Teuton Scouts!? Low Elo Legends #26

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profiles and now when i'm doing low elo legends i'm trying to really look at the profile because i think the more you know about the player the more interesting it makes the game so this is 680 elo for both however andy3451 has played over 700 games and then oh has played 42. so my guess is o is a classic player because two tins oh pick twos back when i was a kid i thought tootins was the best tip in the game why because what other sif gets capes yeah that's right capes are epic and also free murder holes and some other things so we have oh in the blue playing as the tunes and then in the red we have andy3451 playing as the britons again this user has played 700 games has this user played 700 games to eventually get competitive enough to qualify for hidden cup four i don't think so i think this user played 700 games the way andy wanted to play 700 games and it looks like the way andy plays the 700 games is to kill all the sheep a bit away from the town center all right that's fair got the three house start going on as well good stuff we got some waypoints being set with scouting good good good um andy does what andy wants is shouldn't that be shouldn't we all aspire to just do what we feel like on any given day oh god no no we shouldn't because we shouldn't kill more than one sheep at the same time apart from that yeah that's a pretty good motto i suppose but that hurts to see blue all right six on sheep as the opening should be cheap underneath the tc one at a time for blue so maybe blue is more of a player who i don't know has seen a few videos seen a few build orders now three to wood maybe a fourth will come soon i like it i like it i like it uh tutuans do have a weakness tootins tend to struggle against civilizations that get a lot of archers in castle age and that would be britain's so i have to keep an eye out for that one uh t90 have you seen capture age preview i have yes i have seen it i do have access to it how bad is it actually did spirit of law calculate how much you lose it's it's especially like something you should avoid nowadays uh if you you know it depends on the player but it's especially something you should avoid if as well as building mills far away from berries i love andy though andy just doesn't care what people think andy plays how andy wants but now nowadays when command q exists and you can just like hold shift and click the next sheep to line it up to to move to the next one after you finish one it's something that is more avoidable than ever i suppose but trust me i i don't know the exact numbers but i'll be honest i don't care about the numbers i i go by feel and i go by what i've seen when it happens and it really does set you back ready so if you can avoid it if you can avoid the walking time all those things you should do it but for a lot of people it's it's something that like whatever difference it comes out to be it's not a big deal for them in the end but i feel like andy's doing all the things that low evil legends have ever done andy so far is like the ultimate low evil legend we have straggler trees being chopped mills and lumber camps far away from resources ready more than one sheep at a time and picking britons but continuous production is very important as someone just pointed out very good points lou uh had a little mishap i think with the production just because the boar was coming in that's what i'm curious on i'm really wondering if andy's going to bring in a boar oh wait yay there's our answer and the boar will be brought to the mill ready all right i'd like to talk about something that maybe i don't bring up as frequently as i should in low elo legends i think yay greyton if we were to get statistics from the people that play this game watching on youtube yay i would say that more people probably lower their bores this far out and next to mills then and more people get housed and more people play like andy then like blue would you guys agree on that yeah i feel like all the little things you try and do as you try and improve on age oh god oh god oh god i guess this word oh is there and he's going to have to add god after this garrison garrison garrison garrison oh oh weak villager i just feel like a lot of people play the game like this and i don't want people watching low either legends and like feeling down about themselves if i go oh that's not good you know yeah it's not ideal but andy's keeping bills producing and overall it's not it's not the worst like if you don't have a build and you can't really care to learn that what's the one thing you want to do it's keep villagers producing at all times and they've both accomplished this while one seems to be sticking to a bit of a build order and the other is not thanks to loie the legends i just took the step and played my first online game thanks ipa won in chat if that was also you at any point throughout the last nine months that's the one thing i'm probably the most proud of with low either legends not that it entertained people but that a lot of people started to play online because of it all of you i feel like people are exaggerating i don't know if that's the case but that's really cool i get nervous to play online i'm too much of a try-hard says riot act that's fair um i i feel like a lot of people get nervous as well yeah i played a lot of games online and the only game that has given me like crazy amounts of anxiety when i like first started playing ranked was age ready i don't know what it is i think it's there's so much that's unknown whereas with like other games you have like a general grasp on what you should do but you might not be able to do it with age it's like oh god like there's thousands of factors here it always depends what is this a mill okay i actually really like this um you might think well you know he's got to invest into the mill and then that's villager time wasted out there but no i really like the idea of milling deer i think you should mail dear more frequently than people watching instead of trying to be a pro and push in the deer so 30 villagers for blue and oh i'm sorry okay i was going to say that doesn't make sense no it's 20. i thought it was a three for a second my little brother is really good but he gets so triggered when he loses so he doesn't play ranked 11. i feel like that's a lot of people yep i think it is as well like it's good to have like some people just can't work past that right so you have to know how you are as a person so if you're the type of person who it's like it takes such a toll on you it's not worth it then just you know don't put yourself in that situation as much for me i'm someone who can have quite a bit of anxiety so it depends on the day for me how i feel and react to situations and age um i also have a great deal of experience now so i've like kind of worked past some some more like tilty years oh a tower from andy okay and uh you know i have a lot of experience and also helps that my level is higher now but but it's almost like the more you know the more you can find things to get frustrated with so andy's going fast castle one villager on stone this is a decent fc time i don't think that andy's gonna be able to accomplish much with being in castle age but the tower protects the wood and the gold uh we'll recover the stone invest into the tower soon whereas blue is still in feudal creating villagers what's my elo 2k is my elo and now we got stone walls so problem with trying to wall arabia is that it's very open and it it's like if they attack you at all you're probably going to have villagers exposed but that's only a problem if red's gonna do anything offensive i struggle to think that red's gonna do that i say that as red's building another defensive tower hmm on berries i found it very difficult to go above 1400s yeah i mean i've seen 1300s play recently and i was shocked at how good they are and then like you know for there's still to be a 700 elo gap between what i saw on myself is just like there's so many i'll get around to doing it one day but an idea i have is to do to have a bit of a series i don't know what we'd call it but if we had let's say you start at 800 elo okay an 800 elo player plays against an 800 e low player we cast the game then the winner of that plays against a 1 000 evo player cast the game then 1 000 needle player plays against 1200 evil player and 1200 1400 1400 1600 1600 1800 1800 2k 2k 2k2 and then you do 2k2 2k4 or basically like top 20s and so in those games the higher elo player would probably always win with the exception of maybe the 2k versus the 2k2 because i feel like like using my own games as experience i probably lose eight out of every ten games against two k2s but i can win like one or two there but anyways you can just compare the differences in the decision making um so andy just wants to play defensive with a few towers and boom i guess i do have some concerns though because i don't think andy sorry we don't have any like fancy overlay here to really tell i don't think andy has good eco upgrades at all i'm not even sure horse collars ends these farms might not last long losing will be embarrassing well you'd have if you're gonna participate in that you kind of go into it knowing you're gonna get smashed right i don't know horse collar's hand okay that's good so two tcs cheaper ntc's maybe keep a few villagers on stone for defensive towers um i'm not i'm not a very experienced guy when it comes to starcraft can you guys tell me if i'm correct on this doesn't starcraft have something similar to a tower and isn't it a bit more common to go defensive towers than starcraft again i could be way off base here i am undefeated in starcraft i've only ever played two games and i've won both so greeting best starcraft player in the world confirmed canon rush wait it's a rush though it's not defensive or could it be either turret ah that's what it is turret okay gotcha yeah i remember can be either gotcha all right all right fair enough thanks so later castellates for blue but blue's going to be able to accomplish something with it spreads on two tcs though and will and will continue to extend the building so overall credit i don't hate it for andy i feel like andy wants to make one unit and one unit only and that is the longbow already on stone another tc on stone oh yeah andy likes longbows andy wants longbowmen what elo do you think people that beat xtreme air um ah thousands i think i've had thousand elo people say they beat the extreme ai in 1v1 i'm 1200 and i can beat extreme yeah just say 1100 beat extreme okay come on datum yay if you've beat the extreme ai in a 1v1 say you're what your elo is right now one 1000 elo can't do it i already beat it and i'm around a thousand yeah i think it's around a thousand this question has been asked before banded arms now what what handed arms andy andy why why are we going mad at arms what have we seen actually we've seen very little i like how they both have the scouts protect oh my god oh my god what is a wall that is that is so many palisades holy cow and it's like you got stonewalls on the left side but oh the golden stones forward so we got a palisade wall that one i guess maybe he doesn't want to use that much stone i'm 1500 ish on hd and can do it but was told here now that may translate to around 1100 on de yeah yeah if you're a 1500 on hd you're probably like a thousand or eleven hundred on d yeah second tc for blue i don't love it i don't hate it truthfully the hills make it awkward but i'd like to see it next to a resource um wow big bill lead for andy like massively yeah his strat was just go castle play defensive and get a bunch of dc's up and i suppose it's it's a decent strat at an elo where players aren't very aggressive right that's no joke second barracks now for andy though yay why the man at arms nice that's awesome yeah in the 2v2 world cup there's going to be some stacked teams and uh keep in mind in the 2v2 world cup that there can be more than one team from each country right so someone talking about brazil and twitch that right now like brazil could have like three or four solid teams i think the best team from brazil is probably going to be miguel dogel um i know they're really motivated for it too but greyton yeah there's going to be so many solid teams for the 2b2 world cup why do you hate out and exclude him from the tournament much love hey listen i can't help the fact that the second best serbian player is probably 1200 elo i i i can't do anything about that that's on dell you know he's been around for 20 years he didn't recruit anybody come on i mean it would be really funny for doubt to sign up ready with the second strongest player in serbia i don't know what that ends up being truthfully like what if they took what if they took a couple games you know worst case scenario they go to the silver league because the teams that don't make it to the mainly no way 700 games no loom lion kills a villager 700 games no loom no loom boom greeting all right but another villager will go over there that's like uh never mind so we've got i think this is the army of options from andy i thought andy wanted longbows but no andy's made mad at arms and he's making skirms and he tucked into pikeman and is also getting scale barting so andy's just gonna make the ai army comp in just a little bit of everything meanwhile over here um and two tc's 48 villagers for 56. we've got ourselves a close game we've got ourselves a close game now what unit do tunes have that's very good against trash units and against like mixed army comps teutonic knights and blue has only played 40 games my guess is blue is like on the newer side has recently returned to the game and loves twotins and their teutonic knights so we might see as there's already one castle there and soon to be a second teutonic knight and blue is on the way to imp now britain should probably go full arms against tunes uh only gets really dangerous when tootings get like c john your bombard cannon really tough to get to that though i don't think you should be going trash unless you have to go trash but who am i kidding andy's like i don't i'm not gonna scout i don't know what he's gonna do i just gotta make a lot of stuff and hope that my stuff beats his stuff no imp for andy because andy's investing in so much military and upgrades too andy's got defense upgrades on the skirms on the man at arms on any knights that might come out and knights are coming out and now we've got a tc over here so side base one villager on the right side base one villager on the left there's a theme here uh cocktapus uh why'd i say that uh thank you i didn't get into the free football thing what world is this who am i who did i anger at microsoft this is an outrage i demand satisfaction come fight me billy gates listen faryan microsoft came to me they said listen we need some people from your community to participate in this weekend event we want the nicest people we can find we want the least competitive people we can find because we just want this to be a good experience and you know who was at the top of my list you i i said listen this guy he's nothing but a stand-up guy he's he's one of the nicest players he'll never create drama within discord or twitch chats and he never loses his kings and they were like really doesn't sound like the type of person we want so for whatever reason i don't know if they checked into you but i'm sorry uh you'll not be there on saturday thank you for the five dollars though but anyways a user named cocktopus in the twitch chat says uh said a bunch of nice words and basically said that he or she really likes the content so thank you for that i take that more as an insult than anything because of how weird your username is i feel like if someone who names themselves that really likes my content i might be doing something wrong but a compliment to compliment thank you i did see that he just killed all the deer yeah so 79 villagers for red 25 on food blue is dropping another castle look how much food blue is banked right now this is crazy remember 42 games against 700 games played so oh is new like many people in twitch chat always are dwarf d hello it's been a hot minute hope everything's good thank you for the seven months you can still be my huckleberry anytime that's not weird at all thanks farland we have seen one unit die in this game and i forget what it was already does anyone remember is that a scout like red scout maybe did it run in here and die recently i think that must have been it no it's not oh the villager to the lion oh god town bell oh i can't i can't 700 games still ringing the town though listen guys play how you want to play but the town bell thing will forever be really bad like all of these villagers went idle during that scout's still out here but i guess red ready this is intense you know um the good thing about the town bell is it shows that everyone in the town is on the same page you know there's there's it's tough to have everyone in a large economy like this thinking along the same lines that's an auto scout as well and there it goes it's free i think it's out of scout right could be yup blue's auto scouting town bell down bell dead score is uh we're not the score but one kill now for red of course you still had that loss earlier why you noah nv vorian jingji thank you you're telling me i'm making money now on the fact that varian wasn't invited thanks microsoft [Laughter] thanks uh optics thank you for the one viewer host stream would not have been as good today if it wasn't for that farland is the only glimmer of light in this cold dead world what also i just wanna say that as sad as i am that i didn't get in i'm even more happy that dave didn't get wrecked dave that is true dave also didn't get in i didn't even know i was playing until yesterday what is this vorian loves vorian vorian adores vorian vorian has special feelings about vorian i don't think that's varying yeah loves vorian pepe guys you can just you realize you can use the chat you know just go at whoever you want to talk to and just you know have a conversation i i appreciate it and salmon is an expensive thing to have for dinner frequently as i do but just just talk to each other look at all the texts coming in for red now after getting to the imperial aid we've got leather archer armor forging fletching but don't talk to me i actually i puppy saturation hi ringo oh you can talk to me that's fair uh more villagers still for andy the most experienced player i'm concerned for blue because while blue has the stables i don't think blue has a lot of armor or attack upgrades and wow getting paladin health paladin also should shred a a group army cop i'm vorian look at me just being vorian all over the place lola olvori and vorian vorian thank you varian for the for the five you're awesome treb's from andy now will blue have paladin numbers i guess the upgrades are currently coming in so blast furnace then armor that final armor upgrades the real kicker though gotta get plate boarding here lots of castles fred and a lot of map control threat i am surprised that there hasn't even been a monastery built yet by red blue's got um two relics at least but it's not scouted the other ones on the left side i think blue is completely surrounded come out with your hands up or come out with your paladins unupgraded what are these unique texts that werewolf or is that yeoman think about it you've got seven arms seven cavaliers the only things that would even be close to damaging the cav blue's gonna win this fight whenever it happens he might lose a castle or two but if blue engages with numbers he's gonna destroy he's gotta make military first ballistics masonry siege engineers and chemistry needs to come in i know this might not mean a lot coming from me but really nice farms blue but i feel like you're putting too much focus on the farm placement and uh not enough on creating military um it's kind of weird when the britain player is getting the final armor upgrade for cavs before the tune player go t-90 go but andy not trickle-trebbing will say surprise and this might mean that blue engages before he really wanted to what is happening various mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain but it is more common and also more hard to bear the frequent attempt to conceal mental pain increases the burden it is easier to say my tooth is aching than to say my heart what what is happening right now thank you i guess um okay paladin is in play barting on the way again blue's army comp is way better even if he's got 12 units it's way better okay maybe that's an exaggeration needs a bit more than that play barting also takes some time so that's only halfway in and this is kind of kind of what i thought would happen that blue would really want to take out the siege so we dive in earlier than he would have wanted to i think but one trebuchet has gone down or paladins will be on the way now red after seeing that should instantly go for more barracks and add in habit here but red is i wish we had the capture age program to show you he's got 11 longbows five long swordsmen 14 skirmishers 14 cav two magnels five trebs it's just so random it's a little bit of everything but straight-up paladins with upgrades should destroy that yeah it's an ai army comp exactly now it's hard to counter that like what unit if someone makes five different units you need five different units to counter right that's probably the logic oh man these paladins are gonna wreck the only thing is though blue is he doesn't have much map control and he doesn't have any siege i think that's the worry oh my what the he must have werewolf did you see that those villagers had gold in their hands and they were looking to take it back to back home they just got eated patience from blue is stellar though t90 my hearts goes on and on i can't live without your streams since i confessed my love to you can you help me get in contact with microsoft so you can write an angry letter to them for excluding me nope can't do that um okay blue has trebs but blue will lose the trebs these paladins have full upgrades if blue just patrols in it feels like so many of his units are in fighting right now but he'll always destroy red red you've got to commit a while ago red had more military but he's just he's just clicking different buttons he's a button masher and look at the score now 14 units that's the number that red has killed in this game 14 and yes he needs to 14 but not in that way he needs to start the game already this is brutal this should just be gg i mean blue really wants to make sure he wins this wait for trebs to come behind i mean i would raid but um yeah just wait for trebs and then take out the castles as your paladins are killing all the units i'm not yet convinced that red isn't gonna figure this out because red does still have a decent eco and he's getting tons of upgrades also blue's the same elo though and blue's inexperience compared to red did you get a haircut no i got them all cut my wife is really mad at the fact that i have no sense of direction so i packed up my stuff and write how do you get a squirrel to like how do you get a squirrel to like you act like a nut every guys i'm looking at my notifications right now and if you were to believe the name on the donors you would believe that varian is a very generous person more generous than you would have ever previously thought thank you varyon pogchamps and chad for varyan for being very supportive of the channel today albediere is on the way for red blues just gotta push it was a bit of a mistake to move out with the trap said early also he needs houses scouts no he's queued up 50 scouts with twons fifth he scouts with two ins now the worst thing about that is remember tootins don't get lycap one of the few sieves that do not get like have um what i could see happening here is he is going to want more paladins but he only has five stables so he's going to cue the paladins behind the scouts so the timing is really important here if if uh red doesn't get lots of helmeteers out soon he could be fine remember two relics for blue who actually could get a third here is anyone else surprised a guy who has played 700 games doesn't get relics i mean i know leery didn't get relics until this year and he's been playing for a while but still 700 games and no relics is big surprise especially at lower elos because i feel like lower elos get relics really early scout's on the front line what dark knight knows what full moon requires when all your love my heart acquires celestial bodies no more faded life makes sound silence invaded real varian donated a hundred bucks well again thank you varian uh and thank you chewie and mike for the prime i guys i don't understand what's happening there's two scouts on the field it is varyon it isn't varyon very confused thank you i guess so that must be various yeah the more salty the donor sounds the more variant it is so that that's got to be him um can blue finish off red here i would say blue coming into this game was the underdog only played 40 games on de also 600 ishido i think 680 and red has played 700 games 680e low as well but guys i think this is a game where you're gonna learn the power of streamlining gold units just making a mix of units is normally bad against either all in like all are blessed or all paddling because of the absolute strength of those things like think about what happens when you mix a cop let's just use skirmishers an army of 20 skirmishers and 20 halves as an example and then someone goes paladin well half of that army is pretty much useless right the skirmishers are useless against the cap flip that the other way around someone goes full arm the helps are useless there so like picking a strong gold comp and sticking with it and then contributing like mixing in trash with that is normally the best way to go so something like halberdier and arbolest or skirmishers and paladins it's defending nicely with the traps i will say that and it is 92 villagers for both on the dot and then you know blue seems like he's in the better position but he's he's stalled out now i'd say the best thing that blue can do to improve from this point is not be afraid to attack i i would agree with you on that yep uh also like blue in general if he could just improve his up times a little bit his castle each time was really late but yeah blue's got some real potential here like look at the amount of eco also the q like how many players at 680 elo only make two or three of each building he's got five at least yeah i think that's pretty solid there's a player with twenty four hundred one v ones and his one thousand elo twenty four hundred one v ones that's wild i feel like blue just needs to break into red ziko and the game's over but it's not happening i think he's gonna go oh wait a second he's gonna go for the pincer maneuver he's gonna uh raid red and then right after he goes in with the raider at the same time he's gonna push for what hi t90 i was the imposter sorry to vorian for ruining his salty reputation hashtag among us hashtag kappa what okay as the streamer you know what's really weird like it's never wow i do like i work really hard and do a great thing and then boom don't know bombs no it's like during the one of the weirdest games like currently we have someone who's refused to make halibut ears up until now against paladins that's where the donut bombs come in it's like it's like at the weirdest times well thank you guys very much i'm really curious now i mean there's that's a lot of helmeteers and red's got a lot in the queue will do remember he's got that force on the left side and will he use it because he's only made calf he's got scouts queued up after this which isn't a great sign i don't know what i'm having for dinner tonight i might need to change my plans a little bit see two and paladins we talked about them earlier in the stream they're actually amazing because of the melee armor so against halves they're better than a lot of other paladins would be but what i'd love to see here is mixing in uh some form of infantry against the halves of your tunes blue did he forget did he forget about it well what is this wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second so i'm trying to get into the mind of the player right get into the mind of the lil i think seeing as the stone is so high what guys i genuinely fellow legends 600 elo gang 4 life type 1 in chart if you're below 1000 yellow don't lie i know all right type one in chat if you're below one thousand elo don't lie i feel so undeserving thank you very very much holy cow thank you jeka and i i think we're gonna see a castle drop here i think it's gonna be like big attack and then castle drop in the back of red space meanwhile blue's only making scouts against alps uh uh he would have to buy that stone because there's no stone remaining to mine um cute little houses back here tootin scouts d90 what would count as highly low in your opinion what the oh my god oh my god ten stables he's got five at his base and that's enough right you know like that's enough to have killed a few castles and be in your current position but if five brought you this far what if you go for ten and what's so brilliant about this is that red has like everything scouted right he he knows that this hill is a threat he's got the right side he's got the vision there the left side he's got the vision there but i guess he didn't spot well clearly he didn't spot that oh he has snuck the stables and what's great about this whole game if you get a let's say blue comes in with a million scouts in a second what do you think red's reaction is going to be what's he going to say to himself he's going to say oh god dot yeah he's going to say oh oh yeah he's gonna ring the bell but he's gonna ring the bell because he said oh and that's exactly what blue's name is uh in the other room my girlfriends have like she's got like some important call for school and i'm just like oh oh there's the stables in the corner it's like night and day difference between what we do it's so funny like i'm screaming about some some below average guy on an online game and she's having an important call um but it's still tootin scouts like tootin scouts such a bad option here he's got about to have ten thousand food so oh thousand food per staple hey do the math on this how much is a scalp you can queue up 15 per stable so 15 what is it 80 food per scallop 15 hold on i need a calculator here um calculator screw you third grade teacher who said i would never have a calculator with me at all times look at me now i've got a phone 15 times 80 equals 1200 so 1200 times 10 so that's about you do the math it's close he could put all the food he has into these tables but guys paladin it's not gonna be many available scouts are so bad okay we might get to a situation where red loses all of his economy but blue does not have the army to kill the trebuchets and the habiteers oh my god i'm so excited for this right now i'm so excited guys the stables just look perfect and here we go fred's point of view he's pushing he thinks he's gonna win like we've got this oh oh oh here it is 190 for both which is something else when they're uh only one hour and eight minutes in 680 elo that i have to say very impressive not so impressive from blue to lose his trebs against warwolf now keep an eye on the ville count for red i know i said bad things about the bell earlier yeah ring the bell oh my god this is crazy but again it doesn't solve blue's problem of having to deal with red's main force now what blue could do is if the attack strong enough red will have to come home which is happening and then he could maybe run out here and snipe the trebuchets or something well if he had siege you know he could take out the buildings but that blue and this lack of gold is going to be a real problem soon i sometimes just i mean blue could make endless scouts we have seen 80 farms commer hust our raids have we ever seen 12 000 food tootin scout rage this is a first for me i have never seen this i have oh my god pick a different civ bro pick a different sieve like why tunes if you're gonna do this don't do it with the only stamp that doesn't get freaking light cap this is ridiculous and they're killing cavaliers and the thing is red's just gonna get so dizzy now because he's gonna he's gonna say oh i've gotta deal with this and then watch wait for it he's he's a bit he's about on the slower side right all right gotta react to it now we're gonna send our helmet ears forward backing up the trebs that's scary okay now blue should just go whoop and run right in with the next batch the stables will win blue the game he's just going to slowly starve red out at least i believe so big thing for blue is he's got to take out the trebuchets because he's not going to fight all that well with scouts against the alps as you can clearly see there oh god no stop doing this man he must not know war wolf is the thing because werewolf is such an incredible tech for britain trebs gives them 100 accuracy i i'm not like i also feel like red's gonna die but at the same time if red just keeps helps here and pushes forward with the trebs blue will lose all of his eco there's no way scouts have a chance against this yeah someone said red seems to be re-booming um no i mean he's got because he rang the bell these villagers are still not working these villagers are still not working so unless rebooming means massive amounts of idols then no and here he comes again the maximum amount you can group up 60 scouts and he's gonna attack the castle with scouts he has no chill and red's gonna repair it because what do you do when you're losing a castle you you repair it you know obviously and at the same time red's trying to push now i guess tootin castles i don't know if he has correlations oh god he doesn't have any upgrades except for chemistry so yeah those trips will go down for blue murder holes this is why we research murder holes boys and girls very important technology make sure you research it first thing and castle age how much damage is the scout doing to the castle is that one or is it like two like it doesn't look like it's doing i think it's one damage a hit it's all right he only needs about one thousand more scouts and he can do it oh my god also i don't know if blue's gonna like factor in the score but if he's factoring in the score he might see this and get his heart that's why it was so important to get the trebs ding ding ding ding he needs to get that trap ventilations good time to get that i suppose that'll give the castles more range uh also i saw albediere what what the whoa in the right corner he's got barracks here the scout blue is obviously very distracted but he had one of the traps but i think the other oh no he might not even get this one oh got it honestly helps are really good but town bell no no no no no unring it like halb is good because you're just matching the opponent's house and toot and stew still have that melee armor for free so i think this could work you know and then just get back to raiding at some point but maybe don't attack the castle next time just like you know attack economy 123 population for oh 69 population for andy again oh 42 games 680 elo andy 700 plus games 680 so yeah go go pointy boy versus pointy boy it's actually the play battery i guess you could add skirms here but tootin skirms aren't all that good 53 military verse 8. i think fred's dead now he's dead and there's no redemption greeting like how he refreshes the lumberjack you know no okay he's adding more bills all right desperation time has arrived um so 20 on food what is that there's a tc there blue is uh healing up scouts i don't know like these villagers have been here for a while and blue still hasn't attacked them red would have to reboom for a long time and he would have to make arms now like our palmadier would do it he's got golden wood so considering his what i believe is full upgrades on the arms too actually wait a second oh no no he had our blast never mind never mind red i guess he doesn't know that there's stables over here and surprise it's not supplies anymore it's surprise tootin scouts i can't believe what i'm seeing ding ding ding ding ding time for dinner kids time to go home 58 pop for andy who somehow still has the score lead probably because of the text actually and now this you know the skills you can attack the dc so dumb so dumb look at his q full scouts and then one trip like oh i looked his profile and he picks a lot of tootins so something tells me this isn't the first time i just don't know it's like tunes for the paladin is fair and the cheap farms it's fair the castle free murder holes you know that's that's all well and good but like go for any other paladins if this part of the game should be better the tc will go down pretty quickly because there's only a few villagers in there here comes red with a few halves i i i hope that blue takes out the tc first oh no oh but another raid um well those scouts are gonna die now so that that that's sad to see but these villagers are also gonna die now the scouts are dying and that's expected that's been expected blue is more cute and now we have the main push and yeah this was honestly really well played from blue with with how he controlled the fights like how many times do we watch competitive games and talk about like controlling the fights and making the other person react props to blue for this the unit composition is hilarious and you could probably think of a better game plan next time but hey mobility's still mobility i don't see this at a thousand either too many people at a thousand evo sit back when they should just use mobility and you know maybe it has something to do with the sneak buildings it makes it easier to pull off except the part where blue had 20 paladins hiding in the corner listen he had to protect the area do you not see how smart this player is he didn't forget about the army he had to protect it because without that corner he knew he couldn't win the game ping ting ting ting ting ting ting ting let's get some ting tings in chat the widget's going down pc will go down we can't see spec chat that's sad because i don't know what type of person red is maybe he'd be a bit frustrated with this like i can see the reddit post now how to be tootin scouts they seem really strong i couldn't beat them and then someone's like well what did you make i made helvedeers and it's like can you imagine putting that on paper yeah yeah i made halvadirs against tootin scouts and him i had full upgrades and so did he i couldn't win he kept destroying my town centers with tootin scouts and helveteers don't understand that's why like it's so tough to give advice in age because it really depends on how the game goes but also red didn't give himself any favors with like early imp the reason blue could take control is because he made uh an ai army comp which got stomped and then he was immediately on the back foot so his decision to make helps was a good decision but it was too late and uh you should have had like our pal perhaps instead of skirmishers long swords cavalier but that's a hard lesson to learn i feel like the reason people go for the mixed army cops is because they die to it sometimes because they don't commit so i mean andy's played 700 games he's here to stay guys i don't expect the gg anytime soon he might also feel like he's being flexed on a bit but nothing from blue in this game makes me feel like he's like smurfing you know he knows how to hold shift i'll tell you that much he groups up buildings clicks and hold shift [Music] still no loom by the way who doesn't have loom red what 700 games no loom it's not like his 50th game 700 games which is worse tooting scouts or spanish archers spanish archers definitely like scouts they still get full upgrades and with tunes you get the free melee armor so the scouts aren't as bad like it's pretty silly but it's not that bad there are some situations where you probably you probably should be making it whereas like the archers what's an archer have 30 hp so get stomped by anything spanish archers do get full upgrades it's fair that's fair but you can't use mobility like you can with scouts it's still a gold unit scouts are not so yeah that's just my take on the question what wins 1 000 spanish archers or 1 000 tootin scouts all right go ahead somebody test that one for me uh they also don't get the speed upgrade which is actually fairly important that's true that's true they can still outrun archers though i think red is a 63 year old dude who's still new to the internet and has no idea of meta 63 years old new to the internet let's let's take a look at how new to the internet this person is new to the internet has played 706 games since march of 2020 i mean maybe it's the only thing that andy does but i don't know how new red is i do like the idea of there being like you know like everyone sees gaming as uh something for people who are mid 30s and below you know greeting older than that now you can't be a gamer you know like i i can't say everyone i can't speak for people but i feel like you know it's an unspoken thing yeah and that's why i like fat slob so much that's part of the reason i like fatsob so much he's played the game for 15 to 20 years and his profile says he's like late 60s which is amazing like so i imagine there's a lot of people who play age oh and doubt of course who just like play their way and they don't they know they're not going to improve but they really enjoy the game so like i think you'd have to look at fatsof's voobly profile as red repairs as tc and we'll add a farm so he's rebooming i think two years ago it uh the birthday the birth date excuse me on fatsobob's profile said he was 69. so according to the profile he's 71 or something but when fatslob commented on that he said he is on the older side but he's not quite as old as his profile would suggest hey blue where are the scouts at buddy we're waiting for one bombard cannon what if red comes back from this there's no way right i mean he is adding more bills he is adding more farmers i use the term rebooming loosely here also it's for relics for blue so greg didn't even get a relic maybe red is if we've got the age down maybe he also is uh he's like a 63 year old atheist he refuses to make a monk he refuses to believe in a higher power yeah blue could sell wood for gold he could do a lot but i think blue at this point just wants to go for one final push comes back from this have you seen their resources my favorite viewer that's really creative by the way because anytime i respond to you i have to call you my favorite viewer uh but my favorite viewer if you would have been around throughout the day today there was a game which one player should have never ever won 6 000 score behind and the comeback happened so i refuse to believe that someone at 680 elo cannot throw this from blue's position i refuse yeah lots of good games today we also have had in general we've had some really good ones on streams community games i think friday we had like two that are classics for youtube i mean one of which was classic because i told the story but whatever okay we've got scouts being created now red sent halves over to this corner uh 117 military for oh how long ago did that happen um i'll tell you i mean i i kind of don't want to spoil it though it happened in one of the games but i don't want to say which one because you might spoil it for people who watch it later um all right chat's already spoiling it it had pickles in it that's all i'll say just make sure there aren't any kids watching now people are really confused like wait what okay so we've got three trips paladins albedieres and two pumbaa cannons we should make a christmas rendition of this fight it would be tinklebills is that bad yeah it was pretty bad i'm sorry but there's nothing else to talk about because red is dying to tinks and scouts is this game over what did i do that oh my god andy paused the game and then it says oh unpaused it wait a second have you ever played against the player who's losing and then tries to pause i need to know if they're talking to each other de i once i remember when i was brand new is red afk now okay so he's 63 years old he's an atheist and he gets salty i think he's afk i think he's tilted he's not doing anything so i think he tried to pause hoping that blue wouldn't know how to unpause wow but yeah when back when i was uh start i started the game someone paused it i didn't know what to do so i i resigned i quit the game i didn't know that you could press f3 to unpause it so maybe he was trying that technique hmm well we have to watch someone be defeated now defeated by hell but ears i guess this happened here's paladins a few paladins so it doesn't look quite as crazy let's put view uh blue excuse me on view lock and see if it does anything i think it's only gonna show the actions from him it won't actually yeah so he just clicked the building so it showed us that building this apm is off the charts but wow what a game what a game i mean maybe maybe red actually had to go somewhere like you know let's not paint red as the bad guy maybe he had to go pee hey there and then blue on positive vids i don't know thanks for what you do well no no whoa andy paused to get an o unpaused i mean listen if you have to go pee you just resign and then go pee in this situation to be fair has read you're completely dead i think i think red's a little bit salty let's get some uh t90 salt in the chat you don't use that too frequently because i never get salty but yeah i mean that is really confusing for beginners like to they don't realize how to pause and unpause and you can just leave them there the entire time you think blue is a little scummy how wow this game's over it's 30 like red isn't even moving and red's just trying to pause if red was trying to come back or whatever i'd maybe disagree there like obviously the game's not over till it's over but is red trying to play no he's just trying to pause just pausing okay so 24 population for red if i'm blue i don't even care like i mean when you're a noob isn't it really fun to defeat someone because there's no pressure on you at that point so it's uh 200 gold for every enemy villager to research uh spies so it's 24 times 200 so 4800 gold to get spies yet so he has to kill more villagers before he can get that but uh for now clearing out the house is red still not too if only we had spec chat this game could be even better i try not to get salty with spec chat the biggest patch ever for de that's microsoft's words will be coming this weekend and there are some really exciting things coming you'll make sure make sure you're here i will be participating in a cool little event i also have some cool youtube videos planned oh the final relic i have a few youtube videos planned as well uh to talk about the new patch and a few things coming with it but please spec chat who is streaming that event i i don't know i know i am so i'll be live all day saturday yeah i don't know everyone else's plans it'll be a fun little event but more than anything would be cool to highlight the patch and hang out with you guys i think spec chat is a bit of an invasion of privacy people should be able to get salty in peace hey mods can you write down that person's username i need to look at his profile thank you yeah at least we can get spec chat on recorded games though we're never safe you're never safe uh drambo thank you for the twitch prime doom closet donated5 says hey been watching on youtube videos for years and just sub thanks for what you do well though thank you how'd you make it in uh you're in the process of watching a man defeat another this game has slowed down quite a bit i guess blue can't find him oh wait here we go surprise found him hey i remember when i was low rated i really enjoyed hunting people down cause at that point i wasn't stressed out of my mind i'd leave one villager i'd like wall it in i'd make man i was pretty bm i remember one time when someone did this to me i walled in the ville and then i placed towers around the ville but i all i stopped all of them being built at 99 another pause from red and blue on pauses as he should so i had like 50 towers at 99 built but i didn't actually build them what's bm bad manners but people are referring to i really wonder if they're talking but i don't want to fast forward one hour and 47 minutes of the recorded game to find out i'm not re-watching this game no someone else can do it and then if there's conversation take a few screenshots yeah so maybe i don't know maybe red was having a rough day maybe he meant to pick magyar i don't know and he got britain's instead uh but gg okay i need to look at this so relic gold relics obviously paid off here uh over 7000 gold brought in with relics uh research percent i thought it'd be higher but i guess blue did then tech into infantry for a while though it was probably 58 versus 30 something economically 92 000 food for oh too since kd was pretty even but man like the waves of scouts incredible and red learned a very very important lesson ai army comps ah not so good um streamlining towards one gold unit tends to be the best i think with britons that's not what you should necessarily try and do i think going for two units is great because arbs fairly cheap and they have that amazing range and then you could get a meat shield in front of the range like albedieres and their paladins would have no chance show society tab yep here you go i'm not sure if there's anything interesting here that you wanted to see but the ville highs there total castles two
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 81,293
Rating: 4.9303722 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Teutons, Teuton Power, Teuton Scouts, Low Elo Legends, LEL, Low Elo Black Forest, Lowest Elo Ever, Weird, Funny, Noob, Beginner, Laugh, Haha, Tutorial, T90, T90Official, Spirit of the Law, Welyn, Kitboga, Quality, Tea, Forest Nothing, Spiffing Brit, Exploit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 33sec (3993 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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