EU4 Emperor DLC Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits - Vassal Only Challenge Is Broken

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hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the spiffing fritz and today we are playing some European Universalis 4 EU 4 for short now before you click off this very strange-looking map game yet this is quite possibly one of the most broken states I've ever run into a game in it's absolutely hilarious because this is EU 4 and it's been out for what feels like a decade at this point and it keeps having DLC I didn't need to have the DLCs added they patch out a couple of exploits that usually add a couple in but this is by far the most broken state the game has ever been in for a very very long time all of the balance they had before this update it's gone it's out the window everything's booked and it's hilarious I love it I mean some of you sat at home would say that this is a classic indictment of the paradox DLC policy it's just all thanks to greedy paradox devs to those people I say maybe I mean this is my good friend GRU key here who you might recognize as the EU for lead game designer is a fantastic person we also play csgo with him a lot of the time and he has this very unique knife here which is a Star Trek butterfly knife slaughter which is called DLC money I mean sure I could judge him for his very expensive choice of csgo knife but then again I'm not much better having a bowie knife named discord GG slash spiffing for csgo nonetheless this DLC is pretty unique for a lot of people they're very upset for a lot of other people they're very excited and for all of the game developers and stockholders have very panicky you see the latest update or the Austria update has come in part with the Emperor DLC which is you know a fantastic little DLC which had a lot of fun to the game with a massive focus certainly around the HRE and the brand-new reforms to religion now this up they added a bunch of fun little features to help expanding the Empire and also giving Europe a bit more of an actual feeling because previously the entirety of the HRE was that it operated as a big annoyance and you were over the leader of the HRE or you were kind of nothing HR ease event system were also a bit random and not very fun and didn't feel like the play had any control over them for the first time let alone world however it actually feels like we have a lot more control in the game and the only downside is because we have a lot more control in the game it means players like myself can absolutely destroy this games balance now what I'm going to show off today is by no means the fastest anyone has ever completely destroyed the HRE but it's certainly going to be way sooner than anyone really should have access to because as of this DLCs release Austria has gone from being a pretty minor power to becoming the strongest nation in the entirety of this game's history so sit back relax grab yourself a nice warm cup of tea and if you're a loyal peasant farmer in the Austrian wasteland then you might even give this video like now let's dive into our game now welcome into 1444 Austria you start out with a lovely stack of 18,000 men who are ready and prepped to die fighting in your pretty meaningless Wars Austria starts out in a pretty unique spot because it immediately begins as the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and thanks to the latest DLCs this puts it in a brilliant position to actually start making stupid amounts of money in power of a strange additions the DLC means that will basically get Bohemia under our belt almost immediately and then also in quick succession Hungary as well as Milan and well everything's booked the easiest way to show why the game so bought is to show off the hedgehog map mode you see in previous iterations of this game for a nation to join the HRA they'd have to be penny for a certain size and also most nations just simply wouldn't want to join they wouldn't see the benefit to it would basically be quite expensive and yield little reward this time however everything has changed because of the way the new DLC works just about every nation will join provided its friends with Austria so how do you make a nation friends have Austria oh you can quite simply do two things you can either improve relations or the much speedier way just send an alliance to below gonna hear this tiny one little minor city in the middle of Italy now Balad nur doesn't actually provide much benefit if they were to join the HRE but they're just very likely going to because I've just allied them making them think Austria must be a great friend now make sure of course you ignore any royal marriage request because we want to basically have a nice speedy date with bill ogner how you're going to have to see these alliances working is that we are speed-dating tiny Nations and convincing them to join our Empire and then as soon as they join our massive harem of tiny Nations we suddenly cut things very dry now I'm going to be setting up my Empire and it's going to take a little while but basically the routes that we're going to go down are to secure electors by just making friends with Brandenburg the Palatinate Cologne and Mane's and all we need to do is convince them to vote for us and as soon as they do we can invade Bohemia once we have Bohemia onto our boat will aim for Hungary and then after that we'll start subjugating the rest of Venice so see you in a couple of moments once I've done my first few Wars now fantastic this took a little bit longer than I would have liked because it's currently 1458 meaning over 10 years passed and simply as virtually managed to form the H Aria in this time but what we've basically done is we've finished up a war against Bohemia and by doing that war we've placed the entirety of Bohemia under our control improving our legitimacy and Imperial growth modifier meaning we're gaining more imperial authority per month if you take a look at the empire we've managed to convince Venice to join as well as below kina and things are generally looking pretty solid in the Empire we've managed to expand a bit Bosnia's decided to join and for some reason hugs Ivania is also here now of course we kind of want to hug the Vayner in the Empire because if they join will immediately gain yet another ten imperial authority which we can then use to spend on stuff so what you do is just simply shoot an alliance offer over to hogs Ivania oh and we also picked up the decline of Hungary event oh of course because we've now outgrown hungry thanks to the fact that we have bohemia' under our belt so now we can immediately go to war Hungary this is why okay ah screw so broken because as soon as you finish up with Bohemia or you finish up with Hungary you just immediately turn on the other one and invade it it is stupid how fast you can turn this around anyway time for us to improve relations with hogs Vania now a few more years of past ladies and gentlemen it's 1460 and after a war with bohemia we've actually managed to just pick up a hungry as you can see they're a little bit annoyed because we've forced a union over them now that we have both Hungary and Bohemia under our belt it puts us in a perfect position and of course if Hungary gets really annoyed just simply hit the enable support of loyalist button until they start becoming happy again and now that we've both Hungary and Bohemia are in a very comfortable position oh and also if the shadow Kingdom event comes around make sure to vote it's time to abandon Italy what happens when you force the shadow Kingdom is it enforces all Italians to leave the Empire but the benefit is that when all the Italians leave the Empire they don't actually cost that much to leave because of the amount of people voting for this reform it's only going to cost us for imperial authority to kick all of them out and then once they've all left they'll all immediately rejoined big Zeph such fantastic opinions of Austria and they bore to the HRE so Milan will instantly join so will Purdue err so we'll Ferrara so we'll be logged No so will Florence and so with the papal States and every one of them joins we gain yet another ten imperial authority which just catapults us all the way along the reform tree anyway we've got some more crazy Wars to do we need to stop breaking up some countries now that we have effectively an extra 30,000 troops under our belt thanks to Hungary and Bohemia being our affective vassals at this point it puts us in a perfect position to start bullying minor nations and effectively subjugating them into the HRE like say hogs vania here who we allied for a very short period of time oh look yes we have an alliance with them we're now going to dissolve this alliance because we've got exactly what we wanted out of them we wanted them to join the hey Tory and that's what they've done and what's this we've got Serbia here Serbia my friends let me get an alliance with you welcome now you're going to join the hey Chari in a very short period of time I love working with Serbia so now you join us a little world later and the shadow king of event has happened and we've immediately been able to pass our necks reform and as you'll notice if we take a look at the HIV map mode it's entirely just because Milan immediately rejoined then look at nations like mine chewer here and get them to rejoin same with Ferrara because I mean Florence just joined by itself and actually the papacy will also follow suit soon as well you know we can actually speed that along very quickly screw improving relations with well lajiye right venice join the hreat BAM so there we go we said them an alliance request and then very soon they'll fire and just immediately join the HRE because their relations with Austria are so high it's as simple as that I absolutely love this game it's so stupid how broken it is and I'll be back in a little while because I'm trying to force a personal union with Milan and pretty sure I actually have it do I have a union casters belly yes I have a restoration of Union casters belly right I'll be back in a couple of moments once my truce expires and I can invade Milan because then I'm going to have free personal unions within the hey Chari under my belt which is just absolutely fun and stupid because I can use it to pulley nearly anyone into submission all right this is it ladies and gentlemen 1461 time for war with Milan now you might notice none of my allies want to join because they're all about as fun and exciting in a military fighters is slightly soggy fart but it honestly doesn't actually matter because we've Hungary and Bohemia behind me we have a natural army fielding of over 60,000 meaning that this war as you can guess it's going to be quite easy and it time for us to enforce that personal union over Milan it do rather well there we go finally the war is over with Milan and there we go fantastic we're in a lovely spot Rex that war now being over I've been up to pass yet another reform this time it's the perpetual D reform and at this point we're in a good spot because we can now start going down to centralization tree and by going down the centralization treatment we can eventually work our way towards revoking the privilege and by doing that we end up in a lovely spot where everyone inside the HRE immediately becomes our vassals but that's not even the entirety of the exploit sure revoking the privilege early is great but what's really broken about this is the fact that you can then snowball this even further into a world conquest in a way which I haven't actually seen many people talking about you know if we just need to get more people inside the HRE and we should be off to a continued flying start there we go so be just join the hey Chari why did Serbia join the hey Chari oh because it had like a 90 opinion of us and then all I had to do was shoot them an alliance they'll join the hey Chari give me ten imperial authority and then what you do ladies and gentlemen is you just hit them with the fantastic button that is dissolve Alliance it just works Oh what's this Venice is sat right here okay what do you do when you have an annoying Venice it's actually quite easy to simply declare war and take breaths occur and then release Verona and freely is independent nations by doing so they immediately convert themselves into ten imperial authority each because they're both independent nations that will immediately join the HRE which just continues this stupid snowball effect that you can see going on here now this is what we're going to choose the game even further where are you going to drop ourselves down a savefile here and the reason why is because there's actually a very strange difference between the Emperor DLC and also the base game with this current update so it's actually time for us to entirely close down the game and restart it now you might be thinking this is a very strange thing to do spiff this makes absolutely no sense and the reason why is because the DLC actually adds two more reforms that you need to do before you can revoke the privilege which is a great thing to do but alternatively you can just bypass that by just turning off the DLC which makes oh so much more sense so there we go I've just turned off the Emperor DLC behind the scenes and I'm going to just Brazil the safe oh where was that ladies and gentlemen it just works of course this isn't exactly easy to pull off if you do a multiplayer game but certainly in the single-player game it's going to cut off a roundabout five years when it comes to trying to reform the hecho re because now when we hit the Holy Roman Empire button oh look the reforms are completely different now was this is a fun cheesy way to do it I'm actually much rather prefer playing with the emperor of DLC certainly because it gives me some more unique interactions with the HRE princes which can occasionally give you the orange you necessary to throw you over the edge in terms of power now welcome back ladies and gentlemen in our lovely stable situation and I'm pretty sure we're getting nice and close to actually revoking the privilege where what only 200 imperial authority away which is a actually pretty healthy spot to be in now of course not as for this off we need a war with Venice which would be great we would be truce breaking notes when does our truce end with Venice 1465 or another two years away pouch that's the case that I'm going to have to focus on getting more of these Italian city-states into our lovely Empire Savoy would be a good example of one oh heck they might do it with just a little alliance and go let's give them an alliance well they really want to join the hey Chari look at that they're very excited come on Savoy we'd love to have you I've realized she missing an elector of the hey Chari oh there is an issue no wonder we weren't making that much imperial authority well it says in a brand new elector of the HRE sadly I can't hand out to just a random subject of mine but I can hand it to a silly nation or a nation I don't really have to worry about like Lubeck because they're just going to be good friends with me forever right there we go Lubeck is now voting in the hey Torian of course it'll always vote for me why because my diplomatic reputation is so stupidly high my legitimacy is good my prestige is good with the same culture group it's perfect we don't even particularly care that I'm controlling over electors that's all fine and dandy in their eyes which is perfect for me I guess now 90% of being Emperor early on it's mostly just bullying all of the peasants inside of the HOA and getting to spit out all of the land that they've stolen just because basically early on all they're interested in is murdering their friends and it looks like Burgundy's getting invaded so naturally whenever that opportunity arrives just quite simply declare on burgundy and steal some of their land my teacher so that we can feed it straight back into the empire this that's what we'll tell the peasants who are currently fighting and dying for it I also have been surprisingly lucky in this game because I rolled this insane General Leopold you hadn't stolen bargain he's got like six pips inside siege so we just met was in front of him BAM I'm jumping in the midpoint of the video when you least expected me ladies and gentlemen I know it's been a while since I've done one of these unless you just want to drop by and say I hope you're off doing quite well the world's a bit of a funky place right now I'm hoping that you're keeping yourselves nice and safe and entertained oh and hopefully your tea stores are well stocked that's very important when it comes to looking after those tea stores why not consider the finest Yorkshire tea gold which can even be consumed out of your very own spiffing Britain mark my goodness it's a merchandise bloke who could have seen that coming I know it's lovely it's a rough economic time though so by all means never feasibly buy anything or invest in anything leading into a global recession so make sure your bank accounts safe before you purchase a infinite world supply of York City gold perhaps you have access to a natural real world infinite money glitch like say declaring bankruptcy over and over again and so actually buying infinite quantities of mugs from spiff is a real viable strategy maybe that's an export I need to look into you know and let's jump back into the video because I've got some basic peasant rights to revoke all right it's time for a war against Venice which will be hopefully nice and easy I just need to get my men over to the rough area that's right now they can get over there their own accord later on right all we need to do in our lovely war against Venice is basically bully down a couple of provinces and hold Brassica and simply release a couple of minor nations should actually be nice and simple oh my goodness an instant is happened in the Empire this is exciting oh I think I know what this one is Oh lovely this is very spicy one this is basically the Pope and the Emperor we get to vote on whether we want the Pope to join the Holy Roman Empire of course we're gonna vote yes because if the Pope joins it gives us a bunch of prestige bonuses and it also pisses off every of a Catholic in the world most importantly France yes take that French cheese Oh fantastic cause Bohemia's integrated allies we can now hit the recover Silesia mission which is gonna be brilliant it gives us claims on basically all of Poland allowing us to swing our entire military force over towards Poland now if we really wanted oh and then of course I forget we can also proclaim a guarantee with an averse to try and get them to join the Empire getting nice and close one to six oh they joined Oh fantastic so now I can just revoke that guarantee dissolve the alliance and then just immediately back on out of naver's got it must absolutely suck to be adverse just getting effectively bullied around suddenly Austria is your best friend and then they've run off with all of your trade power and gone actually you're in the Empire now goodbye that's the Alliance dissolved as well I'm sorry I mean I'm over my Diplo limit guys I can't have all of these friendships around about oh and Ferrari joined as well great I can dissolve the lunch with Ferrara as well piss off Ferrara you were terrible say look at fantastic we're under our diplo limit and we've expanded the Empire even further on with gaining some pretty incredible imperial authority at the moment and also some additional imperial authority we can gain by adding ik wheeler and also for Rona so in order to do that once again we're going to make them friendly by clicking on them and selecting the friendly button and this should hopefully convince their AI to actually start improving relations with us and if that happens they'll just join of their own accord we don't actually really need to worry about it now well not sure you are an issue you've decided to make every province in your empire excluding your capital part of the HRE which is pretty stupid I'm not going to lie oh and the Emperor died this is actually quite good losing the Emperor can be rough because it means you'll occasionally get thrown into a Regency Council as you won't have an heir but generally it's fine because you get just an extra 10 Imperial authority from it oh my god but gaining not 0.44 imperial authority month because the Empire is at peace god no one's invading each other and there we go we can immediately pass yet another reform it's going to take a little while to get the princes on side but then we can start curtailing the estates which will increase our Imperial Authority growth even further there we go joy and you know you want to you want to vote to curtail all of these estates yes it'll be good I promise you also apparently Scotland is the new pope don't question things the war another Pope would want to live in Scotland but he's over there let's also improve relations with Verona and improve relations with free Aquila and get them to join actually we need to pass our reform first so let's not get too hasty with the relation improvement hopefully but so far this is already a stupidly powerful HRE it's looking very very strong or so thankfully the papal state has done what I've expected and they've annexed or V no meaning in our next war with Venice we can release OB no and that's yet another 10 Imperial Authority added to the bucket list oh my goodness apparently Poland's trying to invade the HRE that's fantastic luckily I think Poland has absolutely beans themselves up because they have 65,000 men vs. 130,000 so this should actually be quite a nice easy war this is going to be a lovely fight oh my godness the last jousting tournament time this is a pretty strange event I strongly recommend you waste the money on it because you get an extra morale of armies and fight better my biggest issue with the last jousting tournament event is it happens for everyone and I've even had seen it happen multiple times to the same nation which is pretty stupid it's definitely not meant to do that but you know game works in funky ways on beans I can't enact the Reform or some war could this silly Poland having big Wars all I need to do is watch the AI beat up on Poland maybe I'll even be able to enforce a couple of claims myself I want this this and this if I want to be really mean I can also just forcefully release things like Danzig because releasing Danzig will have them instantly joined the hatch re as well that's yet another 10 imperial authority added to the list I love Wars oh and the program being in session has happened have I just accidentally inherited burgundy as well yes I've just inherited burgundy brilliant the burgundy and inheritance a keep our union with burgundy this will lead to war with France make concessions to France or integrate burgundy ends of the HRE well I think we keep our union with burgundy and just really annoy France and there we go we've inherited burgundy they're a junior partner which means they've immediately added their provinces to the HRA and that's another 67 imperial authority oh god I need to start spending some of this imperial authority I actually need to get out of this as soon as possible but as soon as the burgundy and inheritance event ends in about half a year's time I'll gain even more imperial authority which is great but the issue is it's actually wasted imperial authority as soon as you pass reform you meet reviews from imperial authority right now we are getting close to the end of this Imperial event go to peace out with Poland despite not being able to actually take anything it's a real shame that's not entirely true I can steal some money from them of God and that got me a lot of imperial authority right immediately curtail the Imperial estates and now fire the burgundy inheritance event where we might go to war with France honestly I'm kind of excited about hopefully the French AI is gonna be like yeah go for it I would have war and then if it's a defensive war that means we get to call in all of our allies as well as all of us stupid vassal swarm and provided that happens we will be able to defeat most of France and then release most of France into minor Nations and it's cheese the imperial authority we gain from it oh there we go keep our union with Burgundy that's ten imperial authority added to the list let's build ourselves a bigger army I'm excited for this it's war with France they've cited succession war cases Malloy the old king of Burgundy world that his phone should be passed on to Austria on his death however France claims that old King was not of sound mind well it's gonna be time for a long bloody struggle it's about 80,000 men versus 50,000 French cheese and honestly I think it's pretty clear who's going to win this one I've set all of my vessels into attack stance and this should give us a fantastic advantage I'm just going to need to wait for my additional reinforcements to arrive and then that should put us in a lovely spot to attack the French staging down the province next door we might even be able to do it right now yes you know what I think it's time for a good bit of forever war with France so we're going to jump onto the French army and absolutely smash them they were able to bring in reinforcements but oh my god they've actually done it the French have managed to pull back a victory Arthur's pesky reinforcements well it's all going to be fine be able to reinforce ourselves and jump straight back at them especially if we can catch them on this Hill fault here now amazingly France went in a siege of this down but pubs are a crazy incredible siege general we just effectively rocked up and undid it in milliseconds and also the French army is now separated itself meaning we can just pounce on it in a much better sports lovely stuff I've kept these French people now let's jump on them in Berlin now that's a good idea it's trapped them in Italy and jump on this 27,000 stack Oh lovely there we go start working down the French armies now in terms of a peace deal what we can do is been basil to get them to feed a bunch of provinces back to burgundy and seeing as Burgundy's our subject this makes perfect sense apparently we don't also have enough electors another elector was swallowed up I think by Ferrara I'm pretty sure Ferrara killed yet another electors that's fine we'll make them the next elector and now we're gaining about no point five Imperial Authority per month so we're just rocketing through the reforms I mean our next bonus is going to increase our reform progress even more this is absolutely stupid for the rate at which we're unlocking this there we go we've grabbed dogs rosso it's time for us to wards on over to the French capital and get that place each down oh my goodness siege of Paris only took 71 days order in Austria very good we're even is the French army haven't seen it in a very long time I think the French Army's just given up it feels like they've actually just retreated or something as yet another siege done we can just move on to more provinces now there's the French army it's eating down bohemia' lovely that's exactly where I want them to be I'd love them to be over there rather than actually defending their own provinces so that they're just racking up a bunch of extra war score this is perfect absolutely perfect I must say the RNG of this has been certainly on our side because we were handed a hundred tradition general that happened to roll an incredible set of stats I mean that was just insane having a six siege leader just allows us to have incredibly fast Wars especially that war with Venice we had earlier just the ability to just blitz the fort of Brest Kiev was just perfect it was all we needed oh my goodness we're actually about to get our next reform I haven't even finished this war with France yet please Gav slow down Oh beans I'm ruining my speed run let me pass my reform got Debbie frauds I guess I just need to not give Burgundy this many provinces that he'll accept the release of berry there we go that's all we want oh this is perfect we've made some really good progress here if we get this right I'm going to be able to release two nations have them join the HRE and also feed our vassal Burgundy incredible there we go two provinces Burgundy's made happy and front is made weaker honestly the perfect combination of events and I can immediately pass the next reform to increase our Imperial Authority growth by another 25% we're now noir point seven five imperial authority per month this is stupid oh yes oh yes yes yes yes yes oh the HRE grows in glorious fashion and then of course we have the brand-new berry that was added to the map and the lovely bourbon aziz or bourbon biscuits these are two fantastic additions for several reasons we can get them to improve relations with us perfect this is exactly what we want so let's quickly offer berry a little invite to a military alliance and then we'll also get them to state trade towards us let's get them to transfer trade power over towards us there we go that'll give us a nice little boost fantastic so they're 85 I think they need to be about a hundred or 90 or so to actually join the HRE so we're going to simply have to wait for them to get around to improving relations with us honestly I don't even know if we need to get them to join the HRA it's only 45 imperial authority away from revoking the privilege here anyway we've gained the bonus so that we're always going to in no matter wat this is it ladies and gentlemen we've got it we're on the home straight now just a couple of extra points if Barry wants to join or not that's on them actually you know what we've got spare diplo slots thanks to all of this so we might as well shoot them over Oh marriage oh go get them to join a royal marriage and then they mutually join the HRE that's another 10 points to the Holy Roman Empire all right now let's go see their friend Borbon biscuits Orban biscuits would you like an alliance yes you would and your certainty for improving relations with us fantastic oh and your even adding provinces into the HRA Borbon this is lovely let me improve my relations with you until you join mr. Boorman biscuit Borbon biscuit let's get a Umbro marriage going with you there we go you're in the HRA lovely stuff on what gas has expanded and livonian order has joined oh and there we go because the livonian order and Brieger just joined or thanks to wall gassed stealing a bit of the Teutonic order so that we now have a little border with them this is perfect because we can now hit the final button and revoke the privilege eeeh it is only 1477 and we've just become the strongest nation in the entire world so this is fantastic because it means hungary and bohemia and milan and burgundy all stop being in a personal union under me and instead become vassals it is a stupid button revoking the privilege here because what it does is it turns the entirety of the empire into my vassals meaning i gain 48 gold per month just because i have this many vassals i can now hit Imperial ascendancy gain 50 dip low power and now we have a million vassals we can expand the Imperial border we can do whatever we like you remember Barry and Bobo they will guess what they joined the HRE now Denmark's no longer a valid rival well I wonder why burgandy wants a royal marriage there's no need burgandy you're just a little peasant friend of mine we even picked up Rieger in the livonian order oh this is perfect now what do you do when people aren't in the Holy Roman Empire like save will a cheer here well we're lajiye doesn't have any friends and also decided to wrongly add some of their provinces to the Holy Roman Empire and not others meaning we can hit the great big imperial ban button and summon our vassal swarm on to them well a cheese army is 5000 Austria's army is over a quarter of a million meaning we have the largest army in the entire world oh and also we can pick up Austrian Netherlands giving us colonial range we can get colonizing this is incredible we can start colonizing India oh this exactly what I want to do France is no longer valid rival Denmark is no longer valid rival is there even a valid rival anymore is it just the Ottomans nope no possible rivals we've eclipsed every one in the game this is fine oh we've done it oh this is all beautiful we can also pick up our bonus dip low tech as well oh so we're ahead of time in all categories and with the biggest army in the world god bless this latest DLC it's perfectly balanced the amount of claims we have on the world as well as just stupid like we can declare war on Poland and mop up all of those claims as soon as we're done with this war so when it comes to elachi all you want to do is basically steal their provinces away from them you know the thing is we can actually do multiple Wars at the same time I mean we can even go to all of the Ottomans if we wanted the Ottomans of 61 thousand men but I mean it kind of add more than that we've got quite a few provinces actually under our belt Oh fantastic wall ghost has been adding more provinces to the HRE lovely oh my goodness look at this Genoa is also not in the hate sorry old Genoa my friend you should probably consider joining the HRE and the best way to get you to join the HRE is to take your capital and force you into a hey Chari province because if we take your capital you're just gonna move to Alban ger and that's already in the hey Chari so that's just a go to war with Genoa that'll just divert some of the vassals back I mean we have relaxed you're almost fully occupied speaking about well out here let's just quickly switch all of this control over to Hungary and just feed them what most of will latch here there we go let's feed all of this to Hungary lovely stuff and we'll take your money too there we go thank you we'll add sure it's been an absolute pleasure having you with us for a very short period of time now you might also be wondering what is the Liberty desire of our subjects well it's actually ridiculously low now you might be wondering why that is well it's because of our fantastic influence ideas as well as the fact that we're playing Austria and Austria basically receives a bonus in terms of Liberty desire and quite a crazy way now Jeannot is getting seach down will win basically all of the battles including the battles on the seas because our vassal swarm is just stupid look at it it's like a like a wild animal it's just a massive train of ants walking through France they are and they just cannot be stopped now the thing is there are several things you can do is the h-hurry from this point on we could hit Renault VTO amperior which basically converts our nation into being the HRE which is nice basically means we fully annex all of the members of the hey Chari the only downside with this is that it's terrible because it means you actually have to start concentrating on your wars and also you lose money I just don't really understand why anyone would ever take it because right now we're making fifty gold per turn because of all of our stupid vassals well no I call them stupid they're absolutely fantastic they are just bankrolling our entire economy I don't need to focus on anything from this point on the vassals can just play the game for me no one will ever declare war on me because I'm the number one great power we're stronger than Ming Ming is huge it's a meant to be a massive Empire here over here in China but no apparently Austria's vastly more powerful it's not even by a little amount our armies much larger than Ming could field and Ming is meant to have the largest army in the world for a very long time oh my goodness and the siege of Aragon is going on Aragon oh look at Aragon fall it's like a million termites just shredding up all of their fort defenses oh poor Aragon well what can we do for you well we can get you to release me your cur can actually get them to release our dinner I think that's a much better idea yeah I think so dinner would be fun oh we might also finally be able to take Venice as well good I've won Venice go on all right there we go now we're going to be able to separate peace up with Aragon and get them to release a tiny nation onto the map its Sardinia and of course naturally we can just invade that and force them into the empire but most importantly we're going to piece out Genoa steal their capital actually who are we going to give this to I'd say we give this one to luck her for fun as you might know we could give it to genuinely anyone in the entire empire well yeah let's give it to Lucca for fun alright and now we're going to sign our piece this is going to add Corsica basically on to the map but they're not in the hey Tory we're also going to add Genoa on to the map and it's also going to force Geno's capital into basically the hitch hurry and this puts them in a pretty awkward spot because they're technically in the HRE but not our vassal oh my god and of course we're getting bombarded with bloody royal marriage requests piss off game path beans yes the HRE is just going to continuously expand at this point it's an autonomous growing a machine of terror there are 75 princes all of which are fully operational battle monsters they are tariffs God just go away with the marriage requests and they've got just got Verona to also join the hey Chari that's very nice of them it's very easy to add more nations to the hey Chari as well the thing is you don't actually have to push that button when we pushed it we pushed it exceedingly early on but there's genuinely no reason for you to do that you can wait until the hey Chari is at its largest and you don't really have any risk of losing the HR remembers because you've already proclaimed that the hey Chari will always be inherited by the same country so what you do with your massive bohemia' hungary milan and burgundy as you basically piecemeal up all of france release a bunch of minor nations like say berry and warp in here and get them to join the hey Chari and then you press the button it's basically a systematic way of just getting as many nations out on the map as possible as the more nations you have out on the map the more that are going to be vassal iced as soon as you hit the great big button and the more vassals you have the more chaos you caused nowhere on the map is safe we can just tear up all lands speaking of which which is gonna say we're gonna go to war with the ottomans now that'll be fun i'm just gonna hit done and now we're going to release the vassal swarm into the ottoman empire and just release a bunch of my the terrible nations all right you know maybe we're you haven't even crazy idea things you also get to receive a bunch of crazy bonuses in the HRE all of these fantastic modifiers are great the fact that we get decreased construction cost is nice our increased diplomatic reputation is lovely there are some really nice bonuses in here like say we get increased yearly prestige all of the Empire and all provinces in it gain institution spread and everyone in the Empire receives a decrease in technology cost this basically means that the Empire will never fall behind on tech and we'll just beat a continuously growing mess of improvement oh and also don't worry if there's ever a rebellion in the empire even if it's say in Hungary a bunch of vassals from Lorraine will go over and defeat it so you don't even have to worry about actually helping out your vessels they'll manage everything on their own it's all fine look at this glorious occupation see this is my favorite way of fighting of war because we're fighting it without actually fighting it we're kind of just set here letting the AI do all of the work for me which is honestly the way I like to play the game also basically everything in the games economies buggered at this point like we can field the largest army in the world with over three hundred forty five divisions the thing is we naturally afford it because we're making 48 gold per turn we can hire the most expensive advisors in the game and it's not that you're really going to dent us that much and the thing is if you want to make more money we can actually build up things in our vassals lands like say or in a production house in Frankfurt is going to actually greatly benefit us because we'll receive 30% of that money oh my goodness and I just saw the incredible vassal swarm attack on Constantinople it was 40,000 Ottomans versus 200 thousand random Europeans and there we go that's going to be the Ottoman capital taken Oh brilliant we've also become the next pope now the benefits of being the next papal controller is we get selection of this massive button here which is just investigate heresy and you just press this button and you spend someone else's money now the Catholic reform desire went from 80% to 0% so basically whilst I'm the papal controller they can never have control well they're never going to pop up which is just brilliant for us and eventually we can get this bonus once there's an official HRE religion which gives us even more Imperial or for growth modifier although actually this is designed to be picked like after 1500s and after the big holy wars we don't need it because you know we've kind of finished the game so you might as well just select the holy ball of tolerance of Jeavons I guess just make everyone a bit happy oh well look we actually found the Ottoman army it looped all the way around the world that's insane I never thought we'd actually run into it here let's just bulk up our dudes and make a mega army anyway we've managed to seize Constantinople so you know that means ladies and gentlemen it's creating quite possibly the worst borders in the entire known universe time including grabbing both sides of the straight so that we can get our armies over there in the future oh and look at that mmm those are some tasty tasty borders ah the Europeans are back baby we should not have access it's this is stupid this is absolutely stupid I love play goes through at the latest build but yes we should definitely not have access to this Oh suppose he had never reformed there we go decrease in tech cost across the Empire congratulations to everyone that's brilliant news for us all that basically means my vassals are all so good to be more powerful than the average Ally England what a splendid idea I really want to be friends of England BAM Friends of England oh yeah that's exactly what I'm all about having friends with England I love what we've managed to do here this is stupidly terrifying yeah Oh God anyway ladies judgment this is Eve for it's been absolutely broken by the latest DLC as you can see it's very easy to do the developers have said that they're going to try and do a fix but it's going to be a little way off and surprisingly the issue is literally just one little line of code which they messed up and once they have actually fixed it it won't actually be released for a little bit because they want to you know fix up a couple of over issues with the DLC and then release a hotfix which you know kind of makes sense and it also gives players a fantastic opportunity to blitz through any achievements which they wanted to do as Austria you want to go for a world conquest now is the time to do it grab Austria revoke the privilege eeeh I think the fastest I've seen it done is about fourteen fifty two or something stupid like that you basically need to do a bunch of crazy micro but you can get it done very quickly and it's entirely worth your time so go grab yourself a cup of tea and go destroy you for this has been absolutely hilarious for me as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons who make these videos all the more possible you know that downright fantastic seriously they're lovely and you can even see all of their names on screen now my goodness look at these lovely people especially that person and hey if you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next cuz maybe you're new here and why not consider this one on screen now and chosen by myself to be exactly what you're looking for anyway I'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and good bye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 713,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, eu4, europa universalis 4, eu4 emperor, eu4 austria, austria emperor, vassal only, vassal only challenge, is broken, perfectly balanced game, eu4 is a perfectly balanced game, eu4 exploits, europa universalis iv, emperor dlc, hre exploit, eu4 exploit, eu4 challenge, funny, montage, exploit, strategy game exploit, grand strategy game, 4x game, funny challenge, spiffing brit, eu4 1.30, eu4 1.3, eu4 update, english, funny moments, eu4 guide, eu4 funny
Id: o5XA3-lHo_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 19sec (2179 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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