The Great "Onion" Strategy (Low Elo Legends)

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what have i done i didn't realize it was on arena well there have been good games on arena before uh but this will be pretty chill welcome to louis le legends 1v1 on arena this is the lowest elo game going on in the world right now which is 500 evo uh or just slightly below that we have yellow stranger danger playing in the red and playing as the britons here and then in the blue this is a player i think we've seen before on the stream anyways in louis le legends we have player 744 104 540. by the way if you call that number right now you get a free cookie so go ahead and give it a shot i'm kidding don't do that that's a very long number i don't know if the username that he wanted to take like maybe he wanted to be player 744-104539 and that was taken so he just went for the next one that's kind of what happened to me i wanted to be t1 official and that was taken t2 official was taken and i had to go all the way to t90 yeah i'm not going to speed up here uh we're going to embrace this for what it is get into the mind of the player the last time that we saw blue he took like all of his food at once he did not have the population to take all the food check this out i recall him taking two boars and all the sheep at the same time ah he hasn't changed he hasn't changed look at this okay so he's brought in a boar [Music] he's brought in a more there's three sheep that are just dead here rotting away and now he's gonna take the next boar he wants all the food i think that this guy has somewhere to be or something really you just need to chill and take your time you're making this way too difficult for yourself this is so amazing let's just count all the food that's rotting 200 food 80 food uh 20 food oh man so i don't mean to laugh to make fun i never do in low eagle legends but i've never seen something quite this drastic in louis le legends before so it's funny how low elo players are always able to give us something new um here the scouts are fighting and red is win or sorry red is losing that against blue and you look at blue this is a a little bit more conservative i guess um we do see che sheep and boar being taken at the same time but we actually have a lumber camp there's still another boar out there to take later on i guess something that blue doesn't really know and they don't really make it easy to learn as i think blue scout's gonna die to the town center ding ding ding ding ding ding ding rip poor player um the one thing blue might not know is that food does decay so if you kill something and then leave it there the food is disappearing from that okay you see how that bore is right by the wall what are the odds that red can't find it i mean i've played arena games and i've not been able to find my boar i have a feeling that red might not know it's there if he doesn't move around we'll see but back to blue's side blue now making lumber camp i like how the lumber cam's placed and then blue says i need to chop the straggler trees also blue picked tatars in that other game too i believe so blue must he must feel like oh oh my god all the sheep are being killed i think blue who's taking all the food um maybe pick sitars so there's more to eat all right hey this would be the natural oh my god all the guys guys guys guys guys guys lesson here is just take one thing at a time even when you're eating from something there is some decay as well so ideally you have three villagers on one goat then the next and the next and the next there's four dead goats here in the line yeah this would be the natural time to maybe consider taking you suck oh that scared me your videos gave me the confidence to jump online even though my heart rate goes through the roof every game i'm loving it thank you for all you do for the game and the o community roman i'm glad to hear it i i know that louie the legends could also discourage people from playing online sometimes what the what the there's a mill over here okay so player has now placed the mill here not understanding the logic behind the mill placement as blue is chopping down all the straggler trees thank you froman for the 25 that's what louis legends is about louie the legends is showing people that playing online is not that scary that there's people out there who play the game like them um that age of empires is a game where you don't have to be a sweaty tryhard all the time that's that's what low eat the legends is all about so i'm glad to help oh it's a it's not a mill for the deer it's a farm mill ah i always say when i watch louie the legends get into the mind of the player remember how you used to play before you knew things i remember how you know just maybe some people play like this nowadays but this is amazing blue doesn't watch videos he doesn't know also the straggler trees this might be inefficient but in blue's eyes they're annoying you know how is he gonna build buildings get them out of here so he's just gonna chop those down and i don't know if blue's ever planning on taking berries maybe blue's more of a meat guy meeting a crop guy but kind of like to see and i i told you no boar yet red now that could have been because red doesn't feel like he needs the second board ready but it also could be because it was hiding behind the wall it's hard to say at this elo if there's going to be one thing they're doing all the time baby he has a berry allergy thank you these are the things we don't think of these are the things we don't think of okay player is now going to mine some stone now players want to let's click the defuselage really early i wonder if we're going to see any economy upgrades because this is by no means a fast castle for either player i don't think they have that build order town okay double bid axe so that means faster wood chopping i really hope we see horse color nice okay that's good good to see also two new sheep arrive um what is that exclamation blinking in your ui um i don't see any blinking oh wait i think microsoft said that if you smell when you're ugly you'll see a blinking exclamation mark at the top right of my stream right now that's what bill gates told me when i spoke to him on the phone earlier when we were discussing something else i i don't see anything do you guys see anything i'm just kidding i think it's i think it's one of my mods isn't working or something that's that's uh been up there for a couple months for me with d.e i don't really have an answer for you it was just a joke oh oh my goodness i never thought about this idea so we've seen the legend of wall right the legend of wall hugely popular player who has since changed his name by the way i can't find his profile just passing and the legend of wall would wall in the enemy player 744104 540 is going to extend the wall or more protection i think it's funny though blue has no scouting so since the scout's dead who doesn't really know what he's walling towards um also no loom so this scout could get all the kills in the world but i think this is an auto scout let's get some autos in chat made blue needs houses already has four houses here we'll now place four houses simcity simcity maybe four houses what's red up to red still has not taken that boar has placed all the houses up against the stone walls i don't mind that i think it gives you an extra layer of protection however one thing you have to consider is what's going to happen if they try and ram you down it might sound like a good idea until they come in with siege and then you're pop capped badly because all your houses were on the front so maybe it's better to build it in the back just in case but it's not the end of the world and with blacksmith on a market buildings that will be needed to go to castle so yellow stranger danger who has the same veil count as blue what blue i mean i suppose you protect the stone but is this worth it this is like this is where all the diseased people in the town live oh no oh no he's about to get wooed by a snow leopard of all things rip yeah i don't know this is this is maybe where the gladiators duel but that's where all the people leprosy go oh my god what that we have more walls it's like um maybe he's gonna make siege in hmm if you make if you make this into a maze and then you make siege in all the little gaps it could be really awkward if the enemy tries to ram it down whoa okay all right so here we have the normal base here we have maybe this is where all uh the craziness goes down this is where all the gallows are this was stronghold i put the gallows here and uh i used to always put the gallows and all the bad stuff my stronghold base right next to my um right next to the bars you know where all the drunkards were i'm gonna i really want to play stronghold this week i'm i'm unsure uh on if i'm going to straight i don't have a scheduled stream for wednesday thursday but don't be surprised if i come on and play some stronghold or something this week lots of walls like i might do an hour to of age because truthfully i'm i'm gonna bring in more viewers that way and maybe convince some people to stick around but i don't want any backseat gamers that know build orders for stronghold we're gonna go full sim city mode on that it'd be fun [Music] yellow stranger danger i mean it's arena right you'd expect a boom so i i'd say that maybe red's focus will be on extra tc's so what's fascinating about auto scout that i need to bring up right now is once auto scout has scouted everything that's possible auto scout no longer will scout crucial areas of the map so it's not like auto scout at this point has any need to be out here because what auto scout does is scouts the dark areas and if auto scout has already scouted all of the possible dark areas otto scout will prance around in the snow like this so i don't think that red's ever going to see these walls unless for some reason auto scout moves out this is heavy investment into walling and this whole time blue has been with eight on food so all the new villagers have been going out to wall or mine stone we don't have him taking the sheep hasn't taken the deer hasn't even taken berries at this stage why yellow is intello wait what what did i lie what oh hey here's autoscalp and no no that's not autoscale okay red clicked it out here interesting all right so maybe red realized what it was up to and is now going to build town centers in the back maybe these people want to feel super safe i mean i would suggest building on a resource here would be good here would be good okay billy bk i don't care how funny that game is i can promise you nothing's gonna match this as the walls are extended it's funny some days someone says hey check out this pro game and i'm like oh yeah that sounds awesome on louie the legend day i'm locked in there is not a single pro that could ever tear me away from this more territory being gained by player 744 104 540. also oh boy it's no leopard attacks and the people are here to defend him except he's a coward he doesn't have the guts to oh did he just do that on purpose do you think that was on purpose if you build a building over top of where an animal is it will de-aggro it for a second the micro player is collecting all the stone and really has expanded a lot here i can't help but giggle at the fact that he went for a massive stonewall like in a variety of different areas but now he's going to make a house wall um has made a market in a blacksmith in the back of the town and now a tower is that to protect the relic i assume that's to protect the relic all right so we can't just wall the relic we have to make a tower got it because we don't have the stone to make more walls okay only 800 stone guys instead of just walling to the edge of the map we're going to make a tower but the tower attacks that's different look i told you this guy's exiled i don't know what he did he probably like looked at the queen the wrong way you know checked her out for a second and the king got mad the king is very merciful i think historically worst things would happen but okay he's got a mind stone because he thought the queen was hot look he's been damaged look he's 18 hp he's been damaged so obviously something went down there but would be worse i suppose oh okay and now we're going to see walls there's actually an age of empire scenario called wall builders where all you do is wall out the enemy and that's what blue is playing right now that's that's essentially what's happening did someone say that red got supplies did he actually get supplies does he want to make champions the barracks here i also see a lot of villagers at four town centers there are cheaper with britons and honestly red should never in a million years lose this game way more economy both in villagers on resources but just overall villagers blue is now making barracks as well do cumin's get supplies i don't know if cumin's get supplies feel like they don't supplies is the upgrade that makes infantry cheaper um so if that's what red wants to make long term i don't think that's a bad move i like how red is the nothing to stop the walls did scout various areas of the walls and it's manually moving the scout at this point but oh he's tatars why did i think humans i'm sorry why did i think humans i guess the um the architecture is the same now we have a relic here so instead of building a monastery safe in the back of his base blue things let's just put the monastery here i don't think that's great planning also this is really unfortunate but blue does not realize there's a hole here oh no i can see it happening i can see it happening i can see red running right around but hey that's why you wall more than once that's why he has another layer this is all extra resource whatever if you lose this oh never mind blue is double checking here oh nice hey guys do tatars get fortified wall all right these villagers are now exiled that queen must be really attractive uh monastery in the what wait a second so he made the monk from the forward monastery and now the monk has to take the journey back home oh it's a religious thing god is more ah god is more pleased with the journey i see it's a religious thing okay it makes sense makes sense okay you have to leave your friends and family you have to you've abandoned everything it's a pilgrimage exactly but i mean i guess he gets that relic faster which was the main thing why are you such a pleb caster t90 nerd jk hey you know if you say mean things you can't just say jk after it and make it all go away you know that right feelings can still be hurt thank you what's up with t90 hgs in twitch chat with where did that come from did i miss something i don't recall ever making a comment about cheese that was negative like i i love cheese and no forward town center this is this is to populate the unknown territory okay prove it name every cheese i'm not gonna name every cheese i don't need to prove my allegiance to cheese to you there's a monastery from yellow stranger danger yellow stranger danger see some relics and is that the first real attack of the game oh blue going on the offensive with the tower so here's the deal guys this is this is how deep low eagle legends think about this this isn't just a house for population space no red is trying to expand his civilization understand the ways of foreign towns and the only way that people are comfortable to expand past their comfort zone is to settle down and if you suddenly settle down then you see that there's there's arrows flying into your back window you're never going to want to expand and players already thought about that the houses are set up the people are familiar with the climate here and the terrain one villager castle it's an extra layer of defense now i am rather concerned because it's 53 villagers for player and oh that castle that castle's such a low eat little castle it's right in the corner of the stone walls and more stone walls holy potatoes all right well in the legend of wall video it was different but players do get kind of flustered when they see walls there's a lot red can do starting off with go up to wimp you know going up to imperial and an imperial you can make siege notably trebuchets would be fantastic and with trebuchets and army to protect the trebuchets you should slowly but surely push blue back blue will have three relics so if this game goes super super late advantage blue um i say this as blues making skirmishers and red has three thousand gold three thousand food and is on the way to imp making eight stables hmm so i think red just wants options i think red is the barracks red is the ranges oh yeah look at this this is cute six ranges by barracks eight stables oh yeah i forgot about this builder this is actually a classic build order it's the it's the five six eight build yeah after the 36 12 89 villager boom it's actually highly calculated but you have to delay blacksmith upgrades in order to do all that so then you have to get your blacksmith upgrades all at once after that so the downside is you have to wait three hours for that but okay no castle yet for yellow stranger danger but that's also part of the build um this is a farm bug by the way those farms are completely fine it's a graphic thing thanks to e and let's get an update on blue's economy shall we blue still has 11 on food i think is that are those additional farmers i think those are new farms it's funny how he thinks i'm fine at home i don't need more villagers here more stuff this is straight up playing for the disconnect here if you're walling like this learned a lot in only three months oh wait okay no we got got to get rid of the palisade gate but yeah you're just hoping that the enemy computer does not work well in post imperial and that it freezes and disconnects someone just called this the onion strategy oh my god that's probably the best way to explain it the onion strategy you have to peel back all the layers of the onion [Laughter] it's very it's perfect because it makes you cry just looking at it makes me want to cry so i think that's what we'll call this the onion strategy now blue funny enough with only 15 on food this entire game does have the resources to go in i'm really concerned that blue because i doubt a lot of these players have have hotkeys for some of this stuff and i think that blue's gonna struggle to find that blacksmith because it's behind the gate and the monasteries tower which looks really cool by the way i really wonder like whose job it is to to raise the flags on that i don't think we talk enough about the flag villagers or however that works maybe technology was pretty advanced i don't know but um what's the plan blue oh my god okay think about what red will have to do red will have to make siege right britain shreds pretty freaking cool war wolf trebuchets but tatar trebuchets they have more range he has a lot of wood a lot of gold and a lot of castles is he actually going to go wall and treb defense if there was ever a player that would go wall and treb defense i think it would be this player right here meanwhile red who's been in imp a while is going light calf and is now massing some trebuchets but does not know about the castle there there's so many different layers to this onion i don't i don't know enough about onions i i don't know the different kind well i know some different kinds but i don't know which onions the biggest we have keshiks okay but uh the onion has not yet begun the peeling process can we talk about how cool it is like i this is kind of out of left field but do you ever uh have an interest in anything in life you know think think i don't know do you ever have an interest and you felt like you were alone in that interest and you kind of felt like you couldn't share that interest with anyone else how cool is it now we're sitting here looking at noobs amazing noobs play age of empires and we have thousands of people genuinely interested in what what's going down here i always say get into the mind of the noob i feel like we've all accomplished that right now and there it is there it is that's the upgrade that gives the traps extra range also that gives him the ability to make flaming camels uh the other unique tech is silk armor i don't i still am not completely sure that blue knows what these technologies do but remember i saw blue play on friday and blue was picking tatar still i kind of regret it though for some people this is really interesting for other people this is like a horrible horrible car crash with multiple fatalities and you just can't look away so i i suppose not everyone is here for the same reason but i really appreciate you guys um and thanks for for letting me do what i do oh man yellow stranger danger using the defend or guard hotkey we're not necessarily a hotkey but he's commanded his habiteers to protect the traps also researching heated shot for those that don't know heated shot is an upgrade that uh increases tower and castle fire damage against ships kind of hard to use that when there's no water on this map um all right so the houses are going down blue planned for this here goes blue with the first batch of trebs if blue had upgrades on these caskets if they were elite and he had blacksmith upgrades it'd actually be pretty sick here but there's habiteers there's a lot of them with upgrades blue just he's the superior player when it comes to eco for not blue red is excuse me so more layers of walls and it was good micro from blue to realize that the trebs had to be pulled back here we now have 20 range trebuchet or not what am i talking about 18 range trebuchets no no no not the houses this is why you need no he's using trebs against light calf oh boy that's not good but you have more chances after this blue it's fine this is why you build different layers of walls i knew you should have gone with a different contractor everyone said not to trust the contractor that built this neighborhood sure they were cheap but i don't know if it was worth it um all right so now it's time for blue to fall back now he was only creating trebs out of the forward castle the first and second layer of the onion have officially been peeled now i think we'll see trebs from these castles yup yup yup look look oh and it's double the production you can't compete with that it's double trouble pal also very important thing to get apparently is uh armor and attack for skirmishers when you're making keshiks yeah it's now on to level three if you get to level six you officially win the game if you're yellow strange or danger this is no longer age of empires this is uh some other game that's a lot of houses to deal with so we'll give blue some time if blue got his upgrades telling you man keshiks with skirms could be amazing here light cab with britain's it's not the worst but it's also not the best they don't get bloodlines a lot of other civs out there get that and hussar so it's a little weird to me also red's not really mining a lot of gold there's a lot of gold out there i mean red could last for hours and don't get me started about the other resources i mean you look at the wood count of red i mean he's getting to the point where he might need to call a doctor about that one hopefully it doesn't last longer than four hours um so i guess blue's thought process was just make as much stuff as possible in these different sections so i have time to to recover we're actually going to have chemistry masonry fortified wall and murder holes all pretty relevant technologies it does apply to everything he's doing that's all coming in did anyone see if the britain player got war wolf i don't think werewolf came in if red had a king i would suggest not putting the king anywhere near the trips i know a guy who made the mistake once um no siege engineers has already completed actually he's at 16 like isn't the max range on these trebuchets 19 range after you get the timrid siegecraft yeah so he he is 16 plus three so he actually does have the upgrades oh and now there's our bless here but it's all about the traps right now the questions are pretty weak blue still cueing up the traps i i love how blue probably picks tatars just to do this i need to look at more games man the last time i saw blue play was on arabia and he just got stomped i wonder if maybe he favorites arena can someone look at his profile and tell me my guess is he plays a lot of arena oh no oh no oh no oh no blue fall back all back fall back fall back the gate is falling ho door fall back okay he plays a lot of arena 75 arena okay so he's an arena clown just a more unique arena clown okay so blue realized that the gate was going down and has to fall back that's actually the best way to counter this though the best way to counter this is just attack the gates from from really far away that's what happened there yeah blue could have been here in theory to take out these trebs but it was very risky play now everything's fortified um elite keshik is on the way for player seven four four one oh four five four oh looking for trebuchet tips just give 744-104-540 will call today it will not only give you trebuchet tips but we will throw in a few forward houses that are getting destroyed uh which is actually quite bad for blue now because blue is pop capped and blue is now going to walk past the berries that were never eaten and make wow a lot of houses how many trebs do you need for this to actually work i don't think it comes down to the amount of traps i think it comes down to the amount of patience you have still no blacksmith upgrades on the keshix and now the castle is going to go down oh man blue's going to be so unbelievably pop capped seven of his last 20 games have been tatars what other civilizations has he been picking on arena i'm just assuming he's picking tatars maybe he's not picking tatars maybe he saw the legend of wall video and was inspired look at it it's working it's working he can finally use the range he's doing it get those pog emotes going oh that is some nutty range no uh not even joking around here exaggerating i think players just click stuff in the university because he too is getting heated shot now um does have quite a few cav archers queued he's playing portuguese often really so he's pretty much doing what the legend of wall does then what he probably picks portuguese and does bombard cannon defense apparently he didn't see the co-op challenge video where i tried to use tatar trebuchets and they're garbage at hitting things can't even hit trebs here look at this he has his seven trebuchets still can't hit these accuracy is horrible what's this look like from red's point of view honestly this is pretty menacing from red's point of view oh no it's not oh no it's not oh no it's not oh no it's not oh wait a second the keshiks are there blue was this is all part of blue's plan whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa it's working this was all part of his plan what a masterpiece blue's defending the joke red game attack there red cannot attack there if blue could use those traps up against the light cav it'd be pretty sweet too i mean the micro could have could definitely be better now also when keshik's fight you earn gold and now red's going to run in the gate this is what we called you gated here on twitch he's benji gated or debated because there's half a deer's back here and let's count how many treads red can take out is sell one two three and now suddenly red has to regroup guys i can see this working i can see this working what on earth is this remember blue has three relics versus reds two so long term he'll be better off because of that um did mine through the one additional gold already still a lot of gold for red to mine so if blue does win we well that we might be here for the next three hours um i like how i like how blue said i don't need the sheep i'll even give the sheep to britain's that's how confident i am but blue seriously make more houses okay here we go yeah that that was one thing that blue would have wanted to do better what are their elos a winner here makes it into hidden cup four so pretty high up there uh they've been maintaining top 20 ranking for the past couple months it's just people don't people don't respect their strategy uh upgrade upgrades for reds also lacking red who has a lot in the queue and is that 200 pop only has flip fletching upgrade i think red should be going for heavier siege right really should be going for onager here um light calf doesn't feel like i mean it doesn't cost gold then you have 17 000 food so you can make them forever but it doesn't feel like a great real use of your population blue is getting arson because that's needed when you're sitting in your own base and not attacking enemy buildings he is getting heavy scorpion which i mean wwfd what would fat slob do fat slob would stonewall and make treps and scorpions you could go on at your scorpion trip and if you are able to stonewall the base you can make it work it's very similar to fat slop in some ways i really am not sure if red has war wolf people i guess i could check the tech tree but we really need to pay attention to how red reacts to this red's game plan is to take out the gates and then send in the light cap and while the trebs have a ton of range they're not very accurate against enemy trebuchets these guitar traps but blue is getting disheartened by this and blue is gonna back away um oh big pick off there uh t90 have you ever done any low elo legend death match um i have not i feel like with with respect to low evil death matchers out there i don't think it would be very entertaining for me because it quite simply comes down to who creates more um listen i'll tell you what you can do if you really want loyal legends death match just start watching this video from here on just skip the first hour now we're in post dimp they have endless resources and they're both spamming mp units there you go now it's death match they are missing a lot of blacksmith upgrades bagman andy i'm actually not familiar with that channel so i can't say i've thought of doing a collab there [Music] um okay so heavy scorp keshik cav archer where are these villagers going oh my god you're kidding me [Laughter] this this side's a little bit leaky all right he needs to plug the gaps he really needs to make sure i mean hey if red doesn't spot that it's just going to be that much more annoying is he repairing the gates too oh my word oh my word he's repairing everything as i well red might be getting ready type of one in chat if you'd get frustrated here it all depends on the low e low logic they're both low elo if you look 466 yellow stranger danger now this is crazy yellow stranger danger is actually higher rated or lower rated excuse me but i think player probably has the higher rating because of winning games like this whereas if it was all arabia you know player might be 200 hilo like mr gopro gambler out there i'm onager there you go now with anardry you can cut the trees and that would be epic you've seen the legend of wall video he must have faced up against people doing that enough times he would undercut to the edge of the earth and wall there as well what a legend man legend of all that chucky cheese says i would have quit by now oh man you don't have what it takes to beat this legend apparently this is wild okay um actually all the gold is gone for blue as far as mineable resources go uh in general yeah he's mine through all stone he's mined through all gold now you look at red red making a tower here that's very weird uh still has gold but it's only about 900 but 4 000 in the bank okay so relics do become important here comes red to see what's going on seize the trebs this is such a task man and no way blue after re-walling it went out tripped down red's castle and watch red red's thinking okay we broke that down i can go deal with that and red just didn't realize what was happening there and red has probably clicked his units over here and tried to click them in there i i don't think there's a hole how do you like me now well down goes that castle that where there were six trebuchets cued um and now we have yellow stranger danger attacking this piece of wall okay so he wants to break through there yeah rams would be fantastic people asking what to do here rams would be fantastic and the chokes that blue has created for himself is giving giving him problems here uh oh and now there's our blessing he's pulled the siege over but big thing for red is he doesn't have blacksmith upgrades so it's making it even worse oh my word the legend of wall 2.0 but with the twist with the power of the strongest trebuchets or the trebuchets with the most range in the game but red has broken through here the repair villagers are holding one of those gates open that's super awkward red will take out these two trebuchets and the light cap will not tell the tail again this is a traffic jam um and now the trip oh oh actually funny enough i think the trebs will survive as long as blue's patrolling i don't think he is though i don't know there's not much micro here let's be honest the units have a mind of their own but yeah he has more military all right so the keshiks work their way through and suddenly blue is full of confidence and ready to push forward when i saw the legend of wall video remember that was at 13 or 1400 even we have the one guy that you got douche guy he's walling people into palisades with a tc drop that's 13 1400 evil but low elo this stuff is so much more possible i think red is gonna lose hope right doesn't know what to do and when you attack with keshix you earn gold so a little bit of gold here there very helpful doink doink doink gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold golds and now blue will back away now i wonder if blue will be able to push forward without walls in front or do you think blue is gonna buy stone and have to build walls in front of his army every time because it seems to me as these villagers go out this way to build another layer of wall yeah i knew it oh my god this is gonna take forever that's literally five dives of space he's bought himself there i don't think his units can get through but yeah he's only comfortable fighting if he has a layer of defense in front i wonder if blue knows that you can sell wood at the market and buy stone at the market have you ever lost a game feeling like you're the better player chat not like this but just in general have you ever lost a game and said how did i lose to someone who's so much worse than me think we've all kind of been there whether we've been lying to ourselves in those instances or not i think we've all been there uh and i think yellow stranger danger might might feel that if this game is lost but [Music] think straight halberdier now granted there's still defense upgrades missing but only halbadeer should be pretty epic here because the keships don't have any defense or attack upgrades or bloodlines i don't believe just passing okay for blue it's all about getting space right to expand the walls uh hello are you fighting are you what's the deal here blue um well i mean if blue never engages then all of his keshek will die hey click them over here maybe he was trying to get back in or closer to the cav archers maybe lee keshik's doing a pretty good job you'll see how blue's clicking units probably not patrolling but the keshiks are doing work and they they don't really but they they almost pay for themselves because you're killing that many units hmm does blue have loom uh good question yes yes blue does have loom and here comes blue now to expand the walls this is gonna take forever he's building the onion back up i didn't know onions had the ability to to regrow their layers oh and staples oh that is sneaky eight of them too oh it's the same amount they know the same builder oh it's never mind it's way more for red okay so that let's throw that joke out of the window guys blue has an extra relic and clearly has no faith in his or her abilities in open space because the home map is arena and oh my god oh this is so epic but red why did you have to wait till now and why are you going the absolute longest way red is trying to undercut the whole way around the map oh please tell me he can hold on please tell me he can hold on this is gonna take forever oh man this is he's already been doing this for a long time props to chad for pointing that out oh please please let this happen uh players just researched bombard tower but player doesn't have the stone he must be buying it now because he has 600. for red i mean quite obviously at this point realized that middle is not an option to push um and i think red will lose ground which is quite dangerous lots of production buildings lots of houses but if blue takes as good old time as blue is now getting did blue just click elite step lancer blue did click lead step lancer interesting um again with no upgrades from the blacksmith whatsoever and heavy cav archer well yeah if red has the time to keep on your cutting through this could be amazing that clark says this is the game of my dreams i haven't even dreamt of a game this good because the thing is this this never happens because people are too freaking good nowadays they you don't do anything in the middle for long enough and then you get stomped right so this is rarely an option but yellow stranger danger is halfway there i don't know if yellow stranger danger is living on a prayer but i do know the low elo brain someone resembled earlier and said that their heart beats a mile a minute when they play can you imagine red right now like i hope he doesn't see me hope he doesn't see me i hope this works i hope this works i'm gonna email it to t90 i'm gonna send it to his business email even though he said on youtube countless times please don't spam me with with games i'm gonna do it anyways because they'll make an exception for me that's right that's right he'll make an exception for my game oh let's go let's go let's go um what does he send it's got to be light cap then right actually sending in the light cap here this is a really awkward bunch of units to fight just britain light cap cav archers with decent ups hesics step lancers scorpions yeah the light cap should get mopped up there every single time but we'll see what blue's production is like we'll see how much gold blue has i think blue has spent so much gold buying stone here goes red now red has more in the queue has not really set any gather points for any of his buildings actually um i think straight how like hal like kev if you have 50 helps 50 like have it still does kind of well against us but you need to have a constant cue blue has moved forward red is still so far away i went from thinking i'd be so happy if blue won this game this way but i think almost all of chat has gone from rooting for blue with this wild strategy to rooting for red to make this happen like can you imagine oh it'd be so cool and it would make me so sad if red doesn't at least get to focus on that and get through in time red didn't forget about his owner he's being attacked he's nervous there's a lot to focus on here that's the thing like focusing on this and also doing everything else is not easy it does have 7 000 gold oh the onion is almost healed for the first time in months and also officially i could be wrong on this because it's post him but i'm pretty sure blue doesn't have maybe he has town watch right he probably has let's look for a house yeah maybe he is town watch but he doesn't have town patrol so i don't think he's gonna really see this funny enough there's some lumberjacks over here but blue's not paying attention to that blue thinks the game is one at this point and honestly it might still be it might still be one because red has to send light cav the whole way around here are the scorpions not really fighting the like half not really fighting the halberdiers not the halbs not being in the queue is is the problem can red delay this big snowball of a push red's focusing down some trebuchets which is a very good sign for him this is actually a solid fight for red it only has 30 000 food so i'm not sure if he can continue to make more light cap i need to consult someone who's better with math but these stables i believe are the raid stables and red now will try and bypass the almighty onion multi-layer walls with a raid soon and it could just straight up blue i mean the relics could be out of the monastery blue would have to pull his forward attack back home this is not pretty and at the you know we could have the most epic base trade ever actually if red takes down this gate and runs in red you gotta pay attention oh he's lost houses that's bad red is building more houses in the back now very similar to what blue had to do earlier also the bird caught on the edge of the map a sign that this game is going to be good red is focused on the things at home red you've got to look forward now you've got to look forward you've got to focus here is it too late now blue is no longer using the trebuchets when only behind stone walls probably because he cannot afford to make more stone walls i'm not sure what's happened here but the light cap are bugged out as the one tile gap no come on red come on red everyone say go red with a smiley face in chat right now you guys don't realize this but you have the power to influence games in real time watch i told you i see did i not tell you this is live did i not tell you okay he's now paying attention the light cav taking a a reasonable fight but still the kd is horrible he has gold to spend he really should be making marvel last it's it's because the r bless died before and now his ranges are going down he didn't get the upgrades oh boy he's about i'd say five no no what am i talking about eight to ten hits away from being through i'd love to see him use these stables cue them up right into this choke and start sending units through but still heavy focus on defense and the fact that blue has halved in there is helping him so much right now even without the upgrade talbot ears massive help bus cashing earning him some gold with some of these fights just so many units from blue okay say go red again chat you know the deal they go red smiley face go red smiley face thank you i appreciate it as does he there he goes he's getting there he's moving he hasn't queued anything yet and i'm actually going to go to blue's point of view here now listen listen from blue's perspective for a second listen listen will blue react to that i don't think so you had you'd have to be looking at this part of the screen at this time and there's just no reason to that's not him reacting right that's him that's him finishing a tree okay now is red oh here comes the siege here comes the light cap oh my god this is so crazy this is so crazy but like defend yourself my friend let's go chat if you were sub to this channel this is when the t90 go emote should be used this is what the let's go is all about let's go oh man what a ridiculous game it's a hundred it was just 169 pop versus 196. come on also red you should be a bit more stealthy and stop using the attack round here um but yeah blue blue will never reboom i i refuse to believe that blew a reboom at this point blue thinks that this is an an impenetrable impenetrable base smile blue thinks he's got him oh man blue has so many units too i didn't realize that look at this look at this his forward attacks could be so much more convincing we have to wait for the villagers and the siege um and also the owners are going back the wrong way um all right that guy's just gonna stop and chop a tree now i guess red wants this surprise to really count for a lot oh yeah that that helps all right and the trebs are here so the trips could attack the castle and now is that blue reacting or did the units just spot the light cav and start going that direction box formation skirmishers from blue as he's also gonna trap down everything red has who wins who wins what is this red is is also dying at the same time and we have the town bell from red at least but red is going to be badly pop capped uh blue will lose that castle the monastery could also go down if blue does not react as will the houses because red clicked the houses i guess since red is getting pop capped he thinks that you should do the same t90 fine t95 um i think blue is still winning here even though red has the gold it's just red can't focus on doing everything that needs to be done right now but here come more light cav as the siege workshops will go down the monastery is a pretty big deal though looking at the hp here kind of feel like it might be i mean it's certainly possible for red if he makes archery ranges and houses and makes archers but as blue's gonna make forward houses red has villagers here losing those villagers will mean he'll have more military pop space um update on the houses for blue blue's house situation is still decent the light cap from red here need to engage soon i love how blue's building forward houses that's actually amazing he must realize now that some that bad things have happened over here he's he's farming forward yeah look at this he's relocating my base is yours your v your base is mine here comes red but but the thing is blue doesn't have any defense for this so he'll lose everything in the back and then red also doesn't have any defense for this what the i would die if they both start building town centers in the enemy base and they just switch sides i used to have three relics now you have three relics i used to have two relics like whoever had the most relics with flip-flop the ecos would flip-flop everything would would flip-flop okay we've knights now from player going after the traps that won't be enough he might get one or two but it's the pop capping that's really damaging red right now but again when he loses villagers it actually gives him more population space for light to have and blue is not microwaving here no you're kidding me you're kidding me he is mainly skirmishers in this force oh my god he's like however gonna own here if red is cute he's like have should could do quite well long term i think oh never mind that's like 60 skirms hand cannons and knights full panic mode coming back to take out the trips blue's still not pop capped still has relics thought it'd be better for red but wow it looks like maybe red can't do this 8 000 gold 8 000 gold and making light calf no red make your own onion that's what you do right you make your own onion you you run through you wall [Music] blue making skirmishers they do one yeah they do one damage to the light calf this is why i felt like the like kev would own there it's 150 pop for blue who still has a lot cued and it's only 80 or 90 pop for yellow stranger danger who still has resources oh my god it's happening [Music] no blue spotted it or maybe didn't spot it but we'll deny the town center no [Music] red actually has to delete walls and houses because he has to go out this way red needs to defend right now with the light cap uh these light cav will go in after the trebs though props to these players their micro and queuing is actually pretty good for their elo would you guys agree hey look at red i would have gone for the trebs first as a guarantee but um sniping the forward villagers come on get the trap i just said your micro is good get the trip all right well i'll take it back um whose house situation is still good blue still with relics red does not have relics blue is probably going to steal these relics i think red has sent villagers over to finish the town center i don't know where he's going exactly never mind but yeah the situation is still manageable for blue it is much worse for red and so the chop through i don't think has been enough in what was an unbelievable ridiculous game looks like blue walled themselves in i thought the strategy was to all in your opponent well you live and you learn look at the resources for a second look at the winning players resources now look at the losing players resources if he can keep bills alive he can still easily come back he just he really needed our blessed in this game and he made some but he missed so many blacksmith upgrades come on red don't resign would you guys agree that it would not be bm it would not be um poor form from red to continue here with these resources i think while when you have low pop you should eventually get to a point to call the gg but here i think you can continue now if he can fit town centers back here oh and he's making another auditor you can't make this up so blue is gonna have to somehow run down this way to raid red's eco update on blue's economy blue has 15 farmers zero lumberjacks three relics maybe five soon blue actually is running out of resources okay red create more bills and just get more space yeah get more space for building oh the great comeback is on the great comeback is on also making like from these stables something that blue does not see blue making a new town center red needs to wall this area up just in case blue thinks of raiding that way i don't think blue's thinking about it i think he just cued units and forgot um also what in the how long has this tread been here if that has werewolf it should there's fire a random trap next to the keshiks and the kashuks can't see it so there's actually not space for town actually there might be a space for a tc right here isn't a tc 4x4 you could place a town center there what do you maybe it's intentional that he's house blocking this off i think he really needs to get oh [Music] oh oh oh oh no listen just wall it up this is like uh you know cutting off a limb so you don't get diseased in the olden times just wall it up and just just forget about this area all right oh god blue's definitely paying attention yeah you can still survive if you cut off this limb just build a gate here a tower from blue i don't understand why one bombard tower okay um here comes the onager the treb's still there manager does some decent damage but still pretty tanky cav archers i also just realized the red doesn't have loom i didn't pick up on that until now [Music] so the only thing red's changing is the fact that like are coming out think red i mean i give red credit for continuing to try here and i really want the comeback but i just don't think red has the mentality to be able to come back i i mean that i say that respectfully because it would take a real for a low elo player it would take a real god to be able to fight back from this position we will now see wait a second does blue have any trebs blue okay expected walling up blue actually doesn't have a single trebuchet which means that blue will not be able to take that castle down also i like how there's a one tile gap so red could still run in there with stuff archer ranges oh my god if we see a blacksmith that's a sign that this is possible this looks like a community game also there was stone here the whole time which was never mine so that that just extended the length of this video for about about two hours [Laughter] oh god because there's the onion's going to be much bigger this time so buckle up we are one hour and 55 minutes into the game if you add up the total ville counts for both players who are great late game macroers it's 50 bills 50 villagers between the two of them as we now see elite longbowmen elite long moment that's how to spend your resources sure they're really slow to create sure you need castles to create them but you've got a castle it's the most intimidating unit he's been using rangy trips i'll use rangy archer thrower things now see some skirms too i mean again with blacksmith upgrade skirm like kev longbow it's better than everything that we're seeing from blue blue's using he just clicked the stables with skirms there he probably just went poop and right clicked so those skirms are dying right there red is still trying to use this corner to build houses blue does have all five relics you just got here this is the lowest elo game going on right now blue walled with six or seven different layers and for a while there would only fight when using trebs behind his walls felt confidence to push in towards red's eco red oniger cut the whole way around the outer ring and blue is now protecting that though he doesn't what little eco he has doesn't get attacked again but i think as red is massing now we're about to see red with the same population as blue you're not far off from that and the one thing i'll say while there are upgrades missing for red with the range only having fletching red does have full armor upgrades on the archers so in particular the skirms are going to own and the long bows um he only have nine range what a shame he's rebuilding houses here he really needs these villagers to chop wood oh wow um he also needs to uh undercut this area ready like when i say red's gonna do something it happens um remember blue could have run through here a long time ago red just made a tower though here go the long boats i i think this is a perfect spot for a town center [Music] you can fit one there [Music] that's a lot of skirmishers 38 skirms and that's like like a hundred something like half blue has long-term eco now so a while ago i said he'd run out he has five relics for gold also has lumberjacks and farmers red does not have any lumberjacks or i lied sorry has some lumberjacks but does not have any farmers well it still has 5 000 gold banks still has the potential to get the relics back still is 9000 food banks so bows against scouts and helbadiers well i mean upgrades are missing but the longbows should do pretty well there keep in mind longbows only have 40 hp though they don't kill things they do die pretty quickly it's 190 pop for both what a game man what a game um thank you very much astimus for the prime surnomer for 25 redo twitch for the 20 months it was not for the support of these subs i wouldn't be doing freaking low either legends i wouldn't be here thank you guys um this game would never been seen if it wasn't for all of you guys out there i wouldn't have even been able to tell you pre-de that i'd ever be doing something like this and absolutely proud to be doing it yeah the boar is still there i noticed that earlier um what's funny is is a raid here doesn't really hurt blue except for the relics if red gets those relics that'd be hilarious because remember at one point it was red who had two and then it was blue at three and then that would flip-flop that there's a castle now for player who i think is still buying stone what's the price 266 gold by a hundred zone so maybe use did mine some of that but look at blue's point of view he thinks red is dead he doesn't as far as he can see red only has 50 pop this is that's what's amazing about this he sees maybe 30 military units he doesn't see any villagers but little does he know red has stuff everywhere and here come those longbows and here comes red behind it red really wants to get a town center over here maybe some production buildings fight in the tunnel now meanwhile red is going to need these houses are going to be taken down i like how blue is healing up his units that's cute blue might need to send something back here to deal with this rambo normally i would this would be a legend video but this is both players have done legendary things here so this game this is definitely one where i won't put loie legends in the title just because it's so special it will still be part of the playlist but this this is in its own category i mean red's determination someone said a while ago i would have gg'ed i would have resigned and read still fighting and he fought back from 40 pop to 200. and now he's town center dropping this woodline and attacking the gate what's blue's reaction to this it's funny how blue made these walls to make it awkward for the enemy to to get through to his base but now it's awkward for him to get back to his base and here comes red out of nowhere look at blue's point of view blue's gotta be freaking out it's full-on panic time now for player 744-104-540 suddenly you're getting oh god no oh god you're kidding me this is why you don't click buildings with well the longbows are all dying over there but anyways back over here skirmishers and like have it's going down blue in full post-imp dm mode cueing up what he can still wish red hat upgrades doesn't have upgrades which isn't so important there's a bombard cannon in there oh no that's a bombard tower i heard skirms doing work here over here the town center's been garrisoned and here are more longbows yeah just make a siege workshop don't uh don't play that little game but you click a gate guys blue has more population blue has more eco if red had bracer if he had bodkin if he had bracer i think very differently this whole situation fortunately his range units not doing enough damage then again blue doesn't have any defense or attack upgrades on the alps but helps her a pretty sick unit also as i've talked about long-term eco it is better for blue because blue has relics and because blue has some economy now what red really needs is to get some trebs over here to trap down the castle in the tower because he really needs to break this position so he can breathe again and blue oh my god what a play this would be britain cav archer's at one treb that treb if that treb takes that castle out that might actually be one of the big keys for blue to win this game 1098 kills for blue make it 1100 in a second red needs to react and red is not reacting here no patrol not sure blue's even patrolling blue is paying attention to that at the time and we also have a siege workshop from blue who he's just making a magnel no monitor but even that will be pretty good it's 75 pop versus 105 pops of both players struggling who's actually researching auditor now red i think i mean he stopped the queue and i think he might be microing over here right now he seems really distracted whereas blue also stopped skewing a bit but did take out that castle that's huge yup so you look at red desperate to take out the treb too late and cav archers oh it's such a waste of gold and such a poor unit with britons too and no red don't do this make siege units oh guys never ever make this mistake at home thing is your longbows they'll automatically attack the enemy buildings if you sit them next to an attack stance and then if units arrive and get anywhere near those longbows the longbows will prioritize the units but if you give them the command and say sir you must attack that gate they will do that to the death if they have to that sums this game up right there that sums this entire game up right there oh man blue i mean the guy's making knights and camels he has elite step lancer and elite keshik he refuses to make ketchup and uh step lancers he's gonna make the units he hasn't fully upgraded and whoa whoa whoa counter attack time red forgot he had this treb here for about an hour and the knights have no upgrades sneaky trebuchets blue probably has just clicked those traps and blue is sending villagers this way i assumed a wall something he's done a good job of in this game i think the treble go down and the castle stay up red's no longer it doesn't look like red believes in the dream anymore you know i i hate to see someone give up on life but i think that's where we're at now red please please remember these games are going down live it's okay i was gonna say please ready just just call it and don't be the guy who who delays this for another hour wow well props to him for for not continuing to drag it on any longer in theory he could have tried that reboom but if it didn't work uh that heroic time with the cut and the sneaky longbows then he probably would not be able to do it what a game the lowest elo players playing online right now and they delivered and then some 1168 units killed by player 744104 540 who apparently frequently picks tatars and arena he also picks portuguese on arena i want to investigate this player i'm not saying i'll do it now but since i'm doing youtube content later this evening i feel like it's probably a good idea to investigate his profile because if he plays like that with guitars my guess is he might also make vittorios and play legend of wall style with portuguese um all right no he didn't play on an xbox he didn't play on an xbox it means he's using the microsoft store 90 000 food collected and this is interesting more wood stone and gold collected by blue relic gold paid off though that was 6 thousand additional gold there that wasn't the difference but i also think blue expanding with early walls cool series if pro players took over loello legends games at 30 to 40 minutes point and if he if he hadn't walled he might have been pressured by these supplies which we never saw real use of but blue's whole strategy at the start was just to section off quarters of the map make it awkward for red to push oh my god what a timeline so i have a question for you guys in terms of skill right i'm not talking about winning the game i'm talking about mechanics the things you need to do uh upgrades eco fighting things of that nature which player do you think is better of the two of them if you had to pick one let's say it's an arabia game so an open map which person do you pick we have a lot of people saying blue right now i think if it's an open map blue just gets stomped but i also think that blue's late game prowess was really good i mean red we'd be saying the same about red if the if the uh little cut through would have worked red don't know basic counters exclamation mark okay and you think blue who made trebuchets and sat behind walls new basic counters i mean that's far from basic actually that's advanced counters he did make helps he made keshiks he made knights he made can i don't think that either of them really knew actually i i just think that it was a grind and a half see i think that this is what i think really ruined the game for red do you guys remember that moment where he lost all his arms so he lost all of his arboles i know half the people who are here right now were not here for that moment he lost him to scorpions now he lost him while he was distracted but he also didn't have the blacksmith upgrades on them um and that matters a lot so i think in red's eyes he was thinking about going archers and then the archers died and he said well those things aren't very good i guess i won't make them right instead of realizing why aren't they good oh i need to get upgrades so he'll rewatch this and he'll just be kicking himself like crazy but blue also didn't have any upgrades on like no blacksmith upgrades on infantry or cav it was fighting um was fighting with bloodlines and that's it i mean so it's not as if i i can't say that either did a really good job in those areas a game though what a game i salute and chat for both of them i love how player has the absolute audacity might not be the best with the fast castle times um might not really be the type of person who normally would be expected to play online but blue said you know what i'm going to pony up and i'm going to play my way and my way is on arena and dragging the games on with mass amounts of stonewalls and then yellow stranger danger i think didn't know what to do got extremely overwhelmed by the task and spent a very long time on ager cutting around the trees when a lot of other people would have just gg'ed so props to red as well because it would have been so easy for him to say you know what i'm not going to waste two hours on this this is not worth my time it's not worth some fancy-schmancy internet points i'm out of here and he continued to play so uh wow what a game now if you saw this on youtube this is still low evil legends technically i have no clue what my title is going to be right now maybe people on twitch can give me an idea but we do lobby the legends on tuesdays if you ever want to stop by i can't promise it'll be quite this crazy but this player guy has been playing a lot started playing in september and as you can see it's played like quite a few games every day over the last week so i i'm so tempted to do it on stream but um but yeah look arena incas didn't work out arena portuguese didn't work out arena portuguese did work out arena portuguese i wish i could see how long these games were they've got to be really really long holy moly cutting of the onion the onion king yeah the onion thing is pretty funny i don't know i'll think of ideas but yeah i hope everyone on youtube enjoys that i will be rewatching that later
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 229,474
Rating: 4.9005823 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, AoE2, AoE, Age of Empires, Age of Empires 2, lol, lul, funny, haha, wow, LEL, Low Elo Legends, The, Great, Onion, Strategy, The Great Onion, Walling Entire Island, WTF, Arena, Lowest Elo Game
Id: S94rsRJ6pI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 0sec (5280 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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