"Enjoy My Arena" Awesome Game

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a few days ago i uploaded a video which was pretty wild pretty unique and showed you guys just what mbl thinks about the map arena where you start with stonewalls or at least the old arena meta because in the past it was a lot of monks a lot of voodoo and well this game is not arena it's actually acropolis a map which is extremely open but before we get to what's going to happen in this game between mbl who's here in the blue and casva who is an amazing turkish player uh in the red um uh there's a little bit of backstory here okay so the commercial civilization is is definitely one of the best civilizations in the game right now both in team games and 1v1s and nbl being a top 10 player he is really well acclimated to the civilization and knows how to maximize on that greed and the other day mbl went for a very greedy fast castle meaning very quick not much military but with walls he was able to pull it off and then sneak out army and then kill his opponent okay not necessarily the most unique strategy in terms of what happens but with the times i think it was a 13 minute castle time uh it hit the opponent before they were ever prepared or ready and in this game small spoiler because i have a lot to talk about and we have dark age and feudal age mbl is going to try a similar thing here now the map is acropolis it's all about expanding around the map uh the larger wood lines are down here in the flat area but you still can pull off some walls if you all hear for example here um you can still pull this off and if you know mbl's reputation he's very well known for wallet now casva i don't know if he saw that game but he's gonna go for something which i definitely wasn't planned at the start but it's a beautiful way of adapting to how his opponent's playing the game and it gives him a real shot uh still going to be really tough truthfully berbers are a civ that's picked to counter saves like huns like magyars uh maybe even to compete with indians um mbl picked khmer hard to stop the khmer economy uh hard to stop the khmer for berbers uh truthfully berbers struggle against most civils that gets eater and habitual kimura is definitely one of those sieves also berbers don't have their own pointy boys so they don't have their own how meaning they're not going to be able to stop comer elephants if it gets there so you have the eco side of things comer better you have the option side of things truthfully or better but for now kaz was thinking let's go scouts let's start it off let's go for a standard build of heading to feudal age on 21 or 22 population and let's get those scouts out and you never know what's going to happen mbl uh at the fifth minute already starting to wall a little bit already thinking ahead about how he could play this game now what makes the khmer fc so deadly is the fact that you don't need to build your required buildings to go to the next stage using just a basic fast castle as an example you need to arrive to feudal age you need to build a market and a blacksmith or two buildings which takes some time and then you go to the castle age so that's about a whole minute where you have to build buildings and also you need to have the resources for those buildings so it's not just the time but you probably need to have an extended dark age so you can have more villagers on wood to collect wood for the eventual blacksmithing market whereas with commer you don't need to do any of that you don't need to build the buildings you don't need to have the resources for the buildings so if you're being extra greedy and you want to farm heavily and smurf farms are good too you can pull this off and it's a sieve that pro players are so good at being greedy with as well due to the fact that you can actually hide in houses so even worst case scenario if casva comes in with attack and emblem's not walled if he has a few houses around he can just go boop right into the house so the walls are coming up uh casva he was pushing in a few deer and he's just scouting the map right now thinking about where he could build lumber camps uh where he could build tcs later on and he's getting loom and he's on his way to the feudal age now all this is standard from here if you watch a lot of acropolis games you probably see this all the time from pros just 21 pop scouts chasm's heading towards mbl still doesn't know what mbl is up to and he's going to find out soon now mbl starting to farm a little bit has gone back here to push in his deer pushing into deer now keep an eye on his resources still has not clicked up the feudal age about to complete the walls kaz was just looking for the hill you see the hill you should know that mbl's base is going to be on top of that and almost like mbl is used to being greedy and walling mbl is going to be walled right when casva arrives the casual is placing his barracks at home so thinking a lot about that and probably not scouting as much as he should but the reality is like this is his build order now he has he's already so far by the way to few late she's got to go there and he did wall as well it's just he's walling and he's gonna try and go aggressive with the thought of picking off nbl villagers and finding a woodline mbl's just gonna stay up here for wood for now and kazva's just yeah actually he's being pretty inactive with his scout to be honest but the reality is if he attacks the walls there's no way he's getting through so mbl 70 of the way to the fuse now again the back story mbl did this the other day went to cass league super fast and then got cast lights military to the opponent's base before they were able to deal with it kazma sees the walls he's double checking kazva making a stable and getting uh will get double bit x already has horse collar after horse collar uh which is the farm upgrade he's gonna get a bunch of farms the food's gonna last a long time and his eco is to be pretty healthy this game is like uh it's like a series on tv there's multiple episodes of it we have the backstory the introduction mbl did this before will he do it again you know again keep an eye on nbl's resources look at the time has to drop off some food on his way to castle age he will be in castle h at 13.59 that is ridiculous i cast low evil legends a lot of players arrive castle age around 23 minutes on a regular basis so 10 minutes faster than the average player but the thing is you can't really stop it like what do you do here if you go straight archers you're going to arrive to mbl's base with archers when he's halfway to castle age already so what kaz was going to do is what mbl hates make stone walls and turn this into arena he has fast villagers with berbers so he's starting to send them out he knows that mvl could be sneaky and try and send some military his way a stonewall here stonewall here gate guys acropolis is a wide open map the whole point of acropolis is to have aggression and mbl decided to make palisade walls and make his own little palisade arena and he's hoping to make archer ranges and sneak out with cav archers and decimate kazva's economy truthfully casvo wouldn't be able to do anything against that because uh skirmishers wouldn't work they're too slow and then scouts uh they're not gonna work either but chasma says whatever you start with 200 stone so he's already out of that and he's mining more and he is going to fully stonewall this base crazy so mbl he doesn't know about this and i was actually watching mbl's point of view and mbl's exact words were he's like if kazava saw what i did verse hera he's probably going to be okay he said but i don't think he did so he's dead so mbl had a lot of confidence that this strategy was going to work because you're going to have cap archers at your opponent's base at 15 minutes it's just unreal right and here comes mbl with a scout and he's like wait a second did he stonewall all of this not arena not arena and yeah it's arena okay so the next couple minutes are really going to show you how freaking strong kamer are mbl will i mean he's invested into the ranges but nbl will now know all right well probably not the wisest move to make a lot of cav archers maybe i'll create one or two but there's really not much i can do so let's instead just try and boom this one out by the way um i have a slight cold don't worry i'm fine but if i uh sound a little bit under the weather my apologies for that hopefully it doesn't distract from this awesome game so mbl uh got double bit axe which is the castle edward upgrade and now he's going to shift into the mindset of let's boom so i created two cav archers i think just so he doesn't lose his scout kaz was chasing cav archers uh do not have any upgrades but still six attack is decent casper chooses to run away he takes the hill and he will snipe mbl scout now mbl can't scout the map which is very important on acropolis the downside for casva is mbl's adding a second tc uh nbl lose a villager here no he will not and uh you know it took a lot of resources to full wall the base it took a lot of villager time and casva is now going to go up okay episode three the foundation is set mbl is adapted he's making cav archers what are berbers extremely good at well they shred cav archers and they shred cav archers with the camel archers so again uh hearing mbl's thoughts on this would be very important but i just took all this from some of the things she said in his stream and mbl said he's going to go camel archers so i will boom and defend so keep an eye throughout this whole game keep an eye on the ville count at the top okay this whole game is an absolute master class it's epic for both players and how this develops one of the more unique strategy games you will see this year um yes so mbl figures all right he's already on stone because he made the stone walls so normally players stay on stone and then after that they make him larger makes sense it would counter what nbl made nbl's like ah whatever i'm not going to make kermer i'm not going to make have archers i'm going to do something else anyways so let's boom uh just adding farms right now creating villagers as as quickly as you can and he's actually going to build a fourth town center over on this side already has a lead that eco lead's only going to grow and grow and grow with khmer truthfully he can't create villages out of all these tc's right now but he will get there because khmer farms don't have drop-off points and he definitely is going to have the woodline secured but guys kazva he transferred off of stone he is not going for camel archers he's gonna go for nights and burpers have very very cheap nights and mbl can't see what's going on back here so it's not going to be monks and mbl hates those monks instead it's going to be knights and chain-barting armor nights the whole point of acropolis is about keeping map control kazva has a lot of resources in here right now and he wants to prevent mbl from gaining a large eco lead something that is uh in many cases almost impossible because of all the commerce bonuses and how pro players would use them and casva is going to give it a go here one town center all in aggression because let's face it if he tries to catch up in tc's that's not going to happen mbl already has four town centers producing villagers he's bound to win that race and you just be you be playing right into the kimmer hands here's mbl's cav archers he is scouting trying to see what's going on here sees the woodlines being chopped maybe thinking that he could range that can't really see much there uh still booming and booming and booming look at the khmer farms there's no drop-off point for those farms and and that's gonna be the real issue as this game goes on it's mbl can just plop down farms anywhere right now they're neat and tidy next to the tc but if the game gets messy they don't have to be all right he can range one villager so he's getting fletching so we can maybe arrange a few more still doesn't see what kazva is up to 40 villagers versus 56 mbl is about to have a 20 villager lead this is his point of view he's thinking what is this i don't see anything yet and the knights are just passing a bit weird from casva but i don't know if he knew about that town center now when i saw this at the time i was really confused i think casvo was preoccupied with something else but he just sat here and mbl immediately reacts now to put things into perspective of just how like well you know what i'm going to hold that thought all right i'm going to get to what i was just thinking in a bit because casva is knocking on the door if nbl lets any of these knights in he could be in real trouble house walls here amazing defense house here um amazing defense will need more and more and more and more houses here he just got attacked and lost a cab archer and now nbl who has 70 villagers against 42 he's going to try and make pikemen now with that food income you should be able to make pikeman keep in mind that casva does have 16 military against only one of mbl kaz was added a siege workshop so he's thinking if i can ram down one of the town centers i can maybe get some bill picks even this bad boy up all in and he's sniping some villagers and forcing some idle time this is good half a dozen villagers go down about a dozen villagers hop into the tc a bit sloppy from mbl but he is being pressured over here on this side still needs stonewalls and still needs houses now i think a lot of people um like a lot of people would not have gone all in in casva's position i think they would try and add tcs but the more tcs you add the less wood you have for farms for the food that you need less would you have for siege which you need and then the less food you have for nights and upgrades so cats was still all in one town center production with these nights here's the first ram mbl has three barracks producing pikeman 78 population for 67. and uh kazva knows like he knows he's on the clock right now he knows that if i don't kill mbl soon it is probably excuse me it's probably gg for me so he's going to try his best mbl is going to have to defend from this somehow some way casva takes the best fight possible because if he didn't fight there against the pikes in those numbers he would surely lose everything soon still not ideal and while he's raiding over here because nbl's distracted and that's impressive and tried to go through here which nbl household behind and that's impressive he's left with about maybe 10 nights on our screen and it's 12 military against four on the uh the scoreboard 23 farmers for mbl he has tons of idle time 28 idols right now kaz was still piling on the pressure he turned it into arena no monks but this is something different than mbl would have expected this entire game is is the most unique acropolis game that i have seen so something to remember for people out there who might play this game knights are better than pikeman in 1v1 so if you can have if you can maintain more numbers then you're good uh the problem is it's just so freaking expensive to make these nights it's a lot of gold too and you might not have that gold long term remember the power of the khmer economy is insane and mbl uh he hops into the tc with the pikeman that shouldn't be taking the fight he'll hop into the the town center with the villagers that shouldn't be fighting uh we'll still lose a few and casva right back over here guys you're gonna get dizzy in this game trust me that rams at 72 hp and mbl does not have pikeman here right now the pikemen are over on the other side mbl hops out of the town center repairs with these villagers uses the villagers to attack the ram and back into the tc i mean i call mbl the cockroach of aoe for a reason that defense was sick now the knights are getting hit by the tc fire so they're slowly losing damage the pikemen are over here and mbl's at 92 pop is 67 for casper who tried so hard but i just you know it just doesn't seem like it's realistic now and he still has knights he does have some scorpions but the military counts close to even and while he did had a second tc he's still behind by 30 villagers but guys there's something that kazva has right now that only top level players can take advantage of and that is momentum so mbl is defending and eventually he's hoping that that defense is going to lead into offense but if casper can keep pressuring the sides and keeping mbl on the back foot it is his only way really to win with the military comp he has right now uh he tries to use the scorpion there he wants to deny mbl's castle which is a good position and kazva will be forced to back away casper will also probably lose this scorpion which has been forgotten so two scorpions down a night down 92 villagers for mbl and 60 for casva now things to think about are gold and wood uh mbls uh posted up on a lot of these wood lines there's also some gold there and some gold over here casva takes this fight i also like the fact that he's making monks to heal up his knights in between fights and the scorpions were a good idea it's just a tough tough thing to uh to manage if you want to double check on casva's economy kazva currently two tcs still trying and casva um because the knights are so cheap can produce quite a lot but maybe it's start to start to maybe it's time to start thinking excuse me about making something else and and maybe it's time to think about some range has a lot of food a lot of gold in the bank and he might be thinking about the imperial age another thing when you're comparing knights and pikemen while the pikemen can destroy knights and numbers the knights are much faster so casva he's going to run through here mbl actually had a ram and he says thank you very much mbl still chasing okay so i'm going to look at casper's point of view and just show you his scouting um he is aware of everything except for maybe that stone in the corner down here up here he sees the extra stone he has quite a few golds in his base there's this gold here as well and now he's trying to get into mbl's base now mvl lets him into his base i i love it when a player gets overconfident and uh nbl said you know what i'm gonna let him get in there because i'm sick of chasing him and now he's trapped again lowy the legends mid-elo masters a lot of players are not going to be able to micro these knights very well uh casva does have an opportunity to run around and maybe just buy time and get some momentum from this definitely sniping villagers i was questioning it when mpl deleted the house to let him in don't think it was the wisest move mbl goes down below 100 villagers has 30 idols the knights are dying the casva is still gonna have to make some other plans elsewhere kaz was not raiding this is the first time in a long time that he's not raiding in two spots at once uh he has nine nights and he's gonna need to buy himself quite a bit of time no castle yet which means no camel archers mbl has 35 on food food count spiking nbl's got eco everywhere and compare that to casva that's about it right now 30 pop behind has been 30 pop behind for quite a long time score is uh a little bit it's a little bit deceiving normally so right now kazva he's invested in the imperial age so he has less score because he put those resources into the upgrade also kazva has more scouting so his scores a little bit higher due to that but something that age players very much look at gives you a feel for where you're at in the game or where you're not at mbl clears up what was 15 to 20 nights there's two more here they might get a pick off of some kind 90 population versus 142 and now mbl has all the military in the world 36 and uh it would counter cav casva expanding i just got this tc up on the other side of the wood line about to build a castle in this corner yep this this is actually a good castle spot because it protects both the tc regions about to complete this castle and start making camel archers mbl is now on the way to the imperial h so if i was streaming this as uh mbl cleaned up a weak knight that was attacking his stone miners um if i was casting this on stream i would say can we please salute kazma for the attempt because the stonewall is amazing uh everything that he's done oh oh god i didn't remove this mod well okay it's it's arena right because of the stone walls so whoops i don't know why that mod's still here that's actually mbl's voice but anyways i'd say salute chasma please because kazamas played so unbelievably well here uh mbl actually runs forward and builds two outposts now he's known for outpost rushing which it's not really a strategy it's more like an in-your-face thing where you build like 20 outposts in front of your opponent's base just to let them know they should resign um i don't think he was outpost rushing here i think this was him genuinely wanting to see what's happening behind the walls uh but yeah keep that one in mind because i know kazma spotted it casva making those camel archers those cavalier camel archers are very very strong and good ranged unit the problem is c dram is something that burbers can't stop specifically halves c dram is very difficult to stop they don't get their own habiteer to match it if you make a champion as berbers it can be decent but uh certainly at this stage you can't just go champion because can i make scorpions and it's just it's tough cows was doing a heck of a job ambiel's waiting for that eco to spike and he's about to be in the imperial age what you're about to see is some of the sickest post stamp defense and attack from both players you will see this is just peak high level age of empires casva a house wall sees the pikeman coming this way this pikemen should be no problem a kazva now castle has used this trap to trap down one of mbl's barracks the pikemen are actually getting through i think kaz was missing ballistics yet and yes he is i actually just made the universities i hope i need that upgrade casual has one he has two he has three castles to produce camel archers and after the unique tech for for berbers you can produce these camel archers pretty quickly habadir for mbl nba will place the castle over here he has 42 military versus the 17 of uh casva and the food count is going to spike to the point where oh no cdram already on the way nbl sees his target he knows how important it is to push there it started off with mbl going for a crazy fast castle he thought he would kill kazvak has a fully stonewalled the map kazva then went all in nights mbl's defending defending defender defending even though he wanted to initially be the attacker and uh it's just i'd love to see age of empires games with differing strategies nbl garrison's the tc the camel archers will have to get out of here yeah that's a lot of pointy boys only thing is uh i think murr missed squires for their help so they're pretty slow so if it was uh celts i'm pretty sure the berbers would just be dead because of the slower helps maybe they have a chance but choo choo here comes mbl six rams halvadir's inside the rams and look how little damage the camel archers do against the ramps now you could make hussar or cavalier some type of melee to take out the rams but if you do that the halves will pop out and then that melee is going to get countered you see that it's a sick sick combo this is like a two-for-one deal you get one castle you get another one free chasm is building another castle here and chasma really has no choice but to fight with voters here i think because he can't lose that castle so there he goes i'll show you the hp on mbl's units specifically the rams the chasm is putting a lot of stone into repairing he's getting supplies so he's thinking about champion can he hold here elsewhere mbl has a trebuchet and he has another ram out two trebuchets casva is going to lose this castle as well i got another situation where you're thinking man it was such a good attempt from casvo but if he loses the castles i i don't know what he can do as berbers well casva loses that castle so three castles have been lost over the last couple moments this is all after getting those ranged upgrades the casva is probably not very pleased so supplies means his uh champions which is the line he's going for he's on long sword right now with again then go for two-handed swordsman and then champion uh but supplies makes it cheaper so that's good it's good that they get that champion is the counter to the pointy boys as i previously mentioned uh khmer have scorpions to counter that and also khmer have the elephants which are extremely expensive mbl's making the elephants right now and truthfully berbers don't have a lot to counter the elephants but guys kazva has the corners of the map and he also has more mobility so mbl has been playing defensive for so long he loses some villages here casper is going to say just passing and casa is probably going to move right along while at the same time attacking the other side with the little mini base in the southern corner all right the tc fires enough he's going to move along mbl has to react mbl has been reacting ever since the start of the game ever since the stone walls casva is going to run in here now keep an eye on the farm count for mbl at the top left because it is so easy to reboot with khmer you can just mindlessly place farms and guys keep an eye on the ville counts and total populations for both players because we're about to have a crazy crazy base trade if you can call it that mbl's losing eco he's down to 125 pop which is normally gg territory but check this out rams helvedeers and elephants going to the northern corner the comeback play unbelievable game of age of empires guys and the thing is uh berbers don't get help a deer and champion get wrecked by these elephants so kaz was gonna lose eco to this he's probably gonna lose military to this he's gonna lose buildings he could lose the tc meanwhile he is still microing it's the level we're looking at in this game is amazing it is truly incredible i know relics collected by either player um there are i noticed this while i was expecting it because i saw this already i noticed the monks were here with relics which casva forgot about casma has no choice but to make pikes better than nothing maybe a few monks would actually be useful here kaz was looking to break out as mbl sends four elephants back to deal with this idol time for both of them uh messiness for both of them i think mbl misclicked the farm but if he takes that tc down there's quite a few villagers in there elephants are killing villagers here the camel archers and the light cav are running for casva and the population is almost even again it's ridiculous man now elephants are extremely expensive but mbl has plenty of gold and that food count is going to be fine if he's able to get more farms but here's some boolulus the casbah gets one elephant conversion and that's mbl sign to get out of there what a game tc did go down by the way kazva are still sticking to the farms in the north but casva he's all about the flip-flops all right that's what he wears in the summertime uh no but seriously he's all about the flip-flops his his win condition is to flip-flop and switch sides constantly that's probably like the most childish way to explain what he's gonna have to do if he has a chance in this game but unicomp wise it's not really ideal for him um but he has to stop mbl from getting to that ideal mass of scorpions and hussars and elephants on halibut ears and rams he has to stop mbl from doing that by switching sides and keeping mbl on the back foot as he has been mbl is 57 farmers he's getting chemistry now he's getting light calf he's making scorpions here on the left side but but check it out it's almost like a three-pronged attack casual has units here his units running in here and he has units running in here from the south unbelievable like mbl he's a beast but he can't be in three places at once uh casva is happy to sacrifice units underneath the tc because he knows on the other side mbl's losing precious economy that he's been working to to re-pop like look at these farms casbah could notice that and read that here kaz was actually destroying the town center or getting close to destroying the town center with champions and pikemen yeah this is dangerous though that's quite a few elephants uh the the scorpions are over here as well but look you have another small raid coming in the light cap break in or run in that hole and mbl's just in a constant state of rebooming ah man the flood from casbah and just to think like this guy he had to fully stonewall his base to get to this point and the stone walls are actually paying off even if nba wanted to raid him i don't think nbl would be able to i call mbl the cockroach of aoe because he's incredible at booming and staying alive if you guys want uh you'll have to let me know i will show you a game where i played mbl and let's just say it's just about as long as this one we both uh went for some metastrats he was playing serious i was playing serious wanted to get my win against the pro player if you want to see it assuming the recorded game doesn't break with a patch or something i will try and get it to you guys only if you let me know in the comments below ah scorpions so good there's not many upgrades on them but look what they're able to do to the infantry here but not the monks uh the monks becoming a very important part of this composition caspar did get three relics by the way and mbl's on two there's just too much for me to focus on it's a lot of scorpions the 41 farms for mbl 61 for casva it probably doesn't seem like his eco is that good because we never look at it but it is incredible back here he's got a lot of economy now he's lost a lot of like eco area but he has reboomed it 160 pop for him 150 pop for mbl and uh we've seen this before right mbl defending this corner mbl just trying to gain a foothold in one of the corners so he can actually push every time he tries caswell kind of holds and we look back down here to the south this time kaz was making champions with hussars hustlers for the villagers and champions for the hellbears that are patrolling here light calf running in underneath the castle that's probably not the best move but you can do it every now and then mbl now getting siege engineers which will give the scorpions more range very very good upgrade also that will give them a little bit more range against the monks too if need be because the monks don't have block printing yet so only nine range here comes the raid and again mvl a moment ago felt like i'm fine i'm freaking fine constant pressure from casv on the sides sick so uh don't mean to sound like i'm tooting my own horn or anything but i played a game versus a player named maya uh who i think he's from morocco anyways he's around 100th 90th in the world something like that and uh my very first game in the most recent patch and i was frank's and he was mongols and it was a very similar situation only he had 60 mangadai that he was running from either side and it got to the point where we only were relying on religious so frank's have awful skirmishers and you can't make skirms against mongol hussar anyway i i pretty much couldn't kill his army but i raided and raided and raided the game was two hours and five minutes eventually won maya had 1800 kills and uh a thousand deaths just flat out ran out of resources if the game wasn't so long and if i wasn't so proud of it i'd probably cast it but uh i could see that coming off the wrong way youtuber gains fanbase just to show people his own games you know that would be yeah kind of sketch possibly i don't know but um you know it makes for a nice story mbl starting to spread his wings to fly a little bit we have 12 villagers on these farms those villagers will go down uh over here mbl sent elephants this way and they will die 23 military for mbl it's like his population has never been or no not never but it's rarely stayed around 160 170 uh casva is not going to win this game with the best units he's going to win this game with the most units and keeping mbl in the back foot every time nbl stabilizes in an area he's got to push mbl just probably can't believe that with 84 farmers as khmer that he's getting pushed like this access to alba deer where berbers don't get halvadir they only get pikemen all these things these camels are dirt cheap as well now they're not that good against the elephants but if you combine pikeman with the camels and with hussars and with monks i mean that should be enough a lot of farm space lost for mbl but he still has so many farms it's ridiculous how he's been rebooming throughout this and kaz was back at it again mbl reacts again mbl is actually going to have some real problems with woodlines if this game continues which is what i had said when i played uh against against uh maya is just in that situation it was always going to take so much longer but if you just keep raiding on the sides and they're never in a position to hit you it can work despite having you weaker units it's all about momentum it's all about map control and in this case would that elephant just die to a trev i think it did in this case a lot of the map control stems from casva's ability to to wall up early look he's in on this side he ran right through and he's in on this side now this might seem silly it might seem like a waste of units but you know what it does if he sends 10 units in here or actually it ends up being 16 mbl needs at least 16 to deal with it and then you just spam more from the middle the turkish kaz was such a beast he's like the doubt of turkey that's what i would say is spamming from all sides he has split up these groups of hussars in mbl's eco he's connecting against the elephants he has the monks around to get conversions i'm it's just so impressive how many units he is sending into mbl's base all right well casl is probably feeling good the score's looking good the population's certainly good look at the q guys 42 hustlers eight champions 11 pikes one camel so much queued up not the most impressive kd but this spam is just unbelievable to have three corners like this and utilize it as he's doing it it makes it seem like there's more than one person controlling this for him right now and do you remember the outposts do you remember that the outposted mbl built look kaz was like all right buddy i know your reputation this started a few years back mbl would outpost rush when the game was over to send a message just build outposts even though it's a waste of stone and say hey get out of my game well as nbl's trying to deal with the raids uh casva is going to come forward and start building outposts by the way this is all in good spirit um there i've not seen an instance with the outpost rush where there's genuine salt or frustration from the players it's just uh when you're playing 10 hours a day and you face mbl every now and then you got to outpost russian back mbl's elephants are getting converted his pop is 115. he's getting ballistics and archer armor now he's desperate the outposts are still going up and the raids still continue from all sides as that castle crashes to the grounds mbl with only 72 villagers now and more buildings from the turkish player 70 he has as many military units as mbl has economy right now and i also want to give him credit for keeping a nice balance between military units and eco what a freaking game man what a freaking game so sick from casper like unreal man um the stone walls to counter the greedy fc the um the the control of the corners not having hal bidir not having any real strong answer to habit your cdram and still getting the eco to to get champions keeping mbo guessing um if you're familiar with my channel and the age of empire scene that mbl probably beats kaz for eight times out of ten but it's just the way casual was able to to get the win in this game with a civ disadvantage was just beautiful and for any berber fans out there i think you're going to appreciate that too stonewall is a little bit faster because the villagers are walking faster to get there we saw some camel archers we certainly saw the cheap knights we certainly saw the cheap camels and uh we saw some monks it's not like berbers of monks that are all that special but uh you can't forget the lords or the lords the monk you know what i mean okay hundred and seventy kills casbah put on a clinic on how to play post imperial with map control 82 is the largest army i think that was mbl's concern like he would he was addressing casva's army in in uh proper fashion he was creating halves when he needed help he was creating elephants and he was holding with those fights despite having less numbers but in order for mbl to really win this game he needed to have equal army numbers with his composition the second it's 82 khmer military against 82 berber military just based on options commerce should push but it never got to that point because mbl would have 30 or 40 units win one side and then caswell would send in like 20 or 30 to the other side of mbl space that was just it was incredible um still despite having a lot more farmers for most of the game casva had just about the same amount of food as nbl however i think nbl had a lot less of wood i also spent a lot of wood too scorpions habaneros uh casva got more stone what the so thanks for the invite person he had more stone and he even had less gold and he made it happen uh 98 of that map was explored he used every inch of the map and uh three relics which i didn't focus on too much but he was able to snag them when he was fighting from the corners a total of five castles lost a lot of them right and there's the timeline guys i am just when i saw this i said around here when mbl had the pikes i said uh wait no it would have been here i said amazing play from casva but sadly it's not going to work i so badly wanted kazva to win because i like it when creative strategies are rewarded i also like a good underdog story it's just kind of tough to get that with a cutthroat game like age of empires and it seemed like that all in play had to work or it would be over but his expansion in the corners did it um you know mbl could have done some small things better but still you know i don't want to take anything away from casbah so i appreciate you guys watching this i want to hear your thoughts on the walls on the outpost and on the amazing map control and pressure from casva if you'd like to see more from him please let me know as i said i think casva is like 32 or 33. um he played very well in the hidden cup three qualifiers didn't make it into the main event but i think if he continues to play and practice uh we could see more and more of him both in videos but also in upcoming tournaments whatever that may be uh i appreciate you guys to death i uh you probably know this if you've been listening to the streams recently but i am going to be moving again uh here in about two weeks or maybe a week and a half depending on when this is uploaded um i'll have content stacked for youtube at that time but hey moving stressful i'm not even moving that far just a couple hours away but um to do to work on that stuff and then to also put effort into uh having these videos uploaded and then twitch streams and all that can take a toll on a man uh but you guys are worth it because you guys are constantly saying the nicest things enjoying the content falling asleep to the content and what more can i ask for really um yeah so guys thanks i'll see you next time and i'll look forward to your comments down below you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 186,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enjoy, My, Arena, MbL, K4sva, Norway, Turkey, AoE2, Age of Empires, Age of Empires Definitive Edition, Strategy, Impressive, Convincing, Wow, WTF, Turks, Berbers, Khmer, Mastapiece, T90, T90Official, Spirit of the Law, TheViper
Id: RVM1gbiiuiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 1sec (2701 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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