Spiff Breaks America - Europa Universalis 4 Leviathan IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS

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I feel like paradox might have had their usual policy of sponsoring people to show off the new dlc backfire a bit here. Leviathan looks pretty broken

Edit: Although I don't think the other preview videos have had crashing issues, maybe it's just a native american thing. Hopefully not something that will happen to a lucky native american civ when you're playing outside the region. Would be pretty rough to have your game crash and make your save unplayable if one of them has a good start

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/jaboi1080p 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

just like emperor with the HRE vassal swarm available by like 1490 in the first iteration of it. Almost no QA at all, just glorious Numbers go Brrrr programing

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/ctrl_alt_ARGH 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

Hey, so we just made this new studio in Barcelona and gave them the job to develop a dlc... what could possibly go wrong?

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/IceDelusion 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

The new federation mechanics looks quite cool! There needs to be some sort of dev cap though, my map needs painting by blood, not by growth.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Kekeolele 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

On minute 6:52 he jumped 67 years to 1514 conveniently. I tried to do it, in 1482 i already got both Guachichil and Zlacatecas (gold producing provinces -- I'll abreviate as G&Z), and my dev is 50 (Spiff's around 85), but my tech is still stuck at 3-4-3 (Spiff's techs at least 7-?-7 with lots of ideas researched, and he already got cannon).

Some game mechanics and observations that wasn't obvious just from watching the video:

  1. to claim the G&Z, you must have a continuous tribal lands, either by fighting or claiming using adm. power
  2. the direct path to G&Z from the starting point is blocked by Lipan tribe and another tribe (optional). So defeating them early on is crucial to establish a path to G&Z. Or, you buy the coastal provinces.
  3. every time the tribe migrate outside of the tribal land, the cost (mil. adm. power) increases (x2, x3, x4, and so forth), so it's crucial to graze nearby your own tribal land that you win through battle or you bought. Otherwise you'll spent too much on migrating frequently.
  4. Let's say in average Spiff migrate once every 2 years (until land devastated), it means he migrated approx. 35 times (x50 adm. power = 1750). I don't know how you can reduce stability to -3 early on other than by random events and/or your leader dies, and/or war by breaking truce or no CB (-5/-2 stability); his method (in minute 11:50) requires Expansion Idea group. Also, in 1511 when he "teleported", he showed migrating cost of 8 (in minute 12:00), from original 50, which means 84% (or 85%) reduced cost. Stability -3 gives 30%, and government reform Seasonal Travel gives 25% reduced cost. Where did he get the other 30% from?
  5. After you got all the buildings built (I managed before 1480), time to hire adm. and mil. advisors to boost the monarch powers.

At one point, after I got G&Z, teleported to Missisippi, and settled down, I found out that I lost many tribal lands. After some trial and error, I found out that I didn't connect the tribal land I owned to my last stop. So I tried again and connect them, and all my tribal lands are now accessible to settle. Just FYI.

Finally, another calculation, if Spiff get 88 devs in 67 years (804 months), it means he got 0.11 devs per month in average.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/bennylin 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
and oh dear we got ourselves coffee this is the wrong timeline there will be no coffee in my empire hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing grit and today we're playing europa universalis for my favorite map painting game of all time in fact this is actually one of my favorite games full stop now of course today this video is actually very unique because paradox interactive have kind of made the very bad move of deciding to give me early access to their dlc and best of all they're even paying me to play their dlc early which is fantastic because it allows me to write a long-winded bug report to send back to them and naturally on my quest to find unique and interesting features which have now been added as part of the dlc i stumbled upon something absolutely incredible and so i wanted to share it with all of you you see what is european versailles for well it's basically the entire world simulated from the year 1444 a.d it's complete with a whole bunch of people that you might recognize like england sweden norway but there's even some fake countries that don't even actually exist like denmark now basically this game has a brand new dlc called leviathan which is focused generally on most of these southeast asian countries that are really exciting and fun and blah blah blah blah you can play them in your own time i'm not interested in that so naturally everyone's probably going to be jumping over to southeast asia to play some of the games however this dlc has also changed improved and expanded the independent tribes and nations of native america to the point where they're actually fun to play i know it's incredible all of the mechanics have been completely overhauled no longer are you basically a stagnant boy slowly colonizing provinces over 40 years and just waiting for the europeans to arrive and murder you now you can actually play a game it's amazing and to go along with all of this they now have basically independent migratory tribes which can move around the map claim a whole bunch of territory and they gain a constant tribal development as they move around it is really really fun to mess about with however it can be gigantically exploited and that's exactly what we're going to do today so welcome into the game ladies and gentlemen today we're playing as the lovely migratory tribe of wichita here as you can see our borders are a little bit funky that's because technically we control all of this land it's part of our tribal territory but we as a tribe only move from one territory to the next via migration now migrating is amazing very very powerful 11 out of 10 strongly recommend it but what are the unique mechanics of playing as a tribal nation and why on earth is it able to create mega cities when tribes are in random provinces they can gain tribal development by just grazing on the land the only issue is once they're grazing on the land they increase the devastation when the devastation hits 100 you no longer get tribal development from eating up the local bison population effectively we're playing almost an endgame crisis as we move from location to location devouring the population of that land and using it to build a mega city now today we're led by chief kawatov lackmute i'm really bad with names but they go that's my best bet who's a midas touched individual who's going to be helping us generate lots of money but most importantly we need to actually start messing up with the ai first of all we're going to rival lepan another migratory tribe to our south we'll also rival caddo here we need to leave the federation that we're in because they're not going to give us anything and instead create a federation of our own consisting of some new people who i'd like to make friends with like say this tribe here the nachiotes now federations are once again completely overhauled as well in a perfectly balanced fashion because they allow you to gain even more increased bonuses like say increased local goods produce modifier but more importantly joint grain depots for increased tribal development but what is tribal development well it's a statistic that increases basically each month the amount of tribal development we're getting gets randomly put into one of these three categories when one of these three categories reaches a whole number like say one or two or three that amount of development is added onto our capital wherever we move our capital and migrate to gains that tribal development now you're starting to see the problem here because effectively we can turn our entire tribe into a walking mega city of death and that's exactly what we're going to do now straight away we're actually going to migrate to this region here of tawakoni because it's just a better region with increased base tax and trust me we need as many great regions as we can get but honestly there's not too much we can do until we start building up a bank of money or increasing the amount of development that we have but actually there is one thing you can do because you see tribal development growth is also tied to whose terrain you're standing in we're standing in our own train here so we had 0.25 devastation per month but we've only gained 0.02 tribal development which is honestly quite terrible so what we're going to do ladies and gentlemen is do something absolutely majestic we're going to move into the territory of people who probably hate us but anyway now that it's january we're actually going to migrate yet again that's right we're spending 100 military power to migrate this much early on and the reasoning is simple we're going to migrate to this region here of tel conda it's objectively worse than the actual province that we're sat in currently however this province here belongs to the lipan tribe here who we are rivaled with and by migrating into their territory we're going to be making less money but losing money isn't what's important what's important are the gains ladies and gentlemen because now that we're in someone else's land we gain increased tribal development we go from making 0.02 development a month to making 0.1 now that is an improvement so we're just going to sit in this province and harvest development for a nice long while until we drain the entire province now of course after a while we will just devastate this province into the ground but honestly it doesn't matter because after just 10 months we're going to gain a free development point out of thin air and as you can probably work out that's going to be a very powerful thing indeed so far the province has reached 2.9 devastation now this is quite a high devastation it's only going to go up from here and in fact the more time we spend in one province and the higher development we are the faster this devastation count is going to go up now we're about halfway to our first few development points and then we've got a decent even spread now the other interesting thing about tribes are that tribes can build really nice buildings with great bonuses and the exciting thing is when you move territory the buildings follow you and these buildings aren't bad plus 50 goods produce is insane plus 50 production efficiency also really nice plus 0.02 development growth ah now you can start seeing where development can get a little bit out of control and there we have it we've gained our first two free development points we now have two tribal development in both admin and diplomacy and as you can see that's taken this garbage province that was previously just worth free development it is now worth 8 development in total which is a remarkable improvement and it's now making us more money now an additional six development on whatever province we settle on is good but it's hardly going to be ground breaking i mean oh yes we can turn a free development province into a nine development province we can turn this 10 development province into a 16 development province now that's nice but what if it could get into the hundreds well ladies and gentlemen it can well ladies and gentlemen say hello to our tribe now things have changed a little bit the map will look a smidge different and also if we hop on down into the ideas section you can see that we've actually fleshed out this tree a little bit the year is now 15 11 meaning about 70 years has passed and most importantly we've moved you see we start out over here and don't worry this is all still our tribal land but we've actually migrated right the way over down here to mexico and the reasoning is simple magus co is a veritable gold mine for what gold really it's just absolutely filled with this stuff and you can make a lot of money off of gold provinces but you'll also notice quite interestingly when i click on my capital here it's an 85 goddamn development that's right now of course you'll notice that some things have changed like for example um we are the home of some kind of dystopian megacity look at this gigantic building we have here these massive foundry looking buildings that's because this right here is an 85 development province in 1511. this makes this region here this single location in native mexico the most developed province in the entire world it's amazing but of course it can be open for exploiting for example you'll notice we now devastate at a rate of 6.9 each month which is insane basically meaning we can only sit inside of a territory for at a maximum of about like 16 months or something and then we have to move on but of course moving on isn't too expensive it only costs us about eight to 16 military power to move a province all thanks to the fact that we're rocking minus free stability for minus 30 migration costs as well as also the native ideas here giving us an additional minus 20 migration cost discount all of this culminates along with other factors into giving us a random development growth of 0.2 each month that's right originally we were getting 0.02 now we're getting 0.2 this is incredible what this means is every 5 months we go up one development in a random category that's what makes it so damn exciting but today we're going to try and do something very exciting we're going to see if we can create gold out of thin air in order to pull it off we're going to need to take control of the chichamika faction here who have 9 000 men and control these two bits of territory we want either one of these territories because either one of them has a very high chance of giving us gold 21 for both these provinces which is lovely so here's what we're going to do we're going to quite simply declare war on them for tribal border feud anyway bam time to declare war you know we should probably also bring our ruler in as a general and oh my is he majestic so there we go we just waltz in jump on top of the enemy armies here and oh would you look at that these poor people haven't tagged up at all meaning we only lose 1 000 men and they lose 13 000 it's a complete and utter stack wipe ladies and gentlemen oh look you're moving three thousand men into a province oh dear oh dear stack wife oh i'm too powerful anyway all we need to do is siege down this uh province of pain here and as soon as we seat you down we have a couple of options here for peace what we can do is try and force them to vassalize although actually no there's no way we could do that instead we're just gonna have to try and take their tribal land which is fine we can do that we can take both of those tribal provinces and there we go the war has kind of reached its penultimate point we've managed to occupy the enemy capital so we're going to take both of these provinces from them in our lovely completely and utterly fair trade deal and then we're also going to want to grab ourselves as much money as possible and you know that should be fine perfect there we go we've now gained ourselves some new land and oh dear i realized we've also just boxed ourselves in because we also have a truce with these people here oh beans captain loads of safe keyboards i'm gonna be trapped all right there we go we've done this piece deal a second time now and now we've properly sorted it out so that we actually have an escape route so it's time for us to migrate into this province is going to cost us 13 military power and then we're going to now try and get ourselves a plot of gold it'll be in either one of these two regions here and as you can see we have a metric ton of military power stored up so i'm more than happy to bounce back and forth between these two regions here until oh and there we go we should instantly find gold perfect so we've struck gold in the city of zacatecas here now the thing is we've kind of hit our maximum point when it comes to development growth no matter how hard we try we're only ever going to be kind of at a maximum being able to make 0.2 development per month however there is a building that we can build called irrigation which just gives a flat 0.02 development in every province that you build it in now it is of course worth 210 gold that's a lot of money so unless you had a massive supply of cash you're not exactly going to be building that everywhere but equally we're migratory we can only build that in one province and then move that province around the map so what are we going to do well we know there's gold over here and that's really profitable so we now have that secured for an easy source of money we're going to go and migrate over to this region here because it has an insane natural harbor and has the mississippi estuary basically meaning we can dominate the entirety of any trade leaving america by just whacking down a settlement here so first we're gonna let all of our lovely troops come home and then it's time for me to start the migratory journey all the way over here now of course it's easy to migrate when you're at minus free stability so pro tip if you want to change your stability easily just change your native policy every time you change your native coexistence policy you lose one stability making it you guessed it now it's only eight military power to move around the map lovely stuff so we're just going to basically phase and teleport our way across the map through all of our lovely terrain here until we get to this lovely province here of chittamacha and as you can see this province is a hundred development it's a veritable wonderland we're going to actually convert our government form and become a settled tribe and with that we're now settled down we can no longer just teleport around the map but here's what we can do you see in all of the provinces where we have a decent amount of money or development like say this province here that i crazy deved up we can spend a combined quantity of nine of our tribal development to add nine development to this province at the cost of 36 diplomatic powers so we're bam we do that and we get ourselves a brand new province over here for us to build in so that's exactly what we're going to do we're going to build ourselves an irrigation depot now of course we also want to settle on these two gold mines here so what we're going to do is drop ourselves down a save file and if we don't get a gold mine we'll have a reload the save file and oh dear we got ourselves coffee this is the wrong timeline there will be no coffee in my empire now after many many restarts we've got these two provinces uh one actually managed to get gold to this province here of guercilli it's not exactly fantastic but it's a province that produces gold that will give us money consequently it's worth it now that these two regions are statified they're going to be decreasing in devastation as well as also increasing in revenue but it is going to take a while before these two regions start making a huge amount of money but as soon as they do ladies and gentlemen that's when we hit them with an irrigation because what we're really actually aiming to pull off is trying to put irrigation depots in just about every single province we have access to and by doing that we're going to be able to create tribal development out of thin air now of course something else that i probably need to do is i need to actually take out a loan because really we want to get these development improving buildings up and running as soon as possible it costs 211 gold to build so yeah it's a bit of cash but it's going to be worth it the ability to get free development cannot be overstated of course this province here of tawakoni is absolutely incredible and that's mostly for one very important reason this province had a huge amount of development added into it by using the raid capital peace option where basically in order to pull that off you just need to occupy someone's capital that has more than free development and you can siphon any excess development off into your own terrain there's just one minor issue it's completely and utterly broken because it only checks the actual development of the province like say this province of le pen here has 32 development except it doesn't because it has 32 development you can always raid the capital and get development from it that gets added into say your province of tower koni here but the development of lepan never goes down the reasoning is simple this province here is actually just a free development province because lipan is a migratory tribe they're adding in 9 development as well as 10 development and 10 development into this province basically they're adding 29 development to this province that would otherwise be free and because when you use the raid capital casas bela you don't decrease the tribal development of the people you pillage it basically means you're getting development for free out of thin air and it just works okay a little bit of time has passed i've expanded into yet another additional province meaning we're now up to a total of one two three four five six seven provinces all of which are having irrigation built into them so that we can gain development faster overall our development is still at just a measly 163 which uh as you can guess i want to be improving very very quickly right now the time has come for us to potentially stage a war we have the opportunity to attack lepan here i'm pretty sure le pen has yep absolutely garbage military technology so provided we jump on top of their free allies which are located here and here and also miles off over here we should be able to jump onto le pen and force them into a vassal state all right let's simply summon in our lovely allies and without further ado ladies and gentlemen i think it's time we go to war show some superiority and grab ourselves a new vassal state oh and fantastic news we can actually now build cannons oh this is actually groundbreaking stuff ladies and gentlemen cannons are going to allow us to absolutely destroy all of the buildings that we see around i mean especially considering that most of the enemies we're going up against haven't actually got say stone walls or fortifications it's certainly going to make our lives a lot easier now of course this war actually has a whole bunch of other purposes uh most importantly we can get a nice quantity of money by separate piecing all of these relatively weak ai factions okay now step one of this piece deal is to uh piece up the hassani here uh we can't turn them into a vassal but what we can do is demand a whole bunch of money from them they've got about 30 gold but we can also give one of our allies some land there we go that's a bit better and to transfer trade power and uh it seems fine to me next up we're gonna start sieging down this province here shouldn't take too long because we've got a whole bunch of cannons on the case and what we can do with this province as well as also maybe le pen or the shoshone is we can pillage them for development and put that development onto our capital also whilst all of this is going on we're gaining a static level of development we make 0.2 development each month which is absolutely incredible because it means just after five months we get a development out of thin air and we've got an opportunity here to snipe the lip and army and dear god we did it almost instantaneously and there we go we have fully occupied our enemies lovely stuff now we just need to piece them out so le pen would you like to be a subjugated vassal of mine now apparently you are still just far too big for me to take over it's the same story for the shoshone so instead we're just going to pillage their capital take all of their gold and get war reparations that village capital has taken for development from their province but of course it hasn't actually taken full development from their province and it's just added it to our capital so as we can see our capital is up to say 60 free development that's great and we can do the same with le pan le pan they're in a 33 development province so what do we do we sue for peace we pillage their capital we get war reparations we get 85 gold we send off that demand and you'll notice their province hasn't gone down any development because it's all tied into the tribal development and yet chit macha here has actually increased in development to lovely stuff absolute perfection of course off in the distance the europeans are coming ladies and gentlemen we might not be able to see them now but trust me portugal spain england scotland you name it they're all out there and they're waiting to start colonizing us naturally we're not going to let them now of course whilst we're in peacetime we're just going to basically mothball our entire army drag its maintenance down to zero and just wait until we stockpile profits but things are starting to look up for us we now gain 0.23 tribal development each month which is lovely stuff indeed now a splendid opportunity has opened up down in the south the chichi mecca have been abandoned by their allies and our truces finished with them meaning they're in a prime and wonderful position for us to i don't know just pop along and say hello consequently we're going to increase up our army maintenance sure that's going to eat into our profit margins but it matters little because we have a potential vassal player or in the very least we have someone who we can steal development from and because we're now a native wandering around with cannons their paper fin mache tents aren't going to survive very long so yes this is going to be a very short and brief war but it will also be exceedingly profitable so we're going to simply declare our war back our new tribe will lead her on to being a military general and just march straight into the enemy capital oh look at that they think they can try and run away good luck trying to run from your own imminent death and yes of course we're going to smash them there's many reasons for that reason number one we're part of this federation which gives us plus 10 morale there's no one else inside our federation but we gain morale for being the leader of the federation equally native ideas are really damn good it turns out we get an additional plus ten percent morale of armies just from being brave it's it is honestly really really good anyway we're just going to siege these guys down and hopefully get ourselves a nice revasal but of course as you can see these cannons provide an amazing bonus wherever we go these walls might as well not exist although in fact i'm not actually even seeing any wolves look i mean we've got some kind of walls on our capital look at those little wooden sticks that'll slow a siege by at least a week but no here they don't even have wolves there we go 157 days the siege is over now how would you like to become my vassal you're still not ready to become my vassal oh my goodness well it's a shame what we're gonna have to do is take away their one remaining bit of tribal land here and also kind of try and outgrow them as well as that we want to make sure that no one else invades them otherwise that would be really really bad but i mean it's quite unlikely they're surrounded by absolute cowards but there we go we did manage to pillage them and steal some development of course their development doesn't go down it's still up at 46 meanwhile our capital is now up to 42. although of course it has gone down because you know i've colonized these three additional provinces and they've actually finished their irrigation buildings meaning we're now gaining development at a rate of 0.27 oh this is perfect oh we're making good money as well we're making 4.5 ducats a month which is absolutely lovely you know we might as well also kind of integrate some new cultures because you know we're going to have a whole bunch of new cultures in our lands due to just the fact that our empire is going to be ridiculously spread out everywhere yes let's build ourselves another irrigation ditch in this territory here and then as soon as we get another 200 gold we need to really start settling more and more of these bits of land alright i think i really need to just start taking out more loans because we need to get development and we need to get it fast so i'm just going to probably settle all three of these regions up here just so that we can get slightly more coherent borders it's going to cost us a little bit of diplo power but it is worth it at the end of the day it means we can get more development in the future so bam bam bam an additional irrigation more irrigation and ah just a little bit more gold there'll be a few more turns and i can build another irrigation pitch either here or here or here oh my goodness we've got so many opportunities now bam right we might as well just take out more loans this is also not good financial advice don't just repeatedly take out loans to build irrigation ditches oh and fantastic we got this lovely event until the death of our ruler we get plus 0.02 development growth basically he has turned himself into an irrigation ditch now i have gone kind of massively into debt to build as many buildings as possible but now that all of these buildings are starting to come online our income is going to start to skyrocket at the same time we've got a large amount of irrigation fields now finished meaning our tribal development is growing at 0.43 above oh god that means almost every two months we're gaining an entire development point dear lord well i guess we just need to take this even further okay now we've gotten very lucky we've got a once in a lifetime opportunity we're going to head south to the nation of tanala here now tanala has a metric gigantic swarm of vassals all of the vessels that they hold are these lovely amazing tribal states which have like 40 to 50 development and hopping around the map however they all have insanely high liberty desire consequently they're not going to save tanada when i invade them because we just managed to get ourselves a claim thanks to an event so with my lovely army of 30 thousand men we're going to try and bop their 40 000 men and naturally we're going to have the advantage because we have cannons and cavalry they have just you know pointy sticks from the looks of things and as you can see most of their vassals aren't really doing much in terms of the way of messing about my day and as long as we make the war nice and fast by sieging down their capital they won't really have an opportunity to be a nuisance now so far the war's going very well one of the local tribes has donated their entire army of 14 000 men over to us for free which is very very nice at the same time we're almost reaching the point where they are pretty much entirely wiped out we just need to jump onto this province here which is defended by 13 000 people in the mountain normally a nightmare to fight but these guys are tech too meaning you know they don't even really know what the right direction of a sword is the aim for us at the end of this is to try and take at least two territories away and i think yeah we can probably pick up ourselves three additional territories this one here and these two bits of land and this is going to allow us to build two new irrigation centers right about here oh no and they're trying to defend this mountain fort that we now hold oh dear oh dear rest in peace enemy army you are all completely wiped out lovely stuff i think they might be a little bit more flexible for peace now yep they'll accept peace lovely can also steal some money whilst i'm at it yep 19 gold and three more bits of land this seems like a very nice fair trade to me lovely stuff now these two new bits of land need to be called up and well that costs us a whole bunch of administrative power but it is going to be worth it in the long run because on both of these new bits of land we can add ourselves irrigation well we've managed to settle our two final provinces that's right we've settled every single province that was available to us um that we managed to either sit on at some point whilst in the migratory tribe stage meaning we're basically out of land and at this point because we can't fabricate claims on people i'm genuinely considering nosy being the random nearby tribes just because what else have i got to do i can only save up and build one more irrigation ditch and when i build that irrigation ditch well i think that's going to bring up our tribal development up to about 0.85 each month it's probably going to work out to about 10 development for free each year that we're just gaining by existing which i'm sure as you can guess is a very lovely and powerful thing to have indeed oh we found a european this must be our first european yep it's the french ladies and gentlemen the french are the first people to set foot down on the american coastline we can see them starting to colonize right up here in the north anyway it's time for us to attempt a no cb war because well we kind of have to at this point oh wait no le pen is still free up here and we have tribal border feud with them oh we can steal lepan's few remaining tribal border territories oh that's perfect we have some room to expand okay right this is great news for us we're going to use this as an opportunity to wipe out most of ancillary here and steal large quantities of their land but most importantly i might be able to take lepan as a vassal here nope oh they're still too big damn it well in the very least i will be able to take at least two provinces away in this peace deal and two additional provinces for me to work with is a lovely thing indeed well that war naturally went very quickly and we have ourselves some additional land to work with we sadly weren't able to pick up le panna as a vassal state but it's okay because we got two new bits of land for us to most importantly plop irrigation centers on so let's send out our colony over to here bam get it settled wait for a month to take by then build ourselves an irrigation ditch now i'm going to mostly just be annexing a few new bits of land as well as trying to build as many new irrigation centers as possible and then i think eventually soon as i hit the point where we're gaining one development per month randomly i think at that point i'm going to just oh my god the game keeps crashing i think i've hit the game's limit maybe it just died i haven't had eu4 crash in ages to be fair this is hot code this isn't actually the release build of the dlc and also i suppose i am pushing the dlc to unconventional bounds where it is not exactly meant to go oh you poor poor dlc well ladies and gentlemen um i've unfortunately kind of reached the end here because i'm in an awkward cut-off point where any moment beyond this date here as soon as we hit the end of the following month of december the game crashes and dies um now i wasn't really able to work out what's causing it so sadly this has to be the end although i suspect it might have potentially something to do with the fact that our main capital city here is up to 150 development oh it's a bit it's a bit stupid i won't lie it's uh certainly a unique province i'll give it that oh dear god now the thing is the incredible thing about our lovely nation is that we can basically just sync all of our tribal development into this province and what i will do is i'll quickly shift into becoming a regular nation just to show off what happens when we actually do that but first i need to mass spam the settle button so that i can sync all of my lovely tribal development into this province so it remains permanent and isn't spread out across my empire because i just want one super province so with all of that sunk in ladies and gentlemen it's time for me to press the federal constitution here and switch ourselves into becoming a kingdom that's right we've created our own brand new kingdom now the exciting thing about the federation is that basically if you can convince someone to join your federation and you press the button to form a kingdom they just get instantly annexed into you which is insanely powerful but of course what if we decided to you know actually become a monarchy well let's push the button and find out what happens well there we go we're now a proper fancy monarchy we do lose a lot of our amazing bonuses like for example we no longer gain tribal development just naturally however we can build ourselves these new natural harbors which are very jazzy i've just given myself a whole bunch of cash to prove a pointer but basically if we upgrade this bad boy to its maximum level and it becomes a world port you can see that this province here is producing 78.7 trade power if we were to build ourselves a trade building here that adds plus 50 trade power to the province we get an increase in 32 of trade power which is insane and there we go the game's crashed it just can't handle it oh dear god anyway if you've enjoyed today's exploit then hey make sure to give it a like if you want to see more like this then hop on down to the comment section and make yourself known the next video is likely to be probably fallout 4 or maybe a very cheeky scarring video that we have in the works so hey if you want to see that make sure to subscribe as always a massive thank you to each and every one of our majestic patrons whose names are on screen now thank you very much for your continued support and hey if you want to pick up and play this dlc yourself there's gonna be a link down in the description i think maybe where you can go give it a try of course i'm not allowed to review the dlc but i am allowed to review eu4 and eu4 is an absolutely amazing game even if you don't own all of the dlcs if you have a friend who does you can play in multiplayer using their dlcs and it's honestly a really fun experience i know i personally am going to be having a few games with the patreons over the next few weeks because i do love using this game as a punching bag to wall up my own patreons with and hey if you're sitting there wondering what video you'd like to watch next look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely amazing day and good bye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 824,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, eu4, europa universalis, europa, eu4 leviathan, leviathan, europa universalis 4, EUIV, Spiff Breaks America, america, breaks america, spiffing brit, eu4 guide, eu4 dlc, eu4 memes, perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced, funny moments, funny, europa universalis iv, the spiffing brit, british, exploit, eu4 meme, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, game exploit, video game, usa, montage, video game exploit, development, eu4 tall, british humor
Id: myl-y3u3_Js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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