Anna Kendrick on The Graham Norton Show (S20E01) | Trolls 2016

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ladies and gentlemen I can't stop the feeling about this guy I mean it's just he's bringing sexy back he's back or whatever I didn't write this cold open cry me a river welcome to the Graham Norton Show miss Charles saw then broke the mold to become one of our most daring and interesting actors about stage and screen it's a very good [Music] [Applause] into the woods and the hugely successful pitch perfect movies now she's voicing princess poppy in the new film trolls please welcome [Applause] this man went from hit boy band NSYNC become one of the world's biggest music stars yeah it's a very war first art welcome to Grammy winning emmy-winning actor extraordinaire physical comedy trying to do my Peter Sellers bit nobody you've never been here before my first time with you that is weird I'm already comfortable by the way that's good I'm glad you should be you should be drink your tea Patrick you join us your Britain let's at times sad times because the Great Bridge bake-off I can't talk about it no you you're genuine upset aren't you I I'm really upset I mean you're all upset it's fine we've been doing press together for chosen she's actually mentioned how like obsessed cake idiot yeah I mean I'm very sad but I also is so great that it sort of immediately turned melon sue into folk heroes and we're also proud of Mary for like following suit and then it's like course Paul stayed [Music] American be mean to me would you actually like if they were like with you can you bake it would you go on the celebrity edition I thought I can bake but I like to take my time you know I like to put on a DVD with commentary fake and that it like fills up my brain to capacity and I can't be worried about like nobody likes you some of us have Adele in the bathtub anna has DVD commentary you like me no no I do I do we've got photographic proof of you liking bacon yes that is Graham yes it was chilly outside from the porch of my house and where's the photo again there yeah that's a real man with a pink mixer okay the last of you were here because you caused a bit of sensation because we we discovered you remember and we did the time-traveling thing all right yeah yeah cuz I saw it you they didn't an American Joey yes yes they're yeah they make your bit I know hey so we're gonna do it again yeah we discovered this is very weird so Daniel Radcliffe obviously I hear like many foreign people throughout history and some of them there's what I hope the one you're gonna show is the one that simultaneously looks like a twelve year old me and a 75 year old woman we've got that one yeah it's like a really easy game of Where's Wally this one is adorable I love this one you just want to hang out with her don't you like me at well and yet an old lady at the same time looking like you as 12 and an old lady this one that one we bring it up because apparently pretty you're not the only time however know what Justin Timberlake you have you seen this picture I did so in I think it's about 1870 this is real 1870 yeah now annoyingly you've shaved off your facial fluff great here we are in 1870 okay yeah right see can we get like heaven filled let's do it I can see if I can Oh right direction cuz I'm having like I'm having like 50/50 dyslexia [Applause] Justin and Anna are here because you've got a new movie out trolls it's out on the 21st of October it's the latest with DreamWorks it's based on I mean you're pretty too young but no we're 16 years old they were part they were like the little the little plastic ones that especially like the pencil toppers and the ones with the little jewels and the belly buttons were like 90s kids stuff but these were the slightly I mean well verts if there isn't a big hole right here there isn't a big hole so you can stick him on a pencil they weren't just for pencil topping the pencil topper or you can say yeah they had a big hole right here decided that you'd point out there was a large hole tourists are these things people who star in these movies this is where they meet they meet when they're doing the promo but it's not going well so you did meet along the way yeah yeah we actually did work together but we did all the music together because justin is the executive producer of the soundtrack and they brought Justin on I had been doing the movie for a couple of months and they were happy with how I was going and they wanted to bring Justin on to the movie but the day that they told me it was all like very serious because they wanted to make sure I was okay with it or something and they were like breaking it to me and I thought like I was gonna get fired or something they're like is it okay if we bring Justin Timberlake well not like is it okay but they were like we're gonna bring Justin Timberlake on like you know to do all the music like how do you feel about that and I was like okay could have got either way jury's still out little did she know my music sessions and was basically like the guy behind the glass he's like presses the button to be like do it better do you want to be a star yeah no I just interpreted that that way he was really nice how did you feel about that yeah let's do one more no no it was it was a you know obviously you know from pitch perfect movies that this one over here has got a very very good voice yeah so light applause [Applause] my singing is better than that alright let's take a look at a clip from trolls this is branch do good self and princess poppy sort of starting out on their on their quest to rescue their friends [Applause] Jonah's side stories that you don't get to know obviously you were in Shrek before this but is it different making movie like this now that you're a bad thing Kay sure that you know yeah I mean he's amazing by the way well actually he posted a pic of you and him do you mind if we show the pic of you and him it's adorable like I don't have a choice well he looks nothing like that anyway they grow really thought you're gonna say nothing like you but he's actually seen the movie Oh has he one of the perks baby wanna know it's you sound really different he doesn't know that I'm playing branch but but he obviously he knew can't stop the feeling okay that was sort of the first thing that you know I think he's I don't know that he actually registers what it really means or what it is his dad wrote it right exactly but you know he's like pop puppy sad oh that's my character that's not him yeah and you know it you know the movie ended and he was trolls again [Applause] but it's like you know it's it's you know watching watching him learn something every day is it's crazy it's really they teach you so much - and the tree you've all seen the video forgot some of these just a door with the people dancing but no these people dancing please please say yes when I say are these ordinary people these these are these are people that aspire to be dancers well we all aspire never fantastic I have more fun with that than I then I think any sort of piece that you have to do whether that is we all have a dance moves we breakout right so at we were asking the audience about kind of their signature dance winners so yes I see cameras turning around yeah okay okay let's do this yeah where's Lisa oh there's Lisa now Lisa has two moves so tell us the names of your two moves the sprinkler and the lawn mower the sprinkler of the lawn mower okay definitely in the gardening okay do you want to step out into the the aisle there we'll play a bit of music and we can see the sprinkler first and then what are the lawn mower yeah the lawn mower okay okay so play a bit of music here we go [Applause] not a riding mower you know yeah that's event that's vented what's she doing there's Caleb Caleb's is really specific and what's what's oh dude don't spit the gum sassy Kayla because who knew I was coming to you next they're doing that dancing item they told me about I respect your humility because you decided there's no way you could possibly do this dance move and chew gum at the same I respect that humility he wants to nail the dance move is complicated okay okay Caleb tonight Kaden will be attempting the Daddy boxed up with the Robert De Niro okay out into the out into the aisle [Applause] okay let's start the music he's so cool he is so cool doing this yeah way too gummy can't do [Applause] Oh where's Suzie Suzie oh there Suzie hiya what's her name yours now shopping cart she remembered well done can you do it in your seat or do you need to come out of my do you need to come out or do about okay makes music will do this topic are here we go [Laughter] [Applause] Dahle wrecked it you've got a couple of films neither of which is suitable for children I think that's that's a yes no they're not there they're they're not yeah go take your kids to see trolls not imperium yeah Swiss Army Madeleine trolls and then you go into the other screen yeah so Imperium let's talk about Imperial period was out now and this is an extraordinary - it's a true story yeah it's based on the experiences of a real FBI agent who who went undercover with neo-nazi white supremacist groups for 12 years and so there's a sort of amalgam of lots of his different experiences but everything in the film has happened either to him or someone else a musical as well it's a music [Laughter] sorry three books but you met the real guy yeah but one of the coolest things about my job is I just get to you know talk to a real FBI agent and today he's very interesting guys names Mike German and he now sort of does his name's Mike German yes with a lot of Nazis yeah so it's like it's a really it's a really fun I mean I got a fun move you had to make because the things you have to say right yes and the words you have to use yes and you're saying to real people yes I mean obviously like you know everyone understands that it's acting but it does still it feels weird and horrible to say that stuff's always sort of found myself going up to people in between takes and here I'm so sorry I'm not she must have been so sorry [Applause] and also we were doing we were doing scenes where like we've been you know filming like a massive KKK rally scene and we're quite a small crew so there's only like one guy with a camera so from a distance you just see a KKK rally and so people like would be driving by getting really angry and then we've like all the skinheads and me we'd all just be like no it's fine not really they would be real but yeah it was it was it was very it was odd yeah yeah we've got a clip this is where one of the gang leaders is beginning to suspect that you may not be the real deal krysta Lavanya [Applause] because you know movies are a long time in the planning but the release has seemed quite timely because you do kind of fear that these sorts of attitudes are becoming sort of legitimized more mainstream we didn't it like we had no idea you know it's not like none of these things were a problem when we made the film that's obviously white why we've made it but at no point when we were making did we think there's so much of those views will be shifting into the mainstream like you know like Mike Mike German it said you know he talks about how you know these views were expressed sort of in the nineties it would just talk about in like basements and behind closed doors and now it's obviously in a very public platform now it don't get warm because I heard you talking on a show where you met Donald Trump yes but not people because you wanted to know I was real estate I was like 11 or 12 and I was going it was when we were doing press for the first pot a movie where they took us to New York and it was the first time doing sort of the morning shows in New York and I was about to go on The Today Show I've never been on sort of American to morning TV before and it's quite nervous and Donald Trump was also had also been on that day and so they did that's Donald Trump for those of you who have literally forgotten then they sort of walked me over to him because clearly they were like you know somebody said hey you want me to place Harry Potter and he was like sure conversation went but they sort of walked me over to him and he said oh hi nice to meet you and I said nice to meet you and I said he said how are you and I said I'm really I'm quite nervous I died I've never been on TV before I don't really I don't know what I'm going to talk about and he brilliantly just said you just tell them you met mr. Trump everest of self-confidence just been to you like when you go on that show just talk about me and we're both just like like sighs yeah could you do end up talking about him yeah and you know we should be talking but I mean the beauty of the whole thing is you have to cuz he just doesn't talk about himself you feel like you yeah a big Hillary supporter I know you've done benefits and yes yeah yeah I am but you must know the White House very well because you see a lot oh yeah well I I so so I was asked by President Obama - everyone hates you already well it was more or less like you know I just come and sing something but I got there early because they offered to give us a tour of the White House again and you had heard these these you've really done a lot with the kitchen know so you'd heard these rumors that President Obama had his own basketball court to which I had never heard that there was even a basketball court you never heard of me you always heard about presents playing golf so I was like can I kinda the basketball court and they they let me go to the basketball court and the balls have President Barack Obama stitched it like Spaulding and dealing know didn't I asked for one and they said no so but I was shooting hoops on the on the court and I was able to have my manager film me and I made a half-court shot it only took me like 40-something tried court shot and then videotaped it and then I there's a picture we've got the picture yeah so I'm actually showing him you know I mean you everything you do there everyone obviously knows about it I showed up and he goes I heard you we're trying to play a basketball and then court and and then I showed him that he I mean can we just talk about what an amazing president Daniel active we must also mention what this is already one of the most talked-about movies of the year a Swiss Army man right it's out today yes and it's one of those movies people see it they love it well this it and go there's pretty much only two reactions for to it I mean it's it's it's the thing I've done that I honestly think I'm the most proud of just because it is it's absolutely crazy it's completely gross and completely beautiful and completely dumb and very very clever at the same time and the fact that it manages to hold all that stuff somebody said it was like a Terrence Malick film written by the Farrelly Brothers it's just like an amazing combination of like beautiful like the most beautiful things you've ever seen and stupidity and but it's like it's it's it's honestly it's if I could it's a very hard one to pitch but if I could explain it very quickly then we wouldn't have basically a full demo plays a guy who is a sort of suicidal man on a desert island and just as he's about to top himself at the beginning of the movie he sees a dead body washed up on the shore bring their heads yeah bring it here and that body is played by me he after a few minutes he's trying to like make his sort of final speech and like his last words and every time he gets to the point where he's about finished he just hears some like gas escaping from this body so he's like I can't make this sort of profound thing while this corpse is farting in front of me and it's sort of ruining his last moments and then he notices that the body starts to move around in the water and within about two minutes he rides me like a jet ski across the open over safety and that is that's and then the movie get sort of progressively weird from there you play a dead body throughout yeah and yet strangely it is one of the most life-affirming films you'll see yeah it is like it's all genuinely it is joyous it's about joy it like there's if I give the pretty he literally rides you like a jet not seriously the music is amazing just registered is really really special and it's it's yeah just like like nothing else we've got a few visual things just because you're not playing yes of course I play a sort of metal dead just water Tommy man good sort of walk a bit you know heat that pool puppeteering me telling me I'm special this is amazing exactly that's good are you shooting machine gun people who like are in film look at that and go like cool that looks like nothing else that looks really exciting we have nice like rad the deadline thing you can do the dead I think the Dead Eye thing was the thing I thought everybody could do what I just sort of make one of my eyes go like a bit lazy weird it so it's effective yeah I think I've got a slightly laser anyway and so I just did that and then it does it just makes me look very dead on-screen and soon as I mean and they put all the other makeup on and stuff and when I saw that it was like okay I don't have to worry about playing dead I look really really dead but they made a dead Daniel yes they did make a dead made a dead means made before but this was the one that got put through the wringer like a lot but Paul Dan I wanted me on it that most the time he got very strong and they're dead Daniel much excitement because dead Daniels here [Applause] it's like it's weird because there's like two looks like these it's like he's dead it's like he's dead no no no you know Willy sit up not really touch his hand it's so creepy yeah that's weird it really is falling apart at this point but he's been sent down rivers he got mauled by a bear like this was all things we did to him during filming am I really good though look at the look at the eyebrows I know what's happening to it at the end of the press tour so if any what he you know wants it [Applause] he would look worse oh yeah so much based on that reaction there's no telling what type of experience dead Daniel could have yeah so yeah so actually leaving here what I put in by leave never been okay cool you want him gone I mean it's white this desert because he is sort of staring at me there you go I'm only very slightly paler than mo one shade it's beautiful ladies demo it's time to meet our musical guest tonight he rose to fame as a member of take that before becoming one of the biggest selling solo artists of all time now he's back with his eleventh studio album yes the heavy entertainment show please welcome Robbie Williams [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's nice to see you - nice to see you let's see trouble I can get you in tonight yeah ages ago but we've never got to hang out I'd like to do that at some point that'll be great how you doing man yeah okay it's all do a new me and dead Daniel looks like me pre rehab now this album these are good stats ladies gentlemen if this album goes to number one it will go to number one you will die with Elvis Presley for the most number one albums by male solo artist there's a lady over your shoulder that made the faces just like that shouldn't be happening you saw me staring at shoes I know it's it's incredible you know you get many of those pinch of soft moments throughout your life but then you sort of go is this real is this really what's happening but I'm here I'm still knocking about still singing song it's a song called partly like a Russian I hear you you know inspiration for songs comes from all over the place you know you things but there's one track on here that I think most people wouldn't assume was inspired by your new baby son yeah I wrote a song about my daughter and it's called go gentle that's beautiful thank you very much and it's definitely a sort of loving I'm having a daughter and if you date my daughter and you come run to my place I'll bludgeon you where the T occur I'd smash you in the face it's protective and then you know had my my son Charlie and with the boy you kind of like come on get up you can do this you know get up you know so I decided to write a song for him it's called [Applause] [Applause] so now that you you know here you are the eleventh album and you know happily married you've got your children now but over the years I mean fans you must have had kind of some wild panic okay what's that what is the maddest thing a fan has given you we're done whatever peace [Laughter] [Applause] just didn't know she can't get it twice in a lot of trouble for telling this story oh okay so we'd like to back out [Applause] but I will so back in the day I was renting a castle I was rent in a castle and we were renting it to rehearse in for a tour and I was in this big room in this castle I've gone to sleep and I'd woke up and I was lying on my bed and I was cognizant and I was awake but I hadn't opened my eyes yet and I was getting more and more confused because I could swear there was somebody in my room and I could swear that they were sort of tidying up or cleaning or something and sure enough I opened my eyes and there was a lady at the bottom of the bed now and she could have been anywhere from 28 to 58 and she got this headset on and it had got a salah' tape on and the lead went down to a cassette player now we were way in the days of CDs at this time and I was like wow this situation is really odd but you just woke up so you don't really know what's going on and she looks at me and I look at her and I went all right then she went all right and she looked on the floor where my underpants were and she went Calvin Klein's and I went yeah she went okay this is definitely really weird she went have you got Morning Glory this is back in the day when I used about morning yeah he says I want you off and I'm really young I will close my eyes and pretend it's somebody else it's confusing and I felt defiled she went on a merry way and that night I was with the lady that ran the castle it was her job to run the castle I said you know why I said your cleaners weird and she said whatcha mean I said the cleaner that came in today she's weird so we don't have cleaners on Wednesday just somebody that had walked in off the street and give me a but not only that could - like three years later I'm with my band and I'm like and it was just a lady that had come up give me a and left and my guitarist went no that's Maureen from the pub she said she did that but nobody believed her [Applause] right I mean that's the best thing that's good we can all go home now sit back my President Obama's be the dress of the castle lovely lovely story [Laughter] daddy's working while we recover actually we have some music yes please let's do it it looks amazing that big screen over there and musicians are wait so if you want to go over there Robbie Williams everybody [Applause] here we go ladies gentlemen performing party like a Russian it is mr. Robbie Williams [Applause] I should tell everybody that the album the heavy entertainment show that is out on November the fourth I believe yeah presumably you'll be touring and everything yeah next year but there's no dates planned I just know that it's happening it's improv it's very like yeah yeah thank you so much for me that was great we've no time for red chairs I'm afraid I know but to be fair it would be very hard to top Robby's story yes it does a a big thank you to my guest tonight visit Robbie Williams [Applause] musical guest Amber Riley the hilarious John Bishop and Miranda Hart actor Sam Neill and Ewan McGregor and the great Danny DeVito I'll see you then [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Anna Kendrick Vietnam
Views: 1,533,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anna kendrick, anna kendrick interview, anna kendrick vietnam, funny, comedy, anna kendrick funny, Trolls, The Graham Norton Show, Justin Timberlake, Robbie Williams, Daniel Radcliffe, harry potter interview, justin timberlake interview, robbie williams interview, norton graham show, norton show, the graham norton, graham norton 2016, S20E01
Id: pol2LwVMW_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 51sec (2391 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2016
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