The Graham Norton Show-Matt Damon, Bill Murray, Hugh Bonneville- Part 2

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yes okay it was a gig at a movie in Venice I don't even remember but I don't remember much it was the night we had lost in translation open and in Venice and was a big deal so there's a one night and all the Hollywood guys they're all really stiffs most of them and but one night of the year they end up on this one island in Venice they end up in Venice and they all drink a whole lot for some parent reason not George but these other like show business guys so I kind of reach you know George drinks all the time this is true drinks regularly and consistently but um so I know I met George that night and we kind of hit it off and then I went back to America and my son said to me what's this about you and George Clooney pushing people around in wheelchairs in Venice I said you know you're my son I would have expected more from you yeah to believe that kind of a story you know why me why would you ever think that something like that actually happened and he said because there are pictures no this is the age we live in so so it turned out that George and I were like taking women around in wheelchairs and trying to dump them into the swimming no no they no one died no one day was a joke it was a joke they just got a rinse tonight tonight at the premiere you there were some relatives of the old monuments men's family and lady in a wheelchair came for a photograph with everyone and she was there in probably in her 90s and you sat on her knee she was 97 would expect I asked mark to do it first when do it now when I sat on her lap no it's I find that if you look at someone like that you see the wheel trick when you see someone on their lap you see a party girl 97 here waiting I'll give you a story from a few days ago we're in Berlin we land in Berlin for the film festival and the film festival is gonna be the next day we have press all day starting in the morning and it's 5 o'clock and my wife and I are getting a bite to eat in our hotel at you know in the restaurant and Bill walks up and we're getting a snack cuz we're all meeting for dinner at 8:00 the whole cast is meeting for dinner and bill walks up and he goes hey and I go hey and he goes I might miss dinner tonight and I go oh really why even not feeling well or you're jet-lagged like what is it and he goes now I'm gonna go to Prague you're gonna go you're gonna go to Prague yeah I'm gonna take the train like the Train we're in Berlin like how far is that I lived in Prague for a while I've never done that he goes that's it five hours it's five o'clock now you see a train leaves in an hour you're mine we had press it like 9:00 a.m. not ambidextrous you're gonna take a train to Prague for 5:00 you're gonna get there around 11:00 or around midnight and he goes yeah but I've never been there it's pretty it's a really pretty didn't go oh did you did it and and aim is bang-on time for press the next morning the best is they get a walk into a prog and they have this extraordinary astronomical clock there that's a mechanical clock that has like roosters that crow and like skeleton that rings the bell and OVA and you know I go through a whole process with a lady from the embassy who couldn't have been nicer to walk me around town and the clock rings but it only rings once it's one o'clock in the morning yeah okay let's get attacked now you born you born you don't mind me calling you on its it's catching on now keep on you lost keep on you been like the Java was like our packs and then there's Hugh bond we're about h-bomb but now do you did you know George Clooney before this oh we go back years no he talks about having a long lunch and not getting the job off at the end of it you know there was a five-second phone call from my agent saying George Clooney once I said yes say yeah and then in fact I haven't yeah I haven't actually fest up that the the offer these things come through from your agent saying very dry letters saying do you for your attention this project produced by so-and-so twenty-eight million names of who are the producers and then starring and you know Bill and Matt and everyone else and then at the bottom another name for my part which they'd failed to wipe out so you know these things happen I was thrilled I'm not gay Oh was it an English person it was actually yeah yeah it's Victoria Beckham would have been brilliant but is it all kind of down to the Downton thing was George a fan of daily because in 220 territories I didn't know there were 220 territories so what does that mean terrace is different to nation yes must be I don't there are two other twenty countries but a territory some areas are there how many and one somebody google it now do you guys watch Downton do you know what Downton walk now I'm starting to think like Texas is its own territory we're territory I'm gonna shoot you if you come down here sorry what did you watch Downton before no my wife is an addict and by addict I mean like a crack addict and it's like a problem we were supposed to start the show together and I came to bed one night and she said I've just watched six of them and she was like I'll I'll tell you what happened because she wanted to see seven and she didn't want to go back to the first I know and so she's done the whole thing and I'm and I'm on my own so watch Downton Abbey because I love you but I'm gonna have to find time somehow to do that amazing for kids have you ever seen it bill doctor Dobby no I never have but I'm just slow I have a lot of like I'm really slow cleaning up my room and getting dressed and everything Missy shows I look forward to getting like a serious flu or something like get the entire set and watch the whole thing because he seems like the greatest guy seems like a great guy it's a very it's a very good show it's I dunno what it's one of those weird things it's too convincing like I'm sort of on the fringes of his industry I meet actors on the show but when I see the Downton cast on a red carpet and they're it's the servants I always think I was that lovely mrs. Patmore she borrowed a dress you think in the morning off wizzy they're going where's my kid jury well you have a love/hate thing don't you with it no I love it and I watch it all the time but a bit like a red strip with crack and I hate it too well you know it's killing you let me ask you is is he like the grin he's the Lord of the Lord but what you need to know bill is Lord Grantham and I think this is fair is always wrong well there you go he's though isn't he you must get annoyed when you know when your name comes out of a dog's arse and the titles you know no cuz Lady Sybil you killed her blood on your hands no more than the show it didn't sorry yes you did time at dr. Clarkson okay yeah okay up to then who will tell me I have you seen the show that point up the fight on the show but I don't want to know you killed some up to that point on the show we call him dr. death on set because every decision he makes a terrible yes so there is some sense in my character calling in some outside advice yet it happens to be possibly the wrong one and you know she wants out of a contract so she dies if you're watching in one of the 220 territories to that point in the story yet and hey maybe she gets better I wouldn't join the Matthew Crawley fan club either I wouldn't invest in that mental pain excuse me are you hungry I can't repeat close-ups on them bladder gladder like a pee yeah you know you all respect we don't we have commercials in America you can go and do this in the middle let's keep going BBC ladders of Steel Britney Josephine I just must ask you the lost in translation when you're making that film I read that you had a particular phrase book in Japan is this true that's true we didn't get that phrase book I don't know where I found it I sort of went hunting looking for something and it's something that I purchased years before before I made the film and it's a book called making out in Japanese so what what are some of the phrases in the book well it's pretty great and I I used to take this book with me to dinner I used to take this to the sushi bar and sit down in front of sushi chef and say can we get into the backseat do you have a curfew do you mind if I use protection guys all had big knives big and they all liked it very much but I had a lot of fun with that that very with that book and I it would just make my life so much fun I still have the book it's a treasure to me it's it's uh it's it's in my you know first editions I guess Thunder glass I learned some great expressions I learned one expression which turns out to be like the final thing you say before you you kill or fight in Japan which is who do you think you're talking to this is like a real status kind of thing you said you do and and it's and you said you that anything will got them will do it then dial and you say it like that and it's totally terrifying and we used to get dressed up in the Sofia's movie we'd move around and we'd have a makeup we'd rent like a small hotel room and that would be the makeup and hair dressing and all the stuff in them wardrobe and everything one morning I got my first ipod there's a long story you got a lot of time yeah I got my first iPod and I was singing like the Beatles I was singing something like let it be it's something like that really loud full volume but it's 5:30 in the morning and some guy steps out of his hotel room in his robe and he comes down he starts shouting at me and I had the headphones on I just left out a message that I'm in will cut him with this and this giant man just went completely white because it's a Yakuza thing which means now you're going to die ran down the hall slam the door lock the door so I know but I said only I was allowed to work at a deep bread what you're sacked beautifully done nice little seamless no one will notice anything thanks for sending the memo to everybody but me well yeah that is all doesn't it yeah it's weird I've never seen this color and now I see it on three men at we have a go at Matt night and now from the sublime to the ridiculous there because at you Bonneville why was he Hugh Bonneville no no what was a lovely man he bought his own van but I just want to refer back to a television appearance that you bonneville made a couple of weeks ago he was on a program called Top Gear
Channel: anglovirtual
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Keywords: The Graham Norton Show (TV Program), Graham Norton (Author), Hugh Bonneville (Theater Actor), Bill Murray, Matt Damon
Id: 9jJU3lzU7OU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Sat May 03 2014
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