NAC3 | Semi Final | TheViper vs Mr_Yo | cast by T90Official & Dave

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oh let's go alright so ladies and gents welcome to the second semi-final in nillas apartment cup three Hera won earlier against a toe with 4-1 victory very very astounding stuff from him in the blue we have the Viper he has gone for the huns which he was practicing with remember I told you yes practicing with this and then we have yo he's playing as the Aztecs so pretty much expected I think throughout this whole best-of-seven it needs to be in the back of your minds when is y'all playing with mezzo will yo win with mezzo if I fir wins this I feel like that's a huge huge star for him Dave ya know and especially with the map that he's generated here like it everything everything is there he's lucky that there's kind of like a cliff there yeah he can wall - oh it was coming forward he always coming forward - lame and he might be able to snag one of these cows remember the cows have 150 feet so it's a bit worse for Viper then maybe losing a sheep yeah can't take the boar but if he gets that early damage on the Scout look at white fur hitting he's gonna hit the cow oh my goodness you're right right behind me what Viper that's your cow yeah yeah that's your cows don't do that to your cows it's like if you can't have it or if I can't have it you can't have it yeah well I think he knew and Viper actually he's gonna go forward with this cow and there's three cows for you what there's three cows for yo Andy sees where the board positioning is - so he can hang out there and snag a villager maybe yeah but oh my goodness you're gonna come back and take these I mean yo also sees that Viper has a board here so so guys in Noah's apartment comes three you cannot steal boars you can block villagers you could steal cows you can steal sheep yo is gonna get his cows back now I'll see if he makes it yeah this base but these are going nowhere I do you think vipers just gonna kill these it's possible like think about this is 450 food here walking across the map yeah and yo doesn't strike me as a cowboy so I don't know if he's gonna [Laughter] know I mean Viper I'm surprised actually so keep in mind that Viper can't engage first that bears gonna be so annoying he's gonna leap he's gonna wait he's he's gonna wait and then go Inc can't get it doink oh no not again not again and now yo was going for the bore as well was he Viper can lame this villager I'd be very very surprised if you let this happen yo she'd use his eagle to block the board no my god it just eat ya bro did he do he did the hell strike he did the trick oh good good play from yo there that was a crazy few moments what a start man I know and storage yo got one of them in it they're kind of weirdly even at the moment because yo got one of them in and got one killed from vitae and then one of yours got killed but Vipers sending this cow back across the map now okay we can settle into this we can settle and we could start looking at other things on the map yeah so as a reminder the map for Viper not so good both of his stones are here two of his goals are here he does have this gold on the right and there's wall potential but I don't think he's gonna be liking a situation and we've seen Hera and many other players choosing Game one as text because it is strong strong man at arms rush followed up by Eagles and skirmishers they have the farming bonus it's really tough for hunts to do with I think if Vipers gonna win this game he needs to open up with a very quick scout build yeah and use the mobility because that is one thing that a stable civilization or or a a horse civilization is gonna have over the mez oh yeah I can look at Vipers fog wars see what he sees so he's just now his scouting oh his base he only saw the front there yeah so he can he can see that there's like no forward gold which is which is good he's probably not gonna go further forward anyway against an Aztec but yeah now he sees that back gold now I think he has to think he has to play a bit differently Vipers going to rush Dave's a Viper building a barracks I was really interested to see what he was planning on doing with four on would if it was a scout bill that would be three on would the set of building farms he's actually going for very early barracks and notice how it's really close to that town center so you'll mind out scout that yo does not want to run into the town so I'm just wondering like how is he gonna secure this gold like even the gold at the back is so far and like how is he gonna secure this position usually you wanna see lots of aggression yeah all your resources are forward so you're keeping your enemy at their base yep once again Aztecs are usually the sieve that go forth at that level of aggression right I wonder if this okay we have to watch vipers build he does have a build he and Leo uses frequently where they will go three militia mass farms maybe three or four farms and then they'll click up to feudal age at around 27 or 28 pop and vipers seems to be better off with resources underneath his town center having the extra cal yo had to build farms as tech so his build definitely disrupted by the early issues with the economies but he is on his way to feudal mal Dave yeah so he is going for what is your opting for here he's going so yo was gonna go for mana dar yeah he's gonna say the 202 gold yet yeah he'll probably transfer here in a second there's really no other option for him but Vipers goal is to trade vers the men-at-arms and then click up this is the exact build I mentioned this is very clean from bite for this is sick so his early militia could trade versus militia you won't be able to get the upgrade you'll get no benefit from a faster feudal and us actually I think Vipers scouted the villagers going out to the deer so maybe he's gonna loop around there with the militia but I didn't bother probably hang around these berries for now scouting because he lacking the food so he's been scouting the other areas this is perfect for Viper strategy he's not gonna be too delayed the fuel age and he is going to be able to delay some resources it can be super annoying on this gold and maybe yo doesn't even get the mats upgrade in time like so he all has to make a decision now does he come home or does he go forward beautiful quick walls line hey we'll get the wood line but I think it's good for Viper that these militia are coming back these militia were meant to be upgraded to man-at-arms and pressuring Vipers open base yes not happening if yo can force an engagement here and take them quick the problem is yeah I see he's gonna use the bills so he's definitely gonna have the advantage in this fight but once again like you were saying Vipers already done a significant amount of damage she owes early pressure and yo shouldn't even bother with the upgrade exactly you have the biggest strength of Aztecs is that that strong men-at-arms rush yeah and now Vipers gonna have his that economy set up so he can go for immediate to range check us out yeah I don't know I don't know if it gave him enough time but it certainly gave him something yeah and you you're you're taking out those men-at-arms early so you can't do a ton of pressure against you so double range and yos only has you only range yeah yeah so there are some minor differences here yo his economy is gonna be set up differently but man it's perfect for Viper I think so one thing like that build there and all that early game pressure really disrupted the at the flow of the Aztecs and Viper just finds away even with a very open map he finds a way to get off to a strong start mm-hmm yo actually milled the deer on the left hand side that's and I like having choice especially with archers that are gonna be running around if Viper saw those villagers go out there early like I think he did yeah but yes he can go and snipe those one only one militia left for mr. yo yeah and you know who's experienced enough to know that this is gonna be the build so one range skirmisher maybe a few eagles sprinkle then can be okay against what diapers going for but it's dangerous because vipers making enough archers where you can snipe villagers yos military composition is not dangerous to anything but vipers military yeah a Vipers economy will be fine I like how you went immediately into skirmishers yeah cuz he just knew yeah yeah he's probably played against his pilled hundreds of times he's played against Viper hundreds of times also made an extra Eagle to combat the the skirmishers that he knows they're gonna come out to counter his skirmishers so they're anticipating each other yeah I wonder when Viper will get that blacksmith up Oh blacksmith is going up now yes deflection could come in yo good hits good hits and I he can't really pressure but at the moment I think he's just trying to keep Viper at his base yeah maybe try to get some walls up behind this if you keep them there long enough yeah both having 29 bills yeah sorry Dave they both have 29 bills a a nice early harassment good microphone yo to dodge the arrows now we'll see that Viper has fletching this is Vipers opportunity to push forward and there he goes can we go to Vipers point of view real quick I want to see how focused he is on walling how focused he is in defense or is it gonna be mainly that push nice Knight there from yellow Snipes viper scout SE vipers very confident pushing movement yeah well he knows there's not much to worry about cuz he has to assume that UO started off with 1 range yeah so there's no way that you was gonna pop him and especially when he sees the extra eagles that's a big investment yeah and with archers and the way units paths know you can you can snipe down Eagles pretty consistently yeah and vipers actually going towards the deer if he continues towards the north if we head back to our point of view now yo is house walking actually needs to get some houses up he's been housed a few times we have Viper continues this way those villagers are gonna need to get the heck out of Dodge Viper would take those villagers run back to his base and be very happy with a big eco lead yeah the deer almost running out so maybe I was gonna get out of there anyway I think if he goes in there the snake though he has to run now and he realizes that he's gonna loop all the way around back to his base maybe we run into a few Bears along the way and then join up with his main army and play tournament viper style which is I already did a little bit of damage to you now I'm just gonna play better than you and every sense and snowball my way to victory exactly yeah a lot of people think wow Viper is the best player in the game he must be the most aggressive player in the game only great that's the most aggressive player in fact he's far less aggressive than other players like Dave said he gets a little advantage and he would just hold that advantage he knows that he can do the meta strat better than you yeah so as soon as he gets a tiny little edge he says ok come at me yeah like I'm ahead try and try and do something and that's what he's doing now now this is gonna get really interesting because Viper has a lot of range numbers it's quite complicated for the Aztec player to know what to do here because a few Eagles Eagles so you don't think especially on an unimportant position like this like just try and take favorable traits with your skirmishers yep and then run your Eagles around maybe Scout a little bit maybe try and pick some units reinforcing and Viper knows exactly what was gonna do here have Viper missing scouts like for knows Eagles to see you with the eagle that's it that's a waste that's a big waste from you oh man if this arrived here could get really interesting really fast it's just a lot of archers this is a game-changing number of archers what a wise play from Viper dad this yeah I like how he added the stable little bit back to yeah so that yo couldn't see it coming although you had to have thought that it was a potential problem because skirmishers obviously countered so hard by Scouts and eagles actually counter pretty decently by Scouts in the feudal age as well okay so how is your gonna defense now because he's on his way to Castle he's invested a normal mountain to fuel age Viper build a stable 175 wood investment and then a bunch of scouts Vipers military is the better military right now but if yo hits the next stage it can be really complicated for Viper so Vipers got a push in yo sees the scouts yo needs walls and he needs a lot of defensive yeah don't lose your units for free that's basically the moral of the story here yo losing losing the reinforcement Archer and now vipers looking for way and I don't know I think he's just gonna harass the farms a little bit yo actually dropping a defensive tower tower on the gold that's a really good tower because if wood lines protected with that as well also he's probably gonna be going more aggressive so he needs I think Viper needs to back up here as soon as he sees that tower try and get some extra picks and then you need to go maybe loop around behind and see what's available but I don't think tournament Viper would do that Dave what does Viper do if yo gets to Eagle warrior he first built a second range canceled it is now going for barracks so two things that correct play if he goes for multiple barracks what does Viper do against that Viper it's not even up yet I think it fibers base is pretty well walled at the moment yeah it's not just yeah it's gonna be it's gonna be tricky for him it for sure but if he keeps that mass up I think he can fight Eagles as long as he's not too far back yeah from the castle age time and I think again yo can't lace numbers because he has the potential for better tech but he does not have that many numbers right now here though this should be in fight for him yeah the scouts are hanging around near that area so Viper brings them in maybe he can take up these Eagles yeah I don't think yo should be fighting this now skirmishers though on the other side remember Viper needs his mass to fight off the earlier eagle push if yo chooses to go for that so Vipers headed back to his base with the other archers hey yo just needs to wait if Viper will be happy with the tradies taken there the Viper is now clicked up to Catholic but yo just wait for a second armor or wait for Eagle warrior there's no need to fight here no need to lose HP and a micronet like Viper is gonna whittle down your units when he has the chance double stable for Viper so okay so fight for one I mean he'll get a huge power spike from crossbow and bodkin arrow and then he also wants to go Knights it's very interesting but these archers they're done it's Yoast time to push forward I don't think he can really do too much to be honest right vipers the way Vipers wold like he'll have to invest time into getting through the Palisades or pushing through the middle their Viper can quick wall behind and then the time he spends doing that Vipers gonna have Knights coming out of the stable and quickly counter and the crossbow upgrade of course quickly counter those Eagles so maybe yo needs to start thinking about chipping away I think chipping away or even like booming up behind this a little bit like just keep that pressure yeah so I think here pretty much what we said in fuel age that Viper was doing getting a kill or two and then running back is gotta be yos gameplan sitting back at his base wouldn't make any sense because Viper really can can't compare he's easily he's got to hold him yeah here in this position but he can't go all-in that's for sure but I'll counter that so easily tries to run in Viper quickly walls well Slade yeah this is what I'm afraid of here for yo and then once you lose this military number you can't get map control back yeah Piper is gonna take it so the scouts at Viper haves very very important here the scouts can snipe monks and yo has already made a monastery at home Viper's leaving his farmers and this is it this is a pretty big snowball of units from mr. yo it's 18 military to 24 castle enjoy wage yeah castle age upgrades on the way you know actually added a monastery back so he's sending a monk forward in anticipation of the Knights Camille from viper which is great maybe we'll even see more lotta warriors and I I don't this is gonna be fascinating this is gonna be really fascinating a viper is actually getting a thumb ring so when I've seen this matchup in the past I love how yo is running around with these two Eagles it's been more about CAV archers than Knights yeah because making Knights against Aztecs especially on de because the conversions really fast workshop just a stab move on to really yes forward siege workshop so he's gonna go monks Eagles and then keep those skirmishers alive which are actually really important at this stage yeah nice backup so Viper can't just sit in a choke point right yeah and I think this is the correct play I think if yo goes 40 sees it's a mistake because vipers military can be very overwhelming if you're the slowest if you cannot just sit back and let Viper run on it right okay yo is actually adding a second TC on top of this I rent a stone because he used the stone for that tell the conversion see how fast he's diversity what thanks T holy crap I didn't even hear the noise yeah dude and a stick monks every time you you you research a monk tech with with that text to get more HP than luck viper and viper doesn't see this each workshop yet or does he yeah he does see it now he also sees the filter and that filter is very important and that villager is dead now I love how Vipers looping around to the north but I also love how yo is like keeping his army back he's like I know he's up to something yeah it bothers me that yo hasn't walled the left why has any house wall that yeah and vipers actually looping around to the right as well and you always gonna find if so yo knew exactly vipers plan but once again melee units right so viper is gonna take a favorable trade here yo does have a manga no heading that way yeah it's so it's so weird how melee units on to eat bomb the crossbows would never have a chance of getting any kills here maybe one or two they're doing and doing party to the north as well viper deciding to go for some calves archers getting a raid in on the stone and all like that taking out some of those skirmishers with his crossbows but at the end of the day vipers crossbows are gonna get yo yo yo yo hey yo yo bro yo yo yo yo yo dude Oh got him nice never a doubt but but at the end of the day it's 55 coverages for yo 59 for Viper and yo is on 3tc so it might not be too bad but fight for glory over here for the scouts as well to counter the monks yeah sniping that manga no doesn't really want to invest in tonight's cuz we saw what happened right it's an instant power switch when you get a conversion so he's just gonna go few Scouts few calves archers manga knows of his own to do to back this up in case maybe yo decides to go into like skirmishers or crossbows of his own yeah so game one in the first semi-final game to game 3 there was some solid moment hair plate very clean but I don't think to talk to that we expect it showed up today yeah they yo that we expect this show today yes this is like tit for tat here yeah I mean the Intel also the Eco very close with military and I don't know who did it right now because I you have to give out section in this matchup more of an edge long-term yeah but Viper is using the hunt mobility now and he's coming in on the monkey does snipe it yeah in running around here and he's kind of like he's kind of abusing the fact that melee units aren't so good against range anymore yes so I saw some really interesting games doubt went 5 range cavil Archer against I think it was yo or some Chinese player going as tech Eagles with husbandry the CAV archers are faster you just need a freaking lot of them to be able to take out let's see I'm sorry the Eagles no force to make a defensive seeds workshop as well so that's an extra bit of wood that he probably didn't want to spend but he's gonna have to because these calves archers are running around to relics to relics already this is classic Yoshi leery elastic mystery oh right 37% more gold per relic for Aztecs he Huns will really struggle if if Aztecs get to elite Eagle yeah and and Viper remember Vipers map we have to be thinking about Vipers map all that forward resources he's back with a giant ball of eagles Vipers gonna be in trouble so but right now he's doing the right thing he's rating on both sides yeah the cat Birchers he's also clearing up this each workshop yeah just a non-issue now I think here it's gonna be about how light four places in Castle age and I don't think he could go in I think what he needs full see a full night's spring style as many would call it or me because I'm biased and it's a lot of fun to watch yo we'll probably try and look towards the Imperial Age and Italy Eagle to make a change lifer I expect 200 population in castle a I love her vipers not taking like it's so Viper you don't take any engagement unless you can win a hundred percent know you're gonna win it yeah abuse that mobility like we're talking about and yo can't you'll can't leave his base right now you can't put pressure on Viper cuz Vipers map is all currently closed off and great micro there from the CAV archers on the manga now once again the Eagles can engage yeah like if if he gets us around perhaps he can take the fight but you always up this is where you need to see that flood this is what I mentioned this is always a threat Aztec farmers are insane the gold income you're getting from the relatives insane and what's the response here from Viper because he's usually looking at the score yeah usually Oh big big shot from yos manga no they're on the CAV archers lots of weak ones Viper sending a ram now to the monastery good luck with that one right sees he's got the relic see now look at them out of unit I know the response from Viper has to be to fight yeah take some big big fights and whittle down those equal numbers Ely Eagle is dangerous but if there's only ten of them not so dangerous yeah and no can see I could deal with it the the problem for you is that he's gonna have to fight for this position if he wants to go Eagles he has to save his farms Viper can just say you can't fight that braid around here kill all these villagers that defensive Castle coming down from mystery oh not in the spot that he would want to have put it at the beginning of the game of the game I don't think me thank God that his map wasn't like vipers because if it was it would be GG at this VM he'll played his map and he's played his position and he's played the set match up very very well now as I say that he'll toss away to monk's but I still think there is a chance for you to do this pur Lisse got a galangal just delay and take good trades while delaying which is always a struggle you know usually when you're delaying you're tossing away you justify I'm yeah but yo can't do that at the moment he needs to get his Eagle numbers up and only you know what only 15 farms man Oh forward Castle from Hawaii / wants to place the castle forward so my question is what does yo do if that Castle goes up what does yo do when he gets to it I think the answer is he has to sound like 510 eagles to raid and try and hold at home with whatever he can create probably wants to get those relics back to Vipers gonna snag yeah 100% gonna snag those beautiful mobility from Viper here in Game one remember I think if yo wants to win the semi-final he needs to win with his mezzo citizen and Vipers all over the place you might not have caught it there but yo was originally going to convert a night fighter and pulled the Knights back shot the monk with this he have archers he's all over yo so what's the janitors day if you yo the the back year base is essentially is secure right now although you're stuck there yeah you rate you rate you just go into a Zico try and kill his farmers but Viper has to know that - Viper does have to know that now I'm really surprised that Viper doesn't have more nights out he only has 24 farmers I think that could be a bad thing for him he adds the Knights on the front but if he doesn't have Knights at home it could be problematic Oh No you always trying to get this gold and this relic played was camping it with CAV archers and Knights my purse on both of those there and yours gonna have to go over there and deal with it but this is what Viper wants he wants to take favorable engagements right wants to delay yo from gold waiting brought them and stop them in that location those poachers are not gonna fight don't laugh awareness the map control from this guy is absolutely insane and yo is actually streaming tons of eagles forward Viper Zico was pretty exposed flavor there but Viper has soul military yeah he's 60 military he can fight illegals I think yo it's a couple bad things he didn't wait for his final armor upgrade Dave he didn't have played male armor and he tried to push out and he's losing units unnecessarily I don't think he can he can't take fights against this main ball he's coming in on the left-hand side and he should come in on the right-hand side as well so here's good here's the potential you know to get back into this game basically he distracts VIPRE causes his entire army to go back yeah it kills like 20 villagers and then takes some control of his own map with trebuchet and vice versa produce so many nights got so many upgrades he cannot click up the castle age now I talked about this 10 minutes ago it has to be 200 population castle age for VIPRE if he wants to win this game and whoa thanks to ye but the only way that VIPRE can go in is if he's 200 puffs and cannot spend his resource account it's getting closer and closer he's gonna lose more on that for gasoline shredding it down this is crazy you always pushing west ramping down the castle has done oh my goodness can he come back against this giant mass of CAV Archer though that's a question can you kill it he's forced it back into Vipers base viper actually taking a defensive castle on the left hand side now yeah yos unit mobility was amazing he had six different groups of vehicles he hit the farmers he hit the wood line he hit the gold and look it's on the right fight for stable trying to track three Eagles so as long as y'all continues to do that I think will be very good for him but it's more tough now on the left because Vipers Castle the hill and he needs to account he's heading towards that gold that he identified before yo had time to put ATC there but that's so many calf archers man like they're just gonna keep coming back and harassing that you're never gonna get time to take that gold but then if he gets back even into the farms and the wood yo is running out of space at the back of his base what's the number of eagles that would do it you think forty against this amount of calf archers it would depend on it would depend on the location yeah in a choke point no yeah right but we'll see if he can get the raids in because that'll definitely give me trying here Viper Hey you can take this this fight against tonight's just you're wasting too many Eagles you can't fight that many Cowboys yet either well eventually Aztecs do have the option to go for skirmishers don't think we're going to see you that well did you see in the middle look at the trap in the middle Viper with the masterpiece the trap was loaded Viper quick walled it in with his villagers two gates and a stable but the Eagles once again though they'll be coming in this is an endless cycle yeah and the Viper at some point he needs to get up I don't see him producing military so I think this is the point where he he believes in his Knights he believes in his calves archers to protect it is this also where its most vulnerable daddy an all in castle push you can't afford to go up to your piano because your opponent is Imperial right and they're gonna swamp you so we'll see if Vipers judge this correctly he has enough time and resources to get up yo has more soldiers right now yellow has more villagers he was also getting the relics he'll get at least two yes Viper will eventually get those upgrades but I love how yo is keeping Viper on the run so Viper you have 44 characters cool what come for rock chase me he couldn't fight the military at his own base yeah so the solution to that is force the military back to hyperspace exactly beautiful man beautiful and I think you oh just needs to continue to do this don't look for that big engagement yet wait until your military numbers are higher and expanded that economy at the same time which will not be easy to do because Viper does have some Knights in CA at Yas base so a similar thing where Vipers trying to force you back by going to Yas base I also kind of like how yo is taking the favorable engagements against the night he's kind of like picking off their numbers before Viper gets up and you can actually like upgrade to cavalier oh my son still in there too wow you know what I find most interesting about the whole KD yo has probably killed like eighty percent of us kills or probably feels yeah and then all Vipers kills are our again SEOs military Sanyo has done an excellent job with the rating 13 hey we just got it from overlay guy 30 kids in this in this matchup vipers actually in there at the back and he's sleeping around with the CAV archers yo going to the neutral goal though that's huge man if he gets the TC down stairs are expensive yeah these Eagles are expensive and I think Vipers what did this storm nicely and he's a viper his idol d'etat no farm steer from yo and yo another trip being tossed away but honestly don't even make trips right now no don't even make traps you can't protect the trail don't even make traps do you see the path that yo took with the Eagles together the Vipers Bay so he's looping so far around which path just to get in there these guys oh they just met up with friends yeah those guys it's a lot a lot of Eagles only 28 viper has 69 military and I was going for a castle nice so I mean castable let's go where's where's Yoko euros Consul coming down is it on this hill I think it's gonna be defensive right oh it's vipers gonna see this and I think this is like well vipers arm is kind of at a position but I think he can produce behind this he actually tried to wall in the Eagles at his own base okay so the Eagles cannot make it through I think you can get that castle this is one instance where Viper can't just run away from these Eagles he has to force the engagement if yo brings you back yo y'all will get into vipers economy I feel like he owes should have just kept the eagles at the castle no no I think this is good Viper can't get the castle ma I can't there into the eco there was a 60 population lead for Viper it's all disappearing now it's 130 pop for yo 150 pop for Viper I thought it was really hairy there for a second and Viper was gonna snipe those bills but apparently don't read it perfectly look how many villagers it's going down can we see the game one victory for yo he needs it man mister yo needs it like he's in the farming eco it's all idled all the farming he goes titled vipers even like his visa having trouble getting wood yeah he has he has nowhere to go like he can't get food hit we mentioned his map before his bow one more in 30 population for both Oh it just keeps expanding his economy taking control of the map those villagers that were building the castle are going out to the right now he's gonna secure that gold I think even more so much on Colt that's crazy 2008 for the Eagles so the threat here for yo is that he's gonna not build up the Eagle numbers and he's gonna toss them all away and Viper slowly gonna mass again yeah but the threat here for Viper is that yours is just gonna keep killing all this video needs to split one group still not enough yeah send in ten to the left 20 to the right in fact all the Knights on the site that's why you wanted the TC there that's why you need the TC there he's going back to the castle so fortunately for him you won't lose all the villagers but Gil has three relics with has Tex that's pretty beastly ok if you can't we go to Vipers point of view real quick the BA I want to show you guys how often Viper is repositioning he's focused on that corner here he has the perfect choke point for his calves archers now wait till the Eagles arrive in his eco at some point oh boy he's trying to sort out his he seems like he's really prioritized in the middle there at least he's well you know so and he's actually gonna deny that Town Center okay yeah I mean honestly he's going back to the old yeah yeah it slowed down a bit for you we can actually go to your point of view and see what he's looking at he's at dropping a TC on that gold I saw I think I saw a Viper with the light cap that have been over there before so we're going right back to the game yeah check this out Viper head a light cap you know realize that look at all these Eagles this is like that so many seviper's eat as many dude so yes vipers denied a town center but nine plus eight Eagles they to shot villagers right I can just kill the TC yeah destroy just kill the TC I can take the gold also there was a regional watch this TC just melt it's absolutely gonna melt all those villagers are gonna come out the Eagles like your Center on the left as well they even killed the mining camp which is an additional frustration I think this is Yosuke I think it is to know he's played this so beautiful play yo with mezzo saves its next level yeah yo wins well if he plays like this with all his mezzo sips that's three wins in a best-of-seven he could do it man incredible game you always got the TC down on that right goal that's so important so we can just hop in there go back to the gold whenever he wants there's still relic actually in the right corner of the map so maybe we'll see him pick that up I don't know if he scouted it yet vipers kept a close eye on that stone well what watch from Joe's point of view because I just saw that yo brightest Viper was at that stone yo dropped a but got but VIPRE used to have 50 more military numbers yeah now it's 42 40 42 40 equals we'll shred and eagles are shredding and vipers Cal quarters are in the corner patrolling all the two eagles are still shredding yeah they just gonna kill another 63 dozers this game is over as soon as as soon as VIPRE drops below 100 pop I think he's out yeah right now so it's pretty damn close for Viper there's no resources 16 wood no Lumberjacks 96 food 7 on food not on gold I just don't see how Huns can deal with the eco-floor I think Vipers counting on the fact that yo is gold income is gonna be very very low yes yes the neutral gold on the left side there's Iping bills here so this is yeah and and he knows that once that eagle wave runs out you was gonna have to switch into something slower maybe he can power it back with the calves or chores so at this point maybe oh goes for a couple more raids and then starts thinking of like his trash army composition you know yeah I think yo and will that trend behind the tree line he needs to Oh beautiful that's sick yo need to make sure that he keeps his eco rollin and then he can make that transition you know with the with those Eagles you can almost just go kill that castle you want a murder hole yeah that's for sure and I think if we look at the cams I think the GG is gonna be rolling in years pretty soon oh my god would have performs we thought yo-yo was in such a bad position yeah so honestly it's how you have to play that matchup he made the mistake of building a range canceled it 1 second barracks started to get the eagle mass held knew he would fall behind a Nico because you didn't expand like VIPRE power of Levi per click up too soon was the timing on because I don't even know I don't even know if he did because look at how open spaces yeah look at just look at how open is basically the side of the point though yeah you make more nights than maybe whatever that one rate gets in and it's just like yeah you've made nice and now you don't have the traits to fight them maybe Viper did not play a bad game here there was no rust no first game jitters he was 65 population 1/2 I can't wait to look at this topic only all of us kills our villagers look at look at this timeline it's crazy this right here has so much blue but secondly Eagle and the armored Texan mr. yo gets the win I love game number one it's very rare that my sad I'm most impressed with is map explored 95 percent for vipre 92 for yo you can see how good these players are especially in late-game these guys stay in play men these guys came to play I'm really happy that this best-of-seven started off like that because it was virtually I can't say it was flawless no game is flawless right but that was as high a level as we could have wanted so that means we go on to Vipers home map next one of his many home maps you think about he goes for islands he has other options as well I'm personally thinking he goes Islands may be Italian - maybe Vikings I'll find out guys get into the game sorry I've got a little bit of a coffee R that's no worries we're Gucci Italian we're alright so I don't know if tattoos out there watching I don't VIPRE was rooting for tatto tatse is probably rooting for his teammate VIPRE here but the Italian meta is really interesting right now and you and I Dave had some good conversations with the max about it yeah as we're watching the game so tattos started doing the back dock strategy and he would do one of two things with italians he would go for back doc safe fishing ships and a few late landing or he would go back docks a fishing ships and fast castle however hera went futile h with his own italians right and and ended up beating that strategy so that's probably the third option we could see look at these maps to look at vipers map look at how skinny at that map if you lose water you're just dead yeah like you can't even a castle eight you can't come back the war galleys can range your entire army yeah it's true MIT or entire island your entire eco everything crazy yeah I'd say yos if if any map if any island was the fat dragon it would be yours yeah it's a little bit bigger dedication to vivid yeah exactly yeah I think we just have to wait for the doc physicians you know what's really interesting is normal bill boaters you're gonna see two houses at the start he always been consistently building one house at the start and then when he sends villager out the chop wood that he's been doing with other maps too yeah yeah yeah interesting like though it's it's really kind of weird it's a weird preference it's weird that he's the only one who does that well III think we were theorizing that he thinks it's more efficient and also I brought up the point that maybe on on different Maps other than Islands obviously you want to put your house in a better location that won't like disrupt your farms or anything or maybe be part of a wall later on in the match yeah if you think about it you get to food a little bit now faster so maybe that's actually switch to the will switch the the double paw here double point of view for both players cuz islands there's obviously there's only so much we can talk about until those dock positions come up we can see Viper's zeroes that's what I see look at that face yeah man he's like I I haven't seen that face he is he's focused now they're both Italians yeah both of them can go up to feudal age lightning fast because the cost to do so is cheaper docks or dock text or cheaper sorry and fish and chips are cheaper so that's there's a reason it's picked all the time for water maps all right let's go back to the game do you see anything else on this map that's interesting the fact that Vipers about to dock forward is interesting hmm Ayoo is about to do the opposite and dock in the back okay so we got a standard we've seen this on most games yeah like I was I was talking to you before before this I think in like ECL we'd see a lot of like the meta play yeah at like Italian versus Italian just fire galley versus fire galley and on from NAC usually it's one player going for one thing and the other play going for something completely different yeah I really wonder who started it you know like someone had success with it the other players found out about are the other players tried it all so I think a big thing is sometimes you want to save those strategies for big moments yeah instead of doing them all the time and rated games a lot of that this is a sick dock considering there's only like three tiles yeah like I would never get a dock like this I get no fish I would get a little island like on the edge of the map yeah don't talk to me about Islands man those things scare me how many archery ranges do you think you could fit on the middle ones realistically and I'm experienced only seven if you chop the trees you could probably do more than three you'd have to chop the trees so ya know we'll have to play the the old lights were actually having a little bit of truck trouble with his boar there he had two palisade and his one villager is super weakened sheets weak to see the boar needs one more hit oh look at those two villagers literally that's one boar worth of damage this guy's best player in the world I don't know what's going on there it happens sometimes man sometimes forceful Teatro and it's actually kind of a big deal if you look at Yoos boar lore it's perfectly underneath the TC it was in a bit quicker because he didn't have that problem fight for just had so fight first doctor front I assume he's going futile what will yo do well I like how both players I think yo is going for a landing he didn't he didn't lure the boars with a scout but neither did Viper because I think Viper suspects yo is going for a landing oh yeah I mean a great way to possibly counter the landing is to get your fire galleries out nice and early but unfortunately it's there's nothing you can do well even that even if you get your fire Gallio early like they can make transport ship and Dark Age ending up so even if you if you follow it all the way across the map one fire galleys not enough you need a fire galley in a demo or a couple galleys to kill it he's got to be going trailer stewardship well we'll see on his way to feed him with this side dog I'm sure max is sitting on the couch there going no no no there's no way he's going well it's a transport ship Dave here it is on the left side too fast futile to villagers and a scalp how many times will be seen this from Chinese players like yo and licks in previous students will do this so for you know what I'd be really nervous for Viper right now if that was a hair ago across with that Scout because those weak villagers oh yeah hey yo finds these like there there's one on the wood line there's one near the design it could be a couple villagers dead real quick well scouting is so important it's very important here VIPRE needs to have that Scout on patrol fortunately since since his wood line is kind or sorry his his Island is kind of narrow it might not be too difficult for him to spot any landing and then how hyper reacts will be interesting because he knows he's gonna find him right away with the Scout don't just passing Shh he's following she's like yeah it's like he don't say anything youtube we'll go we'll go to his his point of view and see if he notices it okay so he's going music for the dock and he hasn't placed in billings yet he's not seen it I love how yo went around the back side but that's Vipers path along the backside of the short way ah yes Father like receives it wasn't futile faster so you can get some hits in on that Scout and buildings are going up yeah buildings are definitely going up here switch back to the regular view and yeah yo has the advantage on that engagement for sure I love it first off a pro tip don't field you our changes on the Nutri island he's already been successful there he built his barracks at home to hide the fact that he was doing this down flavor already knows look at how that doesn't know what look at how fast viper added extra fishing chips even before he saw the guy landing yes well no he's got four more above that even and now he's dropping walls to cut off his eyelid one advantage of the skinny island you can walk you can wall really easily but remember yo has a transport ship so you have to be careful of that because you could spend all this wood on walls and he can just transport right around transport right around all of that ok so there's gonna be a couple interesting things that stem from this obviously yo it's gonna be sending some archers in viper he's probably going to need some skirmish for that now what I'm thinking is as yo tries to keep this over the door what what I'm thinking is if Viper loop some fire galleys behind this yeah he can kind of take that threat of a pit viper tower tower here there yo delete the towering muroids I think yo it has no a Justin completing that look at all vipers Viper so good - because he stopped building the tower as soon as yo deleted yeah and you know just adds an outpost there so you can get some vision he knows he's gonna be able to range those yeah villagers Daniel Viper actually lost his Scout to the archer he thought he could take a favorable trade there but they are just surviving and it's gonna be super super annoying I love how Viper leaves that foundation there for the time being and now he's gonna delete it now that the archers are there and he's gonna place it somewhere else when yo goes to tell Russian but on the other side of the galley yeah he's added a galley not a fire galley I don't see him taking that transport ship out quickly and yo can make a shift back onto water if he wants that said yos fishing ships will be spotted by Viper very important from Viper you said wanna round both sides of the water yeah he's everywhere he needs to be he sent a fire galley around both sides of that dock you always saw the first one backed up right into the second one yo is going towards this gate here and the transport is no longer available and I think a Vipers holding open the other gate though what what's gay oh that's realistic but man yos got to be frustrating that I can't get through but I think he shifts back on the water this village you're gonna open the gate on the left side of Vipers base left side of vipers base gate Oh yo didn't notice it he was just targeting her I think the wood chopper went all the way around so maybe she'll open it up again maybe he can get some archers in there I really feel like you I was kind of out of options on land so he still has the villagers alive and that will be very helpful but I expect Viper to make some skirm he's still got his transport ship alive yeah doesn't have any ships behind so if yo comes back with the transport ship he can move around market coming down from him now look at his resources I mean not the greatest his fishing ships obviously I eco Idol and only four farms at the moment but yet fishing ships are really important but yo knew that he would lose his fish and he's going for farming co yeah and I feel like Viper didn't kill the fish fast enough yeah exactly and so the villagers are here they will remain a threat to Viper and I think yeah will you abuse the market what I would do is I would sell that stone I mean unless you really want to tower sell the stone buy food and get to Castle eat fast and then maybe turn this into crossbow and mackan ELLs wildlife is still stuck in the few oh whoa vipers on the way that's way to Castle age with the fish boom 20 fish to so many fish ate fish any I I swear to God he was six or seven before he saw the transport ship from yo yeah so he just knew I think I think you're right I think he might have seen me like seeing the score drop the unexpected it just normally it would be for fishing ships multi dock then fight for water control and you know was actually redocking on the north and north side of his I think it's too late well he's got two fishing ships still alive so if viper assumes which viper never does yeah that yo is you know not gonna redock actually making fryer galleys and he's made a demo to okay but I think the one way back for yo is if he engages for his Vipers water before Viper hits gas well he's gonna tower push this this side of it yeah and he's getting Heka has the transport ship coming back to I see that yes and the five archers around tower there meanwhile Viper making his own transport ship Dave so he might go for a bit of a counter-attack I think he wanted to go counter crossbow mm-hmm that could end the game so so yo needs to make sure that does yo-yo is making an archery range on his own Island oh so expecting a noise man he knows pleasing these two players are like just reading each other it's beautiful yo shows up he's like oh there's a tower there well actually we'll go to the double point of view so you can see what each player is looking at Viper is on the way over I believe yeah he's on the way over no that's yo spointer222 he's got some units in that dock it's kind of confusing because they're both blue in the double exactly so yo yo screen is above him and Viper screen is below can we go back to my point of view guys but back to the caster here look at this transport the transports are just passing fight for sending what will be crossbows with bodkin oh man this is gonna be devastating to yo you know what's making skirmishers right now yeah but is it because there's so the gold is so exposed there oh maybe if yo is sneaky enough you could surprise the Viper Oh yo the way y'all made his buildings it's like a path right yeah my gold is [Music] heading back to the town center they might come back with one who knows that three hills down and loss of gold viper made a calve archerd Viper a CAV Archer MN okay more HP they can do they can die against the artists I think Viper believes he can hold their he still has his fish yo doesn't have any advantages now no none none whatsoever I don't think the landing was good enough I think skinny islands is better than fat Island for this because the walls were so heated they're bragging for the family I think Viper reacted extremely well to and and the choice to even like even the choice to make a galley at the back meant that yo couldn't camp the shoreline yeah so it's just all these little decisions right you know actually going for a siege workshop on Vipers for Vipers island he's gonna place that foundation in a second here okay like a second ahead of you I think yeah there it is there it is and I I don't know about the characters versus each the Italian cow but have you seen Italian calvert yours I haven't I haven't seen it papers not making them long-term right yeah he is making them observe but if he's if he denies the way she gets the workshop up he's gonna bring in the war galley 200 this Mike oh this might be a workshop this might be close oh my god oh that's like 98 percent right there that's Gigi yeah that's Gigi dude he has no ordinance on Viper's Island now it's gotta be Gigi yep the skirmisher is still even struggling against the crossbows yeah and not even not even able to catch those and Viper just out range first not even yeah he's not even worried about that now because he's cleaned up the threat on his land they'll actually used his fires against the archery range what do you do in the US position here you resign ago game what but not you whenever I ask that question it's always alt f4 leery would say so so let me let me back up and let me say why okay with the boost of the fishing ships and the fact that Viper has more military on Yoda's base and militarism base and Navy that the reason that I say resign is because Viper can just go imp hey Viper could do it he could do anything he can do whatever however if you really want to try it this was a million my president would there you go seriously it is hard to kill someone off on Islands so what yo should try and do is just go full boom so he should add a second TC and a thirty now is that doc said oh okay well you can't he can't full boom if Viper gets galleys if he gets war galleys all around those wood lines yeah Yas Island is fat but it's not that fat you can still range all the all the woods so yeah I mean I really wanted to see yo go back on water after Viper had to deal with the landing I think that was his opportunity he didn't do that he's coming now and he's typed a few fishing ships actually this will be a second or third there's always the potential on islands even no matter how far back you are like if your opponent doesn't prioritize water yeah and you can trap them on the island there's always a potential to come back but I think that's very slim here very hyper would never do that yeah a lot of this has to do with the fact we're talking about the Vipers so there is some some I guess bias there but I love how yo Skype to fish yeah I don't think Viper shouldn't let that happen I didn't expect Viper to let that happen and another one goes down not bad for you it's it's actually 43 bills for yo 46 or Viper now light per song about to be three passengers are gonna come over I never thought I would see Italian coverage somewhere spring is like yes yeah spring he makes calves archers with any savings like if piper does it I can do it yeah he's gonna go right to that gold again but you always the TCC smoke from labor that's stupid it's so annoying so it's idling like villagers yeah yeah villagers the skirmishers forced to come over to deal with it and now he's making a lumber camp within range of the water so if Viper comes over there rookies he's still running around with it - and the caricatures as characters are now in ano space surprise you don't see a good awareness from yo right away right away seeing that and he's gonna gate them the potential for them to run in yeah he's gonna damage two of them yeah if I kill the gold yeah Viper's viper knows that he'll gain an economic advantage so it's just about further delaying yo Zico and yos Doc's now he's camping those he's gonna kill one of them yeah it's quite simply I know it's the best-of-seven semi-final but from this position on islands my pressure level viper should never lose if it was if it was yo and Vipers position I'd say the same I would say the same you know only I'd be very surprised because Viper is a beast on water maps I think you're right Dave I think he added fishing ships expecting the landing so his eco advantage was was so much faster whoa we had a moon sailing ship I'm gonna see it in a second I think so yeah I'm like a second behind you all right he's I didn't know they had a reverse gear on those things that was just drive there's gears on boats yeah I did [Laughter] we didn't have we didn't have any boats with gears in the Amish community Oh looks like yo is gonna try again it is gonna try again for the landing and maybe he could complete that siege workshop wait we're in the middle of the map dude he's got two villagers coming towards that that transport and he's bringing skirmishers so five percents one CAV Archer date counter it he can kill it maybe I like the logic there that's great he's 12 villagers behind Vipers all over him on water Vipers using the galleys like you said Dave to disrupt to the Atlantique oh oh oh no oh I've seen the chat boys oh no I mean he can pretend this is like the tiniest violin yeah you know what it was a good try from yo I think the island in the long game doesn't favor Viper but I think in that short game against that landing definitely favors him and he countered it perfectly yeah you like he read early he added those fishing ships early went for the greedy strategy KO was so far ahead yeah it made it look very easy yeah scores now won 2-1 in the best-of-seven semi-final between yo and viper that's all you need to see right there that's all you need to see this is why I said it was GG or food wood stone and gold collected for Viper way more let's move on to the next map it will be a home map pic for yo he has Serengeti golden pit and Lance madness I'm telling you Serengeti incas he I think he's gonna go for the no Bru rush his villagers are gonna box do you think Viper goes Celts Oh is my yeah fix yourself yeah so Serengeti I think I don't know about the Inca no no but the Inca pick it's it's definitely strong t90 thinks it's unbeatable he it's the only build order that he knows better than the pro players in your mouth eat it okay well Tristan's trying to figure out his mic Dave's such a savage that's me dude I can actually reach out in between games which is unbelievable they're just getting set up for the game here Celts from Viper okay I'll start a strike since I pelts receipt incas is what you think well yeah I think the best way to defend from the from the Nauvoo Russia's Celts yeah okay are they getting in the game now we good alright sweet stuff sorry about that guys don't join your unlock there you know I know what there's one that says dear Arabia to us not it that's not it I just wanna just been hanging out there forever so we can actually do we actually want to go to their point of view and see what the Civic's are all right vipers really thinking about this this is a thinker face right here from Piper yeah the thinker face the thinker Vikings oh it's fish I was wrong it's not yet golden pit I wonder if he's gonna go for the same build that oh do you think you okay that's obviously mine where's the loo we're getting the we're getting the thing from overlay guy it's got to be Mayans right yeah I think I'm not like it's weird I'm a little bit proud of myself for predicting everything you know was gonna do but it's also not that hard to call every game so like seriously if you could reap ick sips I'm pretty sure his games would just be elastic mm-hmm anyways in the blue for game number three best of seven semi-final Viper playing as the Vikings very interesting and we saw this earlier actually from Hera not a convincing build from him whatsoever though we can expect definitely I think bigger and better things from Viper here yeah on this map his map it's looking pretty good for early waling a potential later on he's gonna struggle a little bit with that gold forward but I think he can make it work in the early game for sure yeah well I think what's that it's science-y Oh civilization is like man geez how much they paying you dude yeah I'm kidding anyway so let's talk Vikings vs Minds yeah I think Mayans will want to go plumes yeah according to Hera trash plumes are trash however I've seen plumes dominate yeah the problem the problem of Mayans vs Vikings as Vikings is gonna have that eco right mm-hmm yeah it's it's about how many T seas you can get up how early and then handcart and wheelbarrow are gonna kick in and your farms are like Super Saiyan level farms yeah yeah yeah I wonder if Pfeifer goes for I fully expected fast castle build for both of them but it's a matter of low these hold on look how low there's no I know it's because the middle of the pit is that the lower is at the standard elevation and then everything else is at elevation 7 I believe so these birds are like it's like I had a pigeon the other day at Hamburg here and it's graped the top of my head with it's happening right here yeah I don't it looks like all these villagers have a full head of hair yeah maybe not the best representation but you're the worst yeah anyways so I think you're right I think Vikings can really do well against lions it's Wi-Fi perfect it I I think that this is the downside of being mr. yo everyone knows you're good with mezzo so they can always counter pick you I'm just wondering if if yo will go for fast castle plumes will he go for crossbows or will he go for man-at-arms which is not so common well shooting the TC yeah you don't have to worry about that I know makes me totally he told me in the hidden cups he had to not shoot the TCO is just so good at it like it's so rare that he messes up obviously it's happening tournament games yeah always makes me nervous like I get sweaty whatever you know but yeah it was a beast with that and so I do you think they're going for the dress first dude honestly we might just see full wall this might be a snoozer until castle age because they can't lame each other or they can't steal boars I think yo could actually be really annoying here oh yeah with this boar behind gold both the maps are good if you want the left and walls the front and wall to the edge it's perfect yeah the only bad thing is he doesn't have his ostrich then here we go zoom in here Vipers coming out for his pig I'm zooming in he will I'm zooming in to Eddy oh what the oh he wants it he wants the guy in there so that the boar paths around and so that no but this is not even worth it is it like you're gonna delete yo I hope he deletes his villager by accident cuz yo could take away that 30 wood that was actually really nice yeah delete thanks to Age of Empires 2 definitive edition we had a nice little slo-mo for that too that was that was well calculated thanks to you nice zoom and everything but I feel I feel like for most players it's not worth the clicks even with Viper I see that this micro nerd clicks and I just know it's not worth the time but in dark what is a co-op what would his old teammate cake AB say once I I don't know one-click better than many click players that zoom all around the fat yeah one click you can quote that didn't K cap sling for an entire tournament that's pretty much all he was doing in that but he was a piece to a player as well alright so barracks for Vipers so this looks very much like a DRA Sh for any noobs out there or not noobs sorry new people out there militia in Dark Age is called a Dark Age rush rush to delay yeah and I don't think we'll see that from you I think yo we'll just Wallace base he's also Mayans cheap Mayan walls to say cheap - it's just mines build their eco so efficiently yeah and you can if you get the walls down early oh no loom on this video your loom no villager will see what Viper can do maybe thank you wallet in he's gonna try oh oh my goodness he's gonna try it and he gets it this guy's broken that's disgusting this guy's Opie that's not cool actually here's the deal though how did you get that villager home yo can just run around you can outrun the militia yeah well that you know what its gonna do it's gonna force the militia to stay at home instead of going forward you should loop around right now if this was Hara he o fight cups Viper is so I mean courageous village yeah I was gonna say if you're gonna plot him for long you didn't this time it's gonna say yeah Ted that's like to go out to the house usually you see someone to send another Ville you know this guy he's trapped yeah could sneeze on the villager and it would die yeah one of these birds needs to fly by this is I mean you know highlights aside right yeah micro nerd stuff is awesome might be a bit demoralizing but it's long enough and now we're not gonna see barely any pressure going down from you I like that cute wallet oh my god if you over chops that wood line I'm gonna lose it I like the cute wall if heat that's the only way that Viper could get through if you over takes a long way away though you see is well it's so that's great yeah it's nice it's pretty like this is this is a saving this area for later okay this this is where you pay homage to the bird you know but yeah if I first not gonna get through diaper we'll go for a fast castle yo is going to stone so yo we'll try for a straight fast castle and plumed Archer words this week Phil oh it's on the north side near where you'll hit miss it's literally on that farm a shark right now far away Hera would lose that yeah like he would go back for a bunch of different down like a Viper kind of moves it to the back more - he makes a new farm with it yeah yeah moves it to the back yeah I think you always spotted it yeah and they're just gonna let's go to us one of you this is the dance bacio click yeah oh is it not working Viper jebaited Invitrogen beta to me no they're not dancing it's so of course they're both dancing right now so that's some idle time but I don't think you wanna lose this company also once at Villa yeah yeah yeah okay so so oh oh [Music] we're in that was just that's just great that's all the things that these pros do like Viper was moving that villager around he knew that was why you always hang around yeah yo knew where the villager was yeah he Viper knew exactly how like how long time yeah yeah to pull him in and then yo just yo couldn't resist like he probably knew he's gonna lose this eagle yeah but he just couldn't resist it so if you haven't seen that before sometimes it's even funnier because then go guy will know that he's gonna be baited that'll go on for another five minutes yeah cuz vipers how can that be like if you're at the elvers Viper some of the matches you do where it's just hanging out yeah yeah or the tattoo over Sara earlier $1.00 Iranian 14k viewers coming from overlay guys that's sick man it's all team came we're into we're only into Game three of this like shaping up to be a really really really good best of seven that yeah so my question is if Mayans get two plumes can Vikings compete Dave I know the Vikings have the economy it depends but it's dangerous I think I think it really depends on where VIPRE walls early and where he places his T sees if you can get that Eco advantage then he can push the mines off the center right yeah yeah I think so too but if the mines do any damage to his eco in that like interim period then mister yo will have the opportunity to maybe castle that middle area yeah maybe get it fortified and then VIPRE just regular so I should probably touch on this you get six tiles of gold on golden pits at your base here's the six tiles for mister yo a viper has three tiles and then three tiles outside of his wall so it's actually much better map wise for yo safe on stone safe on gold and then there's a ton of gold in the center now when a stress to you the importance of yo winning with meso sips those are his best saves also if I fir needs it he still has as techs he still has Mayans you know he still has all of those sips waiting even if he loses here so think of like four wins then has Aztecs Mayans waiting it's gonna be really tough for yo to win this series but for being a little bit annoying with this drush he's also using his Scout a ton if you look at yos line-of-sight he doesn't see that much because obviously he lost his evil early yeah he sees most of Vipers base but none of those extra resources along the edge and if you go to Vipers try light yep he's constantly exploring he's gonna find everything on this map yeah now to be honest there's not a lot to no no but you get the relics and you know if you're looking for a new wood line to move to it's just little annoyances Wow and vipers actually coming forward with some archers just as yo dropping that castle archers not gonna be able to do very much here let's see how clean this build is for yo this is the way it normally goes Castle first the second you get a hundred stone and 275 what would you build that second TC let's see what you ought he just needs 10 more stone alright CEO TC I mean this is this is a pretty clean build from mr. Yale I also love the TC because it protects the wood line and it protects the gold yeah I would bill that a little bit more towards the wall though because it protects more the area yeah but if you build it more towards the wall then maybe VIPRE gets upgraded crossbows there or something yeah yeah it's tournament play I think dictates your placements yep unless you're doing down as always dope first food Archer now on the way for mr. yo so he's got to be careful with the numbers because Vipers are gonna have more initially but I think yo will play a pretty safe yeah he won't take any engagements until he needs to now let's let's remind the viewers how good Viking economy is free wheel barrow and feudal free hands cart in castle age so right now mr. Yohe might be working with two TCS but he doesn't even have wheel barrow and vipers gonna have two TCS and handcart will be an tan car yeah so actually Vipers coming in here with crossbows does yo see this he was repositioning the villagers think you knew he didn't have much chance we can Tevan range that yeah both these players just on point I was building enough plumed archers that he can trap this from behind yeah run around behind it and take this fight but Viper I'm obviously delaying the bug can a little bit to get the dru soliders oh yeah yeah yeah it's normally the way they'll both do it you have to prioritize those villagers is she's so so huge I also love how yo has villagers on stone I think he's probably too heavy on stone to get the food and gold and company but what what does Viper do if he'll ghosts like to TC and then second Castle and then Imperial well I think you're definitely right but I'm just concerned that he's not gonna get bought karo as quick as Viper yeah and Viper will be able to hold off the plumes so I think that's important but yeah militia they don't really make much of a difference now Viper is distracting with them yo seems to really want to get those kills will yo pay attention does him see crossbows it shouldn't matter that much he just wants to get the score maybe he's been trailing behind Viper because of the scouting old game nice pickoff yeah the militia unimportant if there's any militias watching we did not mean you yeah Viper going to so no okay yeah Viper going to stone that's interesting yes so it's like for 3tc going to stone interesting okay so Viper will definitely have more villagers I believe if you watch at the bottom left or overlay shows the villager count Vipers villagers are way more efficient yo is now researching wheel barrel which is detect that Vipers had since feudal age and Viper all catch up and surpass EO and villager count and cross Wow or Archer numbers I guess you could say no bodkin Viper houses to yo-yo does not yeah this is the difference and no university obviously for either player that's a huge investment so they can just dance around each other forever yeah the crossbows though do get a little bit of extra range even without the bodkin and you owe mr. yo he's kind of splitting up his army well there's not many areas that Viper can pressure yo so maybe I was hoping to hit Viper same could be said for yo at fight for space though Dave yo is going for a to TC forward Castle strategy Vipers going brie TC I was down in the in the back ah interesting other Bank so if he's going 3 TC it's just interesting timing on the lorry viper actually dropping a siege workshop near his archery range and yos gonna be there nice Vipers expecting the plumes to show up somewhere he hasn't seen them in a while and they show up at his baby pick up at yo his base though yo hasn't responded to this yet there should be a villager down yeah yo really needs wood lines it's probably why he's gone for the TC well another villager dies yep and some idle time yo I think he didn't hear the attack notification he was busy at the front mmm cross was attacked him before the ones at the back too I got the notification from that and he's old yeah yeah but so too villagers down for yo one villager down for Viper not a massive deal but it is something right well it's just very dangerous to play against Vikings as Mayans because Vikings can go for our bless the skirm and sea tram and it does well against plumes so I think now this has got to be about the center it is golden pit after all really wondering when yo builds that castle yes we're gonna build that game up too by the wall there Viper's siege workshop didn't get down yet because Oh Dave the birdies did you see that yes that was beautiful bat hype it was you're sick all right vipers vipers looking for yos army right now yeah it's gotta be careful turns out that mobility so you should never get caught out in type results were getting ballistics so if he engages against these plumes I was gonna have a bad time here also getting what something that he loves sites maybe one villager what no it doesn't say don't come this way this way oh he's getting the second armor upgrade on his crossbows right now does he love that yes he does okay I was wondering fond of that let's gonna say what are you gonna say here hmm no castle for yo he has a thousand stone again I think he went to stone way too early or with way too much maybe he wants to drop to at the same time he's never done this double castle push on golden pins and again we're not talking about doubt strategies alright if he drops to yeah you heard me whistle is sticks I mean I hope he drops to at some point my you see the debate yeah these plumes up top here Vipers like Shirley's nice player and now he's just scouted he's thinking where did he go oh he knows the ostrich boys are dead yeah they're all dead Viper could send half his army to the right now oh and the castle coming down in the middle from mr. yo both players not with a manga no oh let the light grow change a little bit of the fights oh good shot there from Viper just the way I see this game going his Viper will castle the top of his hill yeah and then Fletcher will go imp and just trap that down right again I'm not convinced with with Mayans in this situation I really think fight is actually coming forward with a castle on the right-hand side it's perfect right there and if he's faster like he said if he's faster the Imperial yo loses all control yeah in the middle there and losing those plumes doesn't help him at all that's a huge loss he got trapped up there he didn't even pick a villager so remember I said he was too heavy on stones because he wouldn't and he wouldn't have food and gold eco this is the problem yes you got a castle in the center but your eco is not timed correctly I mean if he did this castle would be sweet hold on a second hesitation from the plumes and that Manganiello so he actually does delay the castle that's a huge play okay yeah Piper's on the way to Imperial H if he holds this long enough he won't have time to get the trebs off yo can go up to Imperial age and maybe counter this castle yeah exactly that could make all the difference I think if this castle goes up for Viper it was looking pretty good right now - yeah looking pretty big like up to his grave this is the delay this is the delay that he needed I think Vipers still in a great position in this game for sure it's just way way worse now that he's been delayed by that even just 30 seconds how did you as mango not die I can find a time here if I forget to Big Shot Vipers goes down you know this is still alive it gets a couple villagers is another mango coming from the other side and Vipers desperately trying to get this casting level go up needs the treads he needs you to quietly before my yo can get trebs of his own manga no coming in decides to go for the one crossbow before the villagers which is kind of strange but yeah the case is gonna go nice microfiber that castle will eventually go up so Viper he'll accomplish what he wanted and he could even build a second castle now I think he really needs to build the second castle buy this gold Dave on the other side of the hill mm-hmm take that map control completely I think having both castles in one area is probably a mistake yeah I just so the problem with golden pit is you invest all these resources to build castles in the pit and then they just build castles outside the pit yeah it's like king of the hill games you want to go to the center first usually not it could be really risky Viper's been really stingy with his gold so far - he still got three piles at the top which means that's at least like another five or six minutes of consistent pressure for sure and I think I'll go a lead scrim no I wouldn't surprise me to see him go a mix of skirm and crossbow again it wouldn't surprise me to see him drop another castle and trebs have got to come out for Viper yeah oh is Viper actually going to the middle with the castle is he gonna put one down on the flat in the middle nowhere you know he's just gonna go mined gold there okay okay and he's gonna loop around with his archers as well as crossbows mr. Josi is that but does he notice it okay sees it right there doesn't have anything at the moment to really let's fill that mr. Joe's point of view okay he sees Vipers uncle I want to see what his responses here though yo is now blue for us I love how he has those plumes being annoying but Vipers already house wall that off yo Scout comes back for Viper you know much exploration that thing is yeah I love how Viper wall that off that would have been so annoying you see the barracks see the barracks I wonder if that's for archery ranges to go for or sorry and archery range to go for thumb ring which will upgrade the plumes so we can shift to Vipers POV too and he has the trap underneath the cats feel pretty comfortable with this position yeah should but it is 83 villagers for both of them right now it's also he's clearing up more plumes up enough plumes that he's not afraid of that giant mass coming out of nowhere you know yeah yo we'll have to do the thing you don't want to do is we go back to my my screen here he's going for trips and he's going for defensive trips he's not attacking the castle at all he's attacking Vipers trebuchet is and repairing so fight fur doesn't have to invest into repairs you know does and you I was just hoping that at Reb orangey will will be in his job I mean he's still attacking uphill even though he's set up here he's still attacking uphill so he's not getting that bonus damage he's actually getting a reduced and vipers getting the damage against the castle this is why building a castle in the middle is kind of nerve-racking it is for trips too though yeah and and yo is actually clearing up the villagers from Viper on the gold in the middle in the middle yeah oh yes the villagers don't go to the middle and there's some plumes that are running into vipers base Vipers kind of distracted by that at holman that's what the villagers in the middle are getting cleared Vil lead for mister yo yeah so what can he do here can he save this castle in the middle I don't think against three no I don't think so I think so you don't think it was also gonna be massively pop locked yeah so when that goes down he needs houses and that will stall him out a little bit nice little Villa COFF loved the fact he's keeping that open loved the distraction loved at the rate but now after all set done Viper has elite scam in our blast yo has plumes and he's lost a castle which he needs to create plumes and Viper still has quite a bit of gold left in those three tiles to push this back mr. yo not looking to be in a great position it's not he's not many not is equal now and Viper has the hill advantage the difference here is Vipers been repairing his trebs and that Hill advantage Vipers destroyed one of us trebuchet is two of us Reb yusei's oh no second barracks coming in now yo so he's looking to switch into Eagles yeah you can't do this mister y'all things were going so good for you but I don't think traps firing up hill was to play and now here's the problem Dave what if yo goes Eagles what if Vikings do ya Vikings just going to our Blessed or berserk yes well berserk you go berserk you go champion me Vikings have the counters to it so this is why Viper expecting hyeon's picking Vikings was a good play hey that counter Mayans in almost every stage of the game yeah and mr. yo didn't keep his eagle mass up or sorry now you go massa and he's gonna run out of gold here it's really hard to rely on castles yeah I mean the problem is he was doing a lot of damage with the plumes lately but early on in Castle age he lost what 20 of them for basically nothing yeah and there's nothing there's no army now to push this back okay so you see how yo is getting that infantry upgrades I wonder if I four will start to make berserks yeah he's making a few viper has to realize he's not gonna be able to commit to plumes long-term it's got to be an eagle switch I'm vulnerable to that she's sitting on Vipers gold the little three tile where in front of my prison a the little three tail there he's been sitting there killed quite a few villagers and weakened a few more yeah just being annoying I don't think it's gonna be annoying enough though battering rams coming down from yo as well I think he wanted to go for plumes and see Dre and yos out of gold and Jase no I just didn't happen for a man he's gotta collect whatever gold he can in the middle sell some food know that he's gonna idle with that gold in the middle for you and the trebs so many trebs coming over so many skirmishers and our bless yoni it's a ton of time and a ton of gold and he has need he is neither yeah very few of both yeah I would actually I would sell my stone because you if you don't push this back now you're dead so if I'm yo I sell that 277 stone you know I make as many Eagles as possible and then I fight as soon as possible before Viper can get it much-needed victory against is strong Mayans all the little things the Viper does to look on the right-hand side there's a raid coming in yeah and that's gonna hit that wood line it's gonna be absolutely devastating he's tracking the villagers from the gold in the north yeah these are gonna securing the middle yo has no gold left I think it's a matter of time here yeah it's it's actually gonna be quite nice for Viper in the event that he would be surprised by Eagles which he won't the Eagles will come to address this raid they were not surprised my friend this is gonna go around that side okay now he's on land right as well yeah both sides yeah he's he's everywhere man it's all about the pit at this stage of the game if you go to the pit early I can't push up that hill it's GG I chopped a convenient hole for the archers as well it's great yeah yeah maybe he should retreat back to that spot he walled off earlier in that's true yeah man I I'm not seeing it either I think Viper after going down in the first game against mezzo I think he found that answer for in Game three yeah he's even making barracks now so you might even consider champion you know with the new tech supplies which we don't see too often champions are so much cheaper and many people seem to think that going champions is better than berserks yeah and like you said those Eagles that are needed for one big push coming back to address the raid exact doesn't care about these units so and he doesn't care about the ones on the left either that he just keeps sending in he cares that he's wasting mr. Joe's time yeah and that there's no threat well as soon as the barracks get down in the middle it's gonna do two things he can tack into a unit that's useful against Eagles and it's extra buildings on that middle so if mr. EO somehow manages to win a fight yeah he can't just easily clear it yeah the only concern I have for Viper is he doesn't have numbers yet so he's actually waited to research supplies first because that means as his infantry units are discounted that's great yeah as long as he gets the production out and I fully believe he will he's fine but I don't see the Eagle numbers needed for mr. Yost exact this happened he's got trebs coming forward now he's gonna hit the castle so vipers kind of got it gonna be a victim of this golden pit yeah he'll but Viper has four trips of his own Vipers also been getting the relic so this is the second relic has even more gold there you don't need a lot of gold for the champions funny enough all right let's see it man let's see it I think the only way yo comes back here is if he hits Vipers got the relic in Yas base yo Bey sued the way you the way you got excited over that like the amount of no I just looked at the notification it's in the middle of the maze you gotta calm it down a little bit I thought that I fixed a find yourself that's important but that's that's the level of energy I would expect with the big sea challengers shot holy cow yeah but like he's got all of this gold in the middle and he's taking a relic from a bigger Viper move than that I don't think so yeah I mean yo was really distracted yeah I guess the monks gonna make it back I really want to see how these champions fare because if yo makes plumes plumes and eagles would be better than just the two-handed swordsman it is not the gold though well she doesn't have the food right now to upgrade his units apparently yeah prep Piper has 54 farmers he'll be fine I think so as well yeah he'll be fine yep and it's gold eco is just insane it's absolutely insane he's adding actually more farmers to get more champions out kind of building those numbers yeah I still refuse to underestimate Mayans and selling from the market so you're seeing you know sell a lot of wood and food right now but a viper should know that it's just a matter of time he should just go sperm champion and he'll be a-okay yep Eagle raids trying to come in on the right hand side vipers actually got a couple long swords there can we talk about how surprising it is that yo is only down by like 15 pop yeah you know like and he's actually probably gonna make I might even kill that castle maybe it's getting very close to ya but but anyways he's holding on so as this is the best-of-seven series that's very important neither player has died without putting up a huge fight and yeah flight four loses the castle but y'all will lose the trap he does not have the goal to create more trebuchet x' there's still castles and buildings from viper in the center this is the classic star of your opponent of resources strategy and it has worked to perfection for Piper so now the champions soon to come in for Viper and I think I think once yo sees that upgrade I mean like I don't know I don't know where do you get the gold used you're just selling at this point but it's it's like classic mister yo I will continue to try until you kill me the seeds workshops coming down from mr. eo3 at the front and Dave look he goes it's gonna be insane Juden what I mean he could sell a considerable amount and get some gold back but I still don't see him being able to fight this composition long term he doesn't have the castle he needs sorry about the speed guys I've unfortunately I'll control over that Paloma eagle is good because the two-handed source men are so freaking slow yeah but vipers just killing time yeah it's like taking down these siege workshops with the trebuchet is yeah at the front so yo can't even get the Rams out that he needs for a big push yo can only deal with this one area he's not really pushing at all yeah more reinforcements Dave and I if you couldn't tell her just waiting for yo to call its yeah basically we can go to we can go to double POV you can see what the players are looking at give you something a little bit fresher yeah yeah I mean they're both blue so it's a bit confusing yeah fight bridge-building barracks in the corner he's raiding on the side Vipers eco is incredible that's right Ram oK you've got siege RAM and I don't watch you go back to the game here go figure oh wait I wasn't paying attention myself I was looking at the POVs look at the play from Viper fights a little bit of time yo sees that and says you nerd yeah I I think Mayans can be good Versailles Kings I slightly prefer Vikings and I definitely prefer Vikings if the game plays out like that yo built a castle which is so costly 650 stone and early castle age and he kept six villagers on stone when he had I think 29 or 30 and you can't do that man you got to get to em faster then start placing the castles if those were six farmers or six villagers on goal you know it could make a minute or two difference I think it might have been better if he's stuck at a 2tc play rather than yeah and then didn't lose those plumes early like those suppose were doing nothing running around the top and Viper knew as soon as he gets rid of that mass you can't go for that like immediate imp upgrade exactly plume yeah I'm saying I really feel like I personally feel as though to tc2 Castle is good there yeah and maybe he switched his plan midway through yeah cuz 30c was pretty late it was really late and all that does is that's that's hundreds of food you're pumping into a TC and you won't Bank up for the Imperial age and the fact he was on this stone - it might have explained it more like examine multiple castles going into an earlier in purely yeah maybe he saw something he didn't like his aim time was not that different if you look here actually can they still see it I think they can the aim time wasn't that different but a minute or two faster than like okay but I just see 15k and the Dijon cave yours that's what they're spit let's get the 16 let's keep it going boys and girls we're okay three relics for Viper we saw one relics on golden 497 gold from those relics on golden pit I told you the scouting you're like all scouting is not them remember earlier remember I said how important the meadow sibs are yeah and yo just lost with one yeah so now we go to one of us home Maps and he has one remaining I'm thinking he goes Serengeti incus he's got two remaining yeah sorry if he goes Lance madness it's probably a Mongol war yeah so we're gonna see we're gonna see Serengeti because I really don't want it to be Serengeti incas I do this I know because you've predicted the last two you get real cocky here I can feel it no no I can actually feel it no please never yeah but yeah I think Incas and I think Viper will go counter pick Celts counter pick what would be if someone's gonna vill rush you and tell us you what's the best if to defend from that in early futile in your opinion I've never been Vil rushed before it so I don't know oh I think God save me the last 50 games has never been built right okay yeah mmhmm die and arcade I think the your ask him for the best or you're asking him for the meta okay just tell me listen it doesn't have to be meta I want to hear what you have to say best Byzantine fast feudal Stonewall you're the worst you're the worst stoner Yeah right on that so I think help because of the faster men-at-arms yeah I really hope we see it man I'm telling you the no brush is amazing look it up you YouTube or twitch Vimeo look it up no burr is a beast LinkedIn LinkedIn yep they're gonna start right can we go let's go to uh well we should probably wait but your hasn't even said oh yeah yeah yeah let's wait yeah oh I just I shouldn't I shouldn't have said that loud might have heard me know he knows he saw me no he saw he should go Vietnamese misete verse verse hair great verse some leery oh my god Koreans Korea's headphones are on now I think we're good so hype what's hype what are we doing people are saying it's hype we're sick dude it's been us a little bit of a small there's not many places for the germs to like I acutely I tried to stretch last night and my ass hit the wall and I couldn't I couldn't stretch couldn't move I told you and I bet you any money but you any money yo has Incas I told you he I told you Dave see how happy is I'm only happy because you talk we're gonna get into the game here yes I would have I would have gladly been wrong but then you made it a competition all right so I'm fairly certain mr. yo will go for the Nova rush or at least that was the plan overlay guy can we rest upon what this is yeah oh the SIVs okay so sorry I'm the this is I'm not making overlay guys job very easy right now it's it's not doing my best job but anyways Viper's in the blue he's gone for Celts bonus on the Left infantry units move 15% faster this is why I think it is the answer to what could be a villager tower rush and then Lumberjacks also work 15% faster there's very few trees very few good trees on this map but they do chop faster which is an excellent eco bonus incas they start with the free llama that's pretty cool villagers are affected by blacksmith upgrade that's huge it's so hard to kill them in feudal age it's like if you got the blacksmith upgrades for your men-at-arms yeah you just can't fight them with anything basically yeah so if you don't know me I have an odd obsession with certain strategies in certain players and there's this one player from Japan named Noboru and Noboru was about 18 1900 ruble and was destroying top 50 players while while picking Incas and going for the strategy so I really am gonna look to see how many yo sends to wood because if he's committing to the Ville rush that I know it's going to be a two on would start if he does more it's likely that he's scared of the kelp man-at-arms and he might do something different so looking at the maps here mr. Yeo has both those Gold's up on the hill yeah it was kind of unfortunate for him but they're at least they're close to his base and he's got one in the back like far in the back on the edge of the map so yeah I see that maybe Viper won't Scout that Viper on the other hand two golds very very far back and this is nice yeah I feel like the point of this map because his map was worse last game and it was worse in the in-game one that's you know thing you never really maybe it's catching up to him he's got a reputation for getting incredibly good maps yeah well there's yeah I'm thinking Dave do you really want to go vill rush when your opponent has counter picked I think maybe we just see a standard mandatory what do you do you do standard matter demanded armed tower maybe yeah instead of I feel like I always say this yeah sometimes you just got to commit that's what that strategy is all about man that's why that's why we see higher rate of players like really high rated players that have tried to go for this strategy not do too well yeah because they're trying to do two things at once whereas the potatoes like down in 1800 land players yeah exactly because they're sending 20 villagers yeah when the pros are sitting there thinking oh maybe I should only send 10 yeah I need to I need more Lumberjacks yeah I don't think we'll see a complete all-in from yo though if you watch the series vs. Leary he sent six forward where oh there they are sorry I got confused because VIPRE has these wonderful zebras out here I did not CEOs is he looking for them yes sir in a little like it's like a crater oh it's actually quite nice if he's not that he's found it it's nice you get like wall then it'd be like a zoo yeah man he's got an extra stone back there he's got a shore fish it's a party cool so can I can I talk a little bit more about the villager rush build even though we might not see it go ahead okay so if you go twenty pop-up which is actually quite difficult to do in this map because you can't push zebras or deer no he's doing it okay if you go twenty pop-up eight villagers forward and get instant wheelbarrow and armor it's better than kelp man-at-arms I think let's get my room already like I I have I have played against Celts with the strat and I think it works well but you know what yo was doing the yo was getting luma ready he's growing up oh he doesn't have the res he doesn't have to push to do up he just pushed his first one it's too early he's not I know max is out there I'm a dog he's idling his TC but that's so much idle timing it is food III oh my goodness he's just up now so he's already behind a villager so do you remember where out there when yo did this exact same thing to Leary and at that time we Max and I were saying how if you went up too early and it might not be as effective because he won't have the resources we'll see here and one for Sam yeah he destroyed clear actually well it checkout lowest point of view here and we'll see as he makes his way across the map he's actually he's walking across now if you go to fight for vipers that's probably first point of view fibers coming he's keeping his Scout in the middle of the map yep he knew as soon as he saw the sieve what the strategy would be yeah and he's just gonna try and find those villagers and then track them yeah back to his day this is this is the the good thing and the bad thing about being mr. yo mr. yos and goosey will be scanned with that to see which way this guy was guys looking Palisades and we'll go back to our main but you're late here what did yo went to the right I don't think yo knows where if I knew where VIPRE was yeah he saw the Scout with his eagle oh yeah and vipers now looking for the scout because he assumes the Scouts this is the worst spot for yo to go yo needs to be here is it better for him to go forward and be seen or is it better for him to come this way and not be seen I don't know because it's not much that you're right there's not much here but what actually what there's nothing here it's what he slid there's nothing there's nothing here he could Tower the berries I like the fact vipers barracks is it within range of his TC because there's always the possibility of yo just batter and get down and saying like what do you do now from yo okay so can I block vipers villagers the towers coming down there's not many villes near that TC there's farmers regulars farmers on the way Mike Rinder from family the game okay I have a couple things I want to say here Viper's manet are in play to population faster than what you would normally see so it was definitely an out and out position she's gonna be a bit weak or two this is dangerous yo I feel like vipers gonna gate your house while you are something yes it's coming back here oh wait okay tower yo have yo has the armor so yeah even the tower arrows aren't gonna be doing too too much again he's trying to get out with his eagle as well I think he's gonna take any hits there a viper hasn't cooked him and arms upgrade yet and he can't take gold I know he has taken gold for nothing he can't click the men-at-arms upgrade like yeah and I think yo can pop out of this tower maybe one of the time I think he can pop out one at a time with the villagers if he walls the other side we'll see if he decides to do that and then batter down the tower of Viper cuz Viper can engage Ville vers ville yeah with these heavily armored peasants cannot fight that look at yo look at the Ville count zero deaths zero kills yes behind three villagers he went up way too early she goes too bad for thousands of idle time from fight breeze still got three villagers garrison in this TC viper did not want to let those belton you're right the villagers can make it through yeah now yo should wall in that Ville and then batter the tower down then garrison with this yeah and then pop out and repair whenever he can to his both of them yeah look at this look at this he wants to send the eagle out very late but if these villagers become exposed then they can start taking favorable engagements I don't want to be dramatic but if Viper defends this I don't think y'all can win the series Piper still has three four villagers in this CC Idol who that's something we haven't talked through some case because he doesn't want he wants to walk any tails man he wants a stone game that's a masterpiece or a house or something it's coming or batter it down and then when he's gonna wall it in there's the house there's a house oh my goodness the villagers will be trapped oh yeah yeah yeah now hold on a second fight force fields are getting hit from the other tower yeah it's it's a risk here because these heavily armored Inca villagers aren't gonna go down yes and yo is Casey's garrison game is on point yep these garrisoning the most weak villager puts it back in the tower repairing with the other watching right now this is ridiculously meh staging a fight against there and I think yours gonna snipe a villager no vipers garrison game was on point now all hail no burrow dude this strategies insane it's so messy look fight roll there's another one Piper all those another wipers gonna lose another can yo get out of here uh-oh that's a car the towers going down now the men-at-arms are coming in here Viper those so much Elton look at the villagers building the gate yeah they're just panic building that gate and the question for me right now is does yo send more forward yes you have to you have to you've lost more you've done some damage you have to say can we go to my first point of view for this I really want to see wipers face when the new villagers arrive they should not be a surprise to him because you know this strategy Noboru strategy is pretty no no not get it no beru but if he doesn't Scout it and the towers get up on the left side the left side is such a crucial area of I'm Rosie Coe yeah definitely and there's still a villager alive there that's repairing that wall you can't quite see it from behind and attack is coming in for yo so his villagers will have the armor and the attack and armor and attack so they're gonna be as strong as these men arms oh so he's host scanning if Viper was how skinning you saw that he was looking now he's gonna place an outpost and look look what's gonna show up right next to that outpost comes right through beside that outpost he hasn't noticed it yet though he's trying to kill this villager here is danger well go back to the main point of view as Viper sees that here's the tower now what do you do if your Viper if you fight with your villagers that's not gonna work your man-at-arms they're pretty weak but he's created more and I think he should continue to create more and even consider upgrades Tower for yo will go up I actually I'm surprised I know he doesn't have a ton of eco how he brought four more villagers that's what I was just gonna say I think who needs to send more I think we need to send the pumpkins just gonna select everything on his base and see how many villagers he has 14 villagers that only start the game already witness all your villagers at home Viper placing a counter tower this could go like this game could swing in 20 seconds that yeah he's a player makes a tiny little mistake because all the sudden Viper even though he has severe eco could be completely caught off any resources watch this watch this the O's towers are in range of each other okay it's all about micro I think I think Vipers tower goes down yeah yo as well as well unless he gets the repairs in oh my god yo has the attack remember so if there's no towers here I prepared these and the gloves are off it's time to fight boys eaters are off and now another tower another tower and now Vipers pushed off stone he's actually got villagers on the left side and men-at-arms on the left side looking for some some of those extra pieces and maybe even to go counter tower mystery oh but he paid the price for that didn't he because he didn't have the defence there also love how you built this tower and walled it in it Viper will really need wood in a couple minutes time he doesn't have a working lumber camp once again the problem with these men-at-arms rates I mean they're great but if viper it looks away for one second the villagers can kill them in a flash villagers are so strong they'll just make it back to the TC and viper has to be careful here he's running underneath my firm a deranged but it's gonna be underneath this new tower from mr. yo oh my God look at that was cut off completely he's got half his villagers on the left side of those towers have his villagers on the right side of those towers the farms are gonna be cut off Viper's gotta be really careful with what he does here youtube you thought it wasn't mean this strategy is real we're seeing the biggest tournament so far this year this strategy is it works well where can fight for take resources soon he can't fight he can't stop the towers his counter-attack Dave he's bailing on it he's bailing on everything yeah he's gonna bail on that PC soon enough I still remember one day Vipers four stab oh my god he's sending the barn oh my goodness oh my goodness no fletching on the towers yo needs to garrison and fight what are we experiencing at the moment this is this is no Bruhl and viper has a lot of men-at-arms yeah Viper has made those men-at-arms and they're putting out decent damage against these villagers and I think this might have been the correct play for I think it was yeah yeah I think that was the crazy these fights are so so messy so messy and fight for takes up all three towers at once yeah so so what it sounds silly but what yo needs to do is get his weak villagers back to his base to work on a farm or something fresh villagers forward and fresh builders forward can I just say that out of the 31 villagers vipera had only four of them were working there there's like the four he sent for it have been idle forever which is so unhype Erlich you can tell how messy this game is getting and more villagers coming forth from mr. yo how many does he actually this is amazing his eco right now he's got eight villagers working and he's got his gather points now I think back up he's fighting a lot of men-at-arms week waits for him is it all that bad I don't know if it's all Scott I got the fresh villagers in here I mean the weak ones are going down the villager count is only two different yo just has enough on food to sustain his villager production and he keeps sending them forward like that's military for ya exactly I a the only number that matters here is villagers because villagers are military in this game and viper viper only has one villager on food can we go to fly for his point of view i just want to see the clicking yeah i just i just want to see the amount of clicking alright click-click click-click click-click villagers vs. gates villagers opening games for archery ranges oh no he's got one villager are the game's open now oh boy okay let's go back to my screen it's so messy I can guarantee you guys this game is a lot more fun to watch than to play I think Piper's in trouble though I really do if that tower goes up well with all those villagers with full HP now it's gonna be really rough and he's doing the same thing again but this time there's so many more villagers here from mr. yo he's gonna repair the tower watch out for the villagers Viper's Hills will melt they are melting milk to build difference it's 30 to 24 right now for mr. yo as this game over 30 to 24 I have a feeling VIPRE only has three villagers on food right now he's got one on the 4ch bushes - on the far nother Ville diet he can't produce from his TC it doesn't have enough food to repopulate that's what I think it would just keep dying I'm this is gonna work this is mr. Joe's game I think yeah he's got archers out the archers obviously are gonna do a decent job but if mr. yo keeps the tower pressure alive and he has the armor for those villagers so the archers are gonna be doing too much damage I don't think Viper can sustain any military production at the moment I think it's really really gonna struggle over the same fill production you do that you can tell how messy this is for Viper look in the left corner of the map you remember those four villagers they forgot about working do if there was ever a game to tie up a series and also tell your opponent this be it you know like this isn't a fight who's never seen anything he might also be really frustrated at this level I've never seen anything like this this is crazy how much from mr. yo he's gonna get rid of this gate honestly now yo has like three farms as I'm about to say this but if yo starts to pay a little bit more attention to his economy he is such a big Ville lead he could just go Castle age eventually you know but it is a bit dangerous I see no he doesn't have the stone now okay so he's gonna have problems pressuring against these archers and vipers gonna be able to migrate down so now now it was kind of like what do I do in this situation do I go to his stone there's a tower there do i batter down his tower I can't engage against the archers okay so what would be a really nice play here is maybe to get a barracks up and make a few Eagles but that requires you to go to gold barracks okay so you see you build the barracks and whole probably transfer to Gold knowing he needs more than just villagers also amazing micro yet again to keep those weak villagers so men in arms or alone and I you know what I the best thing for Viper right now I think it's those four villagers he sent Oh to the left yeah collecting gold true and he's actually gonna be on yo Zeke Oh yo forced to drop a military production building other than a TC apparently watch out watch how quickly this tower goes down hey looks like we're gonna do garrison repair no no no no there are weak fills out here and maybe Viper will snipe them but that towers gonna melt no chance and Vipers distracted actually losing an archer to the TC now not something you usually see from him every single like Archer counts and what's the villager counting up 38 23:23 you can't do anything about this strategy I'm telling you the strategies beastly the difference in terms of villager numbers is literally the amount of villagers that yo has invite for space right the next the next level inside here yeah Oh Mike it's crazy and now with those like the archers against these towers against this positioning really gonna struggle and vipers losing numbers again yeah dude I mean I'm struggling to see what Piper can do I really am I think that we're gonna see storms now we can't afford it he can afford it now yeah yeah yeah a couple skirmishers will won't kill this army but they can chase them away he's going to stone in Vipers base yeah he actually ran out of stone at his old mining camp you know here he has to defend with his villagers against life researchers just insane and how it's hoping does this have to be especially when up to one and this could be a potential tiebreaker right can you check to see if there's wheelbarrow for mister yeah I don't think he has it normally getting wheelbarrow is very helpful because your villagers will actually move faster I don't think he does but he does have full armor on the skirt he was watching so he doesn't have it but okay still fine yeah oh yeah for him 43 to 26 soon as he gets he's got quite a few villagers on stone now so as soon as he gets out more it's gonna be good Viper taking a lot of hits from these towers as he brings his archers out I don't know about this can you know get this tower down do you actually send a couple villagers as sacrifices to push those archers away that's a lot of archers now though it's a lot of archers but if I forgets to close to my village or micro to garrison it's really good it's just been beautiful but this whole game it's been amazing obviously it's easier with Inca armor VLEs but yeah is he sending more forward oh he's couldn't take the Pipers rings no he's sending skirmishers yeah that's that's I think it's all you need to wait for here now thank you have five sperms you can micro there you didn't need to be careful though because Celts can make their their man-at-arms look fly / get so close and yo says nope I have sperms for you now it takes for a lot of provide / - kill those villagers - and I love the choice to batter down the range you're not doing really anything else with these villagers yes if you can get up to that position above the farms then Viper has zero food eco yeah if you can get a tower down there I think tower on the farms is probably the best option for mr. yo at the bank I agree now what's interesting is if you O sees the archers here and yo will he still doesn't lose a villager he's still he's the villager he's a literal God experiencing villagers that's like this good if there was a Greek god of garrisoning villager it would be most Chinese yeah is there also a Greek god for towers and walls cuz there's some other players out there and if there was a norwegian god for holding on verse the most ridiculous rush you've ever seen it would be a piper no it'd be by the look what he's done he's still alive I know he's still alive in this situation so like is he still alive is my question or is it only gonna get worse and worse for him this tower is not gonna help honestly the fact that Viper has 16 military and it's one for yo has caught up with yo in some scenarios yeah but you always gonna get that defensive tower down I think you should batter down the other range to be honest it's under the towers now so maybe Vipers not focusing on it but now the tower coming down on the farms man so okay so Viper has the potential to make man-at-arms and the potential to make archers quite good if you get the numbers you need and Vipers also found stone which he needed and gold relocating to the other side let's make a new TC just just bail on it's done go make a new TC yo please get the tower down on these farms for your sake before this giant clump of archers catches up to you yeah like that is that a save it there's no structure to Vipers Iike right no but it also has been thrashing he's a lumber camp here he doesn't have a lumber camp here for five minutes can you get this tower down yeah oh hello it's gonna be super close we saw we saw the gate there - okay garrison to prevent those villagers running away thank you take out the archers it's fine here but no good good play from Viper flight four will get one and one that's all he gets from that well eighteen villager difference but but Viper is actually making military I'm stabilizing that I thank Pfeifer yeah is eCos actually been more efficient he's really really got to make sure that he doesn't let yo get a tower down in that position I I don't like hell yo wants to push the farm so heavily now just just build the tower to the left of lumber camp on the go I think the farms are just super important her has no other food eco none like he can't repopulate with the T see if there's towers all around ya you know what be really sick from you build a market collect all this stone sell some buy some food and go up to Castle age no how did that how are these villagers not dying man it is incredible that TC are sorry that tower is very close to completing yo also needs to do a better job of tracking down where Vipers going he sees him on the left side there we go seize them what the scrim this is massive yes now vite yo what's the immediate reaction from yo look at his gold look at yo its gold at his own base uh tower yeah he's gonna immediately tower and then I think he's gonna try and forward that position I saw all these villagers on the move as soon as he's away if he forward to get against that many archers I think it's too real I think if you know where the archers are at your base you can send villagers from other locations and maybe go yeah I think there is the fact that he's built a defensive tower makes me think that he knows how dangerous that is and fight for Snipes and Bill's but now scams can arrive for those archers that's the worry here for Viper and I think the real worry the long-term work for Viper is if he oh goes Castle age Eagles yeah Vipers kind of a little bit stuck under that Tower now yeah if he leaves he takes some shots it takes a lot of shots and he's gonna have to deal with this curvature throw though this is like insane my girls underneath the tower again skirmishers like it absolutely insane micro from him they're like uh guys we've got a problem again he spent all that time pausing on that military to lose it like this yeah it's not great men at arms coming in to do always micro with the tower hitting the men at arms and the archer numbers the archer numbers are gonna really struggle here from viper as the second tower comes down from yo Wow so Vipers also committing further into fuel age which is very important thing to note I love this tower from you I also loved how he did that little dance with Viper with his curbs now Viper has to bail that light brisk rated man arm - one was three skirmishers yeah at labor takes hits in his army another Archer dead and other Archer dead no baby now maybe yolk thinks about it yeah but I think the better plate look at the resources Dave the better play is use a market balance your eco actually be very careful here yo yeah no it's fine my villagers take hits and they don't even care literally doing his villagers inside the thing does he go like fast castle herbal medicine should just go Eagles and I think he wins this game it's crazy what we've seen here he could go crossbows he could go eagle knows how exposed everything invited yeah only safe spot and vipers base has like towers two tiles away from mr. yo all of this other stuff is exposed yeah and if Eagles get in there it's even though Viper has men-at-arms - maybe counter them that mobility of the Eagles is just gonna pawn white could kill ten bills right now we all could shift delete ten bills right now and he'd still be way ahead yeah it's ridiculous I think Viper knows how far behind he is yet there's the castle age click for yo Vipers resilience this game has been amazing though like the map awareness scouting everything he's building a tower on that gold on the left-hand side he thinks you're was gonna try and forward that position yeah and he's coming in on the right so he's gonna delay the farmers a bit from yo that's gonna stay fool the Eagle production a little bit I think she was trying to build another tough yeah he really wants in on those possible super I cannot understate how important those are for Viper yeah yeah yo-yo was just forgotten about everything on the left she doesn't care about that now he's making archers Dave so he's actually not going for very fast you know what bothers me and it might give Viper a chance to catch up Viper will probably use the market as well he could maybe click soon there's a real possibility that Viper could still hold ok the villagers are coming around from that tower as Viper gets a good pic yeah farms yeah Viper now needs to get out of here you always just building outpost after outpost after outpost to see what Vipers up to he knows the mining camp is there I'd love to see a tower oh well he doesn't know Viper has his own Tower yet so I think he has to bail there especially because the villagers are push back the forces from Viper yeah oh so I'm bait and fight force up to Castle age how how did you do it my friend how did you get up to castle age market helps for sure and remember yo he's had a lot of his villagers fighting I think Viper will defend here as well now can Viper defend from the crossbow Joe's face I'm not so sure where his base is so much more compact yeah yeah he's built defensive towers all along that left hand side he can focus like in one area to defend and Viper is gonna have to fight all these mini little battles around here see Viper drop in that defensive tower yo forces just gonna go some routes yeah he's out of here I'm just looking around fight for space there's no structure to it he has so much gold so little food oh oh this could be bad for you though fight for maybe expecting this you're reacting good that was very good microman invite for actually and where the archers going north of that army - are they gonna go tower somewhere else is viper gonna run out of stone soon we cease got 21 in the bank and there's only like 400 left on that pie you know if yo sees that that tower is going up what he could consider doing is its weak Vil's right yeah but maybe if they were full weight to fievel's you just rush the tower down then and snipe the villes with the crossbows it bails on another tower that Vipers tower defense has been good the population is still getting higher for mr. yo 61 villagers verse 40 engagement in the center here yos got five crossbows on the one side and then he's got four and or sorry three and five skirmishers on the other viper I don't think takes this great look at you his resources he could go in wait a second do Incas get sappers I hope love yourself fix that I mean think about it every time he goes up to the next stage he gets the possibility of another armor upgrade yeah I don't think he got it for eating it at first it's all about orange unit cell I think it's a bit risky Viper has too many towers and a lot of archers and man-at-arms I think Viper if he has any chance in this game there's one thing that can change it and it's the fact that Celts have faster firing siege so if he were to go for lots of Maca Nell's he could clear up the towers lots of rams clear up the towers and also Oh potentially destroy how about you viper knows that's coming yeah yo was just exploring he's just exploring but he's gonna see those villagers and he's gonna see their gold miners yeah he's gonna come over there Wow pick a few of those that's that's not good for Viper that's two golds there that yo could be very very annoying - yeah and yo is already 20 villagers it's already worth it for him to sit under these towers and take damage like for a little bit anyway and now he's just gonna run away oh man it gets worse for the snake 35 villagers for 61 I know a Viper's been holding on but I think the difference is too huge yeah and the biggest thing is that his base is completely split and Dave he has to focus on like 15 places at once whereas yo could just dictate the action but not that Viper is a big tilt sir but the more you play the more you try and hold on in these types of games the more indicates you could be the person could be frustrated you know like if I was in vipers situation in a rated game and I was continuing to play because I feel like he should know he's lost enough hills where it's over III would because it would be because I'm frustrated let's let's switch a little bit to the double POV we'll see you what the players are focused on you see Viper just looking for those villager picks ano but yeah it's it's just not happening like with the armor it's so so tough to get those kills okay back can we go to your point of view yeah we can okay so your nephew he has these crawls post running by the edge of the map just to find more resources at Viper need you can see the wood villagers there - yeah he's all over it man yeah anytime there's the tower without any backup whatsoever yo just like alright send in the villagers because especially with army sit under there and Viper will send long swords but long swords are not gonna pay for sending Rams Viper wants to clear up these towers where exactly and which towers notice hours but yoga Sam and all these guys are eating each other yeah well meant that temporarily that's good but I don't see him pushing these University ballistics coming in for mr. yo - for the towers man yeah if yo you know what if yo loses his mango which I believe he will the towers might go down and Viper will have some room to breathe this is a five minute game I once casted a game with no beru it was late I think 42 minutes and he won the game on 25 population you get guard tower - oh for sure I'm surprised you didn't get it already yeah he's got the university I guess the prioritize look at these beautiful swingers swingers are anti-infantry unit that Incas can create its unique unit from the range it's like having hand cannons but not and they're actually better than hand cannons - you can create them nice and early I guess yo hasn't realized what's going on here cuz he's losing quite a few villagers but yeah there we go pulls him back the long sort so he was going for a TC I thought we weren't gonna see a second TC this game I think it's a bit too good play now but yet for a while I didn't so I'm so amazed that my personal life I'm actually I feel like he's just treading water right yeah he's just treading water I don't see how he wins but agree those the Eagle play probably would have been had been better Eagles would have been better higher impact and you would have been able to catch all of these villagers on these resources everywhere off-guard dude all y'all's gonna do is boom on 3tc and continue to harass Viper oh wait and the Imperial aged Imperial a choker oh my goodness so what do we what are we gonna see as soon as he gets the Imperial aide well now you should probably stick with the unit's he's making so now he should probably make ARB a Viper should tap out the second he sees that yo isn't him but he's not tapped out yet formed siege work-shy sea forward oh geez and Viper Vipers actually been doing a really good job clearing up these Mangano's with the long swords lynnie has running around and the rams are trying to clear up the towers get him some space in his base dude let's just look at farms for a second he has these farms and he's got like these farms yeah that is it for Viper is 12 farmers random spots he's not doing any damage to his opponent and his opponent is on the way to the Imperial age what's Vipers resources look like yeah it was like death mmm yeah it's a little bit strained for him he's creating a couple months now interesting choice yeah wonder why maybe for relics I don't know can't help with conversions I think yo might make a switch into Eagles if it's even needed eventually he's actually created one eagle to deal with those skirmishers he knew viper was sending his way so from the siege workshop here comes the mag and all he's finally finally finally gonna go back to pressuring that teeth yeah or just even defend against alright yeah because the long swords can't help now as soon as they get near those towers they're gonna get sniped yeah that army doesn't really pose that much of a threat tío in the back of his base 70 bills 50 yo will be an imp in just a second and you know it's building a castle so from bill fighting to tower rushing to suppose to a castle right near that important goal that Viper has this is sick that so that's like a torment organizing myself I know Neely's loving this the longer this series goes over I just like well done from both players it was amazing yes strategy from mister yo he did he had the perfect amount of Yolo yah-yah-yah plan that there were this Viper was like a rat like you have to do that much to kill leper when you're like 18 villagers at heads crazy it's not stood so to give you an idea of how we go strategy I saw the public viewing preview that overlay guy had up on the screen all right mr. yos got some fans there so Dave yeah just to give viewers an idea of how goddamn good that strategy is what do you what does Viper do differently there what's this Viper dude but what changes that result dress I think Viper tried a little too hard in the beginning to trap any here yeah way too many idols he had four villagers I assume that teeth sir for a long time yeah he had four villagers I don't in the left for a long time I think there's no set like strategy to count to that but what you have to do in terms of your playstyle is you always have to be thinking like wind condition wind condition wind condition what do I need to pull me through and get my eco farther ahead than my own it to kind of build up my military and whatnot like where does he need to focus on and I I think Viper was a little bit thrown if you can say that yes for Viper which is very rare I think for sure a little bit throw no courage so so the Vipers known as the best player in the world had massive idols against the strategy so good luck guys yeah Viper has like six idols you're gonna have 60 I [Laughter] [Music] yeah that was crazy don't worry nuts so nutty game looks like everyone now can see what's going on at the public viewing and we get out can we get some hands up at the public viewing it's kind of filled out a little bit there yeah well we got some stretching from grind guy in the gray guy in the gray you know anyone he knows what's going on who's paying attention guy in the gray hey he's got beard that's my beer that's your beer save me a beer yeah it's gonna be warm by the time we get there to play hello everybody and say hold the twitch at ya you're all famous oh the game the game the game the game the game God wait home that for Viper uh fortress oh boy we're here for the games not for the meat so um any surprises here with the civilization Chinese no yeah no Chinese are super strong on fortress great tech tree a great start great eco everything sorry I'm just laughing because the last game was non-stop action a meme villager rush to this so immediately I see that Yeo's bass is absolutely tiny and got Hills all over the place it's not listen it's not about the size that's how you use it you can say that all you want that's what I was told there's hills everywhere mm-hm so that's super annoying for ya like he's got limited kind of wood line options on the right hand side and all his gold sword near that direction yeah Viper not great not the greatest base either they're both kind of over to the left side of the map and it's just really open around them which is a little bit strange of regicide fortress yeah usually the sides have a ton of wood and whatnot yeah this is a weird fortress generation so you start with stone walls you start with towers you start with extra villagers you start with pre-built t90 farms you start with a cow so we start with the barracks you said nothing - yeah you start with the king as well and if you lose that king you are dead I highly doubt we'll see a king tonight but that would be freaking awesome so it's really build order oriented and you've seen the players rush to bring their boars in and are healing up their Scouts and their councils are at least VIPRE is yo is already brought in hit that second boer Viper loves this as a home map because the guy thrives on perfect economy and fortunately for him his economy cannot be disrupted by towers and by villagers so yeah I think Viper will be fine doing the right thing luring the boar in with the Scout doesn't even need to hold his gate open he can do that himself this one here yeah yeah yeah probably wait underneath the gate for a second pause a little bit yeah he makes it look easy okay yeah he goes the might work like the scene in Star Wars where he kills the rank or look between no food for you yo there's a lot faster to his board which is interesting excuse me sorry a little bit under the weather here lucky last game was so sick it's rubbed alpha Megaton she's so Chinese war is about boom it's about relics it's about gold controls look at all the gold on the right side of yo space yeah his second and his third Gold's there and then the revolution yeah like there's literally one in vipers corner there's another one right next to his base what there's another one north of him and the other is the other two are like I mean I guess one of them is really good for you and then the other ones struggling okay you know what be really funny oh man I think slifer's gonna pull up VIPRE is going to block yo Scout that here yeah but what if VIPRE gets his Kings stuck in the wood line that doesn't help I don't know wants to block this he's gonna run back and forth and try and block the scout so it gets hit by that by the castle look that's amazing that's amazing for fight for now but still block it there's like collateral damage because those arrows went right through that King apparently Kings cannot block scouts cuz that didn't work out but I'm so hyper and I saw that coming this get disappointed and this scout is fairly important it's like arena if your opponent's going for monks in castle age to pick up the relics then you want that scout around to number one hang out near those relics and snipe any monks and number two fight the opponent scout from getting your mugs yeah now look at the up times identical feudal times do you think they played this before I think they played this yeah how many times if they play this is a better question I should go to the POV while we short what we talk about and they might be doing the exact same things blacksmith market and a whole lot of scouting for both of them I'm sure and they're both blue on your screens this is actually funny I don't even look at my screen when we're doing this we should era is the garrison flooring geo is fully explored Viper space and now he's gonna go to other areas Viper opting to explore the rest of the map first just finding out where yo was initially yeah and then he's gonna come back there and see what he can see all right so I want to show you guys something a few things Steve talked about the relics relics are always good this game is going late it's going to the Imperial Age there's no doubt in my mind so if it's going to the Imperial Age players tend to play it very safe and campy so these hills right here castles on those hills could change the game if yoh does that he protects both of these neutral golds there's always two golds with three tiles on every map so I think while the route generation certainly suits the snake that will mean what be sorry be much better for you that's good that was good thanks man [Music] normally we talked about what the map looks like if it's arena but this doesn't look like anything's gathers that there's a couple other hills around here a couple other good places for castles they're fairly close um I think it's gonna really revolve around those hills in the north though because there's not that much of value in the southern area of this map there's also something else Viper could consider do you see this hill in front of mr. Heos base yeah I was thinking about that way that's it that the only Castle I can see Viper pudding there is a I've know I've won the game I'm gonna put the nail in your coffin castle yeah cuz I can't hit your traps in a tournament like this going forward early with a castle there yeah there's a few styles now remember the scouts Viper Scout has more HP after the whole King situation in the corner yeah that'd be important for relics but anyways there's a style you could do go to town centers instead of three faster in forward castle traps but in the Chinese war I'm just gonna check out the scouting Viper oh my goodness it's like fight for man it's always going for the cheapest book between the lines but this he's like he hasn't missed like any black spots on the map barely on the sides that he's scouted mystery Oh though decent scattering of his own even with Viper chasing him around yeah and Viper will have to back up by four nose if I Pro leaves but those Scouts would be important do we see early monastery up early monastery for Viper early monastery heard no no actually really something to see where yell can place good tc's okay there's this good time to go over there see this is what I'm talking about with the hills yeah like ideally you'd want one maybe out here it's a little exposed but out on the right-hand side it's a little bit better because I'm seeing him go to three TCS and the monastery that's all regicide fortresses about it's kind of boring to be honest but it's all about execution at the highest level how quickly can you get your villagers out how quickly can you get the team really annoying with the scout oh there's no loom remember there's no like God by perjury wow so this is what we were talking about Game one I think he was playing his Huns viper looks for those little tiny advantages yeah and then just says okay now I'm ahead mmm-hmm alright now that I'm ahead play meta yeah and I'll just beat you and he'll never overextend never over again that's just such a that's such an ugly situation there weird two towers two towers yeah three villagers but he can't kill this go that's the second time he showed us that if you run perpendicular to the arrow fire yeah drive back and forth you'll actually dodge the shots and and that's exactly what happened okay so mr. yo is slower on the third TC and slower on the monastery than Viper yep I also fibers gonna heal that Scout check this out yeah it's gonna heal his scalp we're really not surprising about it's important man it is important John slow check this out come here I mean Dave you screamed when Viper took a relic from yos baby took it from his bay it was in his base He healed the scalp that's pretty sick man I'm the same all right Viper already has two monks on the field one is bringing in a relic the other one in the back is free oh god don't even worry on that right now yeah it was just now creating his monks and these relics placements are just unfortunate for you okay I was confused for a second vipers actually getting a wheelbarrow I was wondering how he was behind by two bills that's because he's researching wheels so one of his t C's is idle as that research comes in dude if he wins this if he wins this and we're going to a like oh my game six with Viper trailing yeah so dreams are made up forecasters man we're gonna see the real focused Viper he looks focused right now yeah yeah he looks angrier he does anger he was just a big chillin over there happy-go-lucky Cub Scout remember we talked about this we'll fight for lose that monk I think that monks a goner yo he'll disco - are you hyped about that oh I am very happy about that as impressed okay and yo needs to delete the Scout I think um no I think maybe he can get away yes sorry I was in one second mine yeah you can get away now you can heal it up so one monk down for Viper he is doing the buddy system with the monks as well but that's what I need to do yeah it's what you need to do especially when there's a rogue Scout wandering around you need to dude these relics so Viper will have a guarantee of three relics which is more than his opponent so again what will Viper say okay I'm winning yeah I'm winning slightly just got a whole piece that's good now and then the opponent all oh yo can't see the relic to the left I can't get the relic to the left yo can't see the relic to the left but nobody coming up yeah he might be just covering all the gaps okay yeah he's just gonna cover all the black spots on the map look for those relics he sees the one in Vipers corner obviously yeah and he's he'll know about in the right-hand corner so he's gonna grab that one and then probably assume that the fight has three yeah three two is not the end of the world yeah and normally that's that's all you see but it's about the boom efficiency if I / just has that like not even a little more fill these guys are so cool so for the score being - - there's been a lot of gruesome battles it shows you the level of players we have i man knock a lot of you I want this go to game seven yeah I'm high every single times but like the level plays been so close if this would be like some weird switch Cup scenario and hidden Cup and weeks we swapped I don't think many fans out there would say no they wouldn't know that if they wouldn't know the difference now at all other than the Inca villager other as a when he's streaming in as a masterpiece but he's playing 1600 you would never do that in a tournament now my goodness that's true the styles of here comes the monk is bringing in the relic for mr. Yao so that's officially all we can talk about until barrel-aged pretty much well it's about chu canoe yeah boots that's fine yeah okay let me ask you though what's the best Chinese composition you start with the castle against Chinese Chinese verse Chinese what do you think the players will be doing here it's like chu canoe and then you get some on enger' mixed in there and like you can't afford Bombur Towers I would say bomber towers yeah probably some tree maybe rooms maybe yeah I think Castle one I like lake odds eventually yeah stone positions castles on hills are gonna be huge both players are starting to transfer to stone we're gonna swatch these chuka new as they make their way out viper just gonna explore a little bit see what he can see maybe hit these guys walk with men no they're they're crazy dude they know they have the machine gun of the medieval world and they will whip that thing they will go Rocky Balboa they're like this we have I think of Rambo it's the same rock it's still Stallone the last game was rock oh geez that's what we should have relieved me she to play tires right you're doing the the villager rush last time forgive me America National you're okay so 23% of the way to the Imperial age is mr. yolk and 13% is viper but I prefer vipers position slightly because he has some to canoe out I expect to see more the same yeah-yo going for a castle there in front of his base you know that's not good so it's not great what you're gonna see from viper is this castles are all gonna be spread out covering the map yeah I think that's really important I think the reason that mr. Yeo is placing is first here he doesn't know where the two can you are he would probably place it to the right if he had yeah if you had to choose or on that I think the hill actually Piper realizes that that's why he's sitting right there exactly can he hit the villagers but he can deny any potential castle yeah so again oh I'm not gonna win the game with this but his positions gonna be worse fight person coming over the villagers okay that's the safe castle yes I know I said at the beginning of the game Piper would never yeah yeah castle drop there and I was ready to be proven wrong but that I watch too many stupid evite for tournament games this way yeah well he plays very safe very secure tried to do it in previous games y'all got wins scores two to two here no new castle coming out from Yoho Boise see castle positions are so important yeah and this fight it's gonna be so important to the viper actually mice converting more oh god are you kidding me how are those conversions so quick it's fine there's everything's fine there he's gonna run into the castle yo is gonna be fine that's worth it we're all fine I think we're fine yeah but that that's rough to see man and it's not the first time we've seen is that a third castle in the same spot oh you never doing all your eggs and one yeah basket yeah because if they push you off the first Castle the sudden you're falling back to the second Castle and the odds are the army advantage is still gonna be there for him so yeah yeah really weird how yo wants yo-yo is doing this I imagine it's because they forgot the toucan you out but that's what five to canoe faster an upgrade or two faster that's all it matters on regicide fortress and viper wins on minor differences it's why this is one of his home maps now yeah i was starting off with some scrubs now now can he comfortably trap vipers castle I don't think so pretty far away no but you want to start building those laurels early right and the trap parrot repair it yo okay he's good okay good good good good losing a few numbers to mmm I mean not a huge deal at this point the council's gonna go up push him away again Viper Viper has Charlie massing Viper has his target now yeah he knows exactly where it needs to hit and so no he said no third Castle from him though it's interesting how he's timed that yeah and he's got the villager lead so just prioritizing eco a little bit more fast the castle in the safest place I've ever seen in my entire life for Piper where it's so safe you would take time to find it there there we go yeah there we go and now I see siege workshops for Viper so I think he's he's thinking auditor Rams against you canoe not so good Dave that well you know chiku knew they damage Rams pretty quickly so Roger TREB probably rocketry coming in from viper-two so he's just getting up he's getting all lit up straight it's like masonry he expects the treads he saw the trip from yoga and his base who expects it on the castle also like he'll fibers keeping an eye on these extra Gold's which of course he scouted earlier yahweh-only the staples right away know what interesting maybe expects the onager play from Viper he sees so slowly slowly playing and expects the honor durs coming out so Chinese like calves are not that bad 80 HP flight grades but I feel like having 130 villagers 60 to canoe 10 20 odd meters is way better yeah you know yeah and the Vipers on the goal - yes I feel like you should have castled over here yeah he's three castles in the same spot like one castle is fine in the front therapy yeah put the other one over here and Michael with a trip out now on the hill so he's getting the bonus damage do you fence yeah he'll hold that yahwah's got it back up and i don't like the position of you know stables I actually didn't notice that I thought he maybe hit them so now fight for well no okay I have to go really heavy into my - can you upgrade and he's already doing that elite two canoe and rocketry about to be complete well rocketry is complete yeah I agree with you the stable should have been somewhere else yeah hide them as long as possible now we have a castle on the right rocketry coming in from yo that castle good yeah but I think it's uh yeah I guess it's it's a it's a good counsel for the situation yeah yeah okay now I wonder how quickly Viper reacts he thinks that yos army is waiting in front of the chicken ooh which you're gonna be so annoying exactly the farms in the woods let's move with rocketry to yeah eight plus six to canoe no Joey then walking far enough well also Viper will realize that yo has a lot of issue can you defending this castle and now Viper will probably shift forward you see the immediate shift the immediate shift forward forward sir a Viper says alright you sent your army back to deal with me here come my traps mmm now I'm gonna pressure you on the front side we're gonna force you to engage with my auditors yeah and unfortunately for yo with these stable placements all those like ever gonna get sniped by the two canoes yeah makes me know some ask them and then run them in from behind I actually shouldn't say it doesn't make sense I think it makes sense after he fell behind with the castle positions and to canoe numbers and Wow yo we'll just lose his trips yeah he'll just come in and snipe it he was too late to masonry Viper was right on top of that against the trip was beautiful masonry is not even gonna come in until this council is almost dead on Yoshi you know and now that yo was wasting stone - so he can't even drop another castle yeah or more of the map it's a minor differences but this is what a sand Viper went out to the neutral gold yo is just uh just like a minute too late yeah just a minute too late now I don't think Viper is expecting yo to send the chuka new to this area and he's trying to drop a castle there vo gets in on that castle he does have some petroleum he's expecting a small raid yeah that could be good yo stop stop stop stop okay so it'll be interesting because the two canoe for yo will attack villagers first but I think that by condemning clear up the piper to canoe for sure he's got more numbers defensive traps maybe four yo like because he still doesn't have anything on the front that's the risk of sending those units to make space bait he spent like six or seven hundred stone repair here they said now Vipers gonna do the classic Viper move I don't want to risk anything I'm maybe shift to get the part of the map clear this is annoyance in the back of my base is gonna honored you're coming towards it right now but that's actually quite good for mr. eel because that attack saved him I think if mr. Yost and those two canoe to deal with this main force Viper not only was expecting it but he would have wanted it because then Piper would have full control mm-hmm but Viper you know it's more control right now more momentum and now what's you know oh there's a castle over here so yeah yo was sitting back sniping some villagers from Viper he tried to take them away and now with the two canoe there I feel like yo STC can go up on that neutral gold but he's gonna be pushed right back off yeah by the trebs by the two canoe from viper there's no way out for this army and there's no way out for these village think it's hilarious how yo repositioned the TC so he could actually place it I forgot to garrison there that TC will go down now now what does yo do I think yo should consider pushing the hill something Viper should expect in Viper already has a few auditors around ya and yo was actually pushing to the left side as well so he's gonna try do you know the tech that Viper got look at Vipers baby a great wall no tell me what techie got 4 to 5 to 5 wow it's so cheap I don't know why everyone doesn't get yeah it's it's super cheap man just ask fat slob yep well see if he gets great wall 2 great wall would be sick great wall would be sick now can fight for whole this castle because as of now all if I first said here come the like up the like cat will be very useful yeah this is what we were thinking before you got a match that the light kept wait till those auditors are exposed I'm actually surprised Viper left them so exposed he's so busy trying to trap these integers on the right hand side and the castle are the repairs gonna be enough why did five percent his whole force to the right to kill the TC I don't know and now he's pressuring the chicken who are gonna go down the Lightcap are gonna swoop the micro from yo the splits and now who's wasting stone exactly it's Viper has so many villagers are repairing but this but on the other side the counter push from Viper I mean I expected that originally Viper if he holds the hill long enough yo doesn't have any response no enjoy not repair villagers on the left to his trip 1 Trevor's gone down already you need three if you're pushing up a hill two is not enough ya fight first castles holding a piper just gonna hold and destroy this castle on the right Oh what can you do but yo against that neutral gold he's back there again Viper was so distracted will it matter though man this game is so close 127 villagers for both 50 military for both the exact same population the KDS almost close this is wild yeah and the players are just shifting where they're attacking me looking for about really make any ground I think you know needs to back up yeah he's Piper's council placement from VIPRE so good and the way he extended his fortified wall from his arena on the left side of his base there yeah he extended it oh and then he extended it to the wood line as well hmm okay yo wants to break in a little bit you know some light keV rains could do damage it's not the worst thing in the world and let's see how the light kept pay off we've yet to see them fight when chicken were involved don't tell me you Oh was gonna hold this you know this typing the Audigier he's snapping the Audigier and the lake atlas he's holding it and he's gonna clear up the treads as well but viper taking back that neutral gold once again killing the ram with some villagers shift they're just they're fighting for a position right now so now viper making the switch into lake have yeah so there's one big difference we haven't been able to talk about mis hijos resources he's at the women's 75 gold viper is just viper mm cold he's she's banking no he's just banking resources and he knows he has the extra gold than you know does not so he'll continue to play like this and you know he needs a kill shot he can't he can't position like this anymore he genuinely need to kill shot and i don't see what he does if viper matches him with tech and out map controls him I guess Viper has never met a hill in the middle of a map that he doesn't like yeah because these putting castles on all of these the Chuco new Chuco oh man that's so bad Chuco nots that's so bad I think it's hilarious how yo continues to focus on this yo we'll end up finishing that TC he might even end up taking the gold for a little while for a little while and spikes now this gold is not gonna be controlled by it was always gonna be a that was always gonna be a struggle to go and get that one yeah how many T C's have been denied now is that five six mm-hmm something something yeah it's more than two and less than eight I can't see Twitch debt but I know everyone we twitch at knows like cap now coming in against this neutral neutral hotels at reps VIPRE sniping the trebs maybe I think this is a sign of things to come yeah yo needs to wall like fight fighter can just wear him down now yeah I think so like he's set up his map perfectly he just wear him down he's gonna I think what he's gonna do is prioritize this neutral gold on the right hand side and then slowly slowly branch out so he can take that three tile in the middle as well yep okay fiber doesn't care too much about the castles it's it's mainly about denying the resources and this is why you position your councils in different spots guys like yos can't detect it too man they don't do anything exactly there's there's a castle every like 15 tiles there's three castles on one part of your screen yo could have so easily had to had a castle here had a castle here and split them up VIPRE will probably do that if he finds more stone yo stretch baby I think you might be pushed off this gold on the right or at the top side for good yeah it's funny though because now yo sees it sees another opportunity to push in the middle and he's placing another TC on the gold in the middle the level of play here is seriously insane you know losing a lot of chicken ooh you know fight Burt he has 300 stones so yeah yo way too many chicken ooh in the middle there that's like you're taking down the numbers but you're losing way too much bud viper zucchini will just storm through this TC on their way back to the center this is where some auditors can be helpful for Viper I'm really surprised to see he's going for Rams actually and remember yo didn't tech into on injures so he can't get those big swing yeah of like catching sixty units off guard and the light calves are coming in from Viper against this position I think he owes fine for the moment but for the moment Viper slowly building up an army that can push that back I think I stress it might seem silly because it's just two trips but I think this is the moment for yo it's now or never assuming the relics start paying off the extra gold start paying off he needs to push the center Vipers running very low on stone Rams looping around the other side two for Viper clear up before we build dams Rams right after that fight this is so Viper as well yeah looks very very cute nice and tidy in seed RAM now in for mr. yo he's trying to get into Vipers base they're trying to raid each other but a big fight in the middle their auditor goes down couldn't get a shot off Viper still flying stone Vipers still buying stone hey Viper has 30 more military but he doesn't have his shooting and where they need to be but no extra tribe coming out from yeah I think he's like he's bringing the four treads over Viper is to defend yeah and I think once he gets those up on the hill then mystery oh isn't a great position to be honest well also that you can do right that you can you can just they could just close in on the to canoe yo has on the right hand side I think then there's more numbers remember it has had a feeling of inevitability about it for a while you always played extremely well but is this the sandwich that you was looking for I think so our fight for was looking for it also some raids from phifer yeah yo didn't you always been doing that for a little while and then he yeah that he just can't hold on with these resources I think yo taps out here and I think VIPRE will go up 3 to 2 in this best-of-seven semi-final what a beautiful display from vipre grave on his home man yeah great flank there with those chickens slowly making his way you have to deny a few TC is before he got there but he got to the fight on time cleared it up and now he's gonna push out with four treads with all these lakehouse spamming with all these two canoe as well for trips yo is only making like keV and a few chicken ooh yeah and you knows to canoe mass is completely dead now yeah completely dead yeah VIPRE is producing from the staples on the right side by the way yells going back to the gold again yeah Viper's got those staples up there he's gonna shift his focus constantly and one thing he's never gonna do is be caught up with these trebuchet is like he's gonna keep that to canoe here so it's gonna be so hard for yo to kill that yeah yeah yo will probably collect ten gold from that if that it's like these poor villagers they're Kings like you must collect gold yeah like no we heard about the preview screen the only possibility here is yo going for a king site but that's never gonna happen dude I would love that okay 16,000 16 K Neely's gold with 16 K today there you go we did it boys and girls alright back to the game what can we say in defense of mr. yo here like what just a king snipe is this only on Stipe yeah Viper's king is it in this castle yeah good luck Castle yeah yeah you unfortunately do not see many kings types these guys are so damn good this castle I think it's a goner I know it's a goner this castle will go down a ghost trying man he's still fighting for the goal of losing the gold but he doesn't have stone and I think we'll call the GG I expected it for a couple minutes here yeah he has no advantages back and forth back and forth this whole series yeah no advantages doesn't have the extra relic it doesn't have the extra gold I think all steps to the fact that you couldn't get a castle on that hill yeah he couldn't get a person cuz Viper was sitting there a little bit quicker than he was five two canoes and vipers position was just you can't push that it's it was unbelievable the way he set up his base I'm getting four to five wall extending his walls so yo couldn't flank it just forced him to go through that one choke point I'll secure the rest of the map yeah yeah I mean Viper could get a king snipe possibly but no I think she's coming yeah good game great game from both players Viper once again getting that little advantage early and they're just keeping it just holding it that is regicide fortress to a team that has Viper tilting there's small little specifics that's also about 332 kills for Viper the KD is not very different but Viper had more food wood and gold collected and the gold would have continued to rise for him with three relics to - he was lucky to have that relic in the back base but even closer to him yeah yeah but it's not enough where it's map win situation miss Rio needs to win the next game otherwise he's out of the semi-finals in any c3 and he will not be joining her in the finals I think this is going to be very interesting because it's LANs madness next at the start of the series I said if yo wins with his three measure saves na and Mongols which he's very good with all four of those he'd be good did lose the one game on golden pit the next game probably I'm all for real if I remember correctly at a real shaky land madness versus the max he did okay well yeah that was mom's sphaghetti yeah that was not good but no shot let us know who are you following or who you're cheering for if you're cheering for Viper subscribe if you're cheering for yo make sure you hit that donate all the nations go towards the prize pool for these amazing players and all subscriptions go towards this guy over here mr. nilly that is put on this event so yeah just show it show that support there if you're not following it should be no up up that nope there there right there right above the - yeah yeah it should be here so hit that little heart oh okay semper dunk got him yeah we were doing oh we got another one well done Dave yeah man you gotta sell out for nilly that's my boy you're gonna sell it for him so many there you go man alright we're gonna get into the game here so but seriously you think it's a Mongol turn I think I that's been what it's what I I could see VIPRE going for something different he still has those Mayans yeah now on this not on this no no that's not I think he goes Mayans on hideout mm-hmm true I think he goes Mayan Sun hideout which is probably better than anything that yo has remaining which is why it was so important that you can see Frank's for the first time in this tournament we haven't seen Frank's one because I have a bone to pick with nilly just a small bone to pick they removed all the berries on the map and now Frank's are using less for your hands I have really big hands I'm sorry oh we got Chris to Adam but yeah I mean I don't think we'll see Frank's at all because there used to be extra forage bushes never removed it's a lot of people caring for Viper here there's a lot of subs Viper fits yeah no is that why they're here was Viper good or something hmm overlay guys is no okay anyways I can barely see chat but it's all I ever see some regular I knew those Vipers gone I didn't notice oh yeah that's true no but yo was just like yeah yeah another get a life yeah but this map went from being a Franks only war no and then they're like okay we don't want that anymore teams didn't know it's monk I calculated it the other day we've only not seen nine civilizations this entire tournament oh really well what would six you're not interested really I really want to know Chad do you want to know I just want to say that the variety and the van the quality of the games have been amazing throughout this entire turn I think Chad wants to know I I'm really interested I'm not smart enough they'd be able to calculate those Frank's Goths Turks hey Qamar the Tatars alright dit port overlay guy and Neeley are cheating yeah all right all right they're finally they're finally getting in here and let's let's look at let's take a look thanks Mongols as well all right guys let's do it we will load up this land madness potentially final game and mr. yo as much as I really miss the Frank war because I think it was amazing on this but whoa what is it wow this is interesting um this is a very strange map here like we're talking we were saying VIPRE wasn't giving luck with maps okay look how closes what lines oh yeah it's crazy but anyways I really do like the Mongol wars I think the key here I also like the Mongolian throat singing oh yeah yeah that's right I can't hear the music so you got all the music on that side well fair enough i I think that the transitions here key so when these players transition and mid fuel age to go to Castle age when they go from scouts and archers if they do that if they try and get manga die all those things are key lands madness is kind of like Arabia if you've seen it before accepts a lot of the resources repeat all around the map so you see a three tile gold here at three tout gold here three towels snow and those resources are everywhere there's wood lines everywhere and also you cannot wall on the ice so you see players build little communities for their Lumberjacks I've never seen this many wood clumps this close to a player's t.c.r.i previously the problem in land madness is that you don't have wood you don't have wood and you're going it's so far away to get it but to be fair mr. yos map generation is also extremely favor yeah mysteries like it's it's an 8 here but it might not be that s tier map that we're looking at I don't know like there it's one of those things where yes vipre does get some really good maps but you also have to play really good yeah yeah so it's more of a meme than it is look at her she is not collecting any deer she is is that the same when you're screener is that a visual she's cutting grass sure that's true man that's how they did it back then yeah all right well I expect very fast fuel times 18 population do you think they skip luma Dave that's something and you know what players I see Miss Rio going forward with the scout so maybe expects Viper to skip loom now because we've seen players spend all their time in Dark Age pushing in deer yeah so they're not really afraid of that that Scout coming out yeah and killing the villagers plus your villagers are generally like in groups of three or four yes yeah but but I think with the there's more than one alumina cailli this is like it's it's weird because on open maps usually you say always look Illume yes but on this one especially in a mongols work you can only go up so fast so you can rely on your enemy to be pushing deer and not go up at like a 30 seconds back down to attack you yeah okay so here's something yes Vipers map is good for wood lines but it could be one of the worst for walls because you can't wall on the ice you can so how how the fight for block off these resources how does he protect himself yeah but they there's always that problem on line madness once you get one layer one layer deep then you can start walling like you can wall quick wall to the lumber camp and stuff like that sure sure I'm just I'm really looking forward to seeing how he tries to lock down his resources in this game a lot of the time you lock down your resources with spearmen that's true and then you basically more for your way into a range army yeah and they can't really like divide their army they have to fight you full army vs. full army so that's kind of locking down the place as it is sorry guys you're not gonna get those missing miscellaneous units running into your eco doing damage yeah and that's the transition I spoke of well we'll have to see what what happens because if you transition to archers too early then your opponent has created a lot of Scouts with the Mongol hunts then you're in trouble so both players look at is great do you think these guys are good I think they're good what's the difference in the Ville though did yo snipe one are we bad no hey how did that happen all right do one of them get loom no yeah I forgot them did oh we did what is safely oh he did get them I guess safe player okay III thought I clicked the villager and didn't see things that make sense he got loom and now he's coming forward to the scouts maybe as soon as that scout gets the attack upgrade on it if he's in yos base it's gonna take time for you to click click loom so yeah I think see this is there's a reason that yo is gonna build the barracks and the stables so close to home I think I'm talking about the dear villager sure but look there but if flight 4 takes a hit there on his scalp yo just brings his Scout back and has more HP than Vipers right so I think Piper will choose to just past there all right barracks coming down close near the houses at the front for mr. yo good play barracks also in front of the berries for Vipers so he's trying to lock down the front of his face yo is also at Vipers base at the moment yeah Viper near the wood line from yo so I'm wondering if he's waiting for that a futile age attack to kick in yeah so these are the walls we talked about little palisade walls I do need to be careful sometimes villagers will block each other vipers going for an for the kill oh ok so another guy he's using him he's using the bullet the other villagers doing it he's using the bill to block the pathway the other you got it you called it Dave yeah went for it now at the same time Vipers getting attacked by yo and he doesn't notice yet but once again Viper hello so this was the plan to begin with boom at the end I think you always doing the same thing did you guys see that yeah he just it was the animation no I was gonna lose this yes yep yeah I swear he swung three times and didn't do a damage on some other was him it's sometimes if you click way too soon right I don't know did dude over Lake I had to check the HP men I'm I'm honestly baffled we'll see well I have to watch the replay I was watching on your screen yeah so I'll have to watch chat well sure I'm sure chat will let us know okay we can't read it but I'm sure they'll let everybody know what happen I'm over it anyway Viper's up one villager for mr. yo and mr. Joe doesn't have a scout so VIPRE now is gonna start making Spearman he's gonna start making more Scouts yep and he's gonna expand to the random deer patches across the map to what you die like if I pratik Oh a whole lot more right now Viper's invest into earlier farmers the new yo has been idle a little bit on the on the lumber camps with the quick walls they were blocking the villagers yeah we'll see what yo can do to kind of even himself up in this game a Spearman from VIPRE though right into the TC okay vipers attacking the scouts there that this has been a great start for VIPRE oh how do you know that behind the head oh wait is it is this pyramid gonna go into the TC oh that's a great call you do this for a big sense now amazing fascinating now notice how flight Birds going to the left I really wonder what his scouting was like before okay he did not know that there were were field which was taking the deer but he might get lucky those filters are exposed unlike like four soldiers back here it's nice and neat secure in the back yeah that's great beautiful back there he's even got the the stone and the gold it's like symmetry to he could he could gate make a nice little gated community meeting forgers hunters stone miners gold miners farmers people are not old enough to be from Florida let me tell you all right so mister yo figuring out you can't really do much and VIPRE now with the population of Scouts where's does you only have four Scouts okay hey just is eek hasn't been good enough he wasn't as quick to farms he wasn't as quick to deer he lost the villager and he lost his Scout so he has to catch up and I really wonder when Viper adds the range I think when you're ahead in the Scout numbers your opponent's gonna defend with spears and so it gives you an opportunity to my jaw do you ask tell Viper was gonna wall we see a Viper wait for it we see a Vipers gonna wall this is beautiful if he makes it happen this is like the most Opilio madness that oh dude it's so good yeah it's such a good map for this exactly you can't wall over the ice so he literally has to yeah it's pretty awkward oh man pretty awkward Viper has two more villagers he is now researching wheelbarrow I think Viper is in the driver's seat man normally when Vipers is far ahead and futile age might not seem like a lot to the viewers at home he does not let it slip yeah it'd be such a shame if we don't get to seven games because he was plates you're amazing like this is the this is that was Viper on edge there after game two yeah you kind of see it in his face a little yeah that's like oh but the Mayans man the Mayans Vikings were yeah yo what's up a villager though I think what our vipers getting wheelbarrow so that explains a little bit exactly if yo can take a good engagement against these Scouts oh wow Viper was not messing around they're just comparing the HP I think Theo's gonna win this fight I think it's better for Viper Viper okay yeah yeah he's gonna win hands down okay okay so if viper wins that time to go to Gold's time to consider a range he's actually baking up making excuse me a blacksmith joint before going for a range so interesting do you think people go Scout upgrades because normally you go archery ranges lockers that blacks the population though well maybe because he's got the Spears - maybe we'd go forging yeah I don't know it's just the timing oh that's kind of weird unless he wants to go to Stone and play super greedy and go from manga die later on there's the range for yo there's one villager on Vipers farms and there's a scout from mr. yo that villager is laughing his ass off right so second time in this series man that guy is a beast so wheelbarrow coming in from yo now kind of evening a plays a little bit Chris well then yeah well done well done very clean fight we should attack the house okay now take the palisade this is good work but Viper is forcing you out to click an awful lot and Viper is fully secured at home whoa double range now I think I'll go to range archers potentially using captures yeah it's gonna slowly is it just gonna go up before he starts building numbers I think I'll click and then start making it dude this is so clean yo yo well you know what yo was pretty close to clicking up as well he's got the double range - the difference here is he's producing archers now so he doesn't have the gold he need oh wait wait for it wait for it he's not producing yeah so now he's thinking about going up and he can go up he's up first Wow first I mean 1% yeah I mean hey every little bit matters man 1 hp 1% everything's made the difference in this game how close is that the feudal times were close by 4 was a bit behind now I'd say that yo is big behind with the castle age times I haven't seen Yoplait that's good in a long time I know give us a sec it looks really good even even with the disadvantage of losing a villa early yeah yo has always been a game or two behind Viper yeah always a game or two behind Viper Viper is beast he is the best player in the world but he's not for owing people I go it sits for - it's for 3 right now it's it the yo is staring out of 4 - if he doesn't turn it around this game this map and he'll he doesn't need to do the same thing on the other side because he's got his production buildings there yeah position with his buildings yo did a similar thing but I actually couldn't place it quite as far in front of his gold so it can still easily be arranged and eventually we'll see them make their way out to stone get the castles there and then it starts spamming the manga die if yo wins this so let's just say he wins this how big of a freaking confidence boost would it be yeah because massive because he was behind exactly yeah it's not like a game where you got ahead and stand behind one villager like behind it are me to talk about fights between two viper sees everything just ran in there to see what yo is going for is now running out I think he yo click through and he was probably like wait I can't get in there to fight for his base oh my god how is he hoes Ewald that yeah cuz you're not supposed to be able to walk that was you not see Joe's point of view as he comes in here he's actually dropping a TC and what is that is that a universe yeah University so fast ballistics another TC that's not TC right how many TCS 3 what total you draw us to where now he's checking out the wall TC t oh he's gonna have the wood for ballistics this is mislaid he's not this is a misplace if you're going if you're going university you go one TC yeah well he has 39 wood right now yeah he actually did a similar thing versus and he's gonna keep trying to produce crossbows does he fear Vipers gonna go super greed well crossbows are quite good right now because you get the power spike the upgrade early well they're better early against average yeah but the problem is VIPRE doesn't have a lot of numbers threatening him and he's going to get two free kills here too so at like Vipers position and I expect him to use a ton of mobility and it sucks too because it's a mirror matchup so if someone gets to the better option someone gets to the more mobile option there's really nothing you can do to save yourself okay so I think you might actually have enough for ballistic soon it needs stop producing from one range Hey and with the cheap Chinese text or sorry not weird as I'm looking at the architecture no yeah I mean no ballistics yet I see some real problems in coming for yo if he doesn't protect those with lions like for archers yeah like you'd you need ballistics against the cover yeah that's a whole fight versus fighting with Scouts just being annoying I think we'll get one ville pick and doing oh how did she die yo good defense from fights back and yo at forty three bills one six ballistics coming into Viper is still only he's two TC yes he dropped his each dropping his third now I'm shocked the super ones here like you always gonna have a better eco yeah and a more powerful army for now feel so close Viper's building is thirty C now also which armies more vulnerable throughout the castle age which is more mobile is yeah Viper will have the mobility and Viper also will have some agonal yeah and he can use those texts use for the temperatures to text which right into magnetic event yep now there's no saying that yo can't go to stone and get a castle at some point but normally the timing is much later yeah thank yo is gonna need to do some dirty dirty dancing man with crossbows get a big ball of them use that one extra range over the CAV archers as they are expensive for Viper and they're very hard to mass just kind of slowed down here a little bit it's like yeah regicide fortress all over God there we go only a viper could turn land madness in the regicide I mean honestly it's a mistake for both of them to push out right now yeah with the way they're playing it diapers positioned his walls perfectly if yo moves out and then viper arrives to his base it's over so yo it's vice versa like even with vipers walls yo could still sneak and hit the wood line yeah and I that's why I love this each workshop fourth teased a new fourth - TC Omega boom he's going for ya with the manga Nolan with the CAV archers and just not even keeping up production I think Viper almost wants to bait yo forward here let's see so fight for losses a CA and now yo is probably thinking I can move out now yeah this is good I have ballistics and now Viper has the mag enough that's 100% intentional yeah he wanted to know where yo his army was he wanted yo to know he'll even moves from the Civil it's a Viper on Hills man named a better duo yeah okay he's moving he's shaken and yo has that outpost which is so good that's so good yeah he knows he's vulnerable to this this is the highest let honestly I haven't seen all the sets from NAC but I've been here a few days cough cast a lot this is probably the highest level set I've seen it's sick for tat like your player knows exactly what the other player is about to do yeah and it just seems like you always always like ten seconds behind my first one man just a little bit just a fill or two he owes no secret to this either man he's he's played with labor for years these guys were playing they were they've been top five before I ever start casting like we're talking 2015 these guys have been top five for a long time you scorpions for Vipers so basically that's gonna help out his army but it's not as big of an investment as you know so it can help his 40c boom that he's got currently we can see in the villager count Vipers at 69 nice and yo is just a little bit behind but rememory son 3tc the slowest Makaton shot ever mm and I imagine you know who's gonna lose his one-for-one yeah done I wouldn't even brought the villagers in there to be honest it's make him weaker yeah I can fight for comfortably move around you know I think he's she's jockeying for position you know he is he's delicious wants to that when he builds his own he wants his castle to be in a solid position at home yeah I don't think he really wants to kill here and he's hoping for some good shots with these scorpions as well I think you scorpions are playable to micro this down I mean the CAV archers can't come anywhere near these crosses will just get nuked so yo with a mango on its way out - whoa that was beautiful man that was beautiful 71 bills now for you on 79 for Viper but again he knew I'm probably gonna lose this but what I can do is build a castle on a perfect position there it gives me time yeah that's perfect castle and on this map it's all about expanding because there's golden stone everywhere so the fact that yo is on the back foot right now is a lot worse than the score might show you a lot worse than the population might show you and looking at the resources of the players yo oh those villagers are a little yes seriously the fight for loses another calves Archer I don't think we'll make it another cab Archer in this game yo should be able to go up quicker than Viper but look his eco isn't balanced look at his gold count yeah that's crazy and he only has six on gold so maybe he transferred yeah maybe he he figured that out and he's trying to get a council position but I think Viper know who's this so he's just delaying him being as annoying as he possibly can well he builds up his base it the last two games the big differences ended up being the council positions this is not a bad castle but Vipers castles and a better Hill flavors castles more towards the center of the map he's setting himself up for position this probably wait are there relics on this map there's no relics on this map well if there were relics on this map this would be the time to get them yeah there are no relics it would be that's why did leery pick this map oh poor leery it's frustrating for us as caster stovic islets you see someone as good as leery not getting such a simple thing like relics yeah I just think why but I CEO is making a a monk yeah I have a lady feel I like the things you always done here is going up to imperial aged faster like by the time he gets across the map he's not gonna have treads there in time to take down that council before Vipers Imperial Vipers gonna have more councils more eco well everything built up behind a Viper is actually gonna stall at the at the beginning of Imperial he's gonna stall with elite skirm and try and take those manga dye numbers down while they until they have all the upgrades and he's gonna text which into Magnum this is your chance though but Viper hasn't clicked yet he needs 400 food so the skirmisher is actually where the food that he needed to click to the imperial age now skirmishers can hold against crossbows yeah and yo might consider getting our play-doh click by the time you was like 50% probably but I mean that is one thing that y'all will like to see now one thing that you will not like to see where his stones he had to cast all the way back in his base to protect that stone whereas Viper that expects more forward kills kills sorry castles on hills yeah we're combining words at this point it's more efficient so the CAV archers looping around to that stone vibe who knows exactly where to go or rather where he can't go cuz he owes army is there so he goes to the places that are open sniper to Phillip takes going down the CAV archers always gonna sit underneath about these anymore sit on the other side and hit so many farms I want to show you something watch the crossbows in the mango will come this way Viper on the left already patrolling here just in case yo was going for a sneak attack I actually fully expected him to run in to the left to catch you off guard since he has the positioning so two castles in that forward position formerly built them there well just locking down that entire area and then I think maybe like castle on the right and castle on the left incoming yeah in the next couple minutes now you need a balance we saw earlier in this series and a crucial game and it gave them a canal shot against the converters yeah I think Castle timing and eco distribution is really important oh no yo this is not what you want to do well I mean he's he to be fair he's not gonna upgrade these are blister so similar to the cat or Trish yeah the Scherzo wipe this up very very easy and you always actually going to skirmishers of his own now yeah I like Vipers order of doing things VIPRE has more economy and vipers is cleaning up some military despite being later to the Imperial age but um but yeah I think if you're too heavy on stone you're not going to have all the food and gold you need to get bracer in chemistry and elite manga dye so just keep an eye on those the food counts because that will be important especially when you're making lead sperm that's pretty costly fiber Zico is just beautiful like his resources are amazing he's getting conscription now like he's producing manga die faster you know is he had the castles faster yeah he has all use all the here's all the advantages now yo was just sitting back frightened knowing that Vipers gonna show up at some point and now Viper has showed up on the left side so does he go for the big fight in the middle no he goes for the fight was left as crossbows can't clear the skirmishers up he's gonna lose like a bunch of villagers if Viper goes in farther there and then I think yo has to be really careful about losing his mega die numbers here that could be a doubt castle could be fire has the council coming up on the hill opposite of that one - oh no that is it I think this might be I think this might be is this the series chances start falling off here as these push back from that castle the manga dye numbers are just all ready for a viper right now yo trying to raid the back of Vipers base but Viper doesn't really care about that he has archery ranges he can make skirmishers he can send some manga die dad to deal with that he can sit on this castle and his production numbers are just gonna spiral out of control he already has 30 more villagers so you'll know that when you see the score when you play this many games you're going to know that you've expanded more than your opponent here so fight for does he's not gonna be really bothered by that this is a perfect castle I think old prep trips yo will likely finish this castle at some point and then I'll just get trapped right down and look Vipers already getting like masonry he knows exactly what's gonna happen wartime the manga died on the castle gonna get clear cleared up by the crossbows and elites Kermes from yo but it's given him enough time for sure and that raid in the back is gonna clear it up yo managed to kill like six or seven villagers yeah honestly I really like that look how much military that Viper had to pull back to deal with this this didn't yoda engane that much with kills he gained a lot of time though I don't think Vipers really really gonna engage until he has elite though the elite mag and I option come in or comes in and there's another Hill even farther back Vipers castle viper sees a hill and he just has to cast a slit yeah like there's one even further back from that yeah so is this if he does lose this he'll have the next yeah an elite is on the way Dave I still think yo has a chance I still think he does well it's all about manga day it's all about mega take it great if you take a great fight if your opponent slips up if his patrol goes right into your town then maybe yeah maybe you can come back and elite mega die are fantastic against trebuchet so you have to be very careful I think that it's possible what you will do now he's actually doing it he knows he'll be behind to leave manga died so he'll make mega die and sperm and then what will Viper do Vipers making huh sorry yeah so if I / it's amazing the level of play we're seeing here I ate to see any player be out of the tournament because it's so damn good and I think this potentially is the chance for you as well Viper sending is manganite to the left side but that's a big army from yo right side and that's it arguably that's more important than the left side of the map yeah yo Ken garrison in the tower and the TC frame yeah and there's a castle over there for him if he walls this area if he puts another castle down maybe it's actually sending villagers though are those gonna be I think great I said the path from the mega die okay pulls him back tink he'll realize that I was I was quite surprised that Viper can make trips at this castle on the right earlier he queued up three or four manga died after building it even though he knew that and viper has the lead on three castle doesn't have the elite upgrade for the manga now yeah massively huge difference but there are skirts and vipers just thrown away a lot of his military to the castle fire yeah that was that was that was that was probably a miss click he thought he's like denial or something that's like a big mistake we've seen from what he's gonna lose that castle for sure of course is the castle further back than that but anytime Maginot Line is on time yo is getting elite manga died yeah this is still a game yeah this is still a game fight for will do see trips this is still a game that y'all can win yeah that was a Miss play from VIPRE I think but that's a level we're looking at what miss play and then it could change the whole game and Vipers Vipers gonna dive again there's elite skirmisher coming from the left for you old man she was gonna be careful not to lose his pop of magadh I I think he's lost I think this is pretty even right I think yellow blue strips i I think Vipers still better off from that fight I mean he lost maybe 10 manga died took out 3 treads and legs expended I have yo yeah plus them up confute scams are good early but as you get later and later into the game they're not they're not a power it's more of a more of a unit you want to make while you get your magnetite number just surprised no one secured the left side of the map yet yeah it like bright light and then cops were here well no like but a castle over there yeah that's a lot of resources yo as a teen on stone viper has seven on stone but he's closer to the next castle look how good we mega died or a there's Maggie died with hustlers in front good luck you're sick and that may be fight for does that now Dave think a lot of players would immediately say I need to put all of my focus on the right but I see Viper heading to the left maybe he'll send something over there I think a castle on this hill is probably to play yeah we're even even more forward than yeah further up could do away with it because there's a gold there right there's been no show no interest in that side whatsoever more traps coming out from vipers so these can be sniped easily with sometimes in these Maggie dive fights you almost want to use your treads as like a debate like coming into it and then I'm gonna kill all of your manga dead population and there's more transport this yeah yeah that's no choice yeah yo is no choice good micro from you oh great it's good from yo not really taking that much damage but he can't continue to do that ya know every manga die he loses is very very bad for him wow I honestly feel like if this series ends here like yo deserves a round of applause like such an incredible performance but I think Piper knows now VIPRE knows that capsule will go down but now castle will fall no yo it's down to three castles Viper has four yeah oh the manga died production is gonna continue to grow for Viper and it's gonna continue to drop off for yo look what Vipers doing he's sitting under the castle here seventeen magnetized stacked under that castle right there he doesn't care about the units so much as he cares about the castle and he's raiding the lab Thank You Center I think he's actually gonna win that fight against you even sitting under the castle he will and now yours magadh ID numbers are non-existent and you think that yo is gonna call it and oh my god what a performance what a performance from seriously insane Master Yoda keep up with Viper ya across is like all of those games and then Viper just proving like again I don't know what more we can say again about Viper just so dominant yet this was not a Viper which was rusty this was not a Viper no this is better than me playing this is a Viper who was playing very very good and mister yo that's the best I've seen him play at one time that was in a long long time most high level sets yeah they're shorting and like you add into that the villager rush game like you think about that set you're like this was just beautiful Age of Empires and then you get that but I think just right and dab in the middle yeah dude all I keep thinking is the Mayans game the Mayans game he went he wanted to TC play changed this game playing him lost he had one with Aztecs he won with Incas public viewing guys let's get a cheer for Viper and let's get a round of applause for mr. yo if you guys can hear me maybe not maybe I'm just talking to miss there we go round of applause there's one dude yeah there we go that's a man spread right they're not afraid to show what he's gotten jeez what's up guy in the hoodie which were you at but but anyways seriously insane set I don't think yo can be too disappointed in his performance there obviously wanted to make to the finals so in a bit I believe if I'm gonna be interviewing maybe no he's interviewing Viper I will be interviewing Viper Dave can join if you buy some food yeah but yeah anyways I'm looking forward to talking about for about that door yeah mystery Oh should hold his head up high that was it was extant almond oh yeah I hope you guys enjoyed that remember Viper is moving on to the finals to play against Hera in a best of eleven tomorrow which is just gonna be sick it like Hera is I think at this point in this in in the tournament like going into Friday they were realistically like we talked about it and we said hair is probably the one to beat Viper thank Hera so before I saw this set yeah I would have said Harrah's playing but now I'm like man cuz your plates amazing yeah like so yo and yeah I'll go over there in just a second here but like yo and Viper talked prior and and yo said I think if you play here and the finals you'll do very well against him because of this this and this so we'll seem it but I think Hera has a lot to prove looking forward to tomorrow and ladies Viper thanks for the 16k boys and girls we're gonna go over to the interview in a second once this guy vacates great sellout - Dave how many subs did we get over that guy when I how many subs in support of Viper he's just nodding how many subs did we get yes okay thank you 25 you know your professional streamer you can count them as they come in remember guys if you want to okay so for tomorrow's matchup if you want a support Viper you scribe if you support Hera maybe if you're Canadian then you donate to the prize pool here 150 viper fans oh it looks like Lowell Sturm is a viper fan coming in with that sweet sweet subscription love if you have Amazon Prime acts you can connect it to your twitch account I don't know if you guys know you just hit that button you get one free sub a month immediately jumps away immediately oh it's still me oh I can see the coach on the other screen I thought oh geez this is a disaster semi finals do you think we'd be used to it hit a weekend Dave hype Vsauce thank you Dave sellout dude I only sell it for nilly you come to my channel you subscribe I'll ban you so hard I'll Bend you back to the Stone Age great casting Dave say sauna sauna wait what were you expecting non Finnish sauna Dave is awesome I agree sometimes sometimes I'm a little bit weird alright so we're gonna head over to the interview with Viper t90 take it away all right thanks Dave so I think I am now here with the Viper we can't really see but I believe and like for what an amazing set for a while there games are going back and forth it was it was close overall thoughts on Yost performance as expected he played incredible that Inc stuff is really difficult to deal with the way I was when I was watching him play earlier yesterday with the encourage I was like well I shouldn't be too hard to stop yeah but it's actually really rough but no yo as expected played really well okay awesome so going into the set myself as a caster but pretty much expected to see every meso Civ and Mongols from yo and the rest who knows is that pretty much how you viewed your games against him or whether any surprises it was I knew I know he tends to go a lot of mezzo he did that against leaders well I used all three measures and think the first four games so I was expecting a lot of meso I mean I did go Celts specifically to try and counter tinker strategies didn't work out obviously um and I also wanted anyway would go Aztecs and Mayans for Arabia as well so I want to do Hans there because I thought I had a good approach for it and I still think I did I just made too many characters but okay yeah the meso I was expecting the meso and otherwise Islands pretty straightforward okay so not too many surprises Savoy's alright so just quickly go through the map so first off game one think you had a sixty population lead but you always able to get relics and faster Eagles you said you felt like you've made too many see a two-minute cap archers I didn't transition my eco properly I was to have young characters and too little transition towards the Knights and then so I think if I transition more to food earlier and made more light cap makes it stallion as well more knights and used to believe it but I could also Stonewall my right side etc so I don't get rated from there that angle and yeah my map was super open and his map was also fairly safe so wasn't that unfortunate for how I wanted to play it but I still felt like my approach was right yeah I just had to had to make small tweaks do you think that the timing was possibly too early or at that point was that a oh I'm already falling behind I need to try type of a thing it was just that has so many characters and they don't really do well against Eagles unless you get in parallel Chris so I felt like okay I just have to go up here because okay I have too many characters and for them to be useful I need to be an imp otherwise I think if I stayed in Castle age maybe I couldn't survive longer but I think again I have just had too many quarters okay fair enough so as interesting because I've seen instances in that matchup where a player in your position would go for range CA with ballistics but I think there it's more to trade down the Eagles a bit earlier and he got more of a mess so Islands my biggest question there because he transported mm-hmm I believe you added additional fishing ships before feudal age like instead of the standard four is that the case well I was I didn't know exactly what he would do I figured I'll add more fish going up to foolish because I felt even if it goes water I should be able to defend if I go defend with a defensive approach but yeah Scout is landing immediately as well so yeah there wasn't really too much that I was I was pretty much in like okay I'm just gonna see what happens and I'll adapt yeah that was kind of a mode even if it comes with two fire ships before I have five ships out myself I still have like six seven fishing ships and they get enough eco and they don't die that fast anyway yeah so I thought adding a couple extra fish and ship would be good especially considering that there's a big chance it would lend me an important one be one match on Islands would you ever land like that maybe I think your brain you're like no tomorrow alright so golden pincer for me the way I broke it down to the audience here is felt like y'all had to win all of his Mezo because those are strongest saves I feel like that would play and play him toward a game seven you picked Vikings expecting my own zone golden pick I was expecting mines or slabs really okay yeah I was fine playing his mines as well cuz the way the game plays out is that it will be a castle drop there will be a tribe war and considering he's making plumes he's not gonna make him is if he wants to make trebuchet is he can't make army then yeah so as long as I have three four Rangers working while I make trebuchet myself it's not really a big deal that he I don't have the middle in earlier yeah yeah I did a little bit play little bit sloppy here and there in that game as well but but all things considered my strategy worked out okay so obviously it's hard to say cuz you didn't see the game initially he went to TC castle mm-hmm and left six to seven on stone mm-hm and so to me it looked like it was gonna be two TC to Castle him okay then he switched to a third TC late and I think that really hurt his aim time but okay it's impossible for you to say whether that was right or wrong at this stage but I'm curious on on May because to me it felt like his the timing the imp timing and the Castle position for you was just a no-brainer yeah I don't know what's the bottom right to think yeah if it was like I think to TC approach would probably been better for him there yeah okay just get the middle and try to control the gold then but then again waiking get such a big equally if it doesn't add a third tones yeah then you get like a forty billion and it's not a free hand cord from the start so okay it's hard to say so the most enjoyable match the series for you you got no beru rushed yep and you expected it and you picked Celts to counter it yeah yeah I was hoping my early admitted arms would trade better but again like I was hoping I would have a little bit of a better map all stuff all the resources were forwards so it was super exposed and yeah it was really early on I killed a lot of eels and then ten more girls come she can do I know yeah so my thing is I feel like you played that really well yeah I thought I did well as well I was like after like say ten and fifteen tons in futility I was like his score is higher than mine it's so much army like yeah it's just like I mean I guess it's because I invest three stores into army and many ARMs this era so I don't get the same military production as he yeah well he only needs a couple of five six bills on food to be able to produce fills non-stop and villagers it's his army so yeah yeah I guess he's always kind of had I think really the only way to deal with that is to like really stopped first put early and real snow bullet but yeah when he goes up like 89 and pop as well it's just 20 pop I don't know how early went up now it was a teen pop yeah 18 so yeah you can't have made it arms at that time yeah it's tough okay so do you have a guess how far behind you were in villagers like late futile age lectures I would say probably 15 miles yeah okay it was like 15 20 yeah that's crazy fortress I don't think I need to talk about much I think you'd know exactly what happened there jockeying around for position and the final game Mongol war how did you villagers survive can you wear it would your villager he attacked me so you killed him a few days he'd know right mmm-hmm and then early few late he attacked you and I swear chat have you clipped this over that guy will save it cuz I need to watch it later please post it but um I swear to god he hit your voter three times did no damage I think it was trying to micro too hard you could have just sat there and probably clicked too many times to go back and forth and yes much I could have been it yeah probably and I was expecting to loose it as well so yeah he died a CEOs head over the monitor like I was a good sign ya know but then I felt like I traded well that game early on I got some early spear hits as well and it was just like a super comfortable game for me yeah looked at him so I heard you and you'll have a little bit of a conversation earlier always a mistake to have conversations in front of casters because I remember these things okay and so all right then well as yo-yo said to you after watching him play he said I think if you beat me that you will win fairly comfortably versus era and then you said to yo the same to you and then it was like yeah if I beat you I could beat anyone so anyways you you won today what are your expectations for playing birds hair cuz my opinion until I saw you up today I would say he's been the second best player here yeah I mean I was in the final now so it's yes for itself yep I think I was playing really really well these days and he has played so much to last couple of months and you know shows as well um yeah I was surprised he says with terrible I was really expecting tired to come out on top there so yeah being a title for one is not an easy task yes so yeah Hera's playing really well and it's gonna be a really tough much tomorrow it's gonna be exciting okay so best eleven who do you think has better stamina you were here if it was like two years ago or three years ago I would say won't represent me I'm not sure how it feels right now sure it was okay now I have some a little bit drugged down so I know hopefully I feel better tomorrow and then it doesn't affect my stamina okay I would say probably in in general I'm usually very good when the series are pretty long okay yeah I mean so just for you guys just so the viewers know it's a bubble at best of 11:00 tomorrow there will be a break halfway through half hour break for the players to rest it'll be I think if it's a four oh there's a break or at the end of the fifth game so players will have a little bit time to rest but should be amazing Neely just walked in looking forward to Casting that with him tomorrow she'd be good time I'll take one or two questions from the chat I know that tonight all of us are going to be heading to the local meetup there's probably a lot of people there watching me right now so we don't want to waste too much time sure Neely wants to wrap it up as well but why no Millay well it wasn't really a situation formerly didn't play cross and they're not really an optional to my relatives main hideout maybe I'm high up but I don't think so I had like two or three saves lined up for hideout hide I would have been really tricky if they went to game seven because hideout is also very tough one comes with sieve choice yeah what if what if you went mines and he went gasp I have asked Aztecs Mayans I have humans Britons Malaya at so many options Persians could be an option so it would be really tricky but I think I would have better save it for the last match no matter what sorry guys it's hard for me to catch up on here all all this here how old are the VIPRE alright how old are you VIPRE am 28 28 you are getting old man I'm turning 27 in a couple months what is happening what's happening when you turn 27 no I mean like what's happening to us I've been in this game for too long yeah the relic and yo base well I think you put very intensive you had a relic in the back corner man okay I actually do have a question you tried to block with your king man that's not a question that was sick that would have worked I have no control I have no power there apparently yeah it seems like the Scout takes priority over the King it seems that way no that was true okay I just block him know he Dyson yeah that was weird yeah but I regret asking chat for questions a lot of good questions but also a lot of questions that would be a very easy answer here for Viper I think talking about the relic I stole from jewels base I didn't really like I was kicked my monk there and she kicked him back to my own table Dave yelled louder about that relic than anything in the whole series I wasn't screaming I thought like I thought I missed an auditor shot and it was just relics okay okay that's that I forgot about that one that very important really like who wins fat slob or Hara whoo what what that's the triangle like if you beat Hera butt fat beats you that's that's a weird food chain right there it's a very weird trick why haven't you every matched him man he still plays okay all right Tina no we're not listen we're not talking sports questions why is my shirt always a topic of conversation on this channel always I don't even know what that is probably something you're Norwegian and you don't know what this is it's a viking viking yeah well it's probably the Vikings from American NFL yeah there you go something yeah well done Neely's now he's dropping viewers fast because there's a lot of Packers fans out there and they hate the Vikings so we didn't break Hiddink up to numbers today probably because of that I'll change my shirt tomorrow t90 why are you so rude sometimes that's a good question come off a little bit aggressive I don't know I have very strong emotions sorry what do you think nilly do one take over to have any questions sure all right I'm gonna pass it over to Neil you guys thank you as a pleasure casting tight apparently I'm too rude
Channel: Nili_AoE - Age of Empires
Views: 540,771
Rating: 4.85782 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, age of empires, aoe2, age of empires 2, age of empires II Definitive Edition, aoe2 DE, aoe2 HD, HD, Game player, casting, expert, rts, nac3, TheViper, Mr_Yo, T90Official, Dave, t90
Id: VN_An5Mvfsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 6sec (12726 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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