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good evening on top of the morning to you laddies I am jacksepticeye I have scary games you want scary games right you want them deep down dark in your soul all you have to do is repeat after me put your right hand in the air and say I video game watcher of the jacksepticeye variety channel promise to not get scared this video let's do it this one's cold don't trust so I don't know if it's telling me not to trust the game or not to trust me trust what's happening in the game don't trust the game okay I will not trust a single thing that this game says welcome after finishing a task remember to return into a starting point in order to receive next quests good luck eat a cookie located in the kitchen whew okay man this looks great what's up life begins after coffee oh don't I know it ahh cup of the good old dirty beans I was drinking my coffee this morning and everyone was looking at me weird out the window I've no idea white got you all your classics your Iron Man's your man spiders and your American captain's okay I'm more of a man spider myself but to each their own what's going on in this house is this a scary game is this a spook okay I can put the phone away is it a phone or a walkie-talkie I don't know okay they've closed through me all right no time to be getting scared just yet just you phone your face and you'll be fine you can't get scared if you can't see anything why is there a knife should I eat the knife okay close that I can't close that Oh tonight god damn it okay eat the cookie nom-nom-nom I'm gonna take the knife with me it's easier to defend myself like this I can't see where I'm going I just have a knife out in front of me and if I walk into you and it stabs you then that's really your fault okay damn it damn it congratulations you receive a hundred points of experience put toys into the toy box okay who is talking to me wait work oh is that it Letta completing your tasks you will not level up turn on the TV I don't know what's happening black or white Jesus please help me where is the TV okay the knife down here there you go that's for you and I'll sit here it is cozy this is comfy nice you are very obedient it's cuz I have a knife every player need a good weapon put a kitchen knife into the toy box oh I knew it I was destined for this is this the toy box okay pathetic I did not expect from you to be such a noob Oh dare you call me and knew my dad was a noob he fought for this country it is so quiet in here music perfectly intensifies the experience turn on the radio ok is the radio in here or in a different room I see no radio so far I'm not trust me I'm not trust you I live in their [ __ ] Himalayas for the desert one or the other [Laughter] the Thanos but this does put a smile on my face okay radios on this really does intensifies the situation you're right oh [ __ ] my phone battery side there is no turning back what okay white noise abound from o4a mama where are you I'm really worried people say that a boy carrying a toy box was seen near the river please answer me mama oh my no it is not me does the demon how do I progress I think I broke it right at 69 nice is it seriously broken oh god it restarted it oh now I'll do it right cuz this is the toy box here put toys in toy box good congratulations you leveled up hell yeah turn on the TV you got you also I keep the same experience from last two are the same battery percentage from last night all right now you already put a knife in the thing right okay you got it come on knifey our journey begins it is a good place for this knife don't forget about it alright music time oh we get to hear thigh nose again excellent okay there's no turning back alright here we go again maybe this time all my toy box is gone okay can I go it this way the same nice alright do not worry mama is it frozen again I don't know what supposed to happen after this wait that might actually be the end of the game because it's cold do not trust the game so maybe if I don't trust it and maybe if I do everything contradictory or fail some other tasks I don't know eat a cookie in the kitchen well I can't not do that I have to progress it somehow is there something else I can eat eat the fruits eat a cactus eat a plant [ __ ] I ate the cookie damn it okay I leveled up put toys in the toy box no I don't want to I'm being a disobedient child tell you like that without completing your tasks you will not level up turn on the TV no oh my toy box is gone interesting I'm trying to figure out how I can progress this stuff without actually doing any of the tests oh my box is here I'm gonna put the knife somewhere else later turning off the TV ignorance is always undesirable every player needs a good weapon put the knife in the box nope imma take the knife and shove it up your butt I'm bringing it back here pathetic did not expect you to be such a noob so quite perfectly intensifies turn on the radio okay so if I turn off the radio is that good [Music] don't you turn on anyway no shut up I don't want music it's late you better go back to bed before I get back I hope you were having fun when I was out love you mom oh is that it oh man I was expecting so much more from this I thought something with this kind of title would get like really creepy really quickly who was talking to me why were they talking to me and how were they talking to me I like the idea behind this I really wanted it to get really scary because I like that I like it throwing it it's on its head almost kinda like a stanley parable sort of thing where you going along normally and then everything takes a left turn or I could have some choice in it it was it seems like it was either all or nothing I don't know I [ __ ] all my eyes how they get scary have it get spooky have the game suddenly turn on me that [ __ ] is interesting this has some good ideas though I just wish it was more oh but dear viewer we are not done just yet the spooks and the scares continue abound hold on a second hold on a second hello yes they're right here it's for you it's someone telling me that there's more spam this game is called the mortuary assistant and it reminds me of that movie the autopsy of someone high matarese Raymond I know it's late and I'm really sorry but I have a huge favor to ask you all right Everybody Loves Raymond and late pickup over at sacred waters and I just started the embalming maybe 20 minutes ago but I have a family emergency I need to leave the office for would you be able to come in and finish it up I sure I mean sure but I haven't done one alone yet are you sure that'd be okay you've been doing a great job and I leave a checklist for you just in case I took care of some of the prep work already really appreciated I have to do an autopsy on my own I don't want to do that great thank you so much let's see you tomorrow what is the name of that movie the autopsy of vicar Amelia the autopsy of Jane Doe the really great horror movie you should watch it I enjoyed it quite a bit ah darkness I really should not have done things I couldn't see what this which was again ah brightness all right I've already checked vitals bathed the body and set the face I wish someone would set my face do you know what you're doing by now but just in case here's a list wear a coat and gloves god damn it might make it again I didn't bring the tools out yet so bring tubing syringes scalpel and trocars to the side table okay none of that stuff is here so I'm just headed oh okay this is not gonna go well for me I can already tell okay I got my little gloves on oh I need my jacket here you should close the door as well there we go now it's just you and me and we have a beautiful date night ahead of us I'm gonna turn on some music okay what do I need we're accounting clothes I didn't bring the tools yet so bring tubing syringes oh they're all laid out right here okay take that put this on the table I heard a knockin don't come a-knockin when the autopsy rooms a rocket are you smiling now they weren't smiling before were they nope okay that's that's a big no-no oh I hate this I [ __ ] hate it Oh God slit your throat no thank you I would rather not I'm gonna take it to see boom jesus [ __ ] christ oh this is good oh I like this they leave [ __ ] creepy ladies tell me to slit my throat all right no no stick with it stay in it create the embalming mixture in the machine formaldehyde glutaraldehyde ethanol and miles round about that wait what do I make it in the machine okay ethanol I don't trust this this is really [ __ ] freaky Oh God such a simple premise create an incision in the carotenoid karate'd artery carotid artery and the jugular vein I've just realized that until now I had never seen the word carotid actually spelled okay I think I just do it okay I'm about to lay hands upon your person do I have permission to do so is this gonna get freaky yes the shield is in it which will not be I must break the broken will become my vessel I am here [ __ ] occupied No oh god oh god holy [ __ ] this is so cool okay there's a there's a knock knock knocking at my door go scalpel okay I can't do anything for some reason what should I do throw sponges at turn off the lights oh don't lock them Oh God granny ye granny go back to bed oh good Jesus Christ son of a [ __ ] oh my god I press space to think that I was skipping something I just put up the board from me it didn't protect me at all thank you for playing the prototype for the mortuary assistant if you enjoyed the concept please stop by the patreon and leave a comment saying so your feedback and support are what helped me continue making games if you didn't get through my page or get this through my patreon and you enjoyed yourself please consider stopping by and supporting my work are possibly sharing my work with others hell yeah that was amazing for as small as that was that was only like what five minutes whatever there was a teeny tiny little snippet of what an experience could be but that was awesome the potential for different things in that it's a very I well I hate to use like PT as like a standard for these types of things because everybody ends up doing it and PT is just a PT is not a game PT's like an experience on how many different ways you can do scares and I think that this game has a lot of potential for that as well having just that one room that your list of tasks your different things that you can do to the body as you're going through it and again like is this inspired by a the autopsy of Jane Doe cuz it feels a lot like that where it's just that whole movie takes place in that one autopsy room and a hallway and you don't see anything else outside of that there's two characters plus the autopsy person and that's it and it's so damn good and I really really enjoyed it and I really enjoyed this as well that one room there's so many opportunities for so many different types of scares I'm playing with expectations of playing with games or playing with like gaming tropes and gamers themselves that I would love to see a more fully fleshed-out version of this so yeah go support darkstone digital anywhere you can I look forward to seeing what else they make whoa that gave me the heebies and I already had the GB so now I got a full set but don't go anywhere yet dear viewer there is one game left on the chopping block one more experience for us to enjoy together have you been scared yet I hope not because you made a pact and a promise at the start of this video and if you broke that your world means nothing to me welcome to sentient and actually seen this before and I meant to play it in a previous video but I never did for some reason but it looks kind of cool I think I'm just in like a cell all on my own slow steady that is what's gonna win the race and in horror it's all about suspense I like these sounds already it's good [ __ ] cuz [ __ ] indeed [Music] let's hope you stick the landing I mean looking at what we can see is the reflection of my own face in my monitor hello okay this has got to be one of the slowest builds ups build ups to the start of the game [Music] Oh ah I was waking up freaky why is it in 4:3 ratio damn this looks great I mean it's a simple little room but the lighting just there is actually really really nice well it is Unreal Engine and that's always amazing and nice physics this game is [ __ ] fantastic lady okay I have a tennis ball and I must throw in home okay I missed my soap what oh my god it's the Japanese Google Translate jan 17 June or Chinese standard the center hi she let's begin what am I getting myself in for okay it's a little quiet I'm gonna grab the ball and throw it okay patio pond Sammy this football in your sleepy and return to the century all right I made you some weird experiment Roldan oh I get a cookie can I eat the cookie oh this is freaky already I really like this first number 4000 who's your new toy to answer the questions left to say yes and right to say no okay do I like the cookie yes okay it bounced both ways do you feel your body no actually no longer own your body do you feel contained yes are you aware of yourself oh god am ia robot I yes I'm sentient I'm the robot do you fear without a body okay Who am i answering as as the character or myself cuz I would fear without a body I don't like the feeling of not being in control of things okay that didn't register Nicci folks Winsett me do you exist without a body that is the question isn't it do we exist after we die do it does our consciousness go on because technically we're a consciousness controlling a body we are not the actual body we are are we actually physical at all or is it just our interpretation of our physical movements that make us think that way it's a whole topic to talk about in that regard you are this room okay [Music] Nina is your reality a simulation I don't know do I actually feel anything or is it just simulating that I feel things I'll say no you see what you wrote in your sleeping bag we are not satisfied your life isn't reality is simulated you worthless you're worth less than a tasty cookie oh that's sad what's in here time to relax you can entertain yourself with your toy okay [ __ ] you Thank You Vincent [Music] [Applause] nomads movies or something can I go through this is really weird Jesus oh that's how I throw okay okay oh yeah Entertainment time is over do not touch the ball that I trigger there that that just happened by random chance four thousand seven Fisher back left facing the wall in the workshop okay I did it we shall meet again Jean close your eyes [Music] I don't trust this am ia robot am i a human am I just a consciousness did they run an experiment to see if they could actually create a consciousness the things for itself you know if I can do anything oh something's coming up what is that [Music] is that a body is that a head in the arms Oh God what are we looking at oh I'm very uncomfortable what is that okay open your eyes meet your neighbor it's always hungry it's a monkey is the monkey what I saw yeah I guess that did not look like a monkey well you guys might be able to see it a bit better because we brighten it in post move tasty cookie thank you master more cookie give me being good walking circles around the room three times towards your left okay what would happen if I didn't do any of these or if there's a different outcome there's one there's two my life is bustling with activity and there's three does that count oh wait yeah I can sprint I'll walk around the entire room you like that this is the good [ __ ] oh that only counted as one okay so I do actually have to run around the entire room okay that's too I don't like how quiet it is hey cookie my being Pavlov's Pavlov is the person that did like the dog training we're like you blow a whistle and the dogs know it's time to eat kind of thing it's like conditioned trout but then the joke is sure your toy with your neighbor okay but then the joke is that everytime Pavlov brute blew his whistle did he think about feeding his dogs so he'd have loved himself that work asked 4010 stand in the center of the room already doing so rotate in place to the left 20 times oh god oh god oh I'm getting busy so weird that's only six my characters gonna pass out oh yeah I'm getting wobbly Oh weird oh god I actually am getting wobbly in real life as well I think if I go too fast it doesn't register it 15 16 17 18 19 Ronnie rookie yay Oh God I really do feel dizzy he's gonna give me motion sickness I did what you asked okay I'm stable again 4011 play balls as your neighbor okay okay [Music] they took my ball hello they took my ball I hear you playing with my ball and you to the side of your hole they're getting tasks as well weird [Music] am I just a monkey being experimented on now come back boomerang you're my only friend is the only love I've ever known I'm bouncing the ball to you you're just rolling it back to me from left to right boy back and forward okay do I not get my ball back oh there we go thank you are you gonna come straight back to you actually yeah look at it go oh wait they just open up the gate to let me throw it through sometimes interesting how many times you want me to do this four thousand thirteen eat the cookie I like the sound of the cookie coming down the sounds are really realistic does the cookie make you happy oh my god I am just being conditioned yes very happy be happy we're talking my ball oh do I like making others happy yes would you like to become a tasty cookie no I don't to be a cookie [Music] you will become a cookie what time to relax you can entertain yourself with your toy this game is so weird hope [Music] we're every 2014 YouTube blog right now [Music] food hey mr. monkey man you wanna play have a ball are you in there okay [Music] good talking to you I love my ball I'm having a great time even though I might be a monkey or a robot or just a flowing consciousness who knows all I know is that I have my ball then right in the corner so close it's like the DVD logo thing come here Bo [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Oh some neighbor wants to meet you task 4014 yeah sleep [Music] I like my sleeping block what the [ __ ] is going on what does it say looks like it says God in the middle protect I [Music] can't really read it I don't know it's it's damn it [Music] you better not just end I want more ah come on uh I was getting really good oh it's a playable teaser it is pt that's a PT stands for damn that was [ __ ] awesome then I'm partial to this type of stuff belongs to bigger world currently under development by former please more cookie this game cookie give oh god that was amazing so simple so straightforward but like I said I'm partial to this sort of like environmental storytelling or the really minimalistic style of storytelling where I'm my imagination is going wild this entire time being like am i a monkey Amaya consciousness am i ahead am I the same as the guy next door am i something different am I even real so it should all these different things happening and the game doesn't even need to explain it really because my brain has already made up a cool enough narrative for what fits my own tastes and then that scene where everything goes red and he's like right there in the hole coming in towards his [ __ ] freaky man that was awesome oh I want more of that now please I love that kind of [ __ ] well dear viewer we have come to the end of our video did you get scared did you keep it together did you keep your pact and your promise from the start of the video I hope so because if you didn't then I will never be able to trust you again and going forward things are gonna get rough but as you leave this video today let me ask you something was any of this even real did you even experience any oven or is it just a figment of your imagination and the simulation that is currently running we may never know but until next time dear viewer so long [Applause]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,370,685
Rating: 4.9710422 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye horror games, 3 scary games jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye scary games, jacksepticeye scary, horror games, 3 scary games, jumpscare, scary games, scary, horror, gameplay, creepypasta, lets play, playthrough, let's play, creepy pasta, walkthrough, jump scare, creepy, scary game, scary stories, creepypasta game, reaction, horror stories, gaming, game, sentient game, sentient, the mortuary assistant, the mortuary assistant game, the mortuary assistant gameplay
Id: _GpuZ1D0w7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 15sec (2235 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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