Why Jotaro Never Got Weaker After Stardust Crusaders

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so a little bit of context before I start the video in my last video I basically had to downplay jodo heavily for a jjk fight and I stated in that video I don't necessarily agree with the idea that jodo got weaker over time I actually heavily dislike this idea a lot because what comes with this idea is that jodo is just some weakling after part three like he doesn't matter he's a low tier he's just garbage like this whole nerfed idea is just really bad in my eyes I think mainly comes from the fact when people say nerfed or weakened they think that person is now at the bottom of the list when in reality sometimes that never happens looking at some video games for example sometimes top tier characters get nerfed but are never removed from their top tier spot and the sweet reality of it jodo was always a top tier from the start jodo has never fallen from grace and the only time he ever did was well when he was fighting something that was clearly out of his league so let's debunk this with that being said hello my name is met [Music] and I feel like where we should start off first is with part three jodro to see where he was at during this part and moving on forward with it and I will say this I'm not going to go too crazy power scaling on you guys I don't think this is Justified in this kind of argument I'm going to kind of like present a really casual and large brushstroke kind of analysis on jodo and his strength within the series kind of From aachi's perspective because from that perspective from the old man himself it reveals a lot about joro's strengths from the offset jodo is perceived by the audience and especially me as being ridiculously overpowered just like his predecessors Jonathan and Joseph he is a Goliath of a man effortlessly beating other men down pretty casually in my opinion however that is then elevated once jodo is to reveal to be a stand user with star planet here's where [ __ ] starts to get extremely wild not only is the sand shown to be extremely precision based with a high amount of speed thrown in there but also is just in terms of physical strength an absolute monster his fights with magicians red and Hier Frank green show this perfectly jodo is just physically way stronger than any of the opponents he will ever face up until the end of the series with a few outliers that's mainly backed up by the fact that when anybody tries to fight him they're usually overconfident but then immediately regret it as they see jodo as an absolute unit which he definitely is most of part three stand fights are literally just this the villain coming in thinking they're the absolute strongest no one's going to be able to defeat him the Stardust Crusaders are cooked and then immediately it's turned around as they realize jodo is just too freakishly overpowered for any of them to beat and this makes sense he's able to destroy a small portion of a building being able to destroy large Boulders effortlessly has been shown to keep up if not surpass stands with speeds close to Rel relativistic or at bare minimum be as fast as light I know those are power scaling turns but it's pretty clear through a rocky himself that this stand star platinum and droro are just supposed to be that fast it's just the fact I think a lot of people are just going to have to deal with even at a casual level and is extremely durable on top of all of that shown within the DI fight and speaking about di let's talk about anyo real quick and you're probably wondering what do you mean Anya why is she relevant to this conversation at all here's the thing that I need to prefer siize and this is pretty hyper obscure I will bring up the data book guides every so often within this video to kind of prove a point but I'm not going to nerd out about them except for this one time in the jojonium in part three for Enya at the very end about the interview about her character araqi decides to drop this line you're reading that correctly she is directly compared to the strongest stand user at the time verbatim from the author's mouth not Vanilla Ice not endu but Ena Ena is basically stated to be the second strongest person within Dio's Legion jodo beat her halfway through part three no wonder all the other characters he ever fought after her were all gimmick based he was just that physically powerful with his stand his stand power was insane jodo halfway through his own part was an end tier level character however it gets even better for him he then fights Dio who is basically just a carbon copy in terms of stats with the world two star Platinum Dio over his fight with jodo gets stronger by sucking the blood out of Joseph making him a full vampire do you know what jodo does after that he takes a page out of Gohan's book and gets a rage boost and then straight up surpasses the vampire with one of the strongest stands in the world why this is insane by the way is in part two it's basically stated vampires are just stronger than humans jodo technically speaking is just a regular human with a stand however his rage boost alone in combination with his stand basically surpasses a vampire with a stand who should be just stronger than a regular vampire to begin with so if you start doing the math drodo by the end of all of this is just a literal freak of nature there's no other way to explain it and you know on top of all of that he gains 5 Seconds of Frozen time which is just insane you know what you can do in 5 Seconds of Frozen time endlessly beat your opponent or reposition yourself so you can eventually beat your opponent once time stop ends there's a lot of things you can do with time stop that's just the basic stuff I would say jodo would use with it but I think you get the premise jodo is just overall insane in terms of physical stats and hacks however I would like to say this even when he can't physically beat his opponents down he is still intelligent enough to outsmart them a lot of the time in part three stands Have a Gimmick to them to where it kind of makes jodo and crew have to not use their physical abilities too hard until the very end jodo is one of those characters who actually thinks intelligently enough to where he can outsmart most stand users without having to use his full physical Force so you're basically dealing with a highly intelligent weapon of mass destruction part three jodo if you haven't gotten it by now is an absolute Phenom but that's where I think this problem starts to arise is because of part three and moving on forwards to Parts four and six due to part three jodo Phenom status and the lack of showings in part four and the kind of like underselling of his power I think a lot of people think he gets weak in this part actually I think a majority of people who watch JoJo think that jro gets weak in this part however that is not the fact at all if anything he is still the same level he was at at part three if not a tad bit stronger looking at the evidence here the only thing that is not in favor for jodo is the fact that he himself states that his time stop has gotten weaker over these past 10 years from 5 Seconds to a miserable half a second time stop but that's about it when it comes to negative things for jodo in this part everything else afterwards is pretty good for the guy shockingly enough I think personally one of the most impressive Feats in this part is the fact that jodo survives sheer heart attack never before in the series has jodo taken this much damage just visually looking at it comparing what happened during part three with the fight with Dio sheer heart attack does more damage to jodo and jodo is still able to sometime afterwards be able to get up and still Pummel Kira which leads us into our second statement Kira says to himself that jodo is so fast it's almost like time is slowing down with a statement like this it basically confirms the fact that jodo has always been in that relativistic SL faster than light category in terms of speed so all those Data Book guides basically get confirmed by Kira here in this statement now I'm already going to guess some of you are going to be like what about she heart attack metas jodor wasn't able to destroy it completely so he must have gotten weaker in that regard right no and this is where things get really really weird in terms of power scaling even when it comes to casually doing it from a rocki's perspective sheer heart attack and Kira in general with killer queen is just that overpowered so I'm already guessing your mouth is on the floor once I said that this is backed up in manga theum practice in an interview stated by arachi and the JoJo V Kira and Killer Queen are just that physically powerful for whatever reason making this the first time that jodo has ever been power crept keep that in mind we will be using it for later so in general using aam's Razer and the evidence we've already previously established with part 4 jodo he is as strong as his part three counterpart if not just a little bit stronger however I'm already going to guess that some people are going to be like no jod no jodo I'm I am jodo no metas you can't say that because we have the time stop problem this aam's razor solution to this whole jodo thing here in part four can't be the answer well here's the thing if we look at the lore of jodor what he was doing in those 10 years it actually supports this side of my argument pretty well we know that sometime after part three pner and jod would go on adventures looking for the stand arrows and we know damn well anytime somebody tries to find those things Shenanigans are a foot this is basically confirmed in four five and six also technically speaking all of polarus backstory in part five is because he was looking for stand arrows therefore meaning that jodo was probably fighting stand users during this 10-year time skip especially within that first year this is backed up by the fact that jodo within his fight against sheer heart attack telling kichi that sheer heart attack is an automatic stand jodo has only ever fought one automatic stand that we know of before this that being Osiris however nobody in the Stardust Crusaders actually pointed out the fact that it was an automatic tight stand meaning that during these 10 years jodo must have fought other stand users to eventually gain that knowledge jodo also makes it pretty clear that sheer heart attack compared to other automatic stands is in a completely different League of its own meaning that he has to compare it to something else that he's not telling us therefore meaning and backing up all my stuff I've said basically in this video during that 10-year time skip jodo was clearly doing some stand fight keeping up to date with his strength the only thing that he wasn't keeping up to date with was his time stop why you might say well we'll probably never find out the true reason but I can probably make an educated guess that jodo just deemed all of his physical physical strengths just better and he just didn't need to use it for whatever reason is my guess now I do also want to go over joro's intelligence and wisdom within this part just a little bit as I do find it pretty fascinating overall the biggest example of this is of course the sheer heart attack fight where jodo is slowly dissecting and analyzing the enemy stand in front of him as he's telling kichi in real time using his previous experience against other automatic stand users to guide him in this fight another one would be the fight against rats and I know automatically some people are going to be pressed about this but listen here [ __ ] the reason why he got hurt during that entire fight was because he knew he could take the chance because he had the best [ __ ] healer in the entire franchise right next to him he did all that stupid [ __ ] to ensure joske could protect morio it was all one giant test to see if the kid could do it jodo has been shown in part three to easily snipe somebody if he wanted to I don't know how many times I have to explain that to somebody and for anybody wondering about the time stop stuff being weak or whatever he can't consecutively do it if he does it gets weaker this is stated in part six Dio is the only one capable of spamming it without it being degraded with multiple consecutive uses so overall heart for jodo is still a monster even though he got slightly tweaked he isn't nerfed into Oblivion like a lot of people think for some reason he is still a monster even then in series it is still backed up that he is still one of the strongest end users on the entire planet even though he has a 2cond time stop he is still a monster let's move on to part six Stone ocean and this version of jodo and uh it kind of gets murky here at least I would say in terms of stats because they're basically is none other than standat statements the two standat statements we have for Star Platinum basically read almost the same except one is a bit more descriptive and both of them kind of read like their part four variants back in the day basically saying that he has a very long time stop during his Prime and currently right now on top of having an incredible base level of speed power and precision unrivaled within this verse we can come to two different conclusions with the information that we have currently one a lack of evidence this is basically the only thing we have within this part so there's really nothing concrete to go off of so we just have to say out of a lack of evidence we can't exactly determine J's power level within this part second we take it at face value and say he's basically the same as he was in part four however he has a longer time stop now as assuming here after part four he got a clue and said hm I should probably raise my time limit increase back to 5 seconds and for anybody wondering about you know Manhattan Transfer and his 2C time stop there that was all entirely a dream sequence by the way so it probably doesn't count anyway moving on the only thing I can speak on in terms of stats here going onward is probably his intelligence yet again he is still slowly analyzing and then slowly dissecting his opponent before he beats them down looking at Manhattan Transfer and made in heaven to the best of his ability at least in that case so we finally come to this part of the video why did part six jodo if he is comparable to part four jodo and that jodo is somewhat comparable to part three jodo lose to maid in heaven poochie isn't jodo supposed to be the strongest the fastest the ultimate stand stated in part four and part six how did he lose metas well um it wasn't because he was nerfed all evidence is pointing that jodo has basically stayed the same if not gone A Little Bit Stronger over time he basically got beat well because he was just weaker and he was out prepped basically by Maiden Heaven poochi that's just the answer of it jodok Kujo and star Platinum the world basically got power creeped out of existence to Oblivion to death it is made pretty clear by acki himself stated in series and out of Series in the stone ocean Bunko that maid in heaven was so ridiculous iously overpowered such a incredibly insane stand that oroi felt like he had peaked in terms of power system and honestly it makes sense when you're fighting characters with a finite amount of speed versus a guy with an infinite amount of speed you really honestly get your answer in full here drodo got speed blitzed twice in this fight not once twice it wasn't because he didn't use star finger or because he was nerfed or because he was old and weak no he lost because he got power creeped Maiden heaven was built to be one of the strongest stands arachi was clearly setting a precedent of how powerful Maiden heaven was he effortlessly cleav through jodo twice his AP whatever it may be if you want to casually do it or highball it being a power scaler has to be far higher than joro's durability which has to be extremely high on top of that from what we can tell time stopped was shortened quote unquote it's very unclear what the hell that meant so if anything maid in heaven has an advant AG in terms of time manipulating ability over jodo and the fact that poochie just outsmarted jodo he knew he would want to protect his daughter so he used that against him in all reality any other argument is basically trying to Huff copium poochi was just the better stand user and have the better stand it is sadly just the reality of the situation now spinning back to the beginning of the video in terms of power scaling what can you do here basically it's not too complicated just start upping the stats and it still makes sense it's not too crazy shockingly enough if you want to be one of those fans like myself the only problem I have with any of this is sheer heart attack I just I can't rep my head around the fact that oroi thinks that [ __ ] is that seriously overpowered it just it bugs me but I just have to accept that reality sheer heart attack is just crazy overpowered now with that all being said if you have any questions please ask them in the comment section and I will answer them gladly I have a ton of information basically supporting me I I have a whole ass document that I've been reading off of for this video in its entirety so yeah if you have any questions please ask me and I will give you the answer well with that all being said like comment share subscribe follow me on Twitter stay hydrated and I will see you in the next one ladies and gentlemen deuces [Music]
Channel: METAs
Views: 135,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: METAs, META, Anime, Manga, Review, discussion, jotaro kujo death, jotaro kujo vs dio, jotaro kujo part 6, jotaro kujo part 3, jolyne meets jotaro, star platinum, stone ocean, stardust crusaders, diamond is unbreakable, jojos bizarre adventure, part 3, part 6, jotaro star platinum, jotaro kujo, araki, made in heaven, pucci, jotaro, Jotaro vs pucci, the strongest stand, Why Jotaro Never Got Weaker After Stardust Crusaders, Jotaro Never Got Weaker, part 4, the world
Id: xooWcs959fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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