THE WORST NIGHT OF MY LIFE | Night Of The Consumers

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oh yeah oh yeah they're the air I see you I see you all out there like hungry mouths ready for momma bird to down into you oh I see you yeah I know what's up the morning to you laddies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to night of the consumers this is a it is a horror game I guess it's been floating around and I haven't played it but it looks really really fun basically I work at a convenience store or a supermarket a bunch of people a bunch of zombie weirdos like all of these lovely people by here this person protests imma get you what you want okay I just need to open up the store first do an intro for the lovely people okay calm down Clayton stop the goddamn game okay I loved that that was great do that again hi oh oh God okay Jesus you are hideous oh I hate everything about your face it looks like I've vomited onto a face and then tried to scrape the vomit off with cat claws and that's what we ended up with you're late but hey since you're do around here [Music] I'll cut you some slack by a manager we're not too busy young days like these so you can have nice easy shifts I'll help you settle in the Rambler I've got a refutations of a hole here hello if you don't pay attention the more siphoning I'll kill you won't have me looking like a fool in front of the other managers what'd you do that to your old pal module this store is the best the doubt but I would like to keep it that way - any of my loyal customers are satisfied with your service I'll be hearing about it y'alright you want make an inhaler or like a mint your breath stinks uncle fight Jimmy you've wood working here for a while now a very loyal employee of mine he will show you the ropes but just a thought I get to it yes I hated everything about that now I've never worked retail I've worked construction cuz retail terrifies me the idea of standing behind a cash register putting stuff away in shelves that's nice I can do that I am a I'm a parish to which I can just do whatever you tell me to but ringing up customers nah that's a mass [ __ ] I ain't about that which is my locker Oh okay what the hell is happening can you get it where's the pike this is how I do everything uh-huh okay is it is that Baldy on the side of that from baldies basics why do I walk like this Jimmy oh god Jimmy Jimmy run they're getting you Timmy Jesus great I don't want to go out there Jimmy in your eyes oh that's gross Jimmy I don't want to be near you they're gonna keep my weird freaky hands away from you Jimmy puke into my hands to get my hands it's the perfect shape oh my god what have you been eating hi oh but music is tasty [Music] enough for this okay Jimmy relax alright you just puked up a little you'll be fine have a Snickers if you alright the room customers the endless amounts of sick just stop getting sick this [ __ ] stains me did you [ __ ] yourself they've reached my breaking point listen it's up to you now man there's still a lot of empty shelves out there they need to be stacked before we close you don't upset the manager you'll say this is your job I just started here you're supposed to show me the ropes here man I don't know how to stack anything I barely even know how to spec box I just got out of baby school put that face away it's terrifying what am I supposed to do with all this sick huh what am I supposed to do Jimmy come back here wipe this up feel like a Barbie doll or a Ken hygiene rating excellent five stars are you sure about that employee of the month Lester for astounding commitment and attendance Oh Lester I'm coming for your throne okay right where my glass is that pretty Lester it's game on I'm coming for that troll I'm not letting you sit on your employee the Month thing for less there's missing ha I'm still taking your crown all right what's going on out here god what a store what a place Nina hand that's one of our friendly colleagues for help and if you call him friendly one of them spit in my face the other one puked all over the place and ran away and said it was a terrible job and Lester's miss and he's the employee of the month Nina hand call the cops all right guys I know everyone at home is salivating over this toilet paper right now with these paper towels all right the pandemics gonna pass let's not all turn into savages just yet okay calm down all right don't go leaping at the screen just yet no kind of sit in your seats okay now let's carry on hey hello oh my god you're terrifying oh sweet lord I don't want to let you guys into the building what you want to come in what time is it time to get a watch hold left shift on left Mouse throw box right mouse dropbox dropbox that's where we sync all our videos to hey don't get caught hide in the staff only rooms Oh Lord beware the baby what long Rob smells hell survival notes aah sick s brah I drew one of those before you like it yeah we're not so different you and I I'm gonna be great at this job okay I don't really know how this game works I'm just a new buy a baby buying just a sweet baby lamb ready to go whoa this is Halloween section hello yeah oh my god how's them look at charm some pop-tarts who else is in this store flesh birds out now okay let's let's kick it off shall we how do I do that I have a box pet food okay where's pet food go ah excuse me pet food what aisle is that yeah can we get a ring up here for some pet food what aisle is that yeah please call the manager call Jimmy call anybody I really I don't know how to do this job hits there we go all right how do I do this space aah Oh Lord I'm being timed what am I being time for oh this is weird oh I don't like it poor people what is happening no this driving around has made me conjure up quite a thirst and okay what do you want from me Oh drinks drinks your drinks here holy hell get outta here that tiny little car of yours what do you want I need the goriest video game you've got I don't know what I just started working here you'll probably find the video game faster than I will do gigs beer gets here here Jesus I'm just trying to put away pet food talking retail socks don't even thanked me okay you just okay I new school mask you want to drive around and scare trick-or-treaters with it dude you're right next to the Halloween night wait no that's done the other stage is it Oh God Oh God it's all the way down here sir turn follow me you're faster than I am you have a car Jesus oh my god how do we know you masu hell yeah thanks sir you actually helped me a lot okay wait wait wait okay no one's coming no one's coming okay okay how do we do two at once sometimes that's epic nailed it okay Oh Oh Lady comment no no no break her legs pharmacy where's the pharmacy Sophie stop this is horrible all this trophy's messing me up cunningly tyria pills ie I honestly have no idea I'm heading to the pharmacy section myself pharmacy pharmacy pharmacy pharmacy pharmacy digo diarrhea all you want just don't do it on the floors my manager will kill me I think he's gonna kill me any Platt the plaster drink that you've ruined my last suit so I'm doing it myself where's the cleaning stuff I don't know PT plate hope you're right next to it yet goober don't have a heart attack working retail is awful all these people coming up in my business no no I'm hiding I'm hiding in the staff only oh god Jimmy sick is everywhere oh my being timed Oh Lord back out into hell I don't want to help I don't want to help but I just want to do my job I just want to pay my rent ye ye what do you want that blast fate is remastered where's the clean stuff it was right here you were right at it that was the last thing I sent you to why are you back in my face my god excuse you indeed just let me do my job oh I'm not even doing Halloween stuff anymore I lost my baby find him oh you God take it kill it I need to stay away from people I hate people oh my managers gonna have any guts for garters there we go here we go fast speed is key now here folks oh thank god I put two boxes wait no no no I don't want it I don't care sir Lester come back please Lester we need you to put this is terrifying I hate this I've never ever gotta work retail ever in my life now video game that was down here right oh my god I'm actually learning the layout of the store this is so weird watch you lost your baby again I won't be finding the baby I'll be calling child protective protection services God get it out of my face oh [Music] you're fast fast fat I'm getting my baby super baby zombie to say first birthday you have games I hope you're in it oh I'm gonna commit a murder I'm gonna commit crime my head man fingers are tingling oh we it's this boxes stun them okay okay hey the music change this is lovely this is really nice Oh No watch watch watch what's my job oh god what are those drinks says get out I'm trying I want to oh god what I do what are you what are you oh no oh no I broke it I don't even have to box anymore I don't know what I'm doing Oh what does that mean what why did I get fired I was doing amazing you're fired geez scared that won't bloom pazzo to me okay back at it again for another lovely day [ __ ] oh hi savages absolute barbarians I don't recognize any of you right now but you come in I do where's the lady with her baby cuz I should just lock the doors can I just put the boxes next to the areas for pharmacy box next to the pharmacy supplies I'm a genius I should be paid extra for this job where's the rest of this stuff come on where does it give it to me I'm ready are you sure about that I'm starting to learn the layout of the store it's like food oh it's out here Oh guy actually work here now this is my this is my life I'm couldn't YouTube guys I'm just gonna work here make a sound wage and the drinks are right down next to the food two aisles over next to the Suites see I demand a raise haven't done my job once properly yet but I want to raise all right let's start this let's start this I'm ready I'm ready speed of a demon why would anyone work here yeah use the Knights okay okay okay okay no one interrupt me I'm doing grace I hear a baby oh god what happened to Paul from the Teletubbies both of the Teletubbies on crack cocaine now what what what y'all get the 4-day magazine what he means a stupid game I will kill you I will commit a murder in this place video games are not down here okay okay okay no no no no no no beer games video games beauties think what I wanna speak to a manager how dare you nope nope I'm going home I'm going home I'm going on all that time and effort I spent put in the boxes in the right places I hate it it's nice in here nice and cam how do they just wrap myself in this stuff and then run out into the wild they'll never get me then all right screw it we ready let's go let's go oh this is mr. Craven on it that's cool that's a youtuber nice oh no oh no oh no oh no did you lose your baby again is that it I don't care about your damn baby nice hmm a legend kill them now die sweets sweets they go oh the doors get locked when they attack me I was looking all the plays all over the place front lock door all the stuff we're in the video game aisle we might as well do this now watch what what what what what Halloween costumes that babies ie actually don't know Halloween section of course it's the other site it's down here oh we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine everything's fine shut up excuse you on the champagne it's in the drinks section drinks are down here follow me sir I have what you need it's called kick in the ass wait that's not it Oh does now qahal section I watch watch granny cool kids juice it's my grandson's favorite is that alcohol is he being a delinquent I don't even know that's not it okay just regular drinks it's that it's that none of you come near me come on come on at least get another box nice out we go again okay okay speed speed speed is your friend and the key to life nice nice okay okay I don't know if that's resetting them or not but I'd like to think it is I just want to do my job I just want to do my job okay okay three boxes what do you want it doesn't even say what you want a pushy I can't get to that in time now I can't even block you off I want to go home let me go home let me go home let me go fine it's fine it's fine I don't care all I wanted to do was have a job all I wanted to do is like he'd pay for college hang out with my friends in the weekend buy some drinks it's all I wanted is the game gonna let me do that no okay well I'm gonna leave this episode here and please absolutely destroy that like button for the amount of misery that I went through you better do it okay I'm gonna sit here until you do have you done it yet I see you some of you haven't okay thanks you're cute okay I'm gonna go away take a breath relax go to the staff room drink up and then come back fresh and ready to go but for now
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,095,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Night Of The Consumers, night of the consumers game, night of the consumers gameplay, night of the consumers walkthrough, night of the consumers playthrough, night of the consumers secrets, night of the consumers horror game, night of the consumers funny moments, night of the consumers ending, night of the consumers jacksepticeye, horror game, night of the consumers funny, horror games, night of the consumers secret ending, night of the consumers, full game
Id: 8fQ7NtYnLyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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