You're Not Ready For These Scary Games

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Hmm, so Anti is coming after all the egos? First Chase, now the Doctor

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/coronanucleoli šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Oct 19 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

I saw it and now Iā€™m scared

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/carathebunnyhost šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Oct 19 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

And you felt the need to put it here. When I could just go to youtube. Or click the notification I got.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Buschhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Oct 19 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies
happy happy top of morning noises it means it's time for spooky games why is nobody scared yet you're all sitting at home with your thumbs up your asses not know much you're supposed to be doing with your life well get ready because I'm home I'm oh that's a skinny-ass chair ain't nobody got a back that skinny for that chair but you know why who cares let's play the video game anyway it's just a game but for scary people can turn off my flashlight that's a good sign hello mister hello you stir what's going on here me hello my interactive that it's it's so Derrick the game's called I'm home but the lights are also off so call a plumber the plumber to fix right there Peter they've left our house I'm staying at the town hotel if you would like to know why look around our house written by your love curly oh it's very nice for a cage one at the bottom um as well all right Kelly what's wrong with the house is it cuz of this I told you I kill this for you but there it is that's the skinny chair doesn't look too bad when it's in game though it's just skinny do you love your wife I guess do you remember me not really I can make you remember me oh goody my memory is terrible Layton too much going on you think I can't even remember what I ate for dinner your wife left because I showed her Who I am oh no that I I didn't cheat my wife did ie I didn't even have a say in this do you want to see me no I don't think so well it's been are you are you super hot super hot cuz maybe Dan I will o go back to the start and read the note in the table that's to the right of the outhouse okay that's very specific thank you for the instructions what if I go up here though wait these are outhouses they're in the house wouldn't they be in houses in wouldn't they just be bathrooms then somebody's in the upstairs so he's in the Attic dear Peter oh wait I just supposed to be this one to the right of the outhouse okay my pet is upstairs hehehe TV my dad's upstairs teehee oh hello spooky scares are you around Jackie boy is here to get spoke hurt [ __ ] joke I have a very floaty job or there's something on that bed it got very quiet Oh No first mate I don't think that your wife loves you because she left your home hey she could have just got out to get groceries oh it's not another bed the sheets are all upturned he didn't even make them this is a garbage house this is a garbage house for trash people I'll tell you what let's make a deal if you bring your wife back to me I let you live maybe but she left cuz she just enough me apparently why would she come back if she just loved me maybe she got the groceries I want scrambled eggs oh my god is this your bathroom everything looks the same and you're tiny Oh can I get on top of it oh that would have been epic wait you said your pet was upstairs is your pet a toilet I really don't like how quiet it is hello okay I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing now should I should I go get my wife set there's not even an entrance to this place there's more Oh witches brew take that inflate wait are you my wife hey you still said your pain is upstairs hee hee oh go down the stairs and read the note I left you we will see how much your wife really we will see how much you really care about your wife wait what note there's several hundred notes downstairs this one that makes sense just so you know I mean your house better search everywhere and find me before I kill your wife this is a terrible game be in there you taking a poop nope all right oh good old game a heightened seeker wait and see but I don't like is heightened creep okay I'm starting to make me uneasy now I don't like this you grimace at everything nothing can scare you I still think that you're the bad guy out of all of this Oh God who are you and why are you in my house and who are you what do you have to say for yourself that was unkind unfair and uncomfortable I didn't like any of that it came out of nowhere and scare the bejeebers out of me I knew it was building up to something gosh dang it I wasn't scared I just have to drink some of my little [ __ ] juice right now I didn't like that it scared me good I also don't know what happened moving on show me question mark huh Leslie muzic can you hear Tchaikovsky Mozart Bach Beethoven I don't know who plays what all I know is the musical sounds like that I pretty sure that's motor um okay I have a lovely friend over here who's lying in a I have a light screw you cop Fick that Cup specifically alright turn off the music or I guess that's probably copyrighted and I do like to actually make this my job surprisingly despite what YouTube's best efforts to make it not my job anymore hello wake up hello controls alright alright left clicked in drag flashlight other world vision nice but these notes are there your waking in a dirt foreign place you have no memory of how you got here all you remember is a bright flash of light well I can tell you how we got here if you have 90 minutes oh god it's one of these games Oh mother of Delilah uh named Michael Tony Robert and his brother scrab what my previous report said after Michael had an encounter with patient number 13 he no longer seems to connect as well to the other world Robin brings him there for a moment but he could no longer enter it on his own patient 13 seems to be jamming the potential of her peers dr. M whoa my utter world vision figured as something out ha ha he's scared I'm scared too man our world vision is dope makes everything brighter and nicer and blue can I read that can I read the controls again judging by what dr. s told me dr. Shawn doctor the light strobing patterns used to induce the other world transition as some glaring flaws in their design he is working on a new pattern that should increase the patient's responsiveness and control in the other world it should be ready tomorrow and I look forward to testing it out I hope it can increase the efficiency of some of our more lacking subjects though of patient 13 is a good candidate for the new stroke raised wheezy okay can I repeat questions success it was what greatness it brought us she could not be tamed this monster of our own making frail frail frail Shan Shan oh it's a nice letter shows some promise in his ability to enter the other world at will will F Brigham I'm Wilford Brimley and I'd like to talk to you for a few minutes about diabeetus his frail Constitution makes him a poor candidate for some of the more dangerous aspects of realm shifting often comes back bruised and scared that's going to be breezy scared Christopher Nolan can manipulate objects within the Oder world but often gotta exit the realm at will is often stuck there for hours will initiate a more serious struggle let me out all right Oh Howdy Doody everybody Laura Connors show significant signs of psychic potential immediate results from strobe and can not only see into the other world but control aspects of it she or should be moved to a more secure location as there are concerns her powers are influencing the world around her security seems security systems are malfunctioning during her worst phases be aware of Lara do not underestimate her we are fools to think we can control her birth holds a key that hinders our progress is not very melodramatic yes probably need to just like have a couple of drinks the door won't budge you need to find a key press right Mouse head ooh okay the flashlight is still there another note worthless worthless and worthless ad infinitum that's very mean I'm not worthless I'm useless there's a difference Gregory Hutchinson seems to lack potential has little control over his ability to remain in the other world it's irrational and violent little promise god damn it hutchinson Oh Oh the keys not there at all I thought this was just helping me find things the key slides into the lock unlocking the door that does sound like a key the world around you is not what it seems you have the ability to gaze deeper into it than most others we were of the consequences this is cool I like this I like realm shifting in real time that's neat oh when the beds are all floating in the room is bigger that's cool and there's deadness stop the lights I refuse when darkness falls don't look keep that keep the tits keep the bits keep what are you trying to say oh you're upside-down so tired let me rest Derek beans and then when you don't want to see the baddest anymore you close your eyes and then it's fine she is the key death follows in her wake written on the sheets actually it's written on the walls mainly oh do you know her I know I don't even know who I am let me go if you love me let me go all right happy birthday to me that's a lovely woman press H for hints if you get stuck find the correct code for the keypad at the end of the room she is the key do any of you have a code Gregory 3rd of June will 22nd of February am I looking for a lady's name 5 8 4 6 I wonder has anybody ever gotten something like that right oh the curse said witches bed Laura 19 1974 there it is 1974 Laura come on down what but Laura is the key 19th of October 1910 aha if it's not one it's the Oder take the elevator to freedom that doesn't that's not how that ever works in a horror game if won't budge it looks like it's pushing against someone's pushing an incident the other side they'd be in fools they're not budging it won't budge it seems rusted shut well that's good that means I can't go anywhere else except the these directions okay everything in this room seems fine hold on let me put on my other world goggles it's all good folks let me just try and take the elevator to freedom I would not get in an elevator that has doors like this nope nope nope nope if I use my other world vision will you go away that's a good excuse for an awkward social situations from now on it's like hey Kent I'm sorry I can't talk to you I can't see you I owe the world vision is kicking in the engine needs to replace three parts use the other world vision to locate three inch apart from the nearby rooms okay here's one got it nice okay oh that's what I saw in the other place then Oh am I gonna get attack 'add go go go go go don't look back in anger all right this I thought I talked that this is a pot picked up a ninja parrot okay got him I've got whole tree engine hurts I'm a mechanic I got this just run faster than the demons can catch it the machine is fix it now let me go home yes please yes please yes freedom please sorry could you hit them could you hit the freedom freedom button well done you escaped the building today or date you Oh video game Oh God do you know her why why me you sicken me I'm sorry I don't even know you [Music] but oh yeah it's just a prototype dang it was I'm really getting into that that was cool there was secret writings all over the walls ah really gives a new meaning to that if these walls could talk what would they say what would you say well if my walls could talk did probably just say can you please shut up I'm sick of listening to you hey wake up Brad mr. quintanilla make that that one was cool I liked that a lot I liked that mechanic OSHA was longer and I wish there was actual like spooky scares so far nothing has really come to attack me except that guy who was in my house they came out went blue you know like Richard Nixon this is a bad sign don't crash fear not scallywags or fear a lot because it's a horror game I saved the best looking game for last this one was quite substantially larger in file size than the others because the visuals are quite nice that's called synastry Arseny stria it looks cool I'm excited to play this one oh I like that yes okay - my veins give me the spooks out here I can't answer right now please leave a message penis here I am at the bottom of another bottle of beer in my skinny jeans baby please don't go please push up assist bears though Chase is that you oh she wasn't there who neato all right get your head in the game there bio examine hell yeah dude you can't be sad if you have push-up bars what's that it's a bulk if holy I could read okay grab the boxes throw the boxes is this why she left his artwork is cool I like it CHF that stands for cool having friends you know sometimes I feel like it can still see her in my memories okay pick up the keys those were tiny tiny keys which means that I'm gonna miss a lot of stuff the visuals are very nice I like this squeaky scoop oh Christ oh man I'm not cut out for this I was just here to make the funnies I'm just here to make the high highs and to make people smile and laugh I'm not here to get scared this is what the inside of my underwear looks like right now [Applause] Stephanie baby whoo [ __ ] in the bed Steph wait she was never really there he's got spots on this one that's cool missing woman in Kansas City Missouri thank God you say Kansas City Missouri and not Kansas City Kansas because I would have gotten very confused seen Istria the abandoned town also it's the name of the town got it the door is locked oh it's one of these those stairs are messing with my eyes nice nice I judge a horror game by how much it smells in my room from sweat and feces and so far this one's a humdinger eat the apple the say an apple a day keeps the dog or they keep the doctor away but they don't tell you that an apple a day keeps the ghosts away two ghosts hate apples it all started with the idea presented by Christopher Maroney in his book later he started to show his vision through paintings that was the spark that brought misery Luna Theodora oh I could have done that oh that's a tiny writing for ant people Ruth fufu it stuck to me I don't like it hmm I found secrets Hey hey friend Oh [Music] okay oh that's a freaky picture can I get it the right way there we go nobody family what happened to all of their eyes Lord Luna Theodora evanora answer this is very small Stephanie Tabet we know a Stephanie that's my baby boo sweet darling dearest okay it's all the same list this morning our loving God showed me the answer the things that we will have to do will be horrible but our loving God does not make mistakes I will wait for you tonight at the council meeting okay that kind of message gets wildly more dark depending on what God it is all right oh my god that is so creepy looking it's just a person's face but they look like a lizard person okay okay big boy ball Jack carjacker boy come on Jackie boy you got this you're not afraid of no video game a stupid video games are for babies and milk drinkers doors lock it as well it's Ricky here that I missed probably there's a geek got the key okay don't scare me again scare me once shame on you scare me twice also a shame on you shame on you for every time you scare me squeaker squeaker wait says the doors locking again but am I supposed to do no hold a and drag you had a secret Batcave Oh God what are you doing who are you talking to why okay okay give me little bits juice okay I'm ready to go I'm ready to go okay Halloween boots freaky okay Cassandra Ursula and Luna Theodora and Cordelia Tamsin are so fine but the others across tauf including my sweet dear Stephanie Tabet she had an awful tabata disappearing oh what's in the box is this her head I'm gonna take this with me I will hit a child if it's scaring me everyone's are like don't hit kids but if it's a creepy ghost kid I think it's very game alright make yourself known otherwise it's just self defense Jesus get let go of me a freak come along bag hi Steph eat bag no that did the trick [Music] Oh what a nice lady don't mind if I do things are also louder than they should be come on Bank it's gonna say nothing can scare us if we're together but I got scared did you get scared bag did you get scared if you legitimate back Becky no my bag went away sucks what are you doing there there a hoe h-hi you look like you made out of marble are you okay that was awkward I just find a woman randomly crying who hurts you who did this who covered you entire I didn't put the fetters on afterwards I felt bad for you who we need a heart that's a big heart that door is locked as well oh god there's so many keys hidden all over this game stop hiding keys please oh yes that's not gonna cut these chains that could barely cut someone's hair well I'll just shut my mouth then okay you said that very hammy also know this doors locked God Almighty oh there was a third board oh sweet Satan are you statues are real oh you're gonna come to life aren't you all right all right I'm gonna head out you guys got some nice asses you guys Brie sexy I'm not gonna lie except you oh you have a face on your mother would kill by here you go okay he's no life sweet six-pack though haha Stephanie baby where'd you go healing medicine ointment ah can't go anywhere without my healing medicine ointment ooh sneaky dinky hi I'm Batman through the vents like the Brad I am I go no one's home I mean I don't know about you if I was a ghost I'd be pretty scared of a person who could pick up a great like that just fling it across the room I'm pretty strong okay I keep worrying it's gonna say that it's locked again I don't like you dude oh this is cool like hi he's on the walls watching me now this is what I call a reception thank you what an entrance which every room did this and I walked into it although I probably burned down a lot of places then again a lot of room at the height of the agony he came to us we accepted his pact the clouds covered the sky leaves were rustling and the fire ceased to burn us our curse will descend on all Stephanie tabot wait am i he Stephanie can we go home baby darling dearest the fire didn't hurt us anymore I get it I don't know if I'm actually supposed to go this way thank you no I'm taken a lovely lady named Stephanie have you seen her I'm actually looking for [Applause] okay bye nice house Jesus frickin weird Oh redstone take that you can make a door [Music] no shitake mushrooms that's what the devil does he lures people okay what do I do there's a doodad do we need to up I think it was supposed to use the boxes to get up there but I just I broke the game this whatever's what Jackie boy does oh don't break don't break don't break don't break don't break don't break whew that was cool that's real layers of fury that Suns faked a British person saying layers of theory there's a little layers of theory in it is gonna break now oh this room is different as well neato burrito something is missing here yeah you're not playing it is it your lack of conviction [Applause] okay what a mighty room oke ooh prices phase you found us out ah you need music got it someone have a chair though silenced by Stephanie Tabet ghost piano that's a lovely song Steph I'm at home lately all my favorite boxes yay oh this is the garbage dump I left it in I still see her face everywhere I go [Music] that way Jesus Stephanie oh Jesus Christ that was his name not Jesus Stephanie whoa this is awesome looking like I know I'm messing around and having fun and whatever but this is legitimately like really good-looking it is [ __ ] Gilbert [Music] don't you hate it when that happens the town is a devil oh that's pretty because parts of the freaking graves are grown into the hoses [Music] these roses are terrible there's nothing in them would anyone live here [Music] at least we've got your sweet music Stephanie and the symbol of satan above a tree satan man ruins everything Jesus [Music] oh man we're come to Kickstarter this weekend I don't know what that is you should put a date up you can subscribe to our newsletters receive notification when we are live discover the rewards okay go check it out supported on Kickstarter that was awesome I look forward to seeing more of that I thought that this is an actual like full thing as well I didn't know that this was like a demo but it was really cool sinistra Orson nise trya kind of reminds me a Suspiria so the bottom line is we had a girlfriend she burst into flames and then I went crazy yes obviously there's more to it than that we'd like witches and stuff that was cool I like I like the the ambience that it had going on so thank you guys for watching these spooky scary horror games if these scared you you guys scared even just a teeny tiny little bit or if you have to hide in the comments cuz you were too scared you gotta like that video because that means that the video and the games did their job and also don't forget to subscribe because we upload games all the time we have a lot of fun [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,049,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye horror games, 3 scary games jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye scary games, jacksepticeye scary, horror games, 3 scary games, jumpscare, scary games, scary, horror, gameplay, creepypasta, lets play, horror game, playthrough, dr schneeplestein, jacksepticeye egos, alter egos, chase, chase brody, let's play, creepy pasta, sinistria, otherworld, im home, walkthrough, jump scare, creepy, scary game, scary stories, creepypasta game, reaction, horror stories, gaming, game
Id: _3q-YNbFhSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 53sec (2153 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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