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it's a been a while since I recorded a puppet combo game a lot of you probably don't even know who they are probably forgotten already brain emptying as I speak they are an incredible indie game indie horror game developer who upload the game is an issue all the time but we we have a brand new exclusive one only to their patrons because I'd like to support the developers that I played the games of what up but as much as I love their games it's been a long time since I played them it's been a really long time and I feel bad you know public combo hit me up call me alright let's get drinks after it quarantines all over because you know quarantine Club ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to the Nights Watch you're been drafted in soldier put on your backpack it's time to head into the woods it's time to hand up onto the top of the tippy top of the mountain oh there it is Oh puppet combo you make my nipple sing oh ah don't you love it straight into it they don't even mess around it's so awesome that the gets like a movie it's like a TV show I feel like he'll want to play Twin Peaks or something so dope I'm afraid of heights though so I don't know if I should be up on top of this thing Night Watch H okay are you ready do you feel it in you do you have your backpack on your little shirt you know juice functional snacks little trail mix I hope that you're ready cuz we're getting into it right now there's no time first night in the job I have a feeling it's going to be a long one me too buckaroo how do I move I just need to stay awake Oh coffee's your friend doesn't keep me awake anymore though cuz I've drank about an oceans worth of it so it doesn't do anything to me anymore oh Lord Oh God oh it is like trying to control a dog on a snow field right now okay what does this say I let her read it oh don't mind if I yes Jim oh sorry Jim finally out on your first watch Judy you're going to love it peaceful nights and all the fresh air you could ever want this is an easy job but you still need to stay on top of things like the top of the morning if you don't stay on top of that it's gonna stay on top of you the the morning has real top energy make sure you make a round and check for fires every 30 minutes be aware that you also have a radio tuned to the emergency ranger channel hikers are directed to use this channel in case of any trouble it's unlikely but make sure you keep the radio on okay I don't know why I give you a radio voice just seem kawaii I was too busy being immersed in this me so happy to be back playing a puppet combo game I didn't take in any information be sure you make around and check for fires every 30 minutes got it all the information I need it was the satellite phone in case of any emergencies and backup will be on the way another Ranger would be there to relieve you next week you can write back out on his horse in the meantime enjoy yourself I know plenty of you friend he's a place best or kissed let's see what we got going on here let's see what we got bunch of [ __ ] oh my god why do you control like this it's awful a wood stove keeps everything warm imma need that uh-huh yes sir i'ma need dad my computer use it yes although I don't know if you can call that a computer doesn't look like anything I can play fortnight on oh Jesus okay welcome to the park service system type weather to check the weather report oh yes oh I like this the weather is mostly cloudy with dense fog showers expected overnight type shell to return to the shell but if I type smell okay Ranger ok command not recognized is it just weather I can do look up TJ's address and send him a nice message from me damn come on son late for when I can use to reach the outside world you can also just step outside the door that hard pick up the flashlight yes you're gonna need that oh that pickup zone lip lip lip blip beep oh [ __ ] I dropped my pen probably coulda just put the same sound effect in in editing but I make my own sound effects cuz I'm awesome alright to have a limit on this thing well private disco alright what was my name again Hank Oh a rifle a rifle just in case we're gonna have to use that oh I have to shoot somebody out here walking their dog where they should not be walking their dog the trails are clearly marked this is a no dog zone there's bears I ain't talking about like the animals I'm talking about big muscular hairy men it's amazing you know how God made it another night on duty just another night to really get to know myself and reflect on my day and just wonder why she left me in the first place did I walk in on something she probably give them a minute that's not a satellite for him to call your ex all right should I do anything here should I just go back inside it's kind of scary out here right the people who did who do these jobs in real life are very brave because I would not it's the heights I'd be terrified already and the Bears I can't go to bed yet I have to stay on watch for a few more hours no one's gonna know just take a nap just go to sleep all right it's really exhausting claiming all those steps to get up here no fires that's good so let's do my rounds every 30 minutes I take my job very seriously but there's no fires going on right now that's good oh I can actually press space out here too Jay I should check for any activity survey the South yes Oh Lord Oh baby is that a fire I spy hi Syd fire fire fire the police said the firemen actually there's a fight okay there's a fire going on where we gonna do about a gym am I gonna have to get the rifle and go down there and teach a lesson I won't shoot any of them but I take my job very seriously I will if I have to hit them in the face at the part of the garden if they don't listen that that's not how you [ __ ] a rifle but looks like a camp site a few miles west I can see the bonfire from here okay it's just a bonfire false alarm people stop freaking out we'll we'll get them eventually don't worry there'll be there'll be stuff for us to do and he fires over here now just me and the moon on my thoughts mr. moon why do you think she left me or because I spent too much time up in this ranger station and not enough time with her yeah probably buddy I don't know what else to tell you okay a mile ago investigate that campfire cuz I already checked the South I'm I'm getting my gun I'm getting my garden and my dog and we're going down there to investigate Jesus hello is anyone there hello you're on the parents Department emergency light you have an emergency Oh Hannah uh hell no no that breezin not burn it all down Burt I don't care one campfire several just set the whole place ablaze Yeah right then this isn't funny and it isn't a game unless you have an emergency please do not use this channel Jesus oh man you've really just stepped on something perv you stepped on leg or the hit his toe as he was walking around the house just some damn kids and their goddamn pranks that's what people say before they die Jim I I would be rifling up and head no and just shooting randomly into the trees right that fires still blazing I don't know if I trust the Tull seems to be fine he seems to be under control it's going up in a straight line there's no wind so if the fire really takes it's not gonna spread across the whole park yeah yeah it's fine it's fine life's good life's good yeah just me the moon my thoughts my rifle and my desire to use it yeah it's easy it's a cushy job I know isn't this supposed to be a scary game your lone get scared this time by the way I said that I never get scared by video games but we'll take a little breather this time oh no the lights are going out - generator where's the generator [ __ ] is it out of gas Oh No someone has found out my secret they have to cut me off from the ground they cut me off in the air I'm never gonna survive this guys it's all over oh oh oh oh my god it's still there my prized possessions one day going you and I will get to reign supreme and go on a spree Remy I'm the bad guy generator can I go down now oh here we go head nods is deep dark dark world you really gonna make me walk down all these steps really puppet combo come on I I get it okay it's been a while and I feel bad about that already she ain't got to make me do all these steps let me fit as a fiddle after this alright we're down we're down it's not that bad not that bad I can down relax all right the generator must have run out of gas do we have more in this tiny little ramshackle house oh oh this is not good the woods people do this for a job they get paid for this I want to get paid in therapy sessions how convenient oh hell yeah got that again oh no my banana has fallen haha I got it oh there's something here what is this a computer disk pick it up yeah you take the computer disk it says maze of the Minotaur we should get some dank videogames oh hell yeah screw my job but the whole part burned down for all I care I'm gonna play maze of the Minotaur brah I thought I saw somebody these dang pixelated graphics you never know then you go oh yeah that makes me want to pee yeah we're back on top is it all the gas though feels like that that would run out very quickly again all right back up we go Oh Lord Jimmy okay he took a bit of a spill he's fine hopefully I can't do that the whole way up and die that would suck oh my god Jim please just climb the stairs I'm telling you these Heights are the scariest thing of all nice we we are back in bidness the best in the bigness we have power back I'm gonna play so many video games you guys aren't even gonna know wait wait I saw somebody I saw somebody somebody just walked by the window did you see that right at the edge am I seeing things am i go crazy roll it back I saw somebody there Oh Lord is my gun okay just in case now is the case Jim now is the very much case to use this all right we stick and dank floppies into this thing I don't like ninety years old wait oh I didn't get to see you awake on a stone altar a large stone slab of some kind only there just press W and it skipped everything Damle stupid fat fingers what you choose to do now is up to you to the north north you see a dim hallway to the east you see a dim hallway go north ah yeah a text adventure the walls seemed to close in around you as you enter the northern tunnels they in their white lighting or the inviting I thought it was a you the inuit hang lightning of the moon is gone and only the slate vastly spaced light of the wall adorned torches greet you down the long path to the south you see the sacrificial altar to the north you see a dim hallway go south oh you've returned to the luminescent alkane go north and then we go north again you continue down the lung northern tunnel it's easy to lose your bearings it all looks the same Christ through the dark you feel a flash of hope as a dim light seems to greet you at the end at the west end of this hall do you continue west to this new light or retreat into the knowable dread of the darkness once more I were the West almost as if an answer to your prayers you were face to face with the cold Oh God the cold glow of the moon once more this is the illuminating sum this is this time illuminating something far more interesting in the form of a large radiant pool catching every Moonbeam that comes through the cracks of the ceiling blowing across the almost completely still surface the pool seems far less inviting however as the surface reveals that though light rests atop it none seems to penetrate the thick soupy mire you can return to the terrible darkness to the east or head west through a large uncomfortable opening beyond the pool it certainly looks like no place for someone like you but your options are of course limited where should we go gang do we go back into the darkness or everything sucks as a sacrificial altar probably people chopping up a virgin right now or do we go west where it's epic West duh you enter the large crevice and immediately know that something is wrong what's that buzzing during the game the path before you is foreign even to the design of this Colosseum you found yourself slowly coming to terms with everything from the walls to the makeshift supports to the very path you walk upon was made well after this building was put together everything about this feels wrong you do not belong here get you are here since a dark narrow path let's go south brother just as you felt the path could get no darker - seems - seems to have do just that as you continue walking ah - seems have just become the darkness there's a thick smell in the air go south the lights that fill the tunnel are now all the heavier it's impossible to escape the ghoulish odor that has sunk deep into these cavernous walls the light that the torch has got the light that the torches guide you along the long reveal what can only be described as a whole of depravity is my is my messing up all the words really adding to the story the floor is thick with the dark red viscera of things that were once alive like you once lost like you once falling what do you mean were once alive like me I am a life yeah there's a bunch of blood bumping around in there it's kind of scary and that it just keeps going on its own and I don't have any control over it or even know that it's happening half the time but it's there whoa what is that is that my radio the heavy heat on your back is so evident now that you can no longer pretend it is simply your mind adjusting the fresh sights of the torches having heated the very floor you stand up that floor thick and wet but unquestionably cold this heat is foreign to you and is overwhelmingly and is the overwhelming sense of despair that fills your heart you look up and notice the word surprise whatever is behind you was waiting for this moment a horrible grinding sound revs up behind you you start to run you see the only path is the West you can't do that what is that my phone ringing that's that's actually the game making that sound oh god it's so loud surprise okay you see the only path to the west go west oh um why why are you someone at the door we're 600 feet up in the air cruising that altitude alright get the gun you have to go and now is the time a rifle just in case did the gun I'll go in with my banana we're gonna mess it up whoever's here all right show yourself check what's out there okay well it's something that can knock so it has knuckles it's nobody I don't see anything those dang kids is the whole place on fire again okay that fire is still going are you better not you better not when I open up the binoculars at some point just have something there in front of me can I just continue my game hey you know starting over again you have died type help for help or press any key to research it just restarts anyway [Music] oh I couldn't go south before right or is this music start down the southern path my hadn't you gone this way before do you continue south retreats at the familiarity or we going south we gone knee-deep you are now presented with three paths perhaps there is something you were looking for here perhaps there is nothing here by more unseen eyes following you you mean but it's time to find out oh no let's go west an almost pitch black stone hallway greets you your footsteps echo back from the darkness ahead you can't make out anything you only understand the way back the way ahead now let's keep going west and almost pitch-black paths west ok the lovely sounds this palace is a waste of time you think as you move further into the dark abyss but as you begin to turn back you hear the giggle of a child running towards you from the darkness is this the child's giggle I can't I can't listen to that hi there the girl says have you seen my doll know you respond if you can find it for me I'll eat you out of here she replies she blocks your path but this is the first opportunity you've come upon this godforsaken place you accept the challenge ok keep going east you've returned to jiminy net crosses the path to spittin you must know I want to I wanted to keep going the other way I can't concentrate with the sound going on in my brain you come upon a light and move towards it there's simply a fire a large roaring fire above a flattened bed of stone the fire seems to burn wildly but no smoke fills the room you cannot be sure as to what the cause of this is or for that matter what the purpose of it is it dances freely and ignorant to your presence but seems unconcerned all the same a large cage sits ominously in the room big enough for a man what okay I can't keep going oh look at cage ah [Music] the flame in the center of the room seems so deliberate dancing upon its bed of kindling the cage seems recently used upon closer inspection you realize there's a large brown stain of blood on the floor what could have done this look at blood oh it can actually head out oh god that sound isn't gonna chase me the entire way is it okay no it's starting to ease off as I get lower oh thank god I just need to break away from my cabin all right one dude run away the sounds will get you wait maybe we can get some information as to who knocked on my door can I go any further oh man I can go way further oh maybe not dang who's coming into my thing can't leave my post I have to stay close bite whatever man there's creepy things around and there's an annoying computer upstairs go back in here and just get some solace back off jack off regroup what the hell oh gods yeah exactly Jesus Christ that's scared the absolute potatoes out of me it must have been a bad dream uh uh uh that looked like a fireman ready to put my fire out he saw me as a threat and put me out I dozed off better check that everything is okay check your pulse mine's not oh no I'm not I'm not ready for this siren head [ __ ] again like every time it's just siren head to me now what if siren head just shows up and like walks by my tower that would be cool somebody make that you just imagine your other window and you just hear that sound again can we play that sound again and then you just you know like that put like really cool the whole place is surrounded in fog I want a siren head game so bad alright I guess I'll look at the computer then what's the weather flash flood warning oh well I'm really high in the sky you can't flood me should I check to make sure everybody's okay huh my guns gone no I swear there was a rifle here oh there absolutely was I checked like 15 times it's coming down hard out there I better put on my raincoat oh hell yeah here loop on chauhan puppet combo you do like physics and [ __ ] now let's do okay let's check yeah that other fires gonna what's this it's not a sniper I don't know what that is can I like click on enter something I don't know how I checked the fire last time maybe you have to check it in this view or maybe that's just the fire from before I don't know what it is can I go check it I don't know man it's raining cats and dogs out here I think people need help I think I need to go into the the para can range a small date you know I mean you know I'm saying poncho man oh my I look so cute really wish I have my gun though no I don't to use the computer computer stinks I don't wanna read that either I wouldn't look at the radio fine Jim yes do that cool thanks TJ oh that's why I can't look at it wait hold on atmosphere hello hello hi yes I'm here are you a park ranger yes I'm in charge of emergencies in this area of the park I'm also CEO of being cute and adorable and Pancho's okay I know this like I'm being overly paranoid but I think there's somebody watching us in the woods by our campsite oh that's too bad yeah I had a good at one point but yeah I'm just gonna have a good time I'm backing out now I'm not going down there what do you what do you I'm a park ranger not a WWE wrestler what's your location okay I think I saw your campfire I'm not too far away about two miles you know the tower that you can see from everywhere in the park how many people are you with there are three of us I keep hearing things in the woods I think someone is there maybe a bear oh god there's bears who know like somebody mimicking a pig sounds like you guys are spooked but it's highly highly unlikely anybody is out there the park is pretty empty this time of year can you check it out first oh come by you to check it out if that will make you feel better okay thanks hurry I'm on my way the approximate location of the camp is marked on your map he needs to look at the map press M I have a map damn we got little mares palming a big mare spawn we got nipple top mountain is it I'm not I'm I I'm not even gonna ask then we you wait we have Twin Peaks monsters oh is that way it's called Twin Peaks I know it's probably two mountains boy is that an inside joke that it's just it's a pair of boobs okay I as a gamer and a human would really love to have my rifle with me you know go down as the woods that's an imposing figure if you're walking down to the woods with the rifle in your hand no one's gonna come up and mess with you and that's from behind but they're in me yeah karate chop I've been trained no trouble oh I can go deeper into the woods now oh dude the arrows alright you did say two miles away never coming everybody don't you worry Jack's on the case me and my poncho can figure anything out forest fires yeah bears like creepy dudes the woods relaxes don't do that no that's actually really scary I don't wanna get attacked by those guys they suck I know if it's worth a gym I hope they have like a nutrigrain bar or something by the time you get there so you're not out of energy what if what if these campers end up being like bad what if they're bad campers like their tent is all set up wrong but no no like they want to hurt me that's why they're pretending someone is out there because we did hear like Gregg on the radio earlier the son of Peggy could be the same guy but they could also be the ones doing it over clothes we're very close is this it no not that close an empty picnic basket I mean if there's a bear around here what Goldilocks is around here this abandoned house a wooden toy flue did a child drop it hey man anybody can play flute okay it has to be a child is that blood on the floor is this blood look at the ployed interact ah okay okay that's my [ __ ] Mel going off knowing that you should get back into your ranger station because this right here is gonna end very badly for all of us a goat school and satanic graffiti some kids must have had a good time scaring people out there yes but Jim you're in a video game made by I saw them I saw it wrote run it back again I saw them out the window little Goldilocks granny [ __ ] I ain't I ain't down with this I I ain't down with this go confront it confront the danger or not I actually don't over I am anymore can you can you come back into frame oh I messed it up here we go here we go here we go i jus mure back good man Jim wait where's the captain I don't like this man didn't close Jim those kids sprinted he has the endurance of an athlete he could sprint for days and no one to catch up with him an endurance creature I like you Jim I hope nothing bad happens to you okay guys just just between you and me pretty sure something Bad's gonna happen to Jim I'm just saying I know I like him a lot but some it's gonna happen to him is that it is that the camera oh I'm very close yes this must be it no is this another empty basket a bag someone dropped this pick it up and take it with you where you're not picking up any of this stuff it's lost the rain is stopping finally some good news around here it's always rain this satanic cult that I'm a murder you this no rain though Oh hallelujah that sky is smiling upon me oh I'm close to the campus right around the corner I'm coming guys I hope nothing bad happen to you I'm right here too I go left or right oh it's very quiet now though a shirt what is it doing here oh no they're all dead they're all dead the Bears got him so babies attacked by firemen with an axe so I don't think it's no dank bears around that's doing this stuff okay this is it I see it I see their tent take it easy now take it easy now hello ranger service anyone there they is all dead what's going on here I better check the tents what does that sound playing though oh there's nobody here okay that's good someone dropped the flashy this one's got some [ __ ] coming out of it though it's empty somebody left their radio oh how are you okay with this dude how would you do this as a job I'd be [ __ ] buckets oh god the tent is splattered with blood I knew it I knew it I knew it someone got them oh hello I'm coming where are you that sounds like a child oh god oh god people are dying left right and center oh it is a choice that's a teddy bear I've gotten hold on I'm coming to rescue I'll throw my poncho at them and then run like Batman's cape Oh comfortable oh [ __ ] Jim Oh Jim what have we gotten ourselves into now Oh Jim I'm in the cage I mean the cage from the story who the [ __ ] is wrong with him oh oh but I am straight-up naked hi Hey Hey Oh God am I just gonna die can I get out of this what are you doing dude oh no oh no oh no let me out let me out let me out let me out let me out I hate this this is super uncomfortable what are you saying to him Jim oh my god shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death oh I didn't mean No is that our story of Jim Innes oh god I hate that sound super uncomfortable and it just closes just like that as fast as it was in our lives it's gone that was awesome I was super into all of that I I was so immersed I was so enthralled not a lot happens in it but that sometimes that's the best like two little moments with somebody behind a window just moving out of frame or even if that didn't happen I know I I definitely saw one of them in that house at the end the one in the cat or the one in the park ranger station at the very beginning I'm still not sure if that was actually a person at the window or not or if I'm just going crazy either way the paranoia of it is still really good and I like that I know there's something about going through the woods for so long and then finding stuff on the ground and hearing people's shout in the distance it's really creepy unnerving that's the kind of stuff that I hate it's the stuff that makes me personally really scared because it's just like I used to live near woods I used to live like where that cabin was I literally was next to giant woodlands and every now and then you'd hear like foxes barking and screeching in the night which sounds like women being murdered so that kind of stuff just always sort of freaks me out but this is done really well papa combo man you knock it out of the park every time I love it I can't like let's let's work together on something let's do something together I'm such a huge fan of your work I don't know what that would be let's make a game together or I'll do a voice or something I don't know I love it such good games really well done I love the style I love the options you give like it's all done in that VHS filter I personally really like it because it gives this sort of like gritty grunge eNOS to it and when things are a bit too clean and these pixelated graphics it takes away some of that immersion I think the reason to put these VHS filters on them or whatever filters they put on them is to give a barrier between how crude some of the visuals might end up looking and then it's just not as scary but I do like that you can switch between so many different filters like black and white and a Playstation one and then you can just completely turn them off if that's really what you want to do and I like that a lot so i'ma leave a link to their patreon in the description for this because that is where I got this demo it's not publicly available yet it's an exclusive thing on their patreon for people who support them so if you want to go support them you can they also have an eto page for all these other games that they have done I haven't played all of them on my channels so let's have a puppet combo marathon let's go through it let me know what next one you want me to see that I haven't done yet they have a few but really really good games I like the sense of atmosphere and everything that was going on on that and it's really well fleshed out I like it a lot good for you Papa combo you made me scared when no other game has ever done it before ever I've never been scared by video games ever in my life but I hope you guys enjoyed watching it I hope you got some spooks and some scares out of it you're sitting in your room but your blanket over you it's a little snacks getting ready and be all scared by it in the dark that'll be epic don't forget to leave a like on the video if you actually did enjoyed please do I'm not just saying this either the good of my health I would just end the video otherwise like the video now or someone where the drill is going to come to your house I'm sorry I shouldn't threaten you like that that's a bit weird but do it also subscribe and ring that Bell okay bye see you in the next one [Applause] I presume I finished one of these videos I just let out a sigh of like uh all the tension goes away
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,176,198
Rating: 4.9766235 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye horror games, 3 scary games jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye scary games, jacksepticeye scary, horror games, 3 scary games, jumpscare, scary games, scary, horror, gameplay, creepypasta, lets play, playthrough, let's play, creepy pasta, walkthrough, jump scare, creepy, scary game, scary stories, creepypasta game, reaction, horror stories, gaming, game, try not to, puppet combo, night watch, puppet combo jacksepticeye, night watch jacksepticeye
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 46sec (2506 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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