The Strange, Seductive Secrets of Hatterene! | Gnoggin - Pokemon Sword and Shield

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yes!!! i love her :D

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/firehamsterpig 📅︎︎ May 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] we will never forget this the universe will always show us why fountain of all of the Pokemon we were given in Pokemon sword and shield there are only a few with truly mysterious origins origins that take quite a bit of digging to find out and creative Liberty aside today we are delving into what I think is perhaps the deepest know what I mean pan terrine is a unique all-female thing Pokemon she's so many things my favorite being a fountain of clickbait I'll have to utilize that in the future some more but there is much much more with this Pokemon it isn't just one thing she's a personification of many she was an embodiment of something primal an old force that predates all society so let's talk about this [Music] but first if you haven't yet check out noggin done net we've got shirts including this newer one it's super neato we got so many other things too please buy them we'll be here let's start with the more obvious things the surface value antenna is a cute little girl pink and able to move her hair around as if it were part of its main body maybe it is maybe it's got a little party hat it's name in other languages references this feature it's named in German for instance comes from brim like the brim of a hat and their word from move the Japanese and Korean names also have brim in it but also their words for gesture so it's able to move its hair and head which is a part of it but what's with the English name coming from antenna then I mean the party hat does look a bit like an antenna and I suppose it does fill the role of an antenna for this pokemon according to the Pokedex via the protrusion on its head it senses other creatures emotions well there you go it evolves into Hatcher M who is much more obviously humanoid and obviously more of a witch I mean you can't tell me that this is not a witch hat and speaking of which alright I got to be honest I laughed a bit while writing that but speaking of which why is this a witch head and I don't mean like why is there a witch hat on this Pokemon I mean why is this hat a witch's well once upon a time it wasn't it was just a fashionable and functional hat pointy hats had been a thing for a while think of the iconic princess hat and the Royals pretty much set fashion trends in their kingdoms but people especially of the peasant variety needed functionality too so why am BAM witch's hat but it still wasn't a witch's hat now was it here's a portrait of a lady from 1676 and she's just a lady not a witch on the poor witches of Suba she mummies from around the 3rd century they were just wearing these hats because they wore the thing to wear but by the time that their mummified corpses were discovered the Hat meant witch and so they are forever remembered as witches I'd feel sorry for them if they weren't dead so what happened well it's clearly not inherently medieval witches have been a part of history for well let's just say a very very long unknown amount of time our earliest records are documents about ancient Greece and ancient Rome punishing them and the old testament even mentions a witch but these are just writings of witches and witchcraft what about depictions well the earliest depictions of witches we have usually show them nude or burning the writing on a broomstick thing has been around since the 15th century but they just wore common bonnets you know the thing that most women wore at the time but in the early 1700s children's books apparently started showing witches with the iconic hats so at least we have a time frame now and with that let's talk about religion for a moment during the Christianization of europe when the religion was spreading rapidly and becoming law in many places previously held beliefs and old gods were being thrust aside and began being depicted as more and more demonic we talked about this a bit in the impotent video as that's basically what they are things like brownies trolls fairies and imps were once just a part of the local folklore of them were the old local gods but upon the area being Christianized they started being portrayed as more sinister they worked with the devil and such which is likely playing a role with these witches too as early as the six and seven hundreds we have writings from Saints and counsels that basically said hey God is the only God and there were no gods before him get this Odin guy out of here also magic isn't real and you shouldn't believe it and if you so much as claim that some lady is a witch then shame on you for being a stupid unfaithful idiot and if we find out that you killed some lady because you thought she was a witch will execute you because you killed an innocent woman because witches are not real and you shouldn't even believe in them worship the Lord and pay me instead Wow all things considered that's actually pretty progressive for over a millennia ago how do we go from that to the witch trials well it turns out that folklore and tradition are kind of hard to stop with a piece of paper stapled to the side of a building but although did they try many non-christian related festivals and holidays were bashed and panned as pagan and evolution since words and force wasn't really working in the whole conversion thing the Christians started moving their own holidays as a way to overwrite the others it's like finding out that your neighbors across the street are having a big birthday party that you could all jealous of so you move the celebration of your birthday to be at the same time as your neighbors in hopes that it makes more people come to yours instead because maybe yours is better this is literally what happened with Christmas December 25th was the pagan holiday to worship the god Saturn and December 21st was Yule another pagan holiday worshiping Norse gods and welcoming the winter solstice and while there is some evidence that suggests Jesus was born sometime in spring why would ship in the middle of winter Pope Julius the first chose December 25th the idea was to make a Christmas so big and popular that its traditions would overtake these pagan ones and how it works didn't it it's too much work to celebrate all of these holidays so let's just do the best one so remember Jesus is not the reason for the season the culture and religion war that the Catholic Church was having is anyway where was I all right witches the growth and Christianisation of Europe played a large role here at one point Jews legally had to wear pointy hats to signify themselves which of course made anti-semitism extremely easy and may have played a role here too for a while any non-christian belief practice was seen as more and more occult as time went on eventually to the point where Jews were considered devil worshippers so the pointy hats became less oh hey that guy's a Jew and more stay away Billy that man will sacrifice you to Satan and come to think of it those pointy hats looks kind of like hatena doesn't it huh it's also worth pointing out male magicians later known as Wizards had hats that were tall and pointy and have been this way for a long while eventually they were used as witches hats to such as in the witches in the air by Goya in 1798 also dunce caps of the 15th century were used to show misbehaving folks and well witches they're misbehaving to the utmost degree their devil worshippers there's also the hats of Quakers Puritan pilgrims and the Welsh which are super-close right like it just needs the point notably these folks were the primary ones doing the famous witch trials later on into the witch hunting and all that and so if you were a witch and you wanted to blend in and not be suspected of being a witch you will wear this hat because it was the religious tradition in the area to do that so wearing those hats seems like something which would do so if you weren't in these witch hunting groups and religions then from the outside looking in yeah all the people that are hunting witches and the witches themselves all have these hats must be some connection plus since the Middle Ages all the way through to this time similar hats were worn by English alewives women who brewed ale and other such pale things and dran ale houses nothing weird about it women were the primary Brewers since ancient Mesopotamia sometime after the Black Death happened though the job started becoming more and more male-dominated though rare some women still kept it up through to the 17th century so dabble in a little bit of sexism and fear of witches which are known for brewing potions well it's easy to find your suspect now why is a woman brewing clearly this is a cover-up for her brewing potions and elixirs behind the scenes similar things happens to doctors who were women to male priests had been practicing holy magic healing through the use of herbs and chants for centuries but a woman with an affinity for healing herbs and making medicine while they were suspected of being witches you're healing people with herbs but not praying at the same time you godless witch anyway combine all of these elements and you start to get the iconic witches hat but then when the Wizard of Oz came out and became a cultural phenomenon well that pretty much set the trope this is your generic witch now check it and this is when movies and media was having a big explosion too so it quickly caught on I mean it's a bit brooding and it looks like Devil's horns from a distance right it's perfect and so that's why a witch's hat is a witch's hat man I love history it's neat but Pokemon makes us money so Katherine it's got a witch's hat and big hair and it then evolves into a tureen whose pokedex entry states that it also is known as the forest and that it's hair is actually a tentacle with claws at the end but clearly it resembles hair more on wide later patterning is tall as a feminine figure super long hair and a witch hat sort of combined with a medieval princess hat this all fits its name super well hat comes from hat because it has a hat and the rest comes from serene which is when a scene is peaceful quiet and beautiful plus it's also what you would call some princesses in various European royal families only further adding to the Witch and Princess combined idea would come to think of it the majority of famous fairy tales often have the main female characters as the witches or princesses Snow White and a witch Sleeping Beauty and a witch Rapunzel and a witch heck the super long hair that hattery has could be a reference to Rapunzel heck its main body is small and inside you see that it's like what if its body was the tower and this is Rapunzel trapped in the tower I mean look at it after Ajay can - max is even you could see these as sort of like prison bars maybe Rapunzel is trapped in a tower that may be stretching it a bit but it's possible it's the Witch and the princess but let's think about that hair again for a moment this line is capable of moving its hair around granted it's actually a tentacle so that's technically how it works but it's designed to look like hair for a reason Impa Dimps line this pokemons companion line are also able to control their hair just like Bayonetta a witch from a different franchise this witchly connection to hair isn't just a thing that some game developers made up it's a real thing hair is a super common ingredient in witch's potions and brews and Rapunzel has magical hair what's with fairytale witches and hair well hair is super-important for witches it was believed that the hair had all of the power that witches had their magic was stored in their hair which is yet another reason why most but not all people accused of being witches more women as they keep their hair longer it's also why it was a common practice to burn or bury your hair after a haircut that way witches can't steal it and get more powerful and this is also why people accused of witchcraft were often shaved head to toe they also searched their bodies for a devil mark which could have been a bite mark and oddly shaped birthmark or even a wart this is why the classical green witches are famous for heavy warts it's a devil's mark any hope the Pokedex injuries for this whole line mentioned that they hate powerful emotion and tend to react violently which is fitting of a witch they often cause fairy tale plots to happen because they get angry or jealous of something relatively small so they throw curses and hexes all over how dare someone be happier than I how dare someone be prettier than I emotion is for the week now let's look at its GMAX pokedex injury beams of light shoots down from its tentacles it's known to some as the rage you goddess Wade goddess oh well if you watched our grim snarl do a shameless plug here you might know that Fae were gods or beings from pagan mythology changed into creatures and devilish things by Christianity moving into places like Britain something similar happened with some goddesses mysterious and sometimes malicious goddesses with ties to magic or prophecy were demoted to being merely witches gods like the Morrigan yes he is part of her name because she's three goddesses shoved into one it's confusing but he referred to her as the Morrigan there's also the fates and Hecate I'm probably mispronouncing that which interestingly all of these have ties with three the three fates and Hecate is often depicted as three goddesses standing back-to-back or in some are fused together into one being which this might happen to be why 3:00 a.m. is known as the witching hour to some it's a time period where the world of the Fae and the world of us combine for an hour but regular ngon which humans don't experience this extra hour we did a whole video about this in regards to Pokemon X&Y here but also how to mean has three Evo's in its line maybe that's something maybe that's a coincidence also in Greek mythology which in many ways was a foundation that would later inspire and adapt over the ages into European folklore there is a goddess known as the raging goddess Lisa she is one of the maidens that tore up a guy for seeing Artemis in the nude such a violent action over basically nothing just like what the header in line does beating people until they are unconscious because they felt too strong in emotion now if we combine basically everything we've talked about we start getting details that start to describe a specific character Morgan la Fey one of the antagonists in the King Arthur mythos which is the mythos that sword and shield seems to be pulling a lot from Morgan la Fey is not only a powerful witch and a rival to the wizard Merlin but she's also a princess as she is King Arthur's half-sister and as such in some tellings she even becomes Queen and like many evil witches in many stories in some tellings she enchants creatures and summons forth fairytale monsters and spirits including a large enchanted green at night like its companion more grim grim snarl fairytale and fantasy which is in general summon forth minions like imps and goblins all the time and pop-culture to do their bidding to the point where clearly now it's a trope the big scary dominant witch lady with a feeble impish male servant I mentioned that in the impotent video I've mentioned to the impotent Brian a few times already because like I said it is the companion' line to katanas line by which I mean they have the same total stats but one specialty of this physical they are next to each other in the Pokedex they are caught in the same area and have the same rarities and catch rates and they have plenty of design origins similarities and are all female or all male normally companion pokemons are a virtual exclusive to each other but I guess along with many other things Game Freak changed that and sword and shield but these for sure our companion Pokemon so could even be that the witchy powers that patterning has are making epidemic stronger at giving it the witches power of being able to control hair right and that's why as it evolved it looks more and more like your stereotypical gross screen witch yeah I would really bet your butt that there's going to be an episode in the anime that has a header een with a bunch of impaired imps and such it's gonna happen because that'd be super cool and I like it so hey Doreen is a grab bag of feminine powers in folklore and mythology the witch the Princess Rapunzel Morrigan Morgan la Fey alrighty what's with the jellyfish what's with the jellyfish nests well here's an idea that might explain it katarina embodies fear a fear of nature the fear of the unknown and of ourselves a fear of emotions as they take over and cause us and others to make irrational decisions patterning is the embodiment of the stories the fairy tales we tell to scare children which after all was the original intent of fairy tales teaching kids lessons through their lore we can easily see this in patterns designs Atena is a child's being told that the stories in baby you could see this cat also as your classical light camp petram is the older child that now knows these stories and perhaps even grew a fondness for the witches in them and has erine is the adult that has embraced the stories and paces down their lessons just like they were also Greek tragedies are possibly an inspiration these are stories of gods and monsters delving into humorous and the flaws of man giving lessons of how your actions can end with your dire consequences this is why huh Doreen gets angry about strong leadership everyone with these strong emotions is showing fear or extreme happiness they're pulling and Icarus they are flying too low to the sea where they can get wet and fall or they are flying too high and their wings will melt from the Sun please she cries calm the heck down this is why it has the jellyfish inspiration you'll be happy to know that in folklore jellyfish are seen as an omen they are telling you to calm down and make your life more simple fighting the current can be harmful but letting the ocean take you without struggle like a jellyfish is truly serene this is what hattery wishes to be its very presence is to teach you this very important fairy tale lesson or you know it's just a vaguely creepy witch you know how it is sometimes [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 532,539
Rating: 4.9368262 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon anime, hatterene, hatenna, hattrem, impidinp, morgrem, grimsnarl, grimmsnarl, grimmsnarl origins, impidinp origins, hatterene origins, what is hatterene, hatterene rule 34, hatterene pokemon, hatterene moveset, gigantamax hatterene, hatterene gigantamax, hatterene memes, what is hatterene based on, king arthur pokemon, morgan le fay, pokemon explained, hatterene explained, gen 8 pokemon, isle of armor, waifu pokemon, witch pokemon
Id: kBsYz3VCaYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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