Is Pokemon LYING about Giratina? | Gnoggin

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Giratina or is it Doretta 'no it's not your athena that'd be terrible Giratina the dark reality bending dragon pokemon it's popularly thought from the pokemon mythos that Giratina is meant to represent antimatter but does it or is pokemon lying to us but first hey do you have opinions would you like to turn those opinions into gift cards for more games this video is sponsored by Opinion Outpost a website where you can take surveys to earn points and you can turn those points into gift cards in my money hurting college days i bought all sorts of games with gift cards from this site and others like it I have given it a test run and can now recommend it Opinion Outpost give your opinions get great games click the link in the description to check it out anyway this episode contains major plot spoilers for pokemon diamond pearl and platinum so if you haven't played those games yet well you're late and the 4th generation games the deranged cult leader Syrus tries to reshape the world using the powers of D Galaga and Palkia this winds up ripping open a portal a portal that leads to the distortion world home of Giratina in the distortion world all sorts of bizarre things happen chunks of land and bodies of water float in midair some seeming to face sideways or even upside down yet you can still walk on them platforms rise and fall and swing from side to side for almost no apparent reason at all as the player you are told that space and time are being warped in the distortion world and let's keep that in mind for later so what leads many people to believe that Giratina is supposed to be the pokemon of antimatter well in the cinah origins myth it is mentioned that soon after our chaos created dialga and Palkia mater was wished into being by the two pokemon of time and space it has been known for several decades now that the physical process that creates matter from pure energy also creates a mostly equal amount of antimatter knowing this it seems obvious that dialga and polkas wish for matter gave rise to Giratina to lord over matters mirror image as it formed yet there's evidence that this assumption is wrong in the 4th generation games the npc cynthia informs the player that according to myth Giratina came into being at the same time as Dialga and Palkia far too early to be created solely to look over the yet to exist antimatter another argument for Giratina being the antimatter legendary has to do with RK asses banishment of Giratina we know this banishment was because Garrett Tina was dangerous and was causing too much destruction so many assumed that this destruction was caused by antimatter connecting with matter which we know causes both to be completely annihilated while this is a good possible explanation there's nothing stating this scenario flat-out or excluding other possibilities however the biggest piece of evidence of course though is that cynthia tells you full-on that this is a world of antimatter so wait am i saying that this factoid that is in the game is wrong is simply a wrong here yeah yeah she is she does mention that she's only studying with illogical pokemon and is striving to learn all she can meaning she may not be a full expert here and this isn't the first time this has happened that being stuff said in the game is wrong for example in pokemon black and white it is said that QM fell from a meteor from outer space but then in black and white 2 is revealed that that theory was wrong kirim is just as old as Reshiram and Zekrom and they all came from one original dragon it's just like in real life there are 5 different theories about how the moon came to be there are plenty of experts astrophysicists who claim that one of these theories is the true one but then other experts say otherwise cynthia assumed this antimatter connection it's her theory just like me telling you that she is wrong is my theory so hey I could be wrong too so let's go through why Giratina can't be antimatter and is instead gravity let's go back to the statement that Cynthia made in the distortion world space and time are being warped how could this possibly be Dialga and Palkia were never in the distortion world with the player so how could Giratina manipulate them if this world were antimatter than your body coming into contact with it would cause it and the world to explode Giratina wouldn't even have to touch anything really coming into contact with our world's air would cause it to explode and cease to exist that's what happens when antimatter and matter come together they both merge and no longer exist it's the one true way to annihilate matter permanently also antimatter would not cause all of these distortions in gravity that's not what antimatter does so clearly this world isn't made of antimatter so again how could Giratina manipulate time and space here why is water flowing sideways why are all of these land masses acting funny actually the explanation is very simple if it's gravity Giratina is the lord of gravity in both the pokemon world and the distortion world random pockets of gravity fluctuating all throughout the distortion world would explain the sudden changes to the land and your ability to walk on to them as well as the changes to space and time in Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity the force of gravity acts as a distortion of space and time the more gravity there is in an area of space the more time there is to go through when traveling through that area gravity also sort of squishes space together more so the more gravity there is the more space there is to go through as well Giratina controlling gravity explains both the time of creation and banishment problems I mentioned before gravity as a phenomenon which affects both time and space would have needed to be created in the same event as time into space gravity also has a very strange power to it thanks to its properties an infinite amount of work and thus energy can be derived from gravity if it were to condense enough in one area of space-time black holes are a result of gravity running unchecked becoming stronger and stronger until space and time are warped two gravities will rks didn't banish Giratina because antimatter was annihilating rather Giratina x' gravitational forces were causing chaotic conditions too harsh for life to form our chaos moved Giratina into an alternate emptier universe the distortion world there gara Tina's incredible powers were safely contained as the Pokemon universe went through its delicate forming phase just imagine the harmony of all of these Pokemon coming together and creating the Pokemon world only to have Giratina fly by and accidentally create a black hole right next to it but after spending countless millennia in the distortion world Giratina learned by trial and error how to properly control its powers over gravity the platforms that the player walks on were previous mistakes this is why Giratina can safely come into the Pokemon world and platinum without accidentally causing massive destruction it has gained experience in its solitary confinement all-in-all Giratina is just a misunderstood legendary that doesn't deserve the dark cloak of mistrust it's been given it's one awesome pokemon and hopefully this cleared up some of your own thoughts on it and this isn't the only mystery surrounding the Pokemon creation event there is another involving our chaos as thousand arms and you can click here or check out the description for that video so until next time stay awesome and never stop using that noggin [Music] you
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 1,219,553
Rating: 4.8994236 out of 5
Keywords: Game Theory, Vsauce, Video Games, Nintendo, Pokemon, Pokemon Platinum, Gen 4, Pokemon Sun and Moon, Arceus, Giratina, Dialga, Palkia, Diamond and Pearl, Diamond, Pear, Gen 4 remakes, confrimed, hints, easter eggs, Arceus Theory, Giratina Theory, Antimatter, Gravity, Cynthia, Pokemon Generation, Distortion World, Physics, Chamption, Pokegirls, Pokemon Platinum Remake, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Remakes, Remake, Remakes, it all comes together, the end, pokémon
Id: qDSeICCzp8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2016
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