WELCOME TO MY HOUSE (please stay away) | The Open house

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hello hi welcome to the video and welcome to my house welcome I'm gonna give you a virtual tour of my house and what it's like to live here over here you have the window uh that's a wall behind you is also a wall I don't know so many of you fit there in that tiny little space oh yeah how are you doing that it's so weird ah this is the whiteboard or even don't touch anything it's my stuff don't come in and getting your grimy hands all over everything yeah I've seen some of your hands I know what y'all been touching I'm for the rest of you I have no idea please just don't don't touch anything in my house I don't want it all covered in goop oh jeez my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to the virtual open house we have to do it like this because we can't go out anymore I have to bring you into my house like this through a camera I'm telling you if quarantine Club shout out if there was nothing you're all welcome to come over to my house at any time I'm not giving you the address it's a joke please don't ever come to my house in person personal just think of it as a personal bubble up you get it like skin people a while ago and a lot of people have said some really fun things about it and I've been inserted to sort of a horror kick lately I ordered some good dirty beans but let's kick it and see what happens oh well this is delightful this isn't scary at all look at Chad Chad Lee over here hello there my name is agent name and I'm one of your local north through North tree real estate agents for the quiet neighborhood area nice to meet you nice to meet you too agent name I look forward to come over coming over and having your wife's casserole man that's a face that I can trust you see him coming to your house you know that you can support Chad Chad Lee at any time of day thank you for being a part of our alpha testing program we're excited about our partnership with optics dynamics labs to bring to help bring you the latest in cutting-edge real estate technology through nano drones photogrammetry an industry-leading machine learning I don't trust any of them but your body's super need yourself where's the catch what does it all mean well client named Shawn you should probably know your clients I'm glad you asked for the first time ever we've made the home buying process more convenient by bringing the full open house experience to the comforts of your personal digital devices it's home buying revolutionized for the 21st century through a combination of camera drones and thousands of still images we can now scan and recreate a fully explorable three-dimensional snapshot of any home they're welcome to your house if they're taking photos your house right now you know how Google has the carers and the people walking around with the big things on them this is going to be Google flies in the future you've a fly in your house it's a camera it's a troll for a seller that means no more dealing with the inconvenience of multiple showings also you don't have to go near people and right now that's a win for a buyer you can now browse our entire portfolio while sitting on your couch you waste of space we're excited to show you a perfect home in your client neighborhood area it's a fresh listing from one of our newer developments but before we can get to into all that stuff I need to go over some basics of how this all works don't worry it won't take long I promise I believe him that face I believe this face that tiny little quaffed of hair Wow all right everybody that's a okey dokey now I think we're ready to get started I highly suggest that you wear headphones to get the full virtual open house experience bra I've been wearing headphones all the time that's how I get the massive scare so even if I call Youm correct / you I have tinnitus as well please keep all hands and feet inside the ride at all times and remember to have fun and do let us know if there's anything we can do to improve your experience because here at North free real estate you client name are our highest priority get out of here Chad Chad Lee I want to go explore a house fifteen six one five somewhere oh I see it let us shovel out back or someone buried a body Wow yes it's very spacious yeah I really like the kitchen I'm just saying I really like the kitchen I want out let me get a better look I've wanted a kitchen like this for years beautiful get a little dining table there kids can run into the screen door there and smack their faces often or not the brightest lovely lovely I like what you're showing me Chad Chad Lee dining room okay um excuse me excuse me ways are a reflection oh no it's happening already I thought I'd have a moment to get into it I thought I'd be able to just like relax sip on my coffee for a while let my let my feet rest no you're you're dropping the scares quick okay moving on nice living room area yes come put a nice Center speaker here some some fronts and then yes yes yes is that symmetrical though you could get some surrounds in the back put them up yeah put them up in these corners right here get them c4 surround speakers you're gonna want them slightly behind the listener and about two feet above their ears I'm going come on I'm seeing you know me alright can I check like the let's check the garage first what's in here though bathroom okay nice guest bathroom it's whatever I don't plan on having anybody over in my house for a while not allowed but that's okay let's go into the garage there's raising me a house flipper right now in my mind I know how to build all of these things I'm like Jesus's dad I'm an expert carpenter I can put all that I could put those shelves together I've put I've done this in real life I put those lights up probably paint the walls though because this is a little deadlocking in here Oh Lord Oh God I got scared by a salt with blood on it this is going to go well for me uh sadly Sall don't you be going glitching on me like this Chad Chad Lee okay I'm the one who glitches I'm the CEO of glitches around here now right now though did not like that alright let's check upstairs I keep I keep thinking every time I walk by something it's just gonna have like I'll walk up here and there'll be a person being like hey how's it going welcome somebody died in this house they can tell oh this room is fresh freshly painted with the blood of innocent people oh god it's gone don't do this to me man I'm just trying to buy a house I don't want to buy a coffin as well okay that reflection is fine can't see myself in it but that's okay most people don't see me all right is there somebody here with me there better not be there scratch marks in the dang wall there's blood in this whiteboard whiteboard should only have laughs written on them don't look at it it would help me a lot more if you told me what it is I I understand on a paper like man whatever it is you have it but in this scenario if it's one help me never die knowing what it is helps this music is very nice but it's undercutting how scared all of this is all of this is no Jesus it's just static okay are you okay I know you got scared as well whoo hooray just sip sip potato chip you got this you got this talking to myself you got this too but I'm the one who's in fear of dying right now okay we also have weight detail Oh oh god Chadli another completely redone and modern full bathroom means never having to fight over who gets to the shower first awesome I trusted you before I don't trust you now this face it's not even cropped out properly it's very unnerving alright washer/dryer to get the blood off probably oh oh they multiplied there was only one in the wall when I showed up Oh oh that's creepy and very subtle play the guitar play a nice song or just do nothing cool right nothing else in here head back out I don't trust this house man but sadly I'll take it was that front door always open [Music] where can it go type Oh someone's here [Music] okay the shovels still there that's cool the probably just getting ready to dig my grave which is kind of nice of them actually oh this is creepy I hate that [Music] what else is going on in this house it's five past 8:00 I don't know if that helps me I do know at the time though I'm a big boy maybe I was supposed to be getting information from Chadli this entire time like asking him stuff the two garrage the two-car garage has plenty of room for storage and or could be converted to that perfect personal space you've always wanted why not wouldn't you buy something from him come on come on all my screen just flashed is that supposed to happen is that part of the game [Music] I'm going in anyway because I'm a [ __ ] Charlie tell me more about this room the dining room is the perfect entertaining space with clear sight lines to the backyard and living room as well as easy access to the kitchen I would sadly marry me now Oh God Oh God Evelyn's moving upstairs and I thought it was in the game Jesus Christ I'm Way too on edge for this man maybe it's all the coffee I'm drinking who knows the cozy living room receives tons of natural light during the day and the brick fireplace adds the perfect touch of warmth for the cold winter months hey what can I say just look good by it already I'm going back upstairs again against my better judgment there was something I knew won on the thing tell me more about this room who died in here the cozy bedroom is the perfect place to murder someone in a house because the lovely dampened walls and thick duvets mean that screams a massive walk-in closet an ensuite bathroom make this five hundred square foot master bedroom your sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of everyday life a walk-in closet is a perfect place to hide a dead body and also this bathroom adjacent to that means that you don't go have to go far to wash the blood off all right there's a new thing on this meaning that I'm finding stuff so to find one more thing is that it what is this room the second floor bedroom is perfect for a smaller child or a home office for when you really need to get work done yes probably where I didn't even realize he had a notepad in his hand but notes you're taking down there Chadli oh Jesus Oh God Oh No what the [ __ ] Charlie tell me more about this no I don't know that there's a dead body in here or an alive on I don't know oh that's scared the bejesus out of me is there not part of it did I not get the one maybe you have to do something with it Oh No oh god that's creepy oh god that's good I can't do anything with this and if there is Kosar open hello ma'am sir anybody okay I'm leaving bye oh I know I'm just gonna turn at some point and somebody's gonna be standing in that doorway and I am gonna flip it oh there's blood in the sink Oh oh okay all right oh stove is kicking off now it said don't look at it okay oh I didn't notice there's a fridge there this entire time where they get scared by fridge no gods get out of here what are you doing okay okay okay okay Chadli that's awesome cool read hobb the current scan has encountered a memory error creek about okay no oh it's one of these games ah God anymore got me oh this is the worst [Music] it's the same house but very different somebody tried to paint the walls red and Miss and killed everybody inside instead i'ma throw a banana at somebody a Big John Willie is coming your way oh Christ on a bicycle this is Harper hi oh you killed somebody in this house what is that oh no oh no oh don't you dare oh hi fellas Oh God use arrow keys reposition oh no I could just walk around in it holy hell please rescan second floor this is amazing that was the guy that I saw in the reflection there my brain remembered it from earlier oh Jesus this is good oh this is very good I like this a lot but also hate it okay Reese cans second floor can't kill a camera the cameras fine okay can't go through there okay okay I can't see anything anybody in here scan complete 104 oh okay okay was that David the saw were the person with us all who I saw in this hell nah to the naw naw no there's gonna be something in this last one there Jimbo we're not what now master what should I do now saving and compiling error inconsistent scan dimensions are you talking about please rescan master bedroom oh I get you I didn't scan that one guys this is a real crappy way to throw me a surprise party whoa this isn't where I was Oh No welcome home this is not a welcome someone comes at me I'm telling ya I will hit someone this is my bad hand oh that's my left let me hold up my right so I can hit you harder oh god I'm going in circles oh that's a face it had a nose and two eyes I'm telling you I know what a face looks like what window did you break there's no windows here that's the sound of my Windows PC breaking or did you break this no that's still the same terrifying faces before Oh God system on assigned reference hmm huh yeah that's happening what else you got confidently taking sip of coffee that's right you got knots in game nothing I'm not scared who Jesus hi Chad Lee oh my god what you look like the Joker for say your it though there he goes let us say it be like good job you figured it out Charlie's on my side I like him ah Thank You Chad Lee very cool brah they said not to look at it it game force me and looked at me locate player tag spawn it character is penny way he's coming in here that was Krusty the Klown wore a nice boat you were to pick mine too oh why am i back here oh the time changes for good this way the time goes up if I go back the time goes down ah so I thought it was a timer okay [ __ ] do I get it to zero or do I get it to a hundred ready or not here I come through this wavy rainbow no no no no I hate that I hate that I hate that stop is it behind me no oh God don't do that system UI element missing mm-hmm okay this is so bizarre that's really cool press tab to change cameras he is so creepy oh no no no no no no no Rob I mean Satan's ass looks like I'm inside a tin of beans beans okay I see my UI elements again oh I just gotta get those back in frame I found them yes make offer uh-huh I have decided to pass on the house I know shocking I really like that at first something about the whole link everything that was it I made an offer jumped off into the the beans additem beans or someone's brain no Jesus I am the offer I was a sacrifice Oh offer accepted expect call soon there I am hanging cool say no you're vibing to my deathly weight my father's dream thanks for coming out guys fights are connected to my sacrifice the house is yours now you can have it that was neat I like that a lot that was really good I can see why people had such high opinions of it I like the change in pace from what happened because you start off the game just searching around and clicking through the house and everything's so innocuous and then seeing that one reflection in that like you could probably miss that it's kind of hard because you walk straight to it and it comes into frame but that kinda sets everything up and then everything after that those slow turns cuz because you don't have full control with your mouse it sets up this perfect scenario that every turn is like oh god what's going to be there and they didn't go overboard with it either a lot of the stuff in the house section was really subtle and then I went off the rails and was like flying through space Mountain at Disneyland was an open house I hope you guys liked it I hope you guys had a fun time in my house walking around if you did please like the video yeah yeah look at Charlie's face you wouldn't want to disappoint Charlie would you he why he wants you to like him look he's got thumbs up already do it for chadley but that is the end of the tour so I kindly ask you all to get off [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] can't believe Papa Satan accepted my offer of my sweet nimble body
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,765,218
Rating: 4.9775424 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye horror games, 3 scary games jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye scary games, jacksepticeye scary, horror games, 3 scary games, jumpscare, scary games, scary, horror, gameplay, creepypasta, lets play, playthrough, let's play, creepy pasta, walkthrough, jump scare, creepy, scary game, scary stories, creepypasta game, reaction, horror stories, gaming, game, the open house, virtual open house, the open house game, the open house jacksepticeye
Id: Zc4IJpD4Z6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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