FAR: Changing Tides (FULL GAME)

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top of the morning to you ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to fire changing tides i did fire loan sales uh a bit ago and i did the entire game in one video and i had a ton of fun doing that the game was awesome and a lot of you reacted very positively to it and the the video is very popular with people so here i am finally with the sequel it actually came out not long after i did that last video but a lot of stuff has been going on and i just kept putting it off and off and off but i'm finally ready to sit down and record this all in one session and i'm very excited about it i've heard some good things about it people have said that it's just as good as the first one if not better um and this is weird because we're starting underwater the the last game was all about well if you haven't watched the previous video i highly suggest you do that pause this one go watch that one then come back watch this it's like it's going to be like seven hours of content but you'll be happy for it but the last game had like an apocalyptic scenario where there was like no water anywhere and it was all kind of everything was all desolate and deserty and sandy and snowy and then the game ended with us finding water and we got saved by a ship now this one's starting at water so are we starting like right from where we ended i have no idea but let's get in well probably not because that's not me unless have i changed oh whoa that messed with my my sense of depth oh that was weird hey so this one's about uh like a boat kind of the last one was all about like being on ground and i think this one is about like sailing across the water oh what if this is like a prequel actually what if this is a prequel and my boat that i get in this game is actually the one that saves my guy from the last one because my last guy was like a little fireman he was all covered in red and i like that it was cute but this is this ain't me also do i have infinite breath i don't know kind of reminds me of inside when i'm underwater like that this actually feels like it's way before the first game maybe it leads into the events of the first gear i don't know i'll stop trying to guess one of those is correct let's just check to the end of the video and see that i was correct [Music] beautiful music [Music] nice i feel like i have infinite breath that or i can hold my breath like an olympic swimmer this is like the started off in a tiny town or the other one as well wait do am i supposed to climb on this to get out the window oh no there's a thing up there oh that's hard to see there we go i do use it to get out the window haha oh okay settle in everyone we're here for a long journey we're here for uh about three hours probably so get yourself some snacks or if you're not hungry yet wait [Music] hmm well at least it's a bigger town than i started in last time i've also heard that the whoa this is cool a little greenhouse kind of thing i've also heard that the little ship you get in this one is actually harder to manage as well [Music] who that i have a pot watch out i have a plant wait i'm gonna wear the same clothes as you are in that picture and i've got the same plant [Music] okay am i supposed to do something with this plant [Music] and then i'll bring it with me anytime you're going to give me something in the game i'm going to take it as far as i possibly can i oh my god i lost it already oh i'm a terrible planned parent oh this is why i don't have plants in my house also because bb will eat them and choke on them and die but my god what's this oh okay interesting new mechanic well not that new but it's similar enough to the previous one let's check underwater in case we're missing anything there's a whole section of earth underwater that we're all missing all the time granted not a whole lot happens down there most of the time but it's still pretty cool uh this looks like like 1920s right like the types of cars industry is booming there's that sort of aesthetic going down at least i think i just associate that time period with the 1920s i actually don't know if it is the 1920s it could be the 50s for all i know i think it's the 20s that had like cars as a surge right because we saw a little bit of these factories in the last game and they made the giant walking massive sort of boat that took a million fuel how do i hit that huh okay this is clearly important i'm supposed you're supposed to jump off and fall down and then learn the mechanics of the game i know what i'm doing i'm smart it falls and dies yeah there it is that's the kind of boat thing that i get okay i gotta stick something in that or is this a button no oh maybe i stick myself in that oh what is this oh suck the juice get rid of the soup am i supposed to suck all of that out yeah cool oh that means that my ship can take on water i can probably crash and fill my ship full of waters i have to suck it out oh no it's the opposite problem i had last time last time all i had to do was worry about fire whoa what is that well you ain't getting that off so it's probably going to weigh you down and drown you ah you'll be fine ah it opens up doors oh god oh god okay can i suck the water out again there's no way there's no way i'm able to suck out all of this water oh it gives me a little helmet and a propeller whoa that's cool i can go speedy whoa that's how i get up there i understand it now maybe i don't understand a damn thing i thought i could like launch myself out of the water maybe i just have to get close enough that it unlocks it signifies that i want in it's a good sign that i'm overthinking things this early it means that we're going to be in for a rough ride yay boat i see it am i missing anything down here okay now i definitely can infinitely breathe right with this little helmet something here clearly very important yep i needed that of course you gotta look below before you go above man i no i know what i just said but that's not what i meant just bring this over here so we can jump up i was hoping that there's going to be a mechanic that i could like shoot out of the water oh winds howling nice let me in okay i can't go there yet hello ship what do i do you look important okay that started the engine am i stuck nice what a beauty so much better looking than my last one so much more sleek so much more stylish a good iteration upon greatness okay up goes this hail what or not what is this [Music] ah i have to attach it there cool is this a is this moving the sail i cut me some slack guys i'm gonna have to learn all of this as i'm playing just like last time oh the little swirls coming out of that is cool [Music] you can really open her up i'm so confused as to how that works is that good there pushing it all the way forward does not seem good let's just stick her out here and catch some air [Music] didn't like a second fl ah there we go a second flap ah okay wow hey why did you go back in i i don't i don't know how this works [Music] i'll just leave it alone there we go wow looks like the pacific northwest all the trees in the mountains set sail onward my beauty where are we going i have no idea but i'm happy to be out in the open ocean in a thing that looks like it should not float oh man am i able to like submerge it later i'm able to like submarine it down underwater and go along the bottom because there has to be an engine component as well right the first game had the sail but also had the the engine to work on as well the world is still a mess cool good to know something's going to happen here i need to be ready so peaceful so far i'm just a titan of industry oh oh oh oh grab it i forgot that oh it's sticking off to the side i'm just a little 2d man i work in two planes nice not that zoomed out though oh god are we coming up to a bridge yep yep oh take her down take her down take her down oh god ow oh it would have been faster to just release the hook right oh that would that makes sense actually it's okay we're just a little banged up i'll figure this out can i can i put it up again is it okay that's weird whenever i push the button in i feel like it's not locked in place i try to figure out if i can go below deck as well and heal my items but i don't know if i have that stuff yet okay nice my sails look like garbage okay cool so i can just kind of i'll get more efficient at it as we go also the last game had you like pick up items along the way i had to pick up stuff to constantly fuel my engines i wonder if that's even a thing anymore curious because there has to be something for me to do as all of this is happening i can't just be sitting here looking at the scenery why did you just go back in suddenly i don't understand it i don't know what's going on half the time did they get pulled forward maybe oh christ ow my bad okay good to know that i can just grab this and then everything goes up okay cool can i get into my bloody thing yet no all right uh we've struck land land hole wait a minute what does what was that thing that i stood on it's like a button i pressed here i wonder if that's like a drop the sail button or something we're gonna have to do some experiments okay the front of her looks good she got a little ding but she got a little nosy okay we're in a sawmill of sorts all right just start flicking switches why do i break everything i love why am i such a failure okay that puts that there got it and then i put a log on this right i don't know hit buttons nice we got ourselves a log i don't know why that's relevant i have no idea what i'm supposed to use it for but i'm happy it's here uh hello oh it's just to get up there okay i got a thing look at my thing everybody stare at my thing look at my thing also isn't that something i said last time that it would be nice to like zoom out or zoom in or something i said it was nice to zoom some direction and now i can ah fixed it i gotta bring that with me okay you go over here okay it just works now like it didn't work before but now it just suddenly works cool that's awesome can i fix my things with this oh i thought i was dead yeah and my sails are back oh oh put it put take it down take it down okay we're getting the swing of things now look at me go i'm a little dude on a mission with no emissions this is what the future is going to be global warming is going to come devour us all the world's going to fill with even more water and then we're all just going to live on sailboats like this and then we can have like robot wars where we all go out to the ocean we all like crash into each other and figure out who's the dominant force in the land spoiler i'm going to be up top not at the very tippy top i don't feel like a youtuber should be um i don't think we're prepared to lead society but i'll at least be up there somewhere okay now i actually have a lot of things going on in my my little boat that i'm confused about so we'll put that over there is it just like a specific point that i put this out that the other sail kicks in because now it's not doing it or is it if enough air is happening like i don't get it maybe it was this button how do we get sail back this is very confusing yeah stay stay somewhere like there right well it gives me like a signifier when it's catching a lot of air i think or not spending so much time trying to figure this out that i'm not appreciating the beautiful scenery there that's good lovely music is there anything else i need to fix i i can fix it jim will fix it is it just when more air kicks in because i'm very unsure hello dear oh look at those clouds this is gorgeous i love the color palette that they use in this game and things kind of look like they have a paintbrush sort of look to them [Music] oh there's a whole family of them definitely the pacific northwest or somewhere up near like colorado or portland now portland doesn't look like this does it portland has a lot of those types of trees and seattle right i've never really been outside the cities i went to seattle a lot for pax west when i would go to conventions a lot and for portland i've only been there once for my tour lovely city but they reminded me a lot of each other seattle city maybe a bit more dense and like bigger buildings i don't know [Music] i have so much wind why does the sail go away guys figure it out for me i also love that these games don't start with like a mission statement and it's down again it's just like hey here's your thing go get your boat go every other game has you going left to right you don't need a reason in this one go except for the fact that the town i was in everyone was dead and missing so that's as good a reason as annie find a different town find your other family [Music] but i do wonder if it is like a a climate crisis thing that's happening in this game okay let me let me pull these off for a sec maybe no that's not the right thing that's not the right way of dealing with this i need to pull them back so we go slower but i'm worried that i'm just gonna smack into [Music] or even with the sale like this though you still go forward okay that's good to know it's like when you play sea of thieves and you're like put down your sail put up your sail i don't know how fast are we going [Music] although maybe it was good that i did pull back the sail because it seemed like yeah i'm not pushing this now and it's like it's like moving along with the wind that's so cool makes me feel like we're going so fast [Music] anything noteworthy in the background that i might have missed seeing a lot of windmill things and that kind of looks like the front of my ship [Music] like the the front here like these little blade things oh i can stand here and look way further ahead that's what that windmill in the background kind of reminds me of maybe that's how this is made because it's all like decommissioned parts so maybe they just took bits off like a grain silo and the windmill and just kind of like built this because i feel like this is going to be a propeller to get us through the water okay i'll stay here for a bit longer i want to see if i'm going to crash into anything but then i'm worried that i don't have enough time to get back oh whoa everything's vibrating and rumbling what's happening whoa what was that the whole ground show is that an earthquake oh something's going on there's a mysteries to be solved in this one because in my mind when i see this stuff all i can think is that like oh god is that maybe global warming stuff happened oh no no no no god god ow maybe global warming stuff happened and the the water kind of surged onto the land i could be wrong oh it's so cam now without the wind where are we going to it's just a train station completely submerged thank god you keep drifting because otherwise i don't really have a way of moving forward not yet at least i have to be able to get into the middle of my boat thing right i can't just be doing it all from up here what is that rumbling hee i see your underbelly tickle tickle and there's a way out down there as well i'm assuming that's like the submarine part of it whenever i need it so fun you guys hear that right you might not hear it if you don't have good headphones or speakers but there's like a boom happening yes here we go fuel wait fuel goes in this oh okay this is like my old ship oh i have to work the bellows i also got an achievement called fireman wait i i can't i can't go to yemen i'm an analyst i can't use this one this is not my ship what are you even talking about what are you talking about um whoa someone was doing some research are these all things i can burn hey if i can pick them up i'll i'll take anything that's not nailed down ah okay and uh on you go yeah i can't really deduce where that is or oh i forgot i can zoom i can't like deduce where that is or what they're doing or where they're going or anything like that is that the path i just took i don't know there's latitude and longitude as well away you go wait where does that oh it drops in right there nice very helpful thank you let's put some of you bad boys in shall we oh that's a lot this is very much like the first game now okay okay i need to actually fan the flames of industry there you go this is very complex okay we don't want to overheat we don't want to burn the whole thing what about my boat hello i can't just leave that behind oh ah ow you got some stuff on you oh my god there is so much happening that i need to take in what do you do okay you're trying to open dude all right so how do i move things and not move things let's uh let's explore a bit further down because this can't move because that stuff is on it but i can't grab that movement i'm just a tiny boy what do you want from me you can't do any of that what if i ram it again although oh i can pull it back we're attached now two pieces of one giant pod wait but i can't move forward with it why not i want to move forward with it i i don't know why i'm bringing you all the way back i don't think that that's gonna help anything was back at square one and i didn't do anything okay my my best guess now is that i just have to put this thing full welly oh we can actually go back oh hold on a minute wait a minute unless all of this attaches to my boat that's that's too much i can't handle that level of like industry i can't handle this level of complexity my brain just goes one speed and that one speed is slow but it's interesting to see what's back here yeah let's make it go a bit faster it's interesting that you have to like work bellows like that i'm probably just going to hit the end of this and go nowhere that's the power of the train baby it's coming for you okay let's see where we ended up oh there's just more stuff back here that's handy actually oh i put it on my back put this one on your back all right it's good to have more fuel i can't like jump over that can i what no my tiny little man body won't let me can i go up here okay i should explore everything you know make sure i'm not missing anything okay let's go forward again who knows maybe i can go fast enough that now we'll crash off the edge of something this other direction i can't go forward yeah that's cool i didn't want you anyway oh oh i figured it out now by accident what is that is that all i needed all of this for oh power chicka oh there it is hardcore and i guess that this was teaching me how to do it yeah so it's a bellow system and that was just showing me the way forward wow it's got rowings it's got rowy's guys did you see the rowy's it's got him can i actually go inside now thank you wow let's go right what is this oh that's the suck water and that's to blow water okay i have to soak up water and then i blow it to cool down all my stuff this is way more complex than the first one hit you into the forward position let's go baby i can't wait to see what you can do i can't wait to crank you into fifth gear yeah i always have hooks on the bottom but i don't know how it ah there you go i don't know how i get down there to like get stuff and bring it up and oh this is a whole thing oh interesting okay [Music] highs look at us go this is dope these are some really good iterations upon that concept [Music] where are we going guys my tree i'll bring you around [Music] just let me know okay okay there's a a red bar on that thing on the right so maybe if that fills then we're too hot and i need to not die [Music] not dying is a big prerequisite for me nope nope nope a fire warden i put out my fire like a dum-dum [Music] god [Music] are we going faster i feel like i'm not pumping anything into the bellows right now let's put this backwards actually just put it in the middle because i thought i had to collect water but i don't see like a water reservoir so maybe i actually just suck out any water for when i submerge i'm convinced i'm submerging at some point it's going to happen don't you guys worry about it oh we're running out of steam lads pumper for all she's worth you know these emissions that you're pumping out right now these fossil fuels that you're burning is probably the reason that your world is messed up i'm just saying where's our battery-powered ones huh okay that is uh that's heating up quite fast on the right-hand side there can i like i'll do that and then can i nope can i use this yeah oh i didn't see it oh no what do we do keep pushing there you go get out of my way i am the boat master am i gonna hit that okay ow okay we've stopped oh what is this is that like sonar what did we find there must be a faster way out of this thing right i don't have to go all the way up to the top okay what this it's not an engine piece for the top is it or is it just something i burn has to be an engine piece for the top right we're going under water to get past that thing i have to go underwater i'm convinced it's not that guys i don't know what it is okay it's saying there's something under me is this just the thing i put in here no clearly not right it's probably just a light honestly let's go under can figure this out i'm a smart man there we go see i'm so smart and i'm unbelievably strong oh god you don't want that you don't want that you don't want that you got to get out of there whoa nice so much fuel oh they're floating away okay cool i'm so cool you wish you were this cool and you never will be that's the funny thing there's loads of hooks and buttons what do you do ah hopefully you didn't just take on 16 gallons of water all at once that would kind of suck okay i feel like i already have too much fuel right in the last game i had so much of it that i didn't know what to do with it anymore it was just lying around in my ship and blocked me constantly so i'm like maybe i shouldn't have as much but also what if this game is different and i'll need every single ounce of it that i have you never know i love my little super suit i'm coming back maybe there's a way of sucking them up into the ship through that door at the bottom whatever there's always more efficient ways of doing things i don't care you you're coming with me all right i actually need something you you're coming with me wait i actually don't know now if this would have gone in it no ah so now the thing has a scanner and it's showing nothing okay interesting get those bellows of bellowing get those sails assailing even though we've no wind we'll get wind again eventually oh that's way too hot that's way too hot what am i doing i didn't even pay attention to what i was doing watch out everybody i'm a sailor man i've conquered the land and the ocean do you think they're working on a third game where it's far uh fair loan sale fire changing tide far sky bound so you're up in the air and you have a plane that you have to take care of and if you don't constantly monitor it for every second that you're playing the plane crashes and kills you pretty sick game nope corner down she's overheating there i feel like maybe it's just because i'm new to the game but i feel like i'm gonna crash into stuff way more in this one but as we found out last time you can kind of crash all you want and you'll still be able to mend it eventually he can get to the end irregardless which is good for me because i uh i don't have a boat license i shouldn't be driving this thing but i'm really good at it [Music] oh we actually have some wind now i feel like we're about to come up onto something um how do i stop the engine can i just do that it's still going though like i want to cut out the engine oh you can just do that oh way handier okay i'm just burning fuel for no reason now there has to be a button that just shuts it off right whoa it's happening again whoa earthquake do not hit my boat don't do it let's just let it burn through that for now let it cool off and then i'll i should go put the sails up oh it takes so long to get out to this though ah can you grab ledges please oh never mind we're coming down again i knew it i knew we were gonna land upon something like that all right once we're clear of this though we're still moving pretty quick though i guess because we have a current carrying us okay we have no wind anymore let's just i'll take this down again i don't like that a current is carrying me i have no control over that oh god we're going quite fast as well this is like a mining town right it kind of feels like they they have a lot of industry going on like with the trains and the cars and everything's piled up and disheveled and that whatever happened like they were booming in that industry but maybe all the fossil fuels they were burning oh is that a oh god and now the water disappears how convenient for you what is happening we're going to start shaking again the whole ground whoa whoa hold on down hatches holy god [Music] oh no oh no i have to suck out the water it's gonna come in handy my boat wait bits of it are over there no what did you do [Music] my beautiful beautiful boat actually it's fairly intact for what just happened sick oh that blinking thing is telling me that there's resources nearby right now i get it whoa that was like a tsunami like like real life tsunamis whenever it's about to happen the ocean line recedes and then it all comes rushing back in because it's like a movement of plates under the water off the coast and then that like makes the water you know do its thing you know how water be you know sometimes water be and then a dew yeah okay it's kind of awkward to stick those onto that um i still got my mender thing up top what if you just never brought that with you though isn't that a possibility that you wouldn't have brought that along or did they just trust players to be like oh yeah this fixes things i'll bring this i wouldn't put any faith in gamers for anything okay because i should be able to get something for on board eventually oh it's gone i used it up okay okay let's see where we're going that was scary it was really cool though i love that i love the like larger than life events in video games big creatures monsters big massive set pieces the ocean coming to swallow you it's all good stuff oh i can actually move the camera oh that's way handier ah praise the mountain mouth but i feel like it would sound like okay let's keep those going but not not too much you know it's been disaster after disaster for me not as much as this town you guys kind of got reamed you know what my life is hard too it's swallowed by a tidal wave oh what happened oh we ran out of fuel wait hold on i just learned oh oh that was too much i thought it was going to be half and half but i guess not more the fool me huh all right full steam ahead i don't care anymore i like going fast whoa are you building a houseboat or built a houseboat that's not a houseboat that's a village boat look at all that real estate a man could dream me me tiny little ford focus compared to that thing the lamborghini of boats actually i wouldn't be surprised if lamborghini made boats really get into the boat business okay moving swiftly along i like it i'm into it i dig it my radar is not going off okay cool i feel like i've got the mechanics down now a little bit the only thing i don't have is a way of completely halting this thing immediately and cutting off the fire the water the water i need some water the water that i have in my boat can quench the fire oh sean you dum-dum the answer was in front of you all along and you were just too blind to see it stink great town you got here real good for seagull tourism smells though smells like seagulls i hate seagulls we have a pond in our backyard and the seagulls keep coming and eating our little fish we have like little small fish in it and the seagulls kept coming to eat them so we put down wire on top of the water to stop the seagulls from like getting in and to like ward them off and you know what happened a seagull jumped in recently got its foot caught in it and drowned i came out it was just a dead seagull in her pond socks it's like what do i want dead fish or dead seagulls uh let me just check where we are and what's happening okay we're good whoa this is a big town halt actually we might have to power through this but i don't want to slam into it you know okay that's fine stop okay it's telling me that there's items above me so that's good to know get her into the mid position there okay good job well done lads um uh take five everybody come back um and we'll we'll just get the the boat rolling again huh okay cool thanks guys do i go down or up i want to go down because i couldn't do that in the previous game okay i probably up there's no way in i mean you could fit through one of those tiny gaps you could do it i believe in you i think you have the strength ah that's cool using the sail or the mast as a piece of the puzzle very smart it's always so eerie when you get away from everything and the noises came down okay push it every direction that you can just to make sure you're not missing anything you know oh my god could you be faster about it i know it's a heavy box but run the clock here i don't want anyone to steal my boat it's it's more like a water train i'm kind of i'm confused as to what to call it that's a music box oh let us come oh oh i'm gonna burn a plant in my train okay not that direction this direction where am i going wait there's more what the blue blazes oh that makes sense hello breaker breaker whoa cool oh god i tuned into the minions broadcast that legitimately just sounds like you took sound effects from the minion movie and put them in the game oh yeah we i've never seen a minions movie other than the first despicable me but that doesn't count [Music] i'm going way high up i'll be back god clearly i've been yelling too much okay another oh god i thought my whole tiny life flashed before my eyes and i thought we were dead we survived but we're dead okay plant come along put you on my back whoa far out man discover the ancients oh that's cool they're standing on the buildings is it symbolic or life-sized big water came you were warning about everyone we guys we got killed by the big water the big sippy came and drowned us all out huh it's kind of like journey huh the way you can like learn the lore in that okay i want this thing with me though so they tried to prepare for the incoming storm i can't get back up there to get my plant can i i can come on plant do i have to fix this i see sparks sparks means i have to fix come on in boat i think we're getting a new piece a new thing to add to my collection oh look at that boat over there on the bottom that's a regular boat i boast cooler she's a little slow though we'll get there no hold on everyone relax am i getting like a whole house piece for my boat is that going to drop down on mine fancy living stick it on the back yeah yeah i'm ready at least i would be if i could see anything okay so i gotta move you oh wait i think this whole platform moves doesn't it just in case i don't wanna lose you boys everything matters okay what am i doing okay maybe pull you back up a bit there you go there you go ah oh no hold on maybe the second light will light up now nope right there oh dude i put a whole house on it oh it's massive that's mine i didn't even pay for it i just stole someone's house and put it on my boat yeah eat it all right come on fellas arguably the fixer thing is way more important than the plant but i'm gonna bring both oh has to be something down there they can land on ow no they're stuck there oh god what do we do there we go nice dude look at my house so cool i ain't got a plant for it wow i'm gonna put my plant right here yeah wait what does this do oh it's a hook that goes down neat like it goes way down what did you find treasure i'm a pirate it's the pirate's life for me y'all do pirates say y'all i don't think pirates say y'all okay let's go over this way then this is so fun come on up there jimbo let's see what you got wait is it is it not coming up what's wrong with you what what did i do i i hooked the hook this ball has been nothing but troubles from day one can it seriously not come back up is it broken um that's a problem uh why did it go oh there you go there you go there you go about time your brain worked what the heck is this i'm just like i just be pressing things don't i like things that i probably should not be going near i'm just like ooh shiny what you do is that lump of something that i picked up actually add to my ship or is it gone forever i don't see it anywhere did it just turn into this that's not enough we're going to need way more of everything all right come along in we go time to set sail once more oh kind of need to push you forward huh i'm getting you all dressed up but nowhere to go it's saying i'm leaving something behind yeah whatever i've got oodles and doodles of stuff in my ship we're gonna survive this winter don't you worry uh let me move some of this stuff nope over here so i don't think it all connects does it oh my god grab it it's hard see under the sea what was that is that fine oh maybe the fire just went out and it kicked back in again right at the exact same moment that was scary don't do that damn oh we're getting choppy now oh boys let's go below deck to see what it looks like wow look at us go love that love that for us did i accidentally put another item into the fuel i think i did oh sales sales sales sean sales everybody said at home yes indeed i said in return for i am the king of the ocean here we go this is annoying that i have to climb this every time can we automate this can i have a friend i would love a friend friends are awesome nice now we're cooking look at us go heck yeah all right i forgot i have a whole house excellent oh god i'm breaking my ankles i think i might just let the sails carry it for a bit actually you know what no no full speed i don't care i'm sailing across the ocean blue [Music] that's so cool it's so scary though look at the tail end of it coming out it's like i'm driving a big fish pull her down hold her down so we can go faster and let me go stand on the front actually i want to see what everything looks like she's breezy up here king of the world oh god there's a storm there's the storms of ruin why would you do that to me just let me sail across the ocean blue happily oh oh oh what does all this mean what does all this mean huh i don't i don't trust it i don't trust it okay that's fine we can just push past that but i feel like we're coming up against a building oh now we've now we have no way of moving forward okay let's just use the sails from here because i don't want to waste my fuel so strong am i gonna hit that boat with my sail you better not hey we're fine a master salesman a different kind of salesman oh i do not like the look of that torrential amount of clouds and the ocean splashy spl i know i own the boat but i don't have my sea legs i just found this thing okay i have a feeling that the wind is gonna die down as soon as we enter that storm sorry plant your sacrifice for the greater good the greater good is that rain am i hearing rain is it raining outside guys it's raining we're not really moving we're to stand still there is wind though wow oh no did you did you strike me oh no it's getting so dark and scary dude the kraken's gonna come up out of the ocean is that something there throw something at the tail end of my boat it looks like a snake what is that is that a big fish it's a big fish stay away from me big fish maybe i should be up above i want to see it oh lord i want to go home this is so scary this is way worse than the storm that happened in the previous game that one was like yeah hail happened and it damaged a couple of things but this one's like if this damages a couple of things i sink and die and there's a giant fish near me that wants me dead and wants to eat me and there's probably a bigger fish there always is let me check ahead don't fall off the front of this boat though okay we seem we seem fairly fine honestly i think we're going to get through this whenever that sail wants to kick in every now and then you know and fire up the engine why not jesus fire up the engine wanna get out of here quick oh this is on this is on done dead there you go my pretty beautiful beautiful back and working order oh crap how much fuel is that enough enough he says enough get those flippers out and start motoring what are my pain he lads for i'm not paying them at all okay so far so scary i wonder if there's like treasure at the bottom of the ocean that i've been missing oh we are moving fast land ho where did that fish go did he get scared and run away because he's a coward don't run away they swim away either way he did the fish equivalent of running yes through the storm we made it [Music] i might be going a little fast though i've been feeling about to smash into whatever that is i mean i know it's another boat but you know what i mean whatever this area is look at that look how pretty wow sometimes you just got to zoom out to take it all in you know oh my god i can do this terrifying why would anyone want to do this you're brave little lad look yeah you're so cute what's ahead of us oh god oh god that's bad that's bad that that will definitely kill me whatever's up here okay let's just let's just call it a day for a second yep oh that that would have got me maybe if i just put up this on its own the boat will move forward or not you know why would it it's not like it's got wind behind it all right let's just do this that's what i meant yeah it moves a little bit then just enough all right steady steady nobody's sheddy sheddy don't hit her too hard now take it off ah a nice little kiss on the lips nice little you know you don't want to hit it too hard you want to go in and headbutt them that'd be a terrible first impression like that whoa this is like five ladders in one glad you're claiming it not me oh those big metal things in the background look like the legs of the big ship thing that i walked i mean it might not be hey it's a deer [Music] kind of scary actually deer are terrifying they're so strong have you ever seen like a moose or an elk run through snow you don't want to let me tell you there we go nice so i have to put something on this that's going to go down to my boat see that deer human technology you wouldn't even know anything about it even though you've survived whatever happened and all my people are dead okay do i have to build the cogs let me see [Music] let me see again wait should i go up the left one or the right one what's the difference they go to the same place no they don't shut up me you don't know what you're talking about do you need to get full of water how do i is that no what am i doing is that a nozzle to put water in yes that's exactly what it is all i have to do is press the interact button again whoa down we go oh okay well yeah cool good i guess that's for my boat thing let's go this one now could have sucked water out with that thing though so now i'm worried that i missed something you don't go anywhere ah my tiny bones oh are you okay no you won't even look at me i feel like i wasn't supposed to do that yet i absolutely wasn't supposed to do that yet because i was supposed to write it all the way to the top can you like float like the last guy nice floating dude real great work oh i need the thing though uh wait can i even anymore now that this is closed oh guys i might have done a bad suck the water out of it make it lighter why are you showing me that i just wanted this okay nice okay we go all the way to the top first do something and then come all the way down i should have known as soon as i saw that no as soon as i saw that we went all the way to the bottom too easily i should have known that i did it wrong so that's usually how it goes in video games okay i don't know how to hit that button or what it does but we're going to figure it out together dude sick tower whoa actually sick tower sounds like the thx sound what is it doing look i'm asking you guys a lot of questions that you're obviously not going to have the answers to i'm sorry oh why of course of course i wanted that is that a giant magnet so i can suck up this thing with a crane guys i think it might be a giant magnet that i can suck that thing up with the crane now we get the water going more water yeah push me harder push me further even further behind plus ultra down we go has to be a magnet right it's got a little hook on the top of it it's going that's what magnets do it's the sound they make there's her nuclear bomb i don't know how this thing helps my ship thing though i don't know if i did anything right here can i like attach this to it maybe if i if i give her a length give you a length of rope you know here we go here we go that's using your noodle ha ha what does all the stuff in the background mean though i'm so confused is that like a town from a top-down view this here seems like a town and then this seems like a a barrier like a dam to keep the water out like they have in the netherlands like to push the ocean back and then this is like another city out in the ocean that's kind of what it looks like looking down on top of it um right so i don't know if i'm supposed to turn this here's my thinking do i turn do i try oh i can't get back up the ladder do i try and pull no i think i just lower it down with this crane right but unless this door opened there's there is no door oh my god i just realized what i got i got a submersible tank put that in there just so i don't lose it it's a thing to weigh down my boat so we can go underwater i told you i'm gonna stick it down on top and then it's gonna go in and then it has enough water in it that it's gonna be able to help us sink and then when we wanna get out of it you put the sucker in and you suck all the water out it was teaching me the mechanics of how i'm gonna go sickle mode underwater and then i'm gonna be the fish i should have just trusted my instincts i was like i think i need to go back and use this here and then swing it back around but i don't i don't see how this works at all oh huh you're not the part that i thought was gonna sure okay are you gonna go oh i forgot it's the other way around now down you go wait no that wouldn't make any sense i was gonna say wait do i suck my entire boat up here with a giant magnet no it's an engine part was i wrong about everything that i just said so wholeheartedly and confidently i was like so convinced that i was right in what i was saying ow and i don't think that that's what i ended up doing 20 000 leads it is i'm a genius i was right all along we're going underwater please let's go oh wait i gotta put the splooshes in you gotta weigh it down [Music] that's awesome is that a rubber duck up there oh my god we're playing subnautica again whoa that's so cool should i stop in like a little bit though until i have clearance yeah yeah stop it now okay um this and then this yeah put up your sail now what are you gonna do with it it is a propeller i was so right oh my god i'm a genius i think we're actually going to smack the top oh god oh god maybe not so genius maybe actually dumb maybe stinky man whoa that's awesome also really scary because now i know something is going to attack me underwater i know something's going to show up swim by me scare me it's iron lung all over again and that game was scary enough i don't need to relive it up oh hold on i'm grabbing all sorts of yep you need to do this and we're clear no we're not no we're not no we're not no we're not no we're not go again go again go again okay but that's enough though oh there's so much to manage oh wait i'm missing so many items dang it dang it hold on hold on hold on hold on cut it out i'm missing so much like fuel stuff can i even get out oh well this is just horrific this is so scary being down here okay can i leave you there what are all these like beams are they like again the legs of the big giant thing we got last time or are they just structural beams holding stuff up that have since collapsed [Music] could be either i like my theory better though i think the other thing is just a light but sometimes you need a light in your life you know wait let's see if there's anything further back wee they should put a spongebob reference in somewhere that'll be cool see a little spongearoo okay that's too far back i don't care anymore if you're that far back i've already forgotten about you my life has moved on now this is so cool it's a really nice improvement over the first game uh yeah light [Music] because the first game was great and had a lot of cool ideas um but this is just kind of taking it to the next level and upped it even further there's so much so many more complexities to it now wait didn't i have a another one [Music] did it fall does it go down the ladder or was that it no i thought i had another one oh god i'm losing my mind i'm losing my mind and i didn't have much to lose in the first place no trust your instincts jacka boy you're not losing your mind you're a genius everyone doubting me excuse me excuse me yep thank you thank you hold on hold on hold on oh i had stuff down here as well hold on got it okay okay we're ready to go again is is everybody ready everybody everybody here and accounted for okay cool we might have to rise a little bit just a smooch just a smoocher heck yeah look at my little lights i didn't even notice those before the lights all the way on the bottom of the ocean so anything at the bottom of the ocean i must look like the biggest scariest fish of all time i gotta get into the habit of setting this back to neutral yep yep yep yep yep that's another big boat or something there see i think i'm supposed to be using the hook on the back to pick up all this stuff but oh gosh um it's so much faster to just send my little dude out plus it's more fun ah i'm all over the shop oh whoops i didn't mean to stalk the bellas well whatever's out there that i need to grab is still a bit away there it is it's not a bit of way it's here it's now it's today quench quench quench [Music] go little boy go little boy go see this is so quick and then i'm already back here i don't need to like go up top grab it with the hook grab one at a time unless there's actually a mechanic that i'm missing out on and people are yelling at me about like probably but you know what don't really care i like sending my little dude out gives them something to do because i imagine it's supposed to be like the hook from last time right whoops the hook from last time right the hook the sookie from last time like a suction cup thing last time suction cup why did i say that going green hey because i burned a plant botanical energy i had a vacuum on the back of it last time is what i'm trying to say and failing miserably out hold hold it there hold it there oh whoa oh perfect perfect like an absolute surgeon clinical finessed let's stay down here a bit though i wanna i probably can't go to the surface but i wanna see what's going on down here this is like atlantis okay not a whole lot the surface is also easier because i might be able to use my sails my brain is not firing the way i wanted to that's cool though this also furthers my theory that everything was above land at one point and then the oceans just rose oh my god i'm actually inside somewhere okay there's something to pick up over there hold on there we go something to pick up below us maybe i'll use the hook on that one wait where'd it go oh it's really far away am i like inside a cave or like i went under and now there's like a pocket like a dome that's kind of sick ngl also means i can't use my sail though oh it's close it's that it's it's right there hold on oh crap didn't mean to do that oh wait the engine stopped anyway nice okay we do need to move forward a tiny bit though but i don't want the engine to do it can i just put up this i know i'm making things so much more annoying than they need to be just like using my systems i could just get out and go swim down and get it and come back up but why do that when you have a hook okay that doesn't work down here normally when you do that it's like moves forward a tiny bit whatever man whatever i was gonna believe i hit that switch multiple times now god dumb nope nope that's not what we're doing today no that's scary oh there's so many things though you think the hook can grab multiples i want to find out i want to see what it's all about otherwise this is just going to take an enormous amount of time and i don't want to do that just move like a smidge honestly that's probably still too far okay get them lined up with the back of it that's probably enough that's actually probably too far now all right go on down that's way further down than i thought it was going to be did you get anything i don't think you did oh wait i have to hook it on anyway don't i okay i'll just send that down i want to know what the point of this hook is other than like grabbing stuff to just it doesn't even it doesn't even i can't even grab these things with it i think it's just to move debris that's on the bottom like big debris that's so annoying maybe i'll get a suction system again it's taking forever can i like move you no that takes far too fine of movement for my liking it's okay it's only what 11 years to do this gosh dang it oh maybe this is like an anchor maybe i can just send this out when i want to stop i should have an anchor i probably do there's probably stuff that i'm missing but i like things my way um did i see other stuff over here on the radar sonar whatever oh there you go there you go oh now we're talking oh there you go now it's going to be your time to shine hopefully i don't actually have to move you and i can just move the hook this is going to be awesome i'm like a deep-sea explorer now plonk yeah what's gonna be down there the lost city i atlantis i feel like i'm in it already and away we go oh you're just opening a door i thought you're gonna lift the whole thing this this makes far more sense trying to think what this would have been before the water submerged it though okay i'm opening it the entire way by the way i know i can probably fit in but just in case something like floats out or i need my boat to go down there or something you know it's better to be safe than stupid also those are c mines over there and they've all exploded i think just hooked on again whoa scary face what's in here whoa damn [Music] this looks like some sort of nuclear reactor [Music] oh yeah there we go there we go should i have brought the hook with me this entire way [Music] no because you're gonna make life easy for me thank you thank you much much much better [Music] yeah see this see this thing that i'm like like in the background behind me now that looks like my ship it also looked like that silo that i was on that i turn the handle and they start spinning on the outside maybe that's that is exactly what my boat is submarine ship it goes by many names i'm glad it just lets me pull it and i don't need to like hit the switch and then get a length of it or anything like that it's just it's just like yeah just keep dragging it oh but i get to go below that then after right this is getting spicy i like it i also like that you can probably just not do any of this and keep moving forward right unless this is like a prerequisite that i'm going to get an item that i whoa what's happening unless i'm going to get an item that i actually needed it's it's doing the thing again nope nope we're good we're good seems like we're good are we good we're good okay it was doing it it probably got caught in that hole come on up what do we got wow treasure being a pirate sucks all you do is get drunk have an eye patch on and then go wow we got nothing the real money is in attacking other ships not looting the ocean oh god what did i do [Music] oh i definitely had to be down there oh it was a big door okay how could we not have seen the big door turn on the lights i opened the door actually that's so cool is this something i can pick up it is it's a little trophy oh wait i guess these lights turned on really lights though like they don't they're not really illuminating much are they i'll show you a light you call that a light look at this cool little trophy a little trophy for me because i'm a good boy okay now i've got a lot of stuff let me just organize it best i can for a second yeah now i have too many again but that's fine i'd rather have too many than too little you know need it and not have it instead of have it and not needed or have it not needed and said it needed not have it i got there in the end you can't tell me okay that's there's another one up there and i do have a hook for it but i also don't care i'm leaving oh nice let's go up top and look at where we're going oh oh oh man the ballast hold fellas hold ow god damn it okay this is your captain speaking shut up you don't know oh there's more to pick up i don't know where that is though let's it's fine i have enough stuff picked up i don't need any more [Music] where are we at all at all maybe go lower it looks cool down there i want to see what we're missing you know i'll probably have to go back up again soon but at least want to be able to see the bottom you know man this is i mean don't get me wrong i still love the first game but this is so much more intriguing the fact that you get to see under the world now just a little bit okay still more because deep sea stuff is just always so fascinating it's like what's down there we'll never know until we do okay we have to surface what if i just keep sucking the water out and we start flying i have a propeller what do planes have propellers i can use my sails again for the first time and what feels like 15 years it's nice to be back in the surface though in familiar sights being below into ocean it's scary cool what's scary i feel like i'm contradicting myself it's so cool down there so much more intriguing terrifying don't hit that rock you better not hit that rock okay we're far enough away all right let the engine die out for a bit this is far more manageable whoa what's that what does that do oh so intriguing my brain is coming up with theories okay here's the theory put a giant cannonball in it poof wait that's a statue of a dude doing like this it's so creepy looking are they the ancients i'm glad they're dead it's so scary looking what's wrong with them it looks like something from star wars but this is much higher tech looking stuff than what we've seen before you're gonna hit that rock right you're actually just gonna sail right on through like a good boy because why would you it would just be annoying for the game to do that oh there you go okay let's let's do that let's actually let's just do this and then do that oh mercy can you just like scooch on through though instead of i don't have to go down turn on the engine for like two seconds and then put the sail up you know it's just it's waste my time it wastes your time i also still have no idea what this button i'm pushing here is does anybody know can anybody tell me anyway here we go hatch that hair catch some wind sail the high seas maybe that other sail only comes out when you go fast enough see told you god time is absolutely melting away while i'm playing this game usually you know you play some games well i guess a lot of you wouldn't know when i'm recording some games i'm like oh my god i won't even record in 30 minutes well less so these days back in the day when i would record absolutely everything all the time and just not care as much about what i'm uploading quality wise it was just all about quantity it was about getting two videos out every single day and sometimes i'll be playing something i'm like man this is dragging and i would it would be so hard to like get through and then look over it's like 30 minutes these days less so these days i kind of pick what i want to play a bit better because i [Music] i don't know i i don't upload as often anymore so it's it's worth kind of like taking your time to figure out what you're playing like games like this back in the day i would never have been able to take like two three hours to record a single game and that's it's kind of just where youtube is now where people want more for their time people demand more out of you for their time so editing has to be a bit better your production value has to be a bit better your the quality and the quantity in a single video has to be a bit better yeah just upload like 15 parts of a like 10 minutes each of a let's play like god that was 2012 2012 and 2013 times that's all you had to do it was so easy back then but it's good we have standards now where are we going i feel like i'm going to smack into something again yep yep yep actually just cancel out those all together nice that was perfect i'm hearing booms i also like that there's like tins of food everywhere whoa it's windy up here is this just to get these oh wait no usually bucks oh it's a statue of a dude pulling the chain dude this is sick i'm not able to make it though [Music] okay there's a hook on it all right use your brain i can't go back either can i just like jump into it oh wait it's it's like timed oh this is just to hold on to where the wind goes ah okay i get it it is like journey or multiple multiple other games okay go go i think i'm faster when i jump if even just a little bit all right nice these chains like going up into the mountain in the background are so from soft like dark souls 2 3 and eldon ring all have sections like that the other game is not as much they started doing it more in dark souls 2. all right so i have to put something into this nope you just gotta do that okay that's all it does so far let's go down oh god um right that's giving us water oh this is another giant engine thing i need some fuel oh i had so much fuel on the other side of the thing but i just realized i probably couldn't have brought it with me anyway because of the wind what why'd you let go of that there we go surely i'm able to put this on the hooks and there's a button up there that sucks them all up i like that as well this is like a good upgrade that the devs made that you don't have to like do everything yourself all the time which switch is which what do you do nothing what do you do that has to be the one right yeah there they go nice okay now we can get you going i don't know what for oh powering up that nice tip to stay in this but that's what the water is for now because you'll overheat otherwise that makes sense it's all coming together i don't know how full it is though is it actually going up in like real time oh am i out of fuel there's just no way i had so many things it's okay we'll fuel you up again in no time because i have a second one coming in double the power oh wait the sides are filling up as well oh i didn't see that cool if i run out of energy though see the three little things are filling up on the left and there's like a big bar going down the middle yeah keep it fueled that's be enough now right yeah it is i don't know what i'm doing uh wow what holy god that was cool and now we can hook it that was dope love that oh wait and the whole place is upside down so that means this oh yeah there's the hooks that's so bizarre to see i'm doing it guys i'm doing it you're just gonna hook on though right i don't need to like do anything yeah thank god again another thing some games would have made you go all the way down and then do it and then what is happening oh oh this game has blown my mind so cool i don't know how this works but it's not up to me to figure it out and now you go down into my boat marine ship my ship marine what's that gonna allow me to do though i mean i'll take another engine piece any day okay i have a lot there's a lot of this stuff but i can't really house most of it i mean i can hold on to it but i can't use any of it really yeah stay up here why not nope oh god damn it i i don't know where this one's gonna take me i don't know what this is gonna allow me to do ancient energy am i able to just like blast stuff in front of me that would be cool i'ma do it let me hit the button let me hit the button oh wait how do i huh do i need fuel and energy or something i don't know how i triggered that one oh yeah it went like red does that mean it's doing something oh maybe when it's in the blue it was teaching me that makes so much sense now i gotta say the game does a really good job of teaching you like fresh mechanics all the time like doing it in that other building to now know how to do it here it's really clever oh we are gonna blast this wait hold on it's not staying in the bar i was wondering why there was like the green bar at the end of that one was there wow supercharged engine let's go that's cool god we got so much power all the more reason to like stay charged in this zone now does it hold on to the energy do you think oh i probably shouldn't be using this seafarer like if i charge it up will it stay there who knows somebody does because somebody's tried it yes [Music] i love the colors still not sure if i'm doing the sales right or not but you know we're making progress that's all that matters [Music] heck yeah yeah i guess we do need a nighttime scene we had one in the previous game you know what i'm just gonna enjoy this [Music] you can spend so much time doing busy work in the game but it's this kind of stuff that's the most fun sometimes it's just hanging out [Music] so peaceful yeah we get to see the stars oh no i see another storm cloud ahead of me we're gonna be for a rough ride guys there we go a full perpendicular mast maybe how high the flag is up and down determines how far forward my sails should be i don't know you're gonna really disrupt my peace aren't you this is far too peaceful for a game like this you're gonna do something where you're gonna assault me with lightning you're gonna hit my mast it's gonna go down i'm gonna go under the ocean there's slowing down a lot though oh jellyfish wait i want to be under yeah we have a ton of stuff i'm gonna oh my god grab the right things please i'm gonna go below deck and we're gonna go underwater because i see some jellyfish coming and i see a storm coming and i just want to be where the jellyfish are okay it does hold on to the energy that's good yes oh that's so pretty okay not too far down though i'm so glad i did that that is actually a reason to get to the full bower i like that wow that's sick i love that oh we're under the ocean you think the engine would stay cool huh and one with the jellyfish [Music] jellyfish power oh this is about to go on fire should i do it guys ultra instinct oh i can't the engine cut off okay here we go oh wait the energy goes back down dang it so if i'm gonna do it i might as well like do it immediately whenever i charge it up here we go here we go nice out of my way jellyfish yeah i see lightning and rain up there god what a pretty video game i know i'm missing stuff on the ocean floor as well but i'm not really too bothered about it since i have so many things on board which i'm probably going to run out of quicker than i think i am now it would be fine i have a bunch the question is just when i go above water and when i don't the ice let's go back up now jellyfish are over i don't want to be down here i wanted to just be jellyfish gang yeah it's ice um and i get to use my sails when i'm up here oh there's so much going on i'm like where do i go up down left right where uh over here nice look how pretty that is i love those clouds it looks so fluffy oh this is bad am i about to am i about to run aground okay oh hold on hold on hold your horses there for a second let's slow that on down slow that down to a crawl for a second is that a blimp okay that's too slow that looks like a like a hindenburg blimp right i'm not crazy ah dang it he's smacking into it yeah i don't know what that does stick them all the way back but don't take them off yet let me fix some stuff oh wait lots of stuff broke oh no that's water splashing i thought those are sparks uh let's put you down the stairs because i'm worried that if i ever have to go underwater quickly which i'm known to do that i lose you don't send another storm my way i'm sick of them i just want to sail the seas in peace the more i play though the more i am convinced that i'm the person who picked up the character from the last game that boat that went [Music] i mean i'm going left to right and that came from right to left but i know i feel like it would be cool to do that right wheel or big scary fish either or i think it's just a whale it's probably just a whale all along but big scary fish is big scary fish dang it i'm not fast enough but i can be oh that's not a lot of fuel is it i burn through all my things oh god maybe i don't have as much as i thought i did there he goes the whale wow thank you whale cool to see you that was the only reason i kind of sped up though was to see that whale now he's gone oh should i go below oh i'm going below again do i actually need to get rid of all these things when i do that or is it does it do it itself maybe that's like a hint that the whale showed up and the game's kind of like yeah you should probably go below deck or go below the ocean hold on [Music] i want to go out because now i am kind of running a little low on stuff oh this is too far out though [Music] was that lightning that just hit my ship what's happening wait didn't i see stuff oh god is that lightning just hitting the water i thought i saw stuff back here oh that's too far away that's too far away no you can't do that the screen was getting dark i think it was gonna kill me if i did that where did i see stuff then maybe it's in here hmm well that's terrifying well that's super terrifying where's my boat i am glad that i brought you below the surface oh my sona is not detecting anything now yes it is like right behind me but it's not at the bottom so maybe it's floating i'm determined to find whatever this is [Music] no i'm just losing my mind there's nothing here [Music] whatever let's just keep going there'll be more stuff to get in the future almost done too far i like how the boat's doors open but it doesn't explain how it keeps the water out it's just like yeah whatever i probably have enough anyway we're fine if we're freaking out we're grand don't even worry about it we'll move some of these over though this is a much nicer system for the engine too to have it operate off that crane so i can just oh i didn't i guess i'm doing that wait this stuff working oh i overfed it there we go i'm not missing anything on the surface right we're good wait what if that item is oh my god is that item just the thing that's in the back of my ship i think it's just the thing that's at the back in the house part are you kidding me here we go this gives you such a boost that it's like why wouldn't you do it [Music] this music is so ominous that's a crazy boost yeah the thing is following me so it's just a piece in the back of my ship i can't believe that i can't believe that i wasted that much time going looking for it oh dc's they'll play tricks on you am i like solving a film noir case with that music we're waiting for the pink panther to show up to be a little lower down i'm afraid the lightning is going to hit me anyway here we go again nice what's going on up there huh is zeus mad poseidon is chill poseidon's just like yeah whatever swim through no one cares but zeus is trying to damn it all to hell oh we ran out of fuel dang it and i also hit the wrong thing dang it [Music] that lightning is still scary that would have messed up my my ship marine a lot that would have messed up all bessie quite a bit and we've we've people to save and places to be we can't be doing that hopefully we get out of the storm soon though the last game only had one storm section this games had like three oh no no just do that that counts why not no keeps grabbing two things at once i don't like that we're going to do it again or not we ran out of fuel at the worst time [Music] dang it i'm like almost all out of everything okay so the the energy that you need for that oh wait everything's fine now you hear that the lightning's gone that seems like it's daytime up above yeah whoa that's cool glad i got to see that um yeah why not we almost have the ultra energy charged up we might as well go for it it's cool i'll set up the sails then as well we'll go full blast on everything it'll be awesome everyone will cheer i like that it kind of hums before it's about to do it to let you know like yeah you're almost charged no wrong one pull down that engine god we're going so fast holy that was awesome let me just uh fix the sail nice oh lots of wind behind us on this one oh yeah oh yeah as long as you don't bang into anything and the engines have cooled off nice perfect if it's going to be anything like the last game we're going to get to like a big building at some point and then that's we should be higher above the water we're kind of dipping a little so i accidentally turned this to that when i shouldn't have here you go i wonder if gonna end up in a big building again with like a giant robot i'm not gonna light that was sick what am i looking at more blimps maybe that is the thing maybe the third game they'll do one where you actually control a blimp that would make a lot of sense because it's a lot like these maybe that's what they're hinting at okay nice we can push past that anyway the sail is probably gonna hit that a little bit crap crap crap no crap very epic actually wait i need you to scooch for just a smidge just a smidge just a tiny little bit the tiniest amount that any of you could even fathom just like that yeah yeah because i realized that wasn't going to hit that anyway i was going to hit that other thing first all right cool and away we go okay see more helmets like the one i'm wearing seagulls see what is this in the picture it looks like it's coming right at you like it's a giant ship bursting with the sun shining behind it and there's floating robots going next to it it could be just a city and the main little thing in it but i prefer my theory okay okay let's leave you loose for now just in case i need to to pick up the slack peter patter pitter patter pitter patter nice agile athletic because the ending to the previous game like blew my mind like the big thing happening and i kind of want something like that again like big robot or something i know i'm probably supposed to go to the right but i want to i want to check what's back here i want to get a big view turns out it's nothing guys waste of time uh pro tip for uh fire changing tides don't go back there that's my gamer guide whoa i i don't know if i should be doing this or if i should not i don't know what any of this is for is as far as it goes though maybe i was supposed to walk out on it i'll bring it back underneath but i don't know what the purpose of that is oh so big and menacing because it has a little line on it like right here this patch to line up with that ladder so it must mean something right oh well i'm locked in oh okay i can't get back to where i needed to be though now ah cheeky i don't like that that's sneaky i mean i only had two directions to go so what else were you gonna do can i fall sure yep of course you can do whatever you want am i picking up something in the ocean oh yeah i am nice epic you are you qualified for that absolutely not i'm barely qualified to breathe and even then that's difficult sometimes you know asthma you got asthma okay we should probably submerge then right because the i think even just to get past that piece that we just put in we'll have to submerge okay put you back to neutral uh put some [Music] fuel in the fire oh there's lots of stuff around let me go and get this thing because it's have you just been floating there following me how does that even work they get stuck in the slipstream behind me explain yourself i mean i'm glad you're here because you're going to give me a lot of energy but that don't make any sense what's all here then oh [Music] dare i come back out and do that oh you're attached to that i thought you were just floating uh let me see if there's anything further back just in case doubtful doubtful that's a negative on that one let's just do this one it's so weird though that this whole canister you bring up and it just breaks and gives you like a potato sack full of something down you go i don't know if i have to hold this i think yeah it's probably fine it'll go down regardless i want to do this in real life actually do i know going down like 50 feet into the water i feel like my the pressure in my head would explode even just going like eight meters down in a swimming pool i'm like huh my ears are gonna burst nice more wow that was a lot you actually did something cool thank you i have to bring you in or my my thing is going to freak out and be like where what's going on i should put you there actually yeah yeah yeah ah climb for god's sake actually claim for your own sake god can climb at least i would hope so be a pretty crap god if you couldn't climb someone's going to point out to me now where there's a religion where a god can't climb and that's part of the religion and they'll be like but you feel bad now don't you all right away we go the fires of industry are roaring once more we can go a little lower just a little bit maybe we can cuz i think we're dragging ourselves along the ground right now all right fill up one bar of this thing that's all i need right now just one bar from you you can do one bar can't you maybe even two bars yeah go for it go for it get two bars out of it but that's probably all we need actually because uh i kind of want to use the sails um let's send this back wait is it a good idea to use the sails yeah it's a great idea i want to see what we're coming up against above the ocean actually do we have much we don't really have a whole lot of wind do we that's enough it's enough wind a little breeze a little that'll get us where we need to go plenty of wind what are you talking about unless we're just going to crash into icebergs and titanic ourselves then it would have just stayed below but i like it up here it's nice that's where humans are meant to be not below the ocean okay there it gives you like a little indicator for when you're catching the most wind which is smart yeah there's another one i'm literally just writing in a silo that's sideways not going that fast see my my desire to keep resources is far outweighed by my desire to go fast and eat ass oh is that something oh are these crashes nah we're fine just push it out of your way you're like an icebreaker one of those ships whoa look at that that's pretty sick ngo i want the super boost ever since you gave it to me i just crave the super boost that's all i'm going to want to do forever superb boost let's get up top i want to feel the wind in my hair yeah baby yeah that's what it's all about that's how you go full steam ahead you got it i'm not catching wind on my sails wait where is the wind on my sails why am i not catching it anywhere sails wind anything there you go oh we're out i wonder if it's actually worth the energy the energy that you spend to get that super boost i wonder if it's even worth it like the distance it covers [Music] what a ship what a beautiful ship what a beautiful ship marine proud to call her my own good old bessie she's mine and mine only we're getting some serious wave break right now oh well that's not good just smash straight into that thing oh i didn't need to go up and do my sails every time it just does it on its own oh except that part oh wait yeah it does whoa damn oh it's so peaceful and quiet well more ominous than peaceful oh he went through that [Music] the detective music is back oh we're going way down this is the deepest i've been [Music] oh that's terrifying my little flippers didn't go in though i should do this oh actually no i shouldn't i should keep filling it with water oh i forgot that i can actually go a little bit backwards now you can actually ask your thing to go back okay that was a mistake clearly okay where am i whoa there's a bunch of stuff out here i want to go collect we're in a very scary place right now giant tube underwater would anybody be okay with that i'd be me britches [Music] okay okay nice oh those like gloopy gloop glue is really like messing with my ears it makes me feel like i'm underwater the engine's ready to pop too oh don't worry you'll get your chance i'm about to let loose on this bad boy okay cool there is something else nearby though full steam ahead let me stay down here for a second if that thing that i can pick up is nearby then i can just grab it and then come back into the ship [Music] okay maybe not you know just keep going it's more fun that way oh not needed not needed not needed dang it i just want to go too fast all the time at least it doesn't damage much anymore though i think it runs out the fuel quick or something i don't know but it doesn't like break anything anymore because i don't really have something to fix my my things with anymore oh yeah lots of goodies we i'm a ballerina oh stay open it is kind of annoying to have to jump out and grab all these things myself though and not have something to suck them up anymore [Music] nice nice okay so we should be going up now hope you guys are having fun watching this i'm having a blast with it i think it's super fun okay is that enough maybe a little bit more just in case i don't want the bottom of me to like snag anything okay i won't go too crazy on the power this time just enough to like get it moving fast i say that but i do it anyway because i see like a little bit of clearance ahead of me and then i'm like yeah we can power through i'm so glad i didn't build up a super boost because i really wanted to and then seeing that it would have done nothing stuff to pick up but it sounds so far away oh is that a is that a crashy is that a crashy oh god ow ow okay okay come back a bit come back a bit use whatever power you have to come back a bit okay hold on a sec i need to figure out where i am and what i'm doing no you're still going back like is that a hole i can go into it sure is okay you're dying out already right yeah just do that stay still okay there you go is there like an emergency break that i'm missing i really feel like there is but maybe the fact that i can go backwards and forwards now means that i'm not i don't know wait this wasn't even anything i can't go in there it really looked like i could what are you doing to me oh there's a lot going on in that though there's a ladder oh man wasting my time and my fuel and everything and worst of all i'm wasting your time oh look at those pictures though or statues i can't even tell oh i'm supposed to connect that to that that was not obvious at all unless they kind of like line i mean it kind of lined it up but whoa [Music] what is this thing [Music] i also have to go left and right out of it but oh wait these are lit up ah wait but my ship what about bessie i saw another trophy there where am i even going there's so much happening okay you go there that should be good yep the lights are all lighted the lights are doing the lights is this a part that i need or do i swim down through this tiny hole that just opened okay there's a puzzles to solve guys it almost takes a while to like figure out exactly where i am and what i'm supposed to be doing with most of this stuff oh no hold on oh do i do i get rid of it and get a better one oh yeah you dispose of these ones over here then you go grab a new one maybe maybe it'll like push them all across i don't know but there's a big button on the side of that that clearly needs to be pushed to do something there you go forgot i was swimming nice i'm glad sometimes it just does that where it lets you just kind of levitate into the right position it still looks like i'm allowed to pick it up though but you can't show me this one with a hook on it unless i can pick it up right nice then i put this in hit the button a big giant turbine turns on and gives me super powers or you know just enough power to get out of here whoa okay that was a cool sound what if it like drains all the water sure i i hope it did something because i have no idea what's going on [Music] do you think i can hook this with my boat come on buds what did that do i thought these were like buttons that i was supposed to be pushing can't do that you got to be clear and concise my ship's bubbling a lot though and it gave me fuel so because it wants me to do something oh we have three little bars on the side of my oh that's a lot of power i'm powering something you see there's three little bars next to my super engine maybe if i fill those oh yeah that's supercharged i don't know what we're doing oh i'm giving energy back ancient energy [Music] damn [Music] yeah now pump all of the water out of this section or like a huge amount of it [Music] oh it's putting me up that's how i get up through there got it damn that was really confusing but i'm glad i did it [Music] what's going on wow all of that was under there maybe it's not all submerged then [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is this the thing i saw in the picture the like cog wheel this was the one that was out in the ocean right [Music] wait but i'm not on water what am i supposed to do you gonna give me wheels risen from the depths all right let's see what this does let's have this do nothing maybe maybe i got a super engine again i have no idea honestly yeah i'm charging up something again okay sure i mean if you want to go bro i'll i'll go i'm all about supercharged and stuff and putting caution to the wind i'm all about messing things up and doing things wrong that's a lot of energy though that my little ship has in it now if it's able to rise all of that i feel like i'm powering the whole planet right now okay i wasn't actually supposed to do that i'm probably supposed to go outside and like uh clear a blockage or something you know huh this game really confuses me sometimes what's at the back oh of course i thought i just had to do the same thing again i thought i was gonna like power something here and things would start moving and the industry would start kicking up again but no it was just go up here press button oh hey dude massive statue [Music] there got the lights [Music] whoa it's like a whole city that's cool it's like they've adapted to just live on the water [Music] i did turn the lights on just not the way i thought i was supposed to [Music] [Applause] [Music] is this the end of the game wow did i just stand up on top of this statue all night looking at the lights why would you do that well i mean i'm happy you guys got your power back even though i don't think a damn person lives in this place anymore what's the point of that why did i help these people am i just a cool person well there's wind blowing so i'm just going to take that as a sign that i should put my sail up yep you're gonna scrape your entire boat like that all the way down there no i don't like that this is expensive i paid good money for this zero dollars oh god and we're back in the water where we belong now what i thought i thought i reached civilization i thought i was with my people even the achievement says what now i don't know just keep going and find out i guess what's ahead of me i used up a lot of good energy to power this whole city for those people am i just not going to get any thanks for that i mean i don't do things just for thanks but sometimes it would be nice you know time to just sail along i guess oh never mind i'm solving a mystery again hmm pull out my notebook [Music] where were you on the night of the 12th seems like you don't have an alibi [Music] what is this giant place my second sale doesn't know if it wants to stay in or out it's like when you're a child and your mother's like are you injury out you're letting the heat out crazy looking place [Music] but that is the when i saw the two cogs and i was like oh do i have to put cogs in this that was this place right because it looked like oh whoops it looked like it was out in the middle of the ocean [Music] trying to keep hammering at this we'll get past it it's not worth taking them down just to put them back up again it did look like it was all the way out in the ocean and then one of the other cities was on land [Music] i don't know maybe it's not even a city they just kind of look like buildings like apartment complexes with lights on in them but i keep thinking how would you get anywhere are those pipes like a transportation system i don't know man there's a lot to this game that's like weird there's so much like above and below water as well i keep thinking that i'm missing stuff [Music] oh what are we coming up against [Music] i'm going under one of those giant pipes oh no dang it maybe if that goes up full like if this thing goes up full the sail just goes down and gets damaged i don't know but i'm on my way to open ocean again out of my way yeah you're gonna bang into that now as well why can't you just be nice i'm sailing away and no go over your busy [Music] well it looks like it's about to get cold heading into the frozen tundras i am a little wary about going too crazy with this but i do want to do a boosty i have a feeling i'm just going to hit an iceberg in two seconds i'll hit this and it'll be useless to me dang we're really sailing now this game is also longer than i expected i thought we would be done by now but it's cool that it keeps going oh iceberg oh yeah should i should i be underwater why not that's down there you know okay icebergs if you're below the icebergs even though they notoriously uh go deeper than people think oh oops hit myself i forgot to pull them down i am just the worst captain of this ship what is that it's happening again oh oh oh go down go down go down go down iceberg ahead oh god oh this is all wait hold on hold on hold on hold on stop stop go back go back we actually have to go back we have to go back can you go back at all oh probably this thing is actually preventing that i just i just need to slot that in there oh man i probably have to go up a tiny bit the little bit of fuel i had okay let's let's fill up this let's fill up this tank can i i want to see if i can use that light it's absolutely useless to me okay let's let's bring you up just a smidge just like that yeah oh oh it's levitating into place [Music] no it's not it's going the wrong way yeah okay now you're kind of lined up and i'll just go down onto that nice now that i know how to do that it was so confusing the first time [Music] okay what's down here sure oh my god am i going into like an under underground underwater base oh oh i goofed it i broke the handle what am i supposed to do now maybe there's a thing down here that can fix it [Music] okay oh yeah there is up there we have ourselves a bit of a puzzle fill these with water oh the weight of it is actually going to balance out this gotcha gotcha gotcha okay we need a little bit more i can't like go too far with it can i no because then the game would break everything and that would be awful okay okay i just need that to connect on the left over there so how about we bring you a little further yo science physics that seems about right again i just be pressing things these could do anything is that seismograph it's like recording the earthquakes that are happening did i do all of that just to get this there's no way maybe it'll stay locked in place now actually oh my god this is so slow okay pull that pull the water out of this thing again because i don't need it to actually weigh anything down i just needed to get across yeah the thing would be moving by now if the balance was wrong again okay can i push this faster now oh that's not that much faster i was hoping to become speed oh nice away i go thank you i'm stealing okay so i did something up top as well i can't like go further down can i cause it seems like there's something else down there the answer was no by the way i tried didn't work whoa what's going on now oh terrible terrible terrible bad things are happening to good people right now oh god my ship marine where's it going ah hello oh lordy i do have to go down here oh and i can't get that thing again oh this is terrible where did that go there's no time there's no time to figure these things out i'm so cute though okay nice okay are you are you here it's like losing a part of yourself nowhere to be seen this is just like the first game where i ran aground on my wheels and stuff broke off the northwest passage oh my god don't make me walk on ice what if the polar bears get me this is freezing oh my god this is the worst this is the fastest i can go by the way oh hold on we're picking up speed yeah the more we run the more body heat we have the more force we generate let's go but where is my ship that can't be the last time i've seen it i will be violently upset there's just nothing there's nothing anywhere also i don't know how you're not dying in that water isn't it absolutely freezing okay so desolate i mean i imagine that's what the actual antarctic is like [Music] [Applause] look at me go oh building civilization oh the civilization doesn't mean much in this game [Music] i miss ship i miss bessie let me zoom out now let's really give me a better picture it's kind of like pointing me forward anyway regardless oh either that's another like boat that's surfaced up but it looks like trains it is trains actually turned into like a boat the way mine is like a silo turned into one but maybe these are like snow versions like they go across the top of the ice but it looks like it broke up through it lots of boats and stuff here this is just a ship graveyard oh i better not see mine among them what if mine is like come up through the ice [Music] there's gonna be so much to fix on it when i find it again damn these are big ones [Music] oh we're going in oh maybe i get to control this one again it was my favorite part of the last game that's when i got to do the big machine but i guess they probably don't want to retread their steps having said that a lot of this is retreading some of the stuff from the first game like you have the storms and then you have the ice area there's nothing wrong with that [Music] there's something comfortable about the familiar sometimes okay i'm just going to go out on the limb here and say that this thing doesn't work anymore it seems very disheveled and broken and there's a whole train going down through the middle of it my ship has to be close definitely has to be close you're giving me a thing to fix stuff that means my ship is going to be up here it's going to be burst up through the ice at the edge of like a an ice shelf i don't have to give her tender loving kisses to get her back and work in order can i make this oh yes or you're just gonna make me fix this this isn't my boat this is just a stupid boat for stupid people where's my much better eloquent for sophisticated people ship it's a boat and a house in one we must be getting close to the end as well oh oh no what [Music] what what am i supposed to do about that huh okay the wind is gone sprint sprint like your ship depended on it because it does i don't even think i should be bringing this thing with me oh yes yes shelter okay there's nothing to hold on to this time so i'm just gonna assume that you're not gonna blow away like my hopes and dreams and my ship just got carried off in a current pretty home to a bunch of turtles right now and go it's kind of hard to determine when the wind is actually dying down because it just sounds windy all the time these little white streaks are always going across the screen i think i missed my window no make it make it oh my god i was so close ah it's so annoying you can't have the white streaks go across the screen constantly there we go because like the wind has stopped now but it still looks like i mean now it doesn't but oh my god go screw that thing every tiny little human for themselves okay thank god now i just keep holding forward whenever i can go i can go i have some fixer-upper things on my ship anyway if i really need them okay oh my boat has to be down here come on show me the money oh sorry whoops whoops my bad my bad that's not it you're not boat you do look cool though it's okay i'm gonna put fuel in here and we're gonna go a little bit wow hello are you dead that was the lady in the picture she had the flower in her hand right or the plant that or you just [Music] maybe everyone in that society looks similar or i've been looking for you and now i just found out that you're dead oh my god it's that isn't it that's sad wait i should bring the fuel with me uh oh hold on hold on hold on don't go without me please don't go without me that would be awful i would be very upset maybe it's actually just melting the ice i wonder who she was to me it is just melting the ice okay let's get full steam full red hot engine the only time when overheating is actually going to be necessary is it melting oh yeah it is it's shrinking look at it go sorry you're dead by the way real shame would have been nice to have a friend i guess that's sort of the theme with these games though isn't it that society is like fractured and gone and there's nobody else around but dude don't worry somewhere out there in this universe there's another guy with another thing on land and he's stuck at the edge of the water hoping for a friend as well you guys can hang out at some point why isn't this allowing me there you go this is probably enough just to get through but i want to see how much i can melt it eh that'll do it's like the first time this thing has seen heat in a million years i was kind of hoping we could drive it though it has like a car cab in it i love that i love that how did you run across that i love that all the machinery and everything is kind of built out of other parts of other things such a fun idea i'm coming ship whoa is that a waterfall over there is it just ice like mist coming down the side it's probably that but it looks like a waterfall from here we my ankles are broken but that's okay i'm surrounded by ice no swelling i'm glad they don't lean into the i might be speaking too soon but i'm glad they don't lean into the like slow walking like oh i'm getting tired kind of stuff a lot of games do that is it happening am i gonna get an epiphany in two seconds come on show it to me baby show it to me where is it where is ship ship i knew it couldn't beat you down oh you got to fill up your engine though you're covered nice already how did this happen who did this to you technically i did we're not going to talk about that like that we just forgive and love each other nice all fixed up everything fixed up everything good to go start that engine baby we have a lot of heating to do oh there's a fixy thing in the front as well but nice nice why are you aiming backwards that's not good let's aim you forwards in case we actually start moving suddenly and rapidly um i should go back and get the rest of this fuel shouldn't i shouldn't i can i can i still go can i i shouldn't have done that i shouldn't have done that this is a terrible mistake i'm sorry i'm sorry don't leave without me don't go too far crap the camera won't go any further okay that's fine that's fine something else is happening you're being dislodged okay i got one of them i don't want it to leave without me that would be awful climb is the engine cam down now yeah okay i think we're fine i need to fix the sail as well we have one tiny extra piece to break oh god i lost you and then i immediately was like i'm gonna go back here and abandon you for five seconds oh that's rough sounding you know what i can't be irished are you okay you're just dislodging on your own i don't like that united and it feels so good okay everybody in did i okay there it is i thought i lost it okay nice uh start up the engine let's get her moving yeah it's like nothing even happened to you just as good as ever and fixed nice running a tight ship you bet i am can i uh can i oh i thought i wasn't able to climb my own ship there for a second get some of this action going excellent excellent are we fully geared up for a boost yet i think we were and i missed it here we go here we go it's gonna happen is it gonna happen am i missing it it's gonna happen nice because when that happens the engine heat stabilizes and goes down a little bit nice the power of industry yeah see that's that's waterfalls isn't it it's kind of bizarre to look at but it's it's there keep that going baby keep that going but don't overheat cool yourself down there hotshot i wonder if i should be under the water for this oh i'm catching wind perfectly no need to adjust we're doing great everything is running like a well-oiled machine right now if i do toot my own horn myself come on before the bar goes back anything going on below the surface no the waters are getting a little choppier though oh the water is getting very choppy oh lord i don't have any sea legs i barely have regular legs i fall over all the time okay let's be careful now for a second because i'm seeing rocks i'm seeing rocks and i don't like it should i take down my sails are you gonna smack oh oh out of my way i have places to be and things to do when i'm cool and better than you i'm talking to a buoy okay okay you need to go down oh the whole thing needs to go down at least i imagine so because where else are we gonna go okay go back a little bit there you go i'm glad you're able to reverse in this one you actually have to guide your ship left and right as well oh there's stuff back here though so i should go that way okay that fuels about to die out any second yes okay that's enough for now i can get out here and do my hook thing be nice if you just hooked on on your own though it did and i took it off can it re-hook on its own hey nice what do we get oh a big one excellent because we're we just ran out so you can go in there it says there's something else further back it's not something on my ship already is it i don't think so what is it can't be this far back can it the heck is my ship even pointing to the sonar was detecting something or i can see through the ground not worth it unless i have to go back there i don't think so i think i just keep moving forward that would kind of be ridiculous if you were able to go this far forward and then the game was like actually you need to go way back that direction because the engine is the only way you can actually move forward and back the sails you can't you can't really pick to go backwards with them unless uh and i'll bring you down here i don't have that much stuff left for fuel but i have a couple of big ones so that's nice just make sure you're all stacked up so i don't have to come down here and do this later i'm an efficient little man okay let's put you forward a little bit let's just give you a tiny taste because you might be stuck you're a wee bit stuck now i need to do this before i smash into everything okay let's not let's hold on let's hold our horses here for a second there you go perfect is that good that's good okay too far down i guess i could just do that every time is keep it in it but i keep pulling it out to get away from it as fast as possible like stop whatever's happening okay let's go down further oh lord that was too quick i got too eager there's something there but we're just still moving ah whatever i probably could have gotten out and gotten it but unless the fuel dies like right now you know what i'll do it i'll do it let's pull her back to neutral for a second because i i might regret not having it later oh we went further away from it than i thought we did i'm so boosty all right there's another one ahead let's see if i can get that before i okay we're actually going oh okay that's good to know actually that we're going back up soon all right let's just do it no need to be worried okay in you go nice nice and then we raise you a tiny bit not fully yet and then a tiny bit not fully yet nice getting pretty efficient there's room to grow but i'm happy with our progress so far might have to go back down here actually give it a bit of a kick let's go back down because it is pointing out oh god what is that what is that okay stop stop stop stop everything stop is that something that i have to grab with the hook on my ship whoa what is that it's like a bomb but there's stuff way below me as well let's see what i can do oh we're gonna have to go back a little bit though aren't we uh hopefully the game can just correct itself that's bad oh cool jesus look i just don't want to waste fuel like i want to go forward like a smidge i probably don't have to use my ship at all do i okay now pull her back pull her back to center see like that because i'm like burning fuel but then i do i just quench the fire i'm always uncertain as of what to do god that goes down quick will you hold that does this even work yes it does yes indeedy okay so it seems like this thing swings so maybe you have to pull it back and then let it go oh wait no it's just pulling off the front oh what did i do okay bye did i just wreck their whole ship i'm sorry to whoever owns that i have no idea what i did with that maybe there's something at the bottom now where it crashed that right just i did it for kicks yeah super fun yeah i just love wrecking stuff all right we have to go back a tiny bit because i'm going to catch in that piece yep yep yep then stop her there and then let's sink okay not so bad not so bad i'm not even worried anymore maybe move forward a little because i imagine i have to move forward anyway it just crashed at the bottom now was there a reason for any of this am i just a terrible person at least i get these i think i could have gotten those anyway but whatever nice i keep forgetting that there's some stuff there as well that i could probably use later if i wanted to what is this like some sort of trophy or plaque can i burn it oh my god probably was for like display purposes and i'm just burning everything i own oh well no need to be that materialistic okay maybe we actually just surface i'm so lost because the breath of this game is so much bigger than the original the original was like go left or right that's kind of your whole your whole thing but this one's like up right left down where do you want to go there's a plethora of places that you can be i choose up please also need to go back i think as i pushed forward a tiny bit again yep yep yep yep yep yep go back go back go back yeah yeah i i ruined it again and i go forward a little oh it's a hot air balloon hold on am i am i supposed to inflate that there we go is that oh dude that's cool oh oh we're okay okay okay we're not smacking anything damn i did not expect that whoa okay never mind going to the third game we're already sky-bound [Music] that's so pretty aeronaut oh oh don't tilt me too far um damn i didn't realize it was like a shelf with an ocean on top of it basically [Music] wow we're so high up above everything now that's all going to come crashing down i have a feeling this whole thing is just going to break and my ship's going to fall right back into the ocean hey or not maybe we actually just control this thing from now on which would be really cool oh boosty i don't know what that does when you're airborne but i'll try it milo put up my sails will the sails like carry me further oh wait the hook is on that thing now sales going up on a tuesday can i hook it to this oh never mind i i don't really know why that has a hook honestly i guess it just had a hook from when i moved it the first time when i took the other chunk of the thing out nice dude look at us go it's so awesome oh ran out of fuel i guess i can still build the energy for whenever i need it later right now it's not really necessary because my engine isn't doing a whole lot other than keeping the balloon up dang i didn't expect us to get into that territory in this game like being in a balloon oh are we going down oh wait this is land oh oh wait no well that's just convenient isn't it oh no oh we're being slit out oh lordy dude you can't just do that okay [Music] okay buy a balloon exactly what i predicted would happen [Music] should i hit the [Music] should i hit the super jets i kind of want to i kind of want to and i'm going to [Music] let's go i better not have to duck under something my sails are like pulled all the way forward [Music] oh they're still catching air though [Music] wow where am i what's going on [Music] lovely music every time [Music] oh oh oh man i'm just gonna smash [Music] not a whole lot i can do about that well again at least i don't have anything to repair my ship with all the time like on board like i did in the previous game so this time they kind of i think they're a bit more forgiving about what what a toss they're more forgiving about smashing into things okay gotta put oh the fuel that was down there i was supposed to bring here and put into it okay there's more hey that's heron or a stork or whatever it is uh at least it's fragile on the box doesn't it my bad ancient energy a hot air balloon in the background oh whoopsies it's not doing anything oh do i need more more power hold on let me go back and get that box god damn it i thought that box was for me for down here i didn't realize i had to bring it up i probably should have realized and checked the place out first and then got the box and brought it with me on the way back that would have been smarter but we gotta turn on the lighthouse william to phone robert pattinson will show up you're fun to me lobster aren't you there you go now surely it'll do something right because i couldn't get into the light part [Music] there you go oh that is the light whoa [Music] is this gonna lift the whole thing [Music] that's cool we're following the light across there's a tiny fire [Music] that's what i did at the end of the first game [Music] i lit a beacon so someone could come find me [Music] is what's happening and now we're right to left i called it i said that right at the start of the game that we were going to find the person from the end of the first game i'm wrong and i'm actually just being foolish right now [Music] that's the horn i heard at the end of the first game oh that's cool oh whoa i'm coming buddy you're not alone we do have each other because at the end of the first game you sat and you lit the fire and your thing was destroyed and then you kind of just waited and then the screen faded to black and then you heard that so now you actually get to see what is happening from that oh it's so cool like even though i called it at the start and multiple times since then but seeing it actually play out is cool as well and seeing the perspective shift like left to right and now going right to left because i was like wait it doesn't make any sense if the ship comes in from the right to save us can you catch more air where's the air blowing from nope there you go full sails wait let me stand in the front because we'll get a better vantage point yeah because we ended the first game in the snow area so that would actually make sense then that we ended this game in the exact same area not just a repeat of the first game but actually the exact same place wait we're slowing down is it supposed to be going this slow [Music] catch more of that wind i want to see him i want to see a little fireman [Music] that's a cool reveal as well that as the lighthouse turned around you could actually just see the fire in the distance go by and then your brain connects it and then or it's like wait is that the same as the first time and then you hear that horn and it's like eureka oh getting close to land [Music] okay we can't see more if we do that this kind of like i dropped the controller this angles the land a bit better or angles the camera to the land a bit better i mean if this is the end i can like start up the engine and go find them wait we're that saving mean we're close [Music] because i don't want to miss it [Music] oh it's so weird to have everything backwards oh i don't have any things in the engine anyway it burn you sure can oh the wrangled control away from me [Music] show them to me yeah [Music] that's so fun i'm here bud climb aboard friends what an ending you want to come on my ship we don't really have anywhere to go except back to where i came from [Music] but hey at least we'll be together this one is so much bigger than the previous one too wow [Music] are you impressed this is a sale [Music] love that i love seeing the symmetry between them [Music] nice hell yeah man what a beautiful experience [Music] music's always so good thank you for playing thank you for making it oh he did climb aboard yay locomotive damn that was really fun i had a a really good time with that they changed just enough in the game to make it still feel like fresh and new and there was new things to do and new things to handle but also was familiar enough that you still got the same sort of experience out of it because sometimes sequels change a bit too much about the game and it's like i don't really vibe with this but this kind of changed things all in the right direction and it's nice that they they got together at the end because you don't need something spectacular you don't need a massive ending with like all this lore or anything like that just the fact that they found each other in a world full of like chaos basically everything being destroyed and everything being missing and nobody being around and kind of wondering like where you belong in it and then finding somebody else who's also on the exact same journey just in the other direction is really really fun and who knows maybe they'll get on the boat and then go back to that place where i like all the the buildings and things were in it you know what if they made a third game now and it was two-player so each of you did something on the ship or it could be two player so one of you controls the little red guy and one of you controls the new guy that'll be fun but then again how do you play it if you don't have a friend to play with or somebody online to play it with um and there is something about oh we put it on the back we put the little train one from last time on to the back and sailed away with it because the theme of the game is like loneliness and trying to like find somebody else and same with the previous one so i guess having somebody else with you would kind of change that vibe quite a bit yeah well done visuals were gorgeous music was gorgeous there's a couple of times i got a little confused as to what i was supposed to be doing but it wasn't that much um and i really like the idea of having the boat be able to like go under the water and then [Music] check out that kind of stuff we'd love to know how i mean maybe they're just going to move on from it you can totally move on from the fire series and create something else right now like you don't have to do a third game i'm just trying to think if they did do a third game what would they iterate upon have the have their little like train thing on the back and then you can like take it out and go other places i don't know there's something so fun about managing your ship and managing the fuel and managing the speed and everything i feel like i was a bit clunkier about it in this game compared to the previous one um but there was just a whole lot more to it there was a lot more to take in um but yeah that was fun i had a great time with that do you think there's anything at the end oh never mind that was it it just went back to the menu anyway well thank you guys so much for watching this anyone who sat through the entire thing in one sitting thank you most of all because that is pure dedication and you deserve to be thanked for that um but also if you just watch the whole thing in general thank you so much i appreciate it i really love doing like entire games in one video when they're kind of of this size and it makes it perfect for that atmosphere of just getting in sitting down vibing and then we get an entire story in one afternoon and then we move on to the next thing it's great and i i really really enjoyed this so hopefully you did as well thank you again for watching it let me know what you thought about the game down in the comments um i don't know why you would be here if you haven't watched the first one but if you haven't watched that go watch that one as well very similar vibes um but also there's tons of other series and games and stuff that i played on the channel recently and before so there's plenty of stuff to watch if you're in the mood to watch something else today uh but above all else thanks for watching and i'll see you next
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 6,168,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, far lone sails, far lone sails full game, full game, walkthrough, playthrough
Id: xbxtkPxEpIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 23sec (14003 seconds)
Published: Sun May 22 2022
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