Sukuna vs Ultimate Kars Is A Massacre...

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[Music] I don't have an intro for this video however you read the title cars the ultimate life form versus suca the king of curses from jjk I personally thought that this would be a very interesting video suca is the ultimate life form within jjk everybody and I mean everybody talks about about this man like they've met God and they are going to be smited by him that is not me exaggerating at all and I have Ronin here to explain that [ __ ] for you yo what is up what is up what is up what's up metas what's up everybody watching jjk fans JoJo fans hope you all are doing good and yeah like meta said today we're going to jump into suca versus cars and like meta said like you said you're not really exaggerating we have a lot of um statements or like implications from the series that just outright mention or make clear that sukka is looked at as like this Godlike being in the series you have mimo and Nano asking if it's okay to breathe in suk's presence which is I mean just insane and then you also have a character more recently in the manga kosimo basically take one look at suk's True Form call him beautiful and Perfection incarnate and then die like sua is just canonically that guy within the series and he's looked at by just about everybody that he fights as I mean unambiguously the strongest character we've seen in the story thus far so with these perfect beings these ultimate life forms who would win between each other and since this is a JoJo's Channel I'll just go first cuz shockingly enough not to make fun of jjk JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is way easier to explain not not trying to throw a diss out there but more or less if you have been a fan of my Channel Cars is very very shockingly easy to describe like he's not that complicated shockingly more or less a lot of people have this weird misinterpretation of cars that like like he's weak for some reason I I've been seeing this in my comment section A lot for some reason but I think it comes out of ignorance cuz they don't know what they're talking about more or less I only need like one panel to explain all of car's scaling it's in his introductory panel of him becoming the ultimate life form in a double page spread where it states in the top left corner he holds the power of the Living World concurrently and moreover surpasses it what that means in the context of JoJo is he scales to everybody and then surpasses it verb like this isn't a crazy idea this is a pretty at least when you get to the higher ends of the JoJo scaling sphere this is kind of the common idea behind his powers he's been able to blast through everybody who's even come in contact with him he's made Joseph look like a [ __ ] and just lost to [ __ ] plot armor let's be honest looking at cars with that statement in mind he can scale to literally every character within JoJo's who has a natural ability not Supernatural in the sense like you know somebody evolved their stand or something so with that being the case here I'm going to basically lay it out super easy cars just basically scales to the sun statement from part three I've mentioned it a massive amount of times for the jjk fans that don't know more or less the stand silver Chariot blocked a laser beam from a stand called the sun who is more or less the literal Sun silver Chariot gets outscaled by jod Rojo Dio also scales to jodor rokujo in all stats these characters are massively faster than light plus they have AP depending on that Cal anywhere from like City level to like large mountain level at an extremely high ball it's like Island level depending using the scan from part two you more or less can just scale ultimate cars to di or jodo however people are going to be like wait a minute metas but aren't there some Stan Shenanigans involved yes there is however cars in a sense scales to stands and stuff as well why I say this is he has the ability to get hmon hmon is a life-based Energy System like all the others within JoJo so it's not that hard to put two and two together to get four like car scales to everybody with within JoJo's it's not that crazy like that whole statement of surpassing it and being able to have all these abilities concurrently within the world when you look at ultimate car's stats City level to Island level in terms of AP in terms of speed he should scale to Dio or jodo with massively fashioned light plus there's a lot of evidence behind that as well you can scale it off a Joseph from part three who is able to outspeed Star Platinum who is not in his prime anymore and cars was able to beat Prime Joseph like that's another thing we could use here like that's how he's looking and in terms of durability here too as well cars of course scales to jodo and Di and they can take their own AP right at them so it's like the same AP level just and durability in this case probably with a plus added to it technically with cars all of his stats just have a massive plus next to all of them he's just kind of nuts and the cherry on top to all of this is that cars is the ultimate life form he is able to have every single life form's ability to a and then some he can straight up surpass it I am not a biologist I cannot describe to you all all 8 million species on the planet and what they can do but more or less he can do everything every animal in the animal kingdom he has the ability to copy their abilities to at and then surpass them that's basically it there might be some Stans shanans there but we're not bringing up in this video that's what ultimate cars is he has all of these hacks and then some he's kind of ridiculously overpowered I'll talk about more when we kind of go into the whole sua versus thing but just looking at his stats overall ultimate cars is kind ofing Bonkers he's not too hard to explain I know r is going about have a hey day with sukeno over there so I'll just let him take the I don't know let's say the next 10 minutes to explain one ability listen listen we not talking about Gojo over here bro I can explain suk's abilities pretty quick now if it was Gojo you would need to be ready for an entire like scientific dissertation but uh luckily for sua the scaling is going to be uh like at least his physical abilities are probably going to be the most difficult thing for all of his abilities at least for the time being you can think of SL SL fire domain right pretty pretty simple guy pretty simple simple guy now as for sua scaling and really jitu Ka in scaling in general there are kind of like three different levels or categories that you can place them all in now me personally I find both the like really really low bald and really really high bald scaling to be a little bit a little bit wild and wacky for their own reasons I I tend to find myself aligned more in the middle but I'll just give you guys all three interpretations or like the general levels of strength and speed that you can scill these characters to and I'll let you guys decide you know how AP that is on your own so for the like the the really really low Bal scaling right you have Uka or just characters in general that are implied to be like the top of the verse you know being seated to reach all of Mach 3 you know what I mean just just just some really crazy ridiculous scaling right um Cur NAA is stated to be able to reach Mach 3 we have Maki evolve and like get stronger in battle she's able to uh counter him fight off and like basically Blitz him and deal with him rather easily we see a weakened 15 finger sua be able to hold off that maky in tandem with Yuji and obviously with 20 fingers sua is a decent bit stronger than he was in that 15 finger form specifically because in that state he was quite weakened and he stated just like multiple times for his like cursed energy output to be quite low so even at the Barum you have suca being like a couple of times faster than sound which is not all that impressive especially when you realize that JoJo characters are like reacting to like sunlight so gets a little wild in terms of AP there are a couple of City level CS that you can have so you can apply to joo's maximum meteor is is Cal to be I think it's like multi City Block Level you have mecham maru's M massive fire blast being able to destroy something that I think is coed out to be large Town level so you going scale so massively above them that it's not even funny and then with his domain expansion need to be even higher now the next level of scaling that I would apply and the one that I think generally is a bit more consistent is based off of character's domain expansions now for all of those who are unaware domain expansions are just basically you creating an environment through your curs energy and curse technique right so we have a couple of characters in the story namely Joo and Dagon for this specific lineup scaling were able to create pretty large constructs now Joo was able ble to create an entire mountains worth of area with his own domain expansion but more impressively we have a character Dagon who was able to create an entire island with theirs now we know that Dagon scills well below Joo Joo scills well below suca even in 15 fingers and obviously 20 fingers suan is going to be significantly stronger than that so in terms of cursed energy output and just being able to deal out damage and have high levels of cursed energy and power behind it you can get suca all the way up to like Island maybe large island level depending on where you see suca in that regard in terms of speed we know that characters like hakari are able to react to lightning from kosimo and that's basically the best scaling you can get for them speed-wise in this middle tier of scaling kosimo is able to shoot out lightning and it's basically seemed to be a sure hit because of how fast it is relative to characters in the verse so a lightning timer suo with Island level maybe a large island level AP is you know pretty good middle scale now if you want to get super crazy you want to really high ball jjk characters you can argue that they are planetary not even jjk character in general but sug specifically is planetary with light speed scaling the light speed scaling comes from his fight with kosimo kosimo is basically able to make electromagnetic waves these electromagnetic waves are a spectrum of light and Suk is able to dodge it this would mean that suca likely is at least relativistic if not light speed or maybe slightly faster than light and in terms of AP scaling this is once again where we get a little bit crazy you might even have to put on your you know your ratty scale hat here it gets a little crazy because it's based a lot on implications and statements rather than direct Feats but on the back of a volume cover statement it is said that sua at his power would be able to destroy the world now normally you wouldn't take this in its most literal sense simply because destroying the world in itself doesn't inherently necessitate being able to blow the planet to Smither right um a lot of times in anime and manga you're able to destroy the world by life wiping or destroying society as people know it right so generally speaking we wouldn't take this to mean he's planetary however we have a character Yuki sukumo who is able to create and then later on restrict a planet potentially breaking black hole um Yuki along with basically every other character in the series in terms of everything scales below sua right um but she's able to through her Mass technique create a black hole with her own life as the as sort of incendiary for it then she and another character named tenen are able to restrict the radius of that black hole so that it doesn't destroy anywhere near the entire planet meaning that potentially speaking these characters can kind of output or restrict planetary levels of ability this would back up the a statement and then we have based on his feet in chapter 236 that he's technically able to cut space existence and specifically the world itself now whether or not suken is being a little bit poetic in his verbiage is up to debate I personally think he's being a little bit exaggeratory however if you're really trying to scale suken as high as possible you can get him to this planetary level of scaling you know he's oh he stated to be able to destroy the world characters that scale lower than him are able to potentially blow up the planet he's able to cut existence in the world itself with his slash all kinds of stuff he's pretty cool um so I guess that's like the three different levels of scaling as for his General abilities you have dismantle and cleave which for all accounts is just slashing dismantle specifically is effective against objects without cursed energy and cleave is like the second method he can use that to adjust to a character's durability and then amplify it so we've seen him like slash at somebody it not go through and then he just adjusts his output to go higher he has a fire arrow ability which seems to be at least on par with like the quality of his domain slashes he has a domain expansion which is just Amplified slashing to the max the most important thing to note about domains is that the attacks literally spawn on top of you they are in the most literal sense of the word Shore hit attacks it's not so much that they travel anymore it's literally stated in the series that the attacks don't exist until they hit your body so if cars is caught within a domain You know despite his overwhelmingly higher speed it is likely that these attacks would hit and that he would at least take some damage from them now we have other versions of suca where he is is in megami's body and with this he gets access to the 10 Shadow curse technique and well all of that's all well and good the main thing that uh you need to know in regards to this is the fact that he has mahara which basically to to make a very long story short allows you to adapt to any and all phenomenon right and we'll get into that a little bit when I think we actually get into cars and how he adapts to certain characters and things of that nature but sugus kit and sugus scaling really does a lot depend on interpretation but that's the general information we can get into and I think met as me and you can kind of like now jump into sort of how these characters interact or what their abilities look like when they're actually facing off against each other so how I think this fight is going to play out is very interesting at first I thought it was going to be a wash I came in here thinking it was however the hacks are going to be playing a pretty major part here when these two fight it's going to be very interesting I overall think cars has the stats just [ __ ] nailed on the coffin like he's just way better let's be honest here like if you're scaling to jodo and then surpassing that so when they're fighting stat to stat it's going to cars I think both of us can agree I think a lot of people can just agree on that the math is math here yeah listen we we we came to the conclusion that cars is massively faster than light and in the most generous scale to sua you can at best get them to like vaguely faster than light they're they're not moving at the same levels they're not they're really not they're just not and even then even if I were to lowball it like cars is technically still faster than them he in previous States when he was just a regular pillman he can react to light and now that he's gone above that he has to be faster than light so even suca at His Highest versus ultimate cars at his lowest isn't fair so in terms of stats cars clears now we're going to talk about my favorite part of all these versus battles the hacks and abilities going at each other cuz this is probably what makes or breaks a lot of fights and in this case I think it actually plays a major factor so the first thing is the domain expansion and and aaga these abilities when they're clashing against each other are going to be interesting because cars has the ability to adapt to life for example here cars was able to get hamon after seeing Joseph use it once off the cuff cuz he just knew how to do that because he's the ultimate life form now that's kind of his [ __ ] and once he got it he had the ability to just beat Joseph down with it a hundred times more than Joseph's That's How Strong he is at maximum he is at least a 100 times stronger than a lot of characters out there at least in the JoJo universe and all the animals abilities he has in his reperat so the idea now comes into this could suca adapt to cars could cars adapt to suca this is what I kind of want to get into could the domain expansion and aaga could it be cars like could it adapt to him which if it can adapt to ultimate cars which I think it can I'm going to be very generous here I think it could suca could become an ultimate life form and the entire conversation here changes dramatically here yeah so like I I will say this I think that you you know obviously jjk fans know sukuna can take on the burden of adaptation himself by basically putting the wheel over so that any damage he takes or any strikes that he takes from Cars he can use to adapt continuously pass that adaptation onto mahara and have him cook from there um so basically you can have like mahaga be mainly Immortal not Immortal rather but like adapted and unkillable to many of the methods that cars can use so in terms of adaptation I think that like the any and all phenomena statement is just such a like all-encompassing like super crazy statement to have in favor of mahara that I would say if it just comes down strictly to adapting in the first place um I would give it to sua specifically if he has the 10 shadows in the back pocket now one thing that kind of is interesting to go over I think at least is um like one of car's abilities that you mentioned right when we when we were talking about this before recording and that's like that's like the adaptation of not necessarily just like all life forms but like specifically Life Energy um because you know I I don't want to step on your toes here but in the event he does that uh Suk is cooked he's fried it's over he's finished done for uh cuz yeah when you were describing that to me it it it was it was pretty crazy like what does he adapt to like all forms of energy and uses them himself or something so within JoJo's there is a constant debate if ultimate cars can have a stand there are versions of cars that can get a stand and a lot of people were like okay that's a completely different version of them however within the series this is where it gets a little bit interesting in JoJo's Life Energy is basically the thing that is everywhere all at once it happens with vampires it happens with STS STS are Life Energy mental energy the fighting Spirit uh collected into a physical form a ghost it gets really abstract and the reason why this matters is hamon is in that category hamon is a pathway to getting a stand and if cursed energy is anything like mental energy or psychic energy that Ronin can probably fill in if it's anything similar to that there actually is a genuine case of ultimate cars adapting slash gaining all of suk's abilities in one go or maybe his own now I'll be honest it could be just his own versions of his own abilities and then beating suca with his own [ __ ] that's entirely possible here yeah so based on the description of Life Energy and JoJo's cursed energy is like pretty similar you'll notice a pretty consistent through line in anime manga generally they make their power systems based on like mental or spiritual energy anyways and sua like cursed energy and stuff like that it is based on like controlling your emotions specifically negative ones and like formulating that into curs energy it's something that a majority of the verse has like we can only note two cases in the entire story that are completely devoid of cursed energy um and those are like seen as anomaly superhuman like beings or whatever if you if you look at cars and you say yeah he probably adapts Cur energy and there's a statement like where he's like I just output your abilities like 100 times better than you if he's able ble to then like take that to that extent with Su he's cook like it's just over for him right I I honestly think that is probably the simplest or like the most one-sided victory that you can kind of or a conclusion that you can come to here cuz that form of adaptation that level of growth that quickly would be broken like mahara can adapt to anything but it does take a little bit more time than just hey you hit me once now I now I do everything you do but better bars with aaga on top of the ultimate life form in one go would be nuts yeah that be be be disgusting bro that'd be disgusting I will say assuming that isn't the case for some reason right he just curse energy is too different or he's not able to adapt to it properly or whatever you may think um I will say that in terms of like attack potency the mid to high Bal versions of suca could damage cars um especially if you go with a high ball pretty significantly with the domain expansion agree as I as I mentioned the domain is is basically ignorant of speed it doesn't really matter it just hits you no matter like where you are how fast you are that's a large reason why domain expansions are even useful in jjk because they can overcome like massive speed differences and and things of that nature um so if cars is getting hit by like World destroying slashes the the the question just becomes can sua do enough damage or deal out enough um like significant harm to cars before he regenerates and I will say this only works with a high ball just to make it clear to so people don't think I'm I'm saying yeah sua definitively bodies cars right this only works with the highball but if you if you think think he does the same thing on cars that he does with with mahara which is essentially break him down with slashes force him to heal from it and then nuke him with a fire arrow like incinerate him then I think that is a potential wind conon for sukuna however I want to make sure that people know there are so many caveats or like Graces that you have to get suc in order to come to that conclusion that it is pretty unlikely I think the the the ratio we came up to was like it's like 80% in car's favor maybe 20% in sucas if you're pretty generous sue him the reason why it's like this is because cars just genuinely has too much for suca to handle the pillar the vampire powers the hon powers on top of every creature on planet Earth and their abilities and the hacker generation just the overpowered stats it's just way too much for suguna car's winon scenarios are just adapting to him gaining a better domain expansion and ability similar to him just to overpower him or just beating him down with his own fists like a vampire or hmone user is very very likely and there is the case where cars in a desperate scenario could eat suca and then withstand him kind of killing him why I say kind of is suk's whole thing is to be in a person's body and then just take it over with time however cars isn't Yuji or meami he is the ultimate life form he skills way above those two so like if that were to happen in a desperate case scenario cars would be fine on top of the fact that sua basically needs to one shot kill him to truly end this this fight as if a single cell is left mitosis could occur and cars would just be back ready to fight again but to be fair on sua's case technically you can't kill sukna either as you would have to destroy the curse itself to beat him permanently so like there's the whole like he's going to die physically but he technically won't ever die yeah um I I I will say I agree especially when it comes down to just like beating the body like we know sua's like vessel can be killed right and that can affect him negatively like it it definitely he can be brought like very close to death or like something so so similar to it that it might as well be that um we know that when he like quote unquote dies in yuji's vessel or whatever um like he rips out his heart Yuji comes back he dies right some unknown amount of time later suan is like so I kind of want to be alive again so let's make a deal real quick and then he just revives him right with no questions asked um and and keep in mind this is after like he's considered dead and a character like a a doctor within the story is like yeah know um like I can't bring him back right he he's dead he's gone it's over and sugan is able to Rive his fingers are known as like indestructible cursed objects Etc ETA Etc um there's definitely the interesting question of like oh well you know is sukin is Incarnation strength enough to overcome cars but that's such like we know that Suk it can be suppressed right we know that like people with strong enough vessels can hold them back or be cages for him um so in an instance where cars is like the ultimate life form with all of these like crazy abilities it's very possible un likely that suca will just live on as a part of cars rather than like take over his body in that way the only I think I think another potential wind con like a way to like effectively kill or disable cars rather and this might be the last thing I say in in argument or even in favor of sua it just his ability to slash the soul or like attack the soul I don't know if cars has um Soul resist I'll just I'll just cut in here no JoJo's I'm just going to State this now I've never stated in a video I'm going to just immediately right now there is no resistances to Soul hacks at all if they have soul manipulating abilities they're [ __ ] yeah just just insert there then yeah like you and for anybody that might be wondering we know that Suk can slash Souls because he's able to hurt mahito mahito can only truly be damaged by those who can hurt his soul which is why he's like Yuji and later noar are kind of like enemies of his and Suk is in even greater form of that he's able to just casually throw out slashes that slash like that that just demolish his soul Mao says that while his cursed energy in that form is like it's cool it's strong or whatever his soul is in his own words on another level right um so in terms of like dealing out damage and blah blah blah to the soul you can make an argument that sukka is like if he imbus it with that Soul based attack if he notices his physical abilities aren't working that might be a pretty good way to deal with cars um but like like we said it's one of those things where it is a possibility it is not probable though it's not likely to happen in that way because of the speed difference because of the hacks difference etc etc cars is just a better version version of sua at the end of the day once you start looking at it at hacks and abilities and just what they've done overall he's just better and that isn't me exaggerating either as one of the winon scenarios is Just Cars just surpassing sukuna in one go but to be fair to suca he does have winon scenarios he can one shot him if you highball him but if he doesn't do it in one go it's going to get more and more difficult throughout the fight second would be if cars were to eat him and somehow take over his body I just don't find that very likely as Ronan has basically described that cars would be the perfect cage for suca and of course there is the whole soul damaging ability which is likely however you have to go through the entire first half of this fight before we actually even get up to that point which is very unlikely yeah 100% I mean I I I couldn't have put it better myself it's just like it's one of those things where yeah if you plug your controller into sua right and you're like all right do all of the moves I need you to do in order to win yeah you could probably pull that out but like going through the natural flow of battle Su has to figure out what he's even dealing with more likely than not he's going to just lose before then so well that is going to be the end of the video thank you Ronan for showing up for this fight even though it may be a little bit one-sided but it was still fun to discuss how these abilities would interact with each other in general appreciate you having me man I appreciate you having me thank you thank you this was really fun you know nice to be on here also congrats for 100k love you brother thank you thank you bro thank you likewise man likewise uh if you like jjk subscribe to subscribe to Ronin right now you better I'm pointing at you there was I I I had to clear the 100K Mark before I was worthy enough to come on the channel so you know I'm glad I glad I passed that Benchmark appreciate you been friends for four years hey you want to make a video now yeah yeah maybe crazy yeah maybe man let's do this all right well like comment share subscribe follow me on Twitter Jay hydrated see you the next one ladies and [Music] gentlemen [Music]
Channel: METAs
Views: 406,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: METAs, META, Anime, Manga, Review, discussion, Jujutsu Kaisen, Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1, Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2, Ryomen Sukuna, Sukuna, Sukuna vs Jogo, Sukuna vs Mahoraga, Malevolent Shrine, Broken Ronin, JJK, analysis, joseph joestar, battle tendency, jojo, jjba, jojo bizarre adventure, ultimate kars, kars, kars jojo, ultimate kars jojo, How Strong Is Ultimate Kars, part 2, pillar men, power scaling, Sukuna vs Ultimate Kars Is A Massacre..., Sukuna vs Ultimate Kars
Id: _yaJ1MsS3J0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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