This Was Legit Scary | 3 Scary Games

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there is a tremble in your hand your eye begins to flutter you're not sure if you are even yourself you have a sense of greed a sense of purpose a sense of one's deep inside of you a sense of avarice was I cool what does avarice mean avarice means extreme greed for wealth or material gain didn't know that I just had to hey Siri what avarice meant coz I didn't know that's what this game is called it was highly rated on it Geo so I want to play it as with all of the games are going to be playing today me a thief I might sleep as a stranger to me I wander the halls of this place as if in search of something something unattainable something beyond my grasp yet my wanderings always take me back to the same place it's as if the mask draws me to the ninth or beckoning me sometimes I awake to find myself standing before it it also me some dark fascination that I can't explain yet I'm unable to resist ok well you stole it this time umm so I don't know what that means why don't you just steal everything take turn on a fire and then why a hallway has a fireplace Oh God everything's locket steal the cops seal the tiny terracotta mend are all the doors locked ah this one's I'm knock now thank you mask I'm sure nothing bad it's actually going to happen only last year the wife of renowned Explorer Edward Armitage was lost at sea on the same ship the couple were returning from a 12-week exploration of the Ashanti Kingdom of Africa the exact circumstances of her tragic loss are still unknown but she's thought to have fallen from the vessel during extreme weather conditions I that's a lot of information to take in I'm sorry I have to climb the stairs okay there is a knock seize on the doors ease this game looks great it is how they would say dripping with atmosphere dear there's a lot of atmosphere to go round climb aboard and get some seconds so far not that scared though and I want to be scared it's December it's the scary season ok thankfully all these other doors are locked my sleepwalking I'm a trash mammal right now I'm just dirty in the place all over [Music] can I write a story dearest Samantha it has been 4 years since I've wrote to you because I forgot how to write I took her nasty knock on the head Oh a little kid in a dog is cute ok I'm back here again whoa that's cool some Dark Souls level design bro is it all gonna be different I was gonna say damn all the stuff is knocked over but I did chase one again if I laughs and giggles all the time and then eventually someone's gonna come and kill me and it's not so funny anymore is it no it's not know your place Sean right here okay should I just keep doing the loop I guess we're doing a loop we're doing a loop everybody everybody climb aboard anything different was these lights gonna break oh [ __ ] I went out ah [ __ ] don't break my eyes though I go blind Oh it'd have been almost a year since that night since I lost my nominee to the darkness of that heartless see the face haunts me in my dreams in my waking hours bringing it to respite from her absence sometimes I fancy I hear a voice in the dead of night calling him a cool trick of the wind love my continued an isolation in this place dad you dad yeah that's what she says sorry like how at this site of the newspaper it's fine but this site I need my glasses for this side oh are you open now okay thank God let me out okay still got our titty how do these things statue of Ganesha the Hydra and car statue bit of a collector are we what does it have to do with the mask though all right Lucy poopsies watch you garden you got a bit of a PT going on oh oh come back I want to talk to you I used to think that perhaps it was a ghost I wish it was saying but I know now the truth of it it is something far more sinister something I brought upon myself upon both of us I'm from which there can be no escape I feel it reaching for me out of the darkness I fear that one day it will take me some place from which I may never return okay can I can I leave da man the litter ghost those are the worst okay back onto your things you go there you go perfect luckily I looked at this right before I went into the next area wait oh that's actually what I had to do I mean it would have inferred from the names but I had a bit of precognition as you would say yes quite hello yes this is very dark in here today did I go through the same loop again another try you door okay another door just not work okay well you could just say that I'm ugly no need to [ __ ] symbolize it like that God game [ __ ] yeah come in I'm trying to let you in okay whatever I'm going into this room god you're so loud okay just took a little jaunt down the hall it's fine I find myself doing it I mean I am sleepwalking and stole a mask and I'm walking around seeing things so what do I know there's something nice about the familiarity of the environments oh but this hallway is the one that creeps me out the most I'm not scared you're the one who's scared you need to shut up you stop laughing to me I have something in my eye the red lights are on getting kinky are we I see how it is like I can click on this there's an icon but I can't actually do anything with it jeez it's not so close to me okay you ready give me like shards of glass in my head oh it unlocks this gotcha yes was an uncommon beauty I love the truest of any love that has ever been or ever will be for my adventures none had brought me which is a fortune that could compare to the peace and joy I found by the sign I could not save her that is a creepy ass picture in the dark like a bunch of glows this is like something from Casper also saying like hers is an uncommon beauty it's like saying like yeah oh you're so pretty that's not like saying that at all what am I supposed to do hers was a rare beauty very own cut she had a face on her like a spatula this is bad alright big gamer time ladies crying in the dark are always a bad sign I can't see anything [ __ ] I'm moving my mouse and character but nothing's happening what is that oh god stay away from me okay thank God please [ __ ] sucked okay never mind I found a suckier one well that's a weird texture whoa are we all underwater because she drowned I just left okay everyone wakes up at this hour Elena see you [ __ ] go man this is not fun you trying to tell me not to go that way [Applause] is it cuz I said yours is an uncommon beauty okay titty painting is fine that's good what the [ __ ] that was like right behind me I hate that don't [ __ ] creep up on me Oh an Irishman has a kick on him like a horse creep up behind me you're gonna get a heel to the jaw music school though wait that's not I thought it was the song from the end of the shining that's used in a lot of places you could at least put the chair back no dammit man I thought the titty would survive everything I will rid myself and this world of his curse but a cleansing fire eradicate the darkness I long for its tentacles to retreat from my heart so that I may see again and remember remember her face and the love we shared okay can we toss it into the fire yeah cast it into the fire consumed in flames then as I watch it burn let's see her face in its place screaming for help I know did not come and cannot come now oh no oh this is fun and it's always oh this one barely opened okay not endless just very very long this is creepy yes what is that noise and why am I getting closer to it it's back where it belongs good Gottschalk go go boom go just once more through you'll get there step by step left from the right right in front of left whatever you prefer oh yes let me meet my betrothed that was not my betrothed I see your eyes I see ho gaes the lips move but I hear only the sound of darkness and the waves that carries through the black night only a moment earlier she was begging me to cast the mask into the sea I deny her appreciate from me with such force and mad rage that she is sent backwards and over the railing of the ship touching on with slipping hands I hear her cries now and pleas for help Edward help me please and I watch as she slips into the darkness dirty bossy I do nothing all is lost seize the mask on the boat and killed her oh by accident he knocked her overboard [Music] oh I was hoping for one big scare especially in that time like in the darkness so you could hear there like I thought it would like run towards me and scare me okay I'm okay okay it's just restarts thick okay that is weird that was not bad that is some decent atmosphere it was a little too PT ish for my liking but I liked the sort of vibe to it it was it was like PT mixed with layers of fear and both of those are decent games so well PT is an amazing game so that's a nice atmosphere I just wished it was I need I need some more spooks I need some more scares not just like banging lights and chairs moving in front of me like scare me racking me get me going well footage you were about to see was taken from an online stream one year after the North buri Grove Massacre this is this is lovely I like this this team is called entity [ __ ] there's my mission is dope dude you really have the creepy vibe everything all right let's get it hell yeah we don't smile a wish that happened on keep the car running get this place is creepy yet look hey what's up stickers if chappal Joey high-stakes TV here coming to you live from Alcon and industries the site of the North Bay massacre Oh [Music] last year I know I usually stream gaming up status post but I decided to put down C now showdown to serve the elderly for a bit and start a new walk series and what better day to start with I played this bursary of the killings crystal sorry Trevor but your sister was a dime piece man there's a [ __ ] legend uh I played Norris berry Grove massacre I didn't know that this was this is just called entity I didn't know it was a follow up to anything ah awesome this is where he came in and you fought the monster in here I never finished it though cuz it was kind of a pain in my ass and didn't know how I didn't know how to go after this area light Ridge Heights oh man this camera angle is so cool okay Sam wants you okay sighs wants me to do white and it even has like there's 258 viewers press ENTER to check what's up damn it looking for singles ready to mingle add me on sick status post sexy girl 420 that's a name that you can get behind I bet you [ __ ] your pants Joey no Joey keep it 100 oh my god and then I'll be hitting up the site of the burndown King's comfort for the next episode and our series will end with mountain ridge orchards if you know I can find a way to sneak in anyways let's head inside and see what creepy [ __ ] we encounter let's go this is cool this is a neat idea huh what happened to that girl that got away make sure you label this not for children yeah cuz cop I'll get you oh I really creeped out ok I can place myself in people's shoes way too easily even video game character so right now I'm imagining what it would be like to actually walk around this area I know I'm lame shut up hey wait this is all covered over this time ok stagers this is the room they supposedly found tons of bodies in but it looks like it's been cleaned up long do you guys see that yeah no wait nobody saw that ok I'm trippin guys hashtag so we super high stakes let's see if there's something they left behind we need a channel souvenir no one's reacting to that Oh somebody just did [ __ ] that was cool oh I'm all in on this this is is this a puppet combo game Oh doors open cuz I can actually imagine someone going and doing this [ __ ] it's always pre-recorded stuff but no one does anything live because it obviously wouldn't work I don't like this what is that isn't it illegal to go in there why would you be doing this these chat seems accurate crystal was hot as [ __ ] lul hashtag damn girl okay I can hear sounds oh that whole idea of being in the woods alone and hearing sounds in the distance I don't like that I can't like interact on anything it has to happen on its own what am I supposed to do don't spook me Oh Prezi to crawl through it's mixed in with the chat it was hard to see don't know Joey man don't do it don't be a [ __ ] idiot Jesus please fall through another dimension Jesus press ENTER to chat ouch oh I wrote D s ad stake his home might be in a little trouble here [ __ ] doctor get out of here I like that he's trying to act all cool about it because like haha I heard people say we should call the cops [ __ ] man this is spooky that's a dead end they're good like outlast vibes camera could you stop doing that I can go through these [ __ ] man Joey is tripping out oh my [ __ ] god he [ __ ] dead IRL jokes ghost this is great it's great but it sucks oh god I'm gonna get so lost oh I hope a face or something doesn't show up at the darkness yeah that seems empty let's go this one you forgot to bring a towel Jesus be a big brave boy big brave boy at least you recording this we were recording for 6 hours or is that the time Oh God [ __ ] oh it says my name of the of my computer is in chat which is called jacks your kind will be exterminated we praise the void you must take your light we must take your life now or you must take your life now hesitation is failure no mercy [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you an actor you will die that's cool [Applause] the regular chat is gone now it's a zero viewers you see him socks you're gonna die in your sleep it says a [ __ ] dead end thought I was gone the right way though cuz I saw the guy punished a week you know how to end the pain oh [ __ ] man I promise it'll be over soon death becomes you okay which worried that I come in okay I didn't go this way what the [ __ ] I'm so freaked out man oh the chats back 867 viewers now nope nope nope nope this is so [ __ ] up are we gonna see a murder I wanna god it's fault oh oh [ __ ] dude oh the viewers are gone again now 42,000 viewers with this song can I claim through yeah go go boy go kind of out you just said I like turtles [ __ ] is making that sound something's moving down here oh it's TV oh that was the first game right no I don't know I don't know if that was the first game or part of this one oh god more [ __ ] tunnels some is that Joey high stakes keyword high oh yeah this seems good Oh or maybe not oh my god the camera makes everything so [ __ ] freaky hey no you're gonna get sacrificed at the [ __ ] moon let me just add [ __ ] this [ __ ] bro why are you not reacting to anything dude I would be losing my mind well first I would never come here in the first place [Music] yep yep and sacrifice at the moon cool follow me on Twitter hashtag earth slash Joey high-stakes TV is that actually your Twitter that was awesome I [ __ ] love that and then it's back to not being scary at all damn so so cool oh no the first game was made by scythe the scythe dev team I know I thought it was Papa combo sorry I didn't mean to give someone else credit for your work but the first one was really cool I didn't actually finish it but I absolutely loved the style of it I loved there's been a big influx of these types of games recently and over the last few years and it's so cool I love to sort of filters making it look old-school but with New Age kind of mechanics we're not so much mechanics but like the polish on them like this type of stuff is what old games would have looked like but we're getting this from Lake just small indie dev teams now it's so [ __ ] cool this is this Twitter Joey high-stakes TV nice damn that was cool I like that a lot well done there's just something about the camera and the filter and everything there's just as it was the same with outlast it just adds this like little extra layer that I really like and just being able to like see stuff kind of in the distance and then you zoom in with the camera and you can see a little more the framing of it and the kind of first-person handheld camera aspect to it just it gives it this really freaky aspect very Blair Witch II of course and Blair Witch is one of the best horror movies ever made I think just for how different and unique it was and for when it came out man I like that a lot [Music] okay now we're on to something completely different which I still consider to be a horror game from the little pits that I saw yep [Music] 100% still a horror game I've got a little [ __ ] and balls nose and [ __ ] and balls leave it look put it it's [ __ ] adorable how do I interact or anything [Music] hi okay can you do something for me I didn't look look up buttons I think it needs a controller sure yeah I'll just [Music] there you go there you go take my nose juice this is absolutely still a horror game dripping good this is one of the top rated things on it CEO right now I can see why oh god the perspectives so [ __ ] weird right okay come with me I don't know what I'm doing with you but you're coming with me got a little boots on the ground oh you wanna I just murdered that guy hi well you better know oh oh Jesus what is happening dripping I don't even know how to commentate over this game let's let it just do its thing I punch a tree there's some little titties on the ground it's a big theme of titties today [Music] if you come up nope they're just in the ground you know ground titties everyone knows about a ground tinny every now and then you know I've ground titties where you live oh my bird eggs what do you want with me a bird and my bird eggs not a lot I don't know why I'm here I don't know why I'm here or what I'm doing or what I should do next okay let me do it slide down nice liberty bird beak okay oh the juices sliding down my big bird big I saw something that I shouldn't have seen I think they put the egg oh I broke it doesn't say maybe I put the egg and the titties what the [ __ ] is going on [Music] no one say anything to YouTube about this video if we can get this video past the censorship it'll be great you go [Music] okay you don't want it don't [ __ ] want it I don't know what I'm supposed to do with it honey no maybe you have to feed it to the big weirdo again sorry I'm calling you a weirdo everything is weird in this game so technically you're not a weirdo you're just normal Oh a lovely treat inside it didn't say I it said one let me throw your other leg let me through me and my little balls nose demand it okay maybe I'm not allowed should I go back okay I'll go back this is the scariest thing I've played all day can you just smack the titties Oh God why why anything why are you alive please anything in this game alive what else do I have to feed this monstrosity can I pick you up no I can't believe it just smack some titties or they made a little titty baby oh no I have to feed the monster the titty baby why is this happening why is any of this how perverse Mother's Milk I am very not okay with the decisions I have made today but I'm gonna live with them and see them till the end oh I am not shy I'm terrified you've a lot of little froggy babies just hanging out there can I have one to feed to the weirdo [Music] okay oh dude oh that one looks you're okay would be doing this you're okay with me taking this you're okay with what's happening I don't know if I am I'm so glad that I have found this game I'm so glad this is in our lives right now what's that gonna do cheer will make you undulating drip so young and fresh you've made her day what am i what is existence you must help me much help you how I have the nose much time I don't know what happened I don't know how to help you I want I want to was hoping my son I really want to oh oh oh oh I'm making it worse aren't I oh I made it so worse is that what you want it I just feet things to the giant turnip and then it grows bits well you better not stop now I can go this way also that thing just called me baby dick how did they know hi what is this gonna be mmm nothing yet do you need more oh you do oh I got piece of you Oh God first of all I don't know what I am secondly I don't know what they are and thirdly I don't know what I'm doing call me baby take again try it right so I thought it's gonna go back and feed this blob to the weird man and say thank you and hopefully he lifts his third tentacle up here on the top you go oh why are you a mess ever so wet okay thank God when it doesn't do something I'm like oh I've missed something and I don't know where to go I miss her son how are you can I baked my perineum on you and get a whole day's worth of sunshine in 30 minutes [Music] oh oh oh yes slap that ass slap those asses well if that's it keep slapping keep slapping some baby boots I can see his butthole man yeah come with me holiday that's where we're going meet my friend Archibald yep yep what the absolute [ __ ] not sure about that one you and then it just stops well that was the goodtime garden I feel unwell I think I'm gonna go lay down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,611,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye horror games, 3 scary games jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye scary games, jacksepticeye scary, horror games, 3 scary games, jumpscare, scary games, scary, horror, gameplay, creepypasta, lets play, horror game, playthrough, let's play, creepy pasta, walkthrough, jump scare, creepy, scary game, scary stories, creepypasta game, reaction, horror stories, gaming, game, survival horror, avarice, entity, northbury grove, good time garden
Id: hO6PDBs-T_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 0sec (2580 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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