COALOSSAL: DEEP, DARK, DANGEROUS, & Dependable? | Gnoggin - Pokemon Sword and Shield

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[Music] is there any way to give a Pokemon a wheel well there are no animals with wheels because biologically speaking they wouldn't work so would have to be an inanimate object Pokemon like a possessed car maybe a rock elemental oh I know minecraft is all the rage with the kids let's make a minecart coconut somebody give this man Ray's steam engines are truly the heart of humanity's industries and advancements it holds the flame of our past advancements and holds the gas that will light our future I mean even nuclear power plants are just steam engines when you really get down to it yeah we use the radioactive material to boil water which then creates steam the steam rises up and spins the turbine generating electricity this is why the smoke coming from nuclear towers is white it's not smoke it's just steam that's not pollution at all and it is also the inspiration for glory and wheezing interestingly enough it's why it's not poison type but cleanly fairy instead whole video about it here no of course that's not to say that nuclear power plants are completely clean nuclear waste is a thing but nuclear plants are still the cleanest source of reliable energy that we have that also happens to meet our energy requirements it's the safest - people are just scared of it because when something does go wrong it's a it's a catastrophe that gets all over the news it's just like how flying in planes is technically the safest method of travel but people are scared of flying because when something does go wrong it's a catastrophe and it's all over the news anyway that is a total tangent I haven't even mentioned the main Pokemon of the day yet this is a video about colossal so what is Rolly Kohli what is colossal and what is Kharkov besides the worst design of the generation are they living coal and steam engines and by June the coal part makes sense because what it is literally and it's quite fitting of the region gyal are its pokemon britain the place famous for the Industrial Revolution and black skies made from factories so that's for sure an inspiration and the reason why it's here but there is possibly there's some what we do put them going on to so let's dig right on in [Music] where's this awesome music coming from it's so crisp up it's coming from today's sponsor the commuter 2 from Cove audio these are Bluetooth speakers that play music for seven hours per charge and from up to 30 feet away now the clever among you will notice that I said two speakers not speaker right that's because get this it's a two-in-one hahaha now you can easily fill the room with 360 audio or put them on both sides of your desk or bed for some immersive stereo have one closed and one really really far for some reason I don't know maybe that's how you like your music by the way the subs on these are nice and double as these cool lights that go to the music and these things get [Music] awesome but not as awesome as this coupon code lock 60 for a limited time you can get over 60% off it's quite the deal for quite the unique Bluetooth speaker dual stereo awesome bang for the buck so check it out by clicking the link in the description and again be sure to use coupon code walk 60 to claim this deal thanks a million again let's first look at Rowley Koli people at first like to think of it as a little rock on a wheel because I mean it is but there's so much more the history of this Pokemon goes back way back like the Romans back like the Romans are still roaming around and here I thought phalanx was the only room in Pokemon Rollie co-leads but pulling things from all over the place like the pill bug because pill bugs also have a slang name some call them Rolie polies and this Pokemon is also a reference to a desert the British Rollie pollie Wow anyway the very first steam engine was the aeolipile invented sometime in the 1st century and it looked like this it's basically just a ball that's spun around sort of like Rolly Coley I guess oh yeah I said that right but now you might be asking yourself if the Romans invented a steam engine then why didn't they start the Industrial Revolution all the way back then and the answer is slaves I mean that's not fully yet but it's a big factor you see steam engines required a chemical reaction to boil water and create steam the best and most effective chemical reaction the Romans had at the time was would sometimes doused in torch oil and so with this level of tech using a steam engine for help with construction or transport would have been a massively expensive undertaking both with money and time it was just so much quicker and cheaper to have slaves do it so basically nobody really got around into advancing the steam engine beyond the a low piles original intent as a novelty item a miniature wonder a few centuries later some rudimentary coal mining would start up though and it was mainly used for furnaces as charcoal essentially and this is why out of all of its evolutions Rolly Cooley is only rudimentary coal the kind of coal that you find near the surface like the coal that you find in Minecraft Rolly Kohli is simple just like the first uses of coal and like the first steam engine simple it works out as the first time their temperature is explained is in its evolution and it stated to be 1,800 degrees without as hot as a campfire it's simple burning and while we're in the Pokedex Warley Coley's Dex mentions that it was discovered four hundred years ago so you know just before the Industrial Revolution started next is car coal it's a minecart but thankfully it's not just that see Rolly Coley represents our early interactions with steam engines nothing big it's basically just a toy but car coal is us finally realizing the power we have combining steam engines with coal this is why car coal isn't just coal itself rather it carries actual coal on its back after all this whole line has to burn coal to survive themselves and car call clearly needs more of it than Rolly Coley that's why it has so much of it with it it's scaling up and needing more fuel to fulfill itself just like in real life car coal represents us trying new things with steam engines such as engines train cars and powerful things that go powered minecarts factory machines that are they do this and next is colossal this train monster thing but really that shape on its face it's a pilot for a cow plow the things that are at the front of locomotives especially older one and also the mismatched shoulder spike thingies old steam trains had varying height smokestacks like this so it's a train monster while plenty of people were disappointed that we didn't get a literal train poking on I for one am happy with this monster with train elements that we got instead it's much more believable than literally a train with eyes like come on [Music] honestly car colas down there with ambipom and crab Bominable in my least favorite designs category colossal represents us going full-on into the Industrial Revolution or perhaps rather the damage that it did the Cold War it's back has increased greatly just like how our need for coal glue monster asleep and sit being a monster like this basically a kaiju which actually works out perfectly as a writing device kaiju czar giant beasts writers used to embody hard to imagine concepts I mean these days the simpler ones are just big monster fightin the whole pot go boom but originally it was a lot deeper than that the famous example of course being the very first Godzilla movie see the original movie was actually about nuclear bomb testing not long before the movie was made the u.s. tested nuclear weapons at Bikini Atoll from the late 1940s and early 1950s the effects of which of course made their way to Japan this of course began a huge conversation on how dangerous nuclear weapons and nuclear power are and what their effects on nature might be is it all worth it this conversation was especially happening in Japan because they knew firsthand the catastrophic effects of these things so obviously they were very wary so they made a movie about this Godzilla a kaiju that represents nuclear power and the as well as on with many other kaijus the destructive power of nature's wrath nature getting revenge for the destruction man has caused hurricanes are scary enough but to personify their destructive force is to form a kind you colossal vent is an embodiment of coal and the Industrial Revolution it can be good and has its positives as a stepping stone for mankind as we see in colossal being a calm and peaceful know it is mentioned that it destroys trespassers when they dam its mines speaking of its destructive force Giganta max colossal is a monstrous coal power plant I mean heck colossal name the Japanese comes from coal and mountain coal mine it's the whole dang mountain coming to fight you now and it seems like the pile itself has changed a bit too more than in just size because obviously it's bigger but like the rest of the line it seems to have changed what sort of coal it is the rest of the line seemed to be based on bituminous or lignite coal whereas the coal on colossal seems to be anthracite I mean its name in French even references anthracite directly and this makes sense of Aleutian airily cool anthracite is the hardest form of coal and it has the highest energy density and on top of all this it produces less smoke during the American Civil War the Confederacy used anthracite for their boats because it created less smoke which meant that their boats couldn't be spotted as easily from a distance and more evidence of it being anthracite would have to be it's shiny coloring all the black turns to blue reverencing the fact that when anthracite is even more pure it turns bluish there is even a brand of anthracite coal that is called blue coal after that it was used for trains because it used less smoke it around regular people to travel on trains without the drawback of being absolutely coated in black and anyway similarly to how Godzilla is a kaiju inspired primarily by single destructive event soku is colossal beyond just the whole the Industrial Revolution in a monster Giganta max colossal is a reference to one of the biggest man-made natural disasters ever to hit the United Kingdom it's very pokedex entry states that when gal R was hit by a harsh cold wave this pokemon served as a giant heating stove and saved many lives which also points to anthracite being the coal on its back now we see in 1963 Britain was hit by a nasty winter because of all the smog in the air created by pollution a cold front was trapped over the UK creating one of the worst winters in UK history this winter buried cars and killed hundreds it snowed so many people in and had many more damaging effects pipes under the cities and towns burst not only reducing if not stopping water pressure but some even leaks gas suddenly many homes no longer had gas heating in the middle of the worst winter and worse still gas leaked into some homes silently killing many more people had to rely on wood and coal burning for once but soon enough the coal vendors ran out of their common coal and so for the sake of survival they had to sell the more industrial anthracite often at a loss it wasn't as effective but it was the only thing outside of wood that people had to warm themselves and to survive so similarly Giganta mak'st colossal helped the people of gal r survive a harsh cold front with its anthracite coal and perhaps is also a kaiju beast that represents this very disaster caused by smog ky Jews are not inherently villains and can be heroes too like Godzilla in the later movies and likewise as the Colossus that is Giganta max thanks for watching and until next time never stop using your noggin what are you doing there stereotyping oh my god [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 206,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Coalossal, pokemon, kaiju pokemon, godzilla pokemon, carkol, rolycoly, rolycoly pokemon, coalossal pokemon, coalossal moveset, gigantamax coalossal, coalossal theory, coalossal origins, coalossal design, pokemon coalossal, coal pokemon, minecart pokemon, pokemon kaiju, dynamax pokemon, what is coalossal, what is rolycoly, why is coalossal, why does coalossal, history of galar, galar timeline, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword and shield expansion pass, coalossal deck
Id: N3h8CtjbOMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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