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- Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Sidemen 1 V 100. (Sidemen cheer) Today, each sideman will have a battle of wits, against a hundred fans and the other sidemen. The aim of this is to try and eliminate the 100 and the other sidemen, by getting a question right and hoping that they get it wrong. For every fan or sideman that you get rid of, you will receive £1000. But. - [Sidemen] Whoa. - You get a question wrong, you lose everything. - Okay. - Our first contestant today, I decided what fair way to decide this, I tweeted out a poll asking for which sideman had the best hair. - Oh. - And, after 10,000 votes, it was removed. And I'm going to be going for the person with the worst hair first. (Ethan screams) - No. (laughter) No. - You didn't ask the question about the worst hair, it was the best hair. I've got bang average hair. - Josh, you received 7% of the vote. - You have the worst hair lad. - Jesus! - Josh, as our first contestant, you have the choice of a geography question, or a general knowledge question. Which one would you like? - General knowledge. - [Vikk] Geography. - [KSI] General knowledge. - I'd go general knowledge. - General knowledge apparently. - General knowledge. - He's got the millionaire cough ready. - Can someone cough at me please? - [Ethan] Cough on answer B. - Oi Vikk, can you cough? - [Simon] Your time has started. Everyone, your timer has started. Make sure you vote now, okay. Josh. - You have time Josh. - Josh. - Oh no. - Josh, who was the first man in space? Yuri Gagarin, Neil Armstrong, or Buzz Aldrin? Now, you may notice that there are three life lines at the top. Dodge allows you to dodge a question, and we just move on. Double will double the money that you get for this round. If you eliminate ten people you'll get 20,000. If you quit it's your final decision to walk away, and you leave with the money you have at that moment. - Quit on round one. (laughter) - If you quit right now, I'll give you a fiver. I'll give you this, you get this if you quit right now. - That's real though. - What'd you mean? - This is real. This is real. - Just quit fam. - Well, you got the worst trim, you might as well leave. (laughter) - I'm gonna go for... B. - Ha ha. Neil Armstrong. (sidemen exclaim and chuckle) - Are you sure? - Buzz aldrin, wait, was he the first man in space? (laughter) - It's a stinger. - It's B or C though. - [Ethan] It's a stinger. - (mumbles) In space, he's in space. - Wait. He hasn't actually answered. - He clicked it. - No, chill out, come on. - Can I just dodge out of the way of this one? - Josh, are you sure you wanna go for B? - I don't wanna lose on the first one, so can I dodge it? - [KSI] Wait. - [Sidemen] What? - Are you actually gonna be a puss. - Would you like dodge it? - [Harry] Bro you can't... - [KSI] Oh my God. That's outrageous. - He's going to dodge. You're undecided between B and C. - C, yeah, you knocked me. - Are you definitely taking the dodge? - Yeah, I'll take the dodge, 100%. - Okay, well, I don't know the answer, but I think it's A. - Yeah, I think it's A. It's a good thing you dodged lad. (KSI mumbles) - It is a good thing you dodged bro, you could've been done-zo round one-zo. - You have used up your dodge on the first question. - So how many of the mob got it wrong? - [Harry] I don't think we find out. Oh wait. (Sidemen exclaim in surprise) - [Vikk] You missed out on the bag bro. - I could miss out on the fiver, that's what I missed out on. - You do not get that fiver. (buzzer sounds) Ethan and JJ. - [KSI] I put Neil. - Exactly, and you (mumbles). What'd you mean? (KSI groans) - Your next option is either music or art film. - Music. (mumbles) Art film? (laughter) - Okay, remember mob, you only have seven seconds from when the question appears. Okay. - Oh for God's sake. - You have seven seconds, Josh, which artist sings Watermelon Sugar? Is it A? - Oh, I didn't vote. - Harry Styles. B, Charlie Puth. Or, C, Shawn Mendez. - Can I double please? - Do you know what the singer is? - Watermelon sugar, yeah. - Go on, give us a natural rendition. - That was it, that's all I know, that's all he says. - Give us a little rendition, come on. - All he says is, "Watermelon sugar." That's all I know. - He says, "High," as well. - Go on, give us some feeling. I will not allow you to use your double. - That's all I know about the song. - All he knows is watermelon sugar. - He says, "Watermelon sugar. Watermelon sugar." That's all he says. - All right. We'll allow you to use it. - It's like Lamborghini, he just says one word again, and again, and again. - No, but okay. - Josh has decided to use his double, and which answer would you like to go for Josh? - A, Harry Styles please. - Well, he's gone for Harry Styles, I can tell you the answer is... (bell dings) Harry Styles, well done. - [Sidemen] Hooray. - Yeah, everyone's got that, I think. - Yeah, I forgot to vote mate, so (chuckles). - Who got it wrong? How many people? (buzzer sounds) (Sidemen exclaim in surprise) - [Harry] You got a lot you know. - What? No way. Toby, you got it wrong? - No, I forgot to vote. - He didn't vote. - I got it right, but me and JJ were already out. - 18,000. - [Toby] You got 18 G's. - [JJ] Jesus Christ. - That's real as well, right? You said. - That is real. - Yes, you could've got this fiver. Okay Josh, there are 18 people left, you've got 18,000 from that question. Your next options are sport or science. - Science. Science. - Sport, it's gotta be, come on lad. - I'm gonna go with sport please. - [Ethan] Yeah. - The question for you Josh is, how many rings are on the Olympic flag? - Look at him looking around his room (laughs). - Is it A, four? B, five. Or, C? - I'm out anyway, what's the point? - How can you not answer? - [Josh] I'm the creator of this game, it's easy right. - [Toby] Josh, come on. Come on Josh. - I'm gonna go with, if I can see the answers again please sir? - Four, five or six. - B, five. I think it's three at the top and two at the bottom. - Oh. - Are you sure? - No. - [Ethan] That's what I would've said. - Would you like to lock that answer in? - Yes please. - [Ethan] Go for it mate. - He's locked in B, five, the correct answer. (bell dings) (cheering) Is B, five, well done Josh. - [Sidemen] Well done. (clapping) - Is it one for each continent, or have I made that up? - I believe so Vikk. - Vikk it was a sports question, don't go into the science. (laughter) Josh, so far you have earned £19,000. - It's all right. - But you lost a lot on that first question by dodging it. The next question, which I feel like is gonna be the last one, no offence. Is either geography or art film. - I'll go with geography please. - How many time zones are there in Canada? - Oh. - What? - That's a big old place as well. - Mob, make sure you get your answer in quick. (Harry blows raspberries) - That's a two, three hour different between... - Yeah, but that's one time zone man. - West coast and East coast. In America, but Canada's like... - I think you quit mate, I think you quit while you're ahead. It's what I'd do. - Nah, don't quit mate. - If you get this wrong... - Don't quit, don't pussy out mate. - [JJ] Nah, you got big balls man, come on. - Nah, I'm a baller bruv, I don't need 19,000. - Jeez. - Hey. (chuckling) - Oi, Ethan, can you google it and give me a cough? - The thing is, Josh is serious but... (laughter) He will just be out. I'ma tell you this right now Josh. (laughter) - I googled it but I ain't telling you bruv. (laughter) - [Ethan] Real friends, how many of us? - Go on, sorry what? - Oi Josh, I'ma tell you this, Harry and Vikk are the only two left in out of the sidemen. They have put their answers in already, one of them got it right. (group oohs) - It's gotta be Vikk. - Harry's a bit of a geography wizz, come on Josh, we don't have all day mate. - Oh, I know what the answer is. - Harry, stop looking it up Harry. - I wanna know if I'm right or wrong. - You'll find out in a second when Josh answers. - All right, okay. - Just for Drake, I'm gonna go six. - You're going for six? - It's fat out there. - That's your final answer? - It's wide, it's gotta be. - The final answer is C, six, and the correct answer is... (bell dings) (group exclaim in surprise) (clapping) - When I'm back in the city they throw a parade. - You're up to 29,000 though. - Jeez, all right. - All right, 29,000. - Okay, it's one V seven right now. You can either have general knowledge or sport. - Let's go general knowledge again. - General knowledge, this is the one you didn't know, you dodged earlier. (chuckling) - Yeah. That's general knowledge though isn't it? Sometimes you know and sometimes you don't. - Yo, shout out my mob homies still in here, you're all real ones. - [Josh] I should've gone sport, it's more educating. - Okay, get your answers in now everyone. Josh, what does ring a ring a roses refer to? A, the black plague? B, the garden of Eden? Or, C, marriage? Do you know what ring a ring a roses is? - Yeah, it's ♪ Ring a ring a roses a pocket full of posies ♪ ♪ A tissue ♪ - Oh, so you'll sing that one. - You need a tissue because it's for the black plague. - [Toby] Jeez. - [JJ] That's a confident answer, he said it with chest. - Is that your final answer? - He knew it all along. - Is that your final answer? - Yeah, locked in. - Okay, A, a black plague. The final line after that one you just said... - And you all fall down. - A tissue, a tissue. - They all fall down. The answer is... (bell rings) - Boop boop. - The question is, did he get any cash for that one? - I got that one right. - I don't think most people would've got that one. - [Josh] Surely. - [Ethan] Let's see. - [Simon] Let's do one vs seven. Everyone stays in? - [Josh] Everyone? - [Toby] Did everyone get it right? - As you said general knowledge sometimes everyone gets it. - I want someone to get it wrong. - We'll move to the next one. Music or science? - Vikk's in, so we've gotta go music. - What? - Okay (mumbles). Vikk is good at the piano. - Yeah. - Ozzy Osborne was the lead vocalist of which classic heavy metal band? It is A? - Love a bit of metal. - Black Sabbath. B, Deep purple. Or, C, Led Zeppelin. - Man like Ozzy Osborne. - Josh'll know this, this is for his era. - Sharon, Sharon. (chuckling) I think it's a bit of Black Sabbath to be honest. (Harry groans) Yeah. - Is that your final answer? - It is my final answer. - Okay, so say you get this right. Everyone's out and you get 100 bags. What you spending that on, what's the first thing you're buying? - A new hair cut apparently. (laughter) - Good answer. - Oi Ethan, how much your guy charge? - It's bread, it's bread for the call out. - I was gonna say, it's more about the head shape than the money you spend. - [JJ] Woi. (laughter) - That was actually more aimed at Harry to be fair. - Why? (laughter) - Is A, Black Sabbath, correct? Let's find out. (bell dings) The answer is A, Black Sabbath, well done. - I legit would've got every question right, if it wasn't the first one. - All right. No one got it wrong... - No they did. Was it one or two? - It was only one. One got it wrong. Josh, I think that takes you up to 30,000, is that right? £30,000 to Josh. - All right. - Okay. (laughter) - Ethan even knows. (laughter) That says five right? - I thought I saw another one go red, lads. - All right, Josh, would you like general knowledge or science? - [JJ] Switch it up mate. - I'm not doing science. - What is the correct term of address when speaking to the Pope? - Well, your Grace just reminds me of Stormzy. - You're a da. (laughter) - My da, the Pope. - I ain't got a bloody scooby doo. - Okay, well you have 30,000 right now. ♪ I'm blinded by your grace ♪ - Singing Stormzy's not gonna help you Josh. - No, I'm just getting in the mindset. - Mate, I'd quit, take your money man, you made some P's already. - He has got 30,000. - Yeah, I'd get a new haircut for 30 bags, easy. - Yeah. - Josh, I wanna ask you this, do you think that any of the other sidemen, and if so who, will get more than 30,000? - All of them I think, because it's literally answer one easy question at the start, (mumbles). - You had an easy question at the start. (laughter) - I was just focused on the moon. - Oi yo Josh, hurry up fam. - I said quit, I said I want my 30 bags. - He's quit. - You wanna quit? - But what would you have gone for? - What would you have gone if you had to? - I would've gone your Holiness. - Okay, Josh has quit, he takes home 30,000, he would've gone for your Holiness. Let's see, would he have got it right. (bell dings) (Sidemen exclaim) - [Vikk] You would've got it right. - That was a really easy question. (laughter) - I thought that was really easy, yeah. - Vikk did get it right as well. It was really easy. - I didn't wanna risk it though. - [Toby] You overthought it bro. - [Simon] Oh, two people got it wrong. - You missed out on two bags there mate. - All right, which means that the four of you have just defeated Josh. - [Vikk] My guys. (applause) - You still leave with £30,000. - That's a dub. - [Toby] Not a bad days work mate. - [Josh] I left with money, that's what matters really. - Money. - All right, next up is the second worst trim, with a total of 8%, beating Josh just by 1%. 150 votes-ish. We have Vikkstar, one, two, three. (applause) - Yes. I nearly had all my hair shaved off, and I've still clinched it. (laughter) - Yeah, that's pretty mad. - Okay, Vikk. - Hello. - How do you see this going? What amount do you want? - I think 40 G's would be about right. - 50, come on. - [Simon] Nah, 50 G's, come on 50. - [JJ] Believe in yourself. - All right, we're going for 50. - Okay, Vikk is going for 50. Let's see what your first category is. - It's a no-brainer my guy. - Is it gonna be sport? - Surprise us, go on. - It's gonna be science my guy. (group groan) - He's gone for science. Everyone remember to get your vote in very quick, including the sidemen. - He's gonna use his double too I bet, and make P's off the first one. - Depends what the question is. - [Ethan] He's gonna bank on this. - Here is the question. How many ribs... For your pleasure, are in a human body? - I didn't vote. - I literally told you a second ago. - I'm eating and I voted, I'm eating. - [Vikk] That's two G's. - It was my first time using it. - Yo, stop giving them money fam. - I literally just said it. - Two K each, thank you. - Okay, Vikk, is it A, 24? B, 26, or, C, 32? Now remember you have the lifelines, dodge, double, quit. I assume I know what you're going to do here. - Yeah, you think I'm gonna double that. - I think you're gonna double it. - I'm gonna double that. - It's a good one to bread up on, I'm not gonna lie. - For some reason, I can't see Ethan right now, but I have an image of Ethan just touching his chest, trying to count them. (laughter) - [Ethan] Pretty much mate. - Okay. - You know what? There's two that are actually very close, I'm actually a little afraid. - Yes, we can see they are obviously are going to be an even amount. - Yeah, I'm gonna go for... - Okay, so he's gone for the double. - I actually am a little afraid now. I'm going for A, 24. - Come on. Come on, please be an L. - Viktor's going for A, 24. (Vikk gasps) - The answer is... - I might've actually, I don't know if this is... (bell dings) - It is A, 24, well done. - My heart was going through the ribs there. - [KSI] Nice. - I can tell you this, Ethan was very close with 26. Toby was way off with 32. Josh, Harry, didn't even answer. And JJ was correct. - Yes. - But Vikk, let's see how much. - Oh my God. (Sidemen exclaim) - You lot. What? - Yo. - Vikk just got rid of 85, so he doubles it to £170,000. - [Josh] He's got 170 bags? (laughter) - Was that in the budget bruv? - 170,000. - [Josh] I only got 30 bags. - That's so B-S man. - Well, I'm telling you if Josh knew about space he would've got that right and he would've got. - I wouldn't have doubled it though, for sure. - Your next category is either music or art film. - I'm gonna go with music. - The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is situated in which US state? - [Harry] That's a bit of yikes. - I have a feeling it's Ohio. But I'm not gonna waste anyone's time and deliberate over it, I'm gonna dodge, I'm gonna dodge this one. (groaning) - You would've gone for Ohio? You would've gone Ohio? - I would've, yeah, but I've hit the dodge. - Do you think Logan and Jake just walk down to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. - I think that's where they would chill mate. - The correct answer... JJ is a genius. (bell dings) - I wanna cry. I actually wanna cry. (laughter) I wanna cry so hard. (chattering) - It's written in the stars already. - I think it's one V four. - Oh my goodness, I might have to go for the take down, check down take down. - And one of the four is JJ's big brain. - JJ, shout out me and you. (chattering) Me and JJ top 5%. - Okay, would you like to go for geography or general knowledge? - I'm gonna go with geography here. - Denali, I hope I've said that right, is the highest mountain in which continent? Is it A, Africa? B, North America. Or, C, South America. - Man's quitting innit. (laughter) - He's gonna quit. He's gonna quit. - [Ethan] Mama raised a quitter. - Vikk I wanna tell you this. Vikk I wanna tell you this. I will not tell you what he answered, but JJ has got it wrong. If you do get this right... (sharp intake of breathe) - You know what, there's something in that, there is really something in that for me. - Vikk, did mum raise a quitter bro? - I'm gonna go with North America, because Africa is a Kilimanjaro. South America is not Denali, I can't think what it is. But I'm gonna go with North America. - He's gonna sweep it. - The correct answer is... - [JJ] Surely not. (bell dings) - [JJ] Oh no. This guy man. - My guy. - Go away. - I can tell you all this one thing. - [Josh] (mumbles) Celebrating though. - Vikk it is a one... - Oh. - [Simon] V one. - All right, let's shut down the show. - Vikk, you own these. Vikk this is the gulag bro. (chattering) - It's a one V one, for a clean sweep, £173,000 so far Vikk. This could be the final question. - I see you there. - The categories are art film or sport. - It will be the icing on the cake if you merk him with sport, I'm telling you now bro. - I'm going with art film. - [JJ] Art film? - I've gotta. (JJ laughs loudly) - What is the Japanese art of flower arrangement called? - If this kid gets it, I swear to God. - [JJ] Oh my God. - Bro, if he gets it he deserves a bag. - Is it A, that? Is it B, that one? Or, is it C... That one? (laughter) - Better safe than sorry, we like it. - Would you like to have a guess, try and take on the final person? Would you like to quit and be a pussy? (laughter) - I've only ever seen one of these words before. - Talk us through, you can talk. - When I was in Tokyo, I remember seeing Ikebana written somewhere. And is that a sign that it's relevant, I don't know. - It was probably written on a sign. - Did they write it somewhere? - Was there a flower arrangement near that word? - I went through a lot of flower gardens, and temples, and stuff. - You saw that word in those flower gardens? - Maybe. Full send, let's do it. Lock in A. (Sidemen exclaim in surprise) I have to go for the one V one, I could never let myself live it down. - Ladies and gentlemen, he has gone full send, for A... - My heart's going. - That answer. The correct answer is... (bell dings) (cheering and applause) - Oh my God. - Now, everyone. Vikk. (buzzer sounds) (Sidemen cheer) - [JJ] No way. - [Ethan] You're sick. - That takes your total amount to 174,000... I believe. - I'll take that, I'm good with that. - Just because you defeated them, we're gonna actually round it up to 175,000. That 1000 is gonna come from Josh's amount, so Josh is actually on 29,000. Congratulations Vikk. - Rent collected, all right, thank you. - That means we move on to the next person. Now, this person received... 16% of the votes for best trim. He's also not here right now. (laughter) - Oh my God. He's just left. It's Harry. - He's just dipped. - Harry. - [Harry] Yes. - Your first two categories to choose from are general knowledge or art film. - I'll go for general knowledge please. - Harry to go out on the first one, odds? - No, please. - Your question is, from what language does the word alphabet come from? - I don't have to vote, do I? Do I have to click it, or not? - No. - No you don't. (Harry speaks in French) - I think. - Is that French? - Yeah, he doesn't understand it's French. - I don't know... It's between Greek or Latin. Greek is... - Okay. (Josh mutters) - [Toby] That's not gonna help him Josh. - It might. - [Harry] The alphabet, I think. - Pig Latin's fun, someone has something in their mouth, and they are (mumbles). - Who is it? - You can just see Ethan and JJ like, "And what?" - Could we please take 1000 away from JJ already, and add that to Josh's score please. (laughter) - Oh dear. - I'm trying to be serious with Harry here, he's in a very serious situation and I can hear (smacks lips) - This is big. (laughter) - Well done Josh, you get your £1000 back. - Thank you. - And JJ, you start on minus 1000, so if you don't get right you owe us all money. (laughter) What is your answer? Remember you have your life lines. - I really wanna dodge, because I've either gotta double and commit. Or, I've gotta just dodge it. - Listen, there's no shame bro. - There's no shame, is there no shame? - Who'd dodge on the first question bro. - Josh has done it. He set the standard bro. - I'm gonna double, I'm gonna go with Latin. It might be Greek though, it might be Greek. - The correct answer is... - No. - [JJ] Oh my God. Oh my God. Man's out already. (laughter) - Josh, Toby and Vikk all got that correct. - Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet bro. - 68 people guessed A with you, three said French. - I would've made P's if I went Greek. (laughter) - Wow, you weren't alone in that bro. - [Simon] You would've been left with 20 people. - Oh, Harry. - You'd have got 160 grand. (Harry groans) - Oh, give him another go (laughs). - Taking your total score... Do you know what? Just because you had guts, we'll double your zero. Next up is... With the third best trim... Is, JJ. - Wow. - That's all right. I'll take it. - You're up next JJ. Let's find out your first category, you have the option of geography. - General knowledge. - Are you going general knowledge? - Straight in. - Okay. Everyone remember to answer your question quick. What colour is the bull on an archery target? Is it, A, gold? B, red. Or, C, black? - I've got this wrong. - Oh no, I've just got this wrong. - [Ethan] I hate myself. I hate myself so much. (laughter) - Okay well, I'm pretty certain Harry didn't answer. - I did answer. I did. - Okay, well, it's ain't come through. - What, I've clicked it on my screen, you can see it on my screen. - JJ, what are you thinking about right now? - All right, I'm getting drawn towards gold. - Classic KSI. (laughter) - What can I say (laughs). No L's, anyways. - Worth my fame in gold. - For some reason, black is also screaming to me. Again, mainly because I'm black. But, now I'm like, you know what? What's between the gold and the black? Red. Now I'm like, "Hmm, do I double this? Or, will bare man know this?" Or women. (chuckling) I'ma go with red, no double. - All right. Are you 100% sure on red? - Yeah, man's in, all right? I'm in that. Man's in. - 100%? - (grunts) 100%, hit me. - No, 100% red. Are you sure? - Nah, wait, now I'm scared. Now I'm scared. - [Toby] Big man just dodge it. - Don't dodge it, what'd you mean? - [Harry] Actually, double it. - Double it at least. - Bro, you're this big guy man, come on. Come on bro. - Hey yo, it's between red and black. - This ain't a casino bro. - I might wanna pick black instead. - Are you 100% sure? - It doesn't sound like he's sure, he's just changed his answer. - Nah, let me go back to red. (laugher) - Okay. - You know what, I'm dodging it. I'm dodging it man, done. - He has decided to dodge it after all of this tomfoolery. He decides to dodge it. - You lot are pissing me off. I bet it's red. - JJ let me tell you this? Are you thinking of darts? - Yeah. - Oh my God. - Does it say darts anywhere on the question? - Oh no, it's archery innit. I've dodged innit, so it's calm. - He has decided to dodge, the correct answer was gold. (laughs) So it's very good you didn't go that way. - The correct answer was gold. - [Josh] You'll lose a few people here I think. - You lost 39. - It's not too bad, you can still make P's. - Jeez. - 39 people is what you lost here. - [Toby] Decent. - Ethan, Harry, Josh and Toby all went for B. - Nightmare. - I got baited man. - We're all playing darts, all of us are playing darts. - We move onto the next question, JJ is still in debt to the sidemen. - Music. (laughter) - [Toby] I think he wants music Simon. - I think he wants music. (laughter) Okay, Abba originated in which country? A, Sweden? B... Italy, or, C... (laughter) America. - Music (echoing). - Yo, leave me alone man. - I'm disappointed man, I'm disappointed. - Nah, you got this, think about it. - [JJ] Nah I should get it. - It's easy, you know it. - [Simon] I think you should get this. - It's actually so easy. All right, can I answer? - Oi, wait. Remember you still have double and quit. - I wanna double this. - Okay, he chooses to... Are you 100% sure on this? - Yes. - Okay, he has decided to double. What... - Sweden. - Are you 100% sure? - 100% sure. - [Simon] 100%? A million percent? - A billion percent. Nah wait, nah hold on. Why are they laughing like that? - It's you, do you. Do you. - Yo, I don't want... - JJ do you. - Abba, nah, actually you know what? I want to change it to America. - JJ are you 100% sure America? - [JJ] Nah wait. - Even the mob's creasing, the mob's creasing. - JJ bro. Are you 100% sure? - I'm on minus 1000. - [Harry] Just quit bro. - [Josh] And you lot are dickheads for laughing. - Nah Sweden, double on Sweden man. - Wait. - I'm throwing it. - JJ, I'm gonna ask you this one time, are you... 100%... Sure you wanna go with Sweden. - Yes, I'm 100% sure. - Okay, the correct answer is unfortunately... (bell dings) - Yes! All your mums. - Oi, allow that. - All your mums fam. All your mums. All your mums. - Actually you got rid of 22 there. - [Toby] Oh wow. - You managed to get 44,000. - Not bad. - Yes! Yes! - Just wow. Yes! Yes! - There we go, JJ is at £43,000 right now. (clapping) Congratulations. - Show me the money baby, show me the money. - There you go, there's the money. Sport or science? - Sport. - The Fosbury Flop is a technique used in which sport? (JJ grunts) I don't think many people are gonna get this wrong. - You know this JJ as well. - You know it. - It's high jump innit, it's the high jump. - Don't ask us. Do you wanna leave with 43,000 or do you wanna gamble it? (JJ wails) If you get this wrong, you will go back to minus £1000. (laughter) - Nah, you know what? I'm gonna go for it, highbury. - High bury? (laughter) - Sorry, I don't know why that just came in my head. - He misses Arsenal. (laughter) - Which are you going for then? - No, it's high jump. - Are you sticking with that? - It's high jump. High jump, yeah. Straight up. - All right lock in high jump, B. The correct answer is... (bell dings) - Yeah, man knew that. Yeah, man's out here, all right? Man been out here, hey, don't disrespect. Don't disrespect me. - No one disrespected. - Or else all your mums are getting it. - You got rid of another 19 people there. - [Ethan] What? - Oh. Ace, shut up fam. Shut up all of you, all dickheads. All trash. - You have £62,000. KSI. (JJ grunting) (laughter) - All your mums. - Can we blur this? - Everyone's poor mum. - 62,000, all right. Your next category is either geography or art film. - Oh. You know what, art film, let's switch it up yeah. Art film and that. - Look how gassed he is bruv. Look at what you've done, look what this game's let out. - He's feeling himself now, let's see, can he beat the remaining 16 people with art film. Your question is, what is the name-- - Huh? (laughter) - Of Han Solo's... Ship? - Who's Han Solo? (laughter) - Come on. Come on. - You know this bro, it's easy. - What'd you mean, "I know this." - It is the one you think it is. - We're not telling you. - You know it. - All right. Bro, I don't know what it is. - Nah, you do. - Have you ever seen Space Jam? - Oh, it's Star Wars. Isn't that the Deathstar, well then, what's up? - Isn't that the Deathstar? - Hey, Darth Veda and them man. - Star Wars' fans are fuming. - It's Star Wars fam. - Okay, I'm gonna help you out here JJ, yes, it is Star Wars. - Okay, thank you. - As you were. (laughter) - Ethan. - [Simon] Well, Ethan did know. (laughter) - Bro, he started laughing because he said, "Star Wars fam." I was like, "I don't get what's funny." - Hey, yo, all right. I've been enjoyed playing with all your mums, all right, it's been a good time. - Nah, you know what? - [JJ] But I think it's time for me to leave. - As the host of the show, and as a avid dislike of people playing with my mum. I am going to refuse the ability to quit this round. - Oi. (laughter) Go on, answer the question. - Hey, no, you can't do that. - [Toby] Well, he can. - No, you can't do that. - I can, and I have. - Hey, you're bullying me. Hey, yo, guys, he's bullying me. Yo comments, destroy him. - Coming from the guy who said, "All your mums." - Comments, you are part of the mums that he has apparently played with. - Nah. It's just the 100 people here, all right? Not any of your mums, all right? I promise. - All right, I'll tell you what, if you give a genuine sincere apology to everyone here... And their mums, you will be allowed to quit. (laughter) - To everyone who is... Who is in here right now, and to all the sidemen, and the host, Simon. I'd like to apologise to absolutely no one. (laughter) All your mums are still getting it. Screw it, I'll answer it, let's go. Let's go. Let's go fam. - Okay, which one would you like to go for. - USS Enterprise. (loud bang) (laughter) - Oi, what was that? - That's my building site, my building site is nuts. (laughter) - Are you sure? - Yeah, let's do it. No, wait, hold on. Wait a minute. It's a chopper. Nah, Starship Odyssey. Or, Millennium Falcon. Oh my God fam, I don't know. - You just read out the options, thanks for that. - Wait, let me get my Star Wars on. - Read it in a Star Wars' voice. (JJ humming) - Bro, you can't pretend you're not a Star Wars fan. When she back it up she sounding like Chewbacca. - I know who Chewbacca is, he's (grunts). - He's sitting there going, "Pew pew." (laughter) - My guy said, "I know who Chewbacca is (grunts)" - SS Enterprise. Nah, it's not US Enterprise, it's the Odyssey fam. It's the Odyssey. I felt it, I felt it in my head, the connection, Starship Odyssey. Let's go fam. - What is he doing, look at that pose? (laughter) - Okay, JJ. - Come on, hit me with it. - Are you locking it in? (laughter) - [JJ] Come on. - JJ, I need confirmation, are you locking that in? - Starship Odyssey. (laughter) - Okay, he has locked in Starship Odyssey. - I will rate this. - JJ, congratulations you now... Owe us £1000. (buzzer sounds) (laughter) - Give him the answer, Millennium Falcon. You pagan bro. I felt it. - Oh no. - There were 12 people that answered this correctly out of the 16. So congrats to the 12, Vikk was one of them as well. - Go on Vikk. - Go Vikk. - Which means, JJ, unfortunately you go all the way back to the minus 1000. - [Ethan] Wow. - We're gonna actually round that, JJ, you know what? Because of the previous statements you've made earlier, we're gonna round the £1000 to minus £50,000. (laughter) - [Josh] You owe us that. - [Toby] Who gets the 49 extra? - [Simon] Harry, your score's not looking so bad anymore Harry. - Yeah man, I'll take it, I'll take a zero. (laughter) - [Ethan] Good effort. - Okay now, with the second best trim, we're gonna go for Toby, Toby you are next. - What's up my G's? - Go on Toby, worthy competition mate. - Let's get it, thank you. - All right, well your first category is either sport or science. - Let's go with some sports please. - Toby, your question is which football Premier League stadium has the highest capacity? - Oh. - Is it A, Tottenham Hotspur Stadium. - I didn't answer. - [Toby] Oh no. (laughter) - Name a more iconic joke than Ethan not answering. (laughter) - I was a second off, I nearly forgot. (laughter) - [Toby] How big is Tottenham's stadium? - Or is it C, Old Trafford? - I'm gonna go with C, no, hmm, no, can I go with C, Old Trafford please? - You don't wanna use any of your life lines? - Nah, I feel like the chat will have good knowledge about this, and I feel like it might be a waste on this one. - Oh. - Well, to give you a heads up, two of the sidemen got it wrong. - Oh no. - Are you going for C, do you double, or not? - I don't wanna double. - Okay, he's not doubling. The correct answer is... (bell dings) C, Old Trafford. - Oh wait, what? No, hang on a minute. (laughter) Hang on a minute. - Tottenham have the highest ever attendance, because they played at Wembley, but I don't think their new ground is as big as Old Trafford. - Their new ground's massive, ain't it? 62 K, oh my God, okay sorry, I'm an idiot. - Old Trafford's 75. - Okay, now I'm an idiot, I thought I had another bag. - Okay, for Harry trying to beat the quiz, could we please split his debt with JJ. - What? - So they are both at £25,000 in debt. - Yeah. - No. - There you go JJ, you got company down there. - How did the mob do on that one? - You got 61 people out. - I should've doubled, I'm an idiot. - You always double on the first questions. - I think a lot of people forget. - [Simon] Unless you dodge it. - I thought that was so bait. - Only seven people didn't answer. - Listen, I'm living, 61,000. - 61,000 total. - It's healthy. - Beat me already. - Your next category is... (laughter) - Josh was in for so long as well. (Josh laughs) - Music or art film? - Can I get a little bit of music please? - A little bit of music? - Some riddims dim dim dim tings. - Little boy by KSI is... Oh no, what is Eminem's album released in 2000 named? Is it A? The Slim Shady LP? - No, I missed. (Ethan laughs) - What, you just missed the button? - He said, "He missed." - I pressed the box on the outside. - Oh no. - It didn't count, what? - (growls) Is it A, The Slim Shady LP? B, The Marshall Mathers LP, or, C, Encore. I'm swaying towards B right now. - You're swaying towards B, the Marshall Mathers LP. - And I wanna double it. (sidemen ooh) Go hard or go home, right? - Yeah, I like that. - Worst comes to worst I can't do worse than Harry and JJ right now. Because I'm respectful. - Very true. - Oh, shut up. Shut up. - I'm going with B, I said it with chest man. Come on. - Okay, he's doubled with Marshall Mathers LP, the correct answer is... (bell dings) B, Marshall Mathers LP. - Big win. - Toby, you got rid of another 27 people. - Jeez, okay. - So we are down to 11 people. (chuckling) Wait, oh, 12 people with Vikk. I totally forgot. I'm starting to question Vikk, he's got a about stadium capacity and Eminem. - [Harry] Old Trafford's massive, I've been there. - We have all been there. - No, I just knew its name, I went with that. - Geography or general knowledge? - I felt like we'd done way too many general knowledge's today. Can I get some geography please? - Everyone get your answers in quick remember. - Nice me. - What mountain range is the Mount Everest located in? Is it A, the Rocky mountains? B, the Alps. Is it C, the Himalayas? - D, Bazinga's flat. (laughter) - It's not the Rocky Mountains. And I don't believe it's the Alps, I'm pretty sure it's the Himalayas. - You gonna go for it? - Yeah, no I'm confident in my geography. It's Himalayas. - Ooh. - Okay. We're gonna for C, Himalayas. It's a quick one. - I can't look. - And Toby, it's the right one, well done. - Let's go, baby. - Well done Toby, that is the correct answer. - Well done mate. - How far off Vikkerman, I'm not gonna catch Vikk, am I? - You unfortunately only got rid of one person. - Only one? - You unfortunately only got rid of one person there. - I should have taken JJ's 25 grand, I should've taken that. - Art film or sport? - Ooh. - Simon, I wanna do something here, I wanna do something. I wanna let Jiddle pick, yeah? And if I get it right, I get that 25,000 that you offered me before. - If JJ is allowed to pick I'll give you an extra 5000. - All right, cool. - Money's money. - Art film. (laughter) - All right, JJ has chosen art film, for an extra 5000. - Art film. - Is Vikk the only one left? This guy, look at this guy. - The question is, which actress played identical twins in the 1998 movie 'The Parent Trap'. Is it A, Miley Cyrus? Is it B, Lindsay Lohan? Or, is it C, Hilary Duff? - I have no idea. - Can I just say, what a film by the way, incredible film. It's the girl, Lindsay Lohan. - And I've guessed it. I guessed that. - For fucks sake Vikk. - The answer is, as Toby is so confident... (bell dings) Lindsey Lohan, correct. - Out here. - Surely the mob aren't getting that. - Toby got rid of another five people, another five people go and you get extra 5000 there. So you got an extra 10,000 from that question. - [Toby] That's bread. - [Vikk] Toby's actually breading up. - Vikk, I might quit whilst I'm ahead you know. I might take the money and go. - 126 with the extra five. General knowledge or science? - JJ, you want to give me an extra five bags again? (laughter) - No, I actually won'#t allow this. - I'm joking. Let me do some science. - Answer the question quick everyone, a squid found in New Zealand had the largest what ever found? A, head, B, tentacle. C, eye. - Or Ethan's answer, cock. - It was me, I said cock. - I knew one of you would say that. - I'm being very honest with you, I don't have a clue. - You can dodge this one. - I might have to dodge this one. - No, because we're gonna all get these, no. (laughter) - I have to dodge this one. - [Simon] You dodging it? - [Josh] It's a smart play. - This is fucking meta. I have no idea either. - All the other questions I've had at least a hint, but I have no clue here, so it's stupid to answer. It's a dodge. - What are you going for? - It's a dodge man. - He goes for a dodge. - Oh no, I know what it is. - What is it? - It's eye. It's eye. I saw this on YouTube. - And KSI, big brain, KSI in debt... Is correct, it is eye. (clapping) - Man. - I respect that Jed, I respect that. - But he has dodged it. And I can tell you this right now Toby, he has not won yet. (buzzer sounds) - I'm out. I'm gone. - [Josh] Well, Vikk's out. - [JJ] Oh snap. - Vikk, what did you guess? - [Simon] He chose B. - I guessed tentacle, I had no idea. - This could be your last question, geography or music, what you going for? - Oh. - (mumbles) Toby. - Ip dip do, the cat's got the flu, the dog's got the measles, out goes you. It's music. - The Spice Girls released their debut album in 1996... What was its name? Was it A, Forever? B, Spice, or, C, Wannabe? - I have to go for this innit. It's one V two and the kids are young, they shouldn't know this, and they don't have time to search it. I have to go for it with chest, and if I lose, I lose. - Come on, take it filthy L. - I was three when this was released. I'm gonna go with Spice. - Was this around the (mumbles) age? - Fam, why? Can we have one video yeah? (laughter) You're probably right though, it probably is around that time. (laughter) - Toby has gone for Spice. Toby, the correct answer... Is... (bell dings) (sidemen cheer) - Let's go. - The final two people went for... - [Toby] I'm seeing hands on heads, is it a dub? (Sidemen cheering) - [Simon] He has done it, he's beaten the 100. - Out here, wide men, W's in the chat. Thank you everyone, I appreciate you all. - That brings you to a total of 128,000 with the extra five. - That's big, that's a big performance. - Thank you. - That is a huge performance. All right, we have our final contestant now. - Best trim. - The man with the best trim. I don't really... - Come on, no, keep going, come on. (laughter) - All right. We have the best trim. - Oh. - The gym legend. The inked machine. - I'll have you know, some of us didn't get trims during lockdown, Ethan. (laughter) Look at it though. - You know what? That's actually more of an insult to the people that did but still lost. (laughter) Okay. - Oh lads. (laughter) - Ethan, come on man, you got this, come on. - General knowledge. - Would you like to pick general knowledge or art film? Okay, he goes for general knowledge. What do you get-- - Bro, you don't got this. (laughter) - Third wedding anniversary. - [Ethan] Wait, oh no. - What? - I've guessed. - Oh no. - I'll be honest, I was hovering between the options, I didn't vote but I wouldn't have known anyway. - If Ethan gets this, I swear to God. - Do you know what? I'm not picking either, dodge. - That's a smart decision. - [Simon] You'd like to dodge this? - (groans) That's very smart. - I'm dodging, I'm skipping. - You're skipping, okay. - There might be no one left. (laughter) - There are quite a few people left, and your three is leather. - Yeah, woop woop. (Harry groans) - [JJ] Oh man. - The answer is B, leather. - We take those. - Bruh, look at all these gassed people. - That's a Josh question bro, Josh the type of guy to know that. - To be fair, I'm still fighting against a decent mob here. - You've still got 57 people left. - Yeah, come on. - Music or sport. - Ooh mate. Go for sport. - Okay. - We do that. - What type of medal did Tom Daley win? The 2012 game. Everyone make sure you vote now. - You got this. - All right, side boys, listen here. - [Simon] All right. - Gold. (Toby chuckles) - Basically, no, because he was very decorated at one point, right? But now no one really talks about him, I feel like if he was a gold medalist people would still be speaking about him lots. - I think he was man, I think he was. - Pretty sure he was a gold medalist mate. - I'm pretty sure he did well in Beijing. - Listen, have you noticed the two side men that are speaking is JJ and Harry, right? They are praying on this downfall, so do you know what? Remove them out of the conversation, just Toby and Vikk, please talk to me. - We're not gonna talk to you because we're still in. - Yeah. They don't know if their answer's right or not. - Vikk loves swimming and Vikk's out, Vikk, come on let's go. - I'd be leaning towards bronze on this one. - Really? - Bronze, that's insulting. - Is that all he got? You think man just only got a bronze. - JJ just gave himself up, because... JJ bruv, he didn't get a gold. - He got gold. - He got gold. - Ethan, I'm being honest with you, I'm swaying towards gold. I'm pretty sure he had a successful 2012 Olympics. I'm pretty sure he did quite well. You said weigh in. Nah. Nah, shut up. - Toby, all I heard was, "I've looked through the answers that you're looking at, I don't think it's that one, but I'm not sure. That's all I heard. - I told you, I think it's gold. - And there was a lot of talk about it, he's the only good thing that came out of Sheffield. And I think it was a bronze. (sidemen chattering) - Ethan, whatever you're going to do, I would recommend doubling anyway. Because you're either out, or you may as well double it. - [Josh] I don't know. - I've got a medal. - Ethan, I put down silver, just so you know. - All right, cheers Josh. If I look at a medal... (laughter) (upbeat music) What would Tom Daley have around his neck? - Would you like to double it, firstly? - I'll double it yeah, go on then, with chest, I'll double. Do you know what, Vikk has done me a solid on my main channel in recent times. Do you know what? I'm going to back him, I'm going to go with bronze. - Wait, it's not my fault if it's wrong though, it's not my fault if it's wrong. - He's gone for A, bronze. - Imagine thinking, "Tom Daley would get bronze, oh my God." - Imagine if he's right. - The answer is gold. It's bronze. - Come on. - Josh and Toby are both out. - Come on Vikk. - Oi, Vikk, Vikk bro, I wanna hug you so much. Come on. - He used to train at the same pool that I went to, Ponds Forge in Sheffield. - Ethan it is you-- - So man gassed him up for getting a bronze. - Bro, in the Olympics. - I got 86 bags (laughs). - [Josh] It's the Olympics JJ. - A bronze in the Olympics is still mental. - All right, you right. You know what? I can't do it. - Remember when I said, "If he won a gold he'd still be poster boy for everything bro." He's not. - Yeah. - It's Ethan versus 14 people, and your next category is either geography or science. - I got one C and it was in science, it was additional appliance. I'm gonna go for science please. - Clyde... Tonne, oh fuck. Clyde... - Clyde T. - Clyde Tonbaugh... discovered which planet in 1930? - 1930 is recent times, if you look at the grand scheme of the world. - It's not, but okay. - Bro, it is. - It's so recent. - In the grand schemes of things, it is pretty recent. - In the grand scheme of things that is very recent. - Yeah, yesterday is recent. - Do you know what? Go and look at your hamsters or something, go and play with the hamsters bro. (laughter) - All right Ethan, what are we thinking? Talk us through. - I've got 86 bags, this is what I'm thinking. And, do you know what? - Do you want to just fade into the middle? - Simon, I don't think you understand that I was never meant to... - You need to rise up. - Josh, chill. (chuckling) - Listen, I was never meant to (mumbles). - You like space. - No, if I shoot for the stars, and I just get mentioned in the conversation, listen, that's more than enough for me. - But will you be mentioned in the conversation. - Oh, just at the lower atmosphere. - You can take it further. - No, but lads, just support my stand, all right? - Bro, just put Pluto and be done with it, innit. - No, because I don't wanna lose money and be like you, you stinky hamster boy. (laughter) - Whoa. Whoa. - I don't wanna be like you bro. - Think about it. - I wanna quit. - Nah, don't quit bro, don't be a puss puss. - You know what, Ethan? When you go from cows drink milk and losing the bag, to 86 and walking. - 86 is big. - [Vikk] I think that's allowed. - Nah, it's not, shut up. - Simon, you know what bro? I'm going, I'm quitting. - Are you sure Ethan? - Well, there is actually a way if you quit you do have to... Agree that you are a pussy. - That's fine, absolutely fine, more than happy. - You know Ethan would do that. - [JJ] Say it. - Can we get a full screen, heartfelt. - Yeah, get me on the full screen then please. - Hello ladies and gentlemen of the one versus 100 mob. In here and everyone viewing on the channel. I am a gigantic pussy, but I am an £86,000 worth gigantic pussy. So thank you very much. (clapping) - My brother. (laughter) - But that concludes it, if we could have a final leader board. There we go. - For God's sake. - Bread gang. - I still beat Harry. - No you didn't. - [JJ] Let's go. Well, congratulations to everyone involved, thank you 100 for playing as well. Thank you for staying here for hours. - Wait, before we go, what's discount code? - Ooh. - Well Vikk you got the top score. - Gold is gonna be the discount code. ♪ You are gold ♪ For the gold medal that never came, but yeah, it's gold. - All right, that's fair. ♪ Always believe in your soul. ♪ (mellow trap music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 9,917,227
Rating: 4.9491296 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: 5fVkjhmDfRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 37sec (3697 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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