HOI4 Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits - Plane Only Challenge

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I go just look at these four words just the explosions everywhere oh hello there ladies and gentlemen I am the spitting brixon today we are playing some hearts of iron for my god I am hope to play this game I have a brilliant plan today ladies and gentlemen who's of course a new update is coming out soon that's right to the end of the month they're releasing a brand new DLC I know isn't it wonderful so I decided to hop back before the previous DLC to show off one of my favourite gameplay experiences I ever had in hearts of iron 4 so we all prepared to watch the smithing brick break yet another game oh I'm sure we are but just to double-check make sure you've got your cup of tea down in front of you you might have hit the like button by now who knows and that your subscribe so that you're part of this wonderful community anyway are you all sitting comfortably well I guess we should begin oh now that's a perfect way to start a video so naturally for a high 4 game we want to do the 19:36 scenario and now we need to choose a country which we're going to completely and utterly break and basically make completely invincible and that's right will also fit in you to know in my mode because I'm no cheap ladies and gentlemen I'm all about doing things the paradox approved way making sure the game is working at its full potential exactly as intended so when it comes to a nation to pick to make super overpowered I can see no better nation than France now hear me out I know I'm a British person playing France but trust me ok yes I can make the United Kingdom ridiculously overpowered but come on that's really easy making France overpowered however is difficult because they are of course the natural enemy of the United Kingdom so to make your enemy a completely overpowered nation which can probably steamroll Germany in a matter of milliseconds and that takes a lot that's why your way today ladies and gentlemen you're going to see something which honestly is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity but as you can see we're in the game and we do have achievements available if you want to get some achievements we can now how are we going to make France overpowered because as we all know they're in a bit of a precarious situation Germany absolutely hates them there are two ways we're going to absolutely smash Germany and in fact we might do it very early on and then see where we go from there but to of course begin with we're going to want to start releasing some nations because France yes it's a powerful and mighty nation but it can be much more powerful if it has some friends and at the moment France they have no friends [Music] I'm sorry you only have colonies colonies aren't your friends we the Brits learned that the hard way oh how dare they throw the tea in the harbor I mean it was just so uncalled for they would just you're innocent max of tea they didn't need to be wasted that way okay calm swift kick into the dev Channel happy thoughts happy thoughts come on Smith anyway we're going to release a few nations so I'm thinking oh let's go for Syria now that's a good choice let's release series of puppets there we go look at that it's a very interesting nation that allows us to do some very interesting things like for example at lend-lease so we're gonna go on over to Syria and start a lend-lease with them I know aren't we so good we're gonna help out this tiny little nation we've just brought into the world by sending them ladies and gentlemen we are very generous today we're going to send them one single motorized I know look at me I'm practically Jesus with the amount of free stuff I'm handing out but it doesn't stop there we are also going to send them all of these bombers how many we're gonna send them all we're gonna send them 2.4 million that's right ladies and gentle to point four million no more no less we might as well also send them some tags I'm feeling we also send them 2.4 million tanks there's honestly no reason to send the tanks I just feel like it's sometimes less so we might as well send them some guns yes I'm thinking 2.4 million guns there we go we the generous overlords the people of France are sending over a single Citroen YouTube free and then 2.4 million tactical bombers tanks guns and first aid kits or whatever this is so of course the absolute love me because they're a puppet so they're going to accept this deal whoa BAM oh look at that they've signed up already isn't that just perfect and of course we also want to make sure we get on with some research so what are we the people of France going to be focusing on well we're going to naturally want to take a look at the power that is flying around in something that is an absolute garbage we don't want to research that on some electricity but apparently France has been lacking electricity and also construction because apparently the people of France haven't built anything before this is their first time learning how to literally put metal beams together [Music] but of course one thing we want to make sure we do is to stop Hitler from retaking the Rhineland I know look at that he's powering on for it he wants to get the Rhineland done he's gonna actually get the Ryland done in 67 days if you can believe it ladies and gentlemen so what are we gonna do well that means we've got 67 days to prepare something absolutely wonderful as you can see we're just pairing for our lend-lease at the moment there's gonna be a lot of funky numbers flying around there lots of -1 millions don't worry that's all perfectly fine the game is running as intended I promise spiff isn't breaking it at all although actually know you've signed up to this video sir Eddie well aware of that anyway and we just channel my powers briefly before I break the game by taking a sip of tea - tea sips in 1 video my god I can't let you guys get to addicted to the wonder that is tea drinking ASMR otherwise you might start demanding it on bulk and there we have it we've apparently delivered all of that equipment we've apparently send them - 180 something something something I don't know how we've done that so we're going to cancel our lend-lease to the monthly we don't need that there we go job done and we've created for them a deficit of minus 1 million planes don't worry Syria can deal with that but of course don't worry because yes not only did we break Syria we also broke France because we are now sitting on a stockpile of 1.8 million tactical bombers 1.8 million light tanks and 1.8 million infantry equipment I know what you're going to say this isn't probably what fraud should have access to in 1946 and to that I say yeah you're probably right yeah yeah I don't really have an excuse this time oh the Spanish Civil War was fired I guess I could weigh into that the public demands rearm and old lovely the people have a right to feel safe oh no and then the workers are going on strike god dammit this is so France yeah you know what I'm thinking we go communist to really unleash the power of France we might as well you go now that we've supported the left we will go for Republican intervention hopefully there's still gonna be Republican Spain for us to intervene in but we're gonna give it a try the public in Spain has been quite heavily cut off to say the least they are currently facing a bit of a weapons issue right they've been did it the Spanish AI is completely bloody bean stick nothing I can do can probably rescue Republic in Spain ah okay there main issue was sending our infantry which had no guns to fight with I think it's time we pull out and leave them fighting their own battles big f a Republican Spain but alas there is nothing I can do to save you from yourself and your own poor AI oh my goodness the Communists are demanding a referendum let's go for it the referendum is preferable to a bloody revolt and did you think French national unity could ever get this low I didn't but hey we've managed it by God this country's budget and we're also now that we're communists we might as well also stop just find a walk along Germany besides I'd like to show off the main point of our plan we've been really heavily developing the airfields in this area so how effective our airfields well I'm they're very effective we're going to add two thousand bombers to each of our airfields or at least we would if we had any manpower god dammit France create more people those are our ladies and gentlemen I've jumped in to the point of the video when you at least expect to me that's right it's right before we declare war on Germany now how do you think it's going to go down this is the chance for you to weigh in on the video and see what's going to happen are we going to a views our tents and completely steamrolled Germany we use our bombers and completely reduce Germany to ashes you'll see a strategy that no one has ever seen before combining the two which basically will tap Germany drive every single thing it has before we finally waltz on in there completely uncontested and just win the war in a matter of moments yes which one do you think it's gonna be because I can tell you I've broken the game now if you've been enjoying the videos so far please do give to like for some reason the last video I did ended up on YouTube trending as the first ever video I've ever had on YouTube trending and honestly all of you ladies and gentlemen thank you very much and all of you have subscribed from the last video or considering subscribing thank you very much for all absolute majestic sausages anyway let's jump back into the video we have a Germany to defeat right huzzah a lot of time has passed and what has happened what we've managed and just a file claim on the German Reich that's right we have cause to invade plus they're also going to try and just phone Czechoslovakia so we might as well if anything I'd say this is practically self-defense you might also be sat there wondering where all the manpower is gone and tomatoes say mostly the Air Force yes that's right 250,000 of the French army is now in the Air Force the reason being there are 6,000 strategic bombers flying around the skies of western Germany just waiting for the water breakout and as soon as it does they are going to strategically bomb the hell out of this entire region we are to reduce this entire area to rubble so I think we have our armies prepared we have our tactical bombers prepared I think it's time we declare war on Germany so here we are as France against Germany now we could what's on over the Maginot Line and attack them I've honestly no oh and Italy's joined axes oh that means I'm going to be a war bit sleep well that's fine we can set up our attack plans to immediately invade Italy we have an opportunity where we could attack Germany if we really wanted to we could are we going to no we're going to bomb Germany first as you can see there airfields have just been almost destroyed in this region six thousand bombers flying above the skies of Germany I'd like to point out this is an entire building we're destroying that is one entire military factory one entire airport level that isn't small that is a lot of time spent being built there we go the entire airport of this region here with Munich has been destroyed and of course the more airports I destroyed the less planes Germany can get in the sky Wow the Germans are generally just throwing themselves against the Maginot Line they've made basically no progress no progress at all what are you even doing Germany why did you declare war in Czechoslovakia this is genuinely one of the worst times you could have possibly declared war on a country when there are two major superpowers attacking you and there is genuinely six thousand bombers an unprecedented quantity of bombers flying around the skies of southern Germany and you just go no I am going to declare war on Czechoslovakia that is the greatest strategy I could come up with this is exactly why you have 171 casualties Germany yeah I'm not even going to attack them they can keep attacking me that's they're about not mine we're also gonna upgrade to extensive conscription trust me that extra million manpower it's gonna be needed all right and I've also decided we might as well get some strategic bombing going so we're going to strategically bomb all of eastern Germany while strategically bombing the Alpine's and Western Germany and also defending your own skies this is the power of having for some reason an infinite supply of claims don't question where France is getting all from it doesn't matter apparently the French Air Force it was always this big they always just had a casual 5.6 million planes lying around oh my god Italy's managed to hit half a million casualties and Germany is not far behind it what are they doing oh you shouldn't just throw your men into the lines look at what Italy is doing so they have faced quite a bit of an issue because due to my bombarding there is no infrastructure in the area because my massive army on this side the AI is forcing them to garrison it which is forcing them to build a patrician all of their industry is getting bombed the same is for Germany they see that this is a beautiful opportunity to attack into a level-10 fort a level-10 for Germany let that sink in you don't have air superiority you're attacking into a fort and you just stand no chance Germany you're AI I love you but please it's time to stop yes now if you try and attack into this you are going to get swarmed by close air support please don't Germany oh and Germany's going to try genuinely nothing is going to stop them I just want out we're holding the Maginot Line against what appears to be about 80 divisions using 36 and I suppose admittedly you can't say we're also using millions of bombers but Germans don't know about that one yet for some reason if they did they'd have probably stopped attacking by now anyway how are you doing Germany how is the infrastructure here like okay the infrastructure is non-existent my oh my oh my the German war economy is going to be brought to a crumble I can't wait in Italy usually it's still being crazy and deciding to attack into the arms yeah yep you are look at that tank how many supplies that tank has had tankers no supplies Italy what are you doing also the United States has a volunteer force over here it's the Wake Island garrison mates you're fighting in Syria against an enemy that doesn't exist we're not at war with anyone around here wait hang on a second I'll know Americans in the Middle East they're not here to garrison they're here to find oil it all makes sense now Wow and there we have it France has lost almost 100,000 manpower Germany and Italy however 1.2 million yeah this is fine ladies and gentlemen perfectly fine games functioning well I'm so glad this game has great eye and also someone who wouldn't want to exploit or break the game because I wouldn't want to do that I'd never want to do that oh and here's the Bombers just what is going on with these graphics they just fly on out here and they just born is there anything even left for them to bomb the German army is just going to straight-up run out of equipment because I'm not sure if there's an area of Germany that we aren't bombarding I just don't get what is convincing the German AI that they can attack across a river into a level-10 fort with the support of about 2,000 enemy close air support I just don't get it I have no idea we don't need to even invade them this is honestly the joy of the strategy you don't need to invade a country to defeat it if it just has no factories it can't produce anything it has no manpower it can't deploy anything as if they've just started a secret deal with the Communists it doesn't matter Stalin he's gonna love us because guess what we're trading with him and we're also a communist genuinely nothing will stop them from just repeatedly throwing themselves in oh and also yes we are pursuing a nuclear technology who wouldn't want a nuclear-powered France it's just nuclear power plants that's that's all we're making certainly not nuclear bombs to drop on Denmark I mean sorry I had to Berlin yes not Denmark we wouldn't want to drop nukes on Denmark now would we we'd lose all four of our Danish subscribers I know it would be devastating oh and some wars have been merged how many Yugoslavia just joined axis because the United Kingdom declared war on Yugoslavia sorry what UK why why what is the benefit to chyron Yugoslavia why did you do that UK you meant to be I have no idea why you've done that UK but very well we're now what we've Yugoslavia another nation that I know need to somehow get strategic bombers on top of rate maybe we could fly them over from down here how many planes till we put it none what about the tiny island of Malta yes if we put 600 strategic bombers here we should be able to take out Yugoslavia there we go 600 bombers and I want you to start bombing the Western Balkans trust me it's simply a peacekeeping feature we're totally not just ruining their entire economy for years to come Shh don't worry it's peacekeeping you're fighting with a half-strength force of two divisions oh god I love you we for a I honestly I think going back onto this version has made me really appreciate the improvements that the game was made to AI I'd also like to thank Germany and Italy for almost reaching 1 million casualties oh thank you your sacrifices will not be in vain as you know they will be in vain yeah you're right they are completely in vain what are you doing oh just look at just the explosions everywhere oh oh no sobs amidst Italy so you do know the situation the Italians are in at the moment oh god I should have sent him a message saying don't give in to Italy Poland has refused the German ultimatum hell yeah Poland you stand up for yourself you go girl on the German forces just gonna pull off the Maginot Line sorry what is going on did they're pulling off the Maginot Line and attacking the Maginot Line at the same time thousand IQ plays this the German AI it's honestly beyond me we could probably attack now issue is I honestly feel like we're attacking in piece of land that we've bombed so much we've drowned it down into atoms there's gonna be no land here like no farmable land a surprise is even population here Germany why would you declare war on Luxembourg what is the strategic path I just won't even question it that's fine by let's just march on into Luxembourg and defend it oh and the Netherlands has just been declared on why are you choosing now to start the war you shouldn't attack more countries when you're ready in this big of a mess the German air force is actually doing really well because they've decided to go for German air innovation now that's beautiful with one slight drawback however though none of their airports are working so whilst they do own 895 planes this airport here is almost completely bombed out and so all over the ones around here yeah yeah we've poke at them the maximum amount of planes they can field at the moment is 400 oh and the Brits have just apparently done naval invasion into northern Germany and they've maybe invaded not on a port so these these units are dead well good good job UK well I'm very proud of you who you do that d-day it's not gonna work why hip what are you doing what are you doing UK I I expected good old-fashioned tea drinking not what you're doing so it's do a quick recap of the game the year is 1939 it's July yeah this is roughly a few months before Germany was actually meant to stop or door to but instead yeah world war two started and even though Italy has the same military factories that I do and Germany has way more military factories than I do you can see that I've managed to keep my entire army completely stocked whereas they have managed to keep their entire army stocked with only manpower nothing else yeah a very effective military strategy but Germany I just I don't think it's gonna pay off I've literally converted Germany and Italy into fighting like the Soviets in the war when they just run out of guns there is no guns going around so they're just grabbing whatever they can find off the floor oh and Poland has just decided to for some reason scrap all of its battle plans and line up all of its divisions against Mammal Thank You Poland thank you for your brilliant strategic genius oh and the Soviet Union is declared war Finland for goodness sake UK whatever you do do not put Finland in the Allies I pray don't put Finland in the Allies and I know there's such a high chance that you will you best behave United Kingdom if you don't I I'm just backing out I'm not going to help you anymore I think it's time we steamrolled Germany charge attack divisions which have no equipment in those supplies oh look at that 34 percent strength 22 organization it doesn't matter that you've got to rain the entrenchment we can just walk for you literally straight through you my oh my oh my the organization is gone yeah that's a decent push I would say wow we have managed to grab quite a lot indeed should we attack into Italy all of the Italian troops are exactly roughly forty percent strength the reason being a strength is entirely manpower based no equipment let us attack that's gonna be a lot of manpower losses yeah that fielded manpower is gonna go down I'm afraid axis that's that's not gonna stay up there wow this is one of the easiest fights I've ever had against the AI if I'm being honest their armies melt like butter against us cause we're going to get achievements from this because we're playing hearts of our own four and this is seen as a game feature I love it oh and of course if we made our way into Berlin yes we've made our way to Berlin here's the line of French armor is it getting opposed nope just waltz on straight over these completely unprepared German units I'm just walking to Berlin and there we go fall of Berlin its 1939 28th of September everything's going good ladies and gentlemen everything's going good turns out it's elite not mad difficult to defeat you know we're gonna grab this one-horse division what are you looking like you are literally just four horses with a pair of binoculars I think this is the perfect unit to take out Rome there you go just waltz on down here success we've taken Rome we've only managed again how many casualties in the last few months last 12 months 36,000 casualties I'd save 36,000 casualties for taking out almost all of Germany and seizing Rome not bad I don't think many other people could do that so you join us back later and yeah some interesting things that happened hungry joined the war they're gone Yugoslavia of course during the war and they're gone Italy's gone Germany's gone and then moments before Germany was defeated completely they managed to sign an agreement with Japan and Japan joined the war Thank You Japan Thank You Hirohito how very bloody nice of you you've just added a lot more on to my game thank you how very considerate of you and also we're going to invade nationally Spain Jesus Christ I should have spent a hundred and sixty-one divisions Oh like this okay tactical bombers 10,000 strategic bombers oh this is gonna be interesting 10,000 strategic bombers flying around the skies of Spain this is gonna be worth it as you can see nationalist planes attack against our border it's not going well heavily entrenched French gun positions versus of infantry the airfields all behind you've been bombed the infrastructure is almost completely removed oh I love it nationally Spain has given up on attacking us the issue they are currently facing is that the AI is still telling them to garrison the border against us Boozer how many men we have here this is led to an issue which is that because there is no infrastructure remaining due to the bombing all of the national Spain units are currently receiving about 40% attrition yeah that seems good and the Soviet Union and Finland have signed a white piece despite the fact that the Soviet Union has 331 divisions and Finland has probably around 30 yeah that's fine games working great thank you game and of course it happened of course it bloody happened Romania is decided hey you know what we're gonna join the war - why not it's going so great for everyone else those during the war we might as well oh so we used the Clairborne Poland oh god I'm gonna get coolant en of war oh and the game just crashed okay thanks holy for literally just as I was about to research the wonderful tactical bombers and destroy the world well alas it doesn't matter I'm happy with where we managed to get to the game is a little bit unstable but to be fair I was playing on an older version if you have enjoyed what you've seen today please do give the video a like and you know if you have any fun ideas for a video you want to see give me a shout of course as always a huge thanks to my majestic patreon these are some lovely people and they have done some wonderful things you want to know a video to watch next and your Sat hair you like whoa I don't know if I'm gonna like this guy I've only like the hi for stuff then don't worry take a look at this video trust me you're gonna fall in love with it anyway I will see all of you in the next one have a wonderful evening bye bye [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,076,437
Rating: 4.9336853 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits, plane only challenge, plane only, hoi4 funny, perfectly balanced game, spiffing brit, spore challenge, spore funny, Perfectly Balanced Game, The forestry challenge, tree only prison architect, rt game, Prison architect battle royale, prison architect riot, prison architect gameplay, grand strategy, battle royale, funny, comedy video, indie game, management game, funny clips, world conquest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 09 2019
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