This Jumpscare REALLY Got Me!

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Welcome to 5 weird things that somebody asked me to do while my pants were off! Wait, no, that's a different vide- *Sips tea* This is the-, the spooky scary one! The other one, that's uh, a different idea. That's for JackSepticEye after dark... but welcome! Ah, this first game is called New Message! Based on an episode from Black Mirror? Oh! Season 3, episode 3... "Shut Up and Dance" Oh, it's my favorite episode! You find yourself on a train (late night). There's but one (other) person in it. He's nervous, often checking his phone. He got off, but forgot his phone. It's buzzing...there's a new message Dun DuN DuNNnNNNNn Wait, where's the game? There's... there's no game on screen! Ominous, spooky, scary music! There's the game right there! It's been hiding all along, HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT! ...God almighty, okay. *laughing* Stupid! Anyway! New message, MMM This reminds me of some of the- Few years ago when I was doing YouTube. Still doing YouTube *laughs* A few years ago when I was doing YouTube And I was playing a lot more of the- The random indie horror games I play less of them now, just 'cause they're so many of them And a lot of them are very similar That was another reason for doing this type of series is to just- condense everything down. Um, 'cause some of them feel like there's just not enough for one video. *reading* Alice. Você é Você Você é Vo- I don't fucking know. Um, this reminds me of some of the games I used to play back then, like in 2014, 2015 time. Ahh, the good old days. Hold right mouse button for a few seconds to interact. *laughs* Why? Why does holding right mouse zoom in and also interact with things? That's very bizarre. *reading* Dorothy Square Metro. Okay. This is a cool si- oh god *mumbling* Oh my fucking god, she fucking dead. Is that a piece of a picture or something? Looks like the corner of a picture. Hi? *reading* I should leave him alone. Oh! I thought you were a lady, I'm sorry. Yeah, I should probably just leave you alone. You want some soup? I'll get you some soup, man. I make a fucking mean bisque. Okay. See, now I don't know if I'm actually interacting with things, Or if I'm just staring at them intently. Maybe I have like, telepathy, and I'm like, *slowly* The door will open. No, I can't, I can't interact with that door. *laughs* Um, but yeah, back in those days on YouTube, there was no demonetization, There was no- Copyright claims weren't rampant like they are now. Well, maybe they were they were back then. Maybe they were, like, starting off. I mean, I get those things. Some things need to be demonetized, 'cause they're inappropriate. And some things DO need to be copyright claimed, 'cause you need to protect your IP. But, it wasn't a disaster the way it is now. Can I have a soda? *laughs* *struggling* I want the soda! No, I can't get it *laughs* Oh god, is that a person? *silence* I ca- I can't even make you out. I can only make you out with your shadow. That's actually kinda cool. You just walkin' away slowly. Yeah, you better run! Stay away from me and my intense stare. Ooh, an Amazon package! I got a brown package. *laughs* *cellphone buzz* *startled* Oh God all mighty! How do I- Ooh! *reading* In Oscar Square. Will be watching. Good. Place it under the park bench. Underneath the homeless man? Actually, I shouldn't assume that he's homeless. He actually could be just- It's locked. Damnit. He might just be taking a nap. He might've just had a long day. He's not here anymore! Oh no, there's fucking blood everywhere! Ahh, it's blood on the floor! Shiny nice key! There we go. This method of interacting with things is so fucking bizarre. *cellphone buzz* *reading* You got the Hobo Alleyways Key. Okay, maybe I was right to assume the right thing. *laughs* *reading* Good boy, *dog bark sound* head over to the warehouse in Cassowary Street. Can I zoom back up? 'Cause I missed a bit at the start. I think my mother texted me and told me to come home. *reading* Death toll rises. Crime scene, do not cross. Can't really make it out, if only I could intensely stare at something! *spooky game music* This music is staring at me intensely, with it's sound I was gonna make the joke that the last time I saw a brown package was when I went to the bathroom before this video, But the moment's passed, but I'm still gonna get the joke out there anyway, because, you know, maybe somebody'll chuckle at it. Can I- Okay, is it back this way? Is it this one? Did I just go over here to come back here to go back over there? Just to make sure, I'm gonna intensely stare at this gate again. *groans* Knew it. I knew it! God, I'm gettin' freaked out by stuff, 'cause I don't know if it's- Actually a thing? Or if it's just the way the pixilation in the game is. To me, this kinda looks like a really tall person standing up against the wall. *singing* Nintey nine bottles of beer on the wall! Ni- Oh, they're gone! That WAS a person standing up against the wall, wasn't it?! Okay, take the bike and fucking go. You need to get the fuck out, man! Look! Are those all eyes? Oh, death come swiftly for those who stare intently! *reading* Cassowary Street. Okay, good. I'm almost home. Maybe I should order some pizza. For when I get there. bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh Ah bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh (okay jack) *slam* Ah! *cellphone buzz* Aghhh! *reading* Leaving your phone behind is disobeying. Punish him. Oh yeah, Ah! I forgot that it's based on the- *cellphone buzz* The episode. *reading* Do it. *weird voice* Do it. Oh fuck. Oh lord. Do I have t- Do I have to stare intently? I'm gonna telepathically shoot him in the face! Oh. Oh! OH! OH! I suck! *footsteps* Why is there so much fucking blood all over the floor? What else happened? *more footsteps* Well, I'm home. It's locked. You don't lock an elevator! Well, maybe that kinda one you do. *glass shattering* Ohhh! W-What? Oh, somebody fell and died! Jesus, scared the shit out of me! You son of a bitch! Oh noo! Reptile man! Don't mind if I do- *reading* You got the Maintenance Elevator Key. Okay, can I take his phone? So he was being tricked by them as well. *elevator creaking* If they try to come up, I'm just gonna pull down my pants and shake my butt at them. That's a solid strategy. *elevator music* Oh, please don't jumpscare me when I have hot coffee in my hand. Just- BLEGh *laughs* I don't want that to happen! *elevator music continues* This is the world's quietest- *screech* elevator! That was just a naked baby! *elevator music still continues* *elevator creaking and dinging* I will admit, though, it's making me very uneasy by how quiet it is. And for some reason, it's reminding me of "Cry of Fear" even though it doesn't look like it. *footsteps* Okaayyy? Is this where he was? Where the guy fell off? *footsteps* *static sound* Ohhkaaayy? *more static* Ohhkay! Don't- Apparently I'm a computer and my brain is frying. *more static* Oh, I'm glitching out man! *footsteps and static* Okay, I'm just gonna keep walking around- *cellphone buzz* EFB Extra fat- Babyback ribs *cellphone buzz* *reading* Jump. Jump. Are you gonna tell me to jump again? *cellphone buzz* Jump. Wait, hold on, they might tell me to do something different in a second. *cellphone buzz* No, it's still 'jump.' Well, maybe they've had a change of heart, maybe- *cellphone buzz* Okay, 'jump.' But what if I did something else? What if I, instead of jumping I just- *cellphone buzz* Okay, jump. *cellphone buzz* Okay? O- Okay. *cellphone buzz* Can I- I can't even do it. *static noise* *reading* They can't see us in here. Look closely this time. What the fuck is happening?! *footsteps and door creaking* *laughs* *ding sound* WHAT?! *reading* Made in 15 days for the 2019 TV Game Jam. I have no idea what that was about. Oh, it's gone. Oh! It's restarting again! No, I don't want it to restart again! Fuck your typewriter! Put it away! Okay, I'll fucking type you out of existence! *typing sounds* *ding* There! Gone! That was interesting! I mean, I kinda like that art style. It was- It's a little overdone with some games, But it's- I don't know. Maybe it's just a little nostalgia factor for when I'm doing YouTube. It kind of reminds me of the earlier days when I was doing these types of games and, In a- In a different scenario, when the channel was growing, and all those kinds of things, But, um, I like the concept behind it! Because I really like that episode of Black Mirror, it's my favorite episode. Okay, spoilers for that episode of Black Mirror! Okay? You can either click off now, click to the next part or just go "Blah la la la, not listening" Okay? Depends on what age you are. So, that episode of Black Mirror, if you've seen it, is the one where the guy is- Jerking off to porn on his computer, and you think, "Oh, he's just doing what everybody does at that age," And, most ages. *laughs* But You think that they got a- got a video of him, or a picture him jerking off, And he wants to, not let that get out. But it's not just that, you end up finding out that he's going along with them, And they're texting him, telling him what to do. And it's all these hackers who got into his stuff. And then you find out that he meets this other guy, who's also being manipulated by them, And then at the end, you find out that he wasn't just jerking off to porn, He was jerking off to child pornography. So, he was a pedophile. And, that's- they had dirt on him that way. So he REALLY needed to not let that get out. And then you're like "Oh fuck, it's way bigger than I thought it was going to be! Well, of course he's doing all this stuff now, because he's- like he's really trying not to let his life get ruined!" But then, it's like, well, you're ruining your life by doing this! And then he ends up coming up against the guy and beating the shit out of him in the woods, And, killing him? And then, he- the police come anyway, And, it turns out that the hackers just outed him regardless. It didn't matter what he was doing, they were going to out him as a pedophile anyway, So, his world got ruined, and he fucked the dude up, so. Lesson learned is: Don't be nasty! 'K? Be nice! Okay, you can take your fingers out of your ears now, the spoilers are gone. Good. *glitch sound* *glitching continues* Oh, oh I don't feel well. Everything's all swirly twirly! *audio distorts* Ohh everything's glitching out, and being weird! *glitching* No, no it's not Anti (dang it). It's "Glitchphobia"! Welcome to the next game. Um, oh god the- roof was cavin' in on me. Go through the door. Can I go through this one? *glitch sounds* That's cool! That's not actually a door, oh I'm gonna like this one! Wait, is the room actually getting smaller, or is that just an optical illusion? I think it's an optical illusion. Oh, this is fucking weird! Okay? Oh this is like some weird surrealist weird dream that someone's probably had. Ohh, this is freaky! I don't think think I like this! Apparently, I'm runnin' around on my bare feet, and playing slappy spoons on my legs at the same time. *glitch sounds* Aghh *laughs* Okay! What? *more glitch sounds and groaning* God, this is so fucking bizarre! Do I- Ohh lord. *glitching* *laughs* This is so freaky! Okay, I think I need to go through here *glitch sound* Yes! Oh god! Oh yeah my- Ahh I'm somebody in a straight jacket! I'm a patient. So I got a little- I got a little slappy feet going on. Eww! Am I gonna drown? *jack making fish noises* I swear to god, sometimes it doesn't even seem like it's actually coming down. It looks like it's just staying there. This is messing with my head. Can I get out of this fucking nightmare-scape? Can I go back up? Ohhh I can swim! Oh! Oh, shit. No- Goddamnit am I back at the start? Fuck! Okay, gotta do this shit again. Okay, maybe I'm not supposed to go back out through that door. Maybe I'm supposed to hit shit. I don't know. Aha! Different door! No, that's the same door as the start of the game! I fucking did it! *gasp* Okay, forward is back and back is forward now! *laughs* Hi buddy! That's a lovely face you have! Yeah, if I looked like you I'd censor it as well. Okay, um, oh everything is back- Oh! 'Cause I'm controlling myself in the mirror! *jack being confused* Am I- Oh lord. Okay, now there's a chair in me! Maybe I was supposed to collect chairs. *glitch sound* That seems like the right thing to do! Oh my God! This is so weird! This is fucking with my head! I don't like getting head-fucked. *many glitch sound effects* Oh. *more glitch sounds* As soon as I touch the floor in this next one it... resets. So maybe I'm supposed to- *glitch sounds* Or not. *glitch sounds* I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. *glitch* Oh I don't stop! *glitching* Oh you just have to keep going! Ok, so, there's a hole there. Ah, shit! Ok, I need to- I am not going to be able to do this! I need to map out the whole fucking thing! Maybe I can just go in a straight line from the door? And then jump. Huh! Yeess! Fuck yeah! Oh, you don't own me game! I own you! Look at my weird, freaky head! Oh lord. *vomit noises* I'm gonna vomit looking at this. Oh God! Ugh, this is so fucking weird! Wait is that it? I'm just back at the start? *footsteps and glitching* Is that the whole game? Ah man, I was hoping for more of that! That's fucking freaky! That was cool, I liked that a lot. I'd love to see a whole game like this. Like see a- Just a really weird, meta, trippy, surreal, concept piece of a game, where every level is completely different, but some weird surrealist crap like this. *glitch* That was cool, I liked that a lot. *more glitching* Okay, the roof is definitely coming down
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,577,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, gameplay, 3 games 1 video, funny game, download, download link, indie game, random games, random indie games, random funny games, random jacksepticeye games, scary games, 3 scary games, jumpscare, horror games, indie horror, new message, glitchphobia, the night, escape the place
Id: PPVE8t5ghlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 31sec (1771 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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