The First Game REALLY Scared Me

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Hey ma! Ma! Please come back, dad left and im lonely...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
you love them I love them everyone loves something call you granny in hey granny you love scary games okay cool she doesn't because she's not there this is the ghost of tomorrow so today's people tomorrow's ghosts hi I'm Sean William o'clock 'ln and I'm 14 let's get deep whoa I was gonna say it's very quiet but then suddenly the title attacked me August 23rd 2019 it actually is that's creepy it's that my phone or is it a smoke alarm all right Alice I've been calling and texting you for two days and you haven't answered I haven't heard anything from you for days where are you are you okay please call me Mom that's a lie no one has a mom go away mom and busy being the ghost of tomorrow today's person tomorrow's corpse what do we do except drunkenly walk around my bedroom I've had 14 pints dad door went through me it's because I'm a ghost of tomorrow why do we have a flashlight suddenly in my chest this room is full of bees wait it is it's full of bees it's full of drift bees and drip ease I have never been in a house this quiet maybe because I have tinnitus and nowhere is quiet hey I have these cutting boards in my kitchen literally you have those exact cutting boards raise your hand who else has these cutting boards I do and you I think can I make a slice of toast why is your washing machine next to your fridge who does that how quickly do you get stains on your clothes okay the kitchen's a bust there's nothing in there it's only today's news but not tomorrow's ghosts okay I think I broke my hand on the door excuse me sorry I had a headed cruciferous vegetables for dinner did somebody move the chair and put a key on the table no oh God huh missing person Alice Graham last seen outside oh I could just do this I am tomorrow's ghost because I'm today's corpse look at me last seen outside Whiteman University in August 23rd wearing a white tank top and jeans shorts that's not what I'm wearing right here brown eyes dark hair five four seven hundred thirty pounds age 24 looking for love in her life blood type oh and vegan hello who's in my house is it tomorrow's ghosts hello that's not the crying room that's the bathtub okay I can't do anything oh that's really scary oh that's really loud Jesus I want to be with the bees oh I don't like it oh I hate that I really hate that I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate a stop stop stop I would let you out let me in or do something just make that stop oh god it's so creepy oh no the doors closed I can't go with the bees Oh a moment of reprieve oh god I hate that I hate that super low dumping dad there it is again how do we make it stop it's like trying to figure out what a child wants okay it stopped brutally murdered by I already hate this headline missing student found brutally murdered by roommate wait a minute roommate confesses murder Alice Graham a 24 year old master's degree student who was missing since August 23rd was found brutally stabbed and killed wait today is August 23rd Oh am i living out my own death on his grades roommate 25 year-old Gayle Rogers oh what a name was arrested yesterday as he confessed to committing the murder Alice was majoring in film while living in a two-bedroom shared apartment at Rogers who was also majoring in film oh god oh my god oh god my headphone cables slicked down my leg and it scared the absolute potatoes out of me I hate this I went to her apartment Gayle said he didn't know her she was said Martha Graham police searched mr. Rogers bedroom after the confession the body of Alice Graham was found in a crawlspace hidden behind a false wall inside the closet of mr. Rogers Rogers room police informed that the corpse had chunks of skin sliced off with the ninth a police officer said this was a very disturbing crime Alice's unnamed friend informed the press Alice always told me about going on a really long time tomorrow's ghosts oh it was only joking they don't to be today's corpse there's so much more to know when I play oh that's really freaky oh this legitimately goosebump inducing [Music] ah genius gotta go home I want to go home honey home like this came with the beat is scary oh this is Kim's room oh that was nice for a 10-minute heart attack oh boy that was good that was legitimately scary oh I didn't like it just remember that any of us alive today could be tomorrow's ghost so live life to the fullest and enjoy yourself rubber ducky what are you doing out here so far away from home supposed to put the TV in the water you're gonna get like stewed and died Vincent and the wouldn't your mom and me are off now to the concert you're the hero of the house tonight Oh a German yeah there's any monsters around you're gonna chase them away okay oh don't forget to look after Grampa he doesn't feed it very well so can't play with you tonight just one more thing don't let all the lights on diffused in the basement it's a little bit weak okay Winston I'm very proud of you sleep tight we will be back tomorrow oh that's bad when dad says bye in an echoes that's dead you know he's never coming back that or you're never gonna see him again oh this is cool Wow a real couch made out of snakes okay okay standards standard controls whatever boo boo this most wouldn't interact with objects this games got style I like this a lot dude huh from the computer don't play Minecraft you don't need to do anything else you don't need to see the spooky scares you know maybe that's not do that less lights is not a good thing I want my flashlight you're gonna suck on it like a big baby oh happy family kinda creepy pictures to have in your wall though all right oh don't leave all the lights on the fuse is a little bit weak dad was giving me gameplay tips don't open up the microwave either you don't those are some creepy-ass sounding doors god I keep thinking that this bush is something other than a bush ah ha ha yeah let's not let's not go outside huh ducky I got him it's the only thing I wanted out of this game was the rubber duck now take a peek good boy mom dad why'd you need your kid alone it seems like a terrible idea kid's gonna hurt himself oh the power went out it's cuz the fuse is weak dad get a better fuse for the house tonight tonight where's my flashlight there it is ha ha what hold left mouse button to recharge what oh yeah dude it would agree me a rave I don't need any of your nonsense monsters but it would you know I should check on grandpa it's grandpa this lump where is grandpa I think grandpa's dead ok we're leaving ah I need the key from our entrance Oh got it key for grandpa's apartment proper lives is a little apartment downstairs that's kind of cool and grandfather I am here this is way too far sharp Thunder you're interrupting my funky music traps TV's broken okay grandad time never changed but life is a thread a circle no range created to spread grandpa have you been huffing on paint fumes again I told you grandpa's not here he's dead they're all dead the hacker okay eat the soap another ducky oh man I don't have all my ducks in a row and then it's over for you can you stop can you stop you're very loud I'm for a walk with the dog and dad it's too late for that excuse me the Lightning just striking your body to be hit by a meteor grandpa there is an amazement another ducky it doesn't matter what happens after this the duck is mine but also what the duck is going on okay okay Oh actually have to go to this this is like a meteor thing that hit the ground okay then alien just landed claiming infobar rest in pieces okay I got attacked by an alien from a spaceship I'm just sit down and play with the globe what's that sound oh god oh god that thing is mega creepy did you stay inside looking forever all right you'll grab behind the dog I bet they'd say he always hated if you ain't helping getting killed by an alien oh oh oh chase it chase little boy me just leave just leave grand dad doesn't have to know just go just leave forever Oh grand dad wait you don't walk in the dark at this hour you'll never find me inside his own spaceship [Music] I don't think I'm supposed to do that okay okay oh god oh god oh god I think he found me I think he found me oh if we're gonna talk whoo you're gonna get killed by dogs though powers gonna get ya it goes another duck cool I put the three tuxedo ritual power come on man that did something oh my guides PJ tree walking around this game is awesome I put the three ducks in and then this happened or is it just cuz he came in this direction ooh another dog oh there's more oh wait the Dodger tree now as well oh this is the worst was the last dog altar tree can you protect me can you fight off the demon thing remember the heck he went who put another token put what's the point go kill the thing kill the other guy won't bother me I'm a nice little boy he's seven years old man oh-oh-oh he want me oh he want death is he doing oh god no there's two things chasing me can you wish my granddad was here ah there's another ducky I didn't know that wait does that mean I have five total no should mean there's more altars for these okay let's check her out there's nothing's happening hi ah there we go I did something have a plan okay this one wakes him up so awesome okay and then this one this one summons you this wait maybe okay gotcha and then this one maybe summons you this way no come on come a little bit further come down into the Thunderdome dog yeah this work okay and that one should bring you a little bit further disease he reacts the things shining in yellow his little notebook in the basement come on no come further come this way oh god oh god oh god big boy big boy oh man I had a tactic Prague I do something wait phone six ducks now oh there was six altars Oh sick soldiers and then he follows along the path I thought there was only five now he should be able to go the entire way right yeah I was missing that one are you gonna do yeah chase it out mess him up that's a little fight Kenneth huh she's me and in sight okay Oh God mr. tree man I need you oh that's so cool damn that's fun you chased him down you getting him yeah but they're going off in the distance whoa whoa whoa I then all right should be I want to see all the action but I don't get killed keep chasing a mr. tree man that would make sense because the one of the trees had eyes on it when it crashed I think he'd killed one of his friends yeah did he do it yeah dude nice I should thank mr. woods here have a rubber ducky it'll help the wars to come place tree crotch oh and off to the sunset he went the giant broccoli himself damn that was cool but Vince's friends returned the next day he told them everything that happened in the night they didn't believe a word he said as always they thought the screws like lizard-alien people was just another bad dream or a stupid late-night movie Vince's father was sure crash-landing capsule was some kind of military experiment Lisa's grandpa believed him when he came back apparently he was completely lost in the forest that night as he told this is not the truth [Music] what did the grandpa do it damn that was really cool I did not expect I mean I saw screenshots and stuff but I didn't expect it to actually be like giant things attacking you I thought it was just this creepy game of a kid staying at home and like things we're gonna turn on in the house or something it was really cool gonna drink tree to help me oh god here comes another one oh god giant capsule oh God oh hi sorry Oh Sparky's night shift then it was called Spanky's night shift I was just getting into character alright go ahead choose well I don't have one day I think this is the fight nights of Freddy's type of thing oh god oh I already hated Oh what is that Oh oh my dear mother of God Spock he's eaten played more like Spock he's get high and died oh no oh no your footprints the steps Oh God are you able to come through this I hope not Oh Lord oh oh oh he's able to chase me through it this is horrifying there's to make it to 6 a.m. ok burger ha ha yeah the food in here is just like land there's no way even you could be able to eat it does the reason this place got shut down it's not because of the creepy weirdos it's because of the bad food God okay maybe it's cuz it's creepy weirdest look at this that was anybody gonna eat food in here and be happy kids don't love this okay party at 6:00 a.m. that was really quick okay me too man I'm a savant at this hoon you're so good and avoidance pakis haha Eden oh Jesus okay I did not hear it for long this time got it got its run in circles big circles oh that was not nice I think they got faster and a tune it's Burger Time ha dating you guys trying to circle me you guys trained a pincer maneuver me can't pincer maneuver me I invented that tactic ha ha all right trained bait them into one area and then just keep running circles around it it's a good plan maybe day three there's gonna be three of them so it's already horrifying having you two of them it's good I like this oh come on 6:00 a.m. yeah I go back that way wait but oh no all they change okay what's your deal then you didn't change maybe this is more of you oh you're fast now but this is as fast as I can go no space does that it's a space choked by freaks okay always have a contingency ready go go go oh oh oh this might be it fellas oh ho I'm playing the soundtrack to my own demise yeah well video game you want to go you want it doesn't we Jake no no there's three of them Ezra soda as well oh god there's two sodas okay all right oh it was a horrifying nightmare inducing experience I'm gonna leave this here you guys can go off and play it for yourselves I don't want to show off the entire game since there are a lot of days in it anyway so go go for yourself to be a link in the description we can go off and play this game for yourselves and see if you can finish it see if you've got the skills to steer away from your nightmares [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] better better pepper dead
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,763,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, gameplay, 3 games 1 video, funny game, download, download link, indie game, random games, random indie games, random funny games, random jacksepticeye games, scary games, 3 scary games, jumpscare, horror games, indie horror, ghost of tomorrow, ghost of tomorrow game, spacky's, spacky's nightshift, creepy, woodshraad, vincent
Id: i00P1HVDMeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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