Game Grumps Best Moments Link The Faces of Evil

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well this is certainly a thing that's [ __ ] oh my god what is this oh god is this the faces of evil go we're what we're playing link the faces of evil that's why it's called link with like the Zelda logo but it just is link oh boy faces of evil oh boy best game here we go voted best game so oh wait it sure is boring around here you telling me but this peace is what all true - well I did not realize that the - Zelda CDI games were so similar oh there's three and one of them is completely different okay and that we're gonna we're gonna finish off the trilogy by playing that yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah completely different adventure oh my god god I hate this why yeah why was this oh yes hey which came out first this one of the zeldo want the chicken hmm I'll keep that in mind thank you which came first the chicken or the egg the chicken the chicken came first well then that certainly cleared that up no I'm serious the chicken came first so has the whatever whatever that chicken came from had to evolve in its birthing process so whether it came from an egg or it was a [ __ ] warm birth what do you mean whether it came from an egg if you came from an egg that means the egg came first no the chicken had to come out and evolved thing from an egg but the egg wasn't the chicken bro you're like that guy who's like the flat earth society has members all around the globe say that with someone like from them said that yeah that's yeah and the response was like read that again but slowly that controller certainly makes a huge ass difference really really know what whoa whoa whoa whoa all right I'm glad you have to continue because I needed a second what Oh is happening they're like baboons with the blue asses but instead of that they have like ass faces Oh God you're like I wandered into something like like party yeah I don't think you can kill them that I'm not supposed to be in are you [ __ ] kidding me were in hey are they just impervious to all damage morons here welcome back boys welcome to the best playthrough of the best game all-around from your from the best less players on the planet whoa Aaron all of those things are on the [ __ ] if you know for the best let's players in this building that's uh you know what do you think these games were in like dual development do you think like one team was working on this yeah and and that's the reason neither one is good yes they were like splitting up their forces well not only that but like it just the some guy made this like crooked engine and was just like I say yeah here's a game I don't know and they're like alright fine just slap some [ __ ] on it yeah Rembrandt can you draw backgrounds and he's like oh I am dead and then they're like how about you Ted and he's like well okay but I only know how to draw this one dinosaur oh well use it in both games I have to I have to make it to the end without getting hit they have to make it inside that no no no no oh yes oh it begins afresh I love this game come on with this yeah like really like really all I want is the key I don't care if I [ __ ] die when I get it I just need the key you know what you've got bombs so why not Huck bombs out him because I would be wasting my bombs Dan that's a great idea geez why don't you tell me before I'm selling it I'm sorry I actually just thought of it know when these bombs are locked [ __ ] I'm gonna waste my bombs so do it oh I got him I got him I got this is an easy way to return to the beginning yep okay these things supposed to be there really jolly yep Mikey I can't tell if they're their mouths or mustaches well all I know is that at least they're supposed to have that like droopy dog voice where we may go don't let him get competing just you yeah that should be kinda boring yeah you know she my girlfriend yeah I guess I guess what we're gonna walk through and then come back to this tomorrow next time one game girl right on I mean [ __ ] right oh come on [ __ ] the wolves have boomerangs why don't you get a boomerang you're linked because Dan it's not [ __ ] linked wouldn't be what the [ __ ] dude beep adieu baby baby dude what the [ __ ] that's the soundtrack I'm gonna hear in my head for the rest of this game FIFA do prepare for food what the [ __ ] you went out of your way to order this game I spent I'm gonna be completely [ __ ] open and truthful with you guys this is an employee spent $300 on this game we hunted out of not only that but I spent 150 dollars extra on the [ __ ] German version I think it was Dutch whatever okay the [ __ ] it definitely wasn't in England the [ __ ] Spurgin Burgundy I turned it on and I was like maybe there's an English mode and it was just like boom gah boop got link and I was like oh my [ __ ] girl yeah our options were like blanking Fearrington smirk and Sturken and save so enjoy this four hundred and fifty dollar investment in my anger anguish and torment for your musical enjoyment I don't know why I said musical yeah I was just trying to turn around oh yes yes yes Queen the lag yes yes yes Queen slay happy one of my [ __ ] favorite things people say we do be do be do be really babe that looks so cool yeah I'm surfing look at how cool I look look like a goddamn coloring book carry this game like certain characters really look like they were drawn by like fifth graders then all the characters look like they're shot by yeah but I mean like it's not like I don't want to Internet's an insult to 5th graders how do you deal with that apparently spear fish flies following me in a vertical manner oh dude you're incredible right now it's just longitudinal come on keep going don't don't don't [ __ ] it wait oh my god oh my god good large beer just [ __ ] just go flying I can't attack while I'm jumping that's that is that is a problem Oh what the data that don't don't go away no I mean do go away that is so funny oh my god oh [ __ ] go now change go right you went left I don't even need to kill the [ __ ] Spearfish if I if I just Jeff why did that one hurt me no no Spearfish no no Queen no Queen don't let slay I like everyone's the same place with that ah alright chase you got a fourth heart check this that's really helpful boom warm derp oh my [ __ ] god okay so every time you saw her she'll give me water of life dude yeah fun would be the word I would use to describe this game upon of course it's fun you're having a good time pure fun little sour place like watching the first Avengers movie you're like like riding a roller coaster or like like playing some really intense board game with your friends or like like riding down sledding down a slope and then this game your first hatchet murder when you pick your nose and it's like more than you thought it was anything like breathe really well afterwards Wow Wow I think I just straightened out my septum hit it seven whoa oh my god thank you snowball Jesus seven out of ten perfect craft the perfect animation whoo all right shipwreck cliff we're making progress now my god I'm you know what Aaron I don't want to make it seem like I don't believe in you I had no faith that that was gonna work out yeah well I [ __ ] told you dude I told you and you just didn't even [ __ ] there was a 50/50 chance yeah and you picked the raw you you went black when it was there is landed red chance that you were gonna succeed but only a 5% chance of that there's a 5% chance that there's a 50% chance right you a [ __ ] weather forecaster exactly right she said to go somewhere and cut down daddy's chains breathtaking and amazing wise breathtaking it was no it was perfect remember that one part that was really obvious or they didn't color her ear taking I don't like to throw around the term masterpiece oh dear this might not end whoa yeah I guess that's daddy yeah [Music] that means something so different these days yeah oh yeah how am I supposed to what is Vernon keep saying whatever like he takes a picture with someone pretending to jizz in his mouth he's like stop texting right now whoa I know I could not agree more hey welcome back [ __ ] [ __ ] look at the graphics it's beautiful I mean just I kind of wait if you don't move like it kind of looks like he's got faces going in each direction you know I mean like his hair is a big goofy nose for like a browner looking face like there's the eye in the mouth you know what I mean am i imagining that do you see it oh god hold on man Ryan if you guys see it you might have to ally with God it's the back of his hair yeah just like the nose like a big dumpy [ __ ] yeah squidward nose oh my god it's just weird the whole ever the whole everything is weird Matt and Ryan like I get angry texts from them at like 2:00 in the morning saying I'm gonna kill your family you get those right I gotta call my mom [Laughter] in the tub the glove Wow not you another link back then just slap it with the power glove like you've brought this yeah where did she pull it out of that it did you see her just fondle her tit for a second what she [ __ ] she was like my husband getting she fondled her tit for a sec she must have been like going for the thing like it must have been hidden in her cleavage she was 100% just like grabbing her tit for a set Matt Ryan can I get a replay of her fondling her boob but with a death metal music [Music] yeah thank you Wow I always I always ask for sweeping orchestral music so I was like let's mix it up a little fun monetizable now yeah it was a comedy troupe from when I was like in New York like in my early comedy days hmm but it was like this woman like it's a cat food commercial but like every every time she does a new version of the cat food commercial like she she starts losing her grip on reality becoming a crazy cat lady so at first she's like my kitty litter cat whatever [ __ ] you know and then by the end she's just like a homeless woman on the street like holding the cat food and she's like I have to dig that up that's that's gonna be a hard one to find hello hey welcome back we're playing this game linked to the forces of evil or whatever yeah linked to the faces of death juicy faces of death when you're super scary I went to the I went to the Museum of Death and they were like playing all of them oh no like a little theater and I was like cool and we sat there for a while and watch it's a [ __ ] huge oh my god saw that one of those cutscenes thousand crab oh I had the - that's nice use bombs use bomb Oh beer harms you bums you balls Tara never come in the river ridiculous come in ah watch out for the rabbit uh let it play out okay watch out for dupes that was really expertly handled dude I know thank you I'm proud yeah you're getting a lot better getting me speaker getting punched for every direction yeah me I'll just leave maybe I will just leave boy they're shiny listen to this music and watch the pigs go by Legend of Zelda in greasy pig race [Music] what that's not how it works anything works and where did that happen would you remember this is all the one where we just like showed up at a place and he was like oh no my cakes are burning like wordage what see me I think you need to [ __ ] you didn't see that that was gonna happen mmm-hmm no I mean clearly no where the [ __ ] do I go now not a no try turning the thing maybe maybe that's a door never the other way what the built of skulls is the other way well nevermind I don't know oh you can jump onto that yeah [ __ ] come on [Laughter] yeah it's fun games are fun you [ __ ] pets dude forget bats oh Christ dude oh my [ __ ] god this game golly picks up his [ __ ] emaciated body his cold dead husk of a corpse what in the name of pearl golly is that really all you have to say yeah apparently jeez with cheaper nuts did you breeze people do all day well there's no spots this is music - yeah right it's like 2001 a Space Odyssey thank God Matt this is Ryan can you put a [ __ ] space background with me and Aaron our faces like in a little rocket ship cruising across the screen to this music [Music] how cool yeah I'm a cool guy cool guy cool guy cool guy cool guys cool girl I'm a cool guy you're a cool guy yeah that's what we sing to ourselves at parties when no one's talking to us I'm sad nobody's talking to me I know what to do oh oh that's good no that was good that was trying to throw another bomb you wouldn't have needed to that one would have taken about balls [Laughter] oh and Kasich such a rock and roll named you oh yeah okay oh you're back at the overworld Oh God [ __ ] millet Ron all right all right I'm fine eat some I need some frizzy water or whatever water of life water I'll let him come to me oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] laser swords no no no all right pause in the episode no yeah yeah fine god I know it's brutal so [ __ ] stupid ass millet Ron Oh Lupe dude oh I got Lupe I got gluco [ __ ] all over the place man those are my two favorite Spanish comedians Luke oh and Lupe Luke going Lupe and what does it deal with only with Mexican man you know it's like you see your dad and your dad's like what is going on and you're like come on man this is the 1900s [ __ ] you talking about it so all they all are it's like how they all are you sure you wanna [ __ ] say that Mexican comedians or Spanish comedians they're all like they're all talking about their families oh no my mom you know she's like and if you don't eat it that's how they all are look I made this bean casserole you're like no I didn't eat much this is like you eat just because wrong that's that's how they all are is like the single biggest out-of-context nightmare that you can ever say on any show no I didn't I didn't mean all Spanish people I meant [ __ ] all comedians yeah I mean all Spanish people I meant all Mexicans think I am [ __ ] racist racist against Spaniards Oh God these [ __ ] columns have to look on my face whenever I [ __ ] watch you play this game for more than an hour look on my face after I like that's yours the angry one had some curry and now I gotta like basically just pee it out my ass and you're stuck in traffic [Laughter] [Music] that wasn't a door this was a door no the doors are the doors right you are right you who [ __ ] this step up what [ __ ] whatever I don't know I you know we already cut the stone so let's do it now isolate he's just gonna freeze down there anyway she's not gonna use it where's [ __ ] Lupe what is Lupe Lupe as a destination sound familiar at gluco that Lupe oh yeah oops is this gluco free is this bread gluco free yes but it does have Lupe okay that's all right I have Spearfish disease what are you doing talking to me kill the fairy the most dangerous of Ganon's minions oh my god the voice actor for the most powerful being in the in the entire game didn't show up today yeah it's okay my eight-year-old daughter is fine but don't worry my female substitute third-grade teacher will handle this she was in plays so so what's my motivation here oh you are the most fearsome of Ganon's warriors okay and what's my motivation oh you're a dog okay oh boy might as well just leave it come back that's gonna be one of those days yeah I mean every day is one of these days when we play this [ __ ] game can Lupe all right excellent don't mind us we'll just be up here dancing interrupt we're the shitty tiny Rockettes oh yeah yeah we're out of order no you're following me we're supposed to be going left and right lost it right what are my hands and what are my feet damn it who cares but when you watch us dance it'll be a treat what the [ __ ] I'm broken now you see me now you don't restart program where we just rip a sign like draw later throws out a smoke bomb and the smoke clears he's just still standing there like sick Oh God oh nice you know you don't I already killed you in the exact same way gaali directing me oh not that I shoot me oh stop coming close ah this is horrible oh you got a duck down maybe yeah come on hurry up come on this is a real [ __ ] horrible battle I mean are you [ __ ] kidding me I said oh my [ __ ] eyes can't handle this I need the crystal of vision don't mspaint me out [Laughter] they make these elaborate animations where like some guy [ __ ] melts yeah and like another guy explodes and then he like [ __ ] flies are on the screen and deflates and then the link comes over and picks up his his dead balloon carcass golly and then he just gets [ __ ] deleted he gets super compressed and no I think the friend is the best part oh thank you an only second to the shitty gameplay it's really close actually Oh in fact let me reevaluate yes I think the game is better than our friendship [Laughter] upon further reflection your tool hey what a great [ __ ] name for a song upon further reflection you're a tool [Music] oh you totally won't lose your nose I'm so scared this mountain is really steep I wish I could remember how that [ __ ] song went last night that I was singing I sang you what I thought it sounded like this morning like hidden Jesus and I like to play basketball oh oh I recorded it did you yeah what well cuz you were like I can't remember how this goes so or I'm gonna forget how this goes so I sang it into my phone really yeah after you left yeah all right well that's me dying [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] oh [ __ ] he's him again I guess oh no I'm gonna get perms I guess wait wait come back [ __ ] you must die no [ __ ] it's gonna play it again I love how he greets you he's kind of cool-looking hello hey you must die yeah welcome yeah must die will you be staying for dinner you must use your gift bag oh it's great to see you again [Laughter] tapeworms everywhere dudu I'll tell you what you're supposed to do you eat you ate raw chicken you must die these tapeworms will assist Oh God see you since high school how long has it been huh 15 16 years [Laughter] GameStop where you can this is charles speaking hello and welcome to Moviefone if you know the name of the movie you'd like to see please put three letters of it now you must I was just gonna say I take a lot more shits more often huh is that cool no oh thank god yeah Oh God Oh God oh there's so many there's so many I know den don't you think I [ __ ] know oh my god oh Jesus tell me something I don't know tell me trigonometry or something I know there's so many I can see jeez there's a little [ __ ] everywhere - where do they come from they've never been in this game before and they just showed up in this stage which great is welp you know I'm all about [ __ ] old surprise but [ __ ] my god ah tapeworms they do so much damage it's ok throw a bomb and you'll kill him ok not fair are you practically falling off the [ __ ] a you know it really it really looked like you had it then you just sank like a stone okay we're gonna pause the episode we're gonna pause it here and we're gonna get past that you might have to play and I will make your face the greatest in corner die or else you will die the opportunity to join you Jesus [ __ ] sucks would you [ __ ] me if I were a girl and a had big titties and I was pretty big yes one for me now good oh my god that thing was like [ __ ] inches away from hitting you good lord look at the skulls on the wall they're like wow I mean we're dead but we've got disco fever I could still get down oh my god why'd you do that I just saved you from Ganon you did not he [ __ ] totally did oh my [ __ ] god that's where the kiss huh this is what sex is I guess well [ __ ] alright well thanks for joining us oh my god a nightmare oh wow guess what Zelda's adventures next golly I can find it is it right it's probably rarer than this one I'm sure it is I've never won before well let me look it up on eBay real quick seal see how rare it is okay see how much I have to shell out for that Oh nightmare yeah who is this oh by the way was this game 400 dollars well spent oh sure write that off as a business no yeah it's great business expand good stuff Zola's adventure coming soon to a game grumps near here see you later i won that's 24 bits oh my gosh dude good lord just bit like 5,000 blow him out of the water you can't baby thank you baby like you [Music]
Channel: AppleSauce 3.0
Views: 85,204
Rating: 4.9407177 out of 5
Keywords: game, grumps, compilation, link, cgi, faces of evil, best, of, applesauce
Id: wYPCumA4JLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 7sec (2287 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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