The Depth of Zarude! Gen 8's Mythical Pokemon! | Gnoggin - Pokemon Sword and Shield

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today or the day of writing this script the new mythical Pokemon so rude it was revealed like always though I had to wonder why why get a gorilla looking thing after we already have a gorilla looking starter it's the same thing with score bunny here why are we getting a white rabbit looking thing when we have a white rabbit looking starter in the same gen2 what's going on is the next one going to be a blue lizard looking thing that's not the big question of the day though the big question of the day is why is a monkey ape thing in Britain and like always it's complicated if you saw our every Pokemon design of gen8 explained video then you won't remember Alfred the gorilla who partially inspired Rilla boom and it's whole line but Alfred was a kind-hearted ape loved by many so rude is literally named though rude the same naming scheme as Amazon tends alcian as in the magenta and the cyan and it's dark typing - it makes me doubt that Alfred is our inspiration this time plus it's a monkey it's got a tail so even if it's gorilla colors it's still a monkey notably there is a monkey cryptid in Britain that we will talk about later but the Western world has an interesting fascination and history with these Apes and monkeys but for that we need to go back way back so is rewind time humanity has always been interested in the unknown and Europe was no different and because let's just say because of reasons to keep it simple Spain and Britain and a couple other countries were dividing up parts of the not europe world let's just call it that the not europe world and saying that they can explore and take advantage of the people that lived there and colonize any part of it it's in the new world especially but all of this pre-planning for all of the not europe was done to prevent land disputes colonies and stuff but this began the era of exploration trade discovery adventure and a lot of Lyon this era obviously influenced pop culture a lot and before we get into the a pop culture let's go over some cool other bits that were inspired like Buffalo Bill and the thousands of comics that about his adventures and eventually his Wild West Show that helped popularize westerns and also introduced the world to some cool figures like Annie Oakley and Sitting Bull sonovox see the Mohawk was a hairdo that came from the Mohawk tribe a bunch of rich new young hoodlum people then in Britain at one point ran around with Mohawks and caused havoc while pretending to be wild Indians I mean two old Britain and Indians were seeing the savages due to their constant wars with them and later on the wars with the United States and at that point all of the news that Europe got about these wild savage people were from Americans of an American perspective which of course was exaggerated and heavily demonized to them so in Europe especially Native Americans were seen as wild people so now if you're a punk and you want to be seen as a wild person a savage disruption to a civilized person and power and thus various wild mohawk stereotypically Punky hairstyles came to be which might might might be a part of his arute due to the whole - mohawk ish style thing after all plus of the dark type and the like skeleton ask miss all very punky but anyway adventurers they're going all over the place places like Africa Indonesia South America and they all came back with stories of massive lizards black teeth cannibals and giant almost human-like Apes and a lot of these stories were based on reality but over exaggerated though of course all there is were straight-up ball-based but for a good long time Britain had quite the fascination with great apes like chimps bonobos orangutangs and gorillas and I know what you're thinking no dude's got a tail it's not an ape but like in fur name has a tail Pokemon don't care also it like I said we already got a gorilla starter so if you wanted to design another Pokemon based after a gorilla just do so would slap a tail on it at least it's not an ape again yeah but also like the rudest pulling elements from all over like take the body of a mandrill with the limb ratios and the claws and things but then give it a lemur face and gorillas or Gibbon colors but a spider monkey tail it's it's a pokemon most pokemons aren't just one thing the best ones pull from several thus are much more than just a cartoon Yorkshire Terrier also I'm not finished I'm just tangentially distracting myself in feeling time so Britain loved these Apes and of course that means pop culture would start to reflect this love which is what got us the likes of Tarzan and King Kong the book of Tarzan is about a British family who gets lost in the jungle during one of these expeditions and after the parrots died the Sun winds up becoming a man raised by Apes and this man Tarzan does some things that are important for the design of so rude in the first book yes the first book they're actually a bunch of them one group of Westerners that Tarzan comes across are frightened by Tarzan as he hides in the jungle and throws human skulls into the camp scaring them into thinking they are being haunted by an evil jungle spirit and well well whales are rude is a dark grass type like an evil spirit of the jungle and he has a skull face pattern and ribcage pattern on its body and he can go full-on evil dead on to someone with those vine arms speaking of which those vines can be inspired by the stereotypical swinging through forests on vine stroke which clearly is a very common thing in too actions of Tarzan it's sort of what started the trope but the next thing is King Kong the guy that made King Kong loved gorillas because he saw them as noble animals at rate of royalty in purple is the color of royalty and in the movie trailer it's wearing purple yes but this dude MC Cooper was inspired to make King Kong after hearing a rumor about gorillas occasionally running out of the jungle and grabbing a woman and running back into the jungle wasn't remotely true but people lied a lot for attention I don't know why I said that in past tense but ten gentle fun fact his original idea was to get a komodo dragon and have it quite a gorilla and then edit it to make the gorilla win and then he was going to release the gorilla into New York and film that and do the rest of the movie with a guy in a costume but but that plan fell through not because of pitting two animals into a death match though it was another time back then it was cool but rather it fell through because he couldn't get the license to say gorillas and apparently that's hard to do so when that plan fell through the studio showed him the power of stop-motion by showing him footage of a dinosaur toy moving and he got the idea to make a gorilla be huge and fight dinosaurs and that's how King Kong was born but now the main reason we're thinking King Kong is likely at least partially an inspiration is just because King Kong is a kaiju and Dynomax dynamics is a kaiju too and kidnapping women is also a pretty dark type thing to do and also it's a kaiju I love saying that King Kong the original Western guides you it's just a gorilla now let's talk about that British cryptid I mentioned it's known as the shrug monkey this creature with monkey and dog features was said to haunt slow Hill Lane in Cambridgeshire which was overgrown with plants at the time and its body was jet-black like so rude and to quote an officer that grew up whelmed these stories it is described like this a cross between a big rough coated dog and a monkey with big sometimes it would shuffle along on its hind legs and other times it would was passed on all fours sounds like so rude urban legends are fun similarly there's also the kairu ape probably mispronouncing that but it's a carry weight said to haunt kuru castle which is founded Wales the Brits really did love these creatures but now let's talk about some odd traits about zaroon like the healing this pokemon can do and its choice of living in groups according to the official description along with being able to grow and swing on its vines the vines also have a healing property this is way cool see orangutangs are brilliant animals and they actually know about some simple medicines they know that some plants can be chewed up into a paste and then rubbed onto muscles and wounds to help them relax and heal and then there's things like living in a pack most Apes and monkeys live in groups but it's weird because it's a mythical Pokemon normally those come in singles but not always there are a number of genesect for example and manaphy is able to breed so you know but it makes me wonder if this packet lives with is more Zords or if it's like a pack of pacinian or something I wouldn't be surprised if it's a small pack of the road though many species of primates are critically endangered to the point where they are so rare that you could very well call the entire group of them mythical bands of guerrillas are super hard to track and come by as certain species only have populations around 5000 globally but looking at the swinging and long arms and coloration of the route I immediately think given but with a tail like maybe the black crested given of which there are only about a thousand 500 left the Mayan maar snub-nosed monkey has long arms a tail and is black with a white face and dark grey underside all just like Giroud and there are only about 300 of them left and following suit with the tail and the coloration / ears sifaka is one of the most endangered animals of all with only 230 estimated at most heck that's a whole group but none come close to the Hainan black crusted given that I am probably mispronouncing again whose population is apparently less than 20 that's easily one small group one pack a rare near-mythical pack being the last of your species would certainly make you upset start acting dark dark type even so perhaps these similar looking creatures play a part in its inspiration but also maybe not you know the Pokemon was just revealed so who knows at this point there's still so many details we need to go into have anything dad let me know down below and until next time please remember to never stop using your noggin and don't be so rude guy over there [Music] your merchandise you gotta sit nice that is going to fall at some point and it will add humor
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 315,513
Rating: 4.9376211 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, mythical pokemon, zarude, pokemon zarude, zaarude pokemon, tarzan pokemon, gorilla pokemon, king kong pokemon, gigantamax zarude, zarude gigantamax, what is zarude, zarude origins, zarude design origins, mythical pokemon theory, galar region, gibbon pokemon, lemur pokemon, monkey pokemon, rillaboom, dynamax zarude, shug monkey, shug monkey pokemon, carew ape, carew castle, zarude legendary, zarude mythical, zarude memes, pokemon memes
Id: _FP6eLC_jJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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