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morning G ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to some spooky games it is the month of October so I wanted to play some spooks I want to get real scared okay don't hold back on me I can take it I'm a grown-ass man okay I'm almost 30 I can do it right don't scare me too much though all right um so let's bring in the first game there it is it's called September 1999 and it just starts like this like this looks real this looks like real life it looks like I'm playing Jesus Christ this looks like I'm playing someone's whole movie this looks insane [ __ ] you know I've no reflection though so boo okay I don't know what I do are you serious this looks like real life oh yes cool okay but what happened on the 18th of September 1999 that's my question can I actually do anything no no if my buttons do anything oh okay so it is just like a found-footage thing oh this is creepy hello the fact that it looks so real doesn't help I mean it helps a lot but not for my paranoia oh and found-footage stuff to me is always the creepiest so I just keep walking around until you restart again zoom in that was this a picture of oh there we go what there's police outside Minh oh god oh god oh god it's so dark Oh God oh Jesus Christ [Music] well you can hear them breathe did I kill someone oh Christ oh god I hate this okay so starting off the 18th of September and never on the 21st Oh God is that like his [ __ ] cellar oh there's blood everywhere am ia serial killer sweet mother of God [Music] they just I'm just luring people back to my house and murdering them aren't I and chopping them up was a chainsaw there I'm a picture of my bird is gone this is so [ __ ] [Music] god it looks so real can move [Music] [Music] that's messed up that was it there's the whole game what the [ __ ] man that was awesome oh sweet Jesus God it that looked incredible that's that was so cool I mean it was helping the fact that was 4:3 ratio and it was also a VHS and things like that but that was incredibly convincing I would love a whole game about that I mean that was the whole game but you know what I mean yeah that was September 1999 I was playing as a serial killer who brought people into his house and cut them up with a chainsaw yep bring you the second game Bri where is it I can I can hear it I can hear the second game somewhere it's high alright so this game is called rib eye Charlie's and it has the same sort of VHS effect or you can tell that I kind of like that I like the retro kind of scanline sort of glitchy VHS kind of look to things but I think it's kind of a I think it's kind of a five nights at Freddy's thing I'm not sure it's called rib eye Charlie's and it's a pizza place so because I shouldn't just connect everything like that but my Charlie's give it to the authority delicious and refreshing wait what does it say rip I kill them okay beep boop boop I work here this is my place never drink the hell do I do find need to find a way out well it was right there I could have just left oh there's a door over here makes a lot of sense all righty do I have to look for signore key key anywhere anything anywhere Murray seeing a whole lot of anything anywhere okay thorough sweep that's what we need to do oh I can pick these up oh yeah I can't read words on it the whole what does it say yeah I don't know I've bad ice I throw from here stuff in the game where I'm hearing stuff outside oh I know I'm weirded out I think it's outside Oh a key okay got it all right you just got to look at every little tiny nook and cranny you never know what stuff's gonna be hiding okay there's a person there oh hi fuse box okay I'm assuming I need something from these Oh Lord oh Lord they're coming this way okay pass the meats we go this is not a good place to be hanging meat jeez okay Oh oh Jesus what the [ __ ] okay they did not expect a person with a cow mass to be coming after me okay I got a fuse are they still following me no okay that's good that's good okay [ __ ] this what's so weird oh man hi hi Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] is this this is so bizarre okay that's two I need two more all right which direction is he go I heard him he back there somewhere okay he's giving birth that's great but I need to get that F out of here a [Music] danger warning what oh god oh god I don't want to get trapped somewhere that sort of thing you were way closer than you actually were Jesus where am I where am I oh I do not want to be here okay give me the last few say that's all I need that's all I want I don't I don't ask for much in life [ __ ] okay okay just go just go Jesus Christ there's more than one [ __ ] okay okay what turned into a goofy little jaunt through rivai Charlie's Emporium really started to get [ __ ] didn't it really started to [ __ ] me over okay he saw me already he's running this way that's great oh there's no fuse in here oh Jesus Christ don't do dodo I get it I get it shut up leave me alone go away give me that fuse okay he gone he gone Lord okay fuses seem to be in the same places oh god oh god oh god oh are chasing me okay okay well that should mean that there's a fuse down here somewhere [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I can't go that way I'll die no [ __ ] okay okay this is bad at least if they're in the same place every time I know what I'm doing [Music] what I put in three the [ __ ] do you guys never give up hey I get it don't leave me alone I'm a nice boy you still up my ass I can't escape I don't know what I'm supposed to do there defecated leave me alone go away this is a [ __ ] this is meat dodge wait maybe I have a fourth oh my god he's right behind me I can hear him I'm just gonna go try and get the other fuse I don't know what else I can do I'm gonna die down here bud oh okay all right just put in the fuse that's all I need at least I got it I thought I was gonna die if I went down to get it nice I don't know what that did what does that do does that save me from something I don't know okay let's try it down here it's a [ __ ] dead end it's a dead end Oh No can you not come in here oh oh I'm a dumbass it just opened up the gate to get out didn't it oh [ __ ] am I gonna get caught by this guy if I just go down oh he's right up my sphincter okay just get up through the main door oh I know bassy I know okay go go go holy [ __ ] this is tense go go boy go okay okay the main door you're not able to chase me through here are you haha peace out [ __ ] oh you escaped oh I never want to go to your rib eye Charlie's again okay now get it out of here for his next game it's I smell horror I smell it you have it give it give the game to me what give it oh thank you this game is called Isobel so another a spooky scary game the screenshots that this looked really cool so I thought I'd check it out really cruel no really cool really cool ER world that's an awkward way to stand up the all right all right have we God who is Isabel and why do I have her stuff okay this is weird the Duke of turn stead is due in three days but Isabel will have nothing to do with the marriage the Baron needs to rule his daughter as he rules his lands my daughter was sniffing around and accused which I take my belts to her the parents should learn to heed his advisors warnings I've never led him astray really good lessons in all of this you know if someone's acting weird take a bell to them it's the 1950s thing to do all right who where is this about who is Isabel and why should I be taking a belt to her I tried to warn him but now it's too late the Baron is dead cursed with a vile affliction hemorrhoids its flesh nearly boiled from his bones hemorrhoids adieu that year Isabel claims the witch taught her a simple charm spell but after witnessing the horrific scene I'm sure the girl has been learning the devil's craft for quite some time voodoo black magic she hangs at dawn her would have been husband can witness her legs dangle I feel like I'm getting in the middle of something here feel like I should probably just leave you know I don't know if it's for me to say okay the controls for this are weird you have to double click everything oh wait can I pick up this yeah alright come along mr. candle we have Isabelle to find and a which apparently though I don't know if I should go near witches the more [ __ ] scary Ysabel okay you're fast the girl is dead her tears laughable tomorrow once the Duke has gone we will find the witch that appreciate that apprentice the young murderer I must admit watching her body sway brought me much joy I don't know that sounds been like you have a bit of a problem as well the burn was soft for the comforts of such things family love bah here are things that was his undoing in the end murdered by his own daughter how pathetic yeah what a dumbass getting murdered by his own murdering daughter so I guess this Abele's dad we're looking for which now maybe the witch possessed her either way there's a doings of transpiring sweet mother of God after death that's the dangle this fricking thing in front of me we look at it go you spin me right round baby right round did I do it yeah zendaya is Miche I don't know if I should be here though I don't know if I like it can I have the key back what are you the second key I shouldn't need a second key haha I don't is this your skullenbones whoa okay calm down yeah don't go losing your head Isabelle lives a cobbler brought me the news today the witch cut her down and several citizens watched as her soul entered her body once again madness the town carrot stays behind today to burn the wretch as I follow the haunting party into the woods after the girl I will see to it myself that Isabelle dies and stays dead know about this cape we go oh man I wanted to school wanted to throw it at somebody okay I'm I need to know the candy I'm a little lightless down here I just go back and get my friend oh here oh that's not my friend oh that was my friend oh well you're gonna have to do come on candles light my way like Rudolph and the great beyond mighty that's a lot of damn bone boys alright let me count alone okay yeah that was [ __ ] creepy actually zendaya is creepy several days ago no hours maybe we cornered her in a cave but something is wrong here the tunnels seemed to run back into themselves we see shadows of her dancing the walls some of the men here laughter or their screams others hear their dad say that they're not proud of them Daniel has removed his own eyes yesterday with his ration spoon he said that he needed to put them somewhere else so he could see into the future he didn't last the night totally how that happens Isabella is going to kill us all not me I say not me oh that's really creepy since the old lady raised everyone's so scared of an old lady why is that random light here is that the Sun I was dead all along I'm a ghost you see me oh god it still gets me despite how corny it is I need a key what do wait what are we gonna [ __ ] key do they see a key down here now I can stand on the cauldron though can I get up there again oh that was fun though I wanna I wanna hop up oh wait ha aqui zendaya is Michi imma stick the ski in radical okay I'm leaving my candle behind because I trust myself and my instincts and also because there's another one right here and I'm gonna use this doo doo doo doo doo that's gonna do something holt skull who goeth there don't move don't do it we did it okay I asked it not to and it did it anyway that's a [ __ ] dick move game hey everything's fine who knew hey key the spinny keys I have two hands can I hold up a candle with the other one kinda hard see I don't have my night glasses all I have are my footsteps and BTS stuck in my head you know it squeeze yeah I don't care who you are mister I would just move town light Savior am I out is this it have I done it have I jinxed it I have haven't I don't turn around I can't watch you she got you by the ankles don't turn around don't do it [Music] though you did it you did it you doesn't [ __ ] did it you turned around and then you saw her big ugly face in your face she looked like a hobbit though oh that was neat there's no a whole lot of spooks to it but I had fun that does of that game you got it you got it sweep it out go go shoot down here game we need room for more there's more games to be played something smells rotten something smells foul yeah oh that's right we're playing a game called rot this is a tribute to a corridor digital short movie and the corridor digital short film is based around Silent Hill so it all kind of coalescence into this so we're back from video game to movie to video game so here we are it looks kind of cool a friend of mine recommended it to me and said that it was really good so I trust their judgement so I'm gonna go ahead and play it and see what it's like it's why I read the corridor digital short form there we go yeah see told you and I have seen the corridor digital short film so it'll be curious to see how accurate this is although the corridor digital short film does not take place in a forest wait wakey-wakey hello rot okay or won't just read in some languages no man see this is what you get from having an Android Oh God can I can I get out I'm sorry that I hit you with my car and she's gone Oh creepy okay so they just use voice lines from the actual short movie [Applause] [Music] this okay it's okay I'm not gonna hurt you you're old she gone no no she's there oh [Music] yes love it okay that wind effect in the trees is really nice this head tilt does not though you don't you don't move your head like that although then again you're also not have to add in a car crash most times so would make sense the building here that I didn't see before and there's noises coming from it so I'm gonna just walk on over here it's so creepy that's my phone am I gonna wake up in my car again hello [Music] air raid siren [Music] what's happening Oh God the wind kicked up a lot oh that's awesome looking [Music] holy [ __ ] that's so cool I thought I could hear footsteps behind me this game is badass I've heard that horror sound effect before okay against my better judgment I'm going back god I love this type of stuff I love like air-raid sirens are really cool I love when they just a kick in out of nowhere sometimes in movies or something like your stuff in the middle of nowhere and here's the air raid sign because you know shits going down oh god is that the lady Oh God so freakin what Oh weird I go back to my care I told you I'd do anything now okay oh so weird can they get out hello you're on to Jack something's wrong with me I need some help oh Jesus so cool and you're back in the room I would say I'm dead but I'm pretty sure I'm dead already this is all the stuff that happens in the short film as well it's all like coming back to me as I play this I think what happened was that I hit somebody with my car and now I'm like stuck in limbo or I'm like fighting my own conscience and stuff [Applause] vision was really cool in this I wanna make a whole game know the 21st night of September I'm sorry I walked around with my pants off that one time okay I didn't know those school children would be around the corner [Music] whoa that's [ __ ] dope I heard her calling out is always in my left ear oh she's so creepy there's more than one wait is there two of them that's such a cool effect turn the vehicle did it say that did something about vehicle okay come back to the car drive away drive away from your problems that'll help spelling anything z HB q are happening I hate that sound anything have to do it like crying children in the distance it's just so [ __ ] weird to me hello [Music] who are you what do you want from me [Music] yeah let's walk to the amber light in the distance it's just my Carrigan like a [ __ ] cool that is it never ends oh it's faster now Jesus [Applause] [Applause] somewhat peaceful again I don't remember I don't know what's happening I don't know who you are where you are what you are oh god no not a bad [Music] stay with me ha damn do you remember [Music] [Applause] [Applause] damn that was [ __ ] awesome [Music] holy hell I recommend you guys go watch that as well a lot of this will make a lot more sense then if you watch that well as much sense as they can make but yeah that was really good check out our other games on gamejolt I might just have to do that cuz that was really [ __ ] good I want to see these people make like a full game that was insane look at the like wind effect in the trees they're everything and then watching to kick up and everything turned to red and the sword and go all the way around I've never seen something like that done in a game really and to still be surprised by like indie horror games indie horror game demo things like that's that's insane man that was good that does it for this video I hope you guys got spooked hope you got scared we started off with a really strong one and ended on a really strong one the two in the middle were fun but they weren't nearly as crazy as the first and last one those are really good September 1999 and rot oh man really blown away by those that was really fun and everything was so different from each other I like anyway thank you guys so much for watching this episode if you liked it punch that like button in the face boy good boys and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my screensaver on my computer as a raccoon in a trash bin and it makes me very happy
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,856,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, gameplay, 3 games 1 video, funny game, download, download link, indie game, random games, random indie games, random funny games, random jacksepticeye games, scary games, 3 scary games, jumpscare, horror games, indie horror, isabelle, ribeye charlies, september 1999, ROT, ROT game
Id: hrr1CqmpTqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 37sec (2317 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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