The Cringiest E-Boy on Instagram (ft. Kurtis Conner)

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hello everyone and welcome to another quarantine collab you guys have been loving this series so far apparently I don't know why so today's club is a very special one I thought of Instagram account but I really don't like like wants to ruin someone else's day with it and who better to do this quarantine collab with there was someone across the pond yesterday we are bridging the gap between the UK and Canada let me just get these bad boys on hello Curtis let's say I wanted to show you an Instagram account but I really don't like I want you to suffer with me on this one is it mine actually I did look at your Instagram before this and realized that you didn't follow me so just peer pressured you into doing it yeah that's really sad is this why you wanted me on your channel so so today we're gonna be looking at a guy called McKenzie soul I prepared quite a lot as you can see so he is a musician I've got one of his songs up here it's not offensive in any way it's not like particularly bad ok 2 million views that's not bad that's not bad at all looking at you - anything that can do to talk to you he's this guy oh yeah he's got the most musically haircut I've ever seen go about to 2016 yeah like it's not even sick talk Erica it's musically her iced gems is that like a video game it's like a mobile game this is a nice so the ice gem is like a cake it's not it's not like a cake it's more of like a very small biscuit holding an iced okay yeah very small biscuit I refer to as the iced gem haircut he walked into the barber and he said give me the ice Jack Wow we've got look he's a he sees friends with marshmallow so he's a musician No hey this McKenzie guy's the real deal because he knows marshmallow he's even been invited to the Mellow cave oh yeah is that like the playboy like grotto but all the girls take all the girls in bikinis have marshmallow heads we've interrupted before I mentioned him in a video one okay really one-off thing I called him a random British [ __ ] boy okay this could have scared me I'll be honest yeah that's scary I just put it straight - flirting it would either scare him away yeah or you know make him into a friend yeah that's how you get friends is you flirt hardcore and it clearly works yeah so now we're going to yeah he was so nice and then here we are I love when people say that had me rolling like I picture them just like they're watching video they're not laughing at all and they're just on the floor rolling around was it funny I just mean you're all around he does a lot of ads can you read that can you see that how does that bang energy its buying energy oh yeah I see it I love I love paying energy influences dude they're so good drinking a delicious bang energy right now it may say Budweiser king of beers but I rap bang energy cans with beer labels just like make myself seem cooler but it is bang energy no it's gonna say that to seem cooler man there's nothing cooler than having a chilled bang energy can I get a bang on the rocks please is what I usually say it's a blessing to be outside these days lol that's really funny oh no that cap should have me rollin dude I love the little drawings he does - that's fun that's not editing like when you drink bhang that just happens like those like weird like lightning or whatever the [ __ ] those are that's just like then it happens when you drink bhang and I have a lot of things II can make your very own luminous boomerang I might have to see them for false advertising I drank a bang and I couldn't throw a ball of energy like a boomerang and have it come back to me and Mackenzie said I could you know they say the perfect person doesn't exist but I feel like we're looking at him right now what the bang energy can yeah I wanna know how much he got paid for that I hope a lot because yes I say he does a lot of bad energy ads I actually the one I want to go to next is uh this one because you mentioned you know the luminous light that you kind of emit as soon as you've had a bang energy yeah I like that this is brilliant this is like [ __ ] out of his frigging wiener so wait how old is this kid I don't know make dick jokes if this kids like exactly like a bang energy can even shoots luminous liquid has come his [ __ ] bioluminescence so this is an alternate universe that he's created in which he has superpowers let's see what super power is now let's hear those nuts in coffee I think you mean is that a bang energy all the super powers to have to make a new bang flavor [Music] Batman is like fighting the Joker somewhere he's like I need bang boy bang boy I need your help and he shows up with a [ __ ] strawberry and banana and he's like hey take that at least these refresh yeah he just trace it he's like alright I'm gonna go home and he comes lasers this is my favorite bit of let's make bang energy drinks he can turn the bank energy back into its original properties that's such a specific superpower to have yeah it's not just changing matter to something like changing one thing to something else it's just saying energy components he can make purple guava pear bang turn into purple guava and pear yeah obviously if we talking real hair it's obviously special effects likewise it's it's exceptional VFX skills but he would have had to pour that drink just all over the counter oh yeah sure that counter is probably sticky as [ __ ] stop [ __ ] pouring bang on the counter match stop banging on my count quit shooting your [ __ ] laser sperm all over the counter dude what if his superpower was he can only turn things into hazelnuts in cos I feel like that I'd be a better one I'd quite like that as a superpower actually yeah that's true but only if the coffee was already prepared you get the mug and all and it's like a different mug every time more interesting superpower you know I got a Bob Ross mark this now that's fun yeah then pretty cool I got a bang mug that's cool just keep doing the [ __ ] can of dude that's insane if he sends dick fixes just like him holding a bang and as you like what do you think it's a pina colada or as well yeah I've got a lot of respect for like a pina colada flavor I thought you were making a penis joke with Pina cool I Chi very missed out on an opportunity there penis card yeah if you like pee I'm getting combo yeah I love how every bang ad has to say follow the inventor of bang oh yeah did he like just make bang energy to be like okay can you guys get a bunch of influencers you tell him to follow me the inventor this is the guy welcome to the supplement showdown I recommend consuming 40 grams of whey protein immediately post exercise followed by a steak beef or chicken an hour later is he only eat razor blades what is this [ __ ] it's like he marinades his [ __ ] beef and I just don't get how people so follow him but his audience will have drank bang by now oh yeah yeah I think they're getting that they're getting the message oh it's true he's an elite ambassador damn what's the difference between the regular a little eat a buzzer do you have to have a superpower is that yeah take a [ __ ] call as soon as you get to the top of the heap level you get you get superpowers she [ __ ] nailed it she didn't even drink it though he drank it she made the shot that's another one of the super service when he drinks bang other people get really good at sports that are around within a 5 oh no way that's a great ending show here come on Mackenzie play the rest of it do you enjoy your meat in your hands just ready I got my I got my bang in my Andy let me shoot my lasers for my laser love oh wow but specially real as well that's a dick video right there just edging a baguette oh geez do you think these scripts these out or he's like let's go to that ditch and we'll just solve I'll do something I don't know I think it is literally a matter of choose location and bring bang energy see what hafsa let's see where the bang takes you yes we're done with the bang energy that's it I'm feeling pretty thirsty after all that and you know nothing quenches my thirst like a bang energy oh they need to pay us for this this is free promotion I was just thinking that we're talking so much about bang right now what is this guy he gets 11,000 views on his videos yeah [ __ ] we're even gonna get money or a lawsuit I think it's all up to the inventor effect so I want to get on to his like actual Instagram posts because I get he kind of has like relationship bait so it's like what if we held hands or what if we care less you if this ain't a perfect day I don't know what is that first day you're like where we go we're gonna sit in my restaurant he's like nah got some Double Stuf Oreos you want to have diarrhea later cuz you will that's like the worst Pringles flavor as well yeah BBQ bro what are you saying he looks like he's in pain too like under what no [ __ ] cuz that's your diet bro you're gonna look like he's about to die because it's left eye anymore please kill me he's actually driving this car at this very no he's not even on his knee is he we're caught up like teabagging he's doing epic gamer teabag on that rock that's kind of hard you down did he say that bad see you say you get down on one knee like BAE ha we've moved together for 10 years he's down in a way he is also down like he's down on one knee and he's like yo you Don you down to you get down on one knee too for the rest of your life you can do this and the windows open he's not in danger he's head is he said his bang he's fine [ __ ] what this one comment that is not funny war machine son there must be a moment in Marvel Comics when war machine falls out of a helicopter a children that is not funny I am NOT your estimations even more nice I wanted to show you some of his music hell yeah because I feel like we've done it all today bang energy we've gone through some of its photos and I feel like it's only right to end it you know where it started the music so it's just an interview regular interview about music nothing going on here at the end of the day it comes down to me a guitar and an honest a bang I've really thought he's gonna say it comes down to the bang energy oh my god we didn't hear any of his music we didn't oh my god it's just a bang you know if you see a bang you just concentrate on the bang dragon this guy shut the [ __ ] up let me see more of that bang he goes I'm like a genius like explaining the lyrics it was like yeah basically follow the inventor of bang kinda means follow the inventor of bang bang Energy CEO I mean I guess that's it I think that's that's all I really wanted to go over today Wow are you gonna follow him I started my video with following you unfollowed me this is Mackenzie song and I am following now oh no you know actually we gotta take this stuff over we need to follow the inventor aback you know what you're right there's nothing I want to hear more than his razor blade [ __ ] voice everyday kind of scrolled away there but the point remains I followed him I did it if we both become elite ambassadors this is where it all started this is our induction into the bank oh man I'm gonna turn so many hazelnuts and it's all thanks to Mackenzie song great I think that's everything I need you for today I hope I made your day a little bit better you did I hope the same that was fun and I wish you the best of luck during this quarantine as well same to you be safe stay strong always stay back bang bang bang
Channel: James Marriott
Views: 2,081,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the cringiest e-boy on instagram, james marriott, kurtis conner, tik tok, eboy cringe, tiktok cringe, kurtis conner eboy, james, marriott, eboy, kurtis, conner, mackenzie sol, cringe, cringey, cringiest, entertainment, reaction, comedy, eboy cringe comp, tik tok cringe reaction, eboy invasion, eboy songs, eboy hairstyle, eboy haircut, eboys tiktok, eboy music, eboyz, quarantine collab, james marriott quarantine collab, james marriott kurtis conner, kurtis conner james marriott, instagram
Id: _D5cZQ26Czs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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