Norway vs Spain | 2v2 World Cup Semifinals

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i'm ready for this i'm so ready for this and again it's second semi-final and just like in the first semi-final we have a team opting to go for the tatars tattoo is in the red and i actually have similar expectations here which i'll get to but spain vs norway winner moves on to face china in the best of seven final attato in the red we have his teammate land in the yellow playing tutence and up against him will be mbl at playing chinese and the viper in the blue playing hunts i should also introduce my co-caster i'm sorry and welcome welcome to the show everyone who's watching uh this is dash you probably know him from league but also branching out and some other things nowadays yeah that guy's not important these players are important these teams are important this series is important a bestest seven separates these two teams from the finals here of the world cup in 2v2 and we start things out as we always do on arabia the best and proper map for us to determine differences in skill very early scouting being done by tattoo here as the tatar is already over checking out viper's base we'll find the first of the two elephants possibly the second here yeah you can't elephant steel but stealing some sheep with guitars would be pretty amazing this is really early scouting tattoo going forward and arriving at viper's base and signaling to his teammate who he's up against two minutes into the game this is very unique i think the earliest scouting i've seen in this tournament has been on uh maybe three or four minutes but he's seen everything so far yeah i did find one goat it looks like and it will be sent on its way merry way home we'll see if it makes it there is viper as well is going to take a cue from tattoo go forward with his scout all right testing the waters the viper pre-walling uh this is something that other teams will have to do because norway and spain both known for sending their scouts forward so i say other teams i guess whoever ends up facing these teams in the future but both scouts could go to a woodline engage that's a danger you have to worry about land also scouting mbl and we're not seeing too much uh i guess one sheep stolen but nothing wild dash so now i have to talk about the sieves guitars do not get arbalest so while they do get free thumb ring on their crossbows or cav archers if they go that route and castle there's definitely a drop off point whereas chinese they get fully upgraded arbalest um what mindsets do spain possibly have in game one choosing sieves that have more of a time window uh honestly it's a bit peculiar to me i i'm liking the sieve choice from from norway quite a bit more the the one thing i can think of and you already mentioned it is the cav archers from the tatars and we mentioned uh you know tattoos ability to to play the map strategically perhaps they're looking at mobility as the name of the game but almost funny to me that you would pick a more mobile sieve in the tatars and pair it with a less mobile sieve in the teutons yeah to try and get away with maybe some kind of a mobility play so it could just possibly be a winning castle age never make it to imp kind of strategy here yeah spanish players game one guitars were able to get in a good position oh i hear an attack in norway attacking tattoo with both their scouts and the norwegians have just done the tata what tata wanted to do to viper earlier uh great play from norway and they're the one who's taking the lead despite the spaniards being off to the stronger start with the uh not stronger start just faster start with the scouts yeah nice early pickup there on the veil kill and uh that's going to immediately nullify in some ways our conversation about it maybe spain's attempts to get ahead earlier if you drop a ville like that it's going to make your fetal and casually just that much more difficult it's so interesting how tattoo and land go forward to try and find some reward with early scouting and then norway end up doing exactly what they did to russia and exactly what they did to so many teams with those scouts like it's all about coordination in 2v2s and we're even seeing it in dark age from them oh yeah i mean 2v2s i think can be so incredibly punishing for specifically that reason as soon as you add another player to the map uh there's so much more capabilities you know uh attacking capabilities that you have and therefore punishment that can be delivered as we see here now tattoo putting a little bit of pressure on the wallingvilles here uh on the side of viper is gonna have to pull some bills does get some good damage but won't necessarily net a villager kill for himself just looking for that harass trying to annoy viper as he looks to secure the front of his base very easy walling to be done here between the two woodlines as well is going to give him a nice bit of defense right off the top of a fetal here while tattoo not looking to play the meta lost the villager heals the need to apply some pressure and even though norway have been called the lazy boys by yo i think that they will realize that tattoos greatest strengths on arabia come behind a drush fc and so the militia are coming forward viper trying to wall up even lana's here as he loses some hp to viper scout now likewise other side of the map mbl pulling off his classic drush fc the militia are out on the map already 24 villes dash you don't know if you watch this bit from the vod but it was all the way back in the first round of the group when norway pulled off this strategy where mbl drushed the opposite player normally that rush is gonna hit the player on your side but it worked against um czech republic b and i'm thinking uh we wouldn't see that against high level teams but here goes mbl and they might be able to do some damage against ato oh they're i think this is going to catch spain way off guard you still have that scout there from mbl looking to block the walls the militia are almost there can tatto get this in he's looking for the quick walls with two different villagers mbl is so good at being annoying look at this he's gonna get in wow that tattoo must have known something was coming because nbl is being so active with the scout so now tattoo instead of having a full wall which is what he will want because viper's going scouts he has to go for some makeshift walling and he's doing that while also taking an engagement versus viper losing the scout and viper's on the move look how less effective tattoos drush has been no shade to tattoo as he's gotten his militia there he's at least pulled some attention from viper forcing viper to get these walls up walling towards the tc but just by virtue of mbl getting inside the base of tattoo although viper does not achieve the quick wall there so now the militia are in but enough scouts here to maybe mount a defense along with pulling some villagers yeah but he saw on his berries and mbl go to the lobby losing a ville snipes he lost another vlog yeah so tattoo lost the bill earlier which of course hurts so much because you don't have as many bills at that time and and now he's lost another ville nbl starts with more villagers as chinese so he'll love his spot and i think lan it puts pressure on him to maybe hit viper now dash because even just sending scouts to tato's base to help him means they're still behind they need some type of counter damage to norway yeah but the uh the two or all three militia are gonna go down from the side of tanto we've already got a spear out here for viper so the teutonic scouts aren't going to be much use just arriving now on the opposite side of the map so you can see the amount of time that spain has invested military presence on the viper side of the map and how much less they have gained by virtue of that time whereas on the flip side you got the double scout kill of one villager and then you've got the militia kill of another one here from mbl and viper they're just so efficient with their time and the damage they can deal with in that window and from here you have the sieves that feel better i think chinese in particular much better archersiv plus the chinese players ahead hunson tootin's pretty comparable i'd say with bonuses when it comes to playing the scout in night roll a viper moving out before being fully walled land could always squeak by but land's going the other way and land not fully walled yet either i think this is where we start to see the fast castle times matter a lot mbl making his range making his blacksmith he'll click up the castlage before tattoos even in futile yeah here's the other i mean that's the other thing we should point out the mill just went down for tattoo look how much food is left on those berries we've got three full bushes a fourth one that's near full i mean that's 500 food right there that he was not able to collect whereas viper on the other side still kind of working away on those berry bushes of his own he has been so much less damaged by the presence of a josh yeah and games can be lost and won i guess with this uh brambiel it's the easiest job of his life at this point he's been fully walled uh it's it's almost like a little 1v1 now if he wants to go to tattoo or if he wants to go to land because land's still in feudal tattoo's still going to be in futile in fact tattoo's not even completely walled up the viper could even contribute with the scout still not the start that spain would have wanted to start off the semi yeah archery range and blacksmith going down for tattoo but on the flip side of the map you have mbl with two archery ranges up already and producing archers for himself plus fifty percent of the way to castle this is about to be scary yeah sick i mean i think he can make any decision dash he could probably go directly to lan and hit both wood lines or he could go to tattoo and hit the farmers and the gold a good job from tattoo though at this point just to be completely honest with the viewers the game should be over right it's it's high level stuff should be over but tata's done a smart thing to realize the towers are needed so he's gone to stone to play some towers and to be clear that's what we do that's what we mean when we talk about how high caliber all four of the players are in this matchup i would be saying near the same thing if if spain found themselves in similar positions as norway right now they're just capable of winning a game from a winning position um but uh they find themselves in the hole here in game one as mbl makes it to castle age well ahead of his next opponent which would be lan only 20 of the way and as we know archer sieves between archer and cavalry sieves are the more potent of the two types to make it to castle age first you get those quick crossbow and bodkin upgrades maybe even go for an early ballistics and you can deal an incredible amount of damage in a very short time window when your opponent does not have the defenses to deal with it yeah and it's also mbl with full walls so you know he's going to be booming and i already see at home he's added that second town center so it's on spain and i think in particular land to carry somehow he is going to be faster than viper to the castle so maybe there's some potential there and like i mentioned a few moments ago dash tattoo realizing he'd be exposed against crossbows is towering the gold already has the wood line towered so um if he gets the left side of the woodline towered it it's possible he is going to avoid taking as much damage as we expect i do like that tower though i like the preemptive uh the preemptive look there strategically it's going to force mbl to waste time look for a new angle to hit second tower up on the stone on the backside could range that wood line though looks like that's where he'll path to to try and get some damage but but again tattoo now making his way towards the castle age look how much time this has built he's taken zero damage yet in fact he's he's have the health of that uh entire crossbow army as he quickly pulls villagers away from the wood line just to relocate he's going to avoid damage very intelligently here or early in castle yeah nice nice work from him now i saw the communication there for norway uh because they were signaling on the map from viper to say go to that wood line mbl's probably now saying he doesn't have villagers on that wood line so where is he still has the drush i'm wondering if he'll scout with the drush chateau pre-towers that i guess when you load up with these sieves you're already going to be fighting at a disadvantage of your spain so i mean you needed to all in anyways right so stay one tc get tattoo on a lot of crossbows a lot of cav archers and just give it your best shot from here if you're spain well theme of the tournament theme in the tournament has been uh the crossbow player and uh i'm not gonna take credit for that statement i'll pull it straight from your mouth t-90 and in so many games has it been uh you know a massive villager lead for one team but a giant crossbow or arbalest army lead for the other team yeah and the team with les eco can pull out the win just because they overwhelm with army numbers and so when looking at tattoo and dropping those two early turrets towers rather rather i'm using any terminology that's incredible dropping those two early towers yes it's going to hurt the opportunity for him to transition into a more eco-focused build but with the university going up we can see that there's no intention for tata to ever make uh the switch towards economy and instead look to deal that damage early in castle josh coming into scout here the four five crossbows making their way over but we already have two tectonic knights here to make sure we play defense so what's so interesting about this nbl dives in he knows i have the vil lead fighting those knights is is not important for me at all i'm just gonna kill as many villagers as possible so spain's on the clock right they have to do damage and tattoo did not send his units home he said land you deal with that you're faster i'm gonna hit viper and viper just lost three or four villagers there oh three tc's for viper but he will need some support from nbl soon oh god i just noticed viper was also underneath tattoos dc he's also on the woodline dash with scouts yeah pix picks a few he's gonna do some serious damage we got plenty of knights here though from land so we'll be able to clean this up but it's just continuing to dump damage eco damage into tattoo as he's dropping one two three four villagers on this wood line and maybe even a couple more that kind of eco damage when you take a look back at the ville numbers you see mbl all the way up here at 57 villagers compared to tattoo at 29 that's the two crossbow players yeah that we're talking about and so yes tattoo still has some numbers but at a certain point there's going to be a third fourth maybe even fifth archery range dropped rather for mbl and the numbers will become overwhelming yeah so i think we have hit that point where there's no way tattoo can compete with mbl's production that is such a massive eco lead so big difference now is between viper and land tootin knights are better in night tonight engagements because of the melee armor and they're now engaging against the stable viper so viper i'm just smushed in here he's only on two stables and that's about to be one mbl needs to carry viper and keep viper in this game and uh if he does that then that pressure will never shift to him yeah you know we talked about uh the importance of the crossbow numbers but now we got to start talking about land's night numbers you know that might be the saving grace here for spain while tattoo struggles with crossbow production you have significant numbers of these two knights with increased melee armor yes that's not necessarily going to help you against the crossbow mass of mbl but will give you a much better meat shield when it comes to the two night groups clashing in the front lines good control of this hill here out of spain wouldn't be surprised if we see a ville come forward at some point to drop a siege workshop and continue the pressure game with a couple manga nails yeah i think that's the call too because you're not going to compete with the crossbow numbers and viper does not have the night numbers to always justify diving in after magnels so normally magnel is probably a bad play in this spot but due to viper as he now is just leaving his base that's wild assuming the viper's lack of numbers it might make sense to add siege there and i wonder if spain dives if they realize viper is no longer at his base that is a ridiculous amount of confidence to be having right now okay the night the night pack is is kind of retreating back around this wood line so gonna look to just continue to raid and do some eco damage but you're exactly right look at this ah that gives spain the permission to push in these are some really powerful knights that are about to jump onto mbl's army we're gonna have the the crossbow pack come in through the back side looking to make some pick offs they're gonna deal with these nights great split here from land to help deal and deal with the knights and protect the crossbows eliminating all of mbl's forces this is going to force some serious idle time out of the viper you already have their the villes uh kind of grouping up underneath the tc will they get in with the crossbows for some serious eco damage i mean regardless the idle time in and of itself is plenty this is a they're going for the tcs they're going for the tc's t-90 it's such a weird one because tattoos like i'm already dead he's dead at home don't worry about me i just need to keep army numbers up he has army numbers so many teams in this tournament have lost games with eco leads because they did not have the army numbers and norway is no exception look at them run now and the town center's as good as gone viper still has two more and lan could try and target that yeah you take you you take a peek at the ville numbers and it does paint an ugly picture here for spain tattoo on 22 villes to the vipers 54 if we're just comparing the two players that are being damaged at the moment it still looks very good for norway mbl completely untouched this entire game now cresting 83 villagers i wouldn't be surprised if we see oh my alarm goes that's why i'm late alarm was that uh that's the you're late because t90 told you the series is gonna start at 11. alarm well i could tell like progressively over game one you you've begun to wake up so that's good it'll happen i'm still screwing up half my words because yeah the english language is hard and i'm tired but we'll get there oh my god i'm so sorry everybody oh no worries we didn't trust me people who come to this stream are not used to perfection at all so uh it's it's part of the stream it's part of the fun to have some mistakes here with aaron i'm not sure if i agree with this i feel like viper was in a vulnerable spot but at the same time mbl has that big mass of crossbows over at viper's base to spain they're choosing to shift over i just love how they're probably dead dash but they're continuing to fight i mean tattoos have 24 hills they're still fighting yeah this is what i was gonna say is that this is very much a tattoo move in my opinion uh they are gonna you know kind of reroute themselves back towards the viper so still looking to deal some damage a good choke point here for the crossbows to kind of skate into the middle here we've got so many teutonic knights though i still feel like spain is going to win this fight the question is how much damage are they going to be able to do on the back end are norway throwing and is this an incredible comeback from spain i mean they can it's one military for the viper he's repairing a town center i mean like he's gonna lose this one i mean there are so how many knights are here a lot too many and mbl doesn't have his crossbow numbers up mbl has i say that when he is 32 but there's 37 nights from land this is happening there goes the pc number one they're gonna push in directly onto tc number two viper is frantically relocating villagers to other tc's he's got a he's got a repair party up here on the top left he's building a new tc down in the bottom right gonna drop a castle now on that big pack of resources to the south i think that's a very smart move there to hopefully stop and stem some of the bleeding but a whole bunch more villagers are gonna go down here now as the first tc and then i'm sure we're going to see land again reposition up here towards the top side i mean that's 25 30 villagers of the viper that just went down yeah now the fact that mbl has been untouched for so long is still a factor here he's halfway to the imperial age but how much will viper lose before imp comes in for mbl i mean that tc's a goner and i don't even think nbl should engage with these crossbows honestly i think if spain are smart they'll dive that they need the viper is effectively dead yeah i know he has more villagers than tattoo but he is effectively dead he has no food eco he has a three villagers right now on food he's dropping farms like crazy underneath this castle so while yes he's got more villagers they are not bringing in near the number of resources that tattoo is bringing in but again it's all about mbl at this point in the crossbow numbers as he retreats under the castle fire we've got lan just diving in under this this is a disaster for norway right now viper just had to eject his own villagers into his castle and he had to eject mbl's crossbows out of his tc mbl had to hide and i think the best move for spain is to do what they were threatening to do earlier and switch over to mbl and just wipe him up if he doesn't have those numbers at home mbl just sent 500 food to the viper well viper still has 41 fills i guess viper would just play black forest now and boom but like guys you need to realize that it's norway you know the favorite and they have not been able to close out spain this is going to be a heck of a series land's been all in tattoos been all in they have to kill somebody from norway though they still have the pressure mbl yeah this is the game defining moment right here with uh the with mbl in imperial age upgrades coming in arbalest chemistry bracer it's all about how much damage can spain do right now they took all this time to travel halfway across the map yep now they're second guessing they're they're they're thinking here they're kind of retreating back to the left side i'm starting to worry now for spain that they're they're giving too much breathing room here to norway to recover now if they can buy time and get land onto cavalier it'd be something else but the reason land has so many more units is because he was one tc for so long so he doesn't have that much on food in spain you kind of need to fight you don't want to fight when you have two and then it's so slow but they'll they'll engage here what a crazy engagement that's a great surround on the arbalest they will find a nice little pocket on the top of the hill but with the crossbows here it's not that effective to back yourself into a corner now with control of the hill as well the knights will reposition to push the second ball of arboles off it's a good trade ultimately for spain to reduce those arbalest numbers where they do have serious threat when they're in that 50 to 60 mark and now just backing off buying that time that you that you mentioned t90 but a long way off if we go ahead and check the resources for land yeah where is he at well he does have enough to click up actually he's gonna click on it yeah there he goes mbl needs to do something right now he obviously needs to to continue to give vipers space but he needs to send arbs towards land because spain have been trying to buy time so land can get to cavalier um now spain on the flip side of that they need to pressure the stables and make viper scream team you know that way mbl does not feel confident pushing forward the longer that spain takes the more confident mbl is going to grow and move out towards the spanish players mbl now on his way towards land's base the first time pressure will head towards land's base the in this entire game yeah that's that's crazy and we're 40 minutes in first first military that will arrive at land space because the the drush went all the way across the map over to tattoo we check back in with the pressure that's being brought to viper's base we're just gonna we're gonna cycle tc's here you built a new one great we'll take it down you build another we'll do it again it's it's not celt etc it's it's spanish etc apparently uh mbl that large armed force that was going forward is coming home now and well no i lied there's another force and also a crazy castle from mbl he needs this so much and he also needs to save viper quickly yep he's got pressure onto that gold gonna force a few off get a few view bill picks gonna drop this castle don't expect land to be able to defend this against a ball of arbalist with just about 15 knights although he does see it gonna move forward and look to contest i don't think that's mbl's no it isn't i don't think so especially if the castle goes up um mbl can just hop inside the castle actually i don't know dash there's so much going on it's very hard for me to to say well he didn't he didn't lose that many nights so i guess to be fair to him he lost one or two nights and then got out so he dealt a bit of damage but uh he won't be able to stop the castle which ultimately is the most important thing and now we have uh mbl taking a page out of my playbook and just proxy castling through the opponent's base one after the other who needs military to win if we have structures who needs who needs viper to win 200 pop for mbl 200 population if you add up mbl's population it is higher than tattoo and land combined oh my goodness that's just absurd uh mbl's ability to boop to play defensively and boom while allowing his ally to die is just uh it's phenomenal it's phenomenal composure and i say this partly in jest but but it is it's it's a strange amount of of confidence that they must have as players to kind of let viper completely disappear from the map yeah uh and trust that the other is going to bring it home yeah mbl's probably saying it's fine it's fine and will it be fine because he's getting raided it's almost like land's going to die to mbl's force and mbl could die to lands force these are about to be cavalier oh my god wait a second oh no cavalier will complete okay we're good yeah cavaliers going to complete you've got this massive force here for lan on the south side of the map took down one tc killed about 15 vills on a wood line has a second group of cavalier now coming in to hit just these palisade walls gonna easily pressure through but the resign follows okay what did we what did we miss right there well i think i think that land had the recognition that he couldn't save tattoo and that he was going to die as well right i mean i'm a little bit disappointed that the gg was called there because there's a lot of people just got the cavalier upgrade yeah at least i'm double clicking how many there's 48 cavalier here on this screen at least see what you can mbl has zero defense at home because he built two castles forward yeah i i'm looking at i'm not i'm not claiming that that spain was in a winning position it just feels like a weird time yeah to resign right after you get the upgrades that's all that that does in 24 villes let's go and then land gets 50 cavalier okay time to resign yeah but um what a wild first map but i think it's really important for people to remember chinese huns is way better here spain they realize that they are probably going to be at a disadvantage on arabia as players so they are hoping to win this semi-final through wins on non-arabia maps that's why they pick tatars this is old patch so not even the new tatars and that's why they picked tootins because there's all-in potential but it's not you're not using your best sieves here so i don't think spain's going to be too upset that they felt that far behind and still came that close to victory with these civilizations yeah it was an impressive recovery and all from military numbers and this goes back to the point that we were making earlier t90 about uh the meta of the tournament um and and and partly why it doesn't surprise me that the previous series went the way it did because when you take a look at the players yo and licks those are guys who can do a lot with a little yeah and ultimately um you know that's in part what you saw here the resilience out of spain while yes is still losing uh the map uh overall after losing two early bills one in dark age to a double scout and a second uh to a drush from a cross map mbl coming over to tattoo the recovery there was massive and lan almost having the numbers to push through and completely wipe out the viper it was close it was close and it speaks to a close series here if this doesn't tell you that lan was all in one tc i don't know what will look at the timeline guys like viper did end up hitting imp there which might have been part of the reason that gg was called as well but uh but yeah mvl just completely carried and what a luxury to have probably your best player in the viper fall behind like that and still have a player who's right up there with him to carry there's not many teams that are going to have that in this tournament and that's why the quote-unquote lazy boys as yo said our favorite to win in this semi-final sick it was it was gross but this is where the civ the sieve draft and the map draft comes into play you mentioned i think the the sieves were far stronger there for the side of norway and actually i'm taking a look at your stream here just so i can see this beautiful overlay uh what is that fourth pick and yes eight pick fourth and eighth for uh norway to bottom bottom tier picks for spain on the other side yeah yeah um on our overlay it shows that norway had the victory with chinese huns but tunes to tars man it actually goes i believe the way this is set up is that tootin's tatars are near the end because we have it from uh the middle so like i guess for spain from the left to the right so when mine's all the way to italians then i think spanish all the way to portuguese and then tootin's all the way to koreans so that is that is very near the end maybe i didn't pick up on how you're explaining that but no no right no no that's i maybe i was i probably explained it poorly but you're hitting the same yeah the same intention same note is that what i was um to the viewers i dash you're officially awake now um so i just want to make sure is dash good as far as volume goes or should i lower him now on my end chat let me know i know you probably prefer his voice be louder than mine but uh want it to be even all right everyone's saying it's good we're all good all right perfect perfect man well of all the maps team acropolis in scandinavia are the have been the least picked throughout the entire tournament so i think spain this week they were preparing on maps that norway does not have a lot of experience on and on maps that teams have not really seen so really good strategy to do that as for how the games will go i'm not sure and i'm also not too sure which map spain would choose to go for but we'll find out soon well i'm taking a look at their sieve draft and chaos pit is an interesting one based on their sieve choices okay so what what would they intend to play there i think they go incas there that means canada and they they destroyed canada and you just run slavs with that slavs is a pretty common chaos pit just to just have cavalry follow up i don't like slavs because there's no immediate bonus and slavs become stronger in the mid game and on chaos pit you need to have really strong futile presence so i think lithuanians is better um yeah lithuanians is better you could also go for celts actually celts are pretty good if you want to chop through counts would be interesting yeah that would be an interesting pick just because of that wood chopping bonus maybe get to some cheeky uh you know uh ville run arounds yeah wall them out on the other side and also just allow you with uh with less villagers on wood to get some farms out but i think an earlier state and support the scouts celts see the thing is i think celts dominate on scandinavia if you can get walls up and boom too we've seen that in this tournament so mongols on scandinavia yeah wouldn't you save mongols for skin yeah you'd save mongols for scandi yeah so i think since it's normally scouts with villagers and towers it's probably incas and lithuanians unless there's another sieve well there's very few civilizations that really jump out at you when going scouts compared to lithuanians but that's what i expect there and then maybe we see norway go well they have both persians and malians actually so they have two top tier nomad sieves but they normally don't combine them dash so i think you go persians here for scouts and then again they have mad gears i really don't know it's almost like normally have too many options for this i was about to say isn't it wild how when you look at a good team's sieve draft they could pretty much have any sieves and you'd call it a good draft like i i struggle i've struggled throughout this tournament to look at drafts and i go i think this team won or this team lost and i go well do i think that i do i think this team won because of the actual sieves they drafted or because it's that team playing those ships and what i know they're capable of and when i look at this norway a squad i think that's more more the focus or more the lens that i'm looking at things through there's just there's not a single one of these sieves other than like maybe bulgarians where i'm looking at it and going like there's nothing that can be done uh you know with the sieve by these players but uh i i i'm personally thinking the norway draft feels a lot better over the course of a best of seven here they just feel like they have more options a little bit more diversity i think you give mbl byzantines mbl is a super messy player uh there's no gold in the middle on chaos pit so that's what it will be next by the way guys so i think byzantines with a bunch of spears and skirms is just right down mbl's lane and then since you tend to see scout saves accompanying that there's any number of choices we could have uh magyars persians those maybe franks because there's two there's two uh groups of berry bushes on this map i like magyars a lot on chaos pit just because of the potency of those early scouts and you expect chaos pit to be messy chaos pit is always messy people do not wall effectively on their woodlines they cannot teamwall early on or get a you know full surround on their base i think magyars with the early attack bonus on the scouts uh just makes for such an aggressive and messy early game on chaos pit i'd be surprised if they don't pick uh magyar says the scouts of there yeah also i think since the game doesn't go super late even though maggiore's had paladin they're probably not your best paladin civ so you wanna save frank's for uh something like valley which can go quite late or maybe team acropolis but uh to explain the overlay to people who might have just got here welcome new people by the way so um it can be a little confusing but the sieves on either side of the sieves that the teams picked and this is all before the games right so you had the global ban on goths from norway global ban on saracens from spain then they picked through the sieves back and forth um the crown are the civilizations that were used but uh teams found victory with and then the skull are the teams that were or the sieves that were used but teams lost with and then the snipe it is done after all sibs were picked before the games so no minds no britons because both teams felt like those number one picks uh were not something they wanted to face up against ps i love that you guys use the term snipe for uh for the sieve band yeah it's not something it's not a band because you let them pick it first yeah and then you snipe it i like it it's it's a nice uh nice use of language there uh for those that don't know we have half of chat being like is this the real dash pog champ and then we have people saying who's dash so now this is this is fake ass dash yeah this is dash's evil twin who uh yeah real dash wouldn't be up at the t90 couldn't afford regular dash so he detired an impersonator yeah that's exactly it very true but uh before game two starts yeah this is dash league of legends analyst and he plays a significant amount of age i think you said that i don't know how much you're playing recently but when you have the time you you grind out some age so you have good game knowledge and watch the sport all the time so yeah i play i play on and off i haven't played very much recently because uh the new world of warcraft uh account or uh uh expansion rather uh came out just a few weeks ago okay that's been a that's been a game that i've long been a fan of so i've been dumping time into that game but watching more age of empires than anything nowadays but i do i always come back to age of empires it's one of the games that ignited my love uh for video gaming to begin with and is in part uh you know a reason why i do what i do nowadays yeah but uh yeah i'll get back in there eventually it comes in waves uh of motivation to get better at age of empires and then i you know i play 10 ranked games realize i'm probably about where i'm gonna be for the rest of my life in terms of skill and then stop for a bit and then come back later yeah no i i get that uh and man you we've talked about this before but since we have so many people listening uh i didn't know anything about other esports right i still pretty much don't and i remember uh way back three years ago you were in my chat and your name was riot dash i don't think there was a verified symbol back then on your name yeah i still don't have a verified symbol actually what yeah isn't that pretty funny that is that you know what that's sad i feel you should get that come on twitch all right uh but anyways so people were like is that the real dash and so i remember checking him out like oh wow this guy's he's he's a big deal for league of legends and then i learned a little about league and then you've supported me for a long time man so thanks for that and it's so cool like we met up last year at twitchcon and we've been casting together more and more so it's pretty sick 41 months man i think i think age streamers are some of the people that i've been subscribed to longest of of any genre on uh on twitch i love this community i adore it i love this game i love this community i love the way it's grown i love the support um you know that it's received most recently the number of tournaments that you guys pump out every year and that's part of it is i'm never lacking or wanting for content anymore in the age scene because of the way that it's flourished over these last couple years yeah man and it's a game that's infinitely interesting because of uh not only the you know the wide variety of maps and civilizations but the balance has always been fairly solid i think that's part of re the you know the reason why this game has persisted for as many years as it has and you have just an incredible slate of talented players that have stuck with this game in one of the most impressive ways and that's so cool to give people some perspective the prize pool for the 2018 2v2 world cup was completely community funded and came out to around 12 or 1300 dollars which was massive back then and then two and a half years later microsoft put up 25k and people just subscribing to the stream tacked on well what will be probably a minimum of like five and a half thousand dollars because i'm giving one extra dollar for every sub which thank you by the way i'm seeing a bunch of resubs in twitch primes but yeah man the community's blowing up but the players deserve it man that's what i was saying for so long is the players need more people watching if nothing else they're that good all right 30 seconds till game time take a look at these sieves here uh norway is not pulling punches no they are not pulling punches today frank's ethiopians this is quintessential 2v2 sieves in my brain granted we are on chaos pit and we'll talk about what that means in just a moment but you got franks and ethiopians for norway up against incas as predicted by t90 here no surprise there and lithuanians next to it so actually you called both civs here for the side of spain yes so we we discussed franks we talked about how good they can be and get ready for some early shenanigans guys everyone's super close but we talked about how good they could be on a map with double berries but i wasn't expecting viper to pick it here uh but he does and he's directly next to lan players they're absurdly close yep welcome to chaos yeah this is close for chaos pit though cause look at just on the other side of the map you can see what maybe normal distance would be considered at least there's one screen in between the two that's true these tc's can practically see each other here on the right side of the map so you've got yes the viper as the franxx up against the scout civ in the lithuanians for land land's partner here tattoo in the red playing as the incas right across from mbl in the green as the ethiopians so early action is the name of the game on this map yeah like stealing water buffalo that's 150 food that's massive shooting enemy deer that is something that you can do and that's something that land is even going forward to do right now i think this probably suits the spaniards more than it does suit the norwegians i think mbl thrives in the messy situations maybe viper not as much but two shots to kill a deer sea land doing it be three deer down and actually one is directly next to the fire okay that was close piper says thank you but that food will rot and decay sure some idle time for land but it's a very common strategy to see that villager sent forward yeah over on the other side uh mbl with his scout did manage to find two water buffalo he's just sending them off into the corner it looks like to try and uh negate that food intake and then we've got tattoo ford with his scout does find one water buffalo gonna send it home also a villager coming forward to uh to lame those deer so lots of action early the next big thing is where do the woodline placements go the look at the vipers what a clean wood line that looks like nice little wood line he will want to chop through to get gold there's no bonus for him when it comes to getting that but mbl does get that bonus and this is so fascinating to me we talked about goths and incas and all the civs that thrive on maps without gold that byzantines was one i brought up but nbl picked ethiopians who gets plus 100 gold plus 100 food when you get feudal so you could actually justify going for man at arms and uh like fletching and a few upgrades you know it's not something i've seen before on the map and maybe something that norway thought of during their practice games well the laming does not stop at the deer take a look at tattoos villager he's already fully walled the stone here for mbl that's that could become increasingly relevant as we make it towards the fetal age and the inca player comes forward to deal damage to mbl if he does not have stone access there's multiple piles though so tattoo right now uh searching for that second set of stone that way he can eliminate that as an option for defense from nbl but look at these water buffalo as well coming all the way they got looped all the way around from the back of tattoos base just arriving to mbl so he's at no shortage of food he just hasn't he just has a knack for finding enemy resources i don't know how he found those he actually scouted with water buffaloes to find more water buffaloes oh my god but yeah three players uh or sorry all players have loom and that's no surprise because scouts could group upon bills and here comes mbl he has his scout a villager and viper scouts coming over i think they really want to stop tattoo from walling in these resources i like this i'd like to see this more often grouping of the scouts here on chaos pit the same way that norway did when it came to uh the arabian matchup also pulling a ville here is mbl with two scouts annaville against one scout and a ville they should be able to fend this off mbl's gonna have to pull his back viper gonna look to run down this eagle scout with more hp and more speed will be able to effectively push that eagle scout away but i mean this is a lot of idle time for the singular ville from mbl i like the viper's walling here on the right-hand side just going to point that out although he didn't actually finish what was placed palisades sending a bill to do that now going to be very safe though on the right side for many early aggression from land so i think a lot of our focus here is going to be the left-hand side between the inca player and the ethiopian player i'm curious if tattoo will be able to do anything more with this bill the scouts are pretty weak land scout is going to be a feudal age soon and that means extra attack and the scout already has more hp so mbl and viper have to be careful hanging around here and also tattoos incredible with walling in bills so he could probably quick while this bill to safety and that bill will probably have armor at some point if tattoo ever makes it to futile dash but one thing i want to bring up uh we've joked about viper map packs over the years and there's tattoo with his quick wall attempt a viper very fortunate to be frank's with the forge bonus and having both groups of berries behind his town center mbl his world and you look at uh the berry bushes for land seems more exposed but vipers bury put berry bushes in bury positions are exactly where you would want them yeah those are gorgeous those are gorgeous lan notably has not even attempted or thought about walling at this point yeah so very clearly the viper is looking for a more defensive setup he's going to drop his barracks now first military building that will get placed here in this game checking in on the wood lines to see if anybody is actually shift clicking their way through look at the number of villagers here by tato coming forward yeah and he grips they group up with their friends this filter was the scout and they they heard word of where to pressure and maybe i spoke too soon maybe these very bushes are just going to be the focus because tattoo's going directly to viper i mean i wasn't thinking about it i was thinking all of the action was going to be on the left side of the map but that's one of the advantages of chaos pit it takes just as long to run diagonally across to the other opponent as it does to run to the one that's directly in front of you tattoo he's 80 of the way to fetal age viper will get there first though so we'll have the option to drop at least one defensive power in response to tattoos but the question is where does it go and we know that as soon as the inca player hits the fetal age a blacksmith is gonna get dropped we're gonna see those uh defensive and offensive upgrades come in for the villagers the woodline is the focus and mbl is so delayed because of pulling bills and just everything that went down as viper will lose a ville that he can't offer any support here vipers wall himself in here but he could end up losing those lumberjacks as land micro sound viper scout that will be of little use this is looking very good for the spaniards yeah tattoos tower rather is going to go up first he's already putting pressure onto the wood line does look like viper will be able to force this one up the question is does he lose any villagers in the process he's only gonna be able to fit five of them in there delete the wall give himself an escape route wow that was that was well done like so many players who are watching right now on stream would lose all their villagers there that was incredibly well done but it's still awkward for viper because he doesn't have access to wood currently so it's not as if he can farm or make a second mill or anything like that i think tattoo will comfortably just tower the berries now or just place another tower with these beefy villagers on that wood line the viper though to get out of that without losing a single villager so impressive even those two on the other side walling as they retreat through the outside of the walls gonna find some stone and build up there another tower going down by tattoo and viper pulling the entire village to take this one down a fight on the hill between villagers scouts on both sides definitely don't have the presence yet as an inca player to push this one through so it gets deleted yet another game where mbl is nowhere to be found but he's untouched currently a viper fighting with so many of his bills but it's against inca villagers this is such a crazy fight for him to even choose to take he's winning it though yeah he's done okay uh he doesn't have that many bills that are weak you'd expect land to do more with the scouts and the only person who lost the villager so far was tattoo yeah tattoo's in retreat mode uh with his villagers even though they're the stronger ones gonna have to pull them again off this tower i mean this this this tower rush was stopped completely in its tracks deletes another one going for the the straight-up ville fight but you're not going to win this just straight up due to numbers one bill goes down for viper so you can look to get a little bit of damage through yeah actually you know what i take that back if land keeps pumping scouts into the back of viper's base this could become detrimental for the viper i can tell you're getting excited it's just don't uh lean in towards the mic quite as much oh my bad no worries no worries just do that when if there's a big c geometry shot later that'd be the moment all right then i'll get nice but yeah i noticed mbl did go for the man at arm play a play that we said was only really possible with ethiopians uh he didn't accomplish all that much i don't see any ruins at tattoos base or any ruins at land space so viper after all is said and done uh has farming eco and has scouts but he will not have the berries and tattoos still has some presence here yep he's got those six villagers forward second tower comes down these two towers though don't actually range anything they do control the berries but the viper wasn't even trying to get onto those just yet so he's gonna look to encroach onto that farming eco dropping an outpost first just to get the lay of the land and then i expect another tower to be dropped the question is what's happening on the other side for mbl during all this time he's broken through to the outside he's got two spears defending against the four scouts brought in by lansi land rather on the left-hand side oh and no pressure sorry to interrupt but viper snipes a villager and this is just such patient defense from norway i mean mbl with the spears prepped viper already on stone and he snuck out there earlier so he can make defensive towers and now we even have a ford barracks from tattoo this all inning is about to get so much crazier so much crazier and then if you take a look into the back of spain's base you cannot forget about these four-minute arms and two spears that are now rotating around to the left-hand side tattoos woodlines completely undefended at the moment and there is plenty of army there for mbl to do enough damage to those woodline bills yeah can can tattoo quick wall this i think it's a bit too much to ask from him he doesn't notice it and he does not notice it because it takes so much of your focus when you have the villagers forward man at arms and spearman on the hill in most cases will wreck tattoo he needs to fight okay he's gonna try with the inca villagers he does have that blacksmith upgrade so they're gonna do better than your standard villagers but this just feels like uh you know a losing uh a zero-sum game here uh for tattoos he chases them in towards his other wood line i mean he's basically just ushering them into his own base yeah and it's it's more idle time for tattoo and dash the point that it really comes to mind as lan has scouts over here and so does viper when i saw this rush happen in some of the group stage games i didn't like incas because it feels like you don't kill someone fast and you don't have any military momentum and we're seeing that mbl has military viper has military tattoo he has villagers and he has not done enough damage for his viper yet yeah land being forced to bring all of his scouts back in response to this forward here from mbl mbl looking to take the fight with the spears this is going to be a good trade if anything yes he might lose his met at arms but oh my goodness the number of scouts that just went down only two minute arms left that's going to stop the aggression here for norway on that side tattoo in the meantime though has transitioned his bills over to mbl's base looking to drop a tower the viper though going to chase it off with a number of scouts call them what you want mr yo had a nickname for viper and mbl earlier they are looking good man it's just like every decision you'd need to make every position you'd want to be in norway tends to find themselves in but one aspect is that land has not taken a ton of damage land has carried games before for spain he has just chopped through he's going to gold and he's on his way to castle all right 36 bills for lan mbl the highest in the game at 40 but only one player is on the way to castle age and that is land so we're looking at a very similar situation to game one of the day how much damage can be done when the night player reaches it to the castle age with some small amount of advantage yep and what's great here for spain is that mbl is going to want to get some type of counter attack in he can't comfortably do that because he does have to worry about playing defensively right now a tattoo has to be careful he's out of the spears so he can fight viper that's good micro from viper and viper has to back away so i guess viper that's actually viper on the berries he'll have to leave soon um but yeah i feel like overall norway are more together as a team it's just down to what type of damage lan is able to do over the next few minutes pause comes in and uh i think this gives me a good opportunity to uh to to kind of uh to make the point that while we were earlier talking about you know jokingly uh the norway team being a team of the lazy boys the viper already stonewalling here on the out hands uh outside the defensive play out of this team while some might look at it as lazy quote unquote shows what i think i think we have a draw drop yeah i think somebody okay pause to discuss their chances in this game and then determine that they did not have any more chances in this game no i think it makes sense that tattoo would drop there because lana was the one who paused so maybe tatsu's internet yeah went out but but yeah we can continue to talk about that uh lan is at 75 percent of the way to the castle age and then mbl's at 33 so there will be a time window there but you're right man like viper viper really impressed me with his defense on the wood line with the tower against incas and then when he saved those two villagers he not only saved those two villagers but he sent them to that stone on the other side of his walls so he could build defensive towers later i mean it was really brilliant yeah exactly and and and i just want to make the point to the audience that you know some people may consider certain plays or certain movements made by norway to either be lazy or just non-traditional but when you take a look at what they are doing i think it shows an immense amount of respect to their opponents yeah the viper and mbl weren't stonewalling like this necessarily in earlier rounds well maybe maybe mbl was because he was doing some wild fast castle stuff early on in the tournament but this is said this is a move you make when you know the level of your opponents and you you respect their ability to come back in a series and to know that this game isn't over um but if i do stonewall the outside ring here and eliminate land's opportunity as the cavalry player uh to get some knights you know flooded into the back of our base early on encassulates this is the way you shut a team out by playing defensively once you have the lead yeah well i i like the stonewalls from viper i think they'll be up in time and guys we'll find out soon they're restoring this uh i actually think i need to restart my game but i think they've already restored so we'll be right back in where we left off and lan needs to find some type of opening he's actually sending a scout on the right side to try and find out if viper is expanded but he will only find stonewalls there and then mbl having ethiopians and going into stables is interesting but ethiopians do get access to camels if he feels the need for it yeah yo probably was was was talking more about the the prep right but ethiopians have paid off so much uh so far anyways that's the first time i've seen four-man arms on this map before they i mean they did they got a fair amount out of the the aggression there from the man at arms i'm loading it already but i know you were restarting your game yeah no worries is there still a spec delay like a countdown for you there there there was i just loaded him though okay we're back in the game play but i'll just pause it at the point where we're at uh honestly just go up to normal time uh because well my game i'm still looking at the faces when the game loads up but yeah i should be in in just about 10 seconds so okay cool all right well i'm all caught up well cool expectation is that land will only find stone walls at viper's base and then land will have to find damage elsewhere we are in it is restored can spain tie up this semi-final and it's wild it is it is that is one word to describe it the the stone walls are up as you're as you're catching up i'll let people know the stone walls are up on the right-hand side for the viper mbl is just beginning to do the same on the left hand side yeah okay ultra defensive play out of uh the norway team when it comes to the outside ring here on chaos pit tattoo still trying to be a nuisance though with a giant pack of spears and those four villagers forward dropping towel towers rather left right and center but really not gaining that much space as a result of them it's it's towers in no man's land yeah tattoo needs to make sure that he's walling around the town center because now that there will be nights out uh you would assume nights anyways or camels they can run underneath the tc and get back to that wood line so his tattoo clears up those scouts viper losing track of those and now there's nights from land this is why viper lost the scouts because land was hitting him you know what i'm gonna completely forget about what i was about to say viper needed to wall underneath his dc dash and here come the knights this is this power yeah multiple knights into the back of the norway base the question is where do they go and can they find damage because the wood line for the viper has a tower on it and walls up the knights aren't going to be very effective against those so now rotating over to the left-hand side of the map going to take a look at what mbl uh has left defended he's perfectly walled on his side as well when it comes to the wood line and camels are out a messy game mbl with two knights at land's base land will lose a ville or two i think long term norway might have a problem as viper saves these villagers with military momentum because ethiopian camels are not that great uh whereas land making knights makes more sense but at the same time dash mbl is probably going to boom a bit mbl has enough camels and he and viper have been very defensive like we said not taking as many losses as many teams might t90 take a look at the right hand side of the map oh viper walden a villager and a spear wow i don't know how that happens i i guess that maybe viper lost the scouts while he was doing that uh tattoo is still forever futile but he's also still successfully towering the viper's farms the viper not in the best spot yes he's in castle age but he's not on two tc's he doesn't have a lot of wood income feels winnable for spain if they can get land onto a massive uh eco lead and land oh still only on one tc himself i suppose it's all about that night players he plays ring around the rosie here in the norway base loses two of those nights to the ethiopian camels yes ethiopian camels might not be the most potent camels in the game but they are still a counter to knights in castle that's going to force land away from the aggression and give norway the space to breathe and maybe even make a push of their own monks now out onto the map for mbl so play monk camel aggression what a player man two tc's already he has three monks out he has camels out he has what he needs to defend himself at all times and he's gaining the eco lead it's seriously been incredible and while tattoo is 52 villes that's 52 bills in the feudal age so don't expect much to come from that a fight that mbl will probably take and win in a moment with two more monks and land he can't hit viper he can pressure on viper if he needs to defend himself yeah that entire lead uh that lan has in terms of uh the way that he and the viper are going to match up is nullified by mbl's presence on the map with both uh the monks and the counter unit in the camel and so when you don't have the support from tattoo with the expos to deal with the camels that have you know less pierce armor it just gives norway so much space to breathe how so much space successful with these spearmint bee in contributing to these fights i feel like it'd be good for spain to have tattoo bring the spearmint in towards the camels and the monks oh absolutely they would be a massive threat uh you know i think uh it's a matter of coordination at that point we do know that knights knights will deal with uh spears quite effectively but if you can make sure the targeting functions are good there you see how quickly they wipe up that singular camel there underneath the tower they might also just be waiting for tattoo to get pikemen you know tattoo with two barracks now one at home one i guess in viper's home uh making the spearmin maybe that's the play and tattoo abandoning the stone really worried that nbl might pressure that but nbl going towards lan who has overchopped that wood line please tell me he notices that because that would be too big of a loss to take that's an over chop that would be an absolute disaster there you see the villagers pathing through right now to make it towards the tc mbl wrapping around he does find it he finds the hole yeah there's another over chop but mbl will still threaten there and attack those walls meanwhile viper worried at home i imagine because mbl's not here when have we seen this before mbl mvl booming and uh applying pressure to the enemy but not saving viper but yeah it's probably better for the team that that's the case uh unless this becomes pikeman and rams then viper could have some real trouble that's a good q that is a good question whether or not the siege workshop gets dropped and we see the kind of pressure that we were in some senses expecting in game one of the series once spain finds themselves in a deficit with these pikemen or these spears forward and castle age about to be hit here by tattoo he brings the four villagers forward dropping house will the siege workshop follow yeah i'm so impressed there's the siege workshop with mbl's play currently 71 villagers he's been bringing the monks around with his camels and knights he has much better economy than land and ethiopians they're not a camel knights if he's still booming on three tc's with them we'll see if he transitions dash and we'll see if maybe the focus for land and tattoo becomes mbl and almost as i say that mpl will drop a castle next to that town center mbl is a monster look at this we got the knights actually looking for an engage in a surround on the monks right now no engagement from the camels just yet mbl what are you doing you got a patrol that's okay the engagement the cast begun but it is looking good i know that is on me i guess the knights coming away with the victory there i don't think nbl's going to be too unhappy about this ultimately unless that major amount of pressure comes in the first ram ejected from that siege workshop alongside the pikes the viper is in some trees in some danger i'm just it's a repeat of game one in many ways and maybe less of viper's fault here game one maybe he was a bit too greedy with the boom i don't know but mvl losing that force means that he doesn't have what it takes to defend mb our viper rather so viper has to build his own castle and completely abandon the middle and go to the outer ring i mean this is it's incredible defensive play because the mbl already has a castle up on his side so if you think about it what does spain achieve with their push right now they're going to get a few vill kills and they're going to take down one town center but do they achieve much more than that because from there you go left you go right you hit a castle either way dash if there was ever a map to stall it out and make it go late it would be this map look at tattoo on the left he's stonewalled double layer actually he has tc's tattoos eco is much better than it was before he actually will have more villagers than lan so i think the lack of military momentum is something we have to talk about with mbl now does he still want to go camels against incas and against lithuanians or does he have to make a switch he's making showtel tell warriors and camels what is this i mean shotels are great against pikes right that's amazing that's it okay okay so so so basically this is the conversation they must have had in comms uh mbl said viper what what kind of military support can you lend viper said absolutely zero and so then mbl said okay i guess i have to make counters to both types of units it's this is an incredibly expensive army comp though here from from mbl because it's food and gold for both units and he has to produce enough to deal with the pressure of two different players by himself before it's out of people's minds i do think spain could have killed more villagers at vipers starting tc vipre was able to get away with about nine of them when he had no military there so that was sneaky move from the snake uh but coinage now for tattoo is he gonna send all of his resources over to land that's an idea i like that move i like that move a lot you you only need to keep presence with a little bit of siege and some pikes out onto the map oh boy with a mistake here dash sorry to interrupt but no he tried to housewall viper got through a viper's just trying to boom at this point but he's able to get some damage in here with knights that he hasn't really upgraded six nights and they're already they've already got multiple ville picks they're going to run around the back of this uh spaniard base now for the next half an hour yeah i guarantee you and just completely throw uh the two spanish players for a loop i think you're seeing an issue of range here as mbl takes a fight against pikes mbl that was a horrible fight for him to take and he is impinging and he's getting infantry upgrades so if he goes into shotel warriors i suppose shotel warrior and halberdier would be a good mix but uh straight shot warriors a little questionable against the lithuanian paladin yeah very peculiar fight there i wanted to get rid of the manga now and he did manage to do so but lost his entire military presence here so now again the power of this force here by the spanish team that's sitting in the middle of the norway base uh it's something to be feared and considered as nbl looks to make his way towards amp halfway there land just clicking up to follow so once again we kind of have a split map we've got the archer player on one side with more uh potency and we've got the cav player on the other side with the numbers yeah so this is what i expect from here i think the norwegians are going to find themselves both in imperial age whereas lan it's going to be all on him to carry this for a while a tattoo he's still booming so he's still creating fills but he is sending most of his floating resources over and land's trying to send his knights around this is a long way to go i guess he wants to take out viper's knights or maybe pressure that side but big concern if tattoo doesn't have any support because here comes mbl with showtel warriors in a team game tournament i don't know what that is i don't know what that is but you made the castle so you got to make the unit right dude it's taking off from tc's with shona warriors it's working and it'll hold the gate open too oh no he won't hold the gate open but doesn't matter when showtel warriors can melt buildings this quickly 18 damage so there's more damage output in the shotels than there are the knights and land i i think he's just made a massive mistake if he gets through into viper space it's amazing but if he just runs into walls it's awful oh the viper in the back with those knights right now hitting the gold from land that's going to pull attention from the shuttles come into the farming eco on the front hand side and so you've got the you've got is the power player it's his mtc as well and we've already seen that mvl is willing to take tc's with chotel warriors will he go for it i think he should i think he'll get it 87 no defense tonight another pack they're just melting this tc it's the mtc 91 92 it goes down the villagers will follow a massive blow dealt to the spanish team that's gg they've got nothing left that's that's that's the entire advantage that spain had there was the lithuanian player going to be the first of the two cav players to imperial age get those upgrades he's now dropping a panic stone gate on the wood line to protect the outer ring but look but there's no follow-up to the amp now mbl 100 goes on injury watch forward siege workshops he's going to research on azure yep on inter's on the way dash mbl has been out of this freaking world he is going to cut through the wood lines there's no way that these showtile warriors can be stopped but can viper survive his viper drops a gate the batard viper needs another gate oh my god wow the quick walling there is massive that was the maybe the game saving play yep the resign comes through as soon as lan is enabled to make it through that wall the resign comes up norway up to zero are we supposed to have words for what we just saw there are we supposed to be able to sum that up that was i mean tremendous defense from the norwegians viper it all started off with the woodline and then going to stone but then mbl it went camels he went monks with ethiopians he gained an eco lead over lithuanians with ethiopians and then he went for what was probably the better composition dash because if he tries to switch into arbs i think it's a very slow transition he needs to get all the upgrades and he then lacks mobility so he was just able to kill fast in a weird way showtells was the winning play yeah exactly for what you're saying there it was the pace of the game the way it changed the pace of the game land had the expectation in going to imp that he would be able to get to that cavalier state and actually you know put up some amount of defense against what was maybe expected arbales from an ethiopian player but the shuttle flood out of a couple of castles there from mbl and just the willingness the willingness to have that aggression too it's one thing to be flooding shotels onto the map it's the other it's a it's a completely different thing to send them under tc's yeah both players and just eat them okay so with that said some people are questioning should land have imp in that town center i think it's easy to say now that that answer is no but it takes such a long time to get to the imperial age he probably clicked this before he heard word from tattoo that mbl was fully committing to these shot warriors still does feel like that's your most vulnerable town center i know the other areas were being raided but true hindsight's 2020 maybe you should go imp on the outer edge but then again dash if you go imp on the outer edge you're creating villes in the middle what do you do with them so i don't know it's kind of a tough situation to be in um it's certainly a tough situation to lose a game like that that's your home map and then have to go to another home map you're thinking you have a good game plan in game two it gets beaten like that and spain are really gonna need to to turn it up a notch if they want to beat norway today oh for sure i mean if you would ask me uh for predictions at the top of the day i can tell you quite confidently that uh shotel warrior spam into uh building kills was not going to be one of my predictions and i i don't think it would have been one of spain's predictions either uh for the way that these games were going and that's where you get to the conversation around mentality mental fortitude yes you're taking losses and i know these guys have taken plenty of losses in their careers and recovered from those losses but you don't always take losses in that fashion um and you don't always take losses in a way where you feel like maybe there there were more options to you had you played the game a little differently i'm looking at that inca tower rush that honestly did not achieve a ton dropped it was defended beautifully by the viper and i don't want to take any anything away from the way that he approached it but the early aggression from spain just has not worked so far in this series i think by the way someone said hey dash what is the strongest sieve in the current meta i can't ask t90 because he always says it depends that's funny but moving on past that i'll give you an answer it might not be right i'm just going to say vietnamese all right there we go everyone's going to spam pick vietnamese now um but shoot what was it going to say oh yeah spain have been playing amazing age of empires like there is a very big difference between what we're seeing here and maybe in that previous semi-final where there's like a massive class difference between the teams and one team didn't really have their day i think spain are playing near their best it's just that mbl is always there if viper gets pressured and i'm sure that we might see a reverse scenario if mbl gets pressured where viper can carry two so yeah i mean spain might be playing their best and this is where maybe my question to you would be do you think that then norway has just come in with with a great strategy of it seems like they're focusing a little bit more on tattoo uh arguably the better of the two players here for spain but also i imagine the leader between the two and in some senses the shock collar of the team and by putting him at a disadvantage in both games so far has kind of put land in the uncomfortable position of having to single-handedly carry the game in castle and onwards um i i think i don't know how it goes in other esports but i don't think it's quite as direct as that um a lot of people have speculated over the years do you want to to team up one specific player but it really does depend on what the team structure looks like it depends on a lot of factors and i'll get more to that in mid feudal here because we have the next game this is game number three i think everyone would agree that this is pretty much a must win for spain and oh man the positions will be really fun viper playing as the persians here in the blue teamed up with mbl who's in the green and byzantines and then tattoo has gone for the celts a top tier sieve on this map and then we have mongols probably the civ scandinavia for land because there's extra hunt on this map i'm loving the sieve choices here for both sides to be honest because i think again we're going to see a fair amount of aggression out of the spanish team with the quick mongol uptime uh but by the same token we know persian's very happy on water with the high hp docks um the positioning of the map though on scandinavia is always what's interesting to me because you kind of have that option of spawn points that will um encourage feudal water aggression and then you have spawn points that will kind of uh i don't want to say discouraged because i think it's still always a good idea but uh we did kind of end up in that situation where you have the teams grouped in a way that they each control pretty significantly one of the two areas or bodies of water and not the other so will the early team walls come out will the sneak villes come through for that water aggression i think that's going to be a defining moment here in this game yeah now on scandinavia you never know how the map 10 is going to look like if you've been following the tournament sometimes instead of having the water to the back of each team you kind of share a side so i actually feel as though this map gen suits spain because viper and mbl they're going sneaky villes they're going to try and dock byzantines with their faster working fires and then persians with the higher hp docks and faster working docks i mean but fish is the focus and you're already up against mongols who have a hunt bonus over you think priority number one if your viper and mbl is sneak so with that said dash tattoo and land should be scouting i think it will be easy for tattoo to wall to the edge and uh push away any sneak from mbl but viper does have some real potential in feudal to send a villager forward get a dock up and play heavy on water yeah i think that top side of the map uh is the most open and therefore the viper is going to be the most capable of getting a villager snuck through you see the villagers though for each of the players now making their way towards uh towards water looking to drop those docks soon get the fish out onto the map so tattoo already sending a wall veil forward or is that going to be a dockville i i think that's a wallville but he might try and sneak normally you want a defensive not defensive dock you want to dock at home first so you have your fish boom and then you send the bill out later on yeah he's walling this leads me to my next question now there's no right or wrong answer here though i may disagree if you have a free boom situation so a game where you do not need to attack for an hour what are your top three civilizations where you do not need to attack for an hour yes top three civilizations well funnily enough byzantines might be one of them because if we don't attack for an hour i might actually get to elite cataphracts and just uh flood the map with cataphracts and those beat most everything in the game um uh mongols would be one of the others because you get to elite manga die and we know what mobility on mangadai as well as their ability to uh to delete siege and what drill does for like mongols in the late game so uh honestly actually i would probably and then maybe even put celts up there so i i would say michael's celts are yeah are two of the strongest civs in the game in in post m and if i would have said top four you could even argue persians i highly doubt we'll get there so don't get too excited people but elite war elephants pretty hard to stop as well um so are you agreeing did i pick the same three you would have yeah i would have said celts and mongols are on my list and then the third could be any variety of civilizations so like health siege alone puts them at the top of the list mongols with their siege and then their mangadai uh people saying goths no you gots can't counter 30c jonathan's in 60 mangadai you know like that's too much so i think i mean at mine and chat dilo goss is a very strong post in civ yeah maybe bam potential but at the high elo at the elo that we're watching i'm right there with ut90 that it it's more about uh the power of the military units available to them because the micro and the management will be there from these players man that inflated my ego a little bit though that you said you might disagree and i answered in a way that uh seems like we're perfectly aligned i i think you've played uh quite a few black forest games because you that's the only way you find out and does does land see this okay viper how's your quick walling because if this doc doesn't go up for him this completely changes the game plan for norway he wants to be competitive on water and he has his scout here it's one scout one villager and viper will be later to the feudal age but if you get the dock if the dock goes up oh my god the villager is in we've got the i mean the hp advantage is there for lance villager so the question is well oh my goodness he gets the quick walls up yeah i'm a little bit villager is safe yeah i'm i've got it on fast forward trying to catch up right now villager is safe but doesn't have the dock down so i mean effectively land has stopped this pressure although his walls are not up entirely so there are options for norway to still move forward with either military or more villagers to kind of force that dock up mbl on the other hand full wall across the front of his base no villagers sent forward tattoo will mirror him so no action on the right side of the map entirely focused here on the viper and land yeah so i'm looking at viper's eco he's not going to gold so he is switching off of his game plan to go to gold and go for lots of docks even has a barracks which is really peculiar is he going to try and make a range or a stable here instead of docking i would love that i would love that ah this villager you rewalled it okay now he can delete a palisade on one side and place the building but i don't know actually the right okay left side he could do it now but it has it's so bold oh now i'm ahead of you oh really okay speed up oh wow oh how did that happen i'm sorry okay i guess i don't know if i just gave something away i feel bad though but yeah i didn't know why there was a gasp and oh okay viper's villager goes down wow we're we're professional team here we were super far behind and players is dead all right glad we could catch up to speed and here we are back to live games all right well wild well we're in one of those situations we kind of talked about with the way that the the you know spawn positions were on this map that there was quite the possibility of a of a very defensive setup from both teams and full control of water on each of their sides their respective sides for both teams so in a sense now t90 this feels like it's a it's a battle of the booms yes when you've got open water on both sides who uses their fish boom better yeah um and i'm gonna break it down like this when it all comes down to how mongols play i think because you may be tempted to go to stone now you may be tempted to build a castle in early castle if it gets there land's adding scouts by the way so he's got some support in the mid for his team but dash if you build that castle too early if you go to stone too early then you won't have the town centers you won't have the villagers you won't have the eco so i think it's very important as tattoo coming forward with a villager um and it's on the way to castle i think it's very important that land has proper eco and prioritizes eco over a lot of stone i guess tattoo wants to break through these walls though yeah he didn't know that it was fully walled just yet you saw the villager walk forward and then run static into that wood line so still expected that to be open perhaps and wanted to get a sneak in or run you know run a dock to the backhand side but no we are going into castle uh in this game without a doubt uh tattoo already halfway there though so still has an option for a siege workshop as soon as he gets there yeah he tattoo is not gonna boom i mean you could look at it two different ways if you get a boom lead you can get the sieger and kill everything but if you make siege and pikemen you can make tc's go boom so it's probably not ideal to try and eat byzantine and persian town centers because they both have more hp than your average town center but this is the famed huang rush only tattoo actually has economy huang tends to have about two farms at this stage very very very true although huang his development over the last uh over de i guess has been incredible to watch um but that's neither here nor there as the tattoo does hit castle age when we look and check that forward we've already got the siege workshop dropped alongside that barracks so spearman on their way out wood upgrade siege workshop there's about to be tons of manganese out onto the map you know this is the first time that tattoo will be in a position to possibly carry for his team because in game one he got brutalized early game two he played the role of going yolo he's actually being able three town center boom full fishing ship boom uh and siege and pikeman forward this is nuts you should not be able to do everything that tattoo is doing all at once it's a very good point the spears are out they're putting pressure onto this barracks here from mbl mbl in response uh just about to hit castle age what can he do is he gonna go you don't want to go skirmish your defense in a 2v2 against spears i think you go mom doesn't have any other okay i was like he has no other military buildings dropped at the moment yeah i i had to say that real quick before he built the monastery if i waited for you then it would have looked like i was just just waiting for what he would do if you go for redemption monks you can convert the siege but the problem is redemption is pretty expensive and it also takes some time to research so it is possible that tatsu could just break through here before mbl has the defense and oh mpl choosing to use his spearmen which are very cheap to now attack the magnelon that will delay things but i don't think he takes that out yeah villager repairs we've got the pikeman in response from from tattoo i do want to call out that tattoo managed to kill three villagers from mbl on the wood line with his manga now yeah that's also huge especially around the roses the eco lead yeah i mean great defense from tattoo i also love how the ram was doing damage to this barracks the entire time but also i think successful delaying tactic for mbl as he makes stonewalls behind us he needs to hurry up ai army one of every siege unit here for tattoo uh but i actually like uh that he's he's kind of using uh some amount of diversity in his siege units here he's got the uh scorpions in response to the infantry he's got the mangano for the range pushes and to prevent walling and then he's got the ram to just more effectively and efficiently push through those walls to actually look and deal damage but mbl with stone walls to follow behind all of that there is no better defensive player in the game of base of empires than mbl yeah that's who they're using depression yeah they're pressuring him while viper full boom so kind of his turn to be the one who could carry later but i do have some concerns over what persians will do if you go into nights with persians that can be countered by the pikemen so the pressure should continue to come in from tattoo what's impressive is he does have the villager lead throughout all of this yeah and you've got to transition into farms now dash you you have to focus on production and micro on the front i mean this is just it's a lot there's not quite many players out there who would even try and do this amongst the high level normally you go two tc's at the start but four is crazy you know viper as well on four tc's so matching on that side and we know those persian tc's can get to an unreasonable state yeah of pumping out villagers so while tattoo does have a small actually he just lost his veil advantage to the viper by a few just now look at this deer next to mbl's monastery he's trying to run away but it's bugged and it can't run away it's so cool turn left you stupid deer it's there's a building there it's so scared meanwhile there's that other one on the other side of the wall he's like i'm behind enemy lines help me oh man mvl with his defense and redemption's in dash as he micros the monks voodooloo and uh mike rings so well and i think tattoo realizes i've got to back away from this i don't want to donate siege to the enemy that's the power of redemption i guess the deer is just going to be stuck there forever now because the monastery is not going down all right time to now shift the pressure to the left-hand side of the map the monks are out for mbl so all of this siege is now being rerouted over towards the viper putting pressure onto this barracks and perhaps the gold right behind the viper dropping stables in response one two three i count so we're gonna have cavalry coming out soon for the persian play yeah uh i kind of like the approach that both teams are going for here and i've liked that for most of the semi-finals so far piper mixing in military realizing that if they give the enemy time and space that celts and mongols just feel better long term so he wants to get some room to breathe let's see what the coordination's like though because nbl's coming in with the monks if he converts the siege this is an easy cleanup and oh my goodness tattoo deletes one he loses one he deletes another and ripped to the scorpions all the scorpions are gone they're now turning and putting pressure onto the pikeman the pikemen are chasing these old men in robes oh that was a great mango shot by mbl he's so good at the target fires more or sorry that was tattooed my bad yeah i know you're you're not wrong mbl is good i'm not wrong on nbl but it was tattoo who still had the nice target fire there that's what that's what it was it was that was an mbl level a target fire there yeah how do you like stop teams for a moment how does it taste as i don't know i think this awkwardness favors spain because land is not contributing anything right now the the real risk though is tattoos continuing to invest into a push that might end up being useless at this time look at viper's micro against the pikeman that's cute and i think land needs to start going up on his way up and oh viperous or no no no atlantis you right as you say it he's he's clicked up he's 10 on the way up his first castle is dropped on the front of his base on that hill so we're about to see mangudai out onto the map and uh with imp upgrades at that so it's it's criminal that we have 15 000 viewers and this is happening again but chat my game is bugged so i can watch the game but this is the third or fourth time this has happened this tournament i have no control over it the statistics are now frozen so the game's running but it won't show what people are queueing it won't show what is happening so this has been my life for the last 13 months but dash we're going to mean that a few times yeah we're going to make it happen all right we're going to we're going to crack we're going to still we'll rely on you and your expert analysis to tell us what's going on so lan is imp you're saying and then is tattoo as well uh lan is 50 on the way to imp uh no the viper is the only other person on the way to amp 25 of the way there so lan will hit first fall by the viper the other two players have not even clicked up yet yeah exactly so not gonna restart my game because this game is just about to get heated uh viper will he commit to paladin i guess it makes sense that he will paladin into stone walls though i mean it is the best unit but it's such a huge investment for for what looks like no gain because the stone walls here on the side of tattoo are just going to completely unless is that a hole on the right hand side near the cliff and the stone walls i can't see cliff stone walls right side um right side by the castle you can't click a cliff that might be but i think viper is actually going to go for something different you have mbl making ranges viper with a forward castle i think viper is hoping that land's castles would be treble which they're not and uh they really want to finish this fast norway yeah there's the imp time here for lan the other two players have clicked up and they're about even both 25 of the way there for mbl and tattoo viper with a forward castle placement dropping more stables so he's now up to about six stables for the persian player all right and uh viper with quite a few nights here just to clarify again because people keep giving me suggestions like i haven't faced this bug five times in my life or over the last two weeks i can't change anything on the screen so um i if you're telling me to remove the stats it's not possible so thank you for the suggestion but we're gonna roll with this now and uh dash how quick do you think this damage needs to be from the viper because lan still has his castles he's making a few more now um he's even has the manga die hitting the viper he's he's exactly where he'd want to be yeah i mean i feel like lance should be ultra comfortable in this position he hit uh imp first he sees no siege pressure coming from the vipers though even though there are lots of knights out on the map he can use the mobility of the manga die just run away reposition even double stonewall tier on the front of his base in response to the castle and with his being the first treb to come out it's gonna be more of a pressure game for lan against viper than it is viper against lan and then cataphracts are great and all but that's not what nbl's going for and tattoo just walked right outside of his gate and he's going to go hal bram push against mbl who's dropping a castle right here mbo's really worried about this oh double siege workshop for the kelp player with rams coming out if he makes those capped rams it's our the imp or the captain ram upgrade is already on its way yeah so i expect as soon as it's there and there's maybe four four rams across those two siege workshops that he'll go for the push on this guy nope not even waiting just two that's all i need yeah viper's gonna be needed here it's really a tough situation when you have to send in cavalier against what will soon be halves i assume tattoo yeah hal probably so early is what too early the push the the push is it too early oh no move the tread back i don't know dash look at this the viper comes in with cavalry here yeah oh no nope he's turning around where's the viper going well i think mbo just told him i think mbo just told him i'm fine okay so viper felt like he was needed and mbl is on as you're cutting through the wood line we didn't get a chance to see it in the previous game but is viper gonna find any reward from this uh the cavalier running in dash keep me updated on if they're elite mangudai if viper is getting pallet and all those things if you could a b they are already elite manga die big dash as i'm casting with dash from viper to break into paladin oh elite mangadai is in but it's not enough mangandai to deal with these paladin and the paladin ignoring the military and going straight for tattoos eco this is going to enable mbl to win the push on the right-hand side and then come in as support wow towards the viper who's doing incredible eco damage right now a big difference between paladin and mangudai is that paladin can do damage if they split up mangadai they have to get to a critical mass and then stay together so on a choke pointy map if you wall it up you can force those fights with a big ball you cannot do so if those walls are just taken out so in this case the wood walls were taken out land doing a good job to try and house fall but there's still paladins from viper running it yeah he panic walled on the north hand side but there was a little bit of a hole between the wood lines there and now the viper is in on lands gold as well so there's just eco damage on both sides of the map and that buys mbl precious time here to establish a military presence on the right-hand side he's now pushing back what were those siege workshops here from tattoo tattoo with a few trebs actually three trebs coming forward he could catch mbl off guard here on the right hand side yeah viper's raid was good but they did that because in a straight up fight mangadai habit or siege ram should kill them and so norway now on the back foot after that little raid and three celt trebuchets plus capped rams means the nbl i don't care if it's a byzantine castle that castle it's going down dash and mbl has no defense for mangudai yeah that castle goes down we see a pack of paladin on their way towards the south here from viper trying to help out his teammate but the mass that critical mass of elite manga died that you were talking about for land does exist already here on the right-hand side now looking to defend against the paladin with halbadeer's in in tow and this is not looking good for viper in his defense no the trade is right here too so viper it's an expensive loss for him to take he's up against units that straight up counter him and look at tattoo with more habit ears i'm not even sure those helps would be needed that's how strong pain spain's excuse me position is i i thought of norway's position and thought pain and then i looked over and saw spain uh can they do anything else dash before the trade is lost i don't know spain is bringing the pain as t90 was getting at just there a few crossbows here for the byzantine player but not even on arbelis just yet and in fact producing elite skirmishers as the only military for mbl right now this push is looking unstoppable on the right-hand side you boom for an hour then you can maybe get to elite cataphract but i don't think that's realistic at the competitive level a halb ram is so fast it comes in so easily tattoos boom was so good our stats might be bugs dash but i imagine on the game that's actually running the score lead is for spain and this could be a much needed victory for them if they can get into this trade a thousand score lead for spain uh between the two teams right now siege ram is about 20 away from being completed for tattoo and when that comes through it's just going to double the pace uh of their pressure here on the right side this pack of paladin coming in looking to deal with the pressure in this moment as dram comes in this is the last stand here for norway it feels like as the viper dives in for the trebuchets only manages to snipe one before it looks like the manga die will clean up the rest and of course there still is that halberdier pressure on the on the front and the castle looks to go down oh castle at least on my screen staying up there it is it is i so i mean i see i see four sea dragons yeah yeah grouping up and it doesn't look like it's going to stay much longer is more what i'm getting at here also mega dive from land he tried to break through in the middle now what's so crazy is they could just break down the palisade walls and run in or or you can do this yeah land's gonna run right past that castle spain has not they've not yet started to trade i see the markets going up but that's one thing for norway and something that vipers teams over the years have been especially good at is playing defensive for 10 to 15 minutes and then outlasting the enemy because of future gold income but it still feels as though oh it's a byzantine castle and nbl's gonna build another one but surely kelt siege can break these castles nbl has no military i mean i was gonna say it basically feels like a 2v1 right now it's paladin against the setup from two different players you've got yes a few skirmishers and a few crossbows uh in defense but now eight siege rams strong and as you mentioned it might be a byzantine byzantine castle but that extra hp is not going to help you against the pushing power of the siege ramps this goes down the trade goes down spain on the verge of their first victory in this best of seven will they find it here with the push yeah i don't know how much viper can really afford right now if you could tell me what his resources look like i'd love to hear that that's it can't be enough right oh he's helped out he's got no resources yeah and they don't have enough trade running to begin with so even if this was cleared good luck making enough paladins to deal with the magnetite yeah 57 on food 30 on gold but it's not enough the resign comes through spain putting one on the board yeah and it's what they would have wanted with their home maps chaos pit we saw what their what strategy they were going for norway was great against it but what went wrong for viper and mbl in this game it really felt like they were constantly reacting and trying to find a way to break spain who just had a better game plan yeah it's peculiar i mean they got no damage in early we saw the viper throwing that villager forward in an attempt to do so maybe their game plan or their thought was they were going to actually disrupt the water play a little bit earlier on yep and the defensive uh the defensive style of spain there early in futile which allowed them to get to castle and apply pressure first ultimately uh you know put mbl too far behind nbl never really found a way to become relevant i know he was the one who had to defend yup against the castle age push from tattoo but he never got back into the game yeah i i think the game plan from norway was simply to out boom and then win early imp and if you want to do that you need to get viper on water so it all comes back to feudal age and the great awareness and defense of lan and tattoo to kill viper's villager and stop that push because if persian docks get up on your side they have so much hp it's impossible to clear the mountain feudal viper's job would have then been to kill both lan and tattoos fish but that was denied so finally spain get their win i can't show you this statistics um dash if you have okay no worries yeah let's just say that tattoo and land had a lot of resources and mbl and viper didn't have enough and we'll be into the next game whatever it ends up being in a moment and this is this is on norway's home map uh they have nomad ghost lake and valley i'm really curious which ones they'll choose well i hope it's nomad because i'm a nomad fiend but uh any of these would be fun maps uh to see uh but i just i love i'm a nomad fan so if we go through this series without seeing nomad played i'll be a sad boy okay yeah i mean it makes sense i'm still really surprised that they picked nomads so early but it makes sense that if they picked it first they would want to opt for nomad and they might feel confident there people are asking me to restart guys i it's funny like it's common for me to be like hey chat remind me and then when i'm doing everything everyone's like ah spamming me thank you i've got it no snow mod all that has has also been removed as of two games ago uh where would i be without chat dash uh you wouldn't be a streamer that's true that much yeah and just be a lonely youtuber you would just be a crazy man yelling at your computer on the weekends that's that's pretty much what i am i'm fortunate that people across the world are watching but yeah yeah yeah i hear that uh i hate to do this to you do you mind if i step away to grab a glass of water go for it good time for it all right yeah no worries uh chat thank you um you have no idea if you know me if you're one of the regulars you have no idea how much i want to defend hardcore when that froze again but we're not gonna do that okay no venting just casting today thank you pat for the gifted sub thank you formatted 22 for 20 months uh mr fluffy bunny says honestly my most watched streamer help me relove aoe and your content on here and youtube is awesome keep it up thank you mr fluffy bunny it was my goal when i was a young child to be have a fan named mr fluffy bunny because i liked fluffy bunnies i never thought i'd be here uh ml cash thank you for two months thank you jc money for eight angry cutlet hello thank you for almost two years of support max folke thank you for the twitch prime randy gifted some subs earlier she gifted subs thank you i cannot say hello to everybody did we cross 15 000 we're close my goal for today was to hit 15. thank you for being a part of that people i'll let you know if i see what map is up next but no sign just yet of what they'll go for i see they're in the game room but they still have scandinavia selected it does tell me if they select it in advance so so uh when i see the map we'll speculate let's assume it's nomad i think that norway will feel comfortable with their sieves malians is definitely going to be picked um thinking malian's burmese makes sense there and for spain spanish has been picked a lot on nomad you could go italians because there's no team islands italians could be solid if you want a water roll japanese maybe vietnamese even i think uh spain has done that before so actually chat you know what um not that i want to encourage begging for sub gifts because someone just did that and my mods were like pew pew but i'm gonna give some subs to the stream right now as a thank you to everyone who's been here uh supporting the stream again one dollar for every sub goes into the prize pool so it's just an extra 10 bucks to the players too but thanks for hanging out i know it's been a rough year um much of life has changed for many people this year and not everyone can justify subscribing so i'm going to give 10 subs to the stream and i will give 10 more tomorrow at a random time right this is not based on anything you guys have or have not done uh so this is pure luck but thanks for for hanging out today 10 gifted subs from poips as well thanks pois i will match that poips don't go gifting 11 though boom there you go dodged in chat i'm sure more people get dodged then crap all right i have returned what do you think about uh 50 gifted subs from croco what that was a better reaction than i would have had what was your reaction well i mean you arrived at right when the gifted subs came in so i didn't know what to say that's it that's my reaction that's that's wild support i mean that's more subs than i've ever seen in my life so all right dash we're going to do a show match you're going to cast age we're just all going to dump gifted subs on you in a couple weeks all right that's the game plan all right i'm down i'm down i don't stream often enough to feel like i deserve anyone's sub you know what i mean i stream all this i'm sure you know what i mean because you're a streamer for your livelihood so there's a sense of responsibility when somebody gives you money for for it that you that you follow through and i just i don't do it often enough to feel like i deserve it all right that's fair i i stream all the time i still don't feel worthy i think the age community spoils me and many others but ah thank you guys uh not croco wasn't the only one shaggy and azer sentry and aqua berry and then all the the new primes all right so we haven't actually seen the map yet dash uh which is a bummer because spam and refresh yeah this is where we should have time to talk about it so shame on the players for taking a break and not selecting the next map mind rack with another 50. this is this is nuts thank you mind wreck it's really uncomfortable i i will say that because that's i mean what more do i say to that and then someone gives five subs which is a lot and then i'm i don't know i'm uncomfortable i would prefer the game start exactly thank you thank you is all is all we can say and i'll say it for you thank you for the support everyone um as you know a dollar of every sub at this point does go into the prize pool so that number will keep ticking up which is again awesome to see that these players who who pour their lives hours of their lives uh into the game uh to play at the highest level uh receive this kind of support from the community as well as the casters who pour hours upon hours uh into creating content for this community i think that was what another 20 25 subs i just saw come through my goodness guys just do it when we're casting so we're focused on something else so this is not so awkward i'm not good at this um also i think i saw dave in the chat what's up dave yeah dave's in chat there we go there's a good distraction uh the dave emote for all the subs has a santa hat for the holidays so uh it looks quite nice i'll admit it dave will be here for the finals tomorrow and then for those that did not hear the third place best of seven which is before that the legend chris also from canada will be casting there so i've had such a good time watching chris's stream more recently and getting to know him as a player because when i about the time i started watching age he had exited the scene right so i'd heard i had heard you know even like you and a few other people mention his name time to time some conversations around some of the old players top tier players so to see him return and to get to watch his stream most recently what a cheery dude he is just super cheery right like did you ever have someone who's so positive that it makes you feel dirty just like you're like oh man i wish i was that nice yeah i was gonna say in some ways it's also upsetting when you see people who are that nice be that good at something because you have it in your head that like to be good to be top tier in something not that you can't be nice the viper's nice a lot of people are nice right the entire thing i'm saying if you're if you're a pro age of empires player you're you're probably a jerk no it's one of those things where it's like you you feel like you have to have a killer mindset right to be at the top of anything i feel like generally you think of those people as having kind of a killer mindset um and chris doesn't necessarily emanate that uh while he clearly does have that motivation to be great uh and to play at the highest level um it just i mean actually tattoo's a similar player to chris true or when you watch tattoo play it's just smiles and laughs and he's just having the best time playing the game while also being incredible at it so as a finishing note uh twitch chat what we're saying is you all are really really nice all right mm-hmm you're all right you must be if you're that bad um yes you're all very nice people all right um which is why we're not watching you play right now okay so it will be nomad dash and that's the expected one so you're pumped for that i think it will be malians burmese for norway i know spanish will be picked by spain i shouldn't say no when it's tattoos team but i think it's spanish what sieves come to mind as a possible partnership there well you want a water sieve then right if you're going spanish so you're looking at italians portuguese i like italians because it's oftentimes a race to get the water player up to feudal faster and it's cheaper for italians to go up uh plus you have the cheaper dock techs if it gets if you get to castle age it's even cheaper to get to castle so i think italians spanish against malians burmese would be my guess i like that i like those guesses i just noticed that we didn't have team islands on uh in the map pool for for this series as well yeah so where i would have expected portuguese to be played but um what about japanese any chance just as we're mentioning water sieves i i don't think it's nearly as strong as italians on nomad but that is one other consideration is the the beefy fishing ships from a japanese player i think japanese are strong as well uh both japanese or italians could flex their way into nomad or ghost lake valley any of those but i'm really surprised i don't know if this comes down to spain wanting to save burmese for another map but viper's going indians combined with mbl's mallions so while the norm has been go for a water sieve or flexible sieve and then a unique unitsiv norway are saying no to that meta right what does indians marines want i mean malians is a fantastic nomad civ because of the the wood bonus on buildings but you're right there's no there's no clear focus on water from either of these civilizations so it kind of begs the question do both of them go into water to try and you know win a 2v1 or do they completely ignore a water game and look to do damage on land well camels are pretty great against conchs they're not so good against genoese crossbowman but think about this let's say this game develops and then tattoo has to go january's cross moment which counts her cav then mbl is mallians and mbl goes for malian champions which are anti-archer champions i mean there's some potential for norway's sieves oh definitely definitely i mean and indians have an incredible opportunity to boom and one of the fascinating things about nomad to me is is player position uh and what that can mean for the way you have to change your approach to the game yeah if you're the isolated player and you have the opportunity to boom for your team should you take it if you're the more aggressive civ for you know for the team and so immediately the pings come out from each of the players as we load into the map and we'll look for those initial tc placements already seeing mbl here on the bottom left-hand side of the map dropping his as well as lan all the way down uh on the left-hand side of the map up against the wall this is a landlocked nomad map which always makes water very interesting i think all right so there's two perspectives you can take on this and ultimately it does depend on a lot so if you're in land's position and you were to somehow know which he does not that mbl and viper are surrounding him you could think oh i'm going to die because i'll be 2v1 but if you're a pest if you castle drop tower if you threaten both enemy players tattoos all the way on the other side and tattoo could have a free boom so it it's really interesting and you have that combined with doc positions which i'll get to in a moment it's what makes nomad nomad dash because you can go into it with an idea of how you want to play but you don't know are you going to get access to this resource and are you going to be far or close to the enemy now there's already a lot of rng when it comes to maps in age of empires and then nomad takes it to the extreme in the best possible way but you mentioned dock placements and that's something we have to take a look at we've got tattoo and lan both docking on the left-hand side and in the same way that we talk about the land positionings of a pincer move or being 2v1 the viper's dock is in this little gulf here this little you know inlet but therefore his only way out is to go through the two two docks of his opponents yeah sometimes you're tempted to go for a safe fish boom in these little uh little spots because the enemy's rarely going to find you in there and while you might not have as much fish long-term uh you can be safe so uh as teams will start to scout with turkeys uh which is very common we'll see if they spot that but can we talk about mvl's town center is this not the cutest little town center spot ever there's a wood line there's berries there's a boat that's disgusting there's gold and there's stone i mean i don't know if i've ever seen it i know it's a caster's thing to exaggerate blah blah blah i don't know if i've ever seen a tc spot so freaking perfect on nomad no that's no that's not an exaggeration that's it's just simply not that is a that is a massive solid uh chunk of wood that he's got right there along with two other phenomenal wood lines that are close by he's got two packs of deer within you know shouting distance of his tc both of his primary uh you know expensive resources and mining resources in stone yep gold and some berries to boot like there's there's no more perfect nomad placement than that and his dock is far away from the enemy docks too right he's the isolated dock this is absurd well what's funny is i think lane just spotted him yeah lan will know that somebody's there yo he actually spotted the tc so he signals and he's probably telling his teammate uh-oh uh i don't have access to stone what does he see it okay he sees the stone but he's at least telling tattoo that mbl's close by um yeah dash if this goes the way it normally goes with casters we will have talked up nbl's starting position and somehow norway are going to lose that would be fascinated i would be fascinated with these placements i mean obviously anything is possible and these players are very high level but it everything does seem to be breaking down even as look at viper he's luring a boar while pushing a deer at the same time did you see that yeah pushing it with a villager probably i caught the tail end of that yeah he he lured that entire bore while pushing that deer with his villager nice well clean start i hope to one day be that good at anything oh my god llan is sending a ville this way i wonder if lan lost a turkey at viper's tc um he lost to turkey when viper came to um to pull to lure his first bore that was on the hill that lands uh villagers on right now okay so i think llan is paying close attention to that and must know that both and yeah both the enemies are over this way but i'm not sure why he sent the ville all the way around and is now sending it home maybe he thought the town center would be closer yeah i'm checking back in so he does know where mbl's tc is yep but he does not know where vipers is just yet so there's also a possibility that he assumes when he lost that turkey initially that it was to mbl and not to viper we'll see on the flip side is mbl sending a bill to the left which i believe will be a dockville um and that will give him an opportunity to take out tattoos fishing ships yeah uh mbl does not seem to really know that land's over here and then you look at viper viper not scouted much at all actually which is why his score's so low and viper also does not know so there's potential for land i don't know what the strat would be exactly but there is potential yeah taking a look at the ville counts we've got viper with a small lead 24 eco units to his name grabbing loom now which might indicate that he's looking to push to feudal yep uh will bring in he might also want this boar because that's a long distance boar lore on the other side of the wood line but he'll bring that through he's on his way and he'll be the fastest this is not a build that takes him to some type of fast castle and it's it probably means he's then going for scouts because it'd be uncommon for indians to go for water play he's got six fishing ships in that little gulf mbl did just scout tattoos doc there and pings it so he's gonna drop a dock of his own he's also on his way up to feudal so both norwegian players are on their way to feudal before their spanish counterparts this could get ugly uh for the for the fish on the side of spain because both docks are next to each other yeah i think tattoo's idea was to go land's got a hill over here still i think tattoo should go for the water roll here that's the idea with these sieves but his dark age must have been way off i mean this is such a late time it almost makes me think it wasn't his game plan maybe he wants to go fast castle into genoe's crossbow or maybe this is just not tattoos game so far yeah he does have two docks out onto the map so investing heavily into a fish boom he's got two more cued at the moment and still not clicked up to fetal viper's about to be there yeah so it's got to be intentional then dash and lan this sucks for him because he wants to have safe fish so he can get the food to go castles and making quesadillas but maybe tattoo is thinking i'm pretty far away so if i'm if i'm far away from the enemy i can boom on land and get to something i like the wall off there from tattoo because you can't cross there but expect mbl and viper to gain a massive lead yeah that that little amount of walling actually it it achieves so much because even though he's not fully walled on the other side it's going to force so much time for military to make its way around there and in essence a be an effective wall by virtue of that we got fires though on their way out here from mbl about to complete and when they do we're gonna have to take a look at the defense here from land because he's gonna be the one charged with it being the only player in fetal at the moment he is going to have to go full-on yolo market abuse and pray to the gods of aoe that viper does not find him with scouts because if viper ventures over here then viper will take land off stone and then the game plans ruin though he needs to probably send more to gold to buy food as he's using the market and hope viper does not hit him the fishing ships are going to go down and tattoo will lose some as well this is this is meta for nomad it's meta to have one person go water this early tattoo just too late to feudal age yep just hitting feudal age now we've got land clicking up to castle after that market abuse take a look at the north hand side of the map mbl dropping yet another dock oh wow to kind of cut off the retreat here from tattoo as he relocates all of his fish to the northern side of the map yeah tata's done a really good thing to i think he's doing this because his ships are so cheap but he's mixed in a lot of fishing ships expecting to lose some of them here's the viper his tattoo is making a blacksmith that will be followed by a market as he looks to go up and you know what could happen if he goes castle age before mbl maybe tattoo loses his fish maybe land loses his fish but then tattoo could fight back on water and take out the norwegians on water yeah land heavy on stone right now so definitely looking for a castle drop as soon as he hits castle 50 of the way there mbl's unit production though on water is just insane right now three docks producing consistently you've got tattoo on his way to castle with only one fire ship producing i mean they're going to lose essentially all of their fish by the time they make it to castle so it's all about that retake that you're talking about yeah and just can you get the upgrades it's cheaper with italians and what type of damage is viper able to do is viper will click up to castle age first but you know what i think it's really bad on viper's part to not be looking for land you know land's not gonna have military i i think instead of damaging tattoos since tattoo's kind of already behind maybe you should be focusing on finding land spot i mean he's looked at most areas of the map maybe it's just unlucky but atlanta's right next to him yeah he did get a ville pick with scouts uh over at tattoos base and forced him away from one of his woodlines but as you mentioned tattoo's not really threatening anything else so so what's the advantage of hurting a player that's got no military presence as is instead you've got a spanish oh my god i'm just about to hit the stone oh my god drop a castle on mbl how ballsy do you get here you get as ballsy as it gets and you have to send the proper amount of filters spanish villagers do build faster no reaction from nba response this is amazing for spain oh my god he's paying attention to water right now 50 percent of the way up is this castle we talk about perfect tc placement but what's perfect pc placement on nomad if you've got perfect castle placement to follow t90 he's going to lose his whole base oh he might not even make it to cass lage with that town center i mean land is so low eco it's ridiculous he has two farms uh he's got villagers on berries right now if viper would have put applied some pressure here it would have been incredible but i think there's now potential for tattoo to fight back on water so we have to pay very close attention to that as he's redocking uh more galley upgrade on its way for tattoo docking closer to mbl's fish in the north hand side and now viper comes over here land has prepped walls and i think the score has a lot to do with the kd and the amount that mbl has on water and you would assume now as long as land re-walls this all right land's gonna take losses there but you would assume that it will get a whole lot closer if tattoo fights back on water that's a big three villager loss there for land while he doesn't have much to give you know rushing up a castle to look to put pressure out on the map with cox means that his eco is is weak it's suffering particularly because they lost water earlier in the game mbl though so focused on his relocation that he's been rather inactive on water recently so the question is what tattoo and the uh and the upgrades for his navy will he be able to take it back yeah mbl's tc maybe maybe that's not the best i mean he could barely build that he does get the tc up like imagine if a magnet shows up that is at the bottom of a pit i love it both of his tc placements this game have been nestled into little wood lines and i mean we again we talked about how perfect that initial tc placement was but we have to acknowledge that when all of your resources are grouped like that one tap one castle rather removes you from everything so that was a huge a huge blow to the momentum that norway had built and tattoo used to do this all the time in 1v1 islands uh it was one of the things i looked for in hidden cup when trying to figure out who tattoo was which player's going to go back doc fast castle give up some fish just to retake the water later on mbl does still have fishing ships working uh viper not so much anymore so i think as viper's going to try and boom now this comes down to how many conquistadors can land mass he will have less economy than the viper but with spanish and potential for more castle drops anything can happen yeah the viper did re-dock on the south so he's uh starting to produce fishing uh fishing ships there just trying to add to that eco um as well as three tc's now for the viper if we check over on on lan's side has he dropped any more tc's no so it is it's all in or nothing here for the spaniards i like the play because nbl's so far behind if nbl honestly if that castle would have gone up anywhere else i think norway are in a better position but mbl is on the way to castle age he is doing a good job of keeping some fishing ships working it's all on tattoo to focus them down when he spots them there's just so many areas to hit man he has to cover the whole map right now and tattoo rotating around to the right hand side with one of his fire ships does find the redox here from mbl mbl just spamming out docs at this point he's going to he's going to play tower defense with docs uh in the meantime while the viper looks to to boom up atlan adding a few fishing ships while he can but all about conquistador micro and daesh in game one arabia we saw how important army numbers can be it's the same thing for nomad except it's a little different instead of having crossbows as a ranged unit conquistador is your ranged unit brutal unit to face up against yeah i mean when in mass can deal with knights and camels quite easily a few monks out onto the field for the viper it's a typical response for those pros uh when it comes to dealing with conquistadors so what kind of damage can land really get in uh viper's done a really good job of defending his base with his 3tc placement it's a very tight compact base but no damage to be found although three villagers for mbl gonna go down here on the stone so that's good damage from land kind of keeping this effectively a 1v1 yeah between himself and viper yeah i think that this is the answer to the question you just asked how do you pressure i think you swing over to mbl and uh then maybe look towards that next castle on viper when he's not paying attention i mean tattoo he is straight up everywhere he found viper's redoc in the south he's on every shoreline he's added fishing ship so he has the eco lead not a bad spot for him and it's not like tattoo isn't booming either tattoo on two town centers so if we're talking camels against cons now if tato has iko he could always get to be very rare to see genoese crossbowmen and genoese crossbowmen are great counter to camels yeah tattoo may not have a single farmer but he does have roughly 20 gilnet fishing ships at this point i did see that upgrade come in earlier and he is winning the water battle when it comes to the right-hand side and that's as we know the only amount of space that mbl and viper have controlled when it comes to water yeah land 39 villes but 37 for mbl he's so focused on water he just wasn't able to react there and tattoo in theory should be able to mask so much more here comes viper i think he's really intent on hitting land while land is distracted and he will get a bill pick or two i think it will be short-lived though as there's still conch there the castle's still there and now viper needs to pay attention to his woodline yeah pressure's on the golds but exactly pressure coming back from lan on uh the woods so avil traded for a filtrated but it's interesting because they're hurting different people uh different roles on the team you got viper who's the you know the heavier boom for the side of norway losing bills while tattoo essentially free booming on his side uh for spain it is at the point where viper can certainly clear up this main konk force these konks have killed so much but with three monks and that many camels if lan has a misplay which he can't afford to do he does not have the eco to make this many more conquistadors and they take a long time could be bad for spain i love tattoos position on water and i think for norway there's a viper's position on land is how they're going to win this if they do yeah but you mentioned how you like the water position for spain i also in essence like the land position for spain at this point because where where land was previously cut off from his teammate because of the tc placement in in in shoving mbl's first tc back they've kind of built a pathway of connection between the two spanish players and have gained way more space on land if you look at the way that uh tattoo is expanding on the northern side yeah viper with pretty big misplay he lost three monks a moment ago but the camels they have upgrades there's enough of them and they're able to chase down these conks and this will be a good cleanup but you're definitely right about the expansion and i foresee tattoo going in soon i haven't actually looked at his resources let's see well it might be a bit off on that maybe he'll click up around 31 32 minutes but with 32 on food and it being cheaper to go up to imp there's not a lot to stop tattoo from going imperial and switching on to land but credit to mbl mbl still has been focusing on water mbl at 53 villagers now which is well ahead of where land's at yeah that's actually an impressive eco advantage that he's built up uh as lan has yet to drop another tc moved on to two castle production of the conquistadors he does have that forward castle now on viper's tc's so taking some space there yeah i actually i'm sorry dash i'm getting too excited here i actually had to do a double take i'm like wait a second i thought mbl's tc went down oh wait that's viper so i guess while he was losing his kongs he just went boop and now viper can't take his gold viper in an awful position if more conquistadors end up coming out right he may have 74 villagers but he's now got two tcs that are under direct threat here from castles and conquistadors and then at the same time you have to keep checking back in with tattoo now at 93. units a little bit messy when it comes to his uh to his fishing ships around some of the docks so he needs to take a moment to clean that up but like you said with cheap imp uh upgrade uh requirements he's just about there in terms of resources could click up at any moment dash i don't want to over hype things but it's looking like that 2-2 is possible for spain i mean it was a rough start for them they almost won game number one after falling away behind and game two didn't look good it just seems like norway was better every step of the way but uh spain looking like they're in the perfect position now if tattoo can just click up the imp and he's about to he has a castle already for the genoese crossbowman what on earth and viper and mbl do against mass conquistadors and genoese crossbow compositionally that sounds impossible to beat in a lot of ways unless you just have sincere uh you know mass advantage when it comes to numbers yet another tc being dropped by the italian player in tattoo just grabbing more and more space on the northern side here on his way to imp 20 percent no one else on their way just yet he's going to be a huge huge power spike for spain when he hits the next stage now there's a lot more eco expansion for mbl so i think if he can get upwards of a hundred bills then he's able to get into champion which i think is the answer maybe not against kongs but uh just ask canada how they feel about malian champions on nomad it was really good uh a couple weekends ago but it lands michael is that the game where chris just spammed champions the whole game yep and somehow they went yeah that game was nutty yeah it was against poland a very good team so i felt like they had no business winning that game though and then they did i mean it just it was wildly impressive uh but here's a question for you at what point does land need to take his foot off the gas from a military standpoint because you mentioned mbl and the expansion that he's currently undergoing he's got no military to supply to the norwegians but land is falling further and further behind when it comes to eco he he honestly has balances perfectly i think it's been absolutely perfect because if he tried to go for tc's earlier he would not have been able to do this much damage to viper and tatsu wouldn't have as much time so i think it's been perfect he's on three tc's now and he's suffering with conquistador production so just imagine what his eco would look like or his conch number would look like had he switched off earlier i think this is kind of expected when you go for a unit which is very strong but super pricey let's see here tattoo just about to hit imperial no one else has even clicked up still a castle in response though for defense here from the viper i love the the placement here on the top of this hill just gonna try and buy himself some breathing room but another castle dropped by tattoo grabbing more space imp upgrades on their way siege workshop next to that mbl is going to struggle to defend against the pressure that's about to come in from the northern yeah if he can get enough food income food income's the answer to get champion but i think you're probably going to have it's natural to get chemistry if you're going genoese crossbow and if tattoo's doing that as it's now coming in he could always just mix in hand cannons with the genoese so their best unit might actually be skirmisher which sounds ridiculous but then italians have answers to that as well so props to mbl for his persistent threat on water uh realizing that tattoos eco is so good because of the fish dash but if tattoo reacts to that and continues his push uh everything's going to start going wrong and is this a ballsy forward castle it is going for it this is a this is a resigned castle right here this is a 105 with the genoese crossbow coming in we do have those elite skirmishers that you were talking about from the viper to look to defend against this castle placement but i don't know if there's enough of them there to stop this castle from going up 40 of the way done already yeah the castle age elite skirm and if you choose to take out the genoese crossbow then you have to take out the you still have to take out the villes so that's enough villagers from tattoo where the castle goes up and viper and mbl both constricted massively they're going to continue to run out of space there's trebs from tattoos so he's taking out that what used to be that little nook tc from mbl um oh this next tc is also the imperial htc for mbl oh lord the one that's being shot by the okay no no no not that one is it wait it's the one being shot by the castle and if they want to take that out i think it will be a bit too late it depends on how long it takes land to get here yeah that bombard cannon not quite there in time 90 percent he's going for build kills yeah he said i think that's a reasonable choice without knowing which one is the imp yeah it's the right play the tc will eventually go down anyways so take that out and and here you've got to start thinking about a bit of a transition if your tattoo elite skirm for viper would counter the genoese and also counter the conch so you need infantry or cav have probably not on your mind against indians this is still winnable for norway mbl has a lot of economy but uh oh tattoo another castle drop yeah i mean a great pressure coming out of the spaniards they have pushed all the way across the map in effect disconnecting the two players from the side of norway yes the long swords are on their way out but lan has now repositioned his conquistadors so that its gun power units against infantry on the top hand side and then you have the genoese and the castles against camels and some elite skirmishers on the bottom side the concern i have for spain is just land's position they're doing damage to mbl and viper but lan doesn't have any room to expand to so they need to constantly be asking questions of the viper there's land with a defensive castle well that's ballsy uh because if viper sends its units over here then they might not need to worry so much about land uh wow the skirmishers here for viper could maybe pick off the bombard cannons this is what i'm talking about though those skirms want to be on the other side right now yeah you now have uh some condo tierros out onto the map as well from tattoo to defend against those skirmishers interesting position because atlan nowhere near clicking up to imperial feels like he's forever castle at the moment to keep the pressure game up but norway is actively dying to the pressure right now they need to find a way to relieve some of it yeah you have mobility with the kong so lance says okay that's cute you send skirms over i'm just gonna run away and mvl we called it had the perfect town center spot at the start and he has lost more town centers in this game than anyone somehow he's he's just built a new tc to lose that tc he's at 77 pop i think that spain are going to tie this semi-final up i think they've got it they just got to keep their foot on the gas mbl is down 30 eco units in comparison to land he's running out of space so is the viper you can see how cramped they are again positioning of tcs all the way from dark age coming into play here lan had the disadvantage of going up in the 1v2 but because of his aggression he was able to buy the space and force them back and and in effect uh i mean spain owns 80 of this map right yeah they do yeah um something to bring up though is that i call mbl the cockroach of aoe for a reason if there's ever a player who is going to reboom and somehow keep pop alive it would be mbl i say that as i watch a dozen villagers die to the condos and as a lot of his farmers are getting raided but if viper is able to take out the castles for land land can't make conchs anymore and he'll be stuck in castle so there's some potential i think tattoo just needs to shift with lan and start pressuring the viper before viper can can uh kill lands eco so it's a really good point while all of our focus has been on the right-hand side of the map you take a look at the left and the viper is pressuring two different castles at the same time for the spanish player that's two of the three total at his disposal so if those go down then the conch production stops completely i think we'll see a sling here tattoo researching coinage it's a good move lan is imping now and he's he's not limping to him he has 106 bills so he did that on his own power and the natural switch would be cavalier viper's actually going cav archer and skirmisher because camel doesn't make sense and i think paladin for spanish would just be the finishing blow i see light cav though being upgraded maybe not enough gold available to land right now so as he does make his way to imperial age and is going to go for a cavalry unit of sorts isn't going to be the most powerful option available to him and his sieve so viper continuing to push to the left-hand side yeah while trying to mount a defense against the push on his right-hand side uh it's still two imp armies against one empire me in a castle age army and lann is losing castles i mean mvl has a crazy ability to reboot and viper will say hey mbl come over here with your two-handed swordsman land doesn't have the stone to repair his castles tattoo and land need to push and kill viper much faster than they're doing right now heavy cav archer defense against condos genoese it's good he's yours i think it's a great play because you need the skirms out there then you need some type of ranged unit to deal with those condo tierros guy land needs to start making transport ships and getting out of here man this is really just about it's a battle of who dies faster right now yeah i mean the viper is literally giving up parts of his base in order to pressure at a faster rate uh his opponent lan is just all of his bills are running they're all just running to the left-hand side here it's a skirmishers and two-handed swordsmen raiding like crazy and then a singular defensive point here on the right-hand side viper's castle is gonna go down though on that hill bad moment for him he's badly housed you can see him placing houses now so he's pop capped and now he loses even more pop space because of the castle so they're already losing ground but if viper can't continue to push oh look at land land has knights he has konks he's enough to hold this that's a good good moment for spain in a moment they need it and for norway if they're not pushing the left they're losing the right they have to continue that push there that land is holding from a military standpoint but take a look at his population and his ville numbers they continue to drop he's down 85 total population to 90 for mbl so again two carry players in tattoo and the viper and two supporting players in lan and mbl it's all about the space game it's all about the pace and the momentum for each of these teams mbl taking or rather uh tattoo now taking the hill though here as he pushes in from the right hand side elite genoese crossbowmen almost full upgrades i love how it's so rare to see both unique units we're seeing both the condo tiers and elite genoese cavaliers in for land the only reason is because tattoo's sending him resources after game two tattoo probably said to land we're not done we can do this we are going to win these games he has been an absolute beast and so has land throughout the last few matches an impressive amount of resilience here for the spanish team again based on the way water started on this map yeah remember that tattoo was so late to futile age mbl had six seven fires out onto the map before any military presence from the side of spain and yet tattoos still managed to win water when getting to castle age by his teammate the time land doing a phenomenal job on the 1tc castle and conquistador push effectively nullifying any advantage that that viper had viper with a heavy cav archer mass here trying to continue to push it on the left-hand side but the geno is doing the same on the right yeah um if they could switch sides right now i think it would be so good for spain they really need the cavalier with tattoo on this hill because skirm two-handed swordsman is actually about to be champion for mvl but he lost looping them around they're doing exactly what you're asking for take a look at this the cavalry coming in to support and there it is the resign comes through wow so spain have brought it back the score is two to two and that was the first home map pick for norway dash what a crazy game people were calling gg in the chat when they saw land's position mbl's quote-unquote perfect tc but i think the game plan of giving up water allowing tattoo to get that fc was successful and also big thing to point out land was a beast with his aggression he might not have had the eco in this game but he was able to remove mbl from the equation for a while and keep viper on the back foot admittedly i was one of those people in looking at the tc placement and just knowing of viper and mbl's ability to team up in 2v1 i mean we saw it in game one in dark age with the scouts so i was expecting a similar thing to happen uh as soon as they realized that land was isolated there on the bottom side of the map but i think i think tattoo in so many ways with his water pressure really threw norway for a loop they expected almost took their foot off the gas a little bit um with the the presence that mbl had thinking okay we've got enough fires on the map we've completely won water let's transition to a boom and let's out boom and beat them in that fashion and then tattoo with the upgrades in castle winning it back and then lan as you mentioned swinging in with those konks dealing incredible damage with his first castle placement it was ballsy but it was effective and then pushing onto viper from there a little bit unlucky for norway right if viper would have known that land was to the left of him earlier i think we would have seen a tower or two on landstone he didn't have much available uh it's so hard for us to say if it's a poor move because you never know on nomad where someone's located if that's arabia that never happens but yeah the castle's difference 1728 for tattoo he essentially overmade fishing ships which are cheaper with italians so he could lose a few and then kill the fishing ships of the viper and also mbl but i think every player in that game played extraordinarily well no one's playing bad today we have the best of norway the best of spain and now we go to another home map or norway two to two all tied up this is gonna be a long one but it had promised to be just that and it's an exciting one to say the least but uh fatigue is gonna come into effect here in this series uh mental fortitude is going to come into effect with the swingingness of it because you had a 2-0 now you're evened up at two and two uh if you're in norway you might be sweating a little bit in what you thought may have been an easier matchup yeah you played meta on nomad and uh the strategy from spain it it pulled through there and got them a victory i i'm curious man i think ghost lake and valley they're not typically maps where you can go for something wacky now there's variation so if you go like do we have cumins here somewhere yeah okay so i i would expect to see cumins on either ghost lake or valley for spain but it's wacky and unique but also expected so i i don't i don't know if spain needs to switch it up too much what i'm really excited for is the fact that we have team acropolis as an upcoming map if spain does lose another game and we have seen so little of that map that's always an intriguing one just because of uh base layouts and and and when you choose to exit the hill right yeah do you go even with your first very first lumber camp do you go to to take space or do you play more defensively and expand uh later into the game i do want to call out one statistic uh from this last game which is just the number of buildings killed or raised by tattoo 98 but he killed 98 buildings in that game that's that's crazy yeah i mean the next highest was 12. it just it just shows you the you know how much pressure norway was under uh through the the middle two to later stages of that game when you're losing buildings and having to constantly replenish not only military buildings but eco buildings tc's uh that kind of perpetual motion uh it just keeps nbl never got into the game yeah i would i would venture to guess that you know 50 of those buildings were mbls and 50 were vipers but it effectively kept mbl from ever making it back into the game oh boy okay so it's worth reminding everyone here that we are playing on last month's patch so recently there was a patch it was actually launched in the middle of the tournament by the way enjoy the gifted subs i'm too hyped i have to gift more i'm sorry enjoy anyways um bulgarians were buffed portuguese were buffed there are a few civilizations that were buffed but this is a thirty thousand dollar tournament i wasn't about to change the balance midway through uh and so actually i think we have a restart here dash because it loaded in because it loaded in yes and uh okay something that might not even qualify as a restart did they oh i'll find out what robo uh hears from them but anyways uh we bulgarians for norway which is on their draft and not quite as strong on last month's patch i bulgarians might be the sieve i know the least about ooh wait a second wait a second lan went spanish which they already used oh so ooh what do you do there though because now you've seen civs so according to the the rules if you do that then norway gets to so you you get to keep the other sieve so tata had portuguese they keep portuguese and now norway gets to pick a civilization to face up against from that draft which is horrible because it's the best of seven it's 2-2 and so norway they can completely ruin a game plan coming up portuguese is probably an archer role so they could just give them portuguese vietnamese what in the world that's such a weird mistake okay first of all i'm already seeing responses from chat saying no that's horrible blah blah that rule is the best way you can deal with a situation like this so i'm just going to throw that out there i want everyone to know that one there's never when something like this happens not everyone's going to be happy with the outcome and that's the nature of it i don't like that's the rule if it's uh like that's that's what's set in stone for a clear mistake um it it could be down to the teams to discuss it like robo says spanish equals slavs and then game started so if that's the case it could have been and we could figure it out later but maybe they said hey uh we meant to pick slabs and i'm okay with continuing that's up to the players right but um it looks like it will be slavs portuguese and i have to restart my game again but we'll be in in just a second gotcha okay slash portuguese let me go ahead and in alphabetically i guess he meant to pick magyard um alphabetically it's pretty darn close um thank you thank you to major gill and dutch class and rogue and surrender and chris thanks for the subs who do you have twitch chat in the next game i'm i think norway responds somehow right they've gone down two games it's very much like viper and mbl to find a response i think so too i think uh they might switch things up a little bit i feel like norway has been taking a slightly more passive approach uh overall and that makes sense just kind of based on the styles of these players that they'll look to play more defensively maybe get that early ville pick or something but then just kind of roll it forward into an eco advantage and outplay a late game as these players are so capable of doing but i think having taken two losses in a row here they might try and accelerate the game a little bit and find uh find something early bulgarians for viper you got to imagine he's got a solid game plan here yeah um i've always felt like bulgarians were underrated uh it was picked rather late in best of sevens there's so many sieves you have to pick so by the way i pretty sure it was norway's decision to not use that rule against spain so norway essentially said and fair play to them we want if we're going to beat spain we want to beat spain straight up we don't want to win with that rule we we trust that it was just a misclick there even though i think norway could have actually taken like taking advantage of that dash so that's actually epic of course tattoo land players that they know very well so viper in the blue i'm catching up to speed he's bulgarians and then mbl here he's playing vikings and then up against mbl far far away we have tattoo playing portuguese and lan is playing slabs and we're all caught up to speed lots of scouts forward so a viper unable to find any sheep to steal and it's possible for tattoo to steal some sheep but is mbo really walling already i i mean i guess he is doing it we see the palisades going down we're three minutes into this game okay so this is interesting because it's pretty known that mbl likes to wall we saw in game one what nbl could do with walls and a free boom oh wait a second interesting moment mbl and viper both their scouts over atlanta's woodline land could lose the villager this is why you wall there's a repeat of game one this is exactly how game one started and in a lot of ways this map is similar to arabia and its openness the major difference being the hunt in the middle of the field but one ville goes down for land already yeah i mean that's a ville down and also land had to research loom which puts him even further behind with total ville numbers for the time being so we saw how much of an effect it had in the in game one as you said dash and norway very well known for that i guess mbl will be happy he's he has not lost a villager because he researched loom and he'll be fully walled in this game there's no doubt in my mind now the question is how early would the barracks go up for the viper if you've already gotten one bill kill you forced loom do you look to throw a barracks up early and continue that kind of pressure i wonder if like this wall and go to castle viper research bloom at the perfect time he just spotted that spain had their scouts here so now his bills are armored and again a really good play from norway i don't know if piper goes for a barrack stash i think that he might too be thinking uh full wall he might be thinking about going scouts but eric this early might be something tattoo's considering but viper uh i'm honestly unsure mbl's basically done with his walls at uh six minutes into the game the whole front-hand side of his his base is walled he's already got a villager moving to the back side here and he'll complete that up the viper a little bit slower on his walling but uh nobody should be worried about any pressure coming in anytime soon honestly i would not be surprised if mbl goes for straight fast castle yep uh and viper does the same yeah um you have a decision to make if your tattoo you've seen what nbl's up do you know mbl's reputation so the scouting's good there wait a second mbl the guy who once called himself the boar whisperer has walled out his elephant wait what oh my god like wait is he looking okay he's gonna look for it and then he's gonna delete the wall take the elephant and then just rewall it real quick that's fascinating uh okay so anyways you have a decision to make if you're planning on going drushfc and you see someone swallowing like this i think the safer play is to just wall yourself um you should be better off economically because you had more villagers working there goes mbl uh never a doubt um but dash an idea would have liked if tattoo is indeed going for fast castle is a drush on viper because viper's berries are really forward so that's something if maybe this passive play from norway pays off that spain will look back on as a mistake on their part yeah that said i i actually really like viper's walls here he is accepting the fact that his berries are so exposed and instead choosing to wall towards his tc um which means yes he might be pushed off of food early on but uh everything else will be protected he's adding militia bulgarians get that mended arms upgrade for free so he's adding militia instead of going scouts he maybe wants to go spearman and cemented arms this is all about early damage for viper and the expectation from len is that he's going to be going scouts as well but then again he is walling okay so land might actually just add eco i this is a lot of walling here dash has land seen the bear atlanta has not seen the bears but he might get lucky and see the militia nope i'm i'm so slow on hot keys so i have to like click that i'm not used to spectating so like you're you're like going through the fog award sorry sometimes i also ask questions that are kind of uh questions that i'm going to answer myself in a moment that's a habit from casting 1v1s but totally the man at arms are on the way i don't know if this really pays off for the viper beyond forcing some walls yeah man at arms two scouts they're gonna run into walls on both sides so the best you're gonna do is maybe force a repair out of a villager actually in fact making his way over to tattoo it looks like with these men at arms so we saw a strategy when norway played russia and i was really bummed because the russians had fallen too far behind before they went for it but it was with portuguese and included a dock in the middle they made caravels in the middle it didn't work because norway had such a massive lead but i'm just curious if that's something on tatar tatars sorry tattoos radar uh but good move for viper to attack the house you probably don't want to be building houses like this if you're in tattoos position it's better to go for palisades because this is a bigger target for vipers units to attack double house wall behind but effectively pulling two villagers away from eco so good damage needs better than nothing yep and it does keep the pressure away from your own base so now the question is what is norway doing behind this i like what what spain's doing land and tattoo while they're not making any military they still have their starting scouts and loom will not protect these villagers now uh viper might need a spearman viper might need quick walls and viper reacts but not the best coordination from spain my game just froze oh are you is the game running but the stats are frozen for you no the whole game just froze oh well i mean you could always try and catch up um yeah i'm just keep me restarted though keep me updated yeah yes we'll do all right no worries um tattoo and land choosing not to engage probably curious what mbl's up to mbo already has the range mbl with the blacksmith somewhere oh it's right there okay this is why i need dash and then tattoo doing a similar thing vikings feel better in this spot potato bringing villagers forward all right i'm fast forwarding back and i'm just watching on your stream okay uh tattoo needs i hope you can see the tattoo needs a house wall oh yes that palace big mistake go down big big mistake viper can do so much damage here you should have never been able to do that hurts wow well played that's disaster you already had these things uh you know uh kept out of your base you had already effectively dealt with the man at arms and then to let them through at that moment and lose a ville on top of it all is disaster yeah he's doing a lot there he was trying to get his villagers out i think he's gonna dock the middle i think he's gonna take a page out of russia's playbook and dock the freaking middle will viper spot this and will this even work maybe rush the russians weren't crazy when they did that nbl also joined in dash so we have both starting scouts from norway and the man at arms here pressure onto that woodline you're you're also forcing tattoo to use his early military that maybe he would want to you know convert into crossbows upon hitting castle and move out with now they've got to stay at home and deal with this men at arms rush that's just going to run around and buy time yeah i'm still confused by the villagers this tattoo moves them forward maybe it's a siege workshop instead keep in mind that viper still has not clicked up to the next age lan has just clicked up viper is closing in good micro from tattoo i'd say that to take the damage he's taken here is unfortunate but to to be and the position he's in after all that is very impressive also three players click to castle age mbl will be the first one there yep that was something to go for yeah sorry one second dash mbl brought in that single larger and picked off a bill in the wood line super annoying and the mbl is going to be two ranges in boom it has to be his vikings freewheel free hand cart and he's so good at that if we think back to arabia man who's 200 papa viper was at 60 pop and they're still able to get that win that archer is still okay it just went down what viper's gotta expect this because i think his spearman spotted the villes what is the plan for tattoo is this monks maybe like monk siege push on viper there's a nice hill there to push from so i kind of understand that with the stone and the forward gold that they might want to control that hill and push down into honestly the bulgarians players very strange monks countered knights magnels counter archers so if you get enough of them with support of some knights this puts pressure on mbl and tattoo doing the wise move to stonewall because he won't have great defense so he's stonewalling at home this is this is tattoo man he goes for something that most teams wouldn't go for but it gives them an edge instead of playing that meta against two very solid players yeah what's the follow-up here for lan i'm assuming he's gonna go as quickly as he can to three tc's although i say that and i see three stables dropped so actually it might be all in pressure i think they want to kill viper fast here they kill viper fast they'll still have to deal with mbl the biker from tattoo who realizes that mbl is being annoying and moving behind that wood line very important to note viper has not scouted that he has been forwarded uh he sees land scout around but he might still be confused why were there villagers in the middle from tattoo yeah i i think i'm hoping that because his spear caught those villagers it's a safe assumption for him that there is a forward uh on its way from tattoo but again only investing into two stables is the viper versus the three stables on the side of land plus the monks in tow there i mean knights is not enough to defend against this uh this push supported by a hill in front of his base yeah it gets more and more difficult as the monks and magnels mass if he can come out right now with even two scouts which makes me think he didn't know this was coming because he would have added scouts yeah now he can pounce right so two knights monk down magnel down he could actually take out the next monk if he's lucky meganell's going to live magnel lives monk does not uh repairs are there okay but that's my point there mbl still kind of untouched at home viper comes out with another batch of knights he's just trying to trade against this push he knows what happens if it snowballs doing a great job with that repair bill though and land supporting with his knights is going to make sure that one of them lives yeah and does go down but look at the night numbers now i mean this is massive advantage here in military for the spanish team but it's so funny it's so good from tattoo but it's so funny how viper's like no no i have to take out the siege because this will be awful for me and even tried to take the killer goes down too yeah that could be dangerous mbl needs to send support but what is he going to send uh tatsu would need a conversion there conversion should come in magnell goes down six crossbows on their way over here from mbl so if you can get them behind the walls wow it's amazing how few oh and the crep post i love this move by the viper i i was wondering if viper would take that back stone and use a krepos for defense one of the the better civilizations against all in pushes is the bulgarians because of that it still doesn't mean he's really out of the woods yet uh especially if tattoo wants to shift that focus towards mbl but mbl with 55 bills tattooed with 38 in comparison norway expect well maybe he didn't even expect that push but the krepos was a perfect defense you got 15 knights now on their way over towards mbl's base going to catch out these six crossbows that were on their way over that's a huge catch having the number of crossbows on the map for mbo yeah mbl needs to or sorry tattoo needs to keep the villa and the monks alive nbl may be trying to focus them down will be unsuccessful and viper now sending stone over to mbl mbl cannot make a crap post but he could make a castle that's great strategy from norway yeah i love i love how quick the response is there as soon as they realize that the pressure is shifting to the other side of the map infuse stone into that player so that they can build uh build up a defense not quite at 650 though so still not enough to drop it and a lot of palisade walls here that knights are going to chew through what's the response here there's the castle placement will he get it up before the knights get through oh boy oh nbo you've got to get this up it's so risky you got a wallet house wall household there's no range units here there's no seeds from tattoo if the siege was here they could break through but they could not do so and if you compare this to tattoos reaction time earlier norway was able to get in against spain when spain was relying on walls and it doesn't look like spain is going to break norway what a great job from nbl castle goes up mbl can breathe a sigh of relief at least for now as us two more siege workshops are being dropped by tattoo on the left-hand side this is a full steam ahead for spain they're gonna look to pressure mbl even in the face of that uh that castle this tc right out here in front will be accessible via manganese and knights and then they could even wrap around towards the main goal of mbl if you think about what viper will contribute to his team it's probably going to be cav all of which can be converted by monks so it's not i mean viper might even need to consider going light calf here but it's not the best position for norway unless mbl gets imp and gets our blast and this is very much like game number one only in game number one tattoo had 24 bills at 30 minutes so that's a really good point and tattoos eco is better it's cheaper to make the monks in siege with his sieve and lands they're in that there was only one palisade wall there that was uh effectively defending that that one one area oh the quick walls come out though for the stonewalls mbl that's disgusting yeah his defense has been incredible the double castle this is full fat saw defense from and still won't he's not out of the hot water yet uh crossbows will die if they move forward and he does not have the eco to go imperial on the wall there okay uh land keeps thinking better of it so that you're gonna go for a slower more consistent bit of pressure with four manganese going to rip through this tc but definitely uh slowing slowing down in terms of their pace don't want to send the knights in just to do eco damage spain rotating back over towards uh viper now i think it's the perfect call because mbl will not have the eco to go imp if he has to build two castles defensively the only way he gets imp to get arboles is if viper slings which means is not going to send any military yeah so he's going to sling mbl resources to go imp which is perfect strategy from norway but it's perfect reaction from spain to go kill viper when that's happening so viper with the double krepo's defense will that be enough you've got town centers and krepo's here at piper's base now these knights are really finding uh finding no ways in to do damage but they are forcing idle time out of the villagers and and there's still no military presence on the map yeah for norway it's just this berserkers well he you won with shotel warriors so you're right you know what it's a unique unit day for uh for norway it must be i'll be amazed if brisburgers work i mean he definitely also has some crossbows uh producing but not many he's going to imp with nothing in the queue oh viper viper could still lose so much economy if this crap post gets denied he needs krepo's defense and here we go might do it feel like well they find the shots that they need the mangoes firing over the house walls right now also one of these houses about to go down to knights and might be able to push through there's a hole the knights are in viper's in big trouble five percent big big trouble spain iran that krampus will not go up and viper will have tattoos field count pretty soon and he could lose all of his town centers he has nothing he has no defense there are 20 knights inside of viper's base right now he doesn't have a single military unit in fact he made it in on the other side there's pressure on the top tc for the viper with two mangonels and knights as well this is looking like a gg here spain finding their answer they found they're in after attempting both bases multiple times can the unique unit save the day again for mbl viper neat little move to take out that siege he loses the knight but uh that siege will continue to fire for tattoo elite berserk's shred cavalier absolutely shred cavalier not a single chance in the world if nbl gets chieftains which he already researched he's kind of far off from getting a lead but chieftains gives the viking infantry extra attack against cav that's what spain are relying on i think it's winnable for mbl especially since he's an imp now and lands still 40 of the way he does have three castles to produce out of you see the first wave of berserkers on their way over to the right hand side looking to save the viper tattoo cheekily walling in the bills he didn't get the final house up or he's trying to wall in the mangoes rather so those will go down as the viper gets a few military units out onto the field in conics this is going to be an impressive defense by the norwegians if mbl is able to single-handedly push both spaniards away from viper's base and then effectively get some damage in for himself eventually chat you'll actually have to help me out here how well do boyar's elite bow yards square off against berserks we're really far off from that because land would need multiple castles and a lot of resources and cavalier is the play but wondering if boyars are possibly good enough with all that melee armor for slabs to consider if the game goes super duper late elite berserk is being researched now so i expect uh nbl to wait until that comes in to engage dropping a fourth castle now trying to bridge the distance the gap between himself and the viper kind of recontrol some of the space but that hill that hill in front of viper's base is going to be very hard to retake because we've got the elite berserks now in looking to take the hill i feel like you have to fight to maintain hill control but you don't want to fight even after these upgrades i will say mbl at 25 berserks or 25 military but they're all split up even the crossbows count on that number and still the focus for spain is hold the hill keep that pressure on viper and lan is now going to drop a castle right on that hill so mbl he's doing exactly what he needs to do at the perfect time as tattoos walling expecting that he could be pushed by mbl mbl is here with the siege workshop and just like game one he's going to drop a forward castle but that's a little extreme mbl don't you think a three-ville castle come on nbl oh no now they're stuck that's amazing back over to the back over the other side land's gonna find a little bit more success in his castle drop here on the top of the hill just further securing the position denying that gold from the viper even you know somewhat controlling the stone here come the elite reserves what can they do here as they take the hill and cut off the knights from their retreat back towards the castle cavalier upgrades are in the castle fire will help but how much will it help how good will these berserks be elite berserk's one of my favorite unique units but how can you not love all unique units they're all pretty sick and this is a reasonable fight for spain they with the castle position as well they can trip viper back i think that's an okay fight with reinforcements coming in also fun fact about those villes since tattoo doesn't have hand cart and mbl does the villagers are faster for mbl so they're now escaping that's incredible that's incredible it's so not relevant to how the game is actually going but i love it as they retreat to this wood line the forward wood line here from mbl as he's pressuring he's actually got rams out pressuring tattoo right now but the viper as well under a sincere amount of pressure uh knights or cav though being chased off by the elite berserks so we're starting to see a bit of what you were talking about t90 come to fruition uh as the as the the unit match-up is is in favor of norwegians yeah and how have we found ourselves in this spot where ethiopians weren't going arbalest in the semi-finals of a team game tournament and vikings were not going our blessed as well i mean this is nuts we will look back at these semi-finals as some really unique games they've shifted that meta and tattoo's going for full monk defense that's the best thing he can do make those cheap monks and just convert what you can i think lan needs a treb or two trevor two to pressure viper and oh that's a bad start to the fight for lan and i i mean i i'm fascinated at mbl's carry right now he's pushing on two different he's defending for his ally in viper and he's pushing tattoo back at the same time all with a single unique unit and some seeds and this unit's just it's just it's honestly it's probably o.p vikings are already so good should vikings be able to then make berserks and shred slavs one of the best cavalier ships in the game look at that kd in that engagement there that was ridiculous mbl confidently pushing forward now has the treb if he trips his castle down and land no longer has the position to threaten viper and viper all the while is doing his best to boom yeah second shred coming in so that that castle is not long for this world i think the only advantage here for spain is the mobility of those cav and you can start to see land sending cavalry around the outsides looking to do eco damage and and kind of pull pull apart uh the norwegian team as tattoos base continues to fall apart yeah yeah actually uh since we're playing a last month's patch i think chieftains was nerfed with vikings so uh the devs must have realized how strong these units are but i see a champion switch incoming for lana can't help but feel like now that viper's imping it's just still perfect for norway they have all the momentum in the world it will take forever for land to switch into champions which already are are worse than berserks in straight-up fights a tattoo's dying and viper who knows what he'll make he's actually trading already yeah mbl's eco getting hit just slightly by three cavalry but with the number of castles that he has up he's really not too worried about any raiding that is going to be done uh by the side of of spain and instead he's just going to keep that flood going forward he's going to keep the focus on pushing out on the right-hand side buying space for viper viper replacing land's castle with a castle of his own gaining control of that hillback and the forward gold pretty soon viper himself will be adding military into this game oh he's making codex lan is so good at this by the way uh keeping cavalier in the corners viper's trying to trade and uh that trade cannot hop out of the markets yet so good work there but look at the berserks from nbl they've shifted over to land eco poor land's trying to tech switch it takes so long to get to drizina and champion everything he would need and these berserks are killing everything he's ambiel's taking castles with berserks now who needs cdram who needs rams when you have elite berserks this is just insane and stellar gameplay mbl saved viper he pushed tattoo and now he's pushing land he has genuinely been everywhere and he's a 200 pop and it wasn't a full-on sling situation either he received enough but he's not receiving sling anymore no no there's green in every quadrant of the map mbl is quite literally everywhere he has eyes everywhere he's defending the trade with berserks he's pushing tattoo with castles and berserks he's now dealing damage to land with berserks he dealt with all the pressure that was being sent viper's way with berserks and trebs i'm waiting for those two trebs to move forward and really start dealing damage to land as the the viper is researching elite conic in support of the berserk span the series of the unique units let's go has this not been a fun semi-final to watch for the people who who admire all the different things that civilizations offer and and might be upset when you don't see it frequently at the high level norway and spain have shown that you can see unique units at the high level there is a time there is a place norway respond with quite an insane victory yeah spain taps out and rightfully so at that point nothing to be done against the power of the vikings the the eco the eco advantage along with the power of that unique unit you can see viper you know brilliantly absorbed the pressure that was brought by spain with the krepos that early krepos defend on the initial push may not seem like much but it forced spain to completely divert all of their attention over to the other side and then you called out the the stone that was sent from viper to mbl to get that castle up just in time if either that krepo's for that castle don't go up when c you know when siege pressure and night pressure is coming in spain very well takes this game but it was perfectly defended does viper die if he's not bulgarians there quite possibly because i don't think he had he didn't have 650 stone no it wasn't a choice of a crap host instead of a castle it was a krepost or nothing and i i think actually in some ways he may have lived because of bulgarians the the sieve i was looking at is possibly the worst civ in the entire draft yeah and i think the only civ that could really switch into that um i don't know maybe showtills could have still worked but vikings seemed to be one of the few civilizations that could carry there it was again a game with good overall strategy and i love the theme that we're seeing from tattoo on land to have some type of a yolo push on these arabia style maps almost worked i want to give full credit to viper too because viper he delayed that push from snowballing on him by sending those knights out two at a time if he waited and tried to mass it would have been worse for him dash he was able to take out a few monks and he was able to take out a few mangonels that otherwise would have either hit him or mbl faster mbl wouldn't be in the position he's in if it wasn't for viper's reactions there but poof um they had that early earlyville pick on deland they also sent the man at arms rush from the bulgarian player over to tattoo and remember it got in it broke through the walls with the two scouts that came over and then the one archer from mbl to pickleville from the woodline i mean there was just those little things those little tiny things in the early game that start to add up and uh and while the game might not effectively end because of them you know they're they're a big reason as to why norway is able to defend in the way they do and by the time that they have what a series i i hope this goes to a game seven it's gonna be a bigger heartbreak if it gets to a game seven but if spain they need to win this to stay alive otherwise they'll be playing in the third place match tomorrow i'm gonna do a quick restart of my game and uh we actually will know the map it will be on team acropolis we've played chaos pit we played scandinavia team acropolis has been the least played map in the entire tournament remaining sieves here for spain since everything's on the line and you need a win here to extend it commerce japanese cubans vietnamese and korean okay so for me so vietnamese is my favorite archer remaining but i feel like because it's acropolis and you already know where your opponents are largely because you know they're going to be isolated on the hill yeah i feel like vietnamese is less valuable on a map like acropolis i agree you want to hold that for ghost lake i think so cumin's is 100 being saved for ghost lake yeah um khmer make a whole lot of sense because you probably don't want cumin's and camaron ghost like so for team of crop i think we see khmer and japanese yeah it's one or the other right i don't think we see koreans i don't think we see that um what i like about vietnamese though is that vietnamese probably perform pretty good against burmese which is something that norway might be considering but on the flip side of that if norway get really fancy and they go for aztecs on this next upcoming map i think aztecs with full-on eagles can threaten vietnamese so um i don't know man we're certainly closer to to having guesses but still with only two potential games remaining a lot up in the air yeah my assumption is going to be is going to be khmer japanese and then on the other side aztecs aztecs is such an interesting sieve because it completely it changes the you know the makeup of the game not having cavalry in there but let's see all right so it is berbers and burmese we might have the the double burr unique unit we might have aaron by and camel archers for the norwegians and then for spain i think it will be a bit more awkward but you have khmer and japanese team of crop map gen matters a whole lot here are you going to be able to wall to the edge of the map do you have the wall in a full circle can you justify going fast castle there's so many things and i don't think norway had played this map a lot they probably practiced other maps spain probably practiced this map in particular because of that fact what is the japanese is interesting i'm curious if tattooed goes for anything a little a little while just because of the the reduced wood costs on like mill and lumber camp does he he does he go for another early drush or something with the wood saved does he look to expand early with a secondary you know lumber camp and grab space i feel like tattoo is one of the best players at grabbing space so he showed it he showed us that in the nomad map uh for example yeah he looked to do something similar with his expansion here on acropolis well guys thanks for the support chat is is talking away they're excited um this series has delivered on so many levels and the tournament will conclude tomorrow probably even be more intense in the blue we have viper playing as the burmese in the green we have mbl playing as the berbers dash i pointed it out can you wall to the edge it's awkward for norway to do that on all sides you look at spain that's the same situation and uh khmer for land and japanese for tatum now the teams are really far apart from each other and the team mates are next door neighbors so typically you see a team wall and while it looks impossible to wall high-level players can pull off some insane fast castles so you either i i don't know of all the players it looks like the viper would have the easiest time walling uh to the edge of the map and just kind of straight across the front for himself but then when you look over to mbl's side it looks a little less likely but mbl of all the pro players is the one who finds the most fascinating ways to wall maps yeah uh and then yeah on the other side for spain unfortunately for them it doesn't look like a very clean way so we might get you know in the very very circular walls yeah you cannot wall on the elevator or not the elevation you cannot wall on the down or uphill area so the slope makes it awkward commer one of the best civilizations for going with insane fast castles you don't need to build the required buildings to go up to the next age i think in hidden cup three when it was a lot of hideout khmer war it was common to see fast castles of 1340 into a boom so is that something you can consider here can you go 1330 1340 fast castle into a second tc and be extremely greedy with comer or do you feel the need to make scouts and pressure the areas that will be walled up uh i i really don't have an answer dash it all depends yeah nor do i uh i mean again if by chance the japanese player decides to be aggressive on the map and buy you some of that time uh with with a drush or a man in arms rush possibly uh but then even then you're there is going to be a few minutes of the game where you have walls and nothing else protecting you at that point from any aggression that norway decides to send forward and then the other question t90 is do you even want to do that uh on the side of spain because kind of the way that the series has played out so far it's very clear that spain believes they need to be the aggressors yes match every single match have they been the ones to stay on one tc longer look for those siege pushes and it just feels like when you take a look at the player names themselves the viper and mbl two players that i never want to allow a free boom i i have an interesting idea i don't know if it's going to happen of course because these games are going down live i actually yeah okay i'm at lifetime um seeing as khmer are so good with greedy fast castles and booming would it make sense to have tattoo go ultra aggressive similar to how he's done before and then have land go ultra boomy and i'm thinking i hate ford buildings but what about a few archers and spearmen forward so sending a few villagers building iraq's underneath the hill and then pressuring with archers and spears because viper's gonna want stone right his stones they don't know this just yet but his stones are rangeable as are his woodlines and it's probably going to be tempting for both viper and mbl to go fast castle so if you go super fast feudal and delay both viper and mbl maybe the boom could pay off for land yeah i think i think you've called it actually i think that that uh norway's gonna be greedy i think that you've already looked at the team walls viper's already throwing up uh the palisade walls which uh for him to be doing it this early feels indicative of strategy um and i'm sure mbl will follow oh wait switch that the overlay's bugged the overlay oh oh the overlap oh the overlay um oh the over i didn't see i'm sorry yeah we'll get it fixed people that was sarcasm i love chad they're like they people genuinely think i'm blind i'm not saying i'm perfect but sometimes people don't think that i i read their message you have the t90 blind emote i feel like it's false advertising if you're not actually blind that's true i'm just living up to expectations here that's all yeah well really fast feudal time for land so uh the the greedy boom will not happen i think this will be scouts and this is as viper is pulling so many filters to wall but it's greedy from viper he's he's pushing it every deer he can he's burmese so he doesn't want to have to deal with any threat of military i think he'll be able to get those walls down yeah tattoo the first to leave the hill but viper's doing the same and lance scouted this so so spain is aware of where these lumber villagers are going for the viper he's gonna drop immediately immediate walls knowing that he's been spotted walls come down immediately but but on the other side while tattoo does well as well for his woodline those villes haven't been spotted viper should run away i i don't agree with viper chasing with his scalp because he should expect that he's going to be the last to the feudal age land should just turn around and kill the scout and now viper turns but now he is to accept his fate and he'll do as much damage as possible losing that but yeah um up forward villagers from tattoo this is what i mean man if you can put on extreme pressure against passive wall-e play from norway it could be successful but dash it's also hugely risky so a high-risk high reward here for spain look at these mbl walls this is exactly what i meant when i said he'll find a way he will find a way this is not going to be pretty but he's going to do it but the viper though trying to wall off the front side here getting harassed by tattoos scout mbl might pull some villagers to help him he does get the gate down tattoo shoots we'll be able to protect the front tattoo unable to kill the veil which is unfortunate but this is what i mean about ford buildings if you go for a forward range you can stop them from re-walling behind so scouts and archers i think viper and mbl need to wall more and maybe even depend on some defensive towers soon this is great play from spain to counter this if you do need to depend on towers which of the two players do you make go on to stone is it the berber player or is it the burmese player i feel like i mean both would be happy to go into castles yeah and the viper is moving to stone so since he's the first to go to stone he'd probably be the more likely to drop a tower in response this is weird uh we've seen it sometimes though where players just go up to feudal to get eco upgrades that's what mbl's doing but he can't offer anything with military uh viper's on stone but he obviously will want the stone later on so i think it's important that tattoo places the tower they start to move in quickly here spain need to win this game otherwise they move on to the third place match tomorrow and will not make it to the final tower one being dropped first archer out onto the map supported by a few scouts as well this is a very potent army here for the side of spain the question is can they break in and viper as soon as he hits feudal immediate response with the defensive tower here on the gold he'll likely wall just after that is gonna force them to reposition but this is resources now that viper does not have to put into a castle as he makes his way up to the next stage yeah so viper not only that but he needs a tower on that wood line i would love to see tattoo force viper into a defensive tower here and even just send the archer over to the woodline viper moving over to that wood line was so confusing to me dash and here's the tower and viper can't even place his tower to protect his stone currently so he can't take the stone comfortably on the left he can now will not be able to take this stone trouble for norway oh huge trouble for norway i mean forcing a second defensive tower here look at all the idle time for villagers he actually preemptively pulled the villagers off of his wood line yeah woodline rather and he's sending them forward it would be such a retreating yeah okay he's running home i was gonna say it'd be such a viper thing to find a random stone and just start taking that but a tower goes up and so far so good for the spaniards i don't think land needs to make that many more scouts they're looking for the villes and i guess tattoo will realize that the villes have gone home but the scouts can run in and mbl he hasn't added any military his viper will take the stone on his side that's smart thinking it's it's greedy play from norway will it pay off dash we have to see yet yeah house is up to protect the hole that was just uh dug into his walls but again tattoo repositioning just gonna try and smack through this wall here yeah i think north end of the base i think land just made a big mistake he could have run through with all of his scouts and then he he somehow for some reason came back out here there's no defensive military in there you could have hit mbl with that you could have hit other areas of viper's eco with that i really think that was a poor decision i agree actually in fact look at mbl's gold he's dropping a tower on his own goal in the middle of the base that's how uncertain they are that they're going to be able to keep this military out and land will have a solid castle time behind this uh on par with nbls but of course land hasn't had to build towers and viper if he's not careful could have this tower denied i think he has enough villagers there he might be able to get it up but still it's it's such a risky play from norway yep the tower will go up but this is an incredible amount of wasted time here for the side of norway the burmese player sacking hundreds of gold into towers that he won't be able to put immediately into a castle and a randby like i imagine viper wants to go for the other consideration is that as they're being surrounded by the spaniards wood is gonna quick become a problem as well as space that's a good point and now tattoo has two archers behind viper's new stone and viper has to pull villagers there so i mean viper barely has the wood to build new lumber camps he's adding a market this is a horrible economy this is clown economy uh for the arena lovers out there full-on gold can he make it up they're just re-walling and re-walling but the circle is getting smaller it's like they're playing a battle royale and the smoke is coming in to choke them out like legitimately they just the space just keeps getting smaller and smaller as they keep re-walling yeah further inwards we do have two players on the way to castle and that's something we should acknowledge we've got mbl halfway up to castle land as well though halfway up to castle bringing in some of those cavalry upgrades right now bloodlines um and armor mbl can flood nights with berbers he can make enough knights to clear out all the archers he could even make enough to clear out the villagers so there's potential there however lan if he's playing this properly should have two stables to support with knight so it's not as if uh there's not going to be an equal number of nights i think mbl will be good because he has the closer reinforcements but damage done by spain uh who probably just wanted to keep viper off of the aaron bye see mbl's only on one stable at the moment so he's not going to be able to get too many knights out oh no second stable added in the back just it's more over in viper's base than his own yeah there's so much in here it's kind of hard to spot things a viper this is funny he drops a towel or he destroys a tower from tattoo tattoo just walks back over here and places another one nbl needs to defend himself so he can't deny that i wonder what tattoos up time is going to be compared to the vipers though taking a look at resources tattoo 400 food with 12 on food so he's making his way there probably another couple minutes so he can click up yep good work from mbl there using the knights against the scouts heights against the archers and quick little household nbl's had a heck of a series and he's gonna really need to have another good game here if normally are gonna win this this is some crazy pressure coming in from tattoo and from land and this is all before the knights arrive and so there are areas of the base that they could run through and to your earlier point though about uh lance scout usage you can see here while he does have four scouts in now they're not really achieving anything and that's why i agree with you earlier would have been wiser for him to dive in and look to make some damage earlier now he's just playing distraction yeah i mean you always want to stay with tatsu that's the problem so you want to stay with your teammate so it's a right call there but i think while most cases you want to stay with your teammate in the case earlier he had six scouts there was zero spearman he should have run through and spain might live to regret that but uh what i love about land scout usage now as he's going to be booming like crazy at home he's running around and nbl's chasing mbl has a much stronger force he just can't kill these things yet yeah wasting time as the ring gets smaller viper with another set of house walls on the front of his base walling out one of his own gold so just losing real estate losing real estate as he now transitions yet another wood line away from the archers that tattoo brings in here on the front great control out of the spanish team hey dash at some point there is going to be a sneaky move out to a woodline on the bottom there's wood and gold off of this hill and if there's a moment mbl might take it soon viper might take it soon to take those wood lines and i think tattoo really needs to keep a close eye on that with lan because they have the potential to deny that at all times uh also speaking of potential mbl with potential to take out the archers but land there to help yeah and the tower's there too so nbl forced to run away still zero counter attacks for norway yeah great army control by spain there staying grouped up as you were talking about big numbers though for mbl as he looks to group both of his groups of cavalry together some camels in the mix there to deal with the knights more archers on their way out to control the hill both of the remaining players are about to hit castle age identically the viper and tattoo both around the same time but what does the viper do to help here well he's been he's been flipping back and forth between stone there goes the castle yeah so he does have enough and he's gonna look to grab space yeah that's a good move drop the castle to free up some space and and take out the towers and i think front of the base is more than fine unfortunately for him he's still able to take some wood here's what i'm talking about dash on the left side look at viper he wants a tc out there and i think he's going to get away with that because tattoo is just too late to his upgrades and mbl has too many knights so most of the crossbows the tattoo wanted to fight with are going to go down yeah all those crossbows go down as they push in trying to pick off a few bills but viper microwaving those ones away castle will go up as we look back over to the left-hand side villagers idle by the wood line but those are the ones we expect to build at tc as soon as he has the resources to do so this is really fascinating land should have a village over mbl but viper say what you want about how messy all this has been and how many mining camps and lumber camps he's had to build which we can count later the guy has not been losing villagers he has 47 villagers tata was 40. so that combined with the fact forward archery ranges are kind of risky if they ever go down man tattoo actually has monks on the right what in the world i was i was just staring at that he even double monastery and he built them in vision of that gate so mbl immediately started pinging it uh we'll see what the monks can do here i don't like it against i don't like it either personally i don't like it just tatto get on the tcs now and continue with crossbows norway take the lead and i think the thought process was to go aggressive at the bottom of the hill and to stop norway from expanding but they failed to look at that other side yeah left-hand side tattoo brings in three crossbows they're immediately cleaned up by a few nights from mbl viper now cleaning up the towers with some villagers on the right hand side so grabbing control of their base back and this is where those villager numbers start to come into play viper with a nine lead over tattoo yes land does have a lead as well but the military numbers from mbl look better so one kill 27 deaths for tattoo one kill amongst all of this one kill for land and five deaths that how it's unbelievable from norway to keep their pop alive and then uh mbl in particular 30 kills and two deaths as viper says okay thanks mbl i'll tc over here viper's eco in a pretty good spot and he's making erin pai which feel a lot stronger than a few odd monks so atlan now under pressure who does have the eco lead he will need to make a lot of knights and give tattoos some time to get back into it the fact the fact that we've spent 95 percent of this game looking solely at their norwegian base and the defense that they've put up but to have only lost three units total it's disgusting yeah yeah and there's always a drop off to these yolo strats we've seen it win we've seen it lose games uh i think though mbl as he starts shifting into town centers will not float as much i say that as he's adding a third stable but he's got how many units here 26 lan has only 22. berbers are just nuts the spam from mbl is real and we know the power of these burmese or rambai in terms of taking buildings just with 10 forward right now the viper is crushing through this stable and if they start targeting the production buildings of land then then mbl is just going to overwhelm what already is uh you know a bit of a disparity in military numbers yeah spain looked so good there for a while i can't help but think back as viper dives in that's a bad fight yeah this is not a very good fight i can't help but think back to land not engaging with those scouts earlier dash we can get to it later hopefully it won't be a negative thing we have to bring up for spain as tattoo uh 55 hills okay he's on par with mbl but still there were moments the monk the monk play from tattoo felt weird dropping two monasteries late into uh into the game there forward losing them both immediately as japanese when you see that your opponents are going cavalry in a rambai honestly i would rather you just go pike spam pike later crossbowman probably wasn't the play because of the ford range i don't know it's really tough but the defensive monks paying off and you do always have that hill advantage so it's wise for norway to switch focus now as tattoo has certainly recovered his eco as farmico is looking way better than it was uh lan 84 villes khmer farms very quick farmers he might even be flirting with the idea of going imperial the viper trying to play catch up 78 bills to his name tattoo actually now with the villa lead slightville lead over mbl so sticking close when it comes to eco numbers but the pressure now here onto the house it's it's tattoos turn to house wall for eternity do you see what lands doing land's going forward and certainly spain are communicating here is tattoo telling him to continue to push forward that's a risky move mbl should see it he just passed that pack with the camel plus one of viper's died to it a moment ago so they should know that this pressure is coming but they haven't necessarily done anything to regroup and deal with it but that was honestly sick dash because if they stay home they die spain most likely depends on the monk upgrades but it's certainly not good now lan is on the way to imperial and he's forcing a reaction from norway uh or so you would think as yeah viper goes forward can tattoo convert these big conversions if he does get them he manages to snag one that's it trades another aram by away so good defense also bought the time for land to get this castle up on the hill in the main base that's going to protect a fair amount of the farming eco which is going to be necessary for him to carry here if he makes his way to imp now 50 percent of the way i'm sure conversion's coming through so impressed with that move guys sometimes the best way to keep someone away from your base is to threaten them and that's what land did he can comfortably go in north all this exposed eco and mbl's looking for him surprise surprise viper's actually slinging mbl now i think they must realize that land is up so he's slinging mbl on to camels and in and they also just spotted it so not as sneaky as lane would have wanted to be and he knows he was close this is a wise move to run away oh my goodness i just had a huge mistake you did i did i exited out of the game because i went to statistics to see if uh spain had matched any of the casting premiere i'm not a caster okay um well they're hunting down this knight army norway and in the middle tattoo gets some freebies it takes so long for cavalier and for armor to come in though i think i was talking about how good it was for land this is going to be horrible for land if you can't get away look how much military norway has land run he's trying camel's coming in looking for the cut off will they find it oh they bug out a little bit and don't start attacking huge numbers here from norway as land is entirely on the run yeah thank god for him he's got the mobility you can't so he is looking by the time on some of that terrain though dash so he's actually able to get away uh tattoo has the monk somewhere i guess he hasn't brought them forward and look at the raid from land he's on viper in two different areas and this is all before the upgrades but can he get away before they complete oh god oh man these fighters so awkward man this is unbelievable knights into viper's base land made it away with most of his force here believe it or not and mbl is only halfway to the imperial age around the world in 80 days land just made the whole trip from the south to the east to the north to the west pikeman didn't achieve much yeah yeah now he's transitioning to pikeman which is kind of what we were asking for earlier today but look at all of those knights flooding into the back of the norwegian base it's just buying tons of time as they turn into cavalier mbl having to reposition to defend from it viper trying to expand in the meantime camel's chasing patto will imp in a moment and he has monks and pikes already so i think this is where you're forcing fights if you're uh land and the big thing that khmer really good at is tossing away units and then just making more with the stable farm eco so mbl's mtc uh trying to double check here is the main tc so he will make it in but that's not a fight that nba will want to take right now actually you know what i think norway will take the fight because the air and buyer there yeah camels in there by versus pikes and cavalier it's a tough one to call it's all about positioning and unit control the pikeman on retreat so now the camels are going to look to chase down some of those people get the damage in use the hill that poor moment there for land i see why they wanted to force the fight but maybe now spain needs to back away wait till tattoo gets on to help the thing about aaron bye is viper as a unit that does not need imperial age upgrades to kill things he'll just melt everything in spain you never fight uphill here surely you never want to fight uphill here well they've taken it okay there goes the retreat from the cavalier they ran by just gonna pick off those pikes they'll trade a little bit at least efficiently yeah into the uh the camels themselves all right twitch chat there's a lot of you here let's get some f's in chat to pay respects to these monks they've done a lot they will all die now brutal tattoo uh when i spoke to to tattoo and lan after their games against canada uh tattoo and land both said that tattoo is the one who's who's talking about orders all the time in fact lan said at one point he was 200 pop and he had to tell tattoo i've done what i could do i can't do any more so i just saw signals from tatsu i think he's telling land to raid that area of viper's economy as they of course have to defend from this crazy crazy push i like that play like cav or hussar spam into the farming ecos of your opponents as khmer when you have the food despair could be the way to go but we see norway now pressuring onto tc's so with the iran by and those heavy camels now i mean these tcs are going to melt yeah no chance now at some point usually when you have a castlage player they need him but i don't think that's the case when you're talking erin bye so it's actually quite nice for viper that he can send all of his excess food over to his teammate but japanese halves are no joke if they get in close enough to both camels and aaron bye they can destroy so tattoo who's under he's having so many problems right now under so much pressure he is on albediere um comes in looking for the engage underneath the tc these albaniers are going to get a good trade villagers eject but the cavalry to support means that they will be forced back let's talk final army comps nbl should probably stay on camel the entire game could maybe consider camel archer but if it becomes camel archer aaron bye then ranged units could counter that that's a lot of pointy boys from tattoo currently i don't know how you deal with the the halb spam uh with the current unit pickup of uh yeah of norway i feel like they're going to need to find an answer to the albs or they're going to have to find a way to destroy tattoo ziko you know such a degree that he can't spam help's just their stabilizing unit so i think you do need to get to something else long term actually burmese could go champion and help in this spot and wreck on their own because of the extra attack on their infantry so maybe viper does make a tech switch at some point but mbl similar to land earlier running around nbl actually has population which is pretty similar to tattoos and his economy is worse than tattoos so good time currently for the norwegians but look at land paying attention to that corner as he did in some of the previous games he will try his best to deny any trading yeah i mean at this stage of the game it's always interesting to see how the players are playing the geography of the map and so you see uh the vipers team as is typical of them to be the first to start looking at the trade but on the flip side spain already maneuvering in in a way that'll allow them to dive in and and make it obsolete atlanta has 64 military mbl 68 military sorry it's viper with 64. tattoo at the lowest has 45 and we talked about how maybe halve isn't ideal as he gets his eco on track but that many arumbay this unit's so so freaking broken i feel like it one-shots everything in the game what is he up to now 60 aaron buy in that group i mean they'll two or three shot at tc so now it's just a matter of of micro are you controlling the units away from the alba deers and it looks like they're doing that effectively going to start chipping away eco of land i mean right there that's 20 farms that you cannot use anymore on the other side a bit of a raid but we're talking about crossbow still tattoo does not even have armor upgrades he doesn't have arboles he doesn't have bracer those are castleage units they'll get mopped up easily bl and viper full control in the corner there's still potential for spain but it's looking like norway are prepping for the late game viper top score just being the last one to hit imperial age it speaks to the number of military units that he has out onto the field the speed at which he can eliminate and raise these buildings another tc goes down on the right-hand side now he's gonna put pressure on the production buildings he's removing so much space uh from under the noses of spain i mean all that farming inco we talked about how powerful kumar are when they are left to farm unfettered untouched but that's not happening in this game the arumbai weren't even elite until until just now the unit's so it only cost wood and gold people it doesn't cost food you can boom farmers doesn't even have well he's got 42 but he doesn't even need that many yeah i mean he's had the time because his unit's so unbelievably strong man and you know i think lane and tattoo knew that they set out to pressure it but i'm seeing norway with large masses on both sides now mbl still paying very close attention to the left not allowing any expansion and uh viper seeing the trade being disrupted maybe a bit too late we'll have to deal with that yeah i love this castle placement on the left-hand side for for mbl protecting that gold but also just making it very difficult for tattoo to find an angle on the left-hand side and create counter pressure yeah viper even with a castle where there's a starting t or a second tc went big thing now is land doesn't have farming eco because your farming eco for the most part is going to be an area you expanded to this is just a wasteland now so he's at 34 farms and he's already fighting at a disadvantage so the only thing you can do is hope to afford more units and uh be able to mask more but that is just not happening currently and tattoo also has seemed like a non-factor for quite some time the crossbows are not doing too well the alba deers have done nothing great game plan from norway the final expansion tc for land goes down on the outer ring and now it's norway's chance to push up the hill yes they have to push into a tc and a castle so it'll take some time for them to be able to do that they may even just retreat back here take care of the production buildings yeah i think the focus currently normally know they have a massive lead because they're adding trade they're really worried about securing that so aaron buy patrolled into the stables means that those will go down and then they have to lock down the left side which mbl has already been working on so if they do that but more gold long term and then you go for that final push i think inexperienced teams will go for the final push now experienced teams realize our comp can't be killed and let's secure trade yeah remember when there used to be nine stables here and now there are only five stables here that took that took the duration of your explanation there for the viper to eliminate every single production building on this side of land i mean what do you do against a mass of a rambai like this well you can split up so the benefit of having a cavalier as land is now having to help his teammate out i'd like to see land take a risk like he did before but split up instead of keeping the cavalier in a group have 10 cavaliers go different directions and try and raid the eco that way that's probably the only thing you do because you can't go paladin with khmer and elephants just too expensive no essentially giving up on the right-hand side right now lan moves all of his cavalier over to the left-hand side perhaps a last-ditch effort to grab control the space on this side but with the again that castle that we talked about earlier from mbl as well as his military being in position i just don't see what the answer is cavalier looking for the raids though yeah one tiny thing that we never had time to talk about there was wood in the north for norway and they had to chop that i believe so they could place that market there it's awkward to trade on this map due to that and there's no wood shoppage in the south so even if they had that side secured i don't think it'd be easy and the gg is called tattoo and lan tap out what a series easily the series of the tournaments so far i think spain can hold their head up high because they are so close to even taking this to a game seven dash they were unable to um the score ends 4-2 norway as they move on to the finals impressive impressive showing out of norway considering the pressure that spain applied throughout the entire series today game one to two to three to four all the way here to game six it felt like so often you know uh norway would maybe get a small advantage with a bill pick early but feudal and castle were all about how much damage could spain do uh before these these boomers the boomers to be uh the boomers that sit atop the the you know the pyramid of boomers of viper and nbl ultimately uh arrive at their late game state and and just crush through i mean they can't be beating the lake game but that's i'm already thinking about tomorrow and maybe i'm getting ahead of myself but the yo and licks you want to talk about pressure pressure game if you thought this was a lot of pressure that norway had to endure tomorrow has got something in store for you i cannot wait to see the kind of aggression that licks in particular brings to the matchup tomorrow yo said today i expect norway to win and they also were so dominant earlier that they didn't have the show many of their strategies it's going to be an amazing final i'll say this real quick because all this stuff's going to be up on youtube within the next 12 hours it'll be december 20th the third place match starts at 15 gmt which is 10 a.m eastern expect that to take a few hours immediately after is the best of seven final if you want to stop by on youtube like many people did today to the twitch stream now dash before we interview the players uh who are probably pretty exhausted in this particular game the scouts from land there was an opportunity to run in he could have done so much and instead he stayed with tattoo and i think he'll live to regret that yup yup i agree with you i agree with you it was it was really great tower placement i love the forward archery range typically we talked down at forward military buildings but i think it was the right play here with the towers and when they found that single opening when they did finally break that wall that was their opportunity to get in and do damage uh you know create a mess in their opponent's base and and three scouts would have been enough to do it land makes a decision as you do in the moment and yes as you say he might live to regret it but that is that's that's the intensity of high-level play like this we have the privilege of sitting here on the outside and and criticizing that moment and rightfully doing so but as a player i i you could just as easily lose making that decision right yeah and that's where i think it's important to highlight uh kind of the intensity of the moment and how a single mistake like that could spell disaster for your tournament life for people who didn't see this whole series i'm looking through the games game one arabia absolute treat game two on chaos pit absolute treat every game that we saw between these teams had different strategies wacky civilizations and well thought out game plans this was an amazing series for me it's really why i host tournaments um because the players are so good and it's so exciting for me and for viewers and man i'm i'm sad for this
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 245,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, 2v2 World Cup, World Cup, AOE, AOE2, Wow, T90Official, T90, Crazy Games, Insane, aoe2, age of empires, aoe2de, Nomad, Arabia, 2v2, Acropolis, Team Acropolis, Chaos, Chaos Pit, Pit, Scandanavia, Norway, Norwegian, Spain, Spanish, TaToH, LaN, LaaN, LaaaN, LaaaaN, LaaaaaN, TheViper, Viper, MbL, MbLAOC, Valley, MbL2
Id: Kpay6XDJQGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 217min 57sec (13077 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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