Origins of URSHIFU! The Bear You Never Knew! | Gnoggin - Pokemon Sword and Shield - Isle of Armor

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Shifu Shifu what would I do without you the whole video short I love bears easily my favourite animal but then there are these to make me question myself but let's go ahead and speculate a bit about them anyway I mean Kung Fu bears that live in Gale our Britain and kung-fu are their ties between these two why are you even here well as usual especially for this generation Pokemon origins are going above and beyond pulling inspiration from various elements all over it's awesome and these are so much cooler now that I know about them and stuff so let's get into that [Music] so it turns out European Bears did in fact live on the British Isles at one point but haven't for centuries because there's too many people for too little land granted these bears were mainly brown I'm seeing as a Shifu and the Isle of armories quite chinese-inspired well they do seem to fit Asian black bears much more with the black color and the white crest on the chest and the black and white pokemon bears but maybe there's more to it than just bears British or otherwise you see Gellar and its pokemon are more than merely British in origin various Pokemon pole from other cultures that played a big part in its history the Indian elephant the Roman soldiers and the Norse Vikings and rune stone and so of course the pun loving side of me just has to say well bears er kurz let's just put the kung-fu aspect aside for just a moment let's look at the berserkers their name means bear shirt and they were shaman warriors which is worth bringing up as according to the webpage description of her Shifu they banished and cleanse evil spirits that is a very shaman thing to do and like the berserkers namesake they of course we're the pelts of animals particularly wolves and of course bears they wore these to channel the essence of the animal and the god associated with the animal in this case it's odin this is quite a bit different than the colloquial idea of what berserkers were which tends to be an all-out aggressive vicious warrior with a drug-induced bloodlust unlike any other I mean some potentially also for that but berserkers were more important for their spiritual role this affinity for bears is similar to totem animals in Celtic and many other pre-christian European religions basically if each animal embodies something that people can channel bears to them were also warriors but also seen as protectors and mothers they channeled the spirits of the animals through things like charms made of bear hair and claws and they would grant protection for example they would attend childbirth so that the spirits would help the mother but of course referring back to that colloquial idea it is mentioned that her Shifu when enraged they will mercilessly attack an opponent until it is utterly crushed sounds pretty violent in Berserker ask to me okay so so far we have a totem Odin bear but what does Odin god of knowledge have in common with Eastern martial arts well let's take a look at a place that is quite important to martial arts and Buddhism the Shaolin Temple Buddhism is a religion about finding enlightenment through its teachings it's complicated and this video isn't going much into it that much but one way to find enlightenment is meditating for long periods of time because of this the monks of the Shaolin Temple made Shaolin kung-fu firstly as a form of exercise to prepare themselves for long meditation sessions but over time it was transformed into a fully fledged form of kung-fu these days Shaolin isn't really enlightenment searching anymore for most it's more of a way for them to hone their bodies for martial arts though there are of course still monks who use it as an enlightening tool like like people of all beliefs monks are very diverse and have many different reasons to do what they do so how does odin relate to this well he is a God of knowledge and is often constantly on a journey to find knowledge and enlightenment he often did this by disguising himself and walking into places to learn knowledge even at one point hung himself from a branch of the world tree and stabbed himself in the side of the spear this way he could sit there for three days and learn magic what a nut one way this is explained is you need an empty cup to fill it though in order to learn all that he did Odin needed to lower or lessen himself which is similar to Buddhism the path of enlightenment involves removing material values from your life in a way to find happiness now let's talk about martial arts many martial arts have their styles inspired by animals and their behavior kung fu has many famous and well-known ones dragon snake tiger and crane but there are also plenty of forms outside that like the monkey stick style even bear style though notably neither university food styles are bear style but it is other styles her Shifu has single strike style and rapid strike style and after digging into it a little bit I think I can say that while I'm still no expert by any means these two styles aren't based on any single actual martial art these are not the exact main poses of any rather they are taking pieces and concepts from various martial arts and combining them basically her Shifu invented its own style and this is fitting as it's known as the ocean pokemon in the pokédex wushu being Chinese for simply martial arts rather than any particular style the single strike style seems primarily based on the leopard style and other similar ones leopards don't rely on strength alone to take down prey they use precision precise strikes on top of outsmarting the opponent through ambush or speed they use their strong bites to go for weak spots and take them down in a flash a single powerful blow to the neck seems similar to single strike style here's a quote single strike style or Shifu prefer is battling without holding back it's similar to leopards doing everything they can to take down prey quickly and effectively when it is a certain distance away from an opponent it quickly leaps in to unleash a powerful blow feeding of leopards it may also be worth bringing up tiger style or black tiger fist many consider this to be the most external or direct of the martial arts which means relying more on strength and overpowering the opponent as well as moving more forward with direct motions rather than circular ones you block more than you dodge or deflect hence a shifu's arm being benched this way in this stance tiger style also involves a lot more legwork perhaps like its legs here though tiger style is more about quick and hard cloth swipes rather than singular fists strikes which is why it's mixed with leopard here but Tiger style would for sure match that description quote who used for berserkers when enraged they will mercilessly attack until the opponent has utterly crushed that's sort of the whole concept behind Tiger style war word attack Rob for the technical term and so single strike style is for sure combining the concepts from these and other similar martial arts and it makes it quite fitting of the dark type it's using any means to take down the opponent simple overpowering along with underhanded stuff like attacking out of the shadows or ambushes gut punches throat chops and nutcrackers striking the weak points it's kind of rude or smart hence the dark type now a shufoo using rapid strike style is also a mix of various martial art elements this time will mainly look at crane and seven star mantis style and by the way guess what else has seven stars the differs the same constellations as the IRS's the other reason why this pokemon is named what it is nice crane is basically the opposite of Tiger where Tiger is direct hard and external crane is circular soft and internal focused on your own balance and defense movements are round and defense is primarily done via dodging and deflecting its internal because balance is a key part of the and now combine that with mantis which is a style focused on tactile constant blows this stance you see this pokemon and people using is a style based on the praying mantis nymph they will do a similar pose to make themselves look big to scare away predators mantises are patient and fast and calmer than most predators when it comes to capturing prey and this is mentioned in the Styles description were Shifu in this form maintain a calm demeanor observing their opponents and measuring their strengths while dodging attacks a rapid strike style a Shifu will use flowing movements in battle to smoothly parry and opponents moves and then overwhelm the opponent with a flurry of rapid strikes the water typing then is not only a reference to the wetland dwelling crane and the smooth flowing circular movements that the style is known for but also for the rapid strikes hitting you like a torrent of water like flowing down a rapid River it's quite symbolic and kind of dumb IMO I mean look at this thumb now before we dig into their to GMAX forums we should look more at the animals they are based on as well as some celestial ties these two are primarily based on Asian black bears also known as moon bears works well as moon bears are the inspirations for bear style though we can also look at their namesake some more the two Ursa constellations oh and looky here the Great Dipper constellation the IRS's also sometimes referred to as Odin's wagon there he is again circular maybe it's not coincidence after all sort of a tangent that's not the only constellation that Odin has a hand in there is a legend about Odin stealing to the meed from su tong the frost giant in this tale so Tong has the mead of poetry Odin the curious all father really wanted some of this Mead you know for knowledge purposes so he disguised himself and went to find the mead guarding the mead was the frost giants daughter Odin seduced her and they did some hanky-panky and thus she let him go by as she was now knocked up with the god of poetry Odin dug his way into the mountain to drink the mead and unlock the poetry skill he then also relieved himself and thus created poetry on earth yeah you heard it here people who do poetry they're all pissed after this the giant locked his daughter into the mountain where the Mead used to be harsh this giant was a shape-shifter and often took an eagle form in the sky you can see the doctor locked in the mountain and her father the eco nearby and that's the tail so calor ex is the chinese interpretation of the moon rabbit which is a moon rabbit alchemist crafting the elixir of life and now there's these two hmm the stars Sun Moon and constellations seem like a big theme for the new DLC as well as a search for knowledge and enlightenment or immortality what are you doing Game Freak oh now let's look more closely at the GMAX forms each style has their own GMAX form which makes me upset II spaghetti hey Game Freak where was the love for the Apple in line they are completely different Pokemon but they have the same gene X form what the heck these two are just they learned different things with the same Pokemon but they get to different sheet metal but no matter these two are likely based on two Buddhist gods that I'm going to mispronounce audial and Indio these two represents the end and the beginning they also are used as protectors and thus put on temples for that reason in front of Buddhist temples one is usually blue in the other red typically anyway and sometimes they are both both the one thing that is noteworthy is one has their mouth open and a weapon in hand this one is to expel and fight off evil spirits from the place the other has no weapon and has a closed mouth he is there to keep the good spirits in and again these are shaman asked abilities and to the website does describe their GMAX forms as being capable of banishing evil spirits and even opening the soul and cleansing the spirits now that's just awesome but the bonus fact it's Ursa Major and Ursa Minor right well gee max rapid tile is a hole 10 feet shorter than single strike style there's a major and a minor nice so these pokemon like many are pulling from all over the world and in this case or even the same constellation with the east and western interpretations of them applying to the same pokemon and that is what I did freaking love about Pokemon it's taking the eastern abilities and attributes of the same constellation and then taking the western interpretations animal and making them it all comes together it's so cool it's so cool so do you have anything to add what-mon should I cover next let me know down below and until next time you never stop using your noggin I love these Bears now [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 239,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon isle of armor, isle of armor, urshifu, urshifu origins, kubfu, pokemon urshifu, urshifu pokemon, how to get urshifu, how to evolve kubfu, how to get kubfu, origins of urshifu, what is urshifu, what is urshifu based on, single strike style, rapid strike style, berserker pokemon, kung fu pokemon, viking pokemon, norse pokemon, chinese pokemon, wushu pokemon, calyrex, pokemon lore, isle of armor lore, isle of armor story
Id: xScz4uI0aZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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