The smartest and funniest game ever made

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thank you top of the morning to you ladies my name is Jacksepticeye and welcome to a game called the Stanley Parable can you believe that that was me playing the Stanley purple eight years ago who ild in that video I have no idea but the game came out again uh to release an ultra Deluxe Stanley Parable Edition and I wasn't originally going to play this because I was like I played the original why would I play like a remastered version of it or that's what I thought it was but people have said that if you've played the game before it's still worth playing again uh and it asked me when I booted up the game if I've played it before and knowing the Stanley Parable if you don't know what it is it's it kind of like messes with your brain and there's a narrator playing along with you and you kind of go against him or you go with him and it has a multiple permutations that you can go through and it's very very fun so I want to see what the new game has to offer oh my God the end is never the end is never the story of a man named Stanley [Music] Stanley worked for a company in a big building where he was employee number four to seven employee number 427's job was simple he sat at his desk in room 427 and he pushed buttons on the keyboard orders came to him through a monitor on his desk telling him what buttons to push how long to push them and in one it's like Severance this is what employee 427 did every day of every month of every year and although others might have considered it Soul ripping Stanley relished every moment that the orders as though we have been made exactly John Stanley was happy until tax season and then one day something very peculiar happened something that would forever change Stanley something he would never quite forget he had been at his desk for nearly an hour when he realized that not one single order had arrived on the monitor for him to follow no one had showed up to give him instructions call a meeting or even say hi never in all his years at the company had this happened this complete isolation something was very clearly wrong shocked frozen solid Stanley found himself unable to move for the longest time but as he came to his wits and regained his senses he got up from his desk and stepped out of his office okay see this is the type of game now where if I didn't move the game would actually react to that so let's move around I I can't remember any of this it's been a really really long time you try to remember anything from eight years ago you were probably in diapers back then all of his co-workers were gone what could it mean Stanley decided to go to the meeting room referred it simply missed a memo no matter how hard Stanley looked he couldn't find a trace of his co-workers They're All Dead Stanley they've all gone to heaven and left you behind because Earth is hell and there's no place more like hell than working in an office in a nine-to-five job oh let's erase that person's entire week's worth of work cool Ah that's fine he's dead anyway I hate Mondays you and me both pal wait when I'm walking around and I left click it sounds like I'm tapping a keyboard get your first achievement you can't jump well yeah there's an achievement for playing the original Stanley Parable if you don't play the game for five years you get an achievement and now in this Ultra deluxe version of the game it's 10 years you have to not play the game for 10 years to be able to get that achievement that's wild this does not make sense sure okay when Stanley came to a set of two open doors he entered the door on his left okay for this first run through the game I'm going to obey the narrator and I'm gonna see where that actually gets us and then after that we're going to disobey the narrator the narrator the narrator the narrator uh hello let me in what's happening anybody oh no I'm trapped yet there was not a single person here either oh no feeling a wave of disbelief Stanley decided to go up to his boss's office hoping he might find an answer there oh no it's like a nightmare I'm I've I've had to come and do a PowerPoint presentation for like 15 people and I don't know what it's about I've had actual nightmares like this do not alter without consulting whiteboard manager that looks like a mess all of this whiteboard and you put that there the whole thing is a is like the shape you need use it complete today's unfinished agenda items right next day's agendas reflect what is all this empty space number of slides on the slides oh God this game is funny the writing in this game is some of the best you'll ever find in a video game or anywhere it feels like Steven Merchant and Ricky Gervais wrote a video game Stanley stepped into the broom closet but there was nothing here so he turned around and got back on track you got it narrator did we go upstairs Stanley walked upstairs to his boss's office okay so that's that's three different choices we could make now we could walk downstairs here or we could have gone to the right door or go up the stair I lost track of my own choices executive bathroom yes please I can poop like a god but I hate this wallpaper this would not make me want to poop I've Got the Feeling money is for stealing but not yours of course so that's a lovely purse is that a song extreme bathrooms time magazines toilet of the year you'll never want to poop in anything else whoa somebody's got fancy living this is so much like aperture as well and portal I think it might have been inspired by that stuff originally stepping into his manager's office and it was once again stunned to discover not an indication of any human life shocked unraveled Stanley wandered in disbelief who orchestrated this what dark secret was being held from him what he could not have known was that the keypad behind the boss's desk guarded the terrible truth that his boss had been keeping from him and so the boss had assigned it an extra secret pin number two eight four five how do you know that Stanley couldn't possible yet incredibly by simply pushing random buttons on the keypad Stanley happened to input the correct code amazing stepped into the newly opened passage whoa dude it's like God is my friend uh I guess God is supposed to be your friend but I it's like having God as your narrator guiding you through life could you imagine if you're that precognition to be able to avoid things or do things expertly God I wonder about that all the time like I'm I'm doing something I'm like don't eat that because you [ __ ] yourself later you know things like that I want to have that power so I got my keyboard with me I see I wonder if you get an achievement for clicking enough times I think you do I wonder how it's going to flip it on its head though because if I've played the game before clearly the game is going to recognize that deeper into the building Stanley realized he felt a bit peculiar it was a stirring of emotion in his chest as though he felt more free to think for himself to question the nature of his job why did he feel this now when for years it had never occurred to him this question would not go unanswered for long I love that narrator's voice Sean had woken up he went downstairs and had a bowl of porridge my life is not as exciting as Stanley's it's like the kurtzkasak narrator the universe is very large I want someone like this narrating my entire life Stanley walked Straight Ahead through the large door that read mind control facility oh we can escape as well I'm okay with not escaping um I'll go to the mind control facility uh I like this one better I'll get indoctrinated and go back to my job Big Shiny button baby won't push what does this say can I zoom the knights rose on an enormous room packed with television screens what Horrible Secret did this place hold Stanley thought to himself did he have the strength to find out you know what's weird about this is that looking at this I was about to say it's like the architect's room in The Matrix now having played this game before I feel like I've made that joke before and it's going to be really interesting to like watch the parallels between both playthroughs because I legit don't remember a thing this is so like The Matrix this is like the architect's office and I wonder if the game's got to play into that like going through another loop of this haven't been so long since the last time I don't know I'm very curious to see how it handles it employee observation protocol okay oh now the monitors jumped oh gosh through nature revealed each bore the number of an employee in the building that's so cool workers the lives of so many individuals reduced to images on a screen and Stanley one of them eternally monitored in this place where Freedom meant nothing I'm 427 aren't they that's going to be me right there show me that's it that's my desk that's so cool I'm on TV whoa I get to be I'm a celebrity look at me go Stanley you're awesome this mind control facility it was too horrible to believe it couldn't be true had Stanley really been under someone's control all this time was this the only reason he was happy with his boring job that his emotions had been manipulated to accept it blindly I'm all I'm still under control our whole lives are controlled am I in control of myself am I in control of you you don't know this is recorded in the past you're watching this right now but it was recorded days ago and you have no idea about that until I just said it right I'm in total control of you subscribe hit like see you did it or if you're already subscribed that means you did it in a previous Loop already this is getting weird he refused to believe it he couldn't accept it pirate his own life in someone else's control never it was Unthinkable wasn't it was it even possible had he truly spent his entire life utterly blind to the world crazy world lots of smells I would be blind to most of it as well the heart of the operation controls labeled with emotions happy or sad or content walking eating working all of it monitored and commanded from this very place and as the cold reality of his past began to sink in Stanley decided that this machinery would never again exert its terrible power over another human life for he would dismantle the controls once and for all will I know what if I just want a cushy existence where I'm being controlled by somebody else and then I don't have to think for myself the amount of thinking I have to do for myself every day it's exhausting I don't want to have to make every decision for myself I hate it one two little button up there what number are you I will never know make yourself known buttons Stanley wandered around looking for the number four but he could not find it for he was stupid oh mind controls Idol awaiting input turn it off and when at last he found the source of the room's power he knew it was his duty his obligation to put an end to this horrible place and to everything it stood for hmm if I turn it off the game's probably going to end because I've severed control I might have just killed myself though [Music] is that one ending blackness and a rising chill of uncertainty was it over I'm out into the world for the first time by myself yes he had won he had defeated the machine Unshackled himself from someone else's command Freedom was mere moments away but at what cost even as the immense door slowly opened Stanley reflected on how many puzzles still lay unsolved where had his co-workers gone how had he been Freed From The Machine's grass wow the Mysteries did this strange building windows background as sunlight streamed into the chamber he realized none of this mattered to him for it was not knowledge or even power that he had been seeking but happiness wow perhaps his goal had not been to understand but to let go no longer would anyone tell him where to go what to do or how to feel full control whatever life he lives it will be his and that was all he needed to know it was perhaps The Only Thing Worth knowing Stanley stem I mean Ireland oh this is just Ireland there's probably sheep somewhere these stone walls that can only be Ireland or the north of England wait my whole computer just froze okay this this got too real it it froze and crashed my whole computer um maybe those just pairs of the game maybe I got so in tune with reality that The Game just crashed [Music] oh it's thanking me for setting the clock that's how you know that you care about this experience you're paying attention I don't even have any way of knowing if the times you're setting are correct tell you what I'll make you a deal Since You've Been So Cooperative next time you boot up the game and see the screen just set the clock to your favorite time go ahead pick whichever time you want even if it's not the correct time you've earned it all right I'll let you get back to the video game now oh this is so weird this is messing with my brain the fact that this screen is on this and it's all real the end is never the end is never the end is never the end this is a story of a man okay I'm in control again welcome back is that just the ending to the last one and it just crashed at the end I hope I didn't miss anything all of his co-workers were gone what could it be okay Stanley decided to go to the this time perhaps we're going to go through the right door not the wrong door ah get it when Stanley came to a set of two nobody he entered the door on his this was not the correct way to the meeting room and Stanley knew it well perhaps he wanted to stop by the employee lounge first just to admire it no I wanna upset the established order I want to go against the system I want to break free of my shackles from the hierarchy of capitalism I want to be my own person yes truly a room worth admiring it had really been worth the detour after all just to spend a few moments here in this Immaculate beautifully constructed room Stanley has simply stood here drinking it all in this is prop hunt that box over there is actually in person but eager to get back to business Stanley took the first open door on his left nope I'm going against everything he says because he's trying to course correct me Stanley was so bad at following directions it's incredible he wasn't five years ago hey if you are lying right now stop stop it get some help okay some of this is coming back to me like these locations they they look familiar I remember something about a big baby as well is there a big baby ending uh do not jump from the cargo left while it is in motion will cause death good good observation penalty for misuse of character lift a thousand dollars penalty for jumping off the character you get charged five grand for dying the narrator might be British but this is certainly taking place in America [Music] I'm not your enemy really I'm not I realize that investing in your trust in someone else can be difficult but the fact is that the story has been about nothing but you all this time or someone you've been neglecting Stanley someone you've forgotten I'm leaving what really I was in the middle of something do you have zero consideration for others yes are you that convinced that I want something bad to happen to you why I don't know how to convince you of this but I really do want to help you to show you something beautiful look let me prove it let me prove that I'm on your side fine give me a chance no buckets past this point I gotta find me a bucket oh what did my granddad say before he kicked the bucket how far do you think I can kick this bucket is there a bucket anywhere oh there has to be a bucket somewhere I want the bucket ending no buckets huh no buckets yeah you look like someone who doesn't have a pocket you wouldn't even know the first thing about buckets you and your bucket list having life I am surrounded by buckets I have so many buckets that I don't even know what to do with them and I'm not going to give you a single one my buckets are for me you have to get your own bucket you're not allowed buckets they don't trust you listen carefully this is important Stanley walked through the red door where's my bucket no I'm walking through the boot door until you give me a bucket perhaps you misunderstood Stanley walked through the red door nope book a town I don't think we're communicating properly Stanley walked through the red door what if I'm colorblind I'm walking through the blue door fine go ahead Stanley you want to know so badly what's out there you want to find out what lies at the end of this road you've chosen well don't let me stop you baby what boo baby one [ __ ] it there's nothing here I haven't even finished building this section of the map because you were never supposed to be here in the first place my broken rooms exposed developer textures is this what you had wanted was it worth ruining the entire story I had written out specifically for you do you not think I put a lot of time into that because I did and in the end it was all for nothing because this is what you wanted to see help me here Stanley help elucidate these strange and unknowable desires of yours what would have made this game better what did you want to see Vehicles skill trees you give me absolutely nothing so far tell you what let me take a stab in the dark at a new design and you can give me some feedback there we go a third option this already feels leaps ahead of where we were before go ahead Stanley take it for a spin book it our bucket I said I would go against everything he said okay oh I'm there to stop you there now tell me about your experience with this new version would you say that the game benefited from allowing you more choices feel free to be honest I'm looking for some real critical feedback here is five like yes her degree um and one is like wouldn't agree at all uh because I'm gonna give you a one because I don't have a bucket a one I mean I can understand if you had reservations you saw ways the game could be improved to more fully Express itself mechanically and artistically but a one that's not even one what am I supposed to do with that uh but I guess it isn't my place to judge here based on the data from your previous playthrough I've compiled a new version and to be perfectly candid I think I've knocked it out of the park with this one let's take a look wait based on my previous like run in this version of the game or like having played the original game oh my God there's actual leaderboards oh my God so many doors opened where am I am oh I'm 9328. how long does it take you to get to the correct or compete against others to improve your Stanley Parable career oh my God that's good friends list empty I have friends I swear did you know that 21 of players skip the intro sequence only the worst three percent of players chose the blue door 98.9 of players are I didn't even get to read that there's one me percent of players can't read fast enough how long does it take you to get to the correct door uh I'm not going to the correct door I'm going through this one now now would you say that competitive leaderboard helped you feel motivated to keep walking through doors again honest answers please that's really smart now they're taking a stab at like other games that are like here here's a leaderboard now you want to play the game more huh like how Ubisoft games are always like now you can challenge your friends it's like trust yourself trying to inflate your game it's bad to begin with hey I nearly forgot I've got a prototype of a new game I've been working on and now would be a lovely opportunity please Royale you wouldn't mind taking a look at it would you perfect let me boot it up I hope they make fun of Battle Royale it's the baby crawls left towards danger you click the button to move him back to the right and if he reaches the fire you fail okay it's a very meaningful game all about the desperation and tedium of endlessly confronting the demands of family life I think the art world will really take notice but of course the message of the game only becomes clear once you've been playing it for about four hours two give it four hours of play to make sure it's effective be sure to keep notes on your experience got it got it got it [Music] burn the baby burn the baby let the baby burn bastard bastard do it because you hate babies or purely despite me both because if it's the latter well I don't know what to do I'm completely out of ideas I can't think of a single thing that might improve the experience for me I'm not even going to try I'm out I'm out I'm done it's over oh thank you for playing your input was extremely valuable oh hey since my game was so awful why don't we play someone else's game just to ease the pain let's see what do we have here [Applause] [Music] yes this seems like it'll work let's give it a shot fortnite oh my God fascinating what do you think this game is about Stanley what's this fire watch what is our motivation um that you are meant to play as a creepy man spying on innocent civilians below from up high in your creep Tower perhaps for some sort of Twisted erotic purpose hmm yes that must be it what a fascinating Venture into the experience of total mental depravity so far I love everything about this game Stanley and it seems that who fire watches the fire watch outward and see what else is out there it says who fire watches the fire watch which is not only specifically calling out firewatch but also Watchmen who watches the Watchmen wow look at it all hey I liked firewatch the ending kind of took me out of it but I played that game with my channel that was fun I want to book it oh there must be a bucket in here somewhere book it book it book it bolds are kind of like buckets don't you think plates are kind of like bowls claw talks drink the bleach a basket is like a bucket with holes in it so a terrible terrible terrible booking okay fine we'll head out there's probably a bucket somewhere out here if you cut the top off those gas cans it would be a bucket if you cup your hands and peed into them it'd be like a bucket no no no it can't be what it is it's an open world game oh God quickly block it off thank goodness Stanley what a close call he really wandered off into that that thing that being open just wandering around no right or wrong directions no path to follow you can just go in any oh I think heavens we avoided it we're out of the woods now standing okay literally going to get us out of here let's find another game okay preferably something with walls something with nice big insurmountable walls wall game okay I think this will be just the thing that's rocket League see this is exactly what I had in mind oh dude just a nice big box for you to run around in there isn't any possibility that you could get lost here that's so cool is game design Stanley if you manage to get lost in this game I will be phenomenally impressed no I'll do it you don't think I stupid but me do okay so what exactly do we do here let's see imma fall in the hole cars here in the back but obviously there's no race track okay I'm seeing that there's a ball of some kind back here is this game sports ball Stanley I think it's sports bar I love sports ball we should run the bases and do a touchdown together yes I think surely we must can I score goals excuse Danny here's the ball have fun oh God terrifying whoosh this would be so much better if I was a carrot with rocket strapped to the back of me right now I'm just a slow middle aged nine to five man I'm doing it are you winning it's this fun is it better than my miserable little story that I work so hard on oh yeah Stanley I have a sword and I realize I'm not a sports ologist but if one ball generates a certain amount of raw adrenal ten balls and surely multiple balls makes for an even more euphoric Sports Experience dude but now we're cooking here comes another ball I'm so fast now oh goodness that really does feel amazing doesn't it another one Stanley I'm like a child in a confectionary shop I simply have to have more I'm insatial balls balls for everybody wow that's so many balls whoa rocket League baby they should add a mode like this in rocket League you know when you play those air hockey games and some of them have like 20 pucks and then it's about just scoring randomly the Pac-Man one this is a real video game yep well I sure hope you're having a good time because guess what it's over no that's right your little fun comes to an end this is my game and what I say goes you get to have fun when I let you hold on what are you doing I could how would you write a story without me you can't do it you knew that Stanley come back I'm not listening because I can't read okay fine I'll go my own way I'll make my own story I know I said I didn't want to make choices for myself but now I I am and I do and I oh I was given control for five seconds and I fell off and died I'm just a child in a adult Mech I'm convinced there's nothing about me that is adult-like it's so cool though all jokes aside the the level of detail that needs to be done to not only create all of this but to write around it as well to have it all make sense and all flow and all happen back to back to kind of sort of uh like predict what the player is gonna do and then right around that is a really really detail-oriented thing to do and to have it all be interesting as well incredible game design I wish I was smart enough to be able to do something like this oh it's my office but in a different version what is this I've made it to NASA oh I'm gonna hit the nukes surely NASA have nukes they make rockets right I'm sure Elon Musk has just won more social media platform by away from just creating a missile silo technically he already owns a missile silo oh God I I'm sorry if what he wanted was to be the leading man in his own story well perhaps he's gotten it down in wherever he is right now I wonder if he's happy with his choice not really he's learned the heavy cost that comes with it he'll understand soon what I was trying to tell him he needs me someone who will wrap everything up at the end to make sense out of the chaos and the fear and the confusion that's who I am that is what I mean to this world oh yes yes I'll be back there's no other way once this ends after it all comes to a close then I'll be back the end will be here soon very soon I can wait but I can't baby's impatient at once bucket where can I find a bucket I really want to see what the bucket ending is [Music] is this just restarted now or am I in the same Loop all of his co-workers were gone were gone what could it mean to me Stanley decided to go to the meeting room perhaps he had simply okay what's crazy about that is that there were other ways that I could have gotten off like follow the cargo left across sure go through the red door do the baby thing rate five on the games and their feedback then actually wait to see what he was going to do with rocket League there's so many permutations that I could have gone through and just that one alone that I'm like God where do I start now I go through this now and see if I can turn the Mind Control machine back on baby or just see what happens let's see where we were reading little person here either yeah stocks are down in the wave of disbelief see this fourth quarter yeah we want this to be different hoping he might find it yeah I drink top of the morning coffee okay I don't want to go on the Broom class again oh my belly's doing rumblies I'm so hungry coming to a staircase Stanley walked upstairs to his boss's office no he didn't he went downstairs into hell but Stanley just couldn't do it he considered the possibility of facing his boss admitting he had left his post during work hours he might be fired for that and in such a competitive economy why had he taken that risk all because he believed everyone had vanished nothing he was crazy and then something occurred to Stanley maybe he thought to himself maybe I am crazy all of my co-workers blinking mysteriously out of existence in a single moment for no reason at all none of it made any logical sense and everything's repeating Stanley pondered this he began to make other strange observations for example why couldn't he see his feet when he looked oh God why did doors close automatically behind him what is happening and for that matter these rooms were starting to look pretty familiar were they simply repeating oh my God I'm having existential dreads all too strange this can't be real and at last he came to the conclusion that had been on the tip of his tongue he just hadn't found I'm not real I'm Dreaming oh this is all a dream oh sure what a relief Stanley felt to have finally found an answer an explanation his co-workers weren't actually gone he wasn't going to lose his job he wasn't crazy after all so feel crazy I suppose I'll wake up soon I'll have to go back to my boring real-life job pushing buttons I may as well enjoy this while I'm still lucid so he imagined himself flying and began to gently float above the ground oh God then he imagined himself soaring through space on a magical star field and it too appeared it was so much fun and Stanley marveled that he had still not woken up dude I ate something for lunch and then perhaps the strangest question of them all entered Stan's head one he was amazed he hadn't asked himself sooner why is there a voice in my head dictating everything that I'm doing I think that all the time now the voice was describing itself being considered by Stanley who found it particularly strange about a voice describing me thinking about how it's describing my thoughts oh baby bringled boom and wondered if this voice spoke to all people in their dreams the truth was that of course this was not a dream how could it be was Stan is simply deceiving himself believing that if he's asleep he doesn't have to take responsibility for himself Stanley is as awake right now as he's ever been in his life I feel awake now hearing the voice speak these words was quite a shock to Stanley after all he knew for certain Beyond a doubt that this was in fact a dream did the voice not see him flow to make the magical Stars just a moment ago how else would the voice explain all that simulations his voice was a part of himself too surely surely if he could just he would prove it he would prove that he was in control that this was a dream so he closed his eyes gently and he invited himself to wake up wake up sadly he felt the cool weight of the blanket on his skin the Press of the mattress on his back the fresh air of a world outside this one let me wake up he thought to himself I'm through with this dream I wish it to be over let me go back to my job let me continue pushing the buttons please it's all I want I want my apartment and my wife we're married at my job all I want is my life exactly the way it's always been my life is normal I am normal everything will be fine sounds like you have anxiety Stanley I am okay this is how most people think every single day existing is terrible in this modern world I'm convinced everybody has anxiety screaming please someone wake me up understand me I'm stressed I am real the nine to five has gotten to me I'm real I must be real everything's Turning Point anyone hear my voice I'm not getting paid enough and everything went black I died I asked for a pay raise and I got killed the story of a woman named Mariella what Mariella woke up on a day like any other she arose got dressed gathered her Mariella and walked to her place of work but on this particular day her walk was interrupted by the body of a man who had stumbled through town talking and screaming and then collapsed dead on the sidewalk and although she would soon turn to go call for an ambulance for just a few brief moments she considered the strange man he was obviously crazy everyone knows what crazy people look like and in that moment she thought to herself how lucky she was to be normal I am saying I am oh she has no idea I know what is real and what isn't it was comforting to think this and in a certain way seeing this man made her feel better but then she remembered the meeting she had scheduled for that day the very important people whose impressions of her would affect her career and by extension the rest of her life she had no time for this so it was only a moment that she stood there staring down at the body and then she turned and ran oh my God it's so good and I'm back in my office hey I didn't die it was all a dream all of his co-workers were gone I'm gonna escape this time Stana decided to go I'm gonna go through the sign that said Escape remember when we went to the left so and I'm going to click new content oh new content what does that mean new content this is the new version of the game baby what does it mean The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe wow The Stanley Parable was a video game released in 2013 on home computers after receiving critical and Commercial Success it was expanded upon in 2022 with the Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe that is so long in the game for consoles and home computers between releases The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe features exciting new content that broadens and expands the world of The Stanley Parable delighting audiences the world over I read that the original has 19 endings and this one adds more and brings it up to 42 endings away in the Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe that's so cool oh well this sounds delightful I'm very excited to see the thrilling new Ultra Deluxe content me too yeah so far it's an elevator nothing special hold your horses I'm sure it's just the beginning of a mesmerizing Adventure yeah they need to load it a lot of effort to make a new game um is it broken what's going on here should we be moving somewhere or oh there we there we all right finally at long last it's on to the new content I've never been more ready let's do it I hope it's nothing I hope it's like a a cupcake or something like that hmm I have to say initial impressions of Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe muslimited it's as if them oh okay let's see the content give me the content stand there I love that they like commentate on their own stuff and like video game design in general the jump Circle all right all right let's see it's the jump I can jump they're jumping in the game now this is revolutionary there's 20 more to go I'm enjoying my time with video game this is what I live for this is gaming foreign surely that's not all the new content there has to be something else right I'm sure they've added like a gone goodness another elevator Stanley I have to say it initial impressions of this game are not positive it's just elevators and jumping is this what causes for exciting new content if this is new content then I could just read you the whole dictionary there's 20 hours of new content right here hell I could counter 30 trillion you could put that on the box The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe now with over a thousand hours of new content and if oh wait is more very cool I knew there had to be something else let's see it I'm ready for whatever it is I really hope they make like a battle royale joke and I like micro transactions and paid DLC there's so much like content that's ripe for jokes or maybe that's too obvious thank you for enjoying the new content that's it this is what happens when greedy video game developers with no respect for their fan base Russia cheap expansion to market for no reason other than to make an easy door right and don't get me started on the level of craftsmanship that's gone into it in fact I'm looking right now at the game's achievements and it's hard to believe one of them actually says test achievement please ignore quality assurance Department signed off on this I'm infuriated and I'm offended and I I intend to find these people on Twitter and hold them personally accountable it's my fault Stanley I built up too much anticipation around the new content I'm afraid it could never have lived up to such expectations if you're still with me why don't we just reset the game and we'll try to get back to what the Stanley Parable is really about No Frills no gimmicks just you and me having a great time together like always that's awesome what do you say friend yeah oh it's different [Music] whoa okay Emily come over here in the vent I want to show you something okay he's never led me astray coffee not that's me top of the morning coffee wow where are we going okay you remember how cheap and unsatisfying the new Ultra Deluxe content turned out to be nobody got me thinking about the past and how much better The Stanley Parable used to be so I made something special and tucked it away here where the game's developers went fine just our little secret take a look yeah I missed what jacksepticeye used to be better this is awesome though whoa I call it the memory Zone it's where I've been storing all my favorite memories so I can relive the peak experiences of my life whenever I want smart experiences like the launch of The Stanley Parable on PC is it going to be like the dev's reaction to how people reacted to the game 2013 when The Stanley Parable was released memory sweet memory don't forget the Stanley Parable you'll see Stanley doesn't the memory Zone remind you of how wonderful Stanley Parable was before it was salad with a cheap re-release remember back in October originally launched back then video games back then it all meant something oh the waste it's a bafta the British Academy of filament Television Awards for Bruce Straley and Neil druckman for the last of us but it's based on the Stanley Parable over it our first kiss my first car the release of Stanley good the original remake oh cause Stanley Parable was remade when it released in 2013. I forgot wasn't it like a thing and then they remade it and then it came out as like okay we we reworked it and we redid it the game's like fully finished and it's like a whole complete experience now and that was the Sandy Parable in 2013 and now they've re-released it God I maybe it's beating a dead horse but I honestly hope they take like five years and re-release it again good times oh I remember wall and door a trip down memory lane smile because it happened the United States of America one dollar baby that's so cool go outside don't play for five years wow unachievable it is impossible to get this achievement but we did it nominee nominee nominee no wins new video game releasing today creators surprisingly down to earth ah remember when we died I remember Stanley Parable deals tough choices God I love memory I love memory and smell is there a piano over there oh no in loving memory little Stanley oh [Music] why is someone singing in French is where I keep reviews of the Stanley like this stunning Triumph of games journalism 10 out of 10 from James Stephanie Sterling writes we're so many games that aspire to be more than games end up less than any form of art Stanley Parable strives and then succeeds to be every game ever created did you hear that Stanley every game ever created that's how Grand and all-encompassing the original Stanley battle was it was literally every game ever created it was Skyrim it was Persona 3. it was all of them and now it's nothing it's no games at all it isn't even the standard Parable anymore it's just a husk Marvel a lifeless husk with an hour of new elevator content this is so smart this is how you do a remake oh what's out here memory Zone maintenance oh I want to maintain my memories my gray matter is down there person of the year you ah it's suddenly Mariella is her name already forgot this is how it was made all the buttons so clever foreign the greatest wealth is memory the end is never the end is never the end here's another moving passage this time from The Stanley Parable is both a richly stimulating commentary on the nature of joycing games and one that offers some of the most enjoyable surprising and rewarding choices I've ever been confronted with in a game nine out of ten don't you get it Stanley the game was perfect it didn't need anything else it didn't need new content it just needed to be left alone to spend the rest of time collecting dust in the hallowed Hall of beloved video game memories oh red and blue door I miss those guys the serious room wait I want to go in [Music] dang it Oh I thought these were stairs oh that messed up my brain can I not wait where do I go narrate her these were simpler time standing but I wouldn't give to go back to have it all over again wait hang on I don't recall this part of the memory Zone before what's this what's down here oh God this is ravenhorn oh no God no it's reviews from Steam online video game distributor I haven't looked at these in yet oh no I can't even imagine what's been collecting down here surely these reviews were glowing as well weren't they oh God it's like finding YouTube comments not be bothered to play this game to full completion the narrator is obnoxious with his humor and dialogue proving to be more irritating than entertaining funny I'm not trying to be funny I'm trying to make a serious work of art I suppose I could write up a handful of gags to insert into the Stanley Parable but the game is already such a densely layered web a profound philosophical Insight that I can't even imagine where I'd have the room to stick them yeah so much feedback takes up too much memory at this and talking about kind of like video game culture and reviews and things in general because reviews are a weird thing they're literally just someone's opinion of something that you could have loved that they absolutely hated like the amount of videos I've uploaded even on my channel that the amount of people who probably hate them and then it makes you question like oh man but I love it should I hate it as well no Enjoy the things you want to love who who absolutely cares I've heard people be like I got made fun of for watching jacksepticeye in my 20s because everyone thinks he's like for kids like really just do whatever you want man have fun but as someone who creates things like every day this this is really fascinating to me because this thing this type of stuff really got to me in the past if people said something negative or positive like I hold on every single word that everybody was saying and I was like yeah some people are gonna like it some people aren't gonna like it I just kind of want to do what I enjoy and hopefully people still watch at the end of the day let's see what this one's so while the idea for the game is good for someone who prefers non-linear games this preachiness gets annoying fast preachy Stanley I'm not preach GMI you wouldn't tell me if I'm preachy honestly you can oh goodness this is actually quite shocking for me right I always will to be honest I had always thought of the game's dialogue as being rather terse to begin with you can't know how much fluff I cut from the game to get it to feel as light in areas and well I always thought it did but maybe it wasn't oh what an awful memory to have to hold on to these black marks are my otherwise unimpeachable track record I feel like a failure like I let these people down perhaps The Stanley Parable isn't quite as Sterling as I always remembered no it's great it's amazing yeah I wonder how many people don't like the game just for the narrator and there's like that British accent I hate British accents what's this one these are all negative though you constantly have to stop doing anything so the narrator can catch up with his long-winded explanations of what's happening I wish there was a skip button a skip button well well yes yes I think we can do that if I'm truly to preachy then then maybe letting you skip ahead for just a moment surely it couldn't hurt not if it means we can strike these negative reviews from the record positive reviews of the Stanley Palace and it's always been my motto I do anything for the customer Stanley yes a skip button we shall have it is interesting though that I mean it's like joking about stuff but it is true how the negative ones are the ones that we're reading and we're going through and are in the memory and you can see all the positive reviews are blurred out and they're tossed aside because if people like the thing you make then you don't have to please them anymore because they're already happy with it so it's all of this negativity that sticks with you because you're trying to appease that you're trying to fix it you're trying to figure out why something went wrong because that's the feedback that you can work on if something's good then it's like well I don't have any I don't have any friction I don't have anything to work against I don't have anything to like fix and here it is go ahead and give it a shot I'll pop you oh you're back you see you were only Frozen in time for a few minutes but it was plenty of time for me to deliver a long rambling monologue full of unnecessary verbal flourishes and lengthy ruminations on the nature of choice in video games of course I happen to believe it was perhaps one of my more profound such ruminations not that of course you know okay we're going to skip again just to see what happens well there's sport you really did catch me rambling on a bit didn't you but that's the power of the button the minute I start to go off on a thoughtless display of self-absorption it's right at your fingertips to go poof and it's all over oh I can't wait to see what [ __ ] night and whether they'll edit the rating of their steam review or at least change some of the wording I'm sure they'll edited At Last I don't even know if one can change their review in the first place I guess I should become better educated on exactly can you delete your review and it changes the ratings that would have been the smart thing to check on before I went about this whole exercise of making the skip button although I have to imagine that after seeing this exciting new technology at work surely whoever it is runs steam will instantly run out and Implement a new feature to make it possible to edit one aha okay welcome back Stanley now I should say that the amount of time the button has been skipping through is becoming longer and longer that last one was well I want to say maybe 30 45 minutes it's not unendurable by any means but it's well there's really only so much I can wrap I wonder if it was the remote I know it's shocking isn't it but at any rate I do suggest that we not press the button again I think the skip button has been I'm impressive Stanley Stanley Stanley please don't push the button again it's been 12 hours Jesus you've just been frozen there I don't know why the skips are getting longer but they're really truly getting longer oh my God I'm gonna skip to the end of time look back you're back oh my goodness I have someone to talk to again Stanley I I think it's been a week oh my God this is going to get really trippy I've been sitting here oh oh no oh hello it's you you're here again welcome I have had time to think about you and about us and about everything how long has it been I've had so much time I stopped keeping track after a year have you ever sat down in one place and not moved for one entire year let me describe it for you to begin with there is there is only the Turning wheel of missed opportunities I want to get to the end of time I want to skip like a thousand years and walk outside and see everything be destroyed he's not even here anymore oh no did he die oh God so cool but they didn't understand to be funny was meant to have a point it was meant to speak to the human condition but where are the jokes where are the jokes they've been around this screen they gnashed their teeth and said entertain us it wasn't enough they had to leave a pathetic little thumb cool sorry bro I want to see like the paint Decay and the walls crumble good to know the reviews still affect him after a while like 30 years the end is never the end of the end is not the end there's never the end there's never the end I'm sorry nothing physically is changing anymore oh oh guys this is going to fill up with water yeah yeah what I wanted this is sick I love this idea this is right up my alley God I'm gonna skip so much time we're gonna kill God himself whoa dude it's exactly like aperture now in Portal 2 when you uh your sleep for the hundreds of thousands of years oh Jesus so if we skipped like minutes then a week then a year then it's probably like five years then 20 then 100 and probably thousands of years in the future now what was that it's a million years in the future and bat creatures have reigned Supreme what are the button broke wait let me just make sure okay oh no life as I know it has ceased to exist how did that room survive though and no matter how much time has passed and how much existence has ended those negative reviews are still going to be in my brain why didn't he think it was funny he got his skip button and now he's still not happy and he didn't say sorry he didn't come back years later and be like oh you've changed things are different I'm sorry I said negative things in the past that actually affected you as a person in your day-to-day life and gave you Stress and Anxiety no sorry oh hey we're back is this before the reviews this is 2013 right as the game came out maybe that review hasn't been written yet all right well I'm Gonna Leave This episode here I think there's so much more that we can delve into with this I'm going to try and get a couple of more endings in the next episode um I still there's I'm gonna get a bucket I swear I'm gonna find a bucket uh but this game is absolutely incredible one of the the original 2013 version which I guess is not the original was already so good so incredible and so memorable and it was one of those games that I remember so fondly because I love meta stuff I love when things kind of like play with their own narratives and kind of like break things um and talk directly to the audience and break the fourth wall and this was like the epitome of that and it was just so smart and clever and funny and well written and this is even better than that was um so that's really impressive I'm surprised that there is so much more new content to it that uh kind of plays into that aspect of you playing it previously and kind of like poking in its own reviews it's so genius uh the people who made this game should be very very proud of themselves um and hopefully you guys enjoyed it as well I I absolutely adore it and I'm gonna play another video on it so make sure you're subscribed so you're up to date when the next video comes out and if you did enjoy this one let me know down in the comments below what you thought about it and if you've still been here since 2013 if you've been watching the channel uh you watched that original series and you came all the way back and are now watching this one and you've seen me as a person grow in eight years worth of content that's wild that means I was 24. 23 or 24 when I made that video I'm a completely different person than I was back then that's crazy to me and you've seen it all unfold in real time on YouTube almost on a daily basis that's creepy but thank you guys so much for watching this video if you liked it punch that like button in the face like a boss and high fives all round but thank you guys and I will see all your dudes foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 8,585,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, the stanley parable
Id: 8xfSL0XLRtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 30sec (4050 seconds)
Published: Sun May 01 2022
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