The Graham Norton Show: Jennifer Lawrence, Chris Pratt, Jamie Oliver, Will.I.Am

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hello i'm jennifer lawrence and i'm chris pratt's welcome to the grand hunting show [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you guys hello welcome to the show we've got a great lineup for you tonight oh I tell you we have our server couldn't be any cooler if we left it out overnight Julie's new cold snap break a hip it's been quite a week hasn't it gentlemen praise be honey G was voted off The X Factor Ed Balls that strictly sanity has been restored I say that sanity is restored yeah have you seen what's been happening at you Kip central whoo old and new together remind you of anyone the good news is at last Nigel Faraj has left party politics and now finally he can go home and spend more time with his wife yes we've got another great lineup of guests for you tonight later we'll be joined by rapper and music mogul yes music from the stunning Emily Sunday [Applause] chef to the most successful TV cook of all time and justified for Christmas he's back with his 19th cookbook it's Jamie [Applause] Hollywood star is the go-to leading man at the moment now he's back in space in the sci-fi thriller passengers it's Chris [Applause] she's the oscar-winning star of silver linings playbook American hustle and the blockbuster franchises x-men and Hunger Games it's always a pleasure to welcome Jennifer [Applause] I didn't notice they are incredible I I didn't even notice those earlier that's incredible it's very dark it was very dark and and just to check with our American Reds do you you must know Jamie Oliver have you met Jamie Oliver before uh it's the first time we've ever met but I of course I know who he is yeah yeah and I don't mean to depress Jamie but Chris Pratt you've been less than kind about British cooking well and I look ah I know that in America we're a real melting pot we've got great Italian restaurants and great Japanese restaurants and like Indian food but there's not like hey let's go get let's go get British tonight so you guys you go to the drinking which I love yes yeah your food is basically coat the stomach so the Ale and the whiskey and the scotch and all that chef has a place to live an Irish friend of mine she calls dinner so Kitsch I go home eh what that was great so kids yeah essentially it's potatoes five ways yeah fried fish and chips yeah I gotta be careful what I eat cuz I am fat guy James well I have to replace food with alcohol yeah you balance that life it's pressing several steps shall we come on cheers everyone yes hey Cheers you do here's a sensible calendars me I get nervous that I'm gonna say something and then I'm nervous I'm I grew up I better drink that doesn't help for this way no I hope I don't go on TV and say something silly now often on the show later on we check people's yearbooks and things and I have to say tonight bodes well for a chat show on a chat show what do you want well Jennifer Lawrence voted back in high school most talkative years in a row Oh two consecutive years that's very impressive yeah it was hard to get him Chris Chris Pratt he was voted class clown oh my god we didn't have okay no let me Jamie Oliver didn't have a yearbook but if they had you might have got most likely to win Princess Leia look-alike competition really why is that your own hair yeah yes incredible yeah I know I'm trying to grow it again well I wouldn't yeah it was like he's like a bouffant geez I know I was cool as well you were cool trust me you were cool I know that my brother looked exactly like that and and he was the coolest guy yeah thank you yeah that's that was cool and actually here's with it cuz in school II I mean joking aside school can be easy because you you're dyslexic so that was must be no yeah I was I Dupree I wasn't very academic at school let's put it that way and I was in what you would call they called it special needs in those days so I did five years of special needs I know this wasn't the best for your confidence but just a fast-forward what an inspiring thing so here's this guy it dyslexic in school later gentlemen I give you the best-selling nonfiction writer in this country of all time ever ever [Applause] Mrs Murphy bless you like the only person does that told you at all is JK Rowling yes yeah but by quite a lot did well don't get me wrong but like the next level I know but apparently your your reading books now uh uh what okay this is gonna make so I can read and but I really struggled with narrative books I always fell asleep after twelve in pages and then when I saw Jennifer in Hunger Games I loved it so much and you're amazing and I wanted to see the next show straightaway but I can't be bothered to wait so I've got the book and I read it which which for me it was a big deal and anyone that's dyslexic will know how that feels but um so yeah and it was amazing to be have a place quite a place where I could kind of get into it yeah but I also I've just started wearing glasses so realize I'm blind as well but our movie time Jennifer Lawrence of Chris Pratt together at last in passengers it's on the 21st of December and so though it seems like you should have been in a movie already like did you know each other before even Matt we'd never met that's so weird ya know it's like we just met six months ago and did a movie together yeah no well we never met and we're just gonna go really sweet you were yeah go do it do it yeah I know it's not today we had we had a great time I course knew her work and and when I read the script it was it really was the the greatest script I'd ever read I loved it so much its original its it's really complicated and interesting and when I read it they said you know I was instructed by my man my manager said imagine Jennifer Lawrence as the lead I was like are you kidding me and so I did and it just it fits so well and I just thought if this thing came together and she was in it like how awesome would that be and you know she loved it as well and so she did it and now we're best friends for life [Applause] not only are you in this movie together you're kind of the only people in it I know so for most people who don't know explain the premise how this happens uh well Chris is better at that than me but you're making eye contact with me I'll say it we are both passengers that's not right after 20 year journey we're in a hyper sleep something goes wrong with the ship I'm trying to just vision the studio note in my head something goes wrong with a ship we wake up and we're the only people awake on the ship for a very mysterious and bad reason um there's 90 years left about 90 years left to go so we're basically gonna just die on this ship but then I wake up and I'm like what he's cute and every cloud and that's the movie yeah pretty much to me flowers stuff happens off to that boat yeah we're stuck together on the ship and and alone and we don't know we're trying to like unravel the mystery of why we woke up and through the course of doing so we start to fall from one another and then you know that gets interrupted by like the imminent collapse of this debt know again if she keeps thinking that there's bad robots in the movie this is Apes it's really bad dog and then it all of all hell breaks loose and we have to you know have an awesome action movie what is we've got a clip this is an after you both woke it up and you decide to finally go on a date you have a visitor Wow clean up pretty good yourself I'm not shopping I went shopping [Music] you two look fine this evening we're on a date very nice took you long enough to ask I was giving you space oh space the one thing I do not need more of was he there yeah you know how these things happen yeah he Skyped it in yeah he was there he spent a you know he spent a few weeks with us and he plays Arthur who's an Android and you know were two people who are like so in desperate need of a kind of like interpersonal connection and like a human connection because we're essentially in this state of solitary confinement and so we try seeking that with him and it there's some humor that comes from it and and it's a little ominous a little dark and he I mean he's fabulous he's so great in the movie and there's a lot as you were saying there's lots of kind of elements it's with disabilities romance there's kind of the action and the drama and all that kind of you know what you want from big science-fiction movie yeah but I think I was support there was boy sex in this no more sex reason you didn't mention that bit cuz that's alright what I know about right Chris Brown Oh Chris Brad offers up his box he does I really yeah yeah more than once yeah you see me fully naked in this movie yeah comfortably naked stay for the spaceship and ship because you've talked on here Jennifer about when you prepare for kind of more intimate scenes but your breath but to be your breath and so how did Chris fare in the in the breath control um I said when I'm whenever he had to kiss Josh and Liam for the Hunger Games who cares I'd eat like mustard and tuna like cares and then I went off and I did the American hustle and I was like Christian Bale and it was like and I was like really clean and rinse amendments and I'm with crap I ate mints oh no big deal you see the suspense a bills yeah I know I was thinking mints as in minced meat lovely boom yes it was corned beef yeah actually talking of sexy scenes I don't know if you were aware what Jamie started he was called The Naked Chef yes yeah yeah one person remembers that no it's nearly 20 years ago we were told by that brought back Ames I'm excite I don't think about that but it was but yeah years ago but obviously you never appeared naked but not ideally no but I was i what was it why was it called it's all about drippings restaurant food down to its bare essentials oh come on and it was a phenomenon no it's great I mean it was it was a it was a moment when cooking was for girls and I was trying to teach the British boys that cooking got you girls out and but now you did do some naked cooking in your own house though I've done that once thank you very much for that for Valentine's Day nice idea I made a meal whole seabass stuffed with herbs little m red onion in a vag yeah side of oliver sauce don't embarrass the teenagers no sauce but no I did have a new oven and it was fan assisted and I laid the table I put Sharda on as if you know that's the full romance thing and when I opened the convection oven oh by the way I was naked okay with the Pinney when I'm in the oven a jet of hot steam attacked my penis and the pain was so incredible I mean honestly have you ever mind you're gonna see bass [Applause] seriously bearing in mind it was supposed to be an IT romance I genuinely ended up sitting just in utter pain in a leather seat with Green Giant on my old fella really bad but dr. basically the reason I'm happy to tell the story is because it's a public service announcement yes do not cook in the nude yeah but the sea bass was delicious yeah pretty good anyway thanks for bringing out don't get about getting naked a Chris Pratt you apparently like getting it and at one point you tried to turn that into your source of income what well not always uh you know I'm really happy that person wasn't for me yeah yeah I uh for a while I stripped for money bless you I love that successfully well I mean if when you need 40 bucks and you get 40 bucks I didn't do I like uh it never got like uh ninna --scent you know what I mean like I actually did it maybe three or four times and then decided I was going to go and like audition at an actual nightclub like a like a strip club for men and I with male strippers you know and I went and I did an audition but when I was there there was like a guy sleeping in his car waiting for the club to open because he was a dancer there and I just felt this darkness that I was like this is about to turn this is like going from fun funny storytelling thing but in you know 15 years I can tell in the Graham Norton Show to uh you know I could be that guy very into the gallon yeah yeah anyways moved in with the guy in his car he's my manager [Applause] christmas is coming and wonders what to do it is Jamie Oliver and it is Christmas cookbook everybody it's in shops now we often get you know cookbooks and things on the show this I was flicking through it yesterday think you oh I'll find some funny bit to show it's so good it is just you don't need this is your 19th book you don't need to write a 20th everything is in this it's like a Delia Smith it is like a Bible I well it's like it's a Christmas cookbook it had to be classic Greatest Hits oh there's not just Christmas it's all it's just really dinner parties in a party yeah it's great Alex for big but you know you have eight people ten people it's all in here thank you yeah I'm chuffed with it I've got to say I mean I like to normally be humble but it is probably it's probably the best perk of ever written now I think it's Christmas has got everything going for it it's it's emotional it's family it's about bringing people together it's that time of year when most people cook even the people that don't cook and like helping them get their plan of action together is is what it's all tuned in for and if you need any more convincing there gentleman page 106 entire chapter begins called the wonderful water tater respect I convinced my editor there I know so like it delicious now they're they're ridiculous and those roast potatoes and nuts or and that's today's so magico the match goes the man that's that ham pie that's a new creation but getting the body Chris forget it getting that fur on her she has a bunch of your books by the way he's ready yeah yeah you're naked on the cover yeah I didn't know about that one but it must be the bootleg look like this my palms honor yeah we're gonna make that piranha actually she's gonna make it for me did you make ever heard oh I know the whole book it's very sweet you dedicated to your neck yes I did again and a lot of Christmas yeah Christmas didn't love her make so much well I dedicated her and I thought well you say a few words when you dedicate it to your late man and yeah one of my earliest memories of Christmas was my nan enthusiastically reaching for us from Brussels sprouts and in Britain we have crackers and I don't know what they are but we pull them and they snap and then you have a present and a Joe can you put it out on it's very cheap but it's nice and as you lean over my Nan's hat caught fire to the candle which by default caught fire to her hair sprayed blue-rinse and then she became a human candle my memory was looking up and my dad was like beating her up and I thought that's wrong and I didn't realize he was putting her out and when he finally you know put her out and we carried on eating that deal and I thought that's Christmas never that necessarily goes the way you expect it and it there is always stress there but you know it was a but you know it's a pleasure to write that book the last two books were very tough the this one was a pleasure to write okay brilliant and that we've established Chris so Anna does the cooking in your house yeah yeah honors honor pretty much does the cooking and Jennifer wants do you cook I do I I mean yeah you do Christmas I could know oh my god no did a chicken recently and no one got sick but I'm hardly the candidate for cooking for young children it's Christmas nothing small people that's a where would you be for Christmas I'll be in Kentucky okay okay in a swamp my mom does the cooking I help you know I like you know talk to her while I drink wine chain-smoked out the window that looks miserable I'm evening cuz Chris you worked in restaurants you oh yeah oh yeah so you worked in Hawaii but then you worked in LA as well yes I worked in a restaurant in Beverly Hills to pause it was what tried to be it wasn't it look it was a terrible restaurant and it was it was just awful and I was a major contributing factor it was it had it was just real garbage it's been revamped now but I loved it it was the name I'll give you free meals I mean they will give me that's how I ate I mean when you're when you're in Hollywood and in other places like you need a job that gives you your days free so you can try to audition for projects so I'd work the weekends I'd worked the nights and now that's all I did I had no money and no one was coming to the restaurant so I wasn't making any tip I'd make like 20 or 30 bucks a day maybe and so it was really a place I'd go to nourishment to eat yeah yeah that kitchen fed me for like the time that I was there Isis oh man you ever do this where you I would like a lady would come in and she'd be like what do you recommend I'm like 32 ounce porterhouse tell them I said listen here's how you want medium-rare with some mushrooms on the side I get you some mashed potatoes I love this you know 90 year old woman and so I bring the stake out to this lady she I'm not I'm not hiding in the corner watching like it she tells like how much is she eating and how much do I get you know go back and she was like I can't eat another bite percent of the steak is left we have a thing called the tunnel which is an area between the dining room in the kitchen where they keep all the soft drinks and like the silverware and stuff and that's I've been busted so many times eating off people's plates that they were like you have to stop doing that like it's really really bad and I was so anything I ate I had to eat in the tunnel this is my safe zone where for judgment the customers are going to see me eat their food and the chef's not going to yell at me for eating the food so I was like I had about 14 maybe ounces of steak that I had to get down in about ten feet straight up like swabbo toe dragon wolf the steak down you know get it oh my ha ha cha cha cha that's like three days where the protein right there walk back yell and the lady was like listen I'd love to get that steak to go oh gosh ma'am let me go - I'll go check and I was like Oh what do i do what do I do and I said I'm sorry I'm so sorry I already threw in the trash I threw in the trash and she said it's for my dog it's fine just fish it if you don't mind just fish it out put it in a boxes I was like you bet you bet yeah this man absolutely will do now walking like Freddy it's on the fly man don't ask any questions just give me one right now and so he started cooking at stake and I was like that was a [ __ ] I went out to where I was like ma'am I'm gonna get you that steak they just took the garbage out to the dumpster I'm gonna roll up my sleeves I'm gonna jump in that dumpster I'm gonna get it for you because I'm gonna dog Pomeranian no way I love that so sweetie where's that steak and she ended up being so like happy that I would be willing to dig through the garbage for her dog that she gave me a giant tip and she left early cuz she couldn't wait for the steak to be done so I got another steak yeah big big Jamie Albert makes lovely food he saved Christmas we're not coming on now well no no this is this is this is extraordinary so you you did one simple recipe and it caused an international incident right you know this yes yes so you on Instagram you posted this perfectly nice look at this good Spanish food discovers better than my baylor mine version combines chicken thighs and treats a video perfect turns out Spanish people quite fussy about their food he's just one of the comments remove the treat oh we don't negotiate with terrorists first warning yes then there's another one I like this one and great work Jamie Oliver I also cook paella hope you like my version they went medieval on me man like it was this this this one is genius this one is G they really put a lot of work into this one they said like chorizo your treat so that painting the restoration of No so people automotive in Spanish this one all I hear sewing here apparently translate that it says chop off your fingers and turn them into nuggets but they it gets so much darker than that I mean like so they got this it trended it foot for weeks and and and I death threats and all sorts because of a bit of sausage honestly like I was in Canada at the time I was talking to the president and we were doing whole things about great things of childhood obesity strategies in Canada because our one filter pieces and then like as I went out the be a Lanza but oh you in the paper today one brilliant good solid work and she went yeah chorizo Spanish down like you ever idea that month was overtaken by the chorizo yeah this kind of says it all this is the the final one that is Spanish for I've [ __ ] on your ancestors get out you protest don't miss don't manage I don't mind but hurry so sounds delicious rate I can sell anything 50 news by the way just FYI it tastes better with Teresa trust me or don't trust me you're starting it again stop it hey man actually talking all the cultural differences at Jennifer Lawrence you know you filmed some of the Hunger Games in Hawaii oh god how do you know about this [ __ ] me told it somewhere nothing tell that story again no so you were filming I was it where were these rocks were they kind of on the coast were they in the mountain there were we were filming in Hawaii there were sacred rocks and they were I don't know where ancestors who knows um they were sacred and you're not supposed to sit on them because you're not supposed to expose your genitalia to them bliss um however it was in a wetsuit for this whole shoot so doesn't count mine oh my god they were so good for but it and you know um one one Rock what one Rock I was spud scratching on ended up coming this is a giant boulder in a roll down this mountain and almost killed our sound guy and I cuz a girl station that got destroyed it was like cool like it was a huge dramatic deal and all the Hawaiians were like oh my god it's the curse the quarter like one time your curse I wedged it loose with my inside my next guest this seven-time Grammy winner found fame with the Black Eyed Peas and became one of the industry's biggest names it's a warm welcome back to [Applause] [Music] oh hey guys now do you headphones in no okay wow you wish to rock with you assets ah this is we played this inside we played a bit of black eyed peas it's what is the Buckeye bees are they back together again we've never broke up Oh didn't you know we just took a break okay four years no like we've been on since since we started it okay and for you wouldn't have a baby so I mean I deserves a break yes I agree so he's saying it was Fergie and now and then I produce I'm producing her solo record and now we started a new Black Eyed Peas album that would be I don't like to say an album we're doing a new black IP project okay that would be out um next year so yeah it's fresh okay and that is that you mentioned a few times now that you're interested in technology and computers and all that sort of stuff and you have big ideas about the future of food well I am so those are my ideas well I didn't heard them before so you can tell me oh we're talking about 3d printing and how 3d printing will change the food that we eat as well and how it's made and prepared because I've seen awesome stuff in China and around the world where they take protein put it in 3d printer and print things like beef really oh yeah yo jennifer is nobody with a 3d printer never mind the food coming out of it yeah they could think you could print like chocolate my friend I could I'll send you the email like of a recipe and it prints it out yes I would download that book in a heartbeat can you imagine or or you invite people over and you run out of ink I'd like that would be a disaster in pink so for example so this is like 20 years now what the world would be like okay I'll invite people now this isn't happening no don't worry the future 20 years from now we will have 3d printers that print all sorts of things as well as body parts like kidneys and stuff well they're already doing that yeah they've already started they sound delicious my mistake I'm sorry wengie not feel awful genome sequencing together you know you you you you'll be sick and you need a new kidney or liver you print it chew chew chew chew it'll be your genome and yeah have me at liver very good but I've seen the future I saw that film you don't like that in the passenger seat you I can't wait to see that yeah yeah it's right there yeah yeah I can't move I've watched movies like all the time and you know I love your films thank you you're feeling like it's way off so don't sit on the couch are you guys always on my TV and I'm following this up so like yeah so yeah Thank You Man thank you yeah don't don't watch passengers on a phone I feel it deserves a bigger forum on your phone no so the phone is for when I miss the film right and then I then I get the phone slide it to my Apple TV we don't want our big TV and then boom it like that Oh I have Apple TV but I have to use that damn remote yeah so what are the spoon wooden spoon so you don't lose it Benjen I like that it's old technology and new technologies working together yep we're all stealing that idea came on talking about genome sequence you know buck I get it yeah and as you are spending a long time in the UK because of course you're back with the voice yes voices on TV now now obviously it's got ads in it but apart from that will it be different will it be the same it's different one of the things that's different if we don't turn for somebody the chairs on turn and then we don't get to say anything to them they just stand-in there like what the [ __ ] and so then so sorry I like that though well you can curse on here a little bit but I like the idea of their just like their footsteps just for 20 bucks cuz you can't give them any feedback do people clap at least as they walk off no sometimes they're booing that we didn't true let's see oh do the contestants think that they're being booed no they know it oh they know yeah they know that this times what we should have turned but we're all you know in our own head thinking that we're waiting for Jesus Christ to come singing and blow Arizona yeah well Jesus Christ doesn't come so the everybody saw is going wouldn't that be interesting if that's how he came back though [Applause] and on the third verse they did not turn again so it returns on ITV in the new year obviously other programs are available in BBC one but you brought a little sneak peek and this is you and the other judges having a laugh at the auditions whoever's coming up next if you can hear me back there don't be nervous just bring that bag up but we could do great balls of fire okay you check my nerves and you rattle my brain too much of lives of a man saying you broke my wheel a water-filled look gracious [Applause] you came along I change my mind let's gracious great [Applause] Wow it's time for our musical enrollments this lady's first album was the biggest seller of 2012 and went seven times platinum performing her new single breathing all the water please welcome any Sunday [Applause] [Music] I believe all cuz it's a miracle I'm here guess you could call me spiritual cuz physical is fear [Music] the stone and single morning-after get some love to stay from my home the other anime [Music] [Music] I'll rig dinner [Music] [Music] [Music] every star knows who you are you know [Music] you know [Music] to pay love you jealous so [Music] [Music] [Music] son [Music] [Applause] [Applause] what you love that thank you it was beautiful now if everyone's washed up this room family there we go lovely Marcus and congratulations on that it was gorgeous thank you very much and that's the new single it's off the album long live the angels which is out now yeah figure no so I was done difficulties or is it four years since yeah 2012 was the last album so it's been a while again yeah and I know people want to talk to you about it and bla bla bla bla but I suppose it is that thing when you know people go out there they look for success they wanted says but nothing can prepare you for it so was it did it kind of freaked you out when that album went so big yeah a little bit I mean it was amazing to sing the songs and to perform and connect with people but I'm quite a shy introverted person sort of to be out there all of a sudden it was quite unusual for me and I felt like I had to go back to reactor to real life to really get to grips of songwriting again get better I do so it was important for me to take time away also I guess if you're writing music you've got to have a bit of a life yeah exactly what songs about waiting for your luggage of the first-class lab yeah I want to talk about real life and I want to talk about real feelings it's true a real song about that last night never recorded now you've never in this country you've never really toured before have you well I've turd but not on the on the level we're we're gonna do next year Oh so what's what's happening tell us well I'm gonna do my first arena tour and yeah it's gonna be announced on take it's go until next Wednesday so that's the dream country for me and you hack how I thank you for that performance it's absolutely stunning Emily Sonya ready visit Rudy Big Red's chair who's there hello hello hi what's your name Pamela Pamela lovely and where you from Pamela st. Alban st. Albans oh it's a game of two halves in Albans some of its lovely and what you doing said Albans table I retired now all right what did you do I was an education in education yeah teacher perhaps well yes and then I went into management and look a change man well I'm not a detective I won't keep going after you go with your story well when I was a teenager I was really naive and when I was about 17 or 18 I was at a party and somebody told a joke and everybody laughed but this joke went way over my head but I thought I'd better laugh because everybody else loved so it must be funny then the next week I was at another party so I thought well I told that joke so I said okay everybody how do you circumcised a whale and somebody said I don't know how do you circumcise away and I said you send down five skin divers and there was absolute silence and I thought oh my god everybody left last week and then somebody said do not mean fall and I said oh well that's what this table [Applause] your jokes can be in the details okay who've you got next hello hello Graham hi what's your name Jackie Jackie and where you from Jackie I'm from Shoreham near Brighton sure it's a very nice part of right need a very nice bar right and what are you do down there I'm a mother of two and I look after the accounts of my husband's company Oh Sean's a very nice part of the world okay yeah all right I figured with your story right so my husband comes downstairs one day and announces he is in so much pain he thinks he's got piles and could I take a look nice great opening to anything that's good yeah though I said not happening you think you got piles go to the doctor but he goes on and on and on he's saying things like there's nothing I wouldn't do for you I've seen you give birth please take a look so anyway eventually he wears me down I said okay in the bathroom he goes I'm had to save 3 meter distance he pulls his pants down and I see this huge shiny red bubble and I'm like oh my god boy you need to go to the doctor this isn't God we need to go to the hospital and he starts laughing and says I don't need to go to the hospital for that and pulls out a cherry demotic Oh Jennifer Lawrence says you can walk [Applause] at this various that's eat for tonight please say thank you bye guys every Sunday [Applause] - I hole sabotage big artist Grayson Perry and Princess Leia herself Carrie Fisher I'll see you then good night and grams back next Friday at the same time 10:35 its musicals week this week on strictly five couples remain battling for a place in the semi-finals live tomorrow at 7:00 here on BBC one next tonight would I lie to you [Music] you [Applause]
Channel: Anastasia the Unicorn
Views: 2,589,392
Rating: 4.8116202 out of 5
Keywords: the passenger, jennifer lawrence, jlaw, j law, chris pratt, chris, pratt, guardian of the galaxy, jamie oliver, graham norton show, graham norton show2016, graham norton show 2016, graham norton 2016
Id: g-Y4dIxGHj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 36sec (2736 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2016
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