Baldurs Gate 3 Modded Witch Class Playthrough! - Part 1: Character Creation!

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hello Gamers and welcome back to the Regent plays YouTube channel with Boulders Gate 3 for the first time on this channel ladies and gentlemen my favorite game of all time if you missed it on the regions Kid YouTube channel we had a full dragon born Paladin playthrough from the first day this game released we completed the entire thing over there and I've been waiting and waiting for this series ladies and gentlemen a brand new Boulders Gate 3 Series and you may realize from the title and thumbnail this isn't any ordinary old Boulders Gate 3 Let's Play No no no ladies and gentlemen this all looks normal here we have our origin we have our origin characters or we have a custom character ladies and gentlemen and if we go to the race again it looks normal you have Elf you have a tling you have a Dr a half elf a dragon born which we was and then if you scroll down you have some more options that are not normally in the game ladies and gentlemen this is a fully modded Boulders Gate 3 Series and I I'm so so excited we have some amazing incredible mods that you'll see throughout the series here on Boulders gate three and I think this is going to be a fun fun time L there are so many choices to choose from we have a orc we have Asma we have ganassi we have bug bear a little like oh Lads this is inane ladies and gentlemen I I'm going to be here for so long I don't know well I mean I I thought it was hard enough choosing from the normal options and now we have all of these extra ones like what do we go who do we be there are some cool looking ones and then there's some straight up weird looking ones he's got all dirt on his face uh there are what was the name it was that you could be a fish guy loath you can be a fish guy ladies and gentlemen it's it's it's mental you can be a minor at all if you want to be absolutely massive you can be a cobal who actually looks really really cool a goblin a shifter there there there are so many possibilities I don't know what I want to be of course you can pause the video and have a look at all of them I'm going to try to narrow it down also after this again you go to class it all looks normal you have sorcerer you have Paladin you have Ranger if you scroll down we have artificial you have witch you have Mystic Harley Quinn mag Magus Mages Mages and death knight laser G like this is mental look at the death knight um armor and sword that you start with as well it it it's crazy a witch you get a witch hat as well so we was a dragon born palen before I want to be as different as possible I want to be as different now Cobo actually look awesome but they are you know they're like draconic which is kind of like a dragon B in itself so I don't want to be too similar of course a shifter humanoids with a beastial aspect shifters can't fully change shape but they can temporarily enhance their animalistic features by entering a stage their state sorry they call shifting I like the look of Kender a small elf looking build or originating on the world of kren Kender are diminutive humanoids who look like humans with pointed ears and diverse appearances interesting I like I like to look at that I've never been like a a smaller body type before so they they intrigued me dreamers long before humanity and before even the elves and dwarves Rose to prominence the Empire of another race ruled over araris some of its people forsaw the great Calamity that would claim their Kingdom and locked themselves away in stasis vaults below the whatever that is mountains oh God dreamers dream walking while as sleep a dreamer can reach out and touch the dreams of others within one mile after finishing long rest excuse me even in sleep you do not suffer oh my good that sounds awesome again I I mean I I I spent a lot this whole first episode or episode zero I might call it is going to be the character creation process by the way because this could we could be here for hours just creating our character alone uh krisnik reclusive human civiliz civilizations sought to achieve Humanity's evolutionary Peak shaping themselves through Rapid evolutionary change by undergoing clandestine sangr that's a lot of big words you have two different colored eyes I kind of like the look of him avert evil your body is capable of closing wounds that has sustained on its own and they have dark vision Roy that's like a I was going to say that looks kind of like a vampire like a staran would look Mushu I like that just because a fun word have obtained incredibly long lifespans and youth by shedding their age bodies to maintain the semi immortality interesting Primal savagery you Channel your Primal magic to cause your teeth or finger oh find familiar Serpentine Vision coldblooded aptitude shedding oh interesting again cuz mods sometimes you might get stuff like this where it says not found I don't know what that means but I'm sure it will still work oh these guys are like fish you are a f i mean how on Earth do we decide what to be oh I like the look of a furb it looks like um Fiona from Shrek oh she has long oh my God look at her hair oh I like the look of that you can be a goblin oh my God the people that you fight throughout the entire game you can be a goblin that is hilarious right we need to make a choice we need to make a choice I have a few options that I like the look of not you I think I've chosen ladies and gentlemen we're going to be a Nephilim which sounds like a really bad word but I think I could say it uh they are intrinsically entwined with fiends and celestials yet embraced by neither their other worldly Beauty and self self- awareness of their beauty influence neph saying that correctly to Beauty into everything they do performing with elegance and grace even when they are uh a combatant tunil dignity is key actions arag Legacy you can use your free action to create a amager weapon in your empty hand you can choose the form that this melee or range weapon takes each time you create it uh they also have Superior dark vision as well I like the look of them I want to keep it as different and and as as opposite as possible to our other playthrough which was a dragon Bor Paladin so we are going to be a female for this playthrough as well and of course last time was a paladin with really good strength you know a very combat heavy class the death knight looks incredible I have a solo playthrough right now with a death knight again they're very similar to a paladin with a lot of strength they have a lot of awesome um actions and class features as well but because I'm playing them off camera and also it's similar to a paladin I don't want to take that on I am going to be one of the modded ones though so it's between artificia which Mystic Harley Quinn or Magus I don't know if that's Magus or Magus there are even more mods in the game as well from new weapons and armor to new places new characters uh new level ups and more it's going to be an insane insane playthrough on this channel again there's no pressure with this channel too it doesn't have to be every day or every other day it could just be when whenever we want some Boulders gate three at least we have a new playthrough right so artif artificia I believe is how you say it Masters Of Invention artificials use Ingenuity and Magic to unlock extraordinary capabilities and objects They See Magic as a comp oh so it's like a wizard kind of like a complex wizard cantrips mending light spells you get a few class features level one spell slot rounded up spell class to level extra spell oh God an Alchemy you can Brew too Al uh alchemic alchemical I'm really bad at reading today okay so they look decent which details cantrips spells hidden nature reveal the true form of your spirit well that's one of our actions already reveal the true form of your spirit I don't know what that means you also get hag shape which so a witch can turn into a hag like you can fight in act one you can become a hag and you can also fly witch sounds pretty cool cuz it's it's very different to Paladin to you know uses Charisma this is more of a wizardy type uses intelligence what else uses Charisma usually mainly uh a Bard interesting Mystic use their inner psychic strength Mystics can read mines Fade Into invisibility transform excuse me Sonic talents s points four PSI points oh so it's all through PSI points interesting Harley Quinn embod of Whimsy and I think this is like the Bard this is like another Bard Harley Quinn Elias while under the GU of your Harlequin Alias rhythmic assault after a successful weapon attack go into rhythmic stance while in The Stance following attacks gain an additional bonus to damage on a miss you lose the Rhythm and must start again for every two oh my this is crazy yeah so this is like a Bard um and then what do we have here intelligence again uh blending magical ability and martial prowess into something entirely unique a discipline in which both spell and steel are used to devastating effect this is like a mixture Arcane enhancement oh my goodness I kind of want to be I think a witch would be cool turning into a hag there's not really anything like a witch I think that's what we're going to go for ladies and gentlemen so we have two cantrips produce flame uh resistance Thorn whip under CL oh there was a mod improved Thorn whip where you can Target three creatures I didn't get that one maybe I should have maybe I can add it I'll see Primal savagery we're going to go with Thunderclap and we could have two I like Thorn whip I like gust as well Thorn Whip and gust and then two spells witch pole grease arms of ha is really good animal friendship convince the Beast not to attack you or targets uh cure wounds could be a little healer again I want to keep it different to our Paladin I'm going to go healer so we have one attack and one heal and then for background I think Sage is a good one Arcana history investigation primarily is charisma uh if we lower that strength right now is minus one if I it's still minus one well how about we do plus two to right now is plus two if we do that it's plus three the max it can be is 17 I think we need better Constitution maybe constit that's already plus two maybe Constitution UPS zero then like that plus 0 plus 0 I mean they're all plus Z though do we want three plus 0 that's 2 two too but it's very well-rounded but do we need strength are we going to be using like hand to hand combat maybe not so maybe I don't think we need the strength minus one I think that's good I think that is good and now onto the appearance oh I like number four I like Voice number four for some scaring a little nose scar never hurt anybody uh should we get rid of the hair just so we can see is that hair if imbued with the hat what's going on here can you not edit the hair is that hair like I think the hat is like you have to have that hair sort of thing is that what's going on here we can add facial hair but I don't think I can change the hair hair interesting oh those some cool eyes dude some cool eyes I want to be kind of Mystic I mean it's a witch isn't it so you need to be need to be hiding some secrets in the face I is a shame we can't uh we can't change the hair uh I think it'll be okay I don't want to go too extreme A Little Neck one which you can barely see we're done ladies and gentlemen quick I thought to be fair I like the look of the witch hopefully our our stuff is all good HP of eight again a constitution not ideal not ideal with 8 Health but I think she looks rather rather cool I don't like that the ears come out of the hat but I think that's because of the character that we are also the hair does change now yeah so that's the default hair I think but then it depends on what come for the men there's all these different faces but then for the woman there's just one face and it's changed the face from what I've done so I need to redo it now oh these are oh these are different than what I'm seeing okay now we're talking we got some options here so whatever I'm clicking on they're not actually what's oh they're not actually what's happening if you see what I mean oh like cracked skin some of these are really cool the fa is change like I clicked on fa there's only one face now I liked uh oh I like that one I think that looks awesome she has like Co stuff on a dude okay so there we go level one witch ladies and gentlemen constant littlewood that's a that's a witch name if I've ever heard one hopefully we've lost that's okay going to click on proceed and we do need a guardian and what we're going to do spoilers a lot I'm not going to spoil anything just in case you have never seen Boulder gate before actually but I just going to randomize a bunch and we're going to see what we get ladies and gentlemen we're going to end with the opening cut scene and then next episode will be the beginning ooh the beginning of the playthrough oh she has the same hair as us I don't like that one more oh horns I don't like her eyes one more oh she's too tall for me one more she's too short for me one more uh she has better hair than me oh oh now we are talking thank you very much [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all a [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] to [Music] oh it has that feel of your brand new adventure this is the pool and you know what came from I feel like we may as well very quickly get through this little tutorial oh what is we have a broom oh we're a witch we have a hat of fire acurity whenever you deal fire damage you gain two you gain Arcane acurity for two turns leather armor okay melee organic Shield plus 2 AC which our ATS oh my God so we just have a random Shield Twisted Oak crook we have a sickle potion for some reason we have jeras underwear I'm not too sure why we have a dagger keychain recipe for arcade oh we have recipes oh my goodness it makes sense because we're a witch we have all of this Brewery oh I'm going to have to learn how to be a witch cuz I've never really done all the Alchemy stuff before again it's very very different very very different to the Paladin but I'm all here for it we're going to have to be utilizing this uh very very much Dodge when you take a when you take the Dodge action you focus entirely on avoiding attacks ah there's a Dodge action Thorn whip hidden name take the shape of a hag oh so that is the hag thing interesting I want to get into a fight to see what is going on dude it feels all fresh it's like the first time I play Boulders Gate 3 all over again it really is I might skip through some cut scenes just because especially this uh this bit because I've seen them so so much you realize you're talking uh if you haven't you can always oh do we have dexterity oh wait we should have custom look what the custom dice oh Galaxy looks awesome G uh Galaxy looks awesome DC 10 we get 18 good first roll if you want to see all the cut scenes and everything uh in all of its Glory which is this game which you definitely should go watch the reg Kid YouTube channel Link in the description to see all the cut scenes and my first reactions to everything like a little thing eyes okay it's all new again with mods you can see down here there's a little little bit of a bug with the picture but stuff like that is bound bound oh character looks incredible she looks awesome oh who's that no it's LEL could you imagine I had no idea who that was starting a brand new Let's Play Welcome lasel little foreshadowing with the red dragon right there LEL I love you we're friends let's crack on we can do and get out of here oh we're in our first fight oh we're very close to enemies oh that's a friendly actually never mind uh be in the brain first brain going to go over here and attack bang bang nice first damage go from here now we can see what we can do here we do have a thorn whb now uh that's a canra I don't want to use too many of our spells because it can be dangerous so arms prevent Target from using reactions s when you're close to them uh that be that that's just an action becoming a hag do we want to see that or do we want to save that maybe I save that for next episode uh Thorn whip is a c trip so let's see how it goes five damage oh so we can make any of these great Axe Trident short bow so I could just make a great sword I mean our strength is terrible and I like the one using it or oh my God so we now have a great sword four to 14 maybe I should have done a a bow could have been a bit smarter but a very rare oh my God that is insane and you get pommel strike as well knocked out that's insane I am death Dodge is either new or that's part of the mod everyone has that going use a rush attack can you reach the Imp no going to dash over instead just to get nice and close to it him's going to have his turn running away Fireball missed survival is all that matters LEL should finish it off oh of course of course LEL missed oh and I skipped both of our turns like an idiot cuz I thought LEL was going to kill it brain to the rescue there we go something good here so do we keep that weapon we do so if I make just just for example if I make a heavy crossbow like are we proficient in whatever we make very we are well we might as well use a long crossbow cuz let's face it we need some long distance attacks one thing I don't like is the Avatar is not working that annoys me but again hopefully I can fix that I'm not sure what that would be I just rushing through this uh prologue by the way just because I feel like everyone's seen this by now I wasn't wasn't going to include it but I think it's important to include it just so we can see the first bit of combat with this new class Shadow heart is with us and very quickly I'm going to go to Spellbook for shadow heart can we make sure she has uh command oh can I be Shadow heart get rid of Shield of Faith get command on because we want to make that guy uh little sneak peek we want to make him drop his weapon which we should have done for the Paladin since he can actually use that but we didn't I'm an idiot I also think for this playthrough because it's modded I might do a full Hing playr where every person in our part is going to be a Hing once we meet with us because because I like you know I've already done all these character stories I might just do three or part of four hings cuz I think that might be fun right let's quickly end off this battle Shadow heart first and foremost is going to dash up here she's going to get as far as possible will then laelle is going to dash in front of this one p strike of course you miss they get attack next critical miss a lot of mission happening which is good these two stunned already normally I killed both of these in my first two turns but we have a very very bad start here so we have a a heavy crossbow now piercing shot on you bada bing bada boom four damage not too sharoon so movement so fly is movement speed oh my goodness so we can just go which is awesome which is incredible uh little brain guy the brains are strong dude I'm telling you now brains are very strong attack of opportunity whoops range attack on lasel that's fine right Shadow heart going to go for a going to command you to drop this it is 55% High defense hopefully he actually drops it and then we can pick it up nice weapon dropped weapon dropped now she can I'm not going to pick it up with Shadow heart I want to pick it up with constant which I think would make more sense I'm going to leave him to you don't you worry little brain man can we reach that not enough are you serious not enough movement wonder if the gods are watching me oh no is he going to pick it up oh there we go yoink okay so that is how you get that is how you get the so if I use dust can I then fly you can that is how you get the everburn blade ladies and gentlemen which if you're a combat person I highly highly highly recommend getting we're going to get a uh uh I'm going to go for a I want a hand hand weapon for these guys going to go for a great sword it looks awesome let's go for a great sword four to 14 damage just in case these guys Step Up On Us he's lost his weapon so he's just I mean we could try to kill him for extra XP but I don't think that's necessary I think we should just leave with the sword and let's not over over complicate things too much again we we could probably could kill him realistically but I'm not too fast about killing him shadow heart Dash up here LEL kill that and then come as uh far as you can he's still fighting him again it's only one1 we we very much could could get him but we're not going to we're going to fly all the way across no attacks of opportunity I'm going to dash I'm going to touch it and we've done ladies and gentlemen and there we go waking up on the beach for the brand new Journey ladies and gentlemen hopefully you are excited for the witch playthrough there's a lot of new stuff to dive into of course this is just level one when we level up we get more and more stuff as well which is going to be inane ladies and gentlemen I'm very very excited for this playthrough and for this series hopefully you are too there's going to be a lot of playthroughs a lot of Let's Plays or Regent plays on this channel including this one of course and others there's going to be the one-off videos like all the battlefield videos and different games you know Planet zoo stuff like that as well so much content on this channel alongside the re kid Channel make sure you subscribe to both uh Link in the description down below and I'll catch you on the next one ladies and gentlemen much of as always take care and happy [Music] gaming [Music] n
Channel: RegentsPlays
Views: 3,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZDzFe_OrUaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 41sec (1781 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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