Love Black Forest? DauT vs MbL Pro Showdown!

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ladies and gents of YouTube welcome to the biggest now maybe not biggest but one of the biggest black for showdowns you will see yet again I am using the new casting program made for hidden cup three using the hidden cup three overlay made by the capture age team and you I saw your feedback on the previous video we're going to have a lot to talk about here now in the blue we have M BL one of the best players in the world someone who will be participating in hidden Cup three and then in the red we have doubt one of the best players in the world another participant in hidden Cup three and they played a freakin Black Forest game of all things the other day in the ranked ladder and since it's in rated games now pros sometimes that they just assume that whoever they're playing against was going to ban Black Forest themselves a doubt loves Black Forest he never bans it lvl he lost a villager at the start here when both players made a rush out there to get the walls up um I feel a bit bad because I know so many of you guys are fat sob fans but fat slob I hadn't didn't have the chance to cast a fat slob game before hidden cub but who needs a fat slob when you have doubt here he is running forward right now I remember he lost his scout so he's going in here blindly and there's no guarantee that he can actually make it out of here if MBL sends more villagers over MBL has a scout that he's down a villager you can see that there at the top at loom is coming in for MBL he's he's attacking down who already has loom this is this is a start to a beastly Black Forest game so MBL's i oh okay okay I'm just gonna follow you now I'm gonna follow you in here and follow he does so we have a scout and two villagers verse just two villagers and now MBL all he wanted was to get the walls in the proper position and now doubt builds a palisade wall there so MBL has to decide between deleting his house and letting his scout for yeah okay so he deletes the house he builds a palisade and oh man finally I can breathe God I'm sorry that was a crazy start to the day crazy start to the game and town sent two more soldiers and he wants to rush that hell's down so guys let's get this out of the way quickly this will be a long game but it started off very quickly I've been testing out this new overlay I'm gonna toggle off the things at the top day for a moment I really like it and this particular game is going to show us what the overlay is all about show us what the information looks like because it's going to be quite a long one and I already said that we have em beyond doubt two tremendous players this game but we have Celts and Mongols two tremendous civilizations for Black Forest so which is better celts or moguls we'll find out in this game now we won't have anyone be one Black Forest games and hidden kept three but if you know if you're not aware most of you probably are but if you're not aware doubt is sending more villagers this is stupid man oh my goodness is it worth it doubt is it worth the rush seven builds attacking the house well if they were actually people and then I'd be so confused but hidden Cup three is coming March 19th through the 22nd and I have put months of work into it my team of honestly it's not really a team because everyone has different roles but I think I have well over a dozen people working on things for hidden Cup we've been working tirelessly sleepless nights let me tell you and I'm just hoping to make some aged history honestly especially with everyone home now because of the the man it's really hard to have a serious conversation when there's villagers attacking walls but since so many people are gonna have a bit more time well I know the livestream thing might not be for everyone it would be amazing to have some of you guys show up it's just a website by the way you don't need to create an account you don't need to type in the chat you don't need to have the chat up at all you just put it on your TV or your computer and watch but yeah we'd love to have you but I'm also not gonna be like I'm well aware you guys are you guys have free will right and me talking about that for the next hour isn't necessarily gonna mean you make so you're aware and let's get back to to casting the game now 'dallas muggles he he just had so many villagers attacking the house there and all that MBL wanted to do was boom freely funny enough though it actually hurt him because he didn't have these cows collected and so he ran out of food underneath his TC for the time being he does have food at the banked up though so with him pushing in the deer now I think he's gonna be fine doubt having a civilization which hunts faster is I'm sure very pleased to see that he has three borst so he's gonna take those boars yes he had seven villagers idle but he gets the extra pigs and MBL has the extra pigs so i guess he could take it himself if he really wants to but he's Celts normally Celts just off the farm and then again it's MBL who knows we'll see so this is just gonna be a boom fest I uploaded a few doubt Black Forest games last month or the month before that where he played I think one was project Belgium the best player from Belgium and the other one was John slow an awesome arena player and algae's he just loves Black Forest it's it's ridiculous man II I don't know what it is but doubt Black Forest games are just interesting and after all that you don't see a big difference in the economy do you it's 24 villagers for MBO and it's 25 for doubt this doth have loom doubt has loom yes so MBL had a little bit of idle time and from here I you do have the option to be aggressive if you really want to adults on the way to fuel H let that fast-food income but I believe the only player here who could probably justify being aggressive in Castle age would be MBL with the siege of the Celts and we'll see we shall see man I'm I'm remembering fat sloth games now and what they're like it's the only other time I cast Black Forest it's suddenly so I suddenly feel pressured to entertain because there's nothing else going on right now it's so peaceful see what the fat slug game the walls get up nice and early MVL loosing that villager at the start turned that into a bit of a bit of a boxing match I guess at the start all right doubts collecting the deer here I'm really wondering what his food counts gonna be like he's 500 he is 300 food here but he hasn't brought it in yet he went up super early considering his villagers were attacking a house for so long okay this is a hundred and forty food coming in and then he has food in the other villagers hands I think it's gonna be pretty well calculated actually market blacksmith I'll take this deer I hope he goes for the lumber camper mining camp trick here and I can show you guys what it looks like and then these villagers ok 35 in each hand that's gonna be fine actually there's a super well calculated look at this market blacksmith finished drops off the food and castle aged Wow okay there he is an MBO talk about calculated market blacksmith for him and after that he will also be on the way up so I guess doubts slightly faster but I would say that Celts are a whole lot better at booming because of the fact they have the faster working Lumberjacks and in terms of potential we have to start asking a question which is better having elite manga diancie janitor elite manga died one of if not the best unique unit in the game or just full freaking siege of Celts the higher HP and faster-firing siege can be deadly okay so doubts just been long-distance hunting but what I was going to tell you just in case you weren't aware of this that's interesting he built a mill on 200 food short fish if Dell were to build a lumber camp with this or a mining camp with these voters before dropping off the food that reefs or the resource would also our God I'm sorry would then go into his bank you could do that with any eco building that includes farms so you could have even 10 gold let's say and then build a farm and after the farm was completed that would go into your bank at the top and I thought maybe he would need more wood and it's pretty common to have two lumber camps with this many on would a doubt just decided to walk around which is fine but just keep that in mind now a lot of people confuse it with clicking another resource now ever since the recent update if you have 335 food in your hands and you click gold you actually won't lose that food until you start mining the gold which is really nice and glad they made that change again but people confuse that and they don't think that they can build a farm or a mining camp or a mill holding another resource and still drop it off it's probably one of the best tips I've given in low evil legends 3 TCS for doubt and 3 T C's for MBL I'm sure but take a look at this guys look at the top and you can see the Eco upgrades so MBL is now getting bose all he's also getting heavy plow and he's building his town center and is there another one for him we actually know he hasn't dropped it off yet he's a tall he's how did the seeds workshop instead okay interesting so does doubt know that somehow oh you know what I bet you I can tell you what he did can tell you what he did he tried to build something over this area it's called scanning now he doesn't see the Train has changed that's just a spectating bug on de but you probably said hmmm there's some building going there because I can't place a house there and he's expecting the siege so this is the safe play building just three stone walls just to make sure that Maggie knows won't pressure him and that does then put him ahead economically right 39 villagers verse 31 MBL just on to town centre ISM really surprised when it's a boom fest was expecting MBL to have that next town center out but siege is not cheap and he has to mcih Nels Wow okay these are Celt Megan ELLs - so there's a couple ways you can deal with this if you're doubt you can add your own siege workshop and try and combat what is basically better siege or you can Stonewall more um there's a reason fat slob build so many layers of stone walls and he is going to Stonewall more but he better hurry up man okay he also wants to add a siege workshop where he was thinking about it okay I'll build it here instead he has to pull the villagers back what can MBL see in there well we can see it doubt like gross oh this is good my car from doubt he's got to get these walls up and he will need some defensive nagging ELLs he has to maintain that lead look at these golds and stones here it's a dangerous area to lose I forget if Mongols get fortified while I'm really not sure oh it's interesting to note that doubt doesn't have the wheelbarrow upgrade you can see that at the top I didn't realize that okay add as I say that he's getting it now but that means MBL's economy has been more efficient and MBL is now adding a third town center I'm correct in saying yeah third town center looks like ah he bought a hundred stone that's what I got confused cuz he had 100 stone in the bank after building that so he's going to 40 sees maybe realizing that he needs to catch up in that total Ville count all right now Celt Magon elves fire faster but they don't have more line-of-sight it's kind of hard to know what's coming he sends in the scout that was it that was a doubt attack around right there like 10 tiles away and so MBL's goal is to continue to pile on the pressure and doubts gold is doubts goal to hold at his gold and eventually get to the manga day now Mangat I have a bonus for siege which is why this is gonna be really fun to look at oh well wasn't that something one for one crisscross applesauce normally it's it's a sign of a good player when you can mag an L push and boom behind and that's exactly what MDL is good with one for one doubt like he could garrison there to kill the scalp and when he finally does the Scout is just passing Oh was sniped okay there you go but you'll notice the bill count in 53 to 66 and MBL's working on one more Town Center and his villagers are chopping wood faster and one-for-one again it down is building a castle I think MBL did he spot that does this MBL's fog of where it is it says it right there yeah okay MB I'll actually spotted that before the maganet went down so I feel like now he actually should just Stonewall himself take out the house Stonewall and just be careful because manga die can be quite good against Megan Elle's then again doubt would need to invest in a lot of upgrades so it's silent again but a pretty invent eventful Black Forest game by Black Forest standards I'm not trying to bash Black Forest by the way I know a lot of you guys like Black Forest oh wow okay so one two three four town centers you can see that there too you could see that doubts producing out of four and the overlay tells me MBL's producing out of five one two I just out of this okay and MBL wouldn't be MBL if he doesn't take course so he little piggie piggie yeah guess all that free food there again show up to hidden cup three I have some hidden cups showcases where we talk about player identities and MB all of course loves his board so I have a really liked his video this year is just amazing Hardy my editor for those put in some amazing work 41 or 45 on food for MBA I guess that also includes these ten bills but in terms of resources he's floating it seems to be a a whole lot better than touts situation at the moment and might come back to the fact that doubt has been so heavy on stone with around ninety villagers he's at about 10% of his economy on stone for a while the boomers one of the relics like relic relic and BL doesn't have any other relics right now so it's two for him and I don't know how they've done relics on black for Cindy II I've always ban it so I think it's just too far side if that's the case it's just a really good choice looks like as well the neutral golds and stones are fair yeah that's good as well they did a good job with this black force generation because it always sucks when someone gets an extra relic or gets both the extra golds super unfair not much you can really do about it MBL's on the way to the Imperial aged guys I told you he'd catch up and out is sending the manga died out surprised that MBL didn't Stonewall earlier I doubt does not even have fletching on the manga die no fletching no problem for doubt nice early pickoffs and MBL's beginning to panic just a little bit now a doubt is on the way to the Imperial agent himself so manga died and this is so cool to me because yes Mongols and Celts are the two of the best black for civilizations there's no doubt in my mind however you have to boom well with the sieve and and that's what makes them such strong picks and it takes time for their strengths so manga die I'm going to go through all the upgrades you need for manga you can see a lot of them at the top but there's more so you have fletching be a bodkin arrow you have bracer and you have chemistry for attack upgrades then you have husbandry the stable for the speed on calf you have bloodlines at the stable for the extra HP then in the archery range you need thumb ring and you need Parthian tactics and then you need castles to produce them and then you need elite magid I I don't think I'm forgetting any oh no I am forgetting something you need the defensive armor is well in the blacksmith for archers so I think this is still correct weight actually I think with the Bulgarians now this is no longer correct but at least before the newer expansions manga died you needed the most upgrades to upgrade manga died over any other unique unit I think but I think now with the conex again I'm not sure but I think if you if you count the fact that when iconic dies the rider gets up and then the ride are also benefits removed infantry upgrades I believe the Connick out beats that so one of you guys out there so there's always a legend in the comments who's gonna get the facts right and someone's gonna list the differences but I believe conics now would technically take more upgrades but comics will get shredded by the manga die vulgarians can be quite good against celts except i don't know if they have an answer to the siege and it's a lot easier to explain for the celts celts just once each siege infantry and they have the best seat in the game now MBL he wants to make this a quick game he has somewhere to be tonight he was hoping for an arabia game didn't get that wish and he cuts through the trees now he knows where the extra golden stone is and he's thinking alright let's take that let's make a push doubt we'll have manga die yet oh wait oh oh dad already has a castle up on that hill and doubts all it dalit doesn't have elite manga died yet but it's on the way and look what manga die can do against siege so you have the elite manga die which at this stage i would say are way better than what celts can do because even just regular auditors isn't gonna work not with proper micro but doubt can't choose good good areas to take fights he would have to run into a choke so MBL's hoping to do is is buy time and continue his boom 142 villagers now and go for some insane economy and get siege on under which is now on the way then you have pure celtic ax which gives your siege extra HP then you're talking and now doubts getting leather armor he's getting chemistry is getting husbandry he's Micra wing really well it's scary though I don't know if I like that castle for him Bo I feel like the second out sees it he can just rub it down it's not like MBL can really deal with any trebs over at the base of this castle would have preferred he build it back here alright so stables now for doubt so this is the problem if you feel as though siege on and her house is too difficult to touch with your manga die and you go for HUS arse then the house are already out for the hustlers if you feel as though you need your own siege and doubts now researching auditor you do have that option as the Mongols but you have to accept that you will not have the HP and firing speed of the Celts each you do have the movement speed though with drill so the C challengers are a whole lot faster the rams are a whole lot faster i'd say minimum of 5 at all times is what MBL needs with his Islanders there oh now see jhana Jers but I mentioned this already I felt like this castle is silly I don't really understand it build it back here and then doubt shrubs have to be in an area that they're not too comfortable being in the players make mistakes now I heard a siege workshop on the other side so it must be that MBL's thinking about an attack over there and the light calves and mangas I do contribute to one siege on a jerk hill I think I'm gonna remove the upgrades at the top soon there still are some some upgrades that haven't come in but for the most part it's not all that important and yeah doubt I mean this has given him quite a little quite a little boost that was a free castle kill and that was just a mistake for MDL you have to think about castle placements like this where will my opponents siege have to be when they try and take it down it's not easy to micro see geometers and helps because you could so easily kill your own units but MBL's one of the best at it and he's holding the hill maybe he wanted to all use this is his military on the hill I'm not sure he's clearing out a lot of trees right now you see this over here on this side and be else thinking long-term at us our manga died and on injure for del affording CJ moszer's is probably not in his in his sights probably not in the near future and look what the siege unders from Celts can do this is crazy oh man and out sana jurors are so much worse they get flat into now dal has manga die remaining but doubt you have to bail on this he so badly wanted to push he became so confident after destroying the castle and now like how do you destroy this I have to say a beautiful micro from MBL to because you need attack rounds need to predict where the units are going to run as I say that he actually kills his own halberdiers now MBL's getting gilts which means that when he sells food and gold or sorry food and wood satisfying unless your doubt pan i guess but yeah the players will usually go to the market at this stage of a game sell a bunch of wood sell a bunch of food because they know how important gold is gonna be long-term guys this is this is amazing to watch you so rarely see see janitors oh man look at the KD to doubt has killed 50 85 units and MBL has had 68 deaths so that means he's killed so many of his own you that's already so I like the a pose from doubt and I think he's actually thinking about auditor cutting through here what's funny to me is MBL doesn't have the mobility but I believe he is either prep defense or he's thinking about going in there himself now if you watched any of the hidden cup 3 qualifiers you probably know the term trickle Trevin when FedEx played VIN Chester in round 1 I was a slopes game Mongols vs. Indians well trickle Trebek is when you send in one trip at a time and trickle traveling is not a good move here wow this is a very confident huh sire is he gonna get a kill to the PO Gayle is gonna say very confident but what I mean by that is MBL needs at least four tribes before he makes a move big attack rounds a BL sees the ha stars another attack round misses but the helps are there and he fires on the mangas I and with the way MBL is controlling his units it almost feels like it's impossible to kill the Celt deathball Mongol death ball first Celt death ball which is better I'd say the only downside of the Celt death balls it's really slow so if doubt switches it up I think this was Arabia the doubt could read look at this though see doubt wanted to cut through and BL is already doing it MBL wants to take the hill that will make doubt have to choose a side that will also make em BL have to choose a side both players are at max population again the attack rounds come in and you just don't have a chance to react if your doubt I don't think there's really any one who can micro against 21 counts each on the ders I remove the text for now cuz it's really not important doubt says okay I know you have a siege on under here's my house are so MBL needs to make sure he didn't just give down an opportunity to push and come back kind of like before but oh oh and BL click walls but naturally at Age of Empires 2 in there is a hole there because the elevation is good spotted so this will hurt MBL sending a few hobs in though and building a castle there just to secure that side open ESC geometers here didn't see that and neither did dad now AM BL maybe wants to push this way he does know that there's a castle there fort out so he's maybe thinking push the hill and then TREB from there listen to that noise when these things fired listen Emil he's distracted he is really distracted actually and the hut serves could start getting in come on do it for me listen to this it's crazy MBL didn't have chemistry this whole time now he has it back in classic a or C days chemistry actually meant your units fired slower your seed units and now I think that the projectiles flew slower in the air or something like that again YouTube comments help me out but that's not the case anymore they fixed that bug and this is a doubt castle for MBL like he he really should have maybe defended this side and pushed the middle instead of going what for what he did there God the winged hussars arrived sabaton and they just got shredded by MBL see janitors holy cow as MBL would say holy moly not so easy to engage now that there's some freedom to move around for doubt but then again he can't move that far prepare for an insane battle look at your screens guys look at the value of the armies twelve thousand resources makes up MBL's army twelve thousand adalah is using trebuchet it's honestly probably his best option he loses the castle trebs are probably his best option here combating this so I still think the treads will one-shot a siege on endure the problem is the sea challengers are pretty exposed now we're looking at one point on our screens MBL and doubt they're looking at multiple areas ayatul areas to me when random units get mixed in to the sea challengers in the house but if MBL loses his helps at any point it's so easy to do so because he's multitasking boom the sea challengers could all go down so he always has to keep these halves which are faster than average helps cuz their Celt helps in front and around the Esso we have a few mega die they're trying to raid we still have units running in here from doubt so we're looking here MBL's looking to both sides [Music] what insane game though and doubt is is really struggling to find an answer to the siege but he does have his own siege on adjourn now MBL almost destroyed its own siege and I love the production from MBL I'm loving the amount he's producing he's 13 how's cued up I look how many barracks he has as well so they're they're reinforcing quickly I think he's kind of shifted his attention to holding here while he deals with the raids on the left side because doubt is he's being a pest being a huge pest that castle is still a doubt castle over there and bl knows there's castles over there that's probably not the area to push I think pushing this area is the way to go he's maintained around 15 to 20 C janitors and about 30 helps in this composition old outsi jhanjhar fires he doesn't get any kills remember the Celts eat hunters with fury kaltaka they've extra HP it's a hundred HP I think MBL now he's gonna he's gonna solve this problem this big big problem he created for himself earlier he's now solved I just it is it is remarkable it is remarkable this composition hey the 70 HPC Challenger firing on top of the hill all right contributes a little bit MBO only has one trip so I think three or four more trips might need to come forward he has so many resources banked up but he loses the trip so again he can't really push anymore now he can't go see trim because if he got well he can but if he goes seed room I think it's a mistake because manga died you have the bonus verse each and I'd like to see gems use the seed ramps can't really do anything against the manga die same with the hussars that's just about a slow progressive dead ball how has MBO avoided massacring his 30 hobbs in front he's killed a few units here there but he's never up like right there like I would have liked out my own army I don't know how he's avoided that also how long is it gonna take him to deal with these traps just just sacrifice a few C challengers for them yeah there you go that's beautiful it takes out those trebs bit of revenge cuz he's lost so many a doubt okay getting some big hits having the hill and good micro too and then the hustlers swooped in from the other side for doubt and doubt he won't take the population lead but suddenly there's there's not so many seat janitors here for MBL so MBL thanks oh shoot what has just happened I'm gonna raid with Hobbes and I'm gonna go against t-90s advice and I'm gonna actually make rams and he needs to reinforce I'm producing Ram see janitors and Hal's from home on this side he is a threat siege on sirs and halberdiers really wish you would just plug this gap because now key trying to run through it's annoying me nice hold from doubt very nice hole but the value on the military has gone way down for both of them doubt still does have a decent number of manga died but it won't it'll get more and more difficult for players to be able to make gold units and that is not the best way to use your gold unit super doubt and just tossed away manga died numbers it's gotta be extremely careful too because MBL has some siege in the siege workshop but that said I believe it is just three Rams also MBL is sending some tribes over to this side now so doubt found some success here quite possibly because MBL's focus has shifted to the left hand side and if you think about it MBL already destroyed a castle here he destroys a castle on the left and doesn't completely die in the middle he's made more progress and Dow has been able to I think doubt he has to dive in and micro against low numbers of sea challengers he cannot allow the siege on Azure numbers to get as high as it was before and he's doing that right here good micro from doubt now the Rams they have way more HP than the sea challengers it's 378 HP the Rams are still going down so I'm not convinced here this is where I'm convinced though boom everywhere doubt goes he can't deal with the kelp spam and again MBL has enough barracks producing it's like at all areas he has the production and here he has the hill and that's it's not a doubt castle but that is a former doubt castle it is down down has lost another castle and now here the sea geometers and the Habs are destroying him again I love it it's so satisfying never do you get to see units he's melt this 2s Oh like this except on Black Forest so thanks teehee I guess 486 kills it's about to be 500 kills for MBL he's killed only 30 of his own units which is pretty really something and outs population is dropping big-time look at this now see the military difference on our overlay the villager count difference it's not it's not much there but what can doubt make when he doesn't have golds and what can't out make with golds that can be what MBL has near the Tang Tang Tang Tang tang as the pointy boys raid there's good as HUS ours here she wants to kill villagers and now Rams do make some sand slowly taking up houses slowly taking out these stables MBL's made this look so easy I see this ad out just try it every so often to sneak in there and read hoping that MBL wouldn't see it and he'd lose 30 bills and give doubt an opportunity to come back here but the Lord is struggling he's been persecuted by the Celts that there's got to be no way back here this is this is unreal at this point it looks like a human playing versus an AI because the amount of pressure coming in from MBL is unstoppable it is never ceasing and doubt is streaming in units one by one and losing them to the pressure and he calls the gg and taps out what a game that's very very rare that you get to see that I guess let me ask you this do you think there was something that doubt could have done differently in this game YouTube I'm not so sure maybe well I can make arguments against every single thing that Mongols could do and I'm pretty much making arguments for Celts I guess that's the way to sum up the sieve matchup it may be doubt if he went for C John's or earlier and got more you could say that he could have had more success but you're still comparing Mongols C geometers which can move around faster they've less HP and they don't have the firing speed bonus of Celts - you know that the strength of Celts each I guess the one thing that comes to mind and this is what I would say if it was a more open map is user mobility so maybe doubt needed to be more creative and cut a the edge of the map and and run in sneak some villagers in there and raid kind of like he did here I think that the raids they're just getting through they lasted a while so maybe if he put more of an effort into cutting around it would have been play but I can see why with Mongols you would have confidence in the manga died it's just such a hard pick such a hard sit matchup now if you go Aztecs on this you can convert the siege Aztec scalp is an amazing SIF matchup it's really hard to call that one because both have strong infantry but Aztecs have the monks and they can actually convert the sea geometers and that's not something Celts can do you look too well but I hope you guys enjoyed this on YouTube like I said yesterday and and like I well my I don't know when I uploaded the other video but I might have even been today for you a hidden cup 3 is coming we're the $50,000 prize pool for hidden Cup 3 is coming March 19th through the 23rd we are just days away now 50k in prize pool 16 best players in the world playing with hidden identities we will have this awesome casting tool to use and possibly some new updates to it based on your feedback would love to have you guys there YouTube now stop by the link is in the description if you want to check it out and I believe the next recommended video is actually going to be the trailer as well but before we do that here's the statistics now like I said before for hidden Cup 3 I'm going to have a special achievements page this is just for my my makeshift setup for casting this YouTube video a huge huge military score that's unreal let's see 561 kills first 393 MBL only killed 29 of his own units 29 of his own units that is that is impressive with that many see challengers 105 largest army and you see the resources collected out had just as much gold it's just compositions maybe if doubt had an extra goal that's a bit more competitive wait a second he had three relics t90 blind I'm sorry dear the funny thing is I was saying how there were only four relics on the map and it was right down here the whole freakin time it shows you can give a cast her casting tool but it doesn't make the cast improve does it geez and there's the beautiful beautiful time line for you from an epic Black Forest game wait was my mic muted okay I thought my mic was muted the whole time thank God it's it's the Hidden castor Cup coming soon
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 541,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pro, Black, Forest, Deadly, Army, vs, MbL, DauT, TheViper, Love, Black Forest, Deadliest, Compositions, T90Official, Hidden Cup, Hidden Cup 3, Excellent, Strategy, Wow, WTF, OMG, Impressive, CSGO, Welyn, F2F
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 1sec (2401 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.