatest stats from literally the strongest villains in the series and just apply them to Toro and there you go so basically infinite to a measurable speed Plus and AP somewhere in the range of high mountain level plus technically that could be way higher but we're just going to keep it at that for right now so here are my final thoughts on the placement of these characters do I think this is 100 accurate kind of while I did think about it for a very long time there could be spots where you can be like well isn't there some mixing and matching and like better hacks this character has over this character maybe you can possibly swap out maybe cure for diabolo or maybe like Pucci for cars but to be honest I think they're so minor that they wouldn't really need to be changed I think everybody's at least tiered correctly and for a definite fact thanks to the volume 27 statement toru should literally be at the top of everybody's list if he's not that person is on some serious copium no this is just my opinion and if you think there are some changes to be made go ahead I don't really care it's the internet and everybody has their opinions well if you did enjoy the video like comment share subscribe follow me on Twitter stay hydrogen see in the next one ladies and gentlemen [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: METAs
Views: 577,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: METAs, META, Anime, Manga, Review, discussion, jojos bizarre adventure, stardust crusaders, vento aureo, stone ocean, steel ball run, jojo villains, dio, ultimate kars, yoshikage kira, kira yoshikage, diavolo, enrico pucci, funny valentine, the world, killer queen, king crimson, made in heaven, d4c, JoJo Main Antagonists Ranked From Weakest to Strongest, tier list, Main Antagonists, Ranked From Weakest to Strongest, wonder of u jojo, tooru jojo, strongest stands in jojo
Id: dRwep5KyQ4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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