I'm in Poppy Playtime Chapter 2

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oh baby here we are back once again with puppy playtime as the sort of title and the thumbnail have spoiled already i'm in this chapter of puppy playtime a lot of you may remember when i played the first one i was going around and i was looking at tapes and i was like hey i could do a voice in this game sort of egotistically pushing myself into this franchise um and they reached out afterwards and they said hey we have a character that we want you to play for chapter two would you like to do it and i said yes so i don't exactly know where that tape is but it a lot of you have probably seen it already because i have been late to this i've been in la for the last like 10 days so the game came out right in the middle of that and i haven't had a chance to play it but here we are now chapter two fly in a web with poppy now free the situation begins to change rapidly while you search for any way to escape the factory ooh who's this betty spaghetti trying to predict the name wow [Music] mommy long legs with playtime co's new patented elastic plastic you can stretch pull and twist mommy longlegs and the crazy keep saying wake up she loves watching you play when you're having fun she's having fun the new mommy longlegs from playtime code what's the time [Music] it's playtime who's telling me to wake up [Music] that was me last time running for my life oh there's a face hey it's puppy she's a little doll right that's poppy herself so we've mommy long legs we had hooky woogie last time i think you should call it tickly wiggly or something yeah keep the naming scheme going oh god oh god oh god the sensitivity why always with the sensitivity so high much better okay where are we i i can't remember how we got here in the last one i think we just walked in didn't we we we let hooky woogie fall down the the holy wally yes and now here we are in this house with our hands again touchy feely okay i need to turn it up a little oh yeah if i'm gonna get scared i want to do it right what's in here huh nothing cool oh i'm just back out into the factory i thought this was like a brand new location don't get me wrong factory's cool and all but why is there just a house in the middle of it hello so this is hoagie woogie who are you [Music] somebody just stayed this way who's talking to me out of my left ear are you are you bronty monty i could name these characters easily elliot ludwig what happened here and why is there blood in you isn't that kind of the running theory right now that the the sort of animatronics or the characters or whatever they are are all like children or they're all people turned into toys keep going why are you in my left ear are you my conscience how does he even go in the store no eliot ludwig who the heck is that okay can i grab this i i i can but it did nothing what was the point of that huh ah okay a little unintuitive but i got there in the end oh spooky this game's drenched in atmosphere press here is that how hooky woogie sounds someone need a hug does someone need a hug [Music] no i don't give me a big squeeze i promise i won't bite yeah everything that's going to bite says i promise i won't bite let me get rid of these okay come on come on how do i hello maybe the blue hand moves the blue barrels okay just move all these barrels out of the way there you go that's much easier oh god i hate this i feel like their sound design got better i'm just imagining things can you move please i can't get in there we go overload start stop hit all of them okay i got the keyblade key good good start oh a little doll head why is there blood everywhere who died and why no that's for that okay got it i swear every time i door make sounds it's always during horror game who wants a hug that's cool though that's physics based i was able to let go and fly further even further beyond ah squeak oh goody what are you uh oh it's collectible daisy daisy wayzy all right i don't care about collectibles though i hate collectibles my best friend poppy thank you mr ludwig so we have we have a pink poppy or a pink uh hooky woogie we have a cat character the dinosaur of cat b hoagie and kissy is it are they gonna be called kissy wissy hooky woogie and kissy wissy what oh it's just as kissy again i thought i had it please make more good toys kind of a scathing indictment of the company here make better ones don't come alive don't even think about it all right let's put a tape in is this my tape i don't think so playtime co is the product of a great man by the name of elliott ludwig divorced but a family man at heart his sights were always set on bringing amazing toys to amazing children around the globe see his face ludwig spent countless hours in the factory working overtime relentlessly in an attempt to continuously innovate and surprise in the 1960s an unfortunate family death had pushed ludwig down to his lowest but with so much ambition he rose back up and continued to fulfill his vision for the playtime code toy factory ludwig could never be content leaving a project unfinished but just how did one man come to create such an astounding empire how did he manage to stay determined even after suffering such a tragic loss it all began in the fateful year of nineteen was that the bite of 87 year 19 what why is that a secret what's going on at playtime co experiment eight one four notes this experiment intended i can't read this i still believe in oh god damn it okay can i oh come on you can't like click it to read better what is this every game these days has a thing that you like press that you can get like legit just straight text i still can't read this i still believe in the potential of the poppy flower it's unusual properties lend me to believe that the proper mixture and procedure could have life-altering properties unless there is a way of reading this better that i'm missing that poppy has for so long time carried symbolized and i don't believe that's for no reason perhaps something larger than a rat would yield different results so you're actually using poppy flowers to put like children in here we go you using poppy flowers to put children in toys how is that even happening if that's the case who's hooky woogie in real life like a nine foot tall child or maybe it's just workers that would make more sense huh jesus sorry i didn't mean to scare you hi i was just trying to get the power back on here oh wow oh wait i'll go the other side hey poppy i thought you were evil are you not evil wait where am i sticking to over there i forgot that it was the other hand there we go um i wanted to thank you for freeing me i was stuck in there for so long thank you i'd like to pay you back there's a train station nearby it needs a coke and i have it we're gonna get out of here as soon as you get on up here how the ladder of course hey do i just grab you while i'm still a doll okay ah ah wait this is where i came in this doesn't help me poppy help i'm too stupid no this just goes back to the other room hey i'm up here of course you are i see you i should be able to follow you through the fence this way why don't you just come out onto the ground are you being such a little freak can i come through the vent you keep saying like this way come on up while i'm still a doll and then not allowing me to actually follow you through the other ways get your stuff together poppy this way i hate children this is why it's hilarious when they fall down oh lord that's a massive chasm that didn't work properly did it and now i'm just stuck here am i am i even able to go forward oh probably if i do that huh ah the controls god they're all over the place oh i can't control it you can die later i'll die right now thank you very much i didn't know poppy was a good though i thought poppy was evil cool the game crashed all right this time don't mess it up oh i almost messed it up i just need to tweak a little i'll i'll get it i'll get it don't worry there are fates worse than death yeah having to replay this section over and over again don't crash again there we go turns out you don't hold forward you just click it who would i to think momentum brain what's in here puppy a busy bee that's me stupid b can't even spill okay not creepy at all hey you're gonna kill me are you listen i'm going to need you to trust me whoa whoa she got joint all right bye what do i do now i was kind of relying on you to like get me out of everything here when that's cool i find my own way out i saw a vent over here can probably go through that right yeah probably can i am i allowed oh well that's just not working she's down there somewhere i'll i'll just i'll just jump in and get her oh wait i was actually supposed to fall in fair enough sure hold on a second right did you see that if we slow it way down you can see the exact moment that my face cam decided to stop working hold on wait and there the face cam got corrupt and you won't see my face for the rest of this video sorry but hey check out these wacky faces i did instead look it's better than losing the whole recording it's either do it this way or don't upload the video at all what do you what do you want from me i sometimes i don't know why nice from the game station excellent power i want it all okay we're getting aboard the hoagie train eddie mnr leith pierre elliott ludwig stella graber and one is knocked off [Music] is this how you get from your office wait yeah why was there a giant hole in that place that led to a slide that hole looked like it was burst out was that slide just built later what is happening okay well let's get the power running and we'll see what's happening um okay that's the one we go from so let's wait what oh [Music] oh why can't i just do that oh wait do how do i do it then okay maybe use that that'll get you around that sure oh let me go back around and oh that was kind of cool simple but effective oh this is i'm gonna run into a uh missy whissy or a mommy wammy soon aren't i [Music] i feel like something's going to chase me here no give it back my hands very exciting mommy mommy heard that miss poppy was going to just give you the train code to escape now how is that fun oh creepy instead why don't we make a game out of it the game station is still working it will be just like old times and if you win all three games i'll give you the train code sounds just like her mommy loves that idea puppy oh you're going to have so much fun head to musical memory and mommy will get things started obey the rules or i'll tear you apart and eat your inside sure sure while you're still alive sure that's really messed up but she's cool i like that design like having the long arms really adds to it because that was my favorite thing in chapter one was hooky woogie coming through the vent that animation was the best part of that whole chapter oh god what are you oh god what are you oh just don't touch things that aren't yours okay well she seems to be a giant pain in my rectum hey look the gang's all here poppy mommy huggy and kissy and that's too many names whoa space is massive credit where credits do man the the art design and the animations and everything in these games are phenomenal the visuals really sell everything [Music] and what else [Applause] too true mommy too true i love candy cat okay candy cat's one of them she always smiled me okay stupid kids mommy me and you're strangling her good good happiness was that me did i do that hello you'll have to speak up i'm missing a hand what is making that sound wee yeah i'm a kid again everything's fine the world isn't full of misery oh can i trampoline whoa whoa okay i can't trampoline fine for some reason my legs don't work it also sounds like i'm wearing a pair of jeans what's going on over this side brawn i knew his name would be braun you were my best friend [Music] i love mommy longlegs i despise her nothing could freak me out more than mommy with a lot of legs all right let's just get in the train and do what we're supposed to i'm leaving yeah that's cool it's fine yeah i'm leaving whatever whack a woogie i don't like anything that you just said sounds like stuff you're not supposed to be allowed to say kids welcome to the game station i'm stella and we've got three super duper fun games to play these little tests show us just how crazy strong and smart you are okay follow mommy long legs down the stairs and we'll start by playing musical memory see you in a bit musical memory okay got it so that's as the kids get off the train to come into this hellscape oh this is terrifying for children there's blood everywhere oh i want to press the button okay what am i supposed to do with this knob now just punch people in the face with it oh mommy mommy where are thou i'm in the foundations so this is horrifying [Music] don't put any of your stuff in there oh probably i probably should have i probably should have watched the tape first i'm gonna watch the tape first shush green hand got it i don't have one of those shoot green power outlet to temporarily hold electricity ah electric charge lasts for 10 seconds [Music] after 10 seconds the charge runs out that yeah that usually what that means [Music] when holding electricity shoot green hand receivers got you got you to temporarily power other systems gotcha gotcha they are on the same timer lack of caution may result in injury dude got mangled thank you where do i find a green hand [Music] maybe this hand generator will do something maybe it's lying around all right i'm just going to keep pressing buttons like the idiot that i am oh the pipes burst there you go oh jim will fix it shoot your goop the molding room okay so i'm actually making the green hand i don't think that worked can i just take all of these change them into different colored hands [Music] no paint in machine okay how do i what's happening [Music] what how do i paint oh stop doing things i'm very unaware and i'm scared i feel like every single crevice of this place is a death waiting to happen hey paint are you what i need nice is that good don't make me come up here again collectible whoa i know i said i don't like them or care about them but i got one there you go dude so many green hands also still says no paint in it when i clearly have paint in it give me one of these bye bye red hand hello green boy a noise all right he said that that lasts for 10 seconds as well that it's not open forever gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha got it last time it was an event something very very bad happened to me but it made for great content yeah throw one of those at him think green reduce reuse recycle no thanks i know when your birthday 28th [Music] that's not at all correct not even close to being correct what else do you not know make a wish i don't want to oh man oh man what now hi welcome to musical memory so simon says this advanced memory and cognitive recognition test is designed to stimulate several segments of the brain oh no and efficiently your brain works oh no spoiler it doesn't a sequence of colors will be shown and you must recreate the exact sequence using the buttons around you okay bonzo will slowly lower towards you when you complete a color pattern correctly bunzo will rise back up when you input a pattern incorrectly bunzo will lower towards you faster why would bonzo do that reaches you your test is over the test will become more difficult as it continues i gotcha i played a video game before in quicker that's all good luck thank you oh bonzo no buns are white we could be friends come on man be nice to me isn't it the place i've amazing running in years mommy can only imagine how excited bunzo must be that voice is so familiar such a long time since he's been able to play hey whoa whoa hey bud's out i got it i got it i got it okay back up yeah thank you no red is that it [Music] okay red red red red red red red red red red red red red yellow okay i'm slightly color blind red red red green red green red green green red green green green red green green green red green green blue red green green green blue [Applause] red violet red green green green blue violet [Music] red green green green blue how do i make violet ah god no [Music] green blue and oh god was there a set of colors behind me that i didn't see what was happening i thought violet oh it's red and blue together doesn't make violet but it's the only close option i had if i use my hands to strangle bonzo [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you can't do that it was an extra color okay i got this oh orange [Music] organs [Music] [Applause] [Music] orange orange blue red white white [Music] please let that be it round four come on okay blue jay blue jay hurt this is ridiculous blue jay hurt piece [Music] white oh no oh no oh god [Music] what [Music] oh my god my brain's about to have an aneurysm that's no fun for doing such a splendid job mommy has decided to give you part of the code for the train oh come on whoa you got some long arms uh is it icon sequence icons must be sequenced out in this exact order okay is like is the code these faces sure mommy was hoping the game could last a little longer it's okay though mommy knows other ways to play with you it's getting a little sexual mommy i don't like it i don't appreciate it no man why does everything here want to kill me why am i dying all the time what if the game was just like here's the code by the way and that was it they were just like here's the code on your merry way you punch mommy in the face everyone goes home i would love that but no instead i gotta get into a danger confined space permit required do not enter i can't read or care i gotta go this way anyway because the game told me to i'm so glad that game didn't last any longer also it was so obvious that a violet color showed up somewhere but i thought because i have two hands i'll game the system run what is that why am i being chased okay i freaked out a little bit i shouldn't have whoa these environments are huge okay what do you sound like because in my head you're the one who sounds like hey friends wanna hear a dino joke click once for the question click again for the punchline okay what do you call a dino with one eye uh do you thinkysaurus uh do you think he saw us yeah yeah that's as old as time braun rejected items sir poops a lot reason for rejection extremely negative reception various focus groups whoever whoever's idea this was should feel ashamed i know i can't elixir poops a lot it's relevant to me a person with ibs and horrible digestive issues i feel seen you know i've never gotten hugged so how am i supposed to relate to a hoagie woogie damaged rejected surprise hair not enough appeal to design or name make it a chicken yeah a surprise chicken that makes total sense damn braun you're looking a little thick oh come on come on how do we get it oh i gotta use a crane rejected kick me paul nobody likes him laughed out of presentation meeting when revealing kick me paul but clearly you guys have still got him here if you were laughed out of the presentation for them why did you ever make any of them that doesn't make any sense warning overhead crane okay maybe i gotta use it up here hey it's mommy maybe i pull the head off that one some magic will pull the head off the other one the real one okay i need power did that work incinerate kick me paul lunch with avery fry call retail stores to return spa shipments okay we have a power thing here but i don't know where i'm supposed to shoot it whoa okay there's a lot of things you're showing me where does the power go rejected mommy long legs concept v1 and v2 too freaky for target demographic designs need a simpler color palette and simpler body shapes ah so she's been mocked up before i think the power goes on the crane itself there's like a red thing on it ah okay okay okay i get it now let's grab that from there sure well the game will be nice to me it's never been bad to me before oh i was a little far away for that nice grab it really you're gonna do me like that really was that not far enough for you this surely grab it grab it there we go all right now come this way give me that get out of my face hell yeah what was it bunzo all right so i need to get that all the way over here got it got it as long as nothing disturbs me we'll be fine is there anything else i can pick up with it or was it just that collectible either way i don't really care i'm all the way over here now and i'm just going to stick with it it's a very bad system that you guys have made most people have continuous power people have spent years making it oh wait crap crap crap there we go oh close one we would have been back to square one on that one boys nice all right i think we're getting close to where my tape is i think i'm in like the second half of the game i'm so excited because i recorded it months and months ago and i have no idea really what it looks like in the game um some people have like sent me clips and everything but i haven't like played the game to see what it looks like like face to face that doesn't seem right is that how do i get back down okay um [Music] hmm okay so this powers the elevator so i need that just do that i need this for this that's like get around it um you can fit down there you can shoot just let me do it come on oh maybe i can oh right right right duh do this so obvious all right i assume i have like two more games to play and then mommy wammy will do a hoagie woogie oh monster oh that's okay it's just steam i'm not afraid of that i'm big man mommers where are you at show us what's up where am i oh no the forbidden cobwebs i can't get through all right are we doing whack a woogie now seems like it would be fun memory games not my style but smacking the out of things 100 my style you did fantastic thank you gave you permission to be this smart mommy is super proud of you but i'm sure she's already told you that herself our next game is waggo waggy come downstairs and have fun thank you let me in okay grow happy healthy kids oh my god you look like you're strangling all of them this guy at the end he looks like he's drowning oh i was going to say this is definitely not going to be open red hands oh what a delight that would be huh remember red hand guys oh geez welcome to wakka waggy this advanced test is designed to assess the extent of your reactionary abilities a dual palm grab pack will be provided to you for this test around you are 18 sizable holes an adorable huggy wuggy toy could appear out of any one of these holes adorable if one comes out hit it with your grab pack that's all good luck i didn't need a video for that i'm pretty sure i know how whacking things work i'm gonna give them a whack the toys in this game used to have strings attached to them so they could be pulled back when they got too close to the children have fun oh no what get back get back get back you dirty factors where oh god oh god dude at least the sound design is on point you hear exactly where they're coming from get back in your hole oh god oh god oh god oh god okay i'm kind of freaking out here man dude they're everywhere i hear too is that here yep christ oh god oh god oh god get back get back you unholy demons there's too many what do we do they're endless they are in every hole that has ever been made i hate this i hate this this is like a literal nightmare do we do what do we do oh thank god oh man you did it thank you mommy is so proud of you that was intense mommy has another hint for you i gotta take sip hmm thanks mom okay icons must be sequenced out in this exact order icon must be signed okay one more only one game left to play let's go sad mommy was hoping you'd stay here forever though it's never too late to change your mind oh my god what does that voice remind me of how sad ah there's like a character in my brain that i can't connect it to i'm probably missing stuff everywhere aren't i oh lord what how what there's a collectible i want the collectible how do i get up you can't jump to that are you crazy i'm getting caught in steps oh wait maybe i can ah i'm a genius [Music] so these hands come in handy click the button to feed me candy anymore i might have to fight you at some point with your long-ass tongue more more candy okay okay no more candy oh you're getting candy no more [Music] me that's creepy i just killed someone okay ah my tape is somewhere in here yeah this is where barry the cart is right nice that was the only thing i knew about it uh before i mean don't get me wrong i've seen no lord hooky hey oh no it's kissy [Music] yeah hit the switch that's creepy dude those animations are so slick that like hanging arm thing and like touching it and having it fall off first wait was that it are you gone now was that it hey there's barry nice okay oh wait these only last a certain amount of time i forgot we're gonna have to use our brains here lads okay um we need to say he's so cute how does that help me though wait what's up here nothing oh i can take it again so it lasts 10 seconds total okay that's interesting that changes the dynamic of this quite a bit then all right come on barbara nice through here that's not gonna last long enough for anything i think these are just like to stop you getting stuck maybe i don't really understand why they loop around take you put you here hey this is it this is my tape okay silence silence in the room please ah weird mind if i film this oh not at all sir that's what i like to hear so marcus what happened is he i was heading home for the day when my apart realized that i left my bloody wallet in the cafeteria so i'm running through the lobby and that's when i see it a mob handle lodged under the innovation wingate so what'd you do marcus well i just thought i'd nab the bloody oak could be on me merry way and well i'm reaching for the thing and the bob handled jewels on its own had me scared stiff i thought i was the only one there scared stiff so i i took a peek beneath the gate and some massive bloody thing was gathering about the bloody hallway thing you're sure it wasn't a person it means no person that's 50 feet long with a thousand legs marcus you're losing me maybe you just saw a bunch of people walking by look it wasn't people all right i have no bloody nausea white or wise but i wasn't human hmm who have you told about this besides me obviously just you sir obviously okay i'll have security skim the cameras and take a look what there's a massive plenty monster skimming ain't going to get rid of it you're on a line marcus we make toys not monsters now come on get out of my sight actually uh grab me a coffee will you actually never mind get out of my sight this is so weird coffee shout out top of the morning coffee go get some um oh man it's weird to see it like in the game myself because people have sent me like little clips and screenshots here and there and people reacting to it and everyone's always like raising shows up everyone's like and then is that jacksepticeye so it's just so bizarre um but yeah i recorded that ages ago and they were like can you record in an office space or something that looks like an office and i spent ages trying to find like a space in my house that would fit it and i'm like i guess that works and then they wanted me like a yellow shirt to be part of playtime co and fun fact i played the character marcus brickley and that lanyard that i have that i'm wearing that says like playtime co and it has like the sort of background and it says my name and everything on i made that myself from scratch i i got a lanyard i took a piece of paper i printed out something i photoshopped in like the background from the merch site that they have i took the playtime code logo over it and then i just put marcus brickley on it and then i put like a fake bar code underneath it to look like it actually is from the universe and i think it worked out pretty well um i think i threw it out already though because it was it was so long ago that i don't have it anymore um but yeah little fun fact and it took me ages to try and get the audio right because i was in like this tiny room with no sound padding and the reason that the sound pads are missing off this still because i just haven't brought them back up i brought them into that room to uh like deaden some of the sound and i don't know if it actually works but it sounds okay it sounds fine um but i was really nervous about it because i i thought i was just gonna be a voice in the game like on a tape and then i turned out to be like me in full person um so i had to like sit there and i learned all the lines and i i tried to do it all in one take and i had nothing to react to other than like leaving enough time for what i thought the other character was gonna say um so it worked out pretty well um but yeah really really bizarre to see my whole face in a game because i've done voices and stuff in games before but i've never done me in a game i've done me only in like free guy so i think that's fun i had a great time doing it oh i can't do that oh i'm running out of time i need two oh wait oh that's just one on its own oh i get it i get it i get it so you take this one you load up this then you take this one and wait maybe not can i does that work is that going to stay open or closed again hey it stays open but what's in here oh that's the place i've already been okay that actually wasn't as hard as i expected it to be neat come on barry come on now i need you to fall down this and break some boards there you go there you go little man there you go there you go yes whoa good job barry thank you your sacrifice is indeed worth it i don't trust this at all why am i able to go into grab pack storage do i need any of these is there an item i'm supposed to get whatever i did it last one please are you impressed i guess we're going into statues [Music] jeez have you played these before you're so good seems like you're ready for the final game statues follow mommy down the stairs one last time i hope you had a fun day at the game station see you next time time to open this oh maybe i should press a button [Music] no what was that [Music] oh i have to use both hands that's a first okay what is statues oh no what is this thing oh my god it's massive yeah so i don't know maybe it's this thing that my character saw because he said there no human with 50 000 legs or whatever i said it's been a while i don't remember the lines my ear parts realized they left me bloody wallet in the innovator in the cafeteria and that's when i see it a mop handle lodged under the innovation wing gate i cannot tell you how many times it took me to try and remember all well i didn't like practice the lines first i just looked at them and then i was like okay remember them remember them remember them and then i like did an attempt took me a lot took me many attempts to try and remember all the lines back to back parameter battery maybe i have to use this thing what can i put in there oh 50 feet long with a thousand legs that was it hungry to learn and yes as many of you have pointed out it does sound like sean flynn from bendy and the ink machine but hey that's what they asked for that's what i gave do you want to play with pedro no no i really don't caterpillar or bug caterpillar or pug does that do wait what did that do oh um well uh okay but i can't like hold on to it ah christ oh i see what it's doing so i have to bring this down and around these and then i have to take you up here and do this nice they're getting pretty complex that's pretty cool what is that that sounds like something with a lot of legs coming after me oh god oh god i don't want it i don't want it is it that dude welcome to statues this advanced obstacle course is designed to test your physical endurance and strength the rules are simple the lights will turn off you can move through the obstacle course at this time ah it's like red light green when the lights turn on you can look around but cannot move okay you may move again once the lights turn back off the lovable pj pug pillar will follow you if dj reaches you your test is over ew that's all good luck oh i hate you [Music] oh okay so am i allowed moving do i have to enter the course first it was always so sad to see the kids go they called me mommy because i was the closest thing they ever had to one but they come for games sure and never come back they left mommy to die alone mommy didn't deserve that but you you worked here so if anyone deserves to die alone it's you okay that's messed up okay okay fast speed speed is key speed is key oh my god i hate that sound i hate that sound where am i going oh lord oh he's so close [Music] get up get up climb oh that's so unfair [Music] oh jesus christ what was i supposed to do i couldn't once i grab it i move [Music] oh oh this doesn't count huh oh it's because i pressed w before [Music] god that thing is nasty okay go for easy go for easy i don't think that's actually going to be that easy oh he's close [Music] okay okay come on come on oh i feel like he's right on my ass okay okay okay you got this you got this you got this you got this the end is in sight don't turn around if you see how close he is it's only going to freak out ah it's freaking me out okay okay go go go [Music] it's gonna cut out okay okay okay you're very close i'm a parkour wizard if i fall into them am i screwed no no okay i'm not screwed it just makes you slower oh lord no come on come on come on come on come on it's this is some no i'm getting caught in things and i shouldn't be getting caught in okay nice making a break for it does this count as lights off i'm not sure [Music] climb climb climb where am i even going oh no do i have to go up i don't know what i'm doing i don't know what i'm doing okay um what no no no no no no no no maybe up over here where do i go i i'm i'm stuck i'm legit stock i can't i can't move oh man i don't even think he can kill me either hi beat your system oh there's a handle over there oh god damn it i did it again oh now it's going to do the really quick one isn't it maybe i can actually just jump onto this i am stuck are you kidding me oh my god [Music] am i allowed no yeah bye bye dildo head maybe i should leave oh whoa where did you go what happened i don't trust her i also don't know where i is am hard but mommy has just decided you won should i be here oh no yeah she didn't give me the code [Music] mommy longlegs and family so you have a kid weird lady man always with the mommy issues real life and in game i don't need that i don't need it twice as much i'm going to a tiny space where something will definitely not kill me hey look something definitely didn't kill me nice um mommy knows best mommy ain't got no business being that curvy are you kidding me oh maybe having it be physics based isn't the best idea authorized personnel only oh oh i'm authorized personnel i made it condemned oh it's got really weird all of a sudden okay water treatment there's another option for a tape but i didn't see one and i probably missed it and can't get it now that's fine i saw my tape that's all i need unless it's hiding somewhere here whatever whatever i'm i just want to make progress i'm not too worried about missing tapes if i see it i'll try and get it uh transfer request mommy long legs mommy long legs has the unique oh has a unique ability to stretch any other limbs any of her limbs for several hundred feet hundred this includes her fingers arms hair neck waist and legs she's very hostile towards the staff but is very motherly and acts warmly towards the other experiments she's protective of them the hostility is quickly becoming problematic but perhaps there is a solution to put her in her place mommy longlegs would be perfect for facilitating everything with the children in the game station she has the warmth that the mother should and any rowdy child can learn to listen to their mother it makes sense that her seeing these children daily would improve her behavior and it is very unlikely she will act out in front of the children have her transferred to high security maintenance immediately conditioning can begin or you know just dismantle her and never ever ever use her because that's horrifying keep our company secure secrets are a promise it's like in a five nights at freddy's it's like how do you guys keep building new pizzerias when kids die constantly just makes no sense um right so i need to twist this thing around and do something with it but is there a tape anywhere have i seen it already and just completely missed it probably so i need to get to oh probably all of them actually okay rotate bottom 90 degrees ah okay well there's one perfect did it nailed it so talented maybe this is a tape nope toy scanner wait there's a toy over here come here can i not why not he's got a foot on him as well so he was kicked okay maybe it's down that route uh yeah oh wait dang it i had it all set up perfectly hold on let me go back again i think if i rotate the bottom it rotates both right where did the music stop weird creepy sound what are these pizza boxes okay i no they're just boxes for the toys can i uh ah can i not grab one come on okay i guess that doesn't work um i have no idea what those do ah okay that way and then that goes right and make that go left oh wait what is supposed to be going up and down i just fall off that oh duh okay and then hit this and am i able to get them now no hey no no no no okay let's just go all the way up today am i getting them what is happening oh nice oh wait i have i have bonzo bunnies in my inventory okay oh i could make that but i won't because i'm not foolish i'm a little foolish but i won't do that uh let's bring you over that way so you're where you need to be okay annie any bloody second now thank you i thought i had the wrong one there for a second where am i you are entering a insecure no secure facility hey that weird watery music is back anything through here oh that looks like secrets ah more tapes dang it i keep missing all the tapes now i just got my own and then was like well that's it the only one that matters what's this way nothing okay power things got it got it don't got it it's always kind of confusing as to what i can actually click and what i can't that doesn't help does it oh that's death and washed the spider out out came the sun and dried up all the rain tbt spider went up the spout again okay let me figure out what does what can i like jump across when i'm like this yes no no man the physics of that are really weird oh oh okay well i can't go there with it oh i forgot to grab oh boy okay so that grabs that okay hold on let me let me let this run out wait that lasts a while what is happening okay let me grab this does that run out immediately if i let that go no it lasts a while oh my god go around please stick it nice and then this goes there hello oh i have to go back again whoa that's okay okay i i think i got it confusing so you grab these two grab that go across do this do this oh ha okay what if i do this i grab that oh wrong one i grabbed this and then head across triggered this and then do this boom nice that's fun i i don't actually know what that powered something back in one of these other rooms most likely oh well i got my answer i have to be going the right way if this is oh god i asked you to play fit what you shaded what am i supposed to do we're going to play oh god that's scary [Music] i'm going six i'm gone i'm gone thank you for counting where do we go where do we go where do we go oh mommy long legs danger okay don't get my hands stuck on something got it i think that that's what that was saying oh this makes me uneasy her eyes got all big that was so scary okay climb through is she like actively chasing me now should i be worried oh i feel like i should be worried all the time okay easy easy easy clean clean down you go i don't even care what i'm missing the nerves are getting the better of me oh i feel like she's just gonna pop up right in front of me she's gonna do that that's the kind of lady that she is oh this is bad news bears written all over it grab it nice did i get them all oh god i'm missing three oh no that says exit of course it's not that easy where am i staff only hey i count as the staff why not oh wait uh red yellow red blue i don't think that's for this that is not right um wait that's the exact order i just did them in am i missing something oh i have no idea i don't know what i did i was i literally just tried a random assortment and it seems to have worked mommy where are you i shouldn't have opened my stupid mouth gosh she's so quick claim claim claim oh oh this was the solution did i just do it by accident am i safe well i can't do those again so i think so oh she's really scary she's way scarier than huggy woogie was don't do it again though okay i'm afraid to trigger anything in these areas in case she pops up and i i do it anyway ensure the machinery is clear of debris wipe machine surfaces of lubricant dirt and loose debris check this main gear remove damage beyond repair please replace asap can i take the gear from the other one oh never mind can't put it in that what does this do do i get to burn mommy oh yeah full fire full fire [Music] okay i can't do anything to those i'm so confused as to what's happening and the fact that she can be chasing me at any moment makes me really nervous oh okay i don't know what that does but it must be better than what i had before oh music cut out there for a second what does that change about this okay it did something it made a noise oh it made a new one ah okay now we can do this nice do not enter ha i'm too stupid to not read that okay i guess i was supposed to go back i thought she was just gonna crawl around and i okay the prototype has saved us isn't he wonderful a lot of weird stuff going on in those in-betweens no i'm back here okay i have an idea i'm gonna hide in here let's stay closed if i just leave because it opened kind of on its own last time okay i think i can go in there and hide from her i don't know how because his legs a million miles long i'm running oh my god it's so loud [Music] i'm not in here she could just reach her arms and get me is that it are we safe okay cool hopefully you saved the game there and we can mosey on further jesus wait what do i do now oh god she's everywhere she's everywhere am i supposed to hide in here again what do i do i also got stuck as i was moving forward i like hit an invisible wall and it pushed me right huh so i just have to do the same thing again hi twice i don't know i don't know where i'm supposed to go after i pull that up you can't do that [Music] oh those big ass arms oh maybe because the cobwebs blocked me oh i was supposed to go that way okay that's confusing oh lord oh lord oh lord oh my god jesus oh lord you're too long she i knew what i had to do but i didn't have the strength to do it i'm up i'm up and away we go and away we go and away we go okay through the hole through the hole through the hole where am i going what am i doing what am i doing pull that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh merciful jesus oh that was so intense that was more times than i care to admit oh let me in please let me in and let me out of this no no no no no me let me in what is this i don't know oh yeah she's stuck baby yes [Music] oh you got wrecked what is that oh is that what my character saw 50 feet long with the toes and legs kiss the boot oh my god thank god whoa this looks awesome look at that lighting jesus but can i do anything to this it feels like an odd thing that i'm able to walk up towards where am i going well at least she's dead and won't bother me ever again she got popped though at the end poppy playtime more like it let's just open the door now and it'll end oh you know i have to get on the train i forgot i did it they're all done i'm back fun fun train time hey poppy [Music] you know you're not going to speak 4-2-3-1 uh i can't do anything what does this say nature of request doth here dr matthew wayson windows there should be a better way of reading these i don't know if you ever spent hours weeks on add windows cool that's all i'll take from that proctoring in the game station start by reporting to the control station always keep a minimum distance of 20 yards for mommy long legs a series of bridges and doors okay cool i can't do anything oh [Music] i got you nice uh four two three one okay did you kill her yup good i'll bart the train we need to leave such a little weirdo okay now can i press switches nope oh up this way oh yeah that's not the train what am i talking about i don't know what those switches do though whoa always stick with a bud yeah he tried to kill me i don't trust him i don't like him i'm not sticking with him even the train has a face on it oh whoops this whole place is the stuff in nightmares i hope it burns to the ground okay so this is the top and bottom so it should be four two three one so i have to do it one two three four so right so it should be oh lord these are all mixed up wait i'm so confused there's different numbers on the things as well four two three or one two three i'm all confused yeah one two three four i'll just try this [Music] is is that good i don't think that was good oh i have to change the colors of them as well and then is it this that had so many layers to it jesus okay all aboard it's it's it's not working why why isn't it working i fell through the map if you walk back through the slide you go through the slide and fall through the map oh this works as well oh we're moving wait papi are you on board i guess this would be the break huh she said she was gonna board the train but i don't know if she actually got on choo choo where are we going we're from this hell hole [Music] blitty bitty blade blue blue blue i was so scared she put me back in that case but you saved me you are perfect too perfect to lose i'm sorry i can't let you leave i knew i couldn't trust her i've never met anyone like you it's too good to be true do you know how long i've been stuck in that case well too long i had so much time to think and reflect time to figure out exactly what i would do when free will set things right terrible things have happened but i know that whatever i need you to do you are capable we will what happened oh we're about to pick up some speed oh no oh god we're so gonna crash can i hold the brakes pull anything i don't think i'm allowed warning unsafe speed stop train i'm trying there we go let me off oh god is that the end oh no oh yep well then there you have it chapter two oh man wait for it wait for it america's brickley sean jacksepticeye mclaughlin there i am oh yeah eli roth was in this one i miss those tapes eli roth is like a director uh actor person um that was fun it was better than chapter one but it's still it had so many issues on my end um it crashed a bunch in the beginning and then i updated my drivers and then it didn't crash again so maybe that was on me um but also there's just so many like elements of like it wants you to do something but it's not very clear on where to go um which is just slightly sloppy game design like especially when it's just it's all about like the experience and the roller coaster of getting through it and just kind of seeing what the game has to offer and the thrill ride of the scares but there's some moments where the timing on things was just way too small that i kept getting caught and stuff it wasn't obvious where to go immediately when stuff started chasing you um i don't know just things could just be highlighted a little better or maybe that's just my brain being dumb and not like putting things together but even like that furnace and having to go over to the side of it and put the red uh cog in i feel like that even that simple stuff is really easy to miss um that it kind of just pulled me out of the experience like i died to the poppy or the mommy long legs chase at the end a lot and i feel like i don't know i feel like the timing windows should have been a bit more forgiving just so i could have stayed in that moment and felt like she was chasing me but also that i was making progress but i just had to replay it like five times to not die or like hooking on to something with the hand and then moving forward if you hold w which your brain would initially think you're supposed to to keep that physics momentum going like every other video game ever made but for me it would stop the character from moving it would slow you down so i had to like jump hold forward and then let go of it and then the character would swing and then i left click to let go i feel like all of that stuff could just be tightened up a little bit to make it a bit more intuitive just to keep you in that experience more that the fear of death is close but that you're not dying all the time to stupid um so it's just poppy play time more like sloppy playtime um so just things felt just a little bit wonky here and there but glad i found my tape and that people got to see me in the game there you have it take it or leave it i'm in the game whether you like it or not sorry that's gonna do it for chapter two uh whenever chapter three is out i have no idea it'll probably be a while um at least this one was longer it had more content in it it actually felt like the environments were massive and really well detailed and the animation work is always top-notch i think the animations are actually the best part of the game because they're so far beyond what uh games of this caliber usually are so it really stands out and uh they really play into the strengths of it with like the moving arms of all the creatures um and i can imagine it takes a considerable amount of effort to hand animate all of that stuff so we'll see what chapter three has to offer i wish they kind of teased what it was going to be but i just crashed and then it's like okay credits uh i feel like a cliffhanger would have been a little better but let's see what happens i want to know what that thing is with the big arm that came out and grabbed mommy long legs and took her away but until then farewell
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 10,253,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye
Id: JHtwqBzkdMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 51sec (6291 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2022
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