The DEEPEST 4WD River Crossing - Insane Cape York Adventure

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[Music] as is for a few I absolutely love of you I reckon it's got a lot to do with the fact that I'm only four foot 8 tall anytime I get to a certain elevation I could spend all day up here now that behind me is Kate Bedford down there Cape Flattery we're gonna check out both of them on this trip but last time you saw us we were at the end of the Stoney Creek track of course that was a one-way track we still had to get back out of there and that for us is exactly where the adventure began check this out that's right in episode 239 you saw us battle our way down a track that hadn't been driven in several years in order to reach Stoney Creek on the east coast you saw us celebrate when we reached our goal but you see that rain well that's the game changer we had to turn around and get out of there before that track became impassable we're really remote on the east coast of the Cape and our plan is to get back along this 120 kilometer tractor current and then head to Elam beach near hope Vale and finally enter the amazing silica gene system of Cape Flattery it didn't take us long to make the decision to get stuck into it Ray's out front this should make it slightly easier going for Sean oh and that heavy trailer our journey in on this track was challenging enough in the dry but the rain has taken it to a whole new level the clay is turning to slop and getting more and more slippery we know we have to get across the Great Dividing range before there's too much more rain otherwise driving up those clay hills could be near impossible on the way in the d-max performed amazingly whoo-hoo slippery now it's time for round two and I've got all the confidence I need oh the mighty DMACC this thing is a little weapon Shawn I was keeping a close eye on that trailer he doesn't want it slipping sideways and getting out of shape [Applause] he's done it good work Mike choose up which means the first little challenge of the long journey out is complete we are just about to cross up and over the Great Dividing range now we've had a fair bit of rain we really are expecting that what was a pretty easy track coming in to these clay soils out here I can it only become very slippery but the ruts that are ok and the dry could become potentially quite difficult to conquer in the wet what I really don't want to do is end up sliding sideways into any of these ruts doing paddle damage popping tires off beads that kind of thing so I'm really going to try it my wits about me as will the boys as we come across the Great Dividing range and then hopefully pop down the other side to some more sandy conditions but look at this you don't get a rain for us without rain and this is one of the most pristine areas perhaps in the world and it shows it is stunning through here absolutely stunning as we slowly start to ascend the rain continues to fall from above making the ground even more saturated pretty soon and a slippery play is really causing some issues the boys in front have made it up but they've churned up the surface making traction nearly impossible problem I've got here is that this is just such a slippery slippery Bank on the side and it's a big rut on the right-hand side and I can't get up over the bank toward is actually some pretty level ground on the left-hand side it's a matter of a meter so the plan here is to try and get me up on this flat ground and stop over this little tiny loop it's only about that high but it's just enough in these wet soil clay conditions that I can't get any traction up over the top there so we'll be right over the top of that with the Dominator winch hooked up I finally got some forward motion but I'm still having trouble getting up out of this deep rut from the left-hand side I wanted to change that we changgil and skull dragged me up this house any other way okay well plan a didn't work I'm now just going after as I myself the fact that I'm stuck in this right hand right just so breezy and clay here I cannot get in purchase on this left hand side no way so now I'm just gonna reach myself up in the right I wanted to make as straight as possible at all here so Shane has offered the Patrol as an anchor by doing this I'm minimizing the risk of popping a bee [Music] Wow amazing what a difference been a rain makes I think she won I was gonna have his work cut out for him but he's got far bigger tires very aggressive tread and the boy knows how to drive so let's turn around have a look and see how he goes with a better run up Sean skillfully managed to straddle her up giving him traction the holloway up and that is a good Drive good work beautiful Cape York absolutely raining cats and dogs as soon as it started raining all that clay up in front astern absolutes life and it's making traction for any vehicle super tough the vehicles are going they're sliding straight out of the of the rut for being whole and it's getting caught up but it's just when she when she when she sure knows not wrong after each vehicle the track is getting more and more slippery Shawn's also had a distinct disadvantage with that trailer he was bound to get held up at something Wow sleep straight off those ruts it's out with the Dominator once again [Music] so so soft take your clay at its absolute finest starting to get a bit concerned because this is now eating into our schedule big time I'm thinking we're not going to make Cape Flattery at all this right with a couple of adjustments shows up Stew's suffers exactly the same fight so were performing yet another week's recovery that that wasn't the end of Stu's problems he's done some serious damage Stew's has had a bit of bad luck here he's actually busted completely busted this spring off done gone I'm totally sure how we're gonna fix it just yet but we'll get it up in the air and we'll get a closer look at it but just to give you bit of a location idea what about as remote as you can possibly get right out from the east coast of the Cape on a track it hasn't been driven for a couple of years no-one's gonna come down here with a spare leaf spring for at least a couple of years we're using a ratchet strap and various other tools including the hi-lift jack just to try and get things back into place once we've done that we're hoping just the tension of the vehicles weight alone and hold that spring back in place Justin from NQ crash is already on the set phone arranging new parts to be bought up and meet once we get back to civilization ten hours on the track in the middle of nowhere mate it's part of the moment of truth here what we've done is managed to get this Springs actually snapped off the spring and snapped clean off the eye we've managed to get it back into place we've used one of the straps to pull the whole do forward and relocate that spring or it's snapped off back up in the housing so now we will leave the strap on there plus the weight of the vehicle bearing down on the springs and force it up even harder in theory so long as Stu doesn't get airborne and unweight this will in theory that shouldn't come out of there in theory with the bush mechanics complete we're straight back into it we've got another deadline to meet now and that's getting to Laura within 24 hours to receive those spare parts this slippery descent with a huge rut could potentially undo all of our work on Stu suspension I guess we'll just have to wait cross our fingers and hope for the best [Applause] as this track is slowly deteriorating in the weather we really are concerned about time here the more rain that falls the harder it's going to be to get out of here harder it is to get out of here the more damage we're going to do the sewers truck and potentially any of the other trucks on the convoy we've got a very steep super-slippery on the left-hand side I should say is a massive drop-off and it's off camber sliding down to the left the key here I think is going to be trying not to use my brakes alright it's taking it gently for this part here that's about the best I could hope for really we couldn't hope for much more than that get there keep driving keep driving no braking and then down we go that's it the key really needs to resist the urge put your foot on the brake no come on DNA [Music] [Music] well it's been a fairly sticky situation for everyone sure and I was just getting out of it now with the photo on the back of course you can see we've got right now is true not so much he's driving all the tractors the fact that we've got that busted leaf spring on the right hand side now a few drops in and and waits that possibility there's a possibility we could run into us enough to travel we drive come on tell you wouldn't come here with in a winch would you oh you can I deal without a winch you might as well come in even our clothes on it's like my bacon a few toys today yeah well so more to it you know you've got our week together we let's control ice wants you to come to any I'm not if they're wheel on that screen all righty spring stood out it's better now the real difficulty here is that if shoes wheel slides into that rut and on weights itself to get a pop that Springs back out of place and we'll be back to square one [Applause] Oh diddly freeze it's still there it's still there [Music] we'd made it across the dividing range in one place well sort of but it was starting to get dark we pushed on for a short while but after all that winching we were naked so we decided to make camp and sure they offered to cook us up a well-deserved feed thanks mate folks tonight on the menu is a red fish curry you say it's a perfect meal when you've only got a little bit of fish if you travel with guys who you know don't pull their weight when they're fishing you know you're a little bit of fish you need to make it last through a whole crowd of people making real curry I say I think he's talking about me I think I am what are you got my first ingredient I've got here is two slabs of fresh wild-caught barramundi so what I'm gonna do with that is I'm gonna heat the pan up and start cooking the fish first you can turn that right up to the max you want to get this nice and hot oh yeah that's a bit of all you don't to be too fancy with this just cut it sort of bite-sized pieces tuck those straight onto the hot heat here Graham yes Mac can I get a hand move okay I'll be John just for you no no I need you to get up as well man you can say the round reinforce it later mate what do you need look do you just speak that water up don't burn it just get the heat on the water and warm that water I want to be out pretty warm you're right a lot of our money you know just talk us through those things right what you got there mate he's Queensland's finest yeah watch he just figured they could be good in a curry you gonna put those in there yeah they could now these things I don't mind I know these things I know mangos I've seen them before yeah they're good this is red curry paste pick it up for any supermarket well it's pretty strong talk about it yes the whole thing went in that's a lot that's gonna be a little bit warm hope you guys like Achilles [Laughter] now try and diffuse it make it a bit more of a curry oh you're gonna go straight in with a coconut gear straight in you know well that's easily idiot-proof I put them straight in I reckon good little bit thick after coconut cream look sorry okay yeah you need some chunky garlic in it that's enough are these ready much they should be soft yep they're cool fish sauce that probably needs about our two tablespoons or something brought that in every yeah they're from mixed vegetables in briny gone mad iron this is chuckling you know Go Go Go man goes first yep straight in here folks do we want light she's in the curry why she's in then they look like a weird squid head or something there's like what wait till they all infuse the curry it gives it a tropical what this is the Cape your bread curry mate all right I'll put the lid on that campfire and let it simmer let it reduce down a little bit all right guys that's probably been cooking for what it will elaborate 20 minutes 20 minutes yeah it's just darling what I'm gonna do is just quickly put these noodles in here that's how many you're feeding even well look at that oh my boys come and get someplace else get a plate is to do that first me Missy times there you go guys Cape York red curry at its finest a barramundi doesn't get better than that to make the fish go around taste good it'll keep you warm in a cold light red curry get into it good to watch really good leave the lights out watch these mangoes gravy won't my house the mango having revived ourselves overnight we're up early and into it tackling more of this tracks obstacles second flat just hold the flat don't pick it up there we go [Music] okay Winston the witches are in full force yet again and these dominators just don't miss a beat [Music] that way see boys on the other side [Music] there we go gently does it just trying to minimize a wheel spin as much as possible more wheel spin you're doing the way you're going down you know I'm going down are we going up and closer the obstacle now one of the things about going into a track turning around and coming back out is it on the way you see a whole heap of obstacles that you know are going to be super challenging on the way back out and we've been pleasantly surprised on this trip this one here this entry wasn't so bad coming down because you've got gravity then you can take off coming back up go go with all later weekly trouble we've got at the moment is that we do to make the boys drinking fresh their spare parts few hours that really does put us behind ta port we've got to go make up some time here so trying it out here for now fingers crossed Stu suspension is still hanging in it things are actually looking good [Music] for the next hour or so we covered some really good ground but always keeping a close eye on Stu suspension along the way we were nearly at the PDR awesome feeling ha ha ha here we are peach Creek what our track water trip oh she's flowing we've had some rain my goodness look at that we're now I'm gonna push south rear down the PDR get into somewhere it's similar coastal type of environment I'll tell you what getting there couldn't be any more different than what we've just done right now I am absolutely looking forward to it we were on the home straight back to Cohen to refuel and then on to Laura to intercept the spare parts brought up by NQ crash bonus a stew was absolutely stoked to see those new leaf springs brought up by Justin's dad of course though for Justin this is just what NQ crash does this is just another day in the office as you can see these shoes been a little bit rough on gear managed to snap in cooling off it if you compare the two that's obviously still attached and this one isn't anymore we think it's because the u-bolts had come was which allowed to dip slip backwards and the springs twisted and then because we obviously didn't notice it it eventually just snapped again clean off and that was the end result stew and race certainly don't waste new time the old Springs out and that new one bolted back in things were really starting to come back together but shortly after we received some terrible news from Justin they've been an accident beside that what's happened is we've left with flora all the rims and tires were checked this morning it looks like we've just sheared all six studs off and yeah that's probably us for the trip I'm saying I'm sorry but we'll be back we were gutted but Justin insisted there was nothing we could do and that the show must go on with a man down we were closing in on hope fail on our way to Alan Beach magic bit of country getting there the coloured sands Ellen beach boys anyone been here before no I never might never been to it not even ray the locals been down here once we'd reached the coast it was time to air down for the drive up the beach look at the color of the sand its totally changes on the left-hand side is pretty impressive Cosmo I'd arranged to meet a local bloke up there that could show us around I've heard he's got a pretty good lifestyle only a short drive up Alan Beach and we've arrived at the most amazing bit of real estate I've ever seen an aunt was there to greet asleep aunt runs quite surfing safaris up there it's got to be one of the most remote and pristine sections of the world that you can go kite surfing aunt built the entire structure up here himself this right here is eco living at its finest I think all of us could have stayed here for a while but aunt was excited to show us around his backyard and plan to take us to meet Eddie and Ivan who are the traditional owners of this area and run a camp we intended to stay it but first aunt wants to stop off and show us something very special and just as we pulled up in the distance was the sight of something familiar it's very very rare very rare indeed that you'll see a GU patrol down for too long something the Toyota boys won't know but if we look down here you'll see a GU patrol risen from the ashes back on the beach ready to conquer any terrain we throw at it we're gonna be like oh that's right it's only 24 hours later and the boys from NQ crash had been back to the workshop in Cannes and completely fix the GU incredible effort lads I hope you boys are ready for a climb though because Dan's got a spectacular surprise up his sleeve this right here is the coloured sands of Callan Beach this imagine that a real estate right here it's called the coloured sands it's actually aunts backyard or side yard I should say cuz that right there is your front yard there's more that way for his backyard I'll tell you what I've seen some backyards in my time this one in [Music] folks we've only just scratched the tip of the iceberg here we've got more to go in fact we're heading that way but first we're gonna keep walking that way yep sure let's go Matt follow you come on boys the climb down was a lot quicker than the climb up and we're back on the road in no time big difference this time of course is that our convoy is complete once again I just think a look at the time no date about 24 hours ago you had a wheel off that patrol - yeah yeah we have to call a tow truck it may be get it back to work as soon as possible we change all the starts all wheel nuts we replace all right Henry axle bring you Calabar new road basically everything right it's always new bustle like I said all the wheels does have changed there you go mate well in the last 24 hours I've put some fuel in mine and um also watch the windscreen as footings I did I can't comment there but look after this and owners we know to put it back together now I might add soft air too I bet the quiz I know this is absolutely marvelous after what we've been through the last couple days and certainly what happened in the last 24 hours with the listen to be actually to get it all back on board and get it back here it's just amazing as decided to take us on a detour to Eddie's camp and I guess he's hurt we love our four wheel driving Wow I estimate this crossing to be about 75 metres long 60 to 75 metres long I can see tire tracks coming in and tire tracks going out also know that it's a forum track so pretty confident this is going to be okay I wish you good luck mate the rock no the force be with you that looks very deep it is reasonably not only is this a long crossing but it's deep on our side though of course isn't the base is very hard packed there's no mud up here it's all silica sandy really for all the vehicles this is about picking the right gear keeping momentum up so that you've got a perfect power wave in front and just go for it that's it easy with the audio right yeah that autos makes it nice and easy to ya come across guys it's nice and deep that's keeping momentum steady you'd be right [Music] Wow [Music] yes your nato easy for you mate your cab will you know it's cool that's all it's like up the windscreen ring that's really high Stu is like a pig in mud loving it really really all right away and the boys from NQ crash are throwing the Patrol hey guys this is a the southern Cape Bedford beach I look - aw - tropical delay bit overcast to be rather than wooly right for me you see here be use this wooden you're from Melbourne mate you know overcast rough seas this would be something you'd be used to up sure of it thoughts warm hair refreshing is that the water looks fantastic no differences is um nothing in Melbourne in the water that wants to key or for fun or eat you turns out that ant loves these views just as much as me so he's pointed out a track that will give us an elevation but it is steep I can tell you really steep give me the old d-max is I'm gonna season the way up here and then get into it and she just sort of does what I asked may I take your clothes fit it's really it's been good for me because all my trucks have been old in the past so to jump into a new truck and just see her capable layer been a bit of an eye-opener I won't lie we're gonna be yeah hit straight hold onto your hat boys [Music] let's play golf were twenty close well look at that look at the power of Attraction just it's just a dream to draw it they really are it'll be Max's good on top of hill big right why is that statement shyly get into it often a subtraction right that's all and that one for the night get up so what is all this land man this all have regional land here everybody drained as far as the eye can see as far as I can see Cooktown in the background you can see from top of the hill man cook the hill which Captain Cook climbs when he crashed endeavour on the reef yeah alright you can't he was a force behind the wheel - bye honey well climb that hill a feat of mystery oh that's true that's true that's true pretty flat bit of country up here you got some hills every now and again where's some hills alright she was the d-max is pulling well though I might know she's sittin forget really makes me look good this little truck having continued across the headland aunt took us to Eddie's camp back at Allen Beach it was time to say hello to Eddie himself this is Ivan and Eddie demon they're the traditional owners of this area they run this amazing camp and they welcomed us four-wheel drivers with open arms this place is truly epic it has the feel of a remote camp but with all the amenities like toilets and showers you just can't argue with that is something good for drive tracks around here for people yeah the camera view any space for us to stay yeah for sure where do you reckon we would meet on the beach do you mind if we go down and set up yeah yeah I'll come down with you all right yeah all right we'll start living it yeah have a look at this camp set up right on the edge of the ocean with a view that most people would pay thousands of dollars for [Music] setting up the adventure King swag right on the edge of the ocean would have to be one of my all-time favorite places just hope the Crocs understand they don't come into camp at night please stay out there a couple of the boys that work at the camp have kindly brought us some firewood for a fire could this place get any better this is why we own 4-wheel drives get a load of this campsite with you there's no other way to get into places like this sure you can walk but you couldn't carry the gear weekend as far as I'm concerned though the only way to get to places like this and live this kind of lifestyle is to ona four-wheel drive like I got him watch all flooding logs up here never know what you're gonna find lucky that time [Music] that toilet is really coming in it is something's got a package head up this later that evening after dinner Ivan popped down to share some local information with us he knows everything there is to know about the area and was happy to share his knowledge what a legend so we're hoping to head to Cape Flattery from here the tracks were thinking of taking I heard you'd mentioned earlier on we turned up that's quite marshy and wet we a bit earlier yeah it's not it's not so much the marshes and the thing it's just there washouts you know another four yeah or they've been washed out some so what just just go and check it out and see here we go just [ __ ] oh yeah [Music] well fish aren't biting today but I tell you what Eddie's camped down here at Ellen Beach if you get the chance and you really shouldn't make the chance please drop in stay a day stay a week preferably say a month because all this as far as the eye can see all that behind us here is yours go nuts it's Paul drive tracks all the way through there fishing all the way through here there's mud crabs and crayfish up there it's quite surfing just up the road I don't want to leave but we're not going to get to Cape Flattery if we stick around here for much longer and this is one place that's been on my bucket list for a while now and I don't think it's going to disappoint having left Allan Beach behind we've set the VMS to take us to the beautiful Connie's Bay on the northern side of Cape Flattery we aim to camp there for the night and then explore the silica sand dunes on our final day ah now this is a cracking over it have a look at the look at the flood damage on this gee whiz it must rock it through here most absolutely rock it through here this is actually the upper reaches of very upper reaches the McIver River we've got a fair bit of the fishing in here excuse me for a second Oh McIver River very upper reaches in the Copper River we've got a bit to go yet on to the beach we're gonna head north and directly up towards Cape Flattery really excited of anything to escape better because the mining section is through a really small tunnel I guess you'd call it under a conveyor belt we've got to try and get through and I've heard that it is extremely low but now though I'm just enjoying the scenery the brain there's no rain at the moment touch would touch one with no rain at the moment we'll keep plugging on looks like I spoke too soon the rain has started once again and having been warned about some fairly substantial water crossings up there I'm hoping the rain doesn't continue Wow what do we got here you know this is what makes Cape York this is what I get asked so many times all about the river crossings in Cape York I mean this is what typifies Cape York an what makes the place so much fun and this one here is a classic example of a Cape York River crossing here we go nice and steady a little bit deeper here as you can see straight out the other side up over the bonnet and when you get to the other side I like to just slow down a bit let the water drip off so you're not cutting up the track and away we go sweep it back on of course Cape York River crossings like that I want make this place I love it John's happened I don't think he's going to have any problems the leaves for this stuff [Applause] [Music] there's a couple of lines to take through this crossing and then there's students well what a lot of water over the bonnet well done to get through that night good Drive no it's works - nice work mate I'm gonna pretend I had something for this [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't be alarmed lads that blue stuff out there's the ocean I want you to turn left before you hit a place it's just a short run up the beach and twee reaches the Cape Flattery sand mine and jetty we've arrived just in time before the tide is too high to travel along this Beach now I'm just hoping we can fit through the tunnel at the other end or else we'll all be trapped by the tide oh well I guess we won't know until we try it's now or never there's not a heap of beach mate but she's lower now flora can we hit it now get straight up to Cape Flattery up to the mine like what do you reckon cuz I'm good either made for this sixty can get plenty of beach beautiful playing it's safe is staying in the city as far as I'm concerned we're here in Cape York to have an adventure and sometimes that means you just have to roll the dice [Music] am I looking short am I gonna fit my oh my fault that carefully you'll fit yeah I got the width what I mean you're worried if you see the size of this elusive patrol lately looks like the mighty d-max has it's time to shine and once again I'm having no problem threading the Moodle here and I'm not even close to touching the sides [Music] [Applause] well I might come on through hey copy that Mike probably just a sec oh no right it's like he got in Sean's up and he switched all those lights on to make sure he doesn't touch either side of that tunnel [Music] [Applause] they are thinking real stability these made it so easy truly quite look let's choose about the same size as me he's not gonna have a drama coming through that tunnel lucky I'm a good example of human limas nothing you might have together the beats mate but you're gonna fit now justin isn't taking any chances here his truck is higher than all of ours and if he attempts this fully loaded he could do some serious damage a swag reshuffle is a very good idea it's gonna be a tight squeeze but I think he's got the height just right he's also got to take a wit into consideration here [Music] that's it popped out of there like a cork out of a bottle good on you guys that really could have been a showstopper the gamble had paid off and it all made the squeeze through the tunnel it was getting late but it was only a short pinch across the headland until we reached Connie's Bay where we could set up camp overnight the clouds cleared in the morning we were greeted with this Connie's Bay is truly beautiful like a tropical paradise there are several campsites along the beach and you can't see one from the other perfect in my mind today we aim to push deep into the silica dune system but we have to attack it from the west which means doubling back a bit time to get a move on in our against and driving but after your nice fun whole wheel driving environments you can find yourself in there are a couple of keys to it boat and I reckon the number one there's got to be tire pressures absolutely has to be tire pressures get your tire ridges right and you'll have so much fun in the sand now I'm a better tackle a pretty darn steep hill in the old d-max here made my life very easy because what I've done it's got an auto box in it I've got to manual mode it's gonna go down the gears so I get my rev range ride I've chosen second gear low range and I'm just gonna hold it and let the vehicle do all the work this really does make it easy mate that's why they call it an automatic to make life easy but also to here's the reliability in the safety factor we're nearing the west side of the June system now and already we're getting into the marshy terrain that I've been told about we got a little short sharp water crossing you guys quite thin - so you don't really have too many choices I think just dig straight through the guts of this one it's the way you know dramas there boys there we go apparently some of the crossings up here could be impassable but at the moment we're gonna keep on pushing ideally of course you've warped these crossings to check the depth that we've been warned about the Crocs that have been spotted in these Martian waters we're just going to keep up the momentum and hope for the best ah it's like Waterworld here let with another one straight up I reckon it's quite deep mate oh look at it go - hey lie down under the bonnet [Music] Oh inside shall I pour in through the floor cover time in a door into the water we go into the depths all right move away easy tardy work mate good stuff we're almost there we can see Jones we're gonna push just a little bit deeper look at that view that is something else it's it just doesn't look like Cape York it really doesn't it's a side of Cape York that I just don't think too many people get to see wow that mountain range is spectacular however we've got yet another long water crossing with no way around oh boy boys we've got another wise beak Oh never-ending wet sections through it there's a definite path through the middle I'm gonna go for it now what I'm looking for is a fair way for the front of the four-wheel-drive Kadeem axis handling if no problem is a nice bow over the front and I'm just keeping my ribs up and we're just making our way through nicely nearing the end of it now beautiful that bow waves up the front it should look like a perfect way from a surfing magazine really when I get to the other side which is where I'm at right now step three for me it's just a slow down stop and let the water come up your vehicle which I've done now I'm able to progress it's actually a reasonably deep in the middle there boys good luck with that one [Music] that's how you know it might be true are you gonna push me forward with that bow wave coming come on boy it's not that deep yeah go go go go go go keep down stream water over the bonnet water over the bonnet Wow that go pretty high hey there was a lot of water that was a heap of water righto now I'm one of the second half of this crossing but maybe I got just a little bit complacent for this one just to really create that bear wave up the front losing traction I feel like I'm in trouble pretty soon that water is gonna start to come in [Music] now my Twitter that snapped real quick real real quick but suddenly after the sand settles just a little bit I'll give it one more stamp on the flop the traction control on the d-max kicks into play and I get some forward momentum until the last one was deep boys cat's up with that one India it was time for the others to come across now having seen what happened to me they talk ever so slightly for different line to avoid the soft sand in the wheel race what's deep deep deeper swimmin whoa I can't see that's really deep that's seriously deep there's a fish I saw a fish I saw a fish definitely smell way we'd made it to the silica June's he was getting late in the day so we took aim at the biggest June we could see hey lads I reckon this would have to be the dead center look at the size of that big sucker that's a monster this is a part of Australia that not many people get out to however it is a part of Australia that I urge everybody to make an effort to come and see it truly is breathtaking [Music] from atop these sand dunes this has got to be one of the most stunning parts of the country I've ever seen getting here is one heck of an adventure but that's what we love well folks without a shadow of a doubt I've been lucky to see some of the best places in Australia on my travels but standing right here on top of this sand dune amidst the silica sand dunes of Cape fluttering I'm going to say this is one of the most spectacular areas of Australia I've ever been to and as a side of Cape York but not too many people get to see if you get a chance please get down to Cape Bedford say get out of Eddie stay down there for a week a month to stay longer go up and see it say I said g'day have a go out that kitesurfing and then make the trick right the way up here to Cape Flattery come and learn a little bit stop up here and check out this view you will not regret it like I say one of the greatest things I have ever seen I might see you up here check for me on top of this engine when you come up here I could still be sitting there I'll definitely see you next time on four-wheel drive action [Music] the skeleton was denied his bank loan Stassi owes fiduciary prestigio tonight I don't like there we go on cracking trip override your factory settings and can cause initial and power failures that blow boom mushroom clouds into the sky get them away I've got to move there I'm the star of this show [Music] the guys are goons that we love him you you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 3,118,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, Four wheel drive, 4 wheel drive, 4wd cars, car, 4WD Fails, 4WD build, 4x4 fails, 4wd action, 4x4 action, 4 wheel drive action, 4wd action full episodes, 4x4 24/7, 4x4 247, Jocko, Shauno
Id: 409S5coMTI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 3sec (2823 seconds)
Published: Thu May 24 2018
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