The Best of Game Grumps - Wind Waker HD

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what is happening all right but look but I'm into it all right I messed that up it didn't sound like you said speak no [Laughter] camera swinging down without a head let's go back up the ladder sorry to interrupt sir shark pushing don't tell your grandma I've been pushing sharks if she catches wind of my shark pushing it'll be divorced number three very good steak all day every day is just pushing that whale what you're actually making a statement unlike police officers or like [ __ ] the pigs your [ __ ] got too big just chuck it in the deal of the pig is this what you came here for this playthrough everybody giving you a present yeah these are fingering you stupid hold yourself she's gone yeah your sisters dead [ __ ] get over it it's been like eight seconds yeah you say bye to your family oh wait I'm sure you won't feel comfortable leaving this island until you give your beloved sister a big hug telegram I was traveling you yes you could say that pressing shut no she is with the birds forever yeah I don't know what it is but I'll buy it it looks like it's going I'm going to cook this she'll do you like it and sometimes push it in the sand it'll make a cute little design but if she was like super Gil trippy and she's like not both children I gotta go save her like just die alone I'll be back real soon [Laughter] completely dead she died on the rail [Music] oh man touches covers stop right there no way we're letting it sit in thank you I was thinking how stupid your [ __ ] soul patches hey you're making fun of my flavor saver I'll smack you right in the butt mister I don't care what bag you have unless it's Gucci and not never knockoff [ __ ] it looks welcoming if anything yeah I mean the architect behind it is just a masterful genius what was his name Satan [Laughter] million barrels out here we go can we send someone to get those barrels this is the ball he glows Twilight is that Sixpence None the Richer yeah change me James time to be bummed thank you it's like we squeeze the cow dry that is tuck son know you knew what does that mean many milk it's like I have a poo I love it this is [ __ ] we understand how you feel little guy it is my [ __ ] birthday right now thanks man oh god I wish I could [ __ ] somersault upstairs have you come dear Santa's dead it's terrifying how much scarier would it be if he didn't speak English but like a really aggressive language like John Duncan goodbye John Shaw it's like I don't know I don't know yes are those like your farts yes you never had this we're like something scary looking out the window I wondered I contemplated is his penis bigger than this way yeah I'll come to the entrance of you dragon roost cavern hmm they are 10 what is it raining Oh one of these guys just be like like you walk up to and they're all like Hello link welcome to our island here is blah blah blah and then you walk up to this guy and he's just like you are so sexy that duckbill does everything gonna get some hot new giant kicks from a giant feet which indicate a giant dick have you ever just done that in a public place oh absolutely no it's one of my favorite things surrounding elevators oh yes I did it like the first day of pax over there we're on an escalator and there was just so many people and I'm just like and you know just this murmur of like for me like and everybody's just like you know what the penis is so you've never put the penis cam yes when it's it's it's when you one person starts it and says penis is like quietly as possible okay then the next person has to say it louder the person who loses is the one who refuses to go any loud ah everybody hated playing the penis game with me because I always want immediately somebody or just be like please get ready penis oh yeah and go Comedy Central Roast of the dragon yeah I got these tattoos they symbolize some Chinese [ __ ] and how long does it take to evolve wings another excellent point well say yeah and why do you still have it if you have a way yeah she just flies up into the fire come my lady come come my lady I'll make your legs shake you make me go crazy does anyone object to these two being wedded in holy matrimony now forever hold you my fairy God her oh good oh she said Super Saiyan I won't even bother to poke holes in the corn we had this like a laundry basketball hoop hunter in our in our room so like you throw away laundry you throw in the basketball hoop so he would always run into it in the dark cuz they like jut it out from the door right so he put us to bed and he'd be like night boys see you tomorrow and then you're like 'i like the softly walks out and you're sure like the death of Mary Queen of Scots mm-hmm it's like and now we present to you the classic play the death of Mary Queen of Scots and it's like all you Mary Queen of Scots and she's like oh cool there's an orgy gonna get blown by twitch it's brew uh-huh we are clearly tired and stupid man often my mom watches this show perhaps I shouldn't talk about how I enjoy going down on ladies licking women's underbelly looks like you need a little first grade you see cunnilingus is when a girl pees in your head girl no he did where you keep all that Jagger yeah where you going on at Jimmy must be James yellow chick man you up here he down here yo he ain't up on your bevel girl nobody ain't no Geetha him you you don't listen to we're going to talk more maybe about jokes or something [Music] [Laughter] sugar baby Oh God dr. Erin yeah today I have my patient with me dan let me stick my dick inside your world drink the whole sea mmm tastes like play-doh oh there's my ship hey dumb [ __ ] alright well I found my another boat why sit well don't you tell them yeah do you think those feelings will be hurt oh that's cool he just sees me sailing around blue bows say like right behind him big wood is yeah it's the king of all blue boats no [ __ ] is your problem maybe we do have to get ya you flick activated that's B to the s to the this make you feel better all the kids love this I would love it if just you land one blow perfectly and cut open his whole [ __ ] chest and as he's dying bleeding you're just like god I'm so burning with anger rage but look at this [ __ ] guy I swear to God I mean I mean seriously oh man if only we had some water from the great Deku Tree go get water and the quest ended yeah it just breaks his spine in half hey it looks at she's like oh whatever looking ball whatever and it what the hell do they have to do in rupees they just want to do it remember I was talking about that with the crow um all right cool thank you that was awesome it's the proof he just had a [ __ ] it's like seriously where are you gonna go all right of course okay of course once again it has taken us 25 minutes to figure out I could have believed it oh my god I just dropped him so I did not throw him can I help you Oh what magic will be called what magic will befall me oh yeah yeah I'll take it from here the billowing smoke made me think otherwise but what I'm sorry ya heart did you just enjoy a death heart it excuse me yeah ever ever created Oh God speaking of ever that's where you've just you know what let's take a little selfie still it's Sophia a handsome selfie of us looking good in the book our beautiful mug say that I was good at this game yay yay good job I got the big key a little definitive very dignity what'd you find link did you find the big key yeah sure is you betrayed me statue you helped me and now you help die I thought when it was just dropping those letters that it just said move was like move oh all right the last time I said I didn't like Will Smith's movies yeah I got like 12 messages on facebook like you [ __ ] dick so if we question his sexuality it will be some next-level hate what movie that I see recently with Will Smith it was really good the trick question certainly expect a [ __ ] like letter from his people I'm just doing it on purpose I know [ __ ] I should have bottled that fairy and the Church of Scientology they're not gonna be happy with us save it I know Will Smith is in this game [Laughter] every time we say Will Smith replace it with Barney Rubble change it to Fred Flinstones friend [Laughter] everybody everybody knows Barney Rubble has a Barney Rubble is Fred friends less friend still I can just imagine some [ __ ] person in the youtube comments like there are clearly not friends fred is very much a dick to Barney Rubble oh he said that done use condom no have you it's not important the sun's rays shine into my eyes and cook me alive like a really silly voice like [Laughter] [Music] he's very powerful where were you on that boat he just turns his head slowly like he's tough right my most recent top five sofa results are Thumbelina yeah Lenny's deli in Westwood star date misspelled food and octopus top hat yeah yellow I have 500 next time maybe I'll find more useless items one hand one handed baby to hang on we'll put up that other hand just to be like whatever this where my hand would go she's Zelda yeah yeah I thought Zelda was black I think I make out oh oh how some reps will find out what's hurting so bad you wish I was a boat huh many people do including me those people where our ancestors they rode boats they were boats that's right Linc you have boat one looks like well least I'm not a Jew no cuz you're 70% water yeah remember that up on there all right well I just want to finish the stories or start the story so yeah my dad is in that war so like you would there's no sense in like looking back and being like I wish I'd done that differently because you would have done the exact same [ __ ] in the exact same way so maybe there is faith you know me [Music] sorry what's the other game that we wanted to play tonight um go [ __ ] yourself extreme I think uh Perry was just hitting on me yeah I think so [ __ ] red fly like shoots you look like you're gonna tap that you know she has no eyes oh okay Nikes I'll just check Facebook for a while okay I'm just getting on me what's up with Martha hiring me lately with her updates she's posting selfies and pictures of food is she suicidal man like comment and subscribe cool hey if your name's Martha [ __ ] porn [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] he's like oh boy oh my god I got two children in me here comes oh [ __ ] all right you know what let's fight them next time on game gross okay oh yeah I love Ray Charles dude didn't you do that superstition song that is Stevie Wonder oh yeah I get my blind its VIX is like the worst person no no yeah bad just because you get your black blind or everybody's come to you what's wrong with that your hands that like might upset you but uh that that grody [ __ ] hand full of like knockoff Lucky Charms that you gave me yeah that we're all sticky from your hands you see yeah not sitting well didn't taste gross Erin ran to the kitchen he was like you want anything I was like I was like yeah handful of marshmallow matey's would be cool and you came back to your credit with that with like a bunch of a mini you sweaty all right I guess I set myself up for that yeah floor master try to grab us know you thought you want to touch on me all over no just good enough again actually very tight on this episode title this episode episode did you notice how that the light forms a w-4 windwaker pan back hand back I swear it's true did you notice if you look upside down it actually forms an M or make no mistake you're an idiot the window for what the [ __ ] are you looking at wow that's a stretch and where did Americans come from all the ground we created three double use winwaker wounds next time I gave grubs we'll get back to that 13 year old boob story oh wait Barry Barry help change 13 year old - 14 year old fixed it nailed it I didn't know you're sharpening six toes [ __ ] it's a spoon what hey oh thank you yeah and all the lovelies oh very nice of you so much has happened in our lives since we played this seriously I had a baby right named it Georgia I killed it oh my god this squid is the bomb thank you thank you for that that sarcastic clap no that wasn't sarcastic that's my real laugh bruh the whole time we've been doing grubs I've been using my second sarcastic but you got me with that one I can just cruise real quick launch bombs into the treasure yet well like you've accomplished greatness oh hey yeah guess who just got 150 is like no one around for miles yeah yeah what the word that was not my fault Aaron heads it automatic I didn't have to hit a jump button it just jumps on its own dudes oh yeah you see I'm dumb a drifter yo I learned that [ __ ] from [ __ ] need for speed all right Silver Lining that's the one Barry I gonna need your fast forward on this I don't think so oh no this is [ __ ] this is strats right here he sick goin down it was talking about oh my god first second I thought you were gonna say like fellatio but then you went with the culling istra and I got really impressed at there because he's living it up and he's going laughter I like Tyson I'll beat it with a song from my favorite singer Randy yell yell vez [Laughter] okay women some oh right okay I will be here Mondays and Thursdays at 7 p.m. you know the only reason I really come here is cuz the drinks are free I'll be here all night I'm gonna be here at 9 p.m. so all you stragglers alright throw some throw in some crickets hey bars open and if you don't drink what are you even doing in a bar into a squeezy poot see what's moving squeeze no it's not a square this is what I want I mean like when you play pokemon and it's like who do you want to be bill Jake Fred Bob or your own name and you just like yeah my own name please did you scrote a lozenge god it's so sexy handsome handsome sexy hot I wish we had a face cam right now I don't because then PewDiePie I don't like the way you're talking to me don't you [ __ ] dare oh my god that's cuz you were making fun of PewDiePie i love pewdiepie i think i'm a [ __ ] great guy what no i just know that someone's going to like now take that soundbite of you going i love pewdiepie i love pewdiepie hold on more please please oh yeah dan that's your entire games I know are you just gonna throw away those genes well I sort of have to now Karen V cut hair Envy got it you think she's always caring about her me oh man thank you thank you thank you did you just find a nudie pic of Karen V I don't know if that's her whoa is that her let's pretend that sir I'm pretending right now my god I think I might pretend in the other room second of all [Music] oh let's put that out I think we were trying to top it you're an ice JJ fish this is like all I understood that yeah oh absolutely are you talking about quantum mechanics like dolphins go by and she's like I understand but guess what guess what check this out just in my pocket dog what's that who's in my pocket what's that yo [ __ ] can you just okay good you don't have to like release it into the air and then catch it yes oh you do oh god now come on [ __ ] I've ever seen you do Lou says what lose is what do says like I'm sorry this is what loser says what what like poorly disguised cough talking you'll never succeed you're gonna blow it you suck well I'm not good at this I don't appreciate that you're an [ __ ] [Laughter] I'm with the dark Matty just like yeah no I'm on fire step two we do your penis in a back and forth motion and making sure the back and forth motion stimulates her prostates congratulations you're now single step 3 allow tears to run down your cheeks as you remember how humilities you were as your father beats your naked butt when you did wrong we're gonna figure this out together as team isn't that right dad not a chance maybe maybe we need to go to the doctor dude he's be afraid to be a part of society there's gonna be a nice episode - just put it on and go to sleep - because it's going to be boring well now now you're gonna make me want to like scream into the microphone we purposely did it very like peaceful like soft episode where we do a lot of like a summer yeah a little-little a Marner and then exactly at like 35 minutes in you just scream you know you know what word is very funny should I never that I never thought of before ahead but just lay down a nice and nice note now harmonize okay Rick Rubin to call us yeah I love my shaft me too my copy of shaft on blu-ray it's a great movie that I've never seen so I don't know no [ __ ] than I love your penis well we still have like 40 minutes to go all right give me 4/4 time all right give me 3/4 time I wasn't even 3/4 time this is 3/4 of 4/4 time and the sky is a kite okay what happens that go okay coming loose there you go oh god damn it iron I didn't know was gonna do that I'm fine here we go yay oh my god oh yeah well I've been friends with you in more than a year that's you your big dumb and dingus it's not like we just started becoming friends when you appeared on the show you know what I will say that I was not I did not much care what do you drive but they can't deny you keep it building higher and I Archer so hold your head high fingers to the sky now they don't believe you but they gonna need you okay keep it building higher and higher and higher oh here comes a really good [ __ ] section okay work work work work work work work work work work and then in parentheses work are you are you meaning to tell me even though our schedule doesn't permit for it very often you would totally kill yourself no no me too that is a time crunch kill wall master yeah [ __ ] like he's totally a sage let me play you and love you baby this is work [ __ ] by Britney Spears work work work work work work work work work parentheses work research you never gonna believe this but we don't know what the [ __ ] we're doing my thing yeah but what she doesn't [ __ ] I know she loves Allah she says you ever seen LA Ink where she liked it like opens up and she's walking towards the camera and she's like I love the city she sounds exactly like that she smokes like 17 packs a day although through every hole of her body it's her walking towards the camera it sounds like she's gargling 20 frogs all right I love this world I love this time come on she gets feelings I know she's really cool I guess bassy feelings what the [ __ ] is going on I'm sorry does that bother you hello practice children like nobody can see me right this guy can't even [ __ ] see me invisible to him hello Buzz Lightyear from the pasture just sick all right cool I'm gonna exchange reserve this I have 20 I have 20 whole ones oh I have to actually give oh dear that's a joy pendant yeah I don't need your rupees I don't need your [ __ ] rupees you piece of [ __ ] well it's not quite enough oh come the [ __ ] on I just gave you one I [Laughter] can't believe you you're wearing it teacher 1 plus 19 20 I've been a dick all my life do you like my hat that looks like more hair dead all right I wish it did something [ __ ] this [ __ ] next time I gain grabs I'm gonna have like 70 joy pendants you let me know how many [ __ ] joy pendants I'm gonna have she's gonna take her and be like thank you for all of these for me I had 20 middlesex honestly best time of my life I mean I never got into college not important it's not all diamonds and giraffe cakes yeah what is a giraffe cake mud a delicious cake made of mashed up dressing give me five [Music] nailed it fire ice twice as nice that's what I said to my mother and then she disowned me gently passed away and then I was like what the [ __ ] man I have my sword out just like everybody said and I can't do the [ __ ] parry what the [ __ ] is this nonsense dude everybody was like oh you gotta have your sword out and I'll show you parry not [ __ ] this time oh there we go sorry I yelled at you get where the [ __ ] I've been all this time my sexy quest for shards continues sharts shards yeah we need to find out isn't that what we need to find all the Triforce sure yeah all ten shorts there's one one smart fellow wait what smart fellow he felt smart one smart fellow he felt smart one smartphone one smart fellow he still afford yeah English was invented just for that it's very hard one fart [ __ ] one smart fellow he felt smart one farts yeah one one one smart fellow he felt smart one fart smeller next time on game grumps hey guys whoa that's a big ass thing holy [ __ ] dude did you eat the lady that was here yeah that's what you want is this it pick it up and like I forgot to mention this like if you get like a front shot and zoom out why is it Rochambeau like a world sport everybody's got a dick I don't you said yes that soccer was the world's sport because anybody can play it if they had a ball in two posts right but every guy in the world has a dick I'm unclear on what Rochambeau is it's where you kick each other in the big thank you I'll go first yeah there's no getting kicked in the nuts and then being like ah okay your turn no you are riving on the [ __ ] ground for hours that's great does it give me magic it's what I need it'll restore all of links health and energy and double his attack power until receiving a hit from an enemy Wow yeah that's pretty I don't give a [ __ ] okay and so make his favorite soup anytime your monthly I'll make you soup once it takes a membership of 1295 a month but every time you want it you have to pay for it you know but it's chunky and it eats like a meal [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] things like that grandma things like that shut your dumb [ __ ] wrinkled mouth she's like she's like alright you come back it's just like up flies and then you just like quietly step over her [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] flower bras stay tuned okay okay I'm bringing home a baby boom boom be won't my mama be so proud of me what the [ __ ] are you talking welcome back to Grove school you can take selfies in this game are you serious things like we like he's like now this guy up here oh my god dude this [ __ ] out you should take a picture of yourself and then when I stopped him he was like oh is that skull in the background like guess I better have Grammys a delicious drink it's made with real shoes it's made with your grandpa oh stop oh nope you look great oh so hard well maybe this is probably a better idea if I just gonna forget about him for a second oh [ __ ] are we act are we like [Applause] [Music] yeah being a villain monologue blah blah what the [ __ ] that is not funny I really don't out from episodes 14 to 65 I mean the one where you talked about your OCD for a full house [ __ ] alright good friend I didn't know I'm sorry yeah I took a new JK is yeah the person who wrote Harry Potter I guess that's true but the winds that blew across the sorry Zelda Jesus is that no don't take a selfie right now I got him there's no time you gotta make sure I get this one this is gonna be great we're such an ass this is gonna be great on the mantel losing [ __ ] precious life economy back its Ganondorf when am I ever gonna see Ganondorf again what are you a Japanese tourist it's [ __ ] alright that's hilarious come on come on idiot that crossed your mind oh oh damn yeah Oh what do we say to the god of death Erin not today yeah I want you to live for the future I would love to play with your butter lettuce yes of course we have a ship or a masher no she's like oh my [ __ ] god I love it what tinyface yeah oh what a buzzkill is like the last bubble is Graham off the face down all the water into the mouth of it there they go off into the the Toy Story 3 ending be happy oh don't worry be happy now sonic game yeah those are short [Laughter]
Channel: BestOf LetsPlay
Views: 4,174,649
Rating: 4.9242344 out of 5
Keywords: gamegrumps, game grumps, wind waker, wind waker hd, zelda, best of, game grumps wind waker, gamegrumps wind waker, game grumps zelda
Id: 6oA6Kzkb3xY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 28sec (3028 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 21 2014
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