Ridiculous 1v1 (~1000 Elo)

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hey guys spirit of the law here this video is a little unusual in that I've only ever done commentaries of my own games on the channel before and never commentating other people's but someone sent me this recording and I thought it was just such an entertaining game that I had to share it with you guys so to give an idea of the skill levels here I think both players were around or maybe just below 1000 elo on definitive edition so they're definitely competent and know the basics but aren't really on that expert level that maybe you're used to seeing on YouTube videos so the map itself is hideout so of course you start with a palisade wall around your base and this palisade will although it has 250 HP and even a house is 550 in the Dark Age so you can keep out maybe one scout but if they are rushing you with an army of units you're really not gonna keep them out for very long personally I think that gives the map really interesting dynamic it's sort of like arena and that you have that wall but it's basically anything except skirmishers are gonna be able to break through it pretty quickly and of course do sure this forest in between that this map kind of reminds me of those disguised glasses that you get from the dollar store with the nose and the little glasses anyway maybe that's why it's called hideout I don't know so if our players seem pretty similar in their builds and see some little inefficiencies like taking from multiple of the sheep and goats at the same time not a huge deal but it has waste a bit of food and so the player on the red is the Aztecs of course very strong civilization great on arena or Arabian this is kind of a sort of cross in between those so should be quite a good civilization obviously the great economy and these are players that of course goober force and after the dark ages seem very similar to me doing a lot of the same things for both of them and the other player in the blue can't believe I didn't mention it yet is playing as the Japanese already it gives us an interesting matchup of two very strong infantry civilizations and I think both players here actually house at the same time both I'm just building houses now it's actually very easy to get pop caps at 15 populations you make your first two houses and then you kind of forget to make more everybody does that or at least I do that you can see blue handling it by making four more houses to not let that happen again for a while now so in terms of strategy here I do find that hideouts kind of interesting because you can try the fast castle it in the same way you would an arena map because you feel kind of safe but like I said just about any unit even a couple of Scouts would be able to break through the palisade wall fairly quickly so I think it's a little bit safer to go for some aggression but same time you don't want to go for aggression any other person fast castles and then you can't do any damage to them so if you are gonna do aggression you really have to make the most of it and at least take out a couple villagers or really disrupt the opponent's economy if you okay at defending though I think at this level you can quite often get away with just a fast castle that is not gonna be the strategy that blue goes for in this case though blue is actually already going up to the feudal age has a barracks up so it could be thinking about men and arms which you totally could do as Japanese they get the faster attacking infantry in feudal age and no sign of a barracks yet from the other player though we know it's normal assure coming out here run Japanese yet hard to say the few ways this could be played a lot in gold though you notice which I think could signify archers and I mean maybe if you're doing a lot of men-at-arms you get someone gold but you wouldn't get this many this is enough for more than one range and you can see the archery range is coming down there and just slightly behind actually terms of timing is the Aztec player and we see throwing down a market and blacksmith which implies obviously fast castle oh I'm not sure I would make the barracks then don't need the barracks in a fast castle rate but I guess you need it sooner or later even before in gold like this feels very much like a completely naked fast castle here he is idling the town center here to try to wait for 800 food but I think it should be able to click up here pretty soon he's got plenty on berries Oh just ran out of berries just 22 Foods short feels bad man okay just got enough I guess those deer helped him out so he's gonna be clicking up to castle age and should be up some time around was that like 18 minutes where's the other player unfortunately host is going for the archers getting all the upgrades there on that and hasn't made anything yet with the barracks and now we see men-at-arms coming out so we're gonna have a combination and men-at-arms and a lot of archers with all their upgrades which is good or even getting forging and everything you do want to remember the upgrades although in this case I think it might be nice to go out a little bit faster in pressure but I think it just wants to go up with proper numbers when he feels getting safe and nothing wrong with that both actually doing quite a good job scouting and notice with their units all around the map here housed again blue you got like a house building villager there you go yep and just make a ton of houses perfect and so we have blue coming in here attacking about 19 minutes but with a pretty sizable army here with all of their upgrades like I said bashing through that palisade wall that did not offer a lot of protection and targeting the gold here which is actually pretty smart because of course red is Castle age now but the promise is not really much you can make that's new in Castle age without gold just Spears and skirmishers also having to put up the defensive watchtower here and luckily seems to have enough stone for that even after making it's like to other town centers and unfortunate coming in a little bit too late with this raid that now these three town centers are up although interestingly a 10 villager lead for blue wow that's a lot I think he got four villagers on the gold right away after breaking down the wall and I still think red probably been idling his Town Center it would be that far behind in total villager count so not making use of all of those and this is a nice actually this response coming up with the Megan elk didn't realize that he actually had gold here off to the side so that's gonna be a challenge mmm oh I don't know how that didn't hit all those perches right there Oh yep even coming out preparing nice nice move here by red and that defensive tower can get a little bit of value kind of keeps the units away from the town center without necessarily garrisoning it but everything mmm buddies unison oh they do have their upgrade so they'll hold up a little bit to this fire I think it probably is worth it hang out here towns taking somebody's shots and oh all those archers Amanda Megan else you can get a lot of value from Megan else Megan I was running away from the town center no no no gotta go under the town center gonna repair it nope and do see blue finally clicking up to castle age those who should get there around 26 minutes maybe a little bit after 26 27 minutes and come out with another wave of archers and men-at-arms being very aggressive and a huge villager advantage still more than ten villagers ahead because red lost a few villagers and I think has been ilink town center now he's got a couple of them working so far this actually hasn't gone too bad for red who did basically a naked fast castle and is still at the score lead here he's survived this all right he is behind in villagers but when you've got three Town Center's and remember booths Town Center is research in the castle age right now so it's not even making new villagers and we see getting pushed off that gold again I think it's just give up on that gold and just go back to this one might be smart actually to try to plug that gap on the wall again or maybe even Stonewall this if you're really committed to just trying to boom and play very defensively right now just feels like it's hard to get back on your feet when you're constantly having to be rated by these archers running around your base and questions what do you do here if you're blue as you hit the next age you don't really have let's see that's Reds resources actually you know what it's got a lot of resources so should be able to upgrade all these units and keep his pressure up if he wants to sometimes feel really committed at this point I can just need to keep pushing they have here coming up a monastery okay it kind of makes sense oh nice so yeah blue found these villagers off to the side just nicest human setting the villages around the other side is to make some military buildings and nice getting those upgrades got crossbowmen now and he's even prioritizing the attack and range upgrades which is definitely the right call here now the same range as a manga Nell a little bit easier to avoid them and coming forward this what I like to see it just complete all in aggression here as Japanese just hasn't given red a break this entire game does nothing but pressure let's see so we're coming out with Megan else probably crossbows yeah and kind of giving up on the men-at-arms oh no I feel about making man-at-arms so we've actually even caught in too long swordsman now and the most aggressive tower I think I can remember seeing in a really long time this is great I mean even if he does garrison this town center assuming that he sees that I mean you have to garrison a lot of villagers to take that down this is so aggressive I can't believe redness that oh I'm still getting something in old battles villager they're actually villager numbers very very close at the moment which is interesting because red reach castle aged eight minutes sooner I think something like that like eighteen minute versus 26 minute castle age and having three Town Center's and kept blue still just on one town center but imagine you get enough kills here and this is just mayhem we have all sorts of units running around we have long swordsmen coming being streamed in from here I'm not even sure that red nose is red okay so red doesn't know about that and what do you do if you're red right now you feel so trapped in your base and trying to come up with military units both actually a very low military number C so that eight versus five military units here and unfortunately operates in those skirmishers and you have some armor on this swordsman that looks like this doubling down into these skirmishers and crossbows I think keeping the Menken Ellis though this would be giving a lot of value one thing to think about is this gold could start running out and loser you're really good job controlling the gold on this side nice Megan Elle shots there and we've actually taken this court laid down so sometimes it pays to go in with that hyper aggression headed back up to the decent that would repeat actually not sure if he's got wheel barrow and access our red just came in with that yeah at least one Town Center pushes a bow that's a lot of food what do you do with that food I think you make a market and you balance that a little bit wonder how many trees are there I only see one one chop tree there that lumber camp why not man Japanese cheaper lumber camp and a very aggressive castle his actually could be huge it's controlling two different stone piles and I don't think red has another stone pile they sort of cut off on this side and it doesn't have another stone that he can go to so this castle could be pretty big that said red does have the military advantage here so he could move out and see if he notices this and you move out and try to take that yeah blue is not quite enough military units here I think it depends and castle two-thirds up and know he's got abandoned it there the bill would just go around and I get picked off by red so nice defense there by red anymore Megan else though got to keep making those bangles are doing all the work here I read I think I stood up there but unfortunately the villagers are going mmm like I said that castle is really well placed in just like 2/3 stop yeah [Music] and here come the villagers about eight villagers coming out to finish this fortunately still not enough units oh no right into the Train of manga Nels take them out oh yeah well they want the village early it those eight villagers taken out just like that and we're back to almost equal villager numbers here at archery range never got built and now where we at 84% and what are you gonna do send twenty more villagers off to their death I think you just gotta give up that castle and that's really too bad I think is unfortunately it's so far along you get almost no stone even for deleting it probably get 100 stone back for that but what I'm gonna do if he takes it all down you lose all the stone you see them coming forward with a few more villagers to try to sneak it I don't think that's gonna happen yes we do weeks it really unfortunate there and read off to a huge score lead now successfully defending that interesting though these crossbows have no upgrades on them let's imagine how much better they would be doing with just a little bit more range and actually I'm certain really like Reds position at the moment it's kind of keeping an eye away it's not really feeling pressure on this side anymore and now this sides obviously feeling pretty good 27 military 2-0 military blue has zero military right now though it's on three town centers and it's still a ten village elite I think it's just being a little bit more on top of because here's one top of keeping up villages we've got no villages queued up at the moment so hmm okay and red doing a nice job moving out here why don't we go out to some house grab a little bit of map space see some units coming out here these long swordsman again just being really annoying and having a sneaky little barracks here I like it where populations at so you have read off to a really big military advantage I think something happens psychologically though when you rushed that aggressively and you're up against someone who does this big all in one town center push on you you are a little bit nervous to push out after that and even still I can't lose finding ways to raid here with much less military and I think it's just being annoying here I don't think he cares too much about getting value he's just trying to make put read psychologically on the defensive and read is definitely a defensive like these and keeping these units here like he doesn't know that if you were to push out right now there's nothing blue can do to stop it whether the score lead should probably tell them that he's the either has a lot more buildings or he has a lot more military units be that far ahead and come up with a nice defensive castle here I like that set actually protects not only these stones but also the school just gives you sort of a watch in place and actually going Imperial age now let's see so if it for minutes it'll be like a 56 minute Imperial aged and home blues thinking about Imperial a sure pretty students got the resources and there he goes heading up to the next stage gotta start thinking at this point actually about yeah this gonna say relics and thinking about where your long-term gold source is gonna be from here we're gonna transition into trash units I think that's just about the last of the goal that red has you see red starting to get upgrades now that's good actually a lot of upgrades coming in the both players [Music] so red hits Imperial h-here and the Reds definitely giving up all those I think that's that's good they remember to do those and probably should make a trebuchet I just think about like what is Imperial eat really get you it's a lot of resources to put in and it ends up getting you a lot of upgrades and trebuchet 'z basically so it's nice to try to make use of those if you can I mean while Blue has his own and he's making samurai I like it so we've got 54 to 11 military but still making red feel like he's under some pressure here and trying to attack these buildings I mean it will get cleaned up but it's still for having such a large 1,500 score lead at this point yeah register feeling very defensive it seems and not pushing out and I don't think he knows how little blue actually has over here and we actually start to focus more in this economy here and I'm sure Reds doing the same after so much early pressure is just one's gonna be fun any setup and everything and this is funny gotta kind of keep an eye on this so let's see there's blue even though an old blue thinks that this tree line is back here Henry allottee nope it's up here he doesn't even have any of this in sight so he won't actually know if that happens yeah you'll see the player sometimes put outposts along that just to try to keep an eye on that and also he probably doesn't have time watch he can't yeah he would need to town watch there to see that I was gonna get town watch in these close maps like Black Forest and in hideout hideout especially because they're right there we all see red sneaking around building in castle now on this side although blues got a sneaky villager over here grabbing this gold that's a really good idea at I should put a town center on that just to try to get some villagers out and snag that up I think that's the last gold on a map and I'm fortunate sending all these villagers over and it's actually just gonna show red where this is right now so now he's trying to get away splitting them up gonna chat it oh you might actually get it hold his one hit away and meanwhile we have finally big push here from red I guess the auditors give them some confidence here to come out although it Castle down I think actually blue and push that up there and obviously eyes kind of prudhoe packed up really fast somebody thinks going on in this map this game is just everything happening everywhere so I think this castle is gonna go up does have the villager it's secured the gold and still have some random units running around this barracks are still alive apparently and still making the odd two-headed swordsman and this castle I think that might be his only castle yeah that is his only castle and it seems to be going to elite samurai or detect into it Bucky elite upgrade so you've put all that in and then to lose the castle so he really doesn't want to so he's trying to repair that castle right now probably getting all the upgrades there for the Aztecs it's a nice job so they have six attack and I have been good guys have five armor yes he's got five pierce armor and six attacks so each of those skirmishes does one damage to the elite samurai and actually successfully chopped through there I don't even think blue knows is blue know about this now oh he still doesn't right on the edge of his line of sight does not know that there's an opening between their bases here and this castle still not up I can't believe it I don't know how he's managed to deny this I'd almost focus on the villager hole the ink in the Eagles who doesn't I shot Wow yeah Megan Ellis are really good against mass units and just get incredible trades now where villagers that nouse are still about around 10 villagers ahead and I don't know if they're still making villagers neither one seems to be making villagers anymore would be nice if they get up to more like 120 villagers I think is kind of sweet spot I guess anywhere between 100 and 130 I guess kind depends what unit you're making but just casually walking through just imagine being blue here right now I mean like wait where did this come from what's happened it's just go to I think they're heading down to that gold yeah which they should and it's less cold on the map and especially if you're starting to make Eagle 's now so we have elite Eagle warrior although missing a few defensive upgrades and still outnumbering military it's about 4 to 1 military for red right now but I still think is a little bit too defensive here it's finally moving in with the Eagles and see down here and finally trying to clean up this barracks barracks has been there for 40 minutes or more and these Eagles are gonna be good they don't have all of their pure somebody self-five pierce armor which is pretty good against the 7 attack town centers I don't think blue sees this this villager numbers dropping by the second now almost a 30 villager difference between the two players red no has one and a half times Blues economy going into an hour and 10 minutes and he's got to know pretty soon that there's a gap here meanwhile pushing on the other side doesn't even carries sending his military out they're like well if he's rating me back home then that means his units aren't in his base so we have sort of this Radian counter rating happening right now I'm not sure he's gonna remember to get the extra attack on there to get the eight attack how long he's gonna have the goal to afford that actually so I got to get those upgrades early because someone's getting a little bit later once the goal runs out it's really hard to justify those upgrades anymore and his samurai running around they are gonna see this castle and maybe tonight I'd be pretty great if they could destroy the castle instead of the villagers and prevent it from getting to Eden yeah it's gonna be a little bit of a messy game though so we've finally cleared that at 37 villagers to a hundred and three villagers for red Wow and this extremely aggressive castle being put down so luckily I think who doesn't know about this now I don't know if you got down watched there it looks like he might coming up with a counter castle of his own but the other castles about 50% he's trying to trap it down right now I think that's definitely right call and all of these dine to what may be an auditor or something Chin's like read did successfully defend that side though and now all the focus seems to be on where these councils are and it looks like he might actually uh got the Eagles coming in both they're just trying to stop the other from building this castle whoever gets this castle up controls this whole area there's no way once one castle goes up you'll be able to get the other that matching to destroy it with those Mangan else I guess the trebuchet probably helps you hey still what sir has starting to get a little bit closer in terms of villagers but not really we're at 86 against 33 villagers anything else me it's a nice value here against the elite skirmishers the gold is becoming a very important if eight gold miners and we have zero gold miners although let's see this is tell me relic so we got three relics for blue so blue actually does have a little bit of a long-term income there and some reason didn't grab this relic oh I guess he's making this right now it's probably go grab that yeah cuz gold becomes so important I like that Glu managed to get this up though because that other caste was at 50% before this even started so that's pretty impressive and red trying to rebuild and trying to read boom blues trying to reboot him a little bit fair enough he's up to 43 villagers I'm going to come back and let's see what's how many concert in this red house Reds on down to just two Town Center's here and now trying to build defensive castle and they can heed some trebuchet is here good like these making that and will spread somewhere eagle warriors from read I guess he's just out of gold because oh here they come yeah that was really effective and you even if you don't pick up very many villagers all of these villagers are garrison and these town centers doing nothing and Sam right here can be pretty nice against basically everything that has tech players doing right now and scores actually getting pretty close again rent has had a three sizable advantage still almost double the villagers hard to say cuz you no more idle and everything but it's got to be much larger income for right in terms of resources right now in this castle you got to take out this trebuchet we can hold this castle for now no since its Eagles get in there I think that cast is probably gonna go down yeah no you can't stop that now what's happening over here oh but taking down this outer castle and being charged by villagers done that a few times now I noticed against siege and it's effective he's got the villagers to spare I guess so you might as well I get some use out of him oh I didn't even see that so blues got a castle down here defend the goal that's good that's cool that goal was huge at this point in the game and bolt is going and absolutely destroyed in terms of villages down to 21 villages 258 villagers an hour 23 into the game and these eco worries my actually it will take this town centre down they don't still don't have all of their defensive upgrades and they also don't have of course the unique unit giving them for more attack for the unique tax rate of 21 villagers 259 villagers and we just have samurai running around through one base well we have equal warriors running around the other yeah I don't not gonna be able to take that down I think those defensive upgrades we might have made a difference they're hard to say all the focus right now at least seems to be on that middle area between the two what three castles try to go up all of them are gone we now have Trevor down this castle again nothing but samurai and all of those upgrades think about all those upgrades to go out and how much value they're giving over long run I'm gonna see a big fight here this oh they just run right past each other and samurai should clean this up pretty easily the Eagle warriors they don't count as a unique unit so you don't get the +10 from the samurai but samurai do have as most infantry unique units they have a slight bonus against needle or easin it's like plus 2 u plus 3 or something like that and more DS he goes as Eagles are so much gold but if it lets you destroy the economies now got more than triple o that up and fast so like five times blues number of villagers and who's got to Town Center's left right there and right there that's that and probably about to lose another ten villagers here or however many of villages he has actually having to send back the samurai and yeah they should be able to clean up these that's pretty easily I mean they would like equal numbers there at the start of that fight samurai are crazy against Eagles and they're even gonna be good against these skirmishers so I I think until the Aztec players starts showing you crossbows you gotta keep going or with are blessed that's right is I think would be the right counter to this still though we're looking at five villagers for blue we've got four gold miners over here and we've got now two two farmers over here six villages that began 71 villagers and very similar military numbers I do like these are blessed you just need a little bit more he's more of a critical mass there and both I'm just completely gutting each other's bases these Eagles are running around there's just nothing to rate anymore because it's got six villagers he has no idea where they are and meanwhile just trebuchet is wrecking it you know blue sure better come in and grab this relic I think is gonna need the relics I should include that here so that's six villagers and I think for relics I think he picked up that one that was here and so what do you do is blue here I guess you try to reboot and you just have to keep like you have to keep this trebuchet is alive you still have a castle oh I still got two castles so he can make those every once in a while but he's to see the resources are going to start to dwindle that's zero wedding come at the moment so five more trivia shades and that's it for what just a ridiculous game ridiculous and just this war of attrition right now where both of them have I mean six villages obviously kind of extreme but even when we have sixty something right now it's still healing up so many evil warriors he's got four barracks is cueing him up from here it looks like it's just sending another way before everytime he can get the gold and he was probably selling at the market at this point just collecting wood rebuilding yeah I think you got a transition right now from evil warriors into are blessed if you want to fight off these samurai I don't think who knows much about where red is he knows these houses are up here as far as he's concerned there's nothing out here but of course meanwhile Reds rebuilding kind of sneaky with his sixty villagers meanwhile he has no idea oh and now he's just found where blues bassist here oh we're blue and that's half as he calling me right there he's only got ten villagers and that's five of them I mean I would just have this one army he can't stop at samurai and just this a handful of trebuchet I mean Japanese trebuchet he's mind you so pack unpack will be fast nice and getting a conversion air I think that's actually a good idea as I mean it's not like looking play makes you many more of these it's got six trebuchet is now some time based I'll try to make phobias and trying to sneak out the odd I really wish I could see what the market prices were right now I don't know if I can do that no I don't think I can no that's too bad I really want to know what the market prices are cuz I think both players are having to rely a lot on using the market Allu starting to rebuild down here so now I got eleven villagers and just yeah again these skirmishers just not quite enough to tax so they're gonna be doing two damage to the samurai heat shot they have seven attack and a samurai have five five armors and good job actually noticing that and taking those even bread slowly dwindling down in villager numbers I think part of it is just these successful little raids you sneak one unit in there and that's a lot of skirmishers even get the trebuchet is involved in there trying to attack them and blue actually jumping out to a bit of a score lead here I'm not even sure what that's coming from I guess just a lot more kills so we're not coming from villager numbers we're 15 villages against 38 villagers and an hour 47 minutes like that's ridiculous you guys know that's ridiculous they're at 15 to 30 villagers and it's just coasting on the resources they already had of course you know red does have a lot more resources at the moment he's got 8,000 wood at the moment he's been chopping over here him blues bass and blues just still trying to stream any samurai that he possibly can blue still actually got a bit of gold so that's 1,700 gold those relics are making a huge difference right now about four relics and now guys we're on equal villager numbers right now both of them have 15 villagers and red is trying to rebuild again got his market he's got a sell as wood for as much gold as he can I think the place to make a lot of our bless what else you do against this you don't have hand cannoneers you don't have any sort of cavalry since Reds Aztecs so what's the play here queuing up a bunch of equal warriors and I mean if he gets enough of them we probably could overwhelm the samurai but it's nowhere near cost-effective Magus he's selling all of that would he had 8,000 would like one minute ago and it's all gone and it's all going into as many Eagle Wars as he can he's trying to build houses we're on 1112 villagers each some reason transitioning into two-handed swordsman I guess even better attack bonus against Eagles actually the two-handed swordsman and both this this is it like this is all their resources into these last two armies coming forward still manage and have the trebuchet and one massive fight here huge advantage here for blue in terms of that unit match up and just cleans up those Eagles and that's it read calls it so somehow blue completes and the most ridiculous comeback I have seen in a long time to say the least Japanese have never been my favorite civilization more than watching this game I think what did it for me was when it was my 70 or 80 villagers for red and I think blue had for at one point and just had the perfect unit choice I mean if I were to say maybe one thing that red could have done to prevent that comeback I think it just comes down to unit choice and maybe just not knowing the Eagles take that extra bonus damage from swordsmen which is why it's so important to know those those counters and to know what units to make but even then not to take anything away from from blue or red I think both played a very entertaining game and both showed a lot of heart a lot of resilience it's hard to play for two hours and even if that's one point seven speed it's hard to play that long as such a messy game from red being attacked on all sides and they're just putting really defensive position they're crazy crazy game and here's the bases here's Reds base right here's blues base just ridiculous so let's check out some of these stats and like this I think it was like 250 250 at one point like they were very very similar and then read to Scott alright sorry blue just got so much value against all the skirmishers and all the Eagle warriors and everything and those trebuchet is just doing work against those buildings and red of course had the large villager lead and more than double the wood collected kind of close to double the stone and more gold more food but at the end the day it's about getting that value in the long run and you can see of course red going for that fast castle and ten minutes extra in castle but I really turn it into a villager advantage she was under so much pressure and that relic gold of course pretty huge was silly game and like here's that light blues all those villagers and just villagers gone just nothing but military whereas red still had all the villagers but just never really got the military numbers going at the end the day military beats villagers anyway I hope you guys like that game and something definitely different for me to commentate a game on the channel but you know you guys saw it I had to share that one with you guys so hope you guys enjoyed it thanks for watching and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Spirit Of The Law
Views: 436,785
Rating: 4.9358163 out of 5
Keywords: aoe2, age of empires 2, definitive edition, aoe2de, sotl, spirit of the law, commentary, low elo, legends, gameplay, 1000 elo, hideout, 1v1, ridiculous, funny
Id: lALHlve395Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 55sec (2215 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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