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y guys what is up it's teach here coming at you again with another video over on pal world and in this video I'm going to show you the most effective weapons at every single level and I'm kind of going to do it in level jumps just so you can see what things are good at each area now if you don't mind go ahead and smash that like button leave a comment below for the algorithm and then consider subbing to the channel but let's go ahead and get into it so I have pretty much every weapon in the game here and basically I'm going to walk you through what you need to know so we're going to start out between levels 1 and basically 20 right now so technology-wise level 1 and 20 you unlock old bow at level three which is a great early weapon but basically what you want to focus on as soon as unlocking that old bow is you're going to basically try and power level until you can get the three shot bow because the three shot bow is way more effective and you can just tame a few extra creatures in order to get it and then once you get past that obviously your next upgrade is the crossbow but the question is is it really worth to go from the crossbow uh I guess from the three shot bow to the crossbow and then before that once you get that level 20 obviously that's your range you really don't unlock any late game stuff until that point so let's go ahead and show you the damage comparisons right so a crossbow is going to do an attack yes it's got the best overall attack at 280 and a three shot bow looks like it only has 40 but that's per shot now just to show you a comparison I'm going to go ahead and put all of them in my inventory and I'm going to talk about why actually the best thing even late game can sometimes be your bow now I'm going to go ahead and show you so this right here right so we have our where did that crossbow go there we go let's go and trade that out and uh right now this is the old bow right so if I was to pull back an arrow and this guy you'll see that one does 397 and then this one's going to do 594 now the reason that does so much damage is because the old bow is one of the easiest things in the entire game to actually get a ridiculously high level one you'll notice no that this was incredibly cheap in 247 once you get this in early game level like like the early game dungeons you can get schematics for insanely overpowered bows now this one's a 247 for really dirt cheap and it's probably your best friend until like level 30 but you know we're not going to go into that yet but if we're just talking the base product right so obviously this one right here is a big difference your generic bow does 145 to the head and on full pullback you look around 100 damage total now the three shot bow however notice how we have 81993 that's almost 300 damage if you hit crits and then about 170 damage if you just hit body shots now the three shot bow is incredibly useful and then a little bit more damage can be off-put by that crossbow notice how that 652 and then 402 to the actual body now here's the thing you want to watch out for so which of these three is actually the best in your first 20 levels and the answer answer is actually pretty easy the answer is your three shot bow now the reason is actually not quite what you expect though yes the crossbow has the highest DPS of these three technically um it's got a little bit of a Reload time and when you're throwing a Pokeball or whatever you want to call it a ball with this thing it makes it very difficult because you have to sometimes actually cancel your reload and then reload in a different fashion whereas the three shot bow you have to pull it back so you always know what and when to expect effect when you're going to actually get a shot off on this thing and you can shoot about twice as fast as the actual crossbow as well as one quick benefit which is why the best weapon is the three shot bow because if you don't pull back all the way you can do reduced damage and control how much damage you're actually doing to a pal so if you're trying to barely drop its overall health you can see that right there I can literally just click shot now that click shot is only going to offut 60 overall damage whereas with a crossbow you don't have that option and then also if you're looking to increase the damage you aim for the head and you have 300 which is literally just about as fast as you can fire the crossbow so it fires as fast as the crossbow and not only that but it's also going to be something you can control the damage by just doing that click shot and doing minimal damage so best weapon one level 1 to 20 is actually the three shot bow now let's go ahead into the next category because though yes it's helpful to know what you can get up to level 20 the next category is what people really want to know about because the musket that it's great you know it's like a it's an early game weapon then you kind of move on to the makeshift handgun then you move into to the actual handgun and then around 38 is is where you start getting a little more powerful and you can get that single shot rifle even though it looks like an assault rifle it's actually not so anyways moral of the story don't really even bother with the single shot rifle I mean the the musket it's not good because the real weapons that you want to focus on up until level 48 is by the way and it's really only two and it's not particularly close because we talked about the makeshift handgun the single shot Rifle right and then don't even bother with the handgun I I've used it it's terrible so you have the makeshift handgun which the reason that this and I'm only going to compare this one with the single shot rifle I don't know why I don't have that single shot weapon right now um but I'll show you the difference between the two of these so the makeshift handgun shoots quite a bit faster than the single shot obviously cuz you have a long reload time and then it does the same amount of damage that a crossbow does but obviously you're going to have more offut damage overall and uh it's just a good weapon in general now the handgun the Weaponry is a little bit more expensive and you're getting just about the exact amount of damage on it so that's why I think the makeshift handgun is better than the overall handgun but the makeshift handgun is a good weapon just because it's you know it's good for burst damage however probably my favorite weapon in the game still is this single shot shot rifle now the reason that I like the single shot rifle is because it does an absolutely ridiculous amount of damage it's got a base damage output of 1,00 which is obviously quite a bit when you're trying to you know do a bunch of damage and if you're gaming for head shot even up to like level 30 or 40 you're pretty much going to One Tap everything in the entire game and this is a base level one so you can see that it's got a ton of durability and that attack of 1,00 to a head shot does like 25 to 45 00 damage depending on the level difference between you and whatever you're shooting at so this thing is a monster and even up until the late mid mid is 40s this is probably one of the best weapons in the game because you can isolate a quick shot to the head and then switch to something else so I will literally shoot and then I'll switch into my makeshift handgun and then that's how you get that extra damage right off but it is a crazy weapon for Mid game so the single shot rifle is pretty much the best weapon mid game that you can have now when it gets to late game this is more of what people care about right so you've got some weapons that are kind of crazy so I've got some of the ones that you want to focus on so we have the double barrel shotgun honestly don't even bother I would rather put that single shot uh rifle in there instead you've got the pump action shotgun we've got the assault rifle and then the rocket launcher with obvious 10,000 overall attack I'm going to tell you it's not my favorite but you know you can do what you want with it I fired one shot it did 400 damage to a penu and I was like yeah but that's enough for me don't need more than that um but anyways the weapons that you really want to carry because of the cost and reload speed of the rocket launcher it's not very effective I know that seems like it's a little bit of a confusing thing people are like what do you mean it's not effective it's not that it's not effective but cost per round is not worth it for the rocket launcher so you want to keep an arsenal of the assault rifle pump action shotgun and the single shot rifle the single shot rifle still has one of the highest DPSS in the game without a head shot damage of 1100 and able ble to fire at a distance so being able to juice do a quick shot with your single shot rifle and then move into your overall damage you can see how much damage that does with this pump action shotgun right as long as you're getting head shot this is one of the highest DPS things in the game you can see that it's doing about 500 damage per pellet and while it shoots a large amount of pellets um it's kind of crazy the amount of damage you can get off with a pump action shotgun so though that's nice and all the assault rifle still Takes the Cake when it comes to the overall best weapon in this class the bullets are pretty affordable to make in late game you get quite a few just by killing your generic NPCs and it's got a base damage of 320 plus 20 rounds in the clip you can see that this isn't even close it's not even a challenge right at about 700 damage per head shot times 20 you're doing 14,000 damage per clip and you can control how much you do to a Target again the point of this guy where is that uh rocket launcher this is for no other reason than to kill something thing the rocket launcher does so much damage um and to late game bosses it's just not worth it because you can't control the overall damage where with an assault rifle you can actually feather it and kind of just do a shot at a time and kind of aim for those head shot and lower that overall health of something pretty rapidly as you see right there I just dropped it 177,000 really quickly so the assault rifle is still the best weapon in the game now I will say like I mentioned earlier in this video you can get better overall blueprints for these things or schematics as this game calls them so if you were to get a really good one shot or single shot rifle or a really good pump action that could definitely take the place of the assault rifle however if we're justos talking apples to apples at the lowest level possible this is one of the best weapons in the game when it comes to doing overall damage it is a really powerful strategy to be able to use this thing right because it just does an insane amount of damage and it's just a useful overall thing so anyways I know it's a little bit of a long video but hopefully it does a good job of explaining what weapons are good at each level inside of this game and yes it is something that you should definitely check out each weapon and figure out what's best for yourself but that's my opinion for it so hopefully this video helps you out and other than that [Music] teach [Music] he
Channel: Teachers Game Too
Views: 17,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, pal, catch, creature, palworld creature, how to catch pal, palworld 2024, building, build, fight, moves, specials, craft, crafting, palworld how to, palworld guide, palworld tips, palworld tricks, palworld tips and tricks, palworld first 10, palworld how to play, palworld what to do, palworld how to change, palworld guides, guide, what, what to do, how to, how to catch, palworld creatures, palworld creature abilities, abilities, palworld abilities
Id: 4W2BS3qppfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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