I'm Ready To Be Terrified Again In Simulacra 2 - Part 1

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top of the morning to you laddies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to simulacra - now before we go anywhere I'm very sick so I might not be able to bring it as a hard as I normally do the gaelic spirit is fading within me but simulacra too came out but it only came out on mobile so far and when I was away I just got back from LA and everyone was saying that I should place a mic or two and I didn't know it was coming out earlier on mobile devices which makes sense because the whole game is about finding phones and stuff so I'm playing it on mobile first I was gonna wait until the PC version came out but apparently it's like a month away I don't have to wait a month to play simulacra I like the first one I absolutely loved some of the moments in it the first game gave us [ __ ] it's watch and it was really really fun so now I'm excited to see where they take simulacra - if you don't know what simulacra is it's a it's a game all about where you find someone's phone and then you backtrack what happened to them bloody bloody blah so let's just get in and play hopefully there's actual sound because it's not playing right now choose how your journey begins oh god what should I choose do I want it wait is there supposed to be sound oh God okay there is sound playing there's just no music playing for some reason you're a tabloid reporter and frights are your beat or you're a junior detective and a hardcore skeptic ooh I'm gonna go with the hardcore skeptic only for the fact that it sounds like septic that's my my very poke your nose in that no I don't care if you're on overtime just fix the damn thing damn plumbers so you keep saying you're ready for the big stuff today's your lucky day Wow oh you're gonna have to get your respect look you're the only one around this whole damn place I can trust everyone else is to set in their way of thinking this is a secret operation so you keep your mouth shut anyone finds out about this and our careers are toast I like toast turn the phone on when you're out of the station then alone I'll give you more instructions soon I wish I could say it's a matter of life and death but I'm afraid it's more than that don't screw this up it's more than a matter of life and death what more could there be okay so junior detective we got the phone yes hell yeah give it to me I loved the first simulacrum because some of the best moments ever in a horror play through the first ever lacquer this sounds like the stranger thing soundtrack [Music] who dat I don't know but I'm excited to find out god this is intense nice that was cool it's a little weird to be playing it on my phone because I'm like looking down here all the time but yeah the first game gave us ooh straight off with the glitches nice ah this is cool playing on a phone ok great it works I got a fresh murder case that's ok I'll read those in a second because the game I always thought what it would be like playing it on the focus I think the other one the phone version came second but it's perfect as it literally looks like I'm playing I'm actually like looking at the person's phone like I actually have the phone I have the phone right here but the first game gave us that one where they had voices left and right in my head and ever you know and that it was just scared [ __ ] on me the binaural audio and it was so cool but then we got the thing when I put in my name and I recognized who I was as like an easter egg from the developers and that was really cool that mess with my head I don't know if this one's gonna be as good but I'm excited to find out ok hello testing test test great it works I got a fresh murder case that's way over my head she's a reply this is above my paygrade why all the secrecy but you're a senior officer why all the secrecy well I'm desperate I like the idea of him sitting back waiting to text me back like I hope they write to me the chief closed the case in less than a week said it was an open-and-shut accidental death they just want to hit this month's quota instead of doing a proper job what a disgrace halt why waste time in a closed case did Wow the department's really efficient that's terrible why waste time in a closed case because I know they're wrong about this and we're going to prove it I need the case reopened by force if necessary so I borrowed the only device I need the victims phone which you have right now it's tainted dude it's corrupt you stole evidence you're going rogue is this a dead person's phone it's grammar and it's weird I know but it's effective the investigation was a whole load of incompetent police work slip shot evidence collected bad interviewing practices I don't even know why they bothered my gut told me to look further and this phone proves me right okay I don't trust these methods and last thing this happened I talked to like a a demon I don't know if I want to talk to a demon again was it a demon can you call it that I don't know if you want to know what happened the last simulacra I advise going back to watch it cuz there's going to be a whole lot of stuff in this one that's probably related to that how did she die who was the victim you vile how did she die I'm curious was that one of the things we don't know officially a heart attack her name was Maya we received an anonymous anonymous call of a disturbance at her apartment responding officer found her dead don't you think that was too convenient a tip-off I really feel there has to be foul play here but what was the unofficial reason why did she actually die feelings are not proof any evidence to support your theory what are your leads so Julie's bra nothing concrete but listen that video she left seems like she knew something was going to happen have you seen it I have not but I am very excited also why can't you just write all of this in one message we need to keep writing tons of messages I haven't take a look at it oh my god this is so weird cuz the seriously it's just like actually being on my phone that is a lot of fingerprints like the home button and everything at the bottom really feel like I'm actually perusing someone's phone that's cool I know it's silly it's dumb shush let me have my moment I'm very excited corrupted photo let's reconstruct okay no clues available so I can't drag a drag and drop anything alright fair enough let's go to our media whoo we have a ton of photos Wow oh my god it's swiping actually works damn these are all for the gram if you put these up in the ground because these would work very well you're very attractive the internet would love that I got you co juice Wow hashtag candid these are nice pictures you did not take these on the phone oh you went to a TED talk that's epic okay that one's a little creepy who's taking all these pictures of you though this is the sign you've been looking for that's cute Wow hashtag vegan life okay you got some friends you got some of this you were very flexible I'm kind of jealous my bones and muscles don't work the same they used to mainly because I don't train them okay oh he's handsome look at this [ __ ] damn literally you got lucky but you get some good-looking friends as well you kind of look like that's that youtubers name there on the channel Blogilates she look like her ooh is this that's not the the marketplace in Seattle is it could be look familiar okay okay lots of pictures cooly cooly cooly how many pictures do you have it said you had 64 Wow okay damn we got booty goals going on oh yes yes here we go Jesus Christ okay this photo is corrupted and cannot be deleted from the factory reset restore point created okay can i oh my god I can actually zoom in at the photos oh this is so cool I'm actually glad now I'm playing it on the phone alright that is this just a picture okay well yeah we have to look at the video then 5th 21st oh okay we go in order it did it here but not there three two one that's courage okay I took a video I wonder if I changed my orientation because I've screened tilt thing locked it's turned that off does that okay hell yeah hell yeah let it happen let the glitches begin this is all my fault I saw all the signs but I just rubbed them off he was just so much easier to believe that I was just imagining things I didn't know we'd get this no it's gonna be dangerous I felt it I can feel it coming from me hell yeah a very think it's watching me anything you wants to hurt me over I have to stop this thing before it's too late yes creepy I love it scan Maya distress the self recording of Maya looking to stress something seems to be coming for her and she blames herself for it's the simulacra it's coming for you it gonna kill you okay the entire phone is still corrupted though looks like someone or something was stalking her I think sticks out to you yeah she's very bendy she lives a great lifestyle she seems like she's great friends she eats healthily so she doesn't deserve this she blames that she's blaming herself for something yeah you think she caused her own death but what could she have done to feel hunted down in her own home reminds me of some of my stranger cases just go but surely there's a case for the last one that happened just look that up cross-reference and come back to this one I also like that we still get some of the stuff I know is happening [ __ ] it's much but line better be in this game I miss it what strange cases unexplained death and mysterious disappearances that's a tongue twister the one time someone got possessed by their phone I'm assigning you to the department of obscure phenomena ooh the top wait that's an actual Department the Department of obscure phenomena I can't talk today man a discreet team within the force of solving cases involving a super actually they don't know doop ha ha ha that's even better than Bob doop really spending a lot of time writing is like my mom I told you that about Drake damn it damn it never mind the name it's just us both on this so we have to work fast first thing is to restore the phone okay how do we do that I would say like let's ask the IT department here Blake no just us so when you can answer that hmm I'm not good with new technologies so I was hoping you can finish what I started just like kylo Ren I stole the app they're called worden it's got the existing files to cover okay I'm sure you can figure it out for yourself alrighty I have to use my detective brain which is good because I'm really big brain already I'm super awesome mega brain hey stop messaging me just remember you might find this manual useful Oh manual okay it doesn't do it for you guys I'm sorry it changes like this and then doop since the department is pinching pennies I'll be conducting this training manual for our new app it's called I never mind you know what I'm talking about Wireless autonomous app is a power unit for data recovery tool and clue detect I got the D in and is capitalized just to make it seem I crypting okay whatever I can figure it out I'm a smart boy I know how phones work okay let's try corrupted photo in legend I go what's that back you got email back surfer chimera jabbers back good job kid looks like some of the phone's data and information is being restored just keep doing this and we'll find something in no time you spying on me I placed a tracker in the phone let me know if you're trying to actually figure it out or if you're just looking at the pictures at the pretty girls and the pretty people on the phone so I can get up to speed immediately you need to know details of the crime scene as well it's all in the case file am I going to a crime scene however feel comfortable with that chief I'm not risking this covert operation by having you trampling all over the crime scene I'll give you access to the police database you'll find everything you need there okay okay such a big mean man wonder if I can put alright so I can't use that all right I'm gonna get any new videos for 264 videos 3 ok got some music that's stuff sinking okay okay I'm very worried that that's copyrighted so let's just avoid that for now all right who are you calling number one welcome to emergency services we have upgraded to a new self-guided response service to better aid you with your car okay grace Malika I wish all my problems can be solved with an apology video late for work apology video forget your anniversary apology video straight-up killed a dude straight up a kill dude I think suppose we kill the dude apology video I mean if it worked for logan paul forgetting a dead body in a video then it can work for anybody what have you changed your mind do you apologize for your apology video pad embed apology video which there was an app for that yeah you just plug it plug in what happened and how sorry the level of sorry that you are and then it just regurgitate something for you be true to you only with our limited edition eyewear okay protect yourself from those evil eyes and their negativity hey you want to protect yourself from negativity just buy our glasses it'll block out the haters living when people compliment my hair like thank you I grew it myself that's a good one I say that a lot when people have to do something with my hair whatever go to the hairdresser's and they're like what do you want done blah blah blah blah blah then they say something about it and like thanks I grew it myself I'm very smart in 40 piping hot tea Maya eats clean stopped posting a while ago anyone know what's happened to her woo me after eating one bag of Doritos maybe gamers have a point after all due to personal reasons I've decided to stop aging how long have you turning 25 every year from now on thanks okay anything here worthwhile have an exciting sponsorship coming soon apparently some company found me alluring I girlfriend told me to go big or go home so I just went home oh my boy okay did she write here oh this is her one I've never wanted to eat to avoid being online until recently I don't understand how people can come up with such vile things to say its bow over my I'm here for you if you need me to be honest why do we hate her again you're stronger than them what did I do it's not without reason there are real concerns with what you've been posting and people are frustrated okay that doesn't justify anything I'm with you on that I wish there's another way sorry save it Maya she was being nice well what did you do where's my profile ooh this is this is literally Twitter I mean that's what it's supposed to be because it's called jabber um let's see what you posted my god this is a lot you guys need to listen to this alright this is normal oh yeah I'm into BDSM building discipline strength motivation hell yeah I'm at a PDS em being awesome what that's what it stands for doesn't it hahahaha so relatable wrapping up my week was Rebecca guys don't be afraid to go through the gym nobody's judging you trust me most of us are worried about our own progress and were there to lift each other up fifty cheer up Latrice figuratively both of that's what you want oh wait this is Harrison dude replayed that's just excuse for you to justify not going oh what else no I was like that for me we all start somewhere okay let me settle this debate once and for all pineapple on pizza is good yes Queen yes preach it pineapple on pizza is awesome why is everyone been you don't see people who like pineapple on pizza you don't see them turn it around and be like oh you you don't like pineapple on pizza okay what's pineapple on pizza lovers are the Gateway to a higher plane of existence and thoughtfulness we're very open-minded we like pineapple on our pizza because it's awesome you get that little tangy it's that little like pop of sweetness as you bite I want pineapple on pizza right now I'm gonna order pineapple on pizza and just that today so all of you at home who like it's like [ __ ] you it's the same with the people who are like you you like drinking milk just like drinking milk not with anything else drinking milk is great it's good for your bones next time somebody says that to me I want to punch them in the chest watch all the ribs break anyway I've heard namaste thrown at me so many times and that word is starting to lose meaning and then of course everyone just says namaste this is why you don't say it on the Internet this is what happened with some of the PMA stuff I was like no PMA is just about realizing your potential and trying to be better and trying your best every single day and then people turn around and start throwing it at each other to be like just have PMA if your day's going bad that defeats the purpose you're doing more damage than good stop that my intention was to inspire people sorry if I offended anyone with my posts now let's move forward and on to more positive things uh-oh they are vegan yogi vegan it's called yoga so they did they delete the stuff they were posting interesting what is all this [ __ ] at the top oh yeah that's molly can that wrote that i kept thinking it was Maya okay and then my Ethan stop posting a while ago anyone know what's happened to her Internet detox I heard it's quite popular she just needs a timeout I guess God hope she's okay okay so she just vanished at one point what is chimera okay so chimera is Instagram basically oh my god they even have stories at the top Jesus mean DaSilva how you guys so I'm not like good at [ __ ] about myself because I got like massive PTSD from experiencing so much violence in my short life so far sometimes I just want to give up you know I mean I've lost so much what's the point for you guys your support is what keeps me going you mean because you you help me get the music out and it hurts less that way that's sweet um be careful with that though you shouldn't just rely on the support of people online you shouldn't rely on likes and stuff like that to keep you going it's it's good and it's a motivator and it gives you validation when you need it and it's good to see your work get rewarded but it's a slippery slope if you just rely on that trust me I have first-hand experience with that stuff okay this is our other friend what does he do I get it I get you I'm done that 9:00 to 5:00 and it's sucked balls we're going to grab success by the throat we're gonna yeah semen Birdemic he's a bird everywhere he's like yeah everybody billion dollars you you you you you everybody yeah little bit clap for like 15 minutes please oh this is it this is the clip this is all I got going to Rex Keegan's life he is our new [ __ ] it's watch [Applause] [Music] so that sounds like there's like a hundred people in the room and then I [Applause] get it I get you I'm done that night of five and it's softball we're gonna grab success by the throat we're gonna oh do you see we're going to grab some success did he mess up the line wait I want to go back with dreamers we're gonna we're gonna grab success oh boy I am so interests this is amazing Rex let's get it what else are you saying have you been whining about that hostile life I've got two words for you man the hell up if you want to make that pivot to success you got to bring your A game every single day see Irish [ __ ] out of your comfort zone think big to win big he's already gonna think big visualize it and then do it you gotta ignore the haters and just do you you got to move fast break things and take those broken shards and care about your success stick with my program you can be the one driving a sweet ride like this Oh Rex Oh Rex no Rex [Music] music in the background who we gonna mess with Rex it's amazing we're gonna scrap success by the ho G's yeah and it sucks sucks here's an opportunity you don't want to miss my friends you see the way to hustle smart is you got a flight close to the Sun you're gonna find your role model and orbit that Sun like a mofo that's how you're gonna grow here's your chance to get into my orbit Oh close and personal I'm looking for - ninja apprentices people will pay hundreds of thousands to get into this vortex but I'm not in this for the money I'm a low bar on this opportunity for you it's cheaper than going to college let's do this are you are you Rex are you low boiling it for me are you sure it's not about the money all because people don't understand what I do but enough enough it's time I prove all the haters wrong see I've been called many things since my stat start on chimera liar cheater scammer without actual proof oh my god Rex you were insufferable but I love you oh and of course he has entrepreneur written in his bio that's how you know it's serious oh my god yes this is chimeras amazing I love this Maya eats clean what do you post them namaste guys good morning this is like my favorite thing to do in the morning first thing right after I wake up if I come onto my yoga mat and I spend time in this natural energy especially in the sunlight the vitamin D is great for you and it's just so powerful you know I feel already energetically charged in my solar plexus from the center of my body it's absolutely amazing and I hope that you guys can adopt this is your daily practice and while you're there take three deep breaths for yourself right I like to keep it really simple just inhale love and exhale II go three times and then I get on with my day and it's always amazing and I hope you guys have an amazing day - I are amazing that yeah you too even though aren't you dead they say this is the type of stuff I think there's some decent messaging in there but it all depends on delivery because now it just sounds kind of pretentious I might be too harsh I'm sorry I just can't stand that type of social media where it's like you you could go out and do it you can really accomplish your goals if you just by my seminar if you if you really just like pay a subscription to my website you can accomplish anything cuz you're powerful people always think that my life is perfect but that's just so far from the truth I struggled with my health for the longest time I had no energy to get out of bed I was losing hair and I was just in so much pain so what I did was I went to study nutrition to learn what works for me because doctors they don't even know that much anyway they're just trying to sell you a big pharma you just gotta go listen to what your heart tells you yeah doctors don't know what you're talking about did you spend like eleven years in school learning nothing they're just trying to sell your drugs dude anyway this video is sponsored by co juice listen to your body it knows what it's doing the fact that just listen to me on the Internet listen to me oh my god I hope you have an amazing day oh [ __ ] it's so much alright usually not a fan of gym selfie since I actually come here to work out alright let's see what this is hi guys it is day 2 of the celery cabbage time see plan and this thing makes me feel at one with the universe hi God yeah if I one with the universe you mean [ __ ] yourself constantly the universe it's such a great post-workout drink you know it fills up your electrolytes it balances out your free radical levels and just make sure that you're sticking to non-gmo veggies only okay oh my god the best part about this is that it's self-aware like obviously the developers put her in like this to get a reaction like that yeah just this cleanse don't listen to doctors isn't to me because I know what I'm doing this is not a fad diet brah hey guys I actually wanted to share this with you today it's a little bit embarrassing but I do want to be honest about how I used to look like this is a photo of me from a couple years ago I know right but the person that you see in front of you right now is a direct result of a good change in diet and a healthy lifestyle I just want you to remember to maintain that positive mindset and remember you can do it too I mean don't get me wrong there's some decent like advice in there about like being your best self and trying hard and working out and dieting and all that kind of stuff it's just a package that it's put in it's a little fringe anyway take the Vril oh you find anything yeah find out why she was killed yeah she was selling she did a bad sponsorship so it's simulacra came killed her okay I'll give you access to police database okay we're gonna find it let's let's keep motoring it's the police database you can find it in the app just gave you clearance okay get it from warden yeah that's kind of cool goddamn plumbers in there stupid questions I have to go get get your work done before I get back we're working a homicide case this is the biggest case of our lives you me what a bust this wide open okay Jimmy I'll be there in five seconds to figure out why my toilet is [ __ ] blocked okay here we go victim name my uh he my who way I I forget what her second name was did he say it here her name was Maya okay we don't have a second name yet I think I might have seen it somewhere [Music] check some of this stuff Maya crane yeah I knew I read it out somewhere let's go here here hey Maya crane find we got okay let's go through some of Maya's chats the group chat new beginnings Rex Mena area and Maya so so so so it's official we're a team now do you guys think we should have a team name they've been the big collectors on chimera do it this isn't high school Amina and we got to be like everybody else kind of fun idea being part of group doesn't make his automatic friends I wouldn't say no to how do I put this friendlier relations maybe I'll introduce my foot to your face are you coming in hot cut it out Rex anyway Mena's right fans eat it up when they're faves get together especially when they're all besties you know having a name would sell that yeah there's nothing better than to fake it and sell a bunch of stuff Donen done seriously what's next color coded spandex suits yeah you got anything better chica ever name it should be fear something people are jealous they aren't a part of like Fey fame fatale or aesthetic that's a good one I like that one ari it sounds like they know how the internet works precisely so everyone are a mess okay I'm as good stuff happening in this it's from this poem by my favorite poet Alexa cost us this quote from this piece it hits close to home for me new beginnings these tears are not mine they are not made of my body my soul they belong to the girl I once was these are not tears of sadness or remorse for she is celebrating new beginnings that await her that's kind of nice that's beautiful Maya rather cliche but I suppose cliche does sell to new friends and new beginnings I guess we got what the group name was right at the top of sweetness listen to this whoa I thought I miss the jabber thing but you're all gonna be there too right I hate going for these things alone and everyone's so fake so if it gets too much I couldn't share with you guys hmm yeah everyone's so fake buy my juice cleanse this this tweet is sponsored I think not by the way I'm not saying that all sponsorships are bad of course I've done some myself what I'm saying is that the way they're doing it seems fake as hell and clearly by the way she's saying things here it's just to sell stuff to fans it's it's not really about doing stuff that you're interested in or stuff that you would naturally do anyway like some of the the game ones I've done are for stuff that I've liked I genuinely wanted to play or try out but if you're just doing it for the sake of selling stuff to fans then it's that's selling out I think I'll have to skip it I'm so behind work clients breathing down my neck fill me in on ok unrecoverable chat history damn but I'm curious to see how far these friends go on the Internet hey girl just saw your text look trolls are gonna troll so don't let it get to you all these people they're just jealous of us because they wish their lives were some fab as ours ok so you really just have to stop worrying about what others think of you okay not bad advice am I supposed to serve what the hell uh you're right you're right it's just annoying so annoying hi I know you've been real busy but I need someone to talk to I've been working my ass off but my numbers are still dropping like crazy some shiny new airhead comes along and everyone just leaves me for them I don't know how I'm gonna make rent if this goes on like this anyway call me when you can k this is what I'm saying you're doing it for thing it's like my numbers are dropping ah I mean you numbers are a thing that you need to be aware of when it comes to social media and everything but if that's the only reason you're doing it and then that's completely upsetting you when the numbers go down then maybe you need to reevaluate what you're doing it because otherwise again from first-time experience if you attach yourself too much to the numbers once they go down you'll start to feel bad for yourself and think that you're the problem and that it's not just a case if that's just how the internet works and then people end up doing stupid [ __ ] to try and get validity and relevance again and then you end up with some really crappy things on the internet so just do your thing enjoy it be happy my my juice cleanse yeah it's complete [ __ ] you should have not believed this marketing guy maybe should just heard your parents trying to find stuff that's relevant to our story I've always been a fighter area I wish I was half as brave as you were huh sure brave but thanks joining me for a gallon of wine and bad dirty dancing no that sounds like a fun [ __ ] time you can tell me all about your weird spark date Taylor was it he sounds like a creep yeah he kept trying to get me to go to some rooftop somewhere but I got something important to discuss to and might fix our problem for good ooh trying to get you to go to some rooftop was that wait this is Taylor in the first game there was stuff about a rooftop in the first game and one of them fell off the roof and died Cameron what his name was though he was the dude who was singing a lot Maya we need stuck I thought you agreed I was going to the yoga retreat post first oh sorry the moment just felt right so I went with it oh my god Maya why do you keep undermining me like this even with the group it's like nothing I say matters anymore sometimes I wish you just detox yourself out of existence where's all this coming from oh forget it what was I thinking working with someone who thinks they can feed off crystal energy that was a really low blow you know it's low your frigging self-centered [ __ ] this group is your way of trying to control people and pretend you're some kind of Messiah or something [ __ ] this is going off living for this Gus and this t me if I don't want a selfish and manipulative it's you it's been that way since college you think I don't know what you say about me behind my back like when you told Lee that I had herpes cuz you couldn't stand it when he asked me out instead of you oh my god let it go already so much for love and light when your soul keeping grudges from eons ago I'm just going to let you cool off kay you're the hell you want I'm better off keeping this arrangement purely professional so we're going out to delete 11th after this one was it's the second because I can talk for nine days hey Maya are you okay I haven't heard from you in a while you haven't ditched me know that you're all famous right okay but seriously I have been a bit worried about you I just want to let you know that you can give me a shout if you need a chat okay hey Maya haven't heard from you a while everything okay everything good Bessie you just tore into each other I mean you could have met up in real life between then but if it doesn't exist in text messages it doesn't exist I always liked these games though they're kind of a play on social media and all that jazz and now it's kind of delving into a popular influencer life and as someone who has some experience with that this is going to be fun Hey yes I'm fine I think maybe we can have another girls night out soon I need to get out of my house things have been really weird sure let me know okay that was the 11th of October what's the date in the game now can I can I check Oh Oh 28th of October okay so maybe if I use the warden thing I've just been trying to get some background or ongoing cases he said the case was closed though right those cases maybe in October there we go [Music] document found I'm a genius [Music] Oh God oh god what the [ __ ] preliminary compilation of investigation by West band Rika PD Maia crane 25 female entertainer that what we call her that's actually exactly what I call myself when I go to customs like what I got to LA just gone I have a visa and everything I got it while I was touring but for some reason they don't believe when I show them show them the visa and I'm like yes I'm here I'm doing livestream I'm doing all this other stuff I was doing the livestream for the Christmas charity one and then they look at it in the lake and they're like I don't trust it and then like what do you do and sometimes instead of saying I do YouTube as my job because they get really really confused when you say that I say like I'm an online entertainer and then they're like sometimes they're like okay and none of the times are like the [ __ ] is that so it's just so bizarre it is so difficult but I was very hard all these trips to America rocky sometimes it takes more than five minutes to get in Oh boohoo I'm just ready again I'm sharing an anecdotal story okay so date of birth 1984 date of death 21st of October 2019 I am you're not looking great you look like Hellraiser I mean I know you're dead and I'm sorry but I'm trying I'm a detective I have to figure things out facial tears multiple faint scares across the face leading all the way to the top and back of the head as a whole these scars appear to form a pattern number 2 facial tears scars were deep and extremely thin blood vessels around the affected areas where cauterize possibly explaining the absence of bleeding at the time of death no other other visible burn injuries present head injury slight bruise in the back of the head suggesting that the deceased collapsed to the ground from an upright position her tears Jesus tears and muscle tissue around the heart resembling spontaneous coronary artery dissection cause of this tearing is on them undetermined it's like she just got blasted like a like cheese wire or we stuffed this thing that like you put a hard-boiled egg into and you go down over and it just slices it all into like thin little bits it's like that she just got blasted with a mesh a heated wire mesh notes and procedures the manner of death seems to be sudden in nature the deceased possibly experienced a momentary loss of control or consciousness before collapsing on the ground likely due to a sudden to the sudden strain on her heart the injuries around the face could not be determined so yeah let's just say it's a heart attack and move on this is weird yo you can't just leave this hat laying around what is this officer missus Tinch T officer touch that's the guy in mind hunter good night ma'am oh my what is going on is that in my apartment yes she was found dead in the morning goodness what happened that's what we're here for did you see her or hear anything last night pardon what we talked his interview has been edited for clarity just somebody in the apartment did you hear or see anything last night sorry dear these old eyes and ears are not what they used to be I can barely hear you right now can you please repeat your question it's okay ma'am thank you for your time have a nice day okay so we got our report transcripts we have three more transcripts but they're not compiled so we can't read them evidence collected laptop webcam DSLR camera or known device plastic casing with three antennas looks like a self-made signal booster to modify Wi-Fi or phone signals Holroyd photo of victim and three acquaintances mobile phone hair strands various shoe imprints guitar pick and no other musical instruments okay that's the end of the document what's happening Oh [Music] Jesus Christ that's weird it's even weirder when it's actually on the phone cause it's like wrestling control from you that would be such a freaky [ __ ] thing to happen if you're sitting around looking at your phone and suddenly it takes control it shows you a picture of dead body now eyes open I don't like it but I really like it also at the same time I presume that you're done with the files anything there that looks normal to you I she woke up what the heck happened to her face it's our job to figure it out I can't tell if those are lacerations or scars on her face and everything anything like it checked by jealous lover vampires its vampires for sure chief I figured it out idiot damn it vampires leave bite marks on the neck oh yeah forgotten hey those Americans were not the cause of death looks like old scars but from what no signs of forced entry to any witnesses do you even read the Dare report I'm just asking questions man or lady across the hall confirms Maya was at home that night last person to see her life what about CCTV just our look some interference friend Oh interferes fries the apartments entire network funny thing same kind of interference we saw in Maya's video just weaker as of now nothing we have from the crime scene leads to anything substantial our best lead is still the phone there is still more we don't know I can feel it this is like the the movie unfriended the dark web which is a fun little movie the first unfriended movie I think is good I like a lot got a lot of [ __ ] because it's not the best movie ever made but for the style of the movie I like it a lot watch that one unfriended watch searching and I watch unfriended to the dark web if you want you it's a little dumber it's a little more over the top but I still think it's a fun movie you sound very sure that there's more on the phone my entire life is in there her being an influencer means that she must have documented neatly - oh the group chats message an easier tenacity for this job every scrap of information on that phone as possible evidence to make sure to recover all the data you can okay - the cops contact anyone again Hawaii they poking around you tell them anything oh [ __ ] I didn't realize I had a timer no just asking you feel super weird that up Maya here worried about something hold up Maya no way who the hell is this I have a demon from the other side I'm a detective oh thank god not cool scaring us like that is this normal procedure [ __ ] I probably gonna get a lot of trouble for this we suspect foul play okay if no timer on this one you think you can't just find a body like that and then say that or not suspect foul play it's very clearly foul play oh my god it's horrible news we've already spoken to the cops are we like suspects guys please do the police have any leads so far he does relieving no rocks and turn worried about something worried about something dearie no just curious look dealing with this publicity has been a nightmare for us yes Aria think all about your precious followers first god forbid you take some time off and not share every little detail of your life with them oh we're still in mourning you know let's get this drama over with ASAP all right that anyone else see her the day she died too many enemies that's a good one I'll just take a little sip like she's the reason we're friends we ran an influencer collective that maximized follower ROI Republic of Ireland and revolutionized content circulation okay do you have a layman term for that does me a layman I mean I'm an enforcer I don't even know what it means like we help each other do our influencing yeah everything was good till how do I put this - no Maya went legit cuckoo Rex she was acting kind of weird like she went AWOL for a few days uh acting weird weird like how weird like paranoid weird like she hadn't slept much Maya said she wanted to quit the business for good but I thought she was just venting entrepreneurship is hard man maybe she just couldn't handle it yeah entrepreneurship just being an entrepreneur and an influencer on the internet and really just revolutionising content creation it takes a toll on you man social media in general takes a toll on you Who am I getting mad at these people I'm just sad she didn't tell us how stressed she was mmm you're saying the job pressure did her in anything unusual happening at work I just some old [ __ ] different day you know look Maya always had high expectations of herself I think that was her downfall - yeah it sucks but some people just can't be saved you know is that all but Rex is a dick he's all high and mighty and preaching like yeah self-improvement you could do it you could be like me and then in here he's like yeah sucks so some people just don't have it you know and then they die thanks Rex said all can I go now for now hope you figure it out soon let us know if you need anything else later Gators okay Rex did send a message though didn't he wait was it Rex when I go back and read some of these somebody send a message and it was like pigs shouldn't stray too far from gram blah blah blah oh [ __ ] the form background changed Oh God oh [ __ ] Jesus Christ oh my god that's so creepy ah chief I didn't [ __ ] it up [Music] you you [Music] it's fine everything's everything's back to normal it seems I hope Jesus the toxicity was unbearable as on a semi-successful eSports team not too long ago we were family still assume I'm a bag okay gotcha what's happening on jammer jabber not jammer sellout please some of us would rather work than cry and beg for what we have jealousy is a terrible disease get well soon okay who do I have to fight for you Queen my god this is all way too relatable there's so many times when influencers online do a bunch of [ __ ] and then they get called on it and then suddenly it's like wow you're all just haters and all right and then everybody who supported them in the first place was just blind to everything and they just leap on it they're like who do I have to fight for you Queen and there's such a it's such a hard line to figure out who's actually doing things genuinely is who's just an [ __ ] pulling the wool over your eyes sometimes sometimes this culture is exhausting rex is saying oh women this is why they get rex army are the only real ones you and your little boys club are gross area park fan club president um yes that is gross but I feel like there's a bit of irony that's going over your head everything's crumbling no one ever stays with me in my life mean a pig shouldn't stray too far from the from the farm or they'll get slaughtered is Rick's threatening a detective good that'll teach them a valuable lesson in minding their lesson and minding their own business you're a pig everyone wishes you would get slaughtered really lady you don't know who you're talking to yeah sometimes social media is a pain in the ass because it's so full of nonsense see you credit to do some questioning who are these people her inner circle of friends I think good you read their statements then we found their prints at Maya's apartment but that just means they were over a lot so her guys didn't got a question of their much idiots find anything new about them what's what's rec saying [Music] you I lost a friend recently knowing her she wouldn't want me moping around Cheers Maya dedicating my next million and to you Rex you are an insufferable piece of [ __ ] no offense road you ever tap that guy's she's [ __ ] dead could we could we not do that strictly business so you paid her nice she's dead have some common decency for God's sake can't forgive Rex for even answering that perverted question all of you posted about my app but none of them were pics of her or your friendship hashtag cash-grab oh yes [ __ ] it up break some rules damn they seem defensive they sound harmless did they seem defensive didn't really seem defensive they were just all over the place to all work together I said anything new we already know they all influence on why not in social media say anything about Maya why I was acting weird before she died that's pretty obvious from the videos she left behind what do you think they're hiding something that seems like okay I've got an actual real-life messages now seems like we're on the same page change of tactics we need to attack from multiple angles I need you to talk to them individually ooh what am I looking for chief Sam en coche what are we gonna get crack the whip on these bad boys find out who they really are and what their connection to Maya is on a professional and personal level who do I start with you decide run them up a bit make it conversational try getting their alibis for the night Maya died to keep an eye out for any slip-ups if they have their guard down they might accidentally reveal a bit too much okay we are gonna kick some serious infrared sore ass next time that means I'm gonna leave this video here this is fun so far playing it on the phone is okay playing it on the phone is really interesting because it actually feels like I'm searching around on a phone and I really like that aspect of it because the UI is perfectly designed for this the only problem with it is that if when I'm sitting here at my computer and everything's like big-screen and all that kind of stuff I'm a bit more invested in it I'm a bit more how I say like the atmosphere is a bit more enthralling and I feel like I'm more immersed in it that's what I'm trying to say having it on a phone is kind of disconnecting me from the experience a small bit so it's not as scary as I think it would be if I was playing the PC version of it but that would mean waiting a really long time but it's interesting so far I I like it there second DLC simulacra kind of game what was it called similar pipe dreams that was that was bad I didn't like that game the first one is really really good it's one of my favorite horror games because it was just so different and unique and I really liked it a lot but their pipe dreams game was kind of shitty and I didn't really get invested in I didn't really care about any of the characters but this one I'm all invested in I like the characters I like the main girl I like this whole like influencer who they are online versus who they really are for some people there is a huge dividing line and then for other people especially like all the people that I would be more close with the line between who they are online and not online is a very very thin line they're basically the same person online they're just kind of cranked up a little bit more for entertainment purposes because that's their job they're they're here to entertain until next time I'm very excited to find out more about these people's live especially Rex Maya seems like she's just she's a little suffering a little she's like there's something in her that's hurting so she's trying to like project a more positive aspect out to the world - maybe project what she wants herself on herself if you don't I mean um what was the other girl's name aria she or Anya I already forgot her name I'm so sorry Aria yeah she she seems a bit more like I need the followers I need the attention Rex is a piece of [ __ ] he's all over the place and he's definitely in it just for money and fame and to make himself sound smarter than he actually is and then who's the other one Mina Mina I'm very curious about because she seems just genuine and honest and nothing has stood out to her stood out from her yet with her relationship to Maya so let's see what happens are we gonna get some sweet Goss in the next one we might just do that but until next time me and chief was named me and Big Daddy chief we're gonna sign off [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that sucks to record on your sake
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,535,957
Rating: 4.9623432 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, simulacra, simulacra 2, simulacra 2 gameplay, simulacra game, sara is missing, simulacra playthrough, simulacra gameplay, simulacra 2 jacksepticeye, simulacra sequel, indie horror game, simulacra walkthrough, simulacra the game, simulacra 2 full game, simulacra 2 ending, simulacra ending, sara is missing sequel, lost phone, simulacra pipe dreams, sara is missing 2, simulacra phone game, full gameplay, simulacra 2 all endings, sara is missing episode 2
Id: ykwvA1bhT8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 32sec (3752 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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