Baldur's Gate 3 - Let's Play Part 15: Moonrise Towers

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all right welcome back let's begin episode 15. last episode was really crazy I was really hoping to persuade shadowheart to not kill the Night song but we failed in that endeavor and shadowheart is now a dark justicier we actually got to hear the goddess of the night herself Shar speaking to shadowheart and were decked out with new Gear with Shadow heart now we have the full Darkness this year set which looks really cool a little bit worried though that my character may end up clashing with Shadow heart I mean we're a neutral good character generally fighting for good and I think Shadow heart might be going off the defense now but we're sticking with her for now so let's go ahead and start this episode off by leaving a shadowfell plane and our next mission is to go kill Catholic Thorne I also reached level seven so we gotta level up here let's go ahead and level up and then we'll take a long rest I'm sure there's going to be a lot of good camp scenes to be had let's start with Gail [Music] level seven should give us access to yes level four spells for the first time ever there's a lot of great spells in here some of these spells such as banishment I think Shadow heart's going to get access to because she's a trickery domain cleric otherwise I would take banishment I remember I used my banishment scroll a few episodes ago and it ended up failing I was gonna learn that spell through the scroll with gal but we don't have it anymore so I think I'm going to take blight here it is a necrotic spell which kind of fits my necromancy subclass plants are more susceptible to this spell they roll with disadvantage and still take half of all the damage if they succeed the roll 8 to 64 and Aquatic damage I want to give Blake a try dimension door is a really good spell but I think shadowheart is also going to get dimension door and it would be nice to take a utility spell such as gaseous form don't really have anyone in my group that can slip through small cracks or anything like that but at the same time I feel like I have to try out wall of Fire this is not only a damaged spell but it's also a cc spell we could divide a battlefield in half which would be huge I'm only going to have a few level four spell slots but I feel like I have to take wall of Fire I don't have to but I'm going to just because I'm so curious to use it so yeah we'll go with that we'll go with Walla fire and blights look at all these new spells resilient sphere and close the Target in a sphere of shimmering Force reducing its movement speed by half and we also have Slow Time alter the time around up to six enemies to slow them they won't get far they can't do much they're easier to hit the wisdom save though okay let's stick with that [Applause] [Music] you know I have a feeling that the Night song may have some relation to Shadow heart and we're going to find out at the end of the game that's what I was feeling about that scene Because the Night song was trying to tell Shadow something before she died Shadow Hearts passed is quite mysterious we're kind of being led to believe that she may have served saluna in the past that could have been like Shadow heart sister or something I don't know even though she was an asimar be interesting to find out okay so for cleric level seven we don't have to do anything we just get access to more spells we get banishment death Ward which can be really good protect a creature from Death the next time damage would reduce it to zero hit points it remains conscious with one hit point uh half orc race also has a feature similar to that freedom of movement snap an ally out of a stun difficult terrain can't slow them down and they can't be magically paralyzed or restrained and guardian of Faith call forth a Divine Guardian that attacks nearby enemies every time it deals damage the guardian loses an equal amount of hit points Eric is such a good class so many good spells that doesn't even require concentration then we also get polymorph to transform into or to transform other creatures into harmless sheep and dimension door which is like a teleportation spell for two characters and also note I it took me a long time to realize that Gail can use light armor because he's a human and in Early Access humans did not get light armor proficiency but when the full game came out all humans can now wear light armor now with that said I think I'm going to keep wearing robes with Gail there's two reasons one I don't want him wearing light armor it just doesn't feel right to me and two some of the robes offer some magical properties that really suit a wizard that light armor won't offer I might have a little bit lower of an AC but we're going to keep wearing robes with Gail for now go ahead and level up karlak [Music] it'd be pretty simple we get feral Instinct you have honed your instincts to the utmost degree you gain a plus three bonus to initiative and can't be surprised awesome 75 hp and then wolf I could have see what larian did with the ranger exceptional training your animal companion can Dash disengage and help as a bonus action awesome I felt like The Beastmaster started off fairly weak until we got to level six and now it's getting more powerful every single level so very happy with that being able to help up companions that I happen to use an action to throw a potion or use a spell slot to cast healing word that could be pretty nice I don't think I have to replace the spell I think we're doing pretty good here maybe they're going to take lesser restoration even though shadowheart already has that wouldn't be bad to have my front liner having this available at all times to cure disease poison paralysis or Primus or I'm going to take fog cloud I think I'll go with fog Cloud I have plenty of spell slots with a ranger I haven't been using we could start tossing fog Cloud around we can also use fog Cloud defensively as well and there we go let's go ahead and take a long rest and then maybe try to find Raphael's demon or whatever is arch nemesis that he told us that he wants to wants us to kill let's go to Camp first can't slow down May the darkness protect you wow look at that response right there because I decided not to flirt with her earlier I can't help but feel you and I might have missed a chance to connect truly connect you know what me and shadowheart were really getting along really well I've always been hesitant with her though and now she's become a dark just this year so let's say this let's see what she has to say about it because now I do feel like I missed my chance with Shadow heart for us to truly connect because I'm not sure if I could you know really be in a relationship with with a dark just this year as a wood elf from the Misty Forest part of the emerald Enclave so let's go ahead and say that I think I know what you mean there's an undeniable Rapport and yet we haven't made time for each other time alone easily remedied if you like I know a place oh damn okay well you know what we do have feelings for shadow heart so I say we go for this in our relationship in the future may be quite complicated but let's live in the moment I'd like that just lead the way just yet let's choose our moment some quiet night when the others are asleep and there's no distractions I'll come for you wow okay all right I'm sweating a little bit right now let's talk to our animal friends because see how they're doing hello hello friend you like it here huh okay let's go ahead and Pat the cub everybody in Camp approved of that blazel man I guess one more time oh no we're good okay the dog is unable to speak through the small bag he holds in his mouth whoa what you got there scratch I don't know maybe you can tell me all I know is I thought of you when I saw it yeah let's give him a quick Pat good boy good boy scratch you remind me of fern maybe I'll have Fern come out and play with you what's in the pouch we received a bone [Music] cool we can throw the bone go get it boy okay never mind was that what was the pouch that you dropped what oh was the bone in the pouch okay Shadow Hearts really done it now she's crossed the line she can never uncross strained enemy one who never did shit to you that's just low even for a Sharon a veritable Angel Chained and tortured for centuries to think she was so close to Freedom unfettered Slaughter no more and no less I felt better of Shadow heart that was my mistake yeah man it's getting interesting dynamic between all of my companions slay the daughter of soluna I didn't think she would sink so low even Lazelle disapproves of what shadow did darianne doesn't care so Shaw's chosen walks Among Us how lucky we are still this means we can take a shot at catrick it may well be worth it I met Raphael I know you were looking for him you did I wanted to be there I wanted to make a deal all right so did the old devil have to say oh this is nice Australian's gonna give us some info on Raphael's Quest he wants us to kill something an ortho uh perhaps if we help him I can still Salvage something from this he would owe us after all yes this might work now we just need to get on his good side hmm I never asked are you casadore's only spawn are there others like you he always insisted we were a family even when he was carving scars into our flesh was one of his first some of the others came years later to us but dick takes special pleasure in my pain he said my screams sounded sweetest and now that I'm gone I don't know wow sorry I almost getting a little uh emotional there got a personal Quest perhaps when we go to the city if he's still in our party I'm not sure if he will be we may be helping out his brothers and sisters okay let's talk to Gail I'm going to go talk to Helsing maybe get to hear on our choice to kill the child of one God at the behest of another shadowhunts loyalty plums darker depths and unanticipated let's have the fruits of this cruel labor are to her advantage and ours of course okay Mr helson we're coming my friend you know I think I figured it out too I think the reason why there's so many different things that happen in this game it's hard to tell the reason why I didn't end up helping the tieflines according to the game even though I did Kill the Goblins I think when I peeked the mountain pass back in like episode six I think that kind of triggered the game to think that I didn't help the tieflines and I went to the mountain pass gonna be interesting to see how that plays out when we see the tieflines perhaps at Baldur's Gate or wherever they are or maybe a lot of them are dead I'm not sure I'm gonna have to find a way to RP that back into my story to where my character still wanted to help them but it didn't work out or something like that I discovered the source of cathrix and vulnerability a Celestial called The Night song I decide then that thing in your head well done did you learn how we might untether kedric from this uh Night song oops this is wrong we already okay let's just say we're still investigating that we did uh shadowheart kill there and by all means don't let me keep you can't end this okay all right weather's I'm done talking to you let's carry on we are out of here I guess I'm just keeping the crew wouldn't be I wouldn't mind bringing Lazelle back into the group but oh this is going to be exciting I think we're going we're either going to do Rafael's Quest first if I can figure it out but I think we will be going to moonrise at some point in this episode never know though things take longer than you expect to Lady Shah's own image I did it to honor her what do you think damn Shadow Hearts more brainwashed than Lazelle was at the beginning oh man let's see my characters just he doesn't know what to do right now because he feels like he loves Shadow heart but he's gone too far still he also wouldn't mind a nice little something on the side you know what I'm saying oh man okay um you know I do I do actually love her hairstyle so I love it Shadow good I did this for this but had hoped you'd like it as well damn dude she looks crazy I actually do really like that hairstyle got a heart's such a cool character all the companions are cool Okay so Raphael's Quest Raphael told us of a nemesis of his who lurks in the depths beneath the mausoleum evidently we should try to deal with this old enemy okay the orthon beneath the mausoleum so I guess we have to go back in let me just search back in there let's see if there's a different [Music] way down [Music] maybe like a uh staircase or something and you gotta admit the writing of this game this might be some of the best writings everywhere someone's been engaging in dark rituals here we've seen in the gaming industry in a very very long time really really stuck with their game from dos too another Diary of cutthro Thorne we're getting evades me in this infinite Darkness Balthazar is my own source of the bearish Comfort the thought that perhaps she might be brought back to me Oblivion can fail what defense have we against that none except it's mastery balthazar's words have never felt more promising when Shar was talking to Shadow heart making her a doctor sister we also learned that at the wreck Thorn fouled Char in the past and led some of shar's armies to destruction that's part of the reason why Char wants to destroy catharek and then of course our Quest is also to destroy catharette because we're trying to figure out this absolutist thing okay Temple map Proving Grounds something present there rats why so many damnitable rats I'm missing something here let's see that's something hmm okay because I'm really bad at finding things let's go back down into the gauntlet I think we must have probably missed it while we were down there take a look at our map here off scrub trial yeah we didn't explore this area up here so maybe we'll head up there first and I think the quickest way there is probably just to go straight oh no not this thing again [Music] okay I love exploring dungeon-like areas with torches out even if I don't even need the torch it just looks so cool we gotta do our spells [Music] I think we're good to go I would like to raise some Undead here but everything is already Undead I can't use animate Undead I'm the undead let's press on and see if we can find this orthon my God it's a displacer beast that is so cool 85 HP evasion is it hostile not showing yellow or red oh it's showing yellow okay what to do is that blood no never mind all right fuck you doing shadow come on oh you know what I have to do I have to prepare my new spells we picked up level 4 spells let's try out guardian of faith genuinely curious about that spell get rid of Silence maybe I should also prepare Shield of faith because my half late armor works with that spell and again bless is really really good okay we'll do Shield of faith and bless how about that and then for Gail if we are actually coming up to the orthon part orthons are devils I'm not sure how much fire is going to do if we end up biting this thing let's go ahead and take blight and I'll try wall of fire in a future encounter get rid of knock and prepare that outside of combat Ace counter spell yeah I like that a lot like Thunder Wave or sleep now we can upcast sleep take sleep too okay all right let's see if we can find this displacer Beast okay something's not right here that's for sure that's not good oh man look at the goblin right here what the hell's has been happening here the displacer beast is just staring at us on the throne of bodies called the orthons bed we discovered signs of Destruction throughout the temple we can likely follow the trail of Carnage to Raphael's old acquaintance okay probably maybe not walk up to this displacer Beast with all my party members both separate gal and maybe Shadow too I'll just do gal I wonder if I can get him The High Ground here oh you're not you're not strong enough to make that jump gal I don't want to use a spell slot a messy step you know what I can do because I never end up using my potions anyways [Music] pick a strength potion see if that doesn't nice look at that Throne right there oh my God oh we got a chest over there too all right we'll just leave Gail right there for now probably also a quick save this feels like a truck what's this fresh entertainment you're too fresh for this place aren't you there's a whiff of the surface to you holy shit an orphan powerful Devils I wouldn't get on their bad side without a good reason stench of the hell's about you the stench of home and a whiff of the surface besides a servant of zarya if I'm not mistaken I know the stench of our infernal Machinery anywhere what do you know of infernal machinery only what I can smell and whatever engine Burns within you is grinding to an inevitable explosion burning and fear with it there's something else almost hidden by your fear stink there is musk he smells Raphael and so far I can smell him all over you wait you know Raphael that perfume trickster swindled me trapped me he wants you dead where is he now careful I'm not sure we want Raphael as an enemy I think I agree with shadowheart in that it looks like we may actually be able to help this guy though but yeah having Raphael is an enemy I don't know about that and this guy seems to be trapped right now I prefer to be on Raphael's side over this guy but then again we are in this guy's Lair and he can't just murder us we'll see if we can play a game of words here wiggle our way out of this situation and then maybe still kill him Raphael could be anywhere but let me go I'll free you from his grasp oon the bargaining are you a character warlord once tried the same I made him watch as ayati's concubines in young then fashioned at COD piece from his skull can't help it's not just walls that came here of the traps the dark or the creatures it hides stronger holds me either I fulfill the contract die trying or forfeit my freedom if I leave this place now I'll become Raphael's slave I wonder what gal's doing right now whoa whoa whoa whoa holy cow okay wow look at this that is crazy 21 Constitution and he has a band of maragons with him oh wow if this turns into combat it's going to be a tough fight these guys are resistant to physical damage take no damage from fire or poison you know be funny is if I just Thunder Wave this dude right mid-conversation but I don't think a Thunder Wave would work with Gail this guy would do a constitution saving throw and easily pass that I go over here I can let's hide gal over here for a minute you're hardly free as it is trapped here maybe you're better off indebted to Raphael you just listened to the terms he gave me [Music] silence smother each right wondershaw's Halls hungry to slay leave no justice here no way swear it to me good well that explains why all the dark Justice yes went the final lyrics linger in your mind there is a trick buried within them a clause that cannot easily be fulfilled the prize this guy stomped all those dark justicias that's what orphans do yeah but why is Raphael having this orthon kill dark decision work against char that's quite interesting to think about Raphael wanted you to kill dark just this years why asking why doesn't get me paid hunting and killing does well I'll mentioned something about an Asimov meant nothing to me fill these holes with ghosts but Raphael's playing some other game one that involves stiffing me enough prattle the lyrics are clear all who hear the song Must Die time to die oh there goes that we do have two persuasion checks here the lyrics are a trick you've always had an audience or followers get rid of them it's Raphael you want not me well I've both if I wish well the dialogue leaves me no choice I think we're going to attack here and maybe help Rafael out if we kill him and see where that brings us he'll be indebted to us not sure if that was the right decision though oh my are you kidding me how are you gonna start me off with a critical hit damn I have half HP right now of my Ranger we have the polymorph spell too the wisdom save wisdom 12 what does the orthons wisdom that would be hilarious wisdom 15 you gotta be kidding me 16 chance of succeeding all right let's go ahead and you know let's start off with bless we'll do blessed level two no we don't need level one [Music] and then spiritual weapon maybe we'll put that up on these guys up here if possible hopefully it pulls aggro a little bit and then try to get Shadow heart somewhere where she's not going to lose her bless baby over here let's give it a try still got Gail up top here we'll hold off on bringing him into the fight just yet okay Parallax turn well I guess we should probably just kill this beast in front of us first these guys have The High Ground though I'm very nervous about that thank you I could get oh my God I thought I could I could get up there I could shove half of them off I know displacer Beast though we probably want to uh take this one out as fast as possible shadowy tendrils lash around you [Music] okay not the worst start ever not the best what is up with these critical hits you got to be kidding me oh no they're putting out their light sources up it might be time to call gallon don't let anything get past you you go oh what the hell is that before you die what was that hand bomb that's not good that's not good at all I think I'm going I'm going to lose a party member on the first round of combat here Emmett why are they looking this way too which one's looking this way you got a freaking stupid maragon right there does that mean to do that oh look at that that would be awesome goaded half the battlefield these guys are awfully grouped up right now wondering if it's time to bring Gail in now you know so much for peace sixty percent damn it's not good enough okay oh my God I could do holy crap we could do a cloud of daggers oh I didn't prepare shatter damn it these guys are resistant to slashing damage too be half damage with man this guy is really screwing me up right here shatter would be just amazing right now I think I have to pull a distraction though we gotta do something trying to get five of a minute [Music] maybe that wasn't worth it worth it back him up maybe it was I don't know yeah they really didn't take much damage I kind of regret that now I couldn't help myself though I saw an AOE opportunity I don't really have any hair we spell they didn't prepare shatter probably hit F5 right now too this doesn't look like it's going too good dude take an unbelievable damage and there's the displacer Beast oh shadowhart's got something going around here got these bombs at her feet I don't know what to do can I pick one of those things up I don't know what's gonna happen if I oh my God you can throw them I'm picking one up oh my God I don't think that was too smart do I have one in my inventory now orthotic hand bomb wow it does 48 force and also fire see if we can throw that holy crap only problem is Wolf is right there because the displacer Beast did that stupid attack man I can't even I can't get it off without hitting my own character a huge radius or can I hold on no path is interrupted nope it's either you know what my character's gonna die anyways nothing wrong with a little teammate sacrifice let's see if it was worth it yeah a lot of those guys just took a ton of damage holy crap all right we got a maragon down here with me I want to go get another one of those bombs foreign it's right there seriously want one of those bombs you know what well that was now that oh there's two of them in front of me damn it I might just take the opportunity attack here oh damn it stupid maragon screw it that was a great attack right there anybody attack my wizard oh shit shit shit shit shit we're going down oh no got more of those bombs a lot of dagger's actually not doing too bad okay wolf has officially died nice but I could get him back up if I move up here oh the radius on it's not that good I don't know if I want to go that close yet 55 chance for landing blight it would be so epic if I was able to land it could kill that displacer beast in one spell question is do I try it you know what you only live once go he's gonna move up and cast it let's see what this is all about 24 HP saves damn it made the save okay all right I might have to I might have to use this to go backwards I'm going to [Music] this displacement just needs to die okay we got Shadow heart again let's pick up one of those yeah let's pick it up I wonder if I can pick them all up shit I don't know if I want to hold them in my inventory though and let's move over here let's throw another one throw it right looks like I can only get two of them that one wasn't too good okay still don't know where the freaking orthon is he's invisible right now [Music] okay and let's try to oh really I met up damn it I moved into opportunity attack Marine that's okay oh crap though whoa path is interrupted honestly I might just take the opportunity attack I think it's worth it critical hit gotta be kidding me this freaking displacer Beast just won't die man oh I should have picked up two being immune oh the torch is immune to fire down this thing's still alive that's crazy a lot of daggers really worked out keep forgetting we still have to fight the boss [Music] oh crap they're going after gal now [Music] not today my maragon friend yeah walk right back into that cloud of daggers could pull off a res here but let's go ahead and do a magic Missile I have the range let's do a magic Missile level two they do two on this guy maybe three two on this guy to make sure he dies and then three on the displays released and I'm Gonna Save My spell slot hopefully this guy doesn't come at me let me throw the bomb hold on let's try this what the heck where's the boss guy Jimmy on the go yeah Wolf's body is definitely charred up right now you know what let's do it let's do Shield of faith oh he's over on this side that's why all right Mr Gale I think you can now probably come over here as long as the orthon doesn't attack you and let's go ahead and resurrect wolf if I should keep him away from the orthon see if I can put him in a spot where he's not going to get shot right away maybe directly behind The Rock put him over here and then back up a little bit damn that is so much damage there's no more for me to pick up though all right Let's do let's see what this is all about now guardian of faith we'll put it right on top of our buddy I mean not enough space how big is this damn thing [Music] whoa that's so cool 60 HP holy crap dude this game is so cool I can also do spiritual weapon too let's do it guardian of faith is not concentration nor a spiritual weapon clerics are op P all right we're gonna put karlak I think on the boss now don't know where he's at so let's see if we can do a cleave oh my God and we had executioner too guys resistant though all right wolf I need you to drink some potions I don't think I have any really good potions I don't have any greater health potions fortunately we'll just drink a smaller one and I'm going to stand back here to the time being just take a shot I wonder if I can just shoot let me just shoot at that area I don't know if this will work I don't think it does as long as I don't run into the cloud of daggers a little bit nervous about that you could probably just get rid of that now actually there we go Parallax about to go down oh shit shit shit not good not good not good at all we'll let Shadow heart pick her up though paragon's got 45 HP man a cloud of daggers right here would be so nice but hit the boss Guardians in the way though and Carlock all right let's just do a magic Missile or we could do a scorching Ray oh stupid me that was that was stupid anyways it'll take fire damage I don't know why I did that okay we got Carlock up let's move up too if we can start helping out here come on dude so low HP holy crap I need fairy fire right now that's what I need foreign is awesome really is slowly but surely getting that HP up 45 chance come on this oh my God okay this leaves me an opportunity now for clouded daggers [Music] still got 55 HP back up don't have enough thank you what an absolute Champion right here this Guardian honestly I'm tempted to do Spirit Guardians too okay what's something that I can cast on this creature that will keep him from going invisible that's what I'm worried about right now it'd be funny if I knocked him off that ledge we could do Glyph of warding and still curse disadvantage on Constitution checks could do but still curse and then cast something else after that all right let's go with Stu Glyph of wardi this looks like it's going to hit my spirit Guardians too no it's not oh I didn't really think that one through that actually didn't work out good crap foreign down here you can honestly if he threw fire up there man you know Mirror Image would be amazing right now Scroll of stinking Cloud Scroll of blight I don't have an action right now but I don't know if it's worth taking a potion or it's worth raging maybe drink a potion and I'm gonna move Underneath Him how about that oh Spirit Guardian is gone oh oh boy oh boy we're in a bit of a pickle here oh boy one percent chance to land blight hold monster six percent you gotta be kidding me olly morph ain't gonna work either six percent this guy is a freaking Tank Man action from evil tiger creature can't be Charmed frightened or possessed by them when creatures attack it they have disadvantage actually might not be a bad idea and we have stink Cloud a little bit worried that he is going to feel invisible again okay let's go ahead and go with this is intense I'm gonna try this [Music] protection from Good and Evil and then back up a little bit because my feet can carry me Hunter's Mark the stupid maragon right here don't kill Carla you gotta be no way no way foreign this guy gotta make sure I don't mess it up my cast protection from Good and Evil on him too actually to be honest with you okay I think I'm okay with that okay still got one level three spell slot left Spirit Guardians fear but still curse now imagine putting this guy to sleep that would be amazing foreign I don't think he's immune to sleep is he has advantage in Saving theories against spells and other magical effects probably shouldn't be doing those spells I wonder if sleep would work though oh my God my game just oh my God you got to be kidding me well we'll be right back so luckily I made that save point and it only took me a few minutes to get back to a similar spot to where we left off before before my game crashed there was an update the game so that's probably why the crash occurred yeah he's only got 33 HP right now I didn't get a chance to Res wolf yet on this part but that's okay I think we're doing pretty good see if we can put him down 55 chance or should I do Glyph of warding you know what let's try it let's try guiding bullets what a shot okay we just have one maragon left oh we should cancel daggers let's go kill him get right up in his face all right Mr Gale 23 HP let's not risk it let's just do a magic Missile definitely gonna be resting after this fight and the spirit Guardian is an absolute MVP I love that spell nice and that's a wrap for killing the orthod okay that was a crazy crazy battle I'm sad that it crashed because the ending of that first part was really intense I'll fire hand crossbow 7 to 20 damage possibly inflict burning when hitting a creature with this weapon while hiding or invisible wow that would be a hell of an astarion weapon right there fuel wheeled hand crossbows and have one of these have one of them be this and you get scorching Ray wouldn't mind having scorching around my Ranger my face protects me we just give it to gal and then you can have scorching rate prepared at all times but actually I don't know if he's actually deficient hopefully fishing out a little bit here hold up there we go yeah he's not proficient with hand crossbows let's kick in actually maybe I'll just keep it in my inventory for now but no never mind let's let's go ahead and use it we'll use it on my character when he's not dead [Music] I guess you can't equip a weapon when a character is dead I guess that would also make sense so come here wolf there you go buddy put on your new hand crossbow yeah that's pretty cool after my character is going to be hidden or invisible that often we'll keep it for a little while I barely use the crossbow with him anyways all right let's pop a short rest gluten in our Quest ooh maragon hellberg a quest did update too Hill Rafael's old enemy we slew the orthon I guess now we just wait until Raphael shows up again or something like that nice I thought that was a really fun fight we've seen mechanics going on in it the bombs I'm not sure if I would have would have been able to win that encounter I didn't start throwing some of those bombs to get that AOE damage yes send that to Yale there we go I'm so happy that I didn't pick up either of those spells because now we can learn them evart's black tentacles tentacles Sprout from the ground turning the area into difficult terrain attacking and smothering creatures Within mothering restrains enemies they take 3 to 18 bludgeoning damage per turn and attack rules have advantage against them definitely want to learn gaseous form you know honestly I should wow Scroll of telekinesis throw a creature object up to 60 feet with a thought once per turn you can use telekinesis again without expending a spell saw that makes me think of in the original sin too but it's too high level of a spell so we can't actually learn it yet so I'm going to hang on to it until we reach whatever level telekinesis becomes available and yeah sure I guess we'll learn this too nice got some new spells with Gail I'm happy to have gaseous form that'll bring us a little bit of utility use I mean you could use it in combat too I don't think we might be able to get through some tiny areas that I haven't been able to yet with that spell hey let's check out this room I think we're out of here and we're heading to moonrise Towers what the heck is that creature I hope this chest isn't trapped the Brilliance restore Bardock inspiration ice if you have a Bard in your group that's amazing okay I think we can teleport out of here we've done the gauntlet of char we've also killed the orthon which will be an interesting progression to Raphael's story let's go ahead and teleport out to wow moonrise Towers and I'll take a long rest get our spell slots back after all that craziness I wonder if Raphael is going to show up tonight you talk to a Starion though because he's related to that Quest some way shape or form I need something I hope he has nothing to say about it learn to run low on camp supplies I might actually have to start doing some looting I was playing on tactician it would be I would be screwed right now I wonder if Raphael wanted me to meet him back at that one spot there's one spot that's right near the mausoleum and I found it just quickly check and make sure he doesn't show up here oh I think we're good okay that will wrap it up for part one of episode 15. I think we're going into moonrise towers for part two I'll see you all momentarily all right it's finally time to head into moonrise towers and just use the Fast Travel point right outside of the bridge and the team is ready to go let's go check it out should be able to walk right in here still have the Pixies blessing active oh disciple zerell as Mirror Image active protected by the light of a moon Lantern it looks like we have a moon Lantern on each side right here what if I can shoot those out we have some Ghouls and also a priest but death warrant active it really feels like a movie right now not sure if we're gonna get a cut scene or or what looks like they're already hostile right now so I wonder if I should take a shot this is crazy let me walk up just in case I'll walk up with wolf and karlak if there is a cut scene I would love to see it that answers that bam okay let's see what we want to do here do we want to do Spirit Guardians or are we gonna do bless I'm thinking Spirit Guardians looks like we have a lot of enemies here let me move up with karlak first get right up in their faces nice got an Inspiration Point thinking we should probably attack I don't know depends on what type of spells these guys are casting move the wolf right up there to back carlak up perfect and then Shadow Hearts hmm let's start off with Spirit guardian or guardian of faith put it right here in the middle [Music] and then spiritual weapon put it right behind put it behind this Priestess right here and then we'll do Spirit Guardians next turn move the gal up a little bit where's my zombies okay they're back there this looks like a good time maybe for haste haste might be a nice way to start off but since they're all grouped up I think I'm gonna do oh I forgot to prepare chatter again you want to do cloudy daggers can't go wrong with that start then maybe back him up too yeah we'll do that hey I'm gonna go after her first have any resistances don't see any resistances we could do a fire arrow don't want to hit the guardian of Faith though and here we go nice nice such a good spell and it's also so cool to watch too all right wolf let's get you up there look I can go right into the thick of the battle without even needing to Dash I wonder if I can stand right here without going in the cloud of daggers gonna move the cloud of daggers back a little bit I'm gonna try it oh to God I don't get hit okay oh we don't have enough movement to take a no you gotta be kidding me maybe at a reach with a cleave I can let's do a cleave I can't reach with a regular weapon attack oh man are you serious all right we're gonna just have to take a shot this Advantage I'll do that I forgot I still have my hand crossbow to be dual wielding those God that was a lot of damage to Carlock right there uh let's see should we do counter spell to do it or not to do it yeah we'll do it oh man it didn't even work I wonder if it was a it was a level four spell what was that black hole what did I just see create a point of intense gravity that pulls in all nearby enemies and possibly slows them five more black holes can be summoned after the Spell's initial casting this looks like a lifted tadpole power damn man that was crazy oops sorry that was really cool all right let's see who's up the zombies spiritual weapon nice nice nice nice okay we'll get the oh man I don't know if I want to go inside that Circle right there with the zombies oh damn going after my girl okay you want to play that game watch this Spirit Guardians foreign yes yes yes then we're gonna move in oh come on okay let's see if we can knock this guy prone Argus too far let's move up a little bit I hope we fouled that all right karlak let's see our Priestess is over here go ahead and hmm it's an opportunity attack to move over there but is it though it's actually not showing it with disciples Rel here okay perfect I don't fancy that Genesis if I can do a little Focus fire over here 17. do I want to save spell slots or not that's the question well let's do a can trip very nice that was awesome Yep this guy apparently doesn't have his reaction so let's go ahead and hmm what if I can jump over there I can oh damn whoa will you do it again though you gotta be kidding me can't even jump over that radius right there oh man that's tough okay took some serious damage I guess I have no choice I mean I couldn't shoot but with disadvantage it's not worth it let me get rid of cloud of daggers I guess I'm just gonna attack this guy right here I'll hold off on Hunter's Mark actually no we can just do Hunter's Mark now he's got Mirror Image active so we're gonna mess I didn't have an action anyways [Music] there we go finally gotta counter spell the work foreign oh wow particle effects are beautiful wow this guardian of faith is really not letting me get in there a great placement yeah this uh this Priestess is in like this little area that's keeping her somewhat safe with that Guardian right there carlock's gonna kill her but Park one's blessing wow yeah I'm not sure what to do with you zombies oh what get out of here I'm outside of the circle okay let me test it now let's see if I can actually get through okay I can we'll move him all the way over here see if we can finish off the Priestess you have Edge of Darkness too Shadow teleportation oh it'd be cool if I could teleport it over there being a servant of char is not too bad that can eat Darkness curse a creature to be haunted by Darkness it takes 2 to 16 necrotic damage if it enters or starts its turn in a lightly or heavily obscured area that is so cool that is so cool all right let me back Shadow up a little bit let's see if we can get this kill six damage 45 chance with that 65 with sacred flame let's do it [Music] beautiful we'll back up even more my spirit Guardians is gone I'm Gonna Save My spell slots I think we're doing pretty good right now drink a potion oh nice death Ward already went off okay all right next up let's focus on this we got Malik and also zrell I think I'm gonna go after zrell let me do a little saving throw boost a bit closer Carla just a little bit oh I think that works for the enemies too I didn't think about that executioner you still got mirror image probably should have done it confused me a little bit all right should I try blight just end his life right now 10 chance [Music] bam the con save all right let's just do a fire Bolt I like it as mirror images are gone beautiful a little bit worried about this guy oh shit level four oh he's doing fear on two Targets um I don't want to use a level 4 spell slot crap get up there zombie go ahead and bite this guy nice not nice [Music] okay wolf is feared right now look at him running it also doesn't have his weapon too can't remember what spell gets rid of fear but I don't think I need to do that right now let's just go ahead and pick up karlak and also try to kill this guy 50 versus 55 chance [Music] you're awesome up up all right carlak is we're in right now I don't think I need to use a rage right now there's only one guy left rage would be half damage but I don't have that much HP as it is so I'm gonna go ahead and back her up a little bit this guy wants to come at carlak he's gonna have to take some opportunity attacks let's just start working on this guy here nice [Music] okay nice we're not feared anymore let's go pick up my weapon [Music] time to press ahead okay I got my weapon back but you needed action to equip it I think so he's really gonna go after Carlock or is he going after Gail oh man foreign [Music] died a long time ago didn't she a 16 HP I think I'm gonna do another sacred flame to save the spell slot [Music] we're not even gonna pick up carlak I don't think we need to brimming with potent Magic well that was pretty fun okay let's take a short rest and do some looting this Zombie's not going to last long but that's okay a call back in let's call in the bear this time thank you I'll do another short rest or I could just heal we'll do another short run time to get going mind flare Paris site nice I have like 10 of those now in disciples Rel balthazar's room key that should be interesting Scroll of shatter perfect and X plus one another parasite specimen in absolutes protector when a foe hits you with a melee attack you can use your reaction to knock it prone and you get fire Shield chill you got to have the mark of the absolute though I'm assuming yeah if the wielder Bears the absolutes brand all damage received from spells is reduced by one actually you might actually get the other benefits too not sure we'll hang on to that okay go ahead and F5 I guess we're heading inside the tower pull out my torch because it looks cool instead of going in the front door maybe we should see if there's any side entrances this is so cool you'll probably Misty step over there I don't think a jump is gonna work the jump spell might not even work go check out the other side and you can't long rest in this red area right here this Tower is gigantic so we might have to come back out to take a lot oh what is that okay can I go somewhere up here well that's interesting looks like we also have a door down here as well not sure if all of my companions can make this jump might be coming up to the back door to cut the Rick Thorne's room everybody made it over awesome even the zombies okay let's see if we can see inside here nice you have two locked doors here see oh yeah we're getting close to cut the wreck right here by going up top definitely a few enemies in this room right here you could try to lock pick let's give it a try I don't have any thieves tools right now okay it's a judge can't slow down wonder if I can get up here holy crap see if anybody else can follow Tarlac can everybody else is too low on strength I mean I could Misty stuff but let me let me Scout ahead a little bit with wolf and karlak oh wait where do we go from here oh my God what was that I clicked on I don't know what I clicked on [Music] what are you doing right now wolf all right let's take it a little bit slower come over here I jumped to the Sledge there you go buddy oh my God okay there you go you guys all set now holy cow okay well this is interesting a great hunt okay what if I can take these guys on with just Gail and Carlock all right just wolf and carlak I think I can Maybe 32 HP I got an idea let's give it a try then I can it doesn't look like there's anything else up here and I can at least see it's like a chest or something up here there's a back entrance oh that's close wow go to turn based mode leave her right there actually I think I want them to turn hold let me come back we're doing this with two we got to be careful wait until the cones turn the other way see if there's an opportunity I happen to quit my sword yet there we go oh perfect perfect wow I can get up and do a freaking melee attack holy crap oh probably do it with both of my characters Soul the absolute warmest does a feast of corpses and still we starve wow they are I just slashed one in the back and they realize I'm a true Soul so I honestly didn't know your kind could string a sentence together I I know where the drop cops is down into the tunnels and below the tower feed an army of us the absolute will not share her dead flesh tear it from the backs of the living as the thimble glows power courses through you Authority hmm we've used our powers a few times we haven't consumed any tadpoles but I think my characters come to the conclusion that he doesn't want to use his powers anymore let's try an intimidation check I've never eaten ghoul before for you I might make an exception 18 with no guidance the shadow is not here oh my God are you serious enough feed okay well at least we still got the combat Advantage here really really all right let's sneak karlak up oh dang they changed their Vision cone nice [Music] this is actually pretty cool wolf and karlak went off on their own little infiltration mission as long as these guys don't alert the entire Camp I think I'm gonna be okay oh my God oh that was hilarious yeah we're kicking ass right now that was interesting go ahead and hit F5 let's see what else we have here definitely appears to be a back entrance into the towers you know I could get my entire team up here too oh we got a vision cone right here whoa whoa careful that must be a little bit of a bug that's a wall your movement speed can't be reduced by difficult Terrain Arcane cultivation I keep forgetting that I have some of these nice okay kind of see down into this room there we go oh my God it's Marcus holy crap from the last Light and the one who took Isabel 86 plus 40 temp HP and he has great weapon master what else can we do up here huh okay looks like I can probably break this wall sturdy only 10 damage it can do that easily okay I'll tell you what I'm gonna do I'm going to leave the area take a long rest and then come back with Shadow and Gale because I'm going to use dimension door with Shadow heart which is a level four or I could use a hill giant potion with Shadow and then Misty step with Gail that might get me all the way up to the top so we'll return back here in a few moments after I get my party here all right I've taken a long rest and I got my entire party up here I had to use Misty step with Gail and then a hill giant strength potion with Shadow heart because I didn't want to use her level 4 spell slot let's go ahead and use Arcane recovery get back a level two spell slot and we're gonna see if we can get through this door here an interesting way to enter moonrise Towers that's for sure my bear is still down here I can't get the bear up that's okay we can summon another creature we'll summon let's see let's summon the spider I haven't had this spider in a while player can also jump further too all right I'm gonna send down wolf or actually Carlock we're gonna see if we can do something with this wall a little bit worried about that Vision cone that is showing right here four damage I can break this wall from a distance actually but Carla oh damn it hold on put Carlock right here ready to scale shoot this wall with fire bolts surprised it only has 4 HP actually I should bring down the rest of my party too I wonder if we're gonna have to go down there or how that's gonna work out thinking we might want to I don't know all right we'll wait until the time is right I might have to use feather fall if we're actually jumping down there there's no staircase or anything down all right and Shadow come on over here hide her and put her right there I'm gonna move the spider separately because I don't want to accidentally I don't know if that's going to do anything but I'm not gonna risk it will take the spider that spider is so creepy looking oh my God Oh look The Vision cone changed oh let's go into turn base mode okay here we go I don't think there's any other way in around here probably hit F5 wow Marcus didn't notice oh this is crazy Marcus must be daydreaming about having a different job I don't think there's any other way I mean maybe minor illusion I don't have minor illusion though would distract him to look this way and we have a scrying eye right there too then we can get the entire party down in stealth that would be crazy I think I'm worried about with invoke duplicity is I think it starts combat let me move up a little bit with shadow Target's too far hmm I could though I got an idea I got a great idea I think it might not be great oh we're gonna fall prone by going down there okay let's um let's prepare the right spells first of all I think I can start using wall of fire again light doesn't seem to work too good here because everybody's uh Constitution is so high counter spell haste we're gonna take shatter get rid of Ray of sickness gonna take shatter and sleep can be so good I just really haven't been using it that much rather fall Fireball is tough when you're not an evocation wizard they can also be so so good okay I think we're good here maybe I could get rid of Thunder Wave and instead take scorching Ray if I have a nice shot on an enemy I keep forgetting I have knock Ed I could have probably unlocked those doors back there with Gail I wonder if that would have worked you know what whatever this is cooler anyways okay well here we go featherfall lasts for 10 turns I believe going to turn based mode this should be interesting you only live once oh my God are you serious right now this is crazy now if I could actually get this spider into combat you know what I might be able to jump the entire team behind Marcus in turn based mode and actually get into this room right here there's a scrying eye though let's not go oh man this this place is crazy this place is downright crazy maybe I just sacrificed the spider could come in here hold on I can't believe that that actually just worked foreign I think I'm gonna give it a try this is this is this is crazy this is actually crazy let's do it with my Ranger first oh wow that's freaking right next to Marcus oh I did have to do a hijack holy cow okay let's come in I'm very very worried about that scrying eye so let's get behind this desk I'm out of movement with shadow hold on y'all there's a lot to think about right now like I should leave somebody up here to fight up here too if I end up I believe Shadow and gal last because they can do the ranged attacks come on over here Carlock okay let's Dash the spider out of here close this door have the spider close the door the spider doesn't want to close the door not enough movement definitely want to turn off the lights in here okay the scrying eye is going that way oh this would be amazing if I could take these I wonder if I would okay hold on nice this must be cut the Rick Thorne's room right here it must be four guards outside of it and Marcus is standing in the hallway in F5 again good dude blessing of the trickster and actually get down the entire team I'm a little bit worried that when I do that jump I'm gonna fail the stealth check this gal actually has to go in it because okay let's let's do it let's do it or pass without a trace the problem is it uses up a oh I should have done that before with the entire team up here maybe I can actually get a jump off hold on I think I can do this without having to set off a stealth check possibly I only live once ow I did do a self check though holy crap this is freaking nuts okay now all we have left is Gail I mean he's got a good dexterity I should have damn it I should have done blessing to the trickster before I left her everybody's made it so far there's no reason why Gail can't make it too right here we go three two one oh my God okay get in the room get in the damn room and close the door holy crap [Applause] F5 again and let's see what we're gonna do now I feel like I actually don't mind just starting to pick off some of these targets worried about the entire tower being alerted though I think what we have to do first is take care of the scrying eye if possible only got 8 hp actually exit turn base mode a little bit nervous about him turning around though 8 HP so hold on we can take this thing out in one in one attack hmm a little bit nervous that it's going to turn around on its turn I'm kind of in a bad position well here goes nothing ability actual move yeah over here I'm a little bit worried that what's his name might also be triggered too here we go see what the scrying eye does okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay holy crap oh no that heart's still in stealth oh damn it tried to get her out of the Shadows I'm gonna move gal right here try to take care of the scrying eye right away okay nice no more reinforcements other than what it already called I think and now we gotta take care of gloric here 16 Khan no resistances or anything okay kuna creature can't move or take actions ends if a creature ends up taking damage I don't think I even need that right now awesome we're gonna let Shadow heart or uh carlak tank this is absolutely gonna let karlak take this awesome only has 12 hp could be done with this guy right now you'll want to use a spell slot though in an area where we can't long rest [Music] I'm Gonna Save My spell slots okay [Music] Mission successful Israel's personal reminder so Israel was the disciple at the front door or at the at the bridge in the front Balthazar is set in either word nor notice wherever he's gone is a mystery need someone to investigate his Chambers but no doubt he's rigged the thing to high Hells oh God all right well we do have the key to his room I wonder if this is it right here oh my gosh look at this Invasion plans for Baldur's Gate this is uh this is quite the recession so far literally inside moonrise Towers I think we have a two oh what if I could take them out real fast I'm worried about getting into too much combat because we can't long rest I need my spell slots for cut the Rick Thorn assuming we're gonna end up fighting him gortash the tone of your recent letter is inappropriate you may follow the lord of tyrant knee no way but I do not answer to him or to you wow Lord of tyranny is Bane one of the dead three Bane ball and Merkel it isn't the fault of any of the chosen that the artifact has gone astray unforeseen events occurred as they always do I acknowledge your planning Mastery and Brilliance of mind but you lack the depth of experience that brings patience and composure the artifact will be found our enemies will be thwarted we will prevail Now show us that you're reliable as well as brilliant General Catholic the worm that's an interesting letter right there I want to actually pick it up if I can feel all right map of balder's gate depicting the upper City lower City and Alberta City arrows show the intended progress of the armies of the absolute with weak points in the city defenses Balthazar has sent neither word nor notice wherever he's gone is a mystery needs someone to investigate his Chambers okay okay let's click on this door I'm gonna click on it with shadow see if it's unlocked maybe I have the key all I do is this really belted oh my gosh this is balthazar's room holy crap foreign did say it was rigged so let's go in with resistance on assuming we're gonna have some perception checks in here look at this room what in the nine Hells does Balthazar doing Balthazar is dead though we killed him back on the shadowfell plane okay we had a story on right now I did pick up two lock picks and I do have that Arcane spell called Mac that I keep forgetting about we have a lever right here oh man oh crystalline lens a chemical ingredient foreign going first is because he gets advantage on dexterity saving throws from traps oh okay that brought us right into these two rooms right here which I could have technically I could have technically used my knock spell and opened up this door before I'm assuming it would have worked and then we would have came in right at this door but you know what the way I took was much more intense and much more fun all right I gotta figure out what these books are let me read his personal notes real fast story is getting crazy requests for the next Caravan any works by morning Kanan whoa must catch up on the current events no Volo better A Century of ignorance you copy a Swift and sudden death for Library nobody trusts volo's news for writing all right let's see if I can summon the dead if I come in here probably good to get out of stealth mode I'm definitely curious to click on one of these bookshelves but I'm a little bit worried at the same time is it going to be a disarm or what is it going to be there's only one way to find out oh I used car lock okay I was we tried which one did I try hold on potion of healing recipe have we tried that one I think so let me try this one now oh my God okay you're dead is still hidden right here oh no he's in combat okay we're still okay so I tried that one and that one I wonder if it's just you're not supposed to use any of those two we do it standing to the side though blocked locked okay all right well let's go check out this other room the outdoor balcony out here I think we're pretty much good though all right let's continue on we have a bunch of people below me on the lower level whoa another scrying eye just gotta make sure that I take those out real fast I think it's time don't want to press our luck too much I think we want to get to Catholic Thorne as fast as we can oh no oh my spider was spotted holy crap oh wow wow wow wow wow okay all right my character's actually still hidden believe it or not my spider was spotted now we're fighting Marcus let's do it baby awesome guys got a high AC gotta be kidding me all right is anybody else coming I don't see anybody else in combat but let's go ahead and I think we got a rage right and we're just about gonna assassinate Marcus here honestly it's probably worth using spell slots here at least using something so I'm going to use black bless I'm gonna bless everybody here [Music] don't know what this guy is capable of so I'll save my other spell slot all right Gail what do you got for me guys not resistant to anything scroll actually wouldn't be bad right here except when it does that going after my casters wow oh crap that a little bit too fast it's ogre's body is in the way right now foreign didn't even use Hunter's Mark it's like as an illicit parasite in that corpse you should take a look shifting Corpus gives you invisibility and blur the Great Club half plate there is work to do invisibility lasts for 10 turns so we can't walk around the entire place with it all right so let's see um I can take short rests in here I have to do a quick one I'll feel that one later definitely save this we'll say Marcus dead and I think we're gonna push on towards Catherine's room if that's actually his room which I think it is we do have invisibility though I could go out there scope things out for a minute let's take a quick look let's use invisibility I'll take this way not sure if enemies can hear you in this game oh wow I can get behind I actually get behind all these creatures we have another true Soul there Mistress of Souls just have a quick peek over here got about 40 seconds left of invisibility working oh man I wonder if we take out catharek okay here's the front door wow okay go back up just worried that enforcements might um make should I wipe out the entire building first I think as long as there's not a scrying eye up here which there is one in the middle and I'm worried about just don't know how to get there without lock picking okay let me try this actually we're going to want to leave Shadow heart back here take carlak and my character test it out with a spider actually seems to work fine light on my feet don't be shy okay and we'll leave Shadow behind this door and also gal over here let's get this party started you know I should have actually went after the true Soul crap [Music] nice they'll have two rage charges left [Music] and that true Soul would almost be dead still get the true Soul though we have plenty of plenty of spells you might as well use Hunter's marks I'm Gonna Save cleave come on [Music] just getting worried that I'm not gonna have rage I'm also going to save the rage nice true Soul's dead let's go baby okay let's see what they can do awesome happy place okay didn't take any damage let's go oh look at this Merkel light scourge the Merkel is also one of the dead three The Necromancer deity or should I say Demi quasi deity at this point seems like cataract form supports Merkel or works for Merkel while that gortash character works for Bane the only other God in the Dead 3 that we haven't found anything out yet about would be ball who of course has heavy ties to the original walder's gate games though we gotta figure out uh where ball fits into all of this all right so this is a one-handed weapon okay we're gonna hang on to it it gives 1d6 necrotic damage that's crazy it's actually really powerful couldn't use it with Shadow heart but she has the legendary Char spear on right now so we're gonna keep that all right well I'm gonna click on this ornate door and I think we're looking pretty good everybody's got their spells active let's see if this is cut the Rick form you what have you done what have you done to me you did this to yourself cannot lecture the chosen of the Gods you serve the absolute serve wow you dog wow prison [Music] all this time you were you will bow before me and if you will not bow you will break okay here we go and JK Simmons is the voice actor for Catholic Thorne sounds phenomenal all right we got necromites we got cut the Rick Thorn with 145 HP he apparently was not able to be killed before but since Shadow shoved that spear through the night song's chest Catherine can now die Aura protection oh he's a paladin plus five and saving throws held in any nearby fiends and Undead doing additional five bludgeoning damage okay okay and then we got sustera down here and also the Squire look at the warhound oh this is gonna be an epic battle and the music is just top-notch forever pal okay let's send carlak up first I think I should maybe go after oh man I don't know do we just go all in on Catherine Thorne possibly maybe I should take out this true Soul first let's do that nice we got teleport two that's gonna get me right up to katharek great start [Music] hey try to get my animal companion to pull some aggro okay Mr gal what do you got for us we're gonna Focus all in man I wish I had some something for all these characters over here I do have something it's called Fireball this might be the time actually to use it right now I don't have fire resistance you get three of them let's do it okay and then we will back him up oh great the dog jumps bone chilled [Music] cannot regain hit points okay so you want to play cattherick now you want to play my man it's a little bit short here I think what I'm gonna do actually though is I'm gonna move right up with karlak actually yeah we're gonna move right up here should really do mirror image first oh man the choices the choices the choices [Music] oh my God what is that okay this guy reached from Beyond file a target with merkel's decaying magic and chill them I'm not going to use counter spelling that um better to use counterspelling something catheter at casts or something like that not the little skeletons nice oh my God okay there goes the guardian of Faith what are these things doing an egg like shell of spiny bones and riding feathers necromatic energy oozes from within skeletal will explode on its next turn dealing 6 to 27 necrotic damage in birthing a necromite holy crap wonder if I'm able to take that out right now or if it's going to explode on me okay another one up here though hmm okay we got Captain wreck right here all this is gonna be great foreign spiritual weapon my friend I guess you might as well work on the necromites why not these guys are all casters so casting web on them doesn't do as much nice I cocoon the dog the dog can't do anything now perfect cage Tarlac let's get you right here actually let me get you right here ah never mind wow okay Mr gal what else you got for me my friends [Music] I forgot that she was alive I thought I killed her for some reason should definitely finish her off right now make sure she's not resistant to necrotic damage nope we're good [Music] come on Shadow seriously okay we're not treating anything yeah but I wanted to use Spirit Guardians I should have used it that turn Infinity Misty step nah we're not going to react to that [Music] oh damn man so I thought I was doing good to have the orders soldiers and carlak went down what is deadly orders back then she was ordered to attack a specific enemy all right Captain Rick it's time for you to die my Lord beckons me you have no idea what you're meddling with you're a pawn a slave to forces you cannot comprehend [Music] I am the chosen and you follow tentacle was colossal how can such a thing be possible what the hell was that we did battle with Catherine before we could defeat him we were interrupted by a giant tentacle that carried cut the Rick away okay I'm kind of happy that he went away harlak just died thank you [Music] [Music] okay where's all the skeletons right over here I'm coming Carlock don't you worry all right forgot about wall of Fire didn't really need it that fight though oh crap I didn't mean to do that I forgot about the dog damn it I just took the dog out of the Cocoon state this isn't over yet I gotta be careful I gotta be real careful oh so Sarah's still up here keep forgetting that she's around thought I killed her like 10 minutes ago everybody camouflages into the environment [Music] oh yeah beautiful a lot of Tempest I will raise still have a ton of spell slots too foreign the dog and the skeleton and there we go well that was crazy that was a really fun fight after it got away well well no choice but to follow oh man we need to follow him okay apparently he's still here in this Castle some reason I thought I just assumed he was teleported to Baldur's Gate I thought we were done fighting him but that doesn't seem to be the case would have saved a few more spell slots all right let's go ahead and do a short rest we're going to do Arcane recovery and we're going to use carlax bolstering magic to bring back a level two spell for shadow heart really like having a wild magic Barb in my group and we can do it for level one too and we'll do that for also do that for shadow let's pop a short rest oh I already did we have a note from gortash over here I wonder if we're gonna have to fight that tentacle Beast okay just a note to say I was alarmed to learn that your strike teams have not yet recovered the artifact the githinji appear to be after it as well I'll have more to say about this when the time allows but it's essential that your troops do not allow that object to slip between their fingers okay we just make sure there's no good loot up here there is of course almost missed the most important chest in the room foreign exhort the Risen ghoulish touch subjugate the undead with your commands this is going to be really good to put on Gail my Necromancer Wizard and ghoulish touch lash out with deadly Claws and possibly paralyze the Target that is so cool all right let's pick that up what do we have on right now when a foe fails a saving throw against one of your spells they gain mental fatigue or snow Burst when the wearer deals cold damage yeah we don't need that ghoulish touch keep forgetting we have this netheries or blast right here gal triggers another East orb in his chest destroying everything and everyone it's literally a game over I think if you hit that not gonna test it out though foreign happy that Larry and let us rest after that [Music] okay here goes nothing I think I'll keep my spider I like the spider in this fight to peer down the hole left by the tentacle that Drew Catholic into the darkness will you leap after him absolutely the whole yawns back at you impossibly wide angle tentacle burrowed through Stone you don't actually want to jump do you foreign course I do this is an illicit colony this must be where they harvest the tadpoles close to the source of the infections are you serious dude we're in a lifted Colony right now we pursued Cutthroat beneath the tower and found ourselves in what appears to be a mind flare colony is actually insane feels like we're back on the nautiloid ship we are very close to the source of the absolute now that telepathic storm has become a tempest I've got a long road ahead it looks like catherx over to the left oh the the blade of Frontiers rescues arielle's asset from moonrise Towers oh wow that's I forgot about that that Quest that Will was given that he needs to do it's part of his pact I think we can do it without him in our actual group I'm fine with that because we're gonna play through this game several times it'll probably be slightly different with Will around of course no never mind descend and how many pilgrimages dude this is crazy look at these Helms right here oh my God that is crazy gonna pick up a couple of them I think they're heavy armors I don't know if our lack maybe they're medium armor yeah I think now we're ready hell yeah and actually shadow can wear one too but she's got the dark just this year Helm on so we're gonna leave that so much blood an offering from moonrise Towers what the hell oh what is that guy doing you got a problem buddy come here no Will Sparks behind his eyes hollowed out to better Echo the commands of the collective you could kill it and it's miserable life of enslavement surely that would be the Humane thing to do you could take advantage of its vulnerability and plunder what's left of its Hollow mind for anything that could serve you what is this place no sorry here um become what part of one mind four little faith dancing to say so with alert you realize he means the intellect of ours here the brains are harvested made part of the hive mind I need to find your master kathryk okay down deep one hoof of three one what did you do to all these people chop chop them become why don't I send you to join all these creatures you butchered yes yes yes please wow that's kind of sad I think it's the right thing to do you sort of fight you have to put him down and his misery oh damn there's uh holy crap intellect of hours everywhere wow okay didn't expect that worried about it good we did the right thing trying not to use any spell slots though whoa seriously didn't notice like all the brains that were in this area it's crazy I got you chop it'll be a better life in the afterlife moment incoming ah excellent choice foreign there we go if you have two Targets it works right away perfect really what I was thinking about when I killed chop but honestly I think we did job with favor right there you know this is not a good place so less enemies that are going to come from behind when we're attacking ethrick the better my characters are on edge right now that's for sure thank you what the hell okay let's go back and see if we can help out we do like will it's an interesting character I just didn't want a warlock in my party well I haven't been running with him too much not on this run but we are going to help his character out we do think he's a good person but let's see what's going on prepare obey freaking visuals are insane I actually remember this this was a screenshot that larian released mind players and civilians side by side and this must be where they infect and transform those they kidnap look there's a mind flare in there one of these pods must have we reached moonrise Towers it seems unlikely that a high value Asset like Grand Duke ravengard will be confined with other prisoners the deeper we delve into the towers the closer we'll be to finding him should search the area thoroughly the devil that mazora asked us to rescue must be ready nearby we may actually find Elder Elder Raven guard and the devil that mazora wants us to rescue your mind we don't want to rescue the devil but if we don't it could negatively affect will but empty of tadpoles unusual harvesting all the lava indicates they are getting ready for something big what the heck by grass it's cock it's about time you came mazora you're the devil you sent will to rescue I thought you'd have figured it out by now now enough sniffing around and get me out of this thing mazura's life rests in your hands perhaps you could end Wills pact Here and Now let's try a history check first remember all you can about devils in their contracts 16 will take bolstering magic I'm gonna say bolstering magic oh no never mind recall an old income incantation from a children's story said devoid a devil's contract Abby diabole ready Diablo at noon quam ready [Laughter] not very nice I'll be damned you want to free the pup from his Pact and you thought that idiotic display would do it oh Bravo fine I'll play your game but I amend the pack Clause F section 9 Soul binder shall bestow reward or favor only upon Soul bearer's fulfillment of related obligation now open the pod your eyes turn to the control panel next to the pod it has two devices marked with a lifted symbols the controls are open to your tadpoles command to your Authority gather your strength and smash your foot through the pod don't know if we made the right decision as for The Pact call Zed section 13. if the soul binder consents to separation she will release the soul Bearer from all obligation within six months oh six months is a trifle you barely read through a single bookcasing candle keep in such a Time ignorant thing it's always the terms and conditions that get you and we can shrug six months isn't that long of a wait to the hells with your conditions Missouri Wills packed now or I'll cover your head not going to happen like your spunk right I'm out of here I need a long bath I'll leave you to your very serious business but don't you fret if you survive this place I'll find you the pup will be needing me count on it oh and ask Will how we met I've loosened his tongue it it's real cracker of a tale okay I mean we made progress for well six months he's free zaryel's asset turned out to be Missouri herself in return for our help she promised to release will from his pack only after six months had passed she disappeared again but not before promising she'd find us again soon enough oh man Embrace death come death you are the sacred hand that reaches from the grave while the last share of skulls the Carver of Crips the gun the dancer of booze walk in Dusk and Shadow War about to get interesting [Music] the order to evacuate given could not be [Music] I conclude you are one of the attackers this is a misunderstanding I was sent to support you with the eradication of these traitors life I shall present your bones to general form as retribution for what you did to him okay fair enough [Music] no oh my God Fireball um wow even on our own people unless she's evocation I wonder if she's doing it level three okay nice that was uh that was close I gotta put somebody on her immediately [Music] seriously oh he's got Shield oh oh you know I shouldn't have used cocoon because Spirit Guardians would get them out of it [Music] oh man man I need to be a little bit more careful I don't have to go as close to them when I'm using spare Guardians that's amazing thank you I shall make sweet music of your screams if we can get up here quick enough we have Spirit Guardians activate the spot whatever is next what the heck is this three turns left on spare cardians whoa what the heck oh please how many true Souls have passed through this place what is going on a fleet of nautiloids in the lower not allowed ships haven't even been around for a very very long time and now we have a fleet of them under moonrise Towers [Music] all right well I don't know why that got so loud squirming around more than usual yeah so that gets excited by something drawn to it no longer a background murmur the presence in your mind builds to a rule we've found it the absolute is behind this door you gravengard you said it was under control it isn't you I answer to gordash motherfucker gortash oh the general voice is this where we salute salute yes with Cleavers through flesh how it crawls with failure like flies on lick wet carrion you forget yourself Warren you've built an army for our masters true enough but what of the astral prism a rogue true Soul flaunting it under your nose all this time and you rap from him sure that they would follow and deliver it into my hands here if you would cease these distractions the distractions have been yours katharik perhaps we never should have dug your daughter up so you haven't lost your Edge you're still not as sharp as Oren I wager his cripped breath sings to my sinews again again again again he must leave the murder march to borders grave grass closing your fist Oren and I can wait for you no longer the plan proceeds we're going to the city and we expect you to follow Army and the weapon in tow the Edict of faith [Music] it's an elder brain [Music] oh The Testament of Merkel [Music] an elder brain one of the cruelest and most powerful creatures in existence enslaved by mere mortals have radiates with power unlike anything I've ever seen to have it to hold oh if only I could but I can't I must do as mystra commands Gail you cannot do this you can't condemn us to death what choice do I have more than just a goddess counts of my courage whole worlds hang in the balance trust me girl or find another way I do more than myself right now perhaps even more than mystra [Music] no desire to end your life you know that to end it struggle on it is a grave Choice you're making for us both must be so and down stand by you good thing we have a high approval with Gail there we are you wouldn't do to fight in front of our guests behold Duke Raven God the absolute deserve us you wag your word flap in vain oh darling once the worm holds the whip you're shredded will serve us they want control of the city now it's really time we were going we will empty this place and begin the March you may catch up with the Army once you've retrieved the weapon and Catholic do try not to sulk you're supposed to be the Fearsome General come to conquer the city and I am the hero who wants it is time faithful ones Escape we go to prepare the way holy shit I have to breathe for a second that was incredible so much was just revealed to us too so the three people in that vision were at the Rick Thorne who's in front of us right now who fights for Merkel Lauren was a servant of ball and then gortash who is a servant of Bane Lord of tyranny and together they make up the dead three they are controlling an elder brain insanely powerful aberration creature that controls entire mind flare colonies every mind flare most mind flares are connected back to an elder brain and they're doing the bidding for an elder brain and they have one under their command and they're about to attack the city and clearly here we can see Isabel from the last late in they awoke and catherx daughter which I'm assuming is Isabel now and back in the mausoleum or that sarcophagus was the open Crypt I think that must have been must have been Isabel before we went down Into The Gauntlet of char we found catherick along with a ballist named Oren in a bay night called gortash they brandished a tree out of magical stones that seemed to give them control over an enlisted Elder brain Oren and gortash have taken the brain to balder's gate aboard a nautiloid leaving catharek to face us Grand Duke ravengar was infected with a lifted tadpole and taken to Baldur's Gate I'll remember that because when we get to the city he might not be himself I just want to let you all know that I did experience my first EPK on this run and it was in this encounter right here so this is my second time coming into it this is a really really crazy crazy encounter and you guys will see here shortly I don't want to spoil it but I did end up wiping and we're back at the beginning we have catharik and also assuming his daughter Isabelle who seems to be under his influence but I will say that I did try killing Captain Rick first let's see if Isabelle would snap out of it and it didn't seem to do anything so on this front we're killing everyone made a couple mistakes that really cost me I hope my Helm seems to be glitching out let's go ahead and take it and we'll hide it I think I actually prefer the other Helm that protects against Critical Hits Constitution saves I guess I don't have one do they change those Helms stick with that one all right so I'm gonna put my casters I'm gonna put Gail up here I think actually I'm Gonna Leave everybody over on this ledge this time it's kind of spread out a little bit I'm gonna take carlak and wolf and we're going to send them front line my spider up here can't get up there buddy all right come this way oh stuck [Music] You're Gonna Leave the spider right there oh a spider right there but one of the zombies right up against one of these guys with the other zombie up against that one and Shadow heart Let's uh I'm actually gonna bring Shadow with my front liners let's see why here soon I only have gal back here with the skeletons gallon of zombies I think that's actually fine and actually going through the line of sight right here the cone doesn't start anything okay best be on my way I'm Gonna Leave shadow right here I know it's on the low ground but I need to have her close to this middle area oh here we go okay hiding failed I guess we just walk right up America come here buddy there we go what is it I wonder that draws one toward death like a moth to light could have run away scounded with the prism one thing that could prevent me from fulfilling my destiny but the lore of one's Destiny is irresistible isn't it perhaps you hope to learn your place in history before you are erased from it a bright flash of clarity before the snuffing out why is the prison so important to you the very fact of your being attests to its power despite your infection you resisted the brain here in the heart of its domain what good is an army of thralls if they do not obey their master let us speak plainly my Lord Merkel gave me the one thing I desired the one thing no other God could grant me daughter's life returned her heart beating once more for that he asked that I serve as his chosen join Oren and gortash to grow The Cult of the absolute and then take control of it he's never had a more devoted follower I have fought great Wars before in the service of other gods and other powers but for Merkel I would condemn all of pharoon to death you are all that stands between me and my destiny you have brought the prism here I will kill you now and then I will raise you as my you're planning on betraying your allies yes say farewell Isabel I'm grateful to you for bringing me home I Was a Fool to resist I know better now good luck in the city of judgment I wish you the best sincerely my Lord I offer you these Souls so they may return as servants to your cause join the army of the Dead true Soul witness Lord merkel's Glory here we go okay luckily gal's not in combat um I actually might cast let's see haste is level three oh is gal in combat right now no he's not um let's see let's go ahead and unprepare we'll keep Shield unprepared feather fall I'm gonna grab haste I wonder if I'm actually able to cast haste without being put into combat lasts for 10 turns but what I could do here start off with haste okay he's in combat you know I'm actually okay with that that's fine oh Shadow heart was in Melina's sight too she's in combat now too that's okay I don't mind her being down there half the wreck needs to go down immediately trust me on that trust me that is ridiculous absolutely ridiculous carlak's almost dead right now all right so I wanted to put her up here let's do guardian of faith [Music] I actually missed cast of bad I wish I put it over here so I could still do Fireball with Gail but it is what it is okay perfect not perfect but good enough not today Isabel not today he says Moon Maiden Aid me I don't know if the moon maiden's helping you out when you're down here oh man the Mind player went to shadow nice got lucky right there all right cut the Rick first here we go but actually now that I think about it maybe I don't want to do cut the Rick first problem is he does so much damage all right wolf let's see what you got yeah I want to take out cutter at first you can basically one shot all of my characters so I can't actually get to him though taking an opportunity attack this would be amazing if it worked oh my God you have no idea how much that helps me all right oh wait what the heck why is he back what just happened foreign things I swear to God I just pushed at the wreck is one shot right now okay we can kill Catholic now um let's go ahead and do our first attack on the Mind flare probably I need a heel really bad are you kidding me he still has one HP no way could push him let me try this again wow don't push into this hole right here you know last time I was playing I actually did push the Mind player over here or in my previous attempt and he did die all right Mr Gale get you right over here only has one HP so I think what we're gonna do is we're gonna do a magic Missile level two one on catheric and the rest on the Mind flare what a fool you kill me I am eternal [Music] Merkel Lord of Bones I am here I am ready hi I am yours [Music] [Music] how insane is that [Music] so on my first attempt I did Kill catharik and most of the people around but I was on the brink of death and then the Apostle of Merkel came to visit me crazy necrotic resistance cold resistant and poison resistance all right so definitely should probably spread out a little bit which turn is it Gail he has his action wonder if I should finish off Isabel first she's got 30 HP 95 chance I could just take her out right now once again I'm questioning maybe if I complete this fight maybe she'll snap out of it or something he doesn't snap out of it when you kill cut the Rick all right let's focus in focus on the Apostle of Merkel five damage that's great foreign a little bit worried that has attacked here as AOE it is okay that's a problem [Music] hit the Mind player too though surprisingly all right so let's do healing word that I'm also going to do Spirit Guardians would actually be kind of nice right now and we're gonna walk right up here we'll try to stay left a little bit nice nice nice okay I'm a little bit worried about another AOE attacks I'm thinking that I might actually just take the opportunity attack and walk over this way maybe hit the boss too sweet go even further to curious it's healing the brains a disadvantage down there a low ground sweet all right so we got carlak right here so I think I want to get wolf away over to this side I don't know if I want to kill these things we'll do it and then move way over here Hunter's Mark such a cool boss basically fighting an avatar of Merkel hey karlak I know you're almost dead so I'm actually gonna have you oh wow opportunity attack only I had an action I would disengage and go down here and try to heal up don't think raging is actually going to do me any good right now unless he doesn't attack me and I could swap him next we'll do it I'm bone chilled right now can't get any heels wow I got lucky right there the heck was that oh Spirit Guardians awesome all right let's um thing is resistance against necrotic damage let's go ahead and I think I'm gonna do Mirror Image actually I just wanted to keep my spiritual weapon spiritual weapon over here take care of that thing that summons the Dead damn I used a level four for my counter spell right there quick too fast 45 chance of hitting right here so low it's crazy come on there we go could send the zombies on Isabelle here that was an amazing attack right there foreign 's probably already dead I don't know how it works with her it was raised from that sarcophagus from the Crypt here they've gotten near The Gauntlet of char m okay so what I'm gonna do here how many healing potions do I have you know what I could use plus two to attack rolls [Music] on bone chilled right now so I can't actually take a potion two misses at 75 percent unbelievable foreign out a little bit though actually I could move Gail back a little bit brightened right now [Music] Merkel is controlling this thing is he inside that can't tell find out after we kill him [Music] laughs foreign come on I'm missing that 70 percent two misses [Music] oh Isabel used turn I'm dead oh that's a problem 18 HP what if I did this take this mirror images clutch here still bone chilled okay so we don't want to use heels I made that mistake the first time how long does bone chilled last I don't know [Applause] pretty much everybody is bone chilled in this party right now [Music] 100 with disadvantage okay sure [Music] damn three of my party members are almost dead right now oh so the bone chilled is like an aura yeah exudes the god of death's Unholy will and Bone chills all nearby creatures so if you're close you just can't get a heal oh what the heck it went down here all these things are everywhere oh crap I better kill this thing fast there we go [Music] 46 HP use the animal companion to pick up carlak I'm assuming that she can be picked up this can't be maybe not maybe with bone chilled you can't even help companions at all right we have a bunch of level one spell slots left I'm still like Curious I kind of want to try to keep Isabelle alive she also might kill half my party I would put her to sleep slowly but surely thank you here we go resistance to necrotic makes me not want to do inflict wounds you Glyph of warning well now would that work I don't know if that would work I'm gonna make sure that I don't do it on myself though I don't think that's possible actually it is I guess it's not gonna work probably because he is levitating it was worth a try [Music] only need one more attack we have taken down the Apostle of Merkel on the second try Emmett foreign yeah I guess you can't be help action doesn't hurt on somebody that's bone chilled all right Mr Wizard need 13 damage it is possible with a level one magic Missile and I did 12 damage all right whoa holy sound effects better put this thing down [Music] impossible death cannot take me I am its master my Lord hear me nothing I am forsaken you have no idea what you've done Isabel's there's Isabel right there wow what an epic Stone what an epic epic battle incredible no time to waste okay we got the crew back together go ahead and loot his armor I also leveled up to level eight I'm assuming that you're probably supposed to be eight for that fight we're close now we're eight so that's good and death the body is Cooling energy radiates from the stone and now the picture comes together the absolute is neither God nor man it is the elder brain you saw held here by those three against its will the crown it wears controls it and these Stones control the crown it has been dominated to master an elder brain to subdue it our enemies are formidable what an incredible story what are these Stones the crowns netherill buyer whose Mastery over magic rival that of the Gods it is a crown of domination the stones were taken from its Crest they are nether stones imbued with the ability to control the wearer of the crown the Crown's nethery's magic must be the true source of the parasite's abilities this must be what elevates their potential and it must be the reason nobody could heal you if the crown can do this to the parasite I dare not imagine what it is doing to the brain Catherine transformed during the fight what was that I've been either of Merkel the god of necromancy a remarkable feat Catholic was merkel's chosen I know Lord envir gortash an arms dealer and a slaver he is a worshiper of Bane the god of tyranny the other is a mystery to me but the way she spoke it is most likely she follows Baal God of murder which means the absolute is a front for the gods of death and our enemies are chosen of the dead three chosen of the dead three Bane ball and Merkel the Tyrant the Assassin and The Necromancer they are known to pick devout followers granting them incredible powers each one alone would be a formidable enemy but working together and controlling an elder brain I dare not imagine what they might achieve how is it you're able to leave the astral prism now temporary reprieve but a welcome one with a brain on its way to the city its influence here is weakened what hope do we have of the Gods themselves are involved hope is a luxury for those who have a choice this is the Battle of our lives and the lives of faerun the army of the absolute is marching on Boulder's Gate the brain brimming with with power ready to turn everyone within its reach into mind players all it needs is an order an order the death Gods chosen are on the cusp of giving we must rest control of the brain from The Chosen before that happens we must take their stones our chances of success are slim but we must not fail if we fail everything ends I will be your Shield but you must be the sword and when the chance comes to strike you must take it for there may only be one chance I feel like I kind of have to trust the guardian now what other choice do we have crazy to think that I could have killed the guardian back a few episodes ago how different the game might be after a scene like that catherx Warhammer get 1d4 psychic damage Reapers Embrace very heavy armor all incoming damage is reduced by two when activated you can't be moved against your will by any spell or action but have disadvantage and dexterity saving throws disadvantage on stealth checks and you also get howl of the Dead let out a bone chilling howl that numbs all nearby enemies movement speed have the spellcaster's advantage and attack rolls against the affected entity yeah I think we'll go ahead and put that on our strength based Ranger and just accept that we're gonna have disadvantage on stealth checks and we also have catherx Shield you gain a plus one bonus to spell save DC and spell attack rolls and you get Shield Vash let's see what that looks like first let me just get rid of a few things wow that is so sick God it looks like we're a worshiper of Merkel though how incredible is that looks amazing then the shield I could put it on Gale because humans are efficient in Shields now took me like 15 episodes to realize that because it wasn't like that in Early Access let's put it on Gale let's see actually this would actually worked for him because he's he has a necromancer wizard wow so cool you got the symbol of Merkel on the shield yeah the shield fits perfectly because now we get another necromantic ability necromantic that'll work necrosis ability okay let's do a little bit of looting and that is going to be it for this episode one of the most intense fun sessions that I've had up to now I feel like it just keeps getting better and better Moon devotion robe while the Ware has Mage Armor each successful saving throw causes the source of the saving throw to take 1d4 radiant damage that's awesome I'm actually going to put that on Gail because I refuse to wear light armor with Gail I feel like it's just not right a light armor typically doesn't very cool so thank you all so much for watching and I will catch you on episode 16. I think we might be heading to the city at the very least the outer districts of the city thank you for joining me on this epic adventure catch you on the next one
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 148,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, gameplay, classes, races, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, rpg, rpg 2023, upcoming rpg baldurs gate, crpg, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 lets play, lets play baldurs gate, lets play, lets, play, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough, baldurs gate 3 playthrough, walk through, guide, full game bg3
Id: 8yNE8Nj9nE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 32sec (13592 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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