Best Laughter Moments - Breath of the Wild - Game Grumps Compilation [UNOFFICIAL]

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we turn it up a little bit I mean [ __ ] so demanding dude oh she's so pretty that's mr. boy link yeah you're right could you not bother me anymore service I'm the guy who sits by the fire and makes comments about your nudity yeah they're really uh well then just help yourself to that towards their tips and tricks we're [ __ ] close it's stupid but I like being naked and we started referring to God ask i daddy I can't remember if it was us that came up with it or someone told us God but um it started raining and I saw Vernon who actually was a religious man in in his younger life looked to the sky and quietly say give me your gummy sky Wow let it be known this game is fully derivative of sonic the hedgehog sonic boom yeah yeah I mean if anything this game has a long way to go to prove it can get to that if I can't pause the game unpause the game and then jump again in the air and then pause the game and unpause the game and jump in the air again and I don't know what the [ __ ] it would appear that moment is fast approaching it's a project right now with your milky hamstrings and creamy thighs there's nobody around here let's see now how about I trade for a bit of treasure that slumbers nearby I'm talking about your penis it will soon await your adventures will be detailed here I'll show you my adventure oh man oh is my boy where's my boy yet what's up [ __ ] I almost dropped the n-bomb I'm so sorry I Wow I don't even know where it came from oh god I was scary okay he would have smashed on the ground I would like that my career would have smashed on the ground if I said that paraglider please what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I know I'm cat pee he's like what oh my god [ __ ] I'm so sorry what told me it would be that way as such it is written well I killed him bring me another link at least I don't have to give up my sweet pair of glass yeah what took you so long well I'll just do it just do it then let's [ __ ] get it over with alright stop that Bridget in the kitchen I think I've spent enough time with his own my friend Aileen was getting hit on by this like 80 year old man and she was like what he's like she sent me a picture of it she was like what do you think his opening life I was like I bet it was something I don't understand why the Chinese had just used foxes tonight I ain't gonna use the bones and breathing again [ __ ] I'm sorry it's hard [Laughter] oh [ __ ] oh this is awkward oh yeah they're super bad good job and the bees survived better bomb resilient bees they're guilty as charged oh damn what's up there Oh a damn shrub sick air bro they drew him as a goofy dragon see if you can find your way through the maze see the the Aqua Teen Hunger Force where they bring the witch doctor to bring back the chicken from the dead no he's like a rise chicken chicken chicken he's like super mega ultra chicken Shh he is legend I'm gonna use this axe mind if I hiren I was like I'm like my mind was it was like don't say it that's stupid and then my mind was like but when you take a cold shower you're like [ __ ] they hate it I don't like it but then when you get out your intro to the world is like oh my god it's warm and comforting yeah but like and this world is beautiful it's beautiful and ugly how can you jerk off in a cold shower actually that thought that's more like how do it cuz your snuff is all tiny and you just can't terrified not a shower jacker anyway it's dangerous well you can't do because you'll get the desert jellies jizz is like one of the worst things for your drain desert jelly as they're called desert jellies who calls them that the army really yeah cuz it's the shower is the only place where you get like semi privacy in the army and in some cases so the dudes will often Jack it in the shower and then it'll clog the drains and then their little desert jellies of I was with a girl one time and she just [ __ ] unloaded on me just like like reeled back and crack me across the face I was like [ __ ] how and she was like take it take it I'm like of course I'm gonna take man that girl was crazy that's cool it was fun I'm happy for you thanks what was her full name Reginald Pia tinkle bottles does it remind you of a portal at all no well I guess it's like getting stuff to roll onto platforms and pushing things at correct times and the blue and the orange and well blue and orange is like a true like a they're contrasting colors so like everybody uses them yeah I know they make that [ __ ] pop portal like they're like dang yup or don't like these titties come remember we walk it Susie and I were walking somewhere and there was a little kid who had the [ __ ] hat he just had the straight-up the hat the rice yes I was with you yeah in the airport yeah there's like a little white kid I was like dude come on now great I wore that [ __ ] in a comedy show and felt kind of bad about a dirt nap yeah yeah six feet under bro yeah it's crazy how complete 180 they did where like Zelda was famously the most [ __ ] hand holy goddamn game on the planet and then they're just like now let's just throw all that out completely throw it all out [ __ ] clever [ __ ] well how many how many games in a row had it been like that done got ocarina you got [ __ ] Majora's Mask was Whittaker that wind waker hell yeah mm-hmm you got Twilight Princess you get Skyward Sword got [ __ ] moonlight train ride you just start confusing [ __ ] Zelda games with songs by the Steve Miller Band ocarina of time abracadabra Wind Waker shut up fly like an eagle you got the [ __ ] you got you got time time baby or whatever it's called phantom phantom phantom time baby dude I was at Target the other day and this stop bragging hashtag humble brag even if it feels like you're from Polizzi like high quality roll it around at the speed you in the neck come on I purposely make my hair like a paintbrush and ironic kind of it's actually a terrible tumor thank you for bringing it just between you I'm trying to choke it out with this so far not working looks like road sign the road times that you saw down in stole [Laughter] it's a terrible thing to do they're definitely all there for that's why I didn't do it I'm just saying I've always wanted to yeah just like I've always wanted to stab a dude I'm not gonna do it but I might in fact I might saw it on a stop sign and stab it with it it's right after he crashes his car because he didn't know to stop I'll save you she's my wife Oh pies my wife oh no I only have a core oak leaf how am I gonna fight them oh you don't have any weapons no I do oh god I'll never make it to my inventories for you I know if only you had killed them that whatever they're cool you know just went to the inventory screen to get food Oh Morty all Morty's coming for you geez Morty look um why doesn't carry you for [ __ ] out of my jurisdiction and I want you to sing to me that beautiful song that you serenaded with me I've got a boner song yeah [Music] today this this works if you just put it away before it comes out uh-huh it'll stay forever that's pretty awesome that's great Wow pretty inconspicuous huh it's just like the town hot girls house yeah after 20 seconds of exposure I felt extreme fatigue and broke into a fever that'll happen I kicked semen awake and had him run a full exam on me my height weight vision bone density heart blood man he really got in there but circumference elasticity everything we could pushing our facility to its limits our discovery firm Sandler has anything to say about this and it's like going crazy are you seeing this yeah I'm sad here's the deal just for you I'll cut you a special price of 3 grand but in return I'm gonna need you to bring me 30 wood bundles building materials you know how it is oh my god if I bought my house and she was like you know what that's it just pay $10,000 and bring me a lot of wood okay just do the like Stewie head turn from that Sam hablen yeah those are mod ones Oh tiny ones are but cob ones I like it that's a cool madlyn oh yeah I know it's much better than the [ __ ] Skyward Sword moblins they're like these goddamn ass Disney's Moana cartoons yeah but you you actually get energy out of doing things you hate that's yeah you get fired up about it I just I get depressed and I just hate that is yeah I wonder if that's a good thing right like I wonder if that's a good response cuz I feel like you know deriving some sense of joy out of hating sometimes I mean you're feeling something but I'm not like you know I don't carry that on to like people I'm not like oh [ __ ] that guy I'm gonna [ __ ] [ __ ] on that guy or something like that yes like not in an angry way right I could might [ __ ] on him just in a pleasurable way yeah but I mean who's judging that no I mean obviously not the people that are paying at $20 subscription a month anyway that's neither here nor there there's no particular reason why I know it's $20 there are these crazy suits like there's this website of these crazy like cartoonish suits and Adam our art tour manager likes to wear them so yeah who were the Christmas yeah the Christmas one totally so I was showing him like another one from the website that I wanted him to use and there was this other one that I was going to get and it it just has like that weird pattern where it's like lots of kind of like diamonds overlaid over each other and he's like yeah man like I totally wear that as long as you don't mind me nicknaming you the Chinese finger trap and it was like that's already my nickname but I don't want to go into what just felt it necessary to put that information out there from my prison days and I'd rather not speak very much my back-alley tricks days silly silly [ __ ] rabbit back-alley tricks are for kids I'm just trying to make a living okay you're gonna make it watch it watch it watch this watch this ah [ __ ] flawless ood just even gonna land directly on these horses yeah doctor I exploited a ball I don't know how it happened that was really a present they don't see that's that aw man [ __ ] yes oh yeah horses sail right onto another just like walking through the world man I love it too look at all this [ __ ] we're exploring what was that exploring see I would align the way to go so many things to explore I wish I could go back to school like like grade school and [ __ ] and just like be a [ __ ] smart this is like now she's praying I'm gonna take your prayer apples yeah I've got you god I'd love it if they put in just a random reference to like wand of gamilon her faces of evil like your vampire after like she tells you that she's just suddenly like oh my goodness suck me off suck me off [Laughter] somebody to love is one of those songs that like people who are really good at karaoke do yeah and then you're just like yeah you're just sitting there and they're like and you're like [ __ ] and then you gotta go up and do I'm bringing sexy back yeah I mean his name's guy Wow what's up I'm guy I'm a guy what she said before let me being a girl girl I'm a guy I'm a nice plain Zelda it's just interesting how like insults like playground insults develop over time yeah I wonder what the ones wonder what the kids are saying now yeah I don't know yeah I feel like they're the ones you could find on Twitter I'm sure you're right iím feeling they're probably a lot harsher yeah the kids are calling other kids Hanzo means what does that mean what exclusively over what have you ever seen that picture of the half horse half centaur and it's just a giant one horse I actually already clear it with her so you don't need to call it oh it's been cleared for [ __ ] years yeah she'd let you bang a guy oh sure really why not I don't know I'd [ __ ] a dude I know you would iron I have a list of do I know you do her and here's hoping many times Killian Murphy better watch the [ __ ] out [Laughter] do you think Ben Stiller was was a fidgety child and somebody asked him to someone sits tailor yeah yeah I do probably done you probably also asked him where you've been Ben Stiller the voice inside my yeah it's how it works yeah other people that just say oh yeah my ailment yeah gotta put on my helmet put on my yellow hello welcome back to the legend of zorda along to the boring I'm gonna talk to Kelso over here anyone who wants to see one of my favorite [ __ ] videos on the web look up polar bear mascot falling it's a it's like a car commercial for like a Minnesota based car dealer and the polar bear is their mascot and they're walkin on an ice skating rink but his feet have no traction in the costume and the guys just like the guy walking next to him keep saying stuff that's like supposed to like it's supposed to be like a cut into it but it's just it's just so perfect cuz it'll be like needless to say I didn't get my deposit back yeah I just I wasn't ready for the episode to start because I was looking at a meme of a guinea pig achieving transcendence it's a good meme yeah it's pretty wonderful personal favorite meme there's a guy named max Goodrich and he creates these videos of animals achieving transcendence and I guess the very well-known one is the cat in the girl place is the flower yeah maybe she's a Korean or something she's like oh yeah and then the cat like as soon as it gets the flower on its head it's like and then well you know what why don't you just look it up for yourself what's it called I don't know all right well look up cat meme and I'm sure with sonic DX an upside down version of that sonic DX that game we played sonic adventures DX we played like 47 episodes of it I don't know you're talking about really yes Sonic Sonic what so it was a one where like when they talk their faces really good I'm literally [ __ ] with you okay go we're safe Oh DX's alright sorry sometimes I'm like we do a show called game grumps and you're like what the [ __ ] are you talking about oh yeah and well I picked up my bananas or not leaving them around for him oh right you're [ __ ] delicious I put him on my pocket now you remember so often that's an act out of my pocket yeah I peel them and then put them in my pocket yeah I stuffed them all in my pocket to create an unconvincing bulge that's right ladies ever been with a man with a bunch of dicks just getting in the open air clearly visible but like sneaking along yeah project banana drop we've made an operation Dumbo drop references project put data dries that worked right in the [ __ ] ass I need to bust out my serious moves a secret technique taught by my father's mother's father hamster style destroy you this is the end dad I don't think I would do hamster style anymore it's a code she say [ __ ] dafuq did she say dad coach she say oh my god when did Skyward Sword come out I don't know mm um it's the it's the Oh robot humpy camel I'll be waiting for you there with my favorite NCO Patricia [Laughter] would you get closer would you [ __ ] stop going so damn slow I just imagined like ah the hero of our kingdom lays with this fan just curtsy like just getting tossed around by a seal like the force in Star Wars yeah I guess so but like it's all the same right if you strike me down I shall become more possible than you could possibly imagine possible if you strike me down I shall become more down than you can know it's like a goopy I wake up wake up goopy I the house is on fire like I killed your dog this isn't working out wha Britney Spears is making a new toxic music video that's a big ol ax oh god damn it have you ever been full untucked while trying to give us someone to kiss it's yeah I don't think so no maybe you know it might have been like like a not a bet like I had bad breath or something and I was just kind of like oh I'm gonna kiss you no I'm full on talking like I do not want to kiss you oh that kind of thing it hurts it hurts a man's feelings I'm sorry that's okay I didn't mean to hurt you that way it wasn't you Aaron oh because I've definitely done that to you a couple times whatever bro we're just bro yeah we're just bros a kiss sometime however it's just how you show your affection yeah god it's not a big deal Jesus [ __ ] God everything's gotta be about gayness with you yes because I want to suck a bros dick just cuz I want to get a bros dick on my leg jeez [ __ ] sorry about my bros excuse me the time of bro need yeah and you're gonna make that gay what does that say about you well one person we have green hair and we're jacksepticeye don't you [ __ ] watch our show duh yeah dumb dirt why haven't you been seeing top of the morning to you like I have Oh God every episode I open up with top of the morning to you never [ __ ] say it it's [ __ ] up I love Jack because I'm one person this is the Tyler Durden of what if you were like my evil side that like why would I be the evil one I don't know one just spitballing here well Ferrell comes up to them after they do well Forte sorry comes up to them after a show and it's like man I really love you guys stick you know like you you pick a country no one cares about you pretend like New Zealand and pretend to be from there so where you guys where you guys come from you get trained at Juilliard he's like they're like New Zealand and he's like New Zealand I love it Lord of the Rings [Laughter] I don't watch gay porn recreationally except to laugh at this particular one yes because they're walking hilarious I don't actually what it's just the intro that's funny right there's nothing funny about the gay sex oh no that is serious business it's very tasteful and delicious yeah the lighting is gorgeous no it's really bad actually yeah it's super duper I was filming in a 7/11 he just walks into the house and it's this giant room and there's a bed in the corner was that really what bothered you the most about that the Fung Shui of the the best setup actually kind of yes okay well fair enough Anthony you want me to [ __ ] you I hope I can take a hit with this armor you too Brad good sword [ __ ] job I dropped it okay I got this oh I know I know what to do do you really yes it's a learning experience Oh game what do you expect I don't know [ __ ] I'm not gonna be amazing at it the first time you see I already write but I didn't remember he did that okay yeah are you [ __ ] clock [ __ ] political here now god dammit right after I got everything done suck my ass alright we're gonna hit pause real fast I just [ __ ] in my mouth already get it over with that's it beautiful thank you insert this into your anus it's too big alright if it doesn't fit you must oh my god really well now that he's gone they're cool that is super cool what I thought I would yell out some an EDM artists dead worse the M in EDM stands for music uh-huh it's an ATM machine that kind of thing oh yeah I was like you know what life's too short yeah hey how about [ __ ] you I don't care yeah how about gfy yourself [ __ ] yourself is a pretty popular one kill yourself thank you a double one yeah pretty good present KY ask yourself [Laughter] [Laughter] welcome back to game rooms we are hello friend yaha its yeah haha dude oh sorry jesus [ __ ] christ fake gamer girl since you and since you and lady are but [Laughter] serious you are helm is a cultural treasure to earn it you must gain the trust of our people well that trust [Laughter] manages shop the specializes at handmade accessories but I've run out of Flint I needed to make my items only had 10 she says I would give me ten pieces of I give you one pieces of Flint because my name is Flint haha about that baby go away finger guns are you like that I'm a nice guy I have a nice guy right oh is that the spiny thing you can see from space from the map top 10 my personal favorite deaths of yours in this game Oh raise my bond hours [Laughter] oh that catches his attention won't you oh really really [ __ ] will do that dude no I'm outing me this doesn't seem safe as other places you've stood before and have not been good yeah I'm gonna punch you right what is that six yep IJ owed earlier so that wouldn't distract me did you really do your smart business just like my dad like there he is and then the newspaper clipping says like minutes but or link was killed no I wanted to pose though like hey look I can hold them up with one hand oh my god [Music] gangster gangsters [ __ ] carry all these [ __ ] sure I'm just [ __ ] chill hey welcome back it's cool you can just look at your friend have with your hand on your penis and it doesn't even really notice for awhile just staring and staring I was like how long is it gonna take him to notice you said it I didn't even real yeah I know and was so hidden you were like are we talking about that guy sounds like he's in terrible penis particularly you know I mentioned this this morning when you and I were were cinnamon bun recipe did you do that did I yeah when you were rummaging for rummaging for Egyptian artifacts spare Egyptian chain did I scroll Danny on anything no as a matter of fact okay wow this one's like got a lot of [ __ ] in it usually they're pretty short these templates I'm just imagining different ways that statement could be said that would be 40 like like a doctor doing surgery on a patient like Zig mess so it's got [ __ ] in it what all these things what does that do that's the heart doctor that's what you're operating on like no [ __ ] way crazy dude yeah is it always like like that I don't think you understand how cars work dude are you sure no oh look up I want to [ __ ] you in the ass really on YouTube I don't know if that's a good idea well if you search that on [ __ ] Bing you're gonna get some straight-up the hardcore porno but show if you search it on YouTube you too doesn't have a [ __ ] porno on it so it's gonna be a view that ones from early 90s movie [ __ ] which is it's not a porn it's like a I think it wasn't c-17 but it's like a Wicca movie with a plot and such but yeah go enjoy it go enjoy that terrible exchange of bad acting oh oh no it's some of the best I've ever seen in my life when we were filming the show the other day like the sound guys were wiring us and we were quoting PCU and it's the scene where like the hippies are all bummed out that like George Clinton that like they went to a George Clinton show and like he didn't show up but he's playing their house party instead that they're at and they don't realize it he's a good dude name is George Clinton didn't show like man you have to lay off the bud George Clinton's here right now and he's like marvelous I [Music] was thinking like Bruce Lee's failed cereal life be like milk don't look at the finger or you will miss all of the delicious glory hello we're back from lunch and we're talking about dick size yeah and Aaron just told me a very upsetting development in his life okay so my wiener it was like pretty decent go on you're not gonna brag or anything yeah but it's important to the story but it rhymes with a reven and a laugh so so when I recently measured I had lost an inch and I was just like what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] is going on it's I don't know man it's I didn't want to do [ __ ] geometry homework here yeah Jesus Christ this is like math and that's why equals Z nothing makes me softer than math you don't know what that Jane left one direction I had no idea I don't know whose aim is Billy Zane the shadow Billy Zane was the villain and Titanic yeah get your [ __ ] together that's probably why he left one direction so you being a Titanic to be in the Titanic sequel yeah the up-and-coming Titanic sequel there's seven of them Titanic the horizon there was a resurfacing oh geez oh yeah we picked it up right from after you are so lame here we go Zoe would William go back to Edo village that's it a [ __ ] body bag fight me coward just [ __ ] I can tell just by looking at you that you're a soft moist boy in need of a big dick about The Saturdays it's a lot of money yes how about this all the man I [Laughter] know I can't believe it that was not the case just let me jump over it for [ __ ] sake I'm the goddamn hero of time or whatever [ __ ] uh one a single-lens pair of sunglasses for the front of my [Laughter] [Music] youtube bread is like the most impossible thing to voice-to-text like the its it confuses the [ __ ] out of my phone it usually turns out to be you to the band and then the word bread YouTube ready yeah there you go YouTube bread easy YouTube red that's like that white club song I was telling you about where he's like hyping himself up as a guitarist he's like yo yo Steve vibe thanks for the guitar lessons here's my guitar yo thank you Steve Vai for the guitar lessons all right down come down here baby come on visit me you're always up there with your little friends you know you never let me and never let me you never let me spend time with your laser fire fly friends you're always acting so important now that you're a wind blade like remember where you came from that wind blade voice reminded me of this like comedy sketch I did in New York with my my first improv group it was me and Dan Hodapp who's a very funny comedian and we were like my grandson just graduated from Harvard and he was like and they were like competing grandma's you know and she he's like my grandson graduated from Harvard summa [ __ ] laude you know like we're just keep one-upping each other until like one of us was like my grandson is a warlock he makes potions he could turn your grandson into a hawk we never did anything with that but we totally should have written that as a sketch it's funny and so dumb my grandson is nazgul Ruth al they're all like knitting while they talk you may have heard of them in the Necronomicon if you took the time to read here comes my my beautiful heart my grandson has two and four stomachs like a cow if one fails he can just rely on the other one and if it doesn't he can donate it to a charity of his choice preferably one that gives kids hard friends I was reading an article on Carrie Fisher for regarding the next Star Wars movie right and they mentioned she had a daughter named Billie lourd who I didn't I never knew she had a daughter so I was like I wonder what she looks like so I looked up I just type your name into Google and the first thing that came up was this story from TMZ today of her kissing her boyfriend Taylor Lautner who I don't I don't know who that is but Aaron knew and it is I mean [ __ ] it whatever it's TMZ so it's like them useful like Shark Boy dude it okay you never seen Sharkboy and Lavagirl no what's wrong with you it's it's them like spying on them so it's not really fair to like judge anything that happens but like it's like the least romantic his picture I've ever seen it's I'll send it to Matt and Ryan it's so [ __ ] funny it's like a side mouth like half kids it's like MIT to me it looked like he was like blowing on it oh yeah how to pronounce Nevada with four simple steps shoot yourself in the head yeah yeah pronounce it so that the middle part rhymes with ad the ad sound in the word sad I don't believe that for a second dude that it sits right here in wikiHow Nevada comes from the Spanish Sierra Nevada which is also a mountain range in Spain meaning snow-covered that's Spanish yeah so it's Nevada you sure about that do they have at in Spanish pretty sure they do yes it's right in the word Spanish it's law I was really in Vegas and nothing annoys me more than tourists who pronounced it Nevada seriously it's really awful but it's [ __ ] Nevada where is it coming from where did where's anything coming from listen to what a [ __ ] ninja Brian's bujji linguistics podcast pronunciate [ __ ] next someone game bro we were like five minutes overtime arguing about Nevada pronunciate divided goddamnit Nevada [ __ ] yes who cares it doesn't matter care now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go listen to Kurt Cobain's awesome band Nirvana 80% of cartoon sound effects are made with mouth harps what are those just look up mouth harp no I'm too busy looking up scooby doo running sands it's it's this little like it's this little metal springy springy thing that you put in your mouth I mean actually that sounds like a straight-up percussion yeah like a drum like a yeah that's gotta be some they're like hitting wood or something yeah what is that like balsa or like bamboo or some how they made all the comments just say zoinks when the shooter finds your hiding spot wow really [ __ ] yes you're indeed the magg you in yeah let's go right now come on into my van by E just smashes his head on the rocks floats away with face down we get like one week to like record a bunch of game gross stuff and then we hit the road and ninja sex party and star bomb doing doing shows no [ __ ] really it's a week after that yeah like maybe it's two weeks actually but it's not it's not a lot of turnaround time god I was gonna take some time off but I guess if I can haha time off what's that in your [ __ ] face you didn't hurry all of my spells or isn't actually anxiously awaiting your arrival ye hits his head against Aaron and I are having this exchange and we're supposed to have this exchange as we walk off this set yeah it's supposed to continue on and so like we didn't know like we were continuously miked and so I say my my final line which is like man that was awesome like you really impressed me there something of that effect and you're just like suck my [ __ ] dick real quiet and then for like half a mile and just hear people bust out laughing oh [ __ ] we gotta be careful what we say suck my [ __ ] dick dude [ __ ] this is how it works man do you just be like alright that's how it works like my parents were pretty upfront with with everything yeah yeah yeah did they talk about to go with that but I I promise you it's better if you stop talking primarily I believe if world peace is going to be achieved it's gonna be through tossing salad like your name roaming I feel like Nicky was really onto something she's nailed it yes like she got nailed by that tongue just you get tongue punched in the brown [Laughter] I liked your um I liked your statement of like I mean yeah man I mean [ __ ] dude yeah I know what boobs look like Aaron it's not a boob it's a nipple I love it when you go watch this and then no there we go suck I played original Zelda a thousand times I get impossible you know what it's definitely not not all the way through counting is one time thousand times yeah it's a ridiculous amount of times I was seven when that game thousand time think I had the [ __ ] free time there's no way you played Zelda for a thousand times you don't think so no wow you get angry about the weirdest [ __ ] how do you two know each other dammit trying to make up something I was hoping he would toss my salad and take me out for lo mein sadly the rains have filled the eastern reservoir nearly to the point of flooding will drown I know it's great and rigid Thank You Linc truly our goal is the same I I mean we've already established this but I really like rubbing it in mooses face we are great friends I consider you my number one friend you're the back take this stingray hat that's a good one bring this weird stingray thing outside new zoo dispose of [Laughter] from my rulers of read blah blah blah oh my god had engaged couples under [ __ ] trying to steal your [ __ ] snails yeah could you just step away from the snail whoa you just got a heart container for that yeah for talking to the dumpy Cadbury Creme Egg statue she laid her fish eggs on the ground and he swam above them fertilizing them with his seed that's how everyone does it I watched the beautiful art of lovemaking although taboo what exactly is my clothes and what's my skin here every morning confused just not really sure young supple you just hurry up and heal my arm yeah I gotta go back to jagat that's my jack arm did you just jack it in front of us to completion now you know who her heart belong to and who she made this special armor for you vote is hilly dick yeah we all [ __ ] night his elven dick throughout the land from the Seas of the soul to the mountains of this is the man who drained his nugs in meifa oh I get it [Laughter] I've drained my nugs once or twice in my day obviously just into the sea I never would have imagined she would make that special armor for one such as he you [ __ ] [Laughter] why do you still doubt him music you have no doubt he will be I have no no I'm all confused I don't know why you leaning face down into my shoulder and say that muffled into the couch he just does this over and over well I'll be fine I'll find someone I can't [ __ ] holy [ __ ] look at this oh wow alright I would in reality yes yeah well no so when you jump from that height you're supposed to cross your legs really mm-hmm cuz CEO likes knife into the water yeah well so basically the water won't split you in half Oh if your legs are spread then obviously the water will like rush up your [ __ ] Gooch episode of Family Guy where Peter keeps [ __ ] himself just talking normally and then sudden he's like yeah they go around my Bingley dangly stick I don't give a [ __ ] you're looking at way my one smaller I [ __ ] [ __ ] you drop out on my right side I would have seen it coming [ __ ] got me I don't think that [ __ ] got what the [ __ ] thing I was watching back what are the episodes of this it was so funny and I can't remember what what you were say [Laughter] I'm just like what the [ __ ] I mean how could you not be mad that you lose you lose distance yeah like if I if I was using my dad alright we got that [ __ ] black dildo back there yeah that's literally my life that's like 18 inches it's like four inches wide and I'm just like Jesus literally my life who could put that in their hole oh god I can't I don't know Aaron stop yelling at me ah [ __ ] the odd Jody objects and dry grass catch fire easily be careful around such things while holding a lit torch that's just good advice in general yeah I agree don't walk around town with a lit match in your in your mouth and your be whole into a [ __ ] heavily wooded area no I just like suburbia walking down the street completely naked with imagine you're in your be whole you're a big ol irish worse with pale skin what the [ __ ] man both the robot and you what for call me an irish would [ __ ] pull it together Aaron Oh Hanson isn't this supposed to get right in his eye and he's like oh oh like I [ __ ] up like a ye ye ye that's you are you [ __ ] serious yeah II W is you and ye ye oh my bad yeah I was thinking of my god whatever man I just misheard you and I miss thought I did not miss hear me you repeated what I said Barriss you watch what this word te flustered oh my god water blight gain I will never let you damn it stop so I'm sorry Bera Singh me well I mean [ __ ] everyone heard it don't change the subject you can't find it [ __ ] you can't spell I I can I just wasn't I saw it in my head is e w AI problems with that alright sometimes I have problems with it's like the only way it could've been worse is if I was trying to spill I bled her I he does that stuff when I get close to die dwe not a chance then your [ __ ] can you spell dan I I wish no three letter words your blind spots a lot of mind run that's a stupid idea ry n run it's a sort of omen Stan I told you about that the [ __ ] witch doctor out no Aqua Teen Hunger Force where they have they have to bring shake back from the dead and like so they bring in this witch doctor named isn't that weird like with the beginning of my name and the end of your name dancin dancin yeah it's incredible hey err err or Dan so he wrote a man here over a thousand faces mm-hmm and shaking up a thousand noodles sorry I'm kind of losing it over here the minute of a thousand stir owns [ __ ] this guy right is stupid a can you [ __ ] believe this guy Tumbo or something our worst Oscar would you bang my son I know you're into Ruffa but if you could do me and my son sir isn't over there's no other gay room if no other gays orders it's like I always say a living hash is better than into dead pores that's a classic Tom go they call me Terry tree head [ __ ] this that your grand plan God man that's a long way away it's ok though because I'm headed there and I love life and I love sandwiches do ever the episode where mr. burns had they go to the future and mr. burns is like cryogenically frozen and Smithers is like we're planning on on freezing I'm as soon as they find a cure for 30 stab wounds in the back you know just how to turn me if anyone wants to look up this scene from the movie you can look on YouTube you don't even have to type in the movie's name it's just I would if I could [ __ ] I believe the super envious of this dude's hot dog shirt Wow I believe the top comment on that video is I almost forgot to watch this today [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] that's one of the first times ever you have cracked yourself up like I crack myself just the idea of like one of the guys from that band like not making parts from the I would walk five thousand Bob songs where he's like okay I want to talk to these [ __ ] hoes our clothes are the tops because we don't sell pants what if I sell everything that I'm like the Clary collection well I gotta check that out they actually camp by the very definition of best sometimes I wish you'd just shut up and the singular of friend okay well well looks like I know who's not my best I know I'm cool yeah and then that's how they made the noises for links animations trivia you know slow down the voice miles a Legend of Zelda breath of the wild quotes from the 1991 movie [ __ ] oh my god what other let's play would have gone there whoa damn you ran into a thing and I can hit them that's awesome oh that's what you used to like about iron knuckle battles and this dissolves a 64 164 Jesus oh boy I do that all the time 3d one that I hate we've narrowed it down to six I'm gonna eat all my food yeah good it'll keep you alive for this battle you can make more food later [Laughter] that's what red it is to me just [ __ ] eight million people actually yeah well actually no no Israel yeah yeah hey nice to meet you was a little piece of trivia that you just oh no they the NFL Draft is happening right now and the Broncos just drafted someone named Jake but spelled bu TT like and are you the lovely mrs. and she's like no I kept my last name no reason yeah just you know don't like the patriarchy so you can refer to me by my maiden name Shannon aspas like please give me but yeah thank God but then like it ends up being hyphenated so it's a spa spa two hearts beat in one beats the other while the other just looks way basically what I just say it pretty much I guess you're right but you were you immediately started laughing because I guess like without the context of the song it just sounds like I'm a rambling psychic that is what kind of Russian dolls scenario what smart fellow he felt smart one smart fellow he felt smart one smart fellow he felt smart that's as fast as I can do it one for ya I'm sorry it's my [ __ ] amazing tale of not being able to remember my keys boy sorry man oh that wasn't that was when I was in college and going through like really stressful times that I used to have dreams like that and then when they went away as I slowly lapsed into a warm comforting blanket of drug use yeah oh sweet dreamless sleep of drugs oh the places you'll go by doctors wait a minute you said you were gonna look out the way to get through the babies yes next time on game grumps and white threesome can't get enough of BBC that stands for a big black [ __ ] what was this labyrinth on the screen like five times and I just can't remember the name AHA Zatoichi shrine cuz I Toki panic how come how come your eyes are all glazed Oh cuz it's so dumb oh yeah no I just got a [ __ ] Lacroix from the fridge and it's like not its it says natural mango essence what the [ __ ] does that mean I think it's just soaks in mango juice for a while do they leave mangoes near it no I don't know about that man cuz it says on the other one it says like cran-raspberry flavored and I'm like one of these is not good I think flavored is like they specifically put like cran juice in it so it has like a caloric level and [ __ ] but it's like what do they do here just [ __ ] wave mangoes over it and say a prayer yeah I mean have you ever like like taking cheese from a cheese tray and and it like tastes like salami cuz it was near the salami Oh has it been essence to me exactly essence by salami you making this up right now Oh think about it I mean I guess what you're saying makes sense I'm just I wasn't ready for you to be so prepared since we're the thorough answer you know it's like you've never been doing [ __ ] like a catering plate where they have like a water that's like in a tank and you can see that there's like strawberries floating in it you only drink the water and it tastes like strawberry first of all the only water in the tank I care about are the fish aquariums that I jerk off into secondly I don't need a second example of a catering tray I already got a salami jam eyeball of the ancients there's got to be a way to the mental image that came with that you think that was just so much resonation and your voice but also like a hint of like I always knew it don't not mean a thing if they not got that swing if it don't even got not even got that swing jamming doesn't am I have a is it a it's a triple negative back to negative I thinks jimmies Jimmy saying he doesn't speak English I think it's in another language are we I was in like the dark black forest and I got the thing out of it so I believe we need a [ __ ] map yeah yeah I've been a little lazy about getting the towers a little bit you know what I hadn't considered those are the classic young defense like gibberish into a [ __ ] enigma song someone said that wasn't a um a Native American chant it was like Tibetan or Ethiopian or something that ends with an a n and is the language of another culture well that's because I was like there's a Native American in the music video which I was sadly mistaken there is no Native American so like that's like some Philippine Union no I haven't world traveled very much please get it right yeah they're called filipinas frankly you're embarrassing I can't see boy fog in a Boston accent not good check out this fox he's a friend no you and I have a unique way of speaking you know like we've we say a lot of dumb words and phrases that we make up and just like kind of whoops we kind of just like it doesn't mean any to anyone else other than us right but when people hang out with us long enough they start adopting our phrases and words and so she's like dude I've started talking like you I was like I was talking to my husband and he he took like the honey out of the cabinet before I could get to it and I was like that was a tasty power move like something I would say and he was like what the [ __ ] are you talking having so much fun who put this pinwheel up here this guy I I like combining like phrases and words with like the wrong emotion like you started doing that to a lot of people like just complimenting my compliments yeah in an insulting tone and they don't know what the [ __ ] to do God if we all talk like dave mustaine from Megadeth [Laughter] [Laughter] cliff could you file those reports for me they're my most valued Dave you really should have you really should have filed those papers on time hindsight is always 20/20 and that's what I did this weekend nice story tell it to Reader's Digest feeling paranoid we didn't have enough budget to animate this part do you think I have just enough tummy to love or a little too much dumb cooks are just like real self-conscious jigs ginkgo leaf it's an upside-down ginkgo oh do you see it now I don't know what a ginkgo leaf looks like oh they're the coolest leaves they're like one of the few trees that are still around from the dinosaur ik era really I should have said Mesozoic but dinosaur ik yeah I was like trying to make a joke and it just kind of crashed into a fact closer closer climb right up there oh you're so close he's touching it I was flying back he's got the power of a thousand suns the power of a thousand suns this would be the perfect time of shoot him in the head yeah well I would but you advised me against it look oh it's just a shadow [Music] [Laughter] have a walkie got there you come back covered in like green blood I'm a dit here all by myself aren't I brave what do you think oh my god you go back to the brother really hey I walk he has a mess [Laughter] you know more like zero you've done well to arrive at the Shred would you murder a tiny defenseless creature to get here I'm proud of you here's an orb in the name of the goddess who is this guy that keeps doing this I don't know why you felt the need to shoot me with arrows I'm literally just sitting here forever [Laughter] [Laughter] all kinds of scenarios they're like like Zelda's a you must protect the traffic [Laughter] link you're very [ __ ] carefree with your arrows how about a little [ __ ] discretion it's too [ __ ] funny as the stake do you take this woman to have it sold this is lawfully wedded whatever [ __ ] marriage I do [Laughter] oh my god holy [ __ ] oh this is help I just [ __ ] figured out how to fit the beat oh okay well why didn't you stop at the middle why I wanted to but I just thought I could go a little farther I don't know got greedy whoa whoa whoa Jim I don't know what any of the lyrics are would it get you get this we get away I'm gonna be embarrassed if it's the Sun but what was that red ball in the sky it's the Sun god damn it it's the moon actually oh wow I went up really high a good shot man really didn't need to go that high it's right I wear a hipster shoulder bag oh well it looks almost exactly like that it's not history when you do it that was a that was a butterfly oh there's bright this was the train of thought all right it wasn't without its its reason huh you said look at that Bluebird I said it's a butterfly yeah then there was a gag about look at that elephant but there's clearly no elephant and as they oh there's the Bulls a beetle the only I was like oh there's an elephant beetle so I'll say that and then I was like Oh an alpha beetles real I think the only gag was me throwing up in my mouth that was so funny I'm not saying it was funny just saying it was by definition a gag now I'm explaining to you the train of thought that went into it is this still random law that that's where did you know the joke is that it's funniest when you're explaining it I gotta [ __ ] do this I gotta actually do it which is cool I actually like that I think it's cool [Laughter] which I like I've been doing game grumps for five years you've been doing it for four years yep and like five years a lot of time [Laughter] laughter when I was fifteen that means I was putting my thoughts out in the world that was half my life ago that's crazy to think about it 15 years ago yeah and I was like I went to school do you want to ask me what Eventide is nope okay fine I'll bite what's even time even tight as an island where these well you know what I'll let you discover need oh look at that skull rock yeah there's a ton of buki you never saw it before no I've seen it before but I haven't seen one like I don't feel I feel like I haven't seen one like that we've discovered like just randomly I feel like everything in this game is discovered randomly what are you how what do you mean okay I'll bite what's random I mean if people all use a word to mean a certain thing then that's what that word means eventually that's just how language works right so you say that and that's the entomology of that word but I would say more than 50% of the world's population who uses the word electrocuted uses it to mean shock its entomology the right one I thought that bug I think that's bugs I think etymology etymology well I love eating and to mames alright I'll buy two bugs etymology that's what I mean I think that's right entomology is bugs I guess versus whatever but that's it's always weird to like look back at old ad campaigns remember when Pepsi was the choice of a new generation for me it was the choice of a new degeneration yeah mine too but then I was like no I drink Dr Pepper when I'm naked so didn't really apply to me the doctor is in if you better believe it - about to be in May by drinking it all right I'll bite how do you [ __ ] soda nice [ __ ] loser when you pay do you find that various objects in it what's this oops you can't stop me in my army of meat juicy meat PSA's yeah how you gonna kill me robot what I've got so much prosciutto on my remember blank man [Laughter] [ __ ] blank mandy the old jazz man like on in living color something grubs or tubs or [ __ ] i can't remember what his name was but like every song was exactly the same he was like i wrote a song about aaron Hanson actually hit here goes Anne Hanson he playing on the game every song the only thing I remember from Blankman was when they're building the suits he like he like dips the suit in something and then it becomes like a knife proof that movie is like what if his weapons is like pellets of concentrated flatulence he's like sure it is brother he's like I collected it while you were asleep it's like dude get out of your massage chair when you're doing voiceover this guy thinks he's so yeah but he's done you know I like the pinches Zelda's like he's my he's my favorite Renaissance artist Leonardo DaVinci why not just do it because I'm busy you're not busy I'm [ __ ] blowing [ __ ] at this thing and now I have a shield made of sail whoa God you Mary Tessa no don't do Dan I just took a monster [ __ ] get out of here I mean like it was savage really why don't you take the next 15 minutes and tell me all about it in excruciating detail okay well first of all there was a lot all right you know what I don't want to was it was it was a lot and I was holding it this entire sesh okay like we're one hour and 58 minutes in Plus setup right I was holding it in that and tied a meeting yeah right it was just it just [ __ ] heaven on earth happy for and it came out just like bananas oh man it was like a mighty banana being birthed from its peel it was just please stop talking fantastic I'm happy for you how do you feel now oh man I feel great it's one of those it's like it left tremors in my body you don't like flick somebody's fat and it's like it's like that Simpsons classic humor sometimes I just look up Simpsons clips and just watch him randomly hmm cuz man there's so many you know there's that one there's that one and miscellaneous it's cute it's not funny farts are funny or a boot boots funny a windy is like you are a true fartist f apostrophe artists remember forgetting to spell the word I love you ye and you're like your glasses look at me over the rim like our voices kept raising in pitch all I remember is you going like it's very Charlie from Sonny kind of moment Joe yeah that could not have been real that was a real sneeze yeah really yeah I mean I exaggerated a little bit mentally constructed a less convincing sadness I can't imagine what it would be it was very very Aman man every time is the opening [ __ ] is it with you it is cool to see certain like Zelda tropes evolve from game to game yeah I guess so I know so because he just watched it to you it's cool but to me hmm huh I mean I don't really think it's that big of a deal it's not that big of a deal I wasn't like I'd sacrifice my firstborn child to watch that again what you basically said I saw it I said it's pretty cool mmm in so many words oh my god Aaron you're known anybody like that yes you I don't know who cares hey it was big though yeah well you're big and I don't care I mean you're gonna care when you experience my god I wish my god could you imagine I feel like Snickers probably has some cash just lying around just a little is that Mars is that who runs that company Mars Yeah right Mars is M&Ms I know that oh yeah then Dave they're doing pretty well for themselves yeah well I don't know man I don't like M&Ms I'm not a huge fan oh well then they should probably be shaking in their boots noted Internet douche bag I have that on my tombstone noted Internet douche bag okay now throw it a little deeper than water there you go be free my young friend swim to peanuts were walking through a park what was assaulted creep up on this one looking right at me hmm I don't like the look of that human didn't this place here well as you can see it's a mine yeah well I don't care if it's yours I only have one I don't like to talk about it thanks for bringing it I didn't bring it up you just told them you have a mono nib - yeah right there with two Steve's I've always wanted to [ __ ] a thing of ramen noodles Oh a cup of noodles yeah supposedly if you like warm it up yeah and then get the noodles all soft I can see that then you can just [ __ ] it and it feels real good that makes sense but uh never tried it tell you what yeah so have sex with whoever you want to have sex with but just including cantaloupes and cup noodles bag it up for God's sake use protection oh yeah there you go yeah put and make sure it's a consent in cantaloupe that is that's a great indie band dude consenting keel degrasse tyson's been around that long oh yeah Oh much longer yeah he's the raddest I don't know I'd love to meet him you know I don't know right all appears to be the raddest all I know is that he's like mr. smart science man yeah his dedication of science and his chill nacinda him by his famous quote of the people don't think it'd be like it is but it do that's not his quote Aaron you mean the one that has his face and is attributed to black science man yeah he didn't actually say that [ __ ] stupid ass [Laughter] people think you'd be like the universe be like this isn't that coincidental that sing succinct was not the succinct way of saying sing well normally you don't have to explain what's the same that's really where all the time went no butt lifts off the ground far enough see what happens it solved itself all you had to do is [ __ ] dick around 9400 shaun of the dead oh yeah it's been a long time the only thing I remember from that movie is you got read on you yeah that movie's funny and also heartbreaking in certain places it makes you feel a lot of things well yeah I feel like I feel like a really good comedy is also a good movie you know Aaron Hanson was actually taking up the mantle of Roger Ebert if there are parts they can pick and make you laugh and make you cry then there's something something beautiful there know someone in the comment section have an angry comment about this I feel like that's the whole point my dad taught me how to mold clay more I kissed a girl who was it's just a disaster Hellfire rain above me well nothing's gonna help that Hellfire like chili steamed meat look at oh god oh god oh god [ __ ] you know who's safe because he's got whatever Jemaine coos blade or whatever the [ __ ] he's got he's dense chunky body doricles doricles Pingleton I invoke the power of doricles Pingleton that's what he's got dude really yeah [Laughter] he's got [ __ ] doracles bingo he's got that [ __ ] shield Eid unveils so it's like take a look at him down there just be it all stupid my friend you know boohoo I like very much you know who is down here Rick Fox said his son came into our office and they were [ __ ] cool [ __ ] and they there's a picture of myself Barry and those two just smiling normally like both your eyes are crossed but still looking upwards [ __ ] put that picture up - why not Matt and Ryan there you go yeah it's just it's one of my most treasured like moments yeah in order to be one with a living culture like that you really need to have a true heart she'd never leave you high and dry [Laughter] but it like at the same time like my brain wouldn't like come up with any other thoughts so it was like you have to say you have to say this to clear the air this is probably too personal a thing but like the last two times I've been to the Ren Faire the girl I was dating broke up with me like less than a week later and I'm like what the [ __ ] is going on at the Ren Faire like are there potions are they being seduced by wizards in one week you will be my you can leave that Jewish boy Wow it's like no [ __ ] Ren Faire this year yeah understandable yeah original trauma I mean like whatever two is a coincidence three's a pattern yeah yeah I adore you and I wish we could hang out longer too I adored this door [Laughter] my [ __ ] dick dude yeah I woke up this morning and weighed myself and I was 2 pounds heavier so I knew I had 2 pounds of [ __ ] inside me having trouble with Fireblade ganot you aren't alone he's a tough encounter he seems so peaceful well he was slit oh it's an old-school tactic you know it's how we used to do it in the eighties boy wait what are you doing now you done Fireblade ghetto I discovered the key to you up no and then a heart just appears out of nowhere now there's so much pomp and circumstance I love the pomp I like the circumstance I guess we can agree to disagree oh my god if we were a buddy-buddy [Laughter] stupid [ __ ] idea and tits apparently this thing is tits look at that the son I disown ya [ __ ] my days Bladon believe it's blade on if you're in the military like comment and subscribe please and thank you for tell us what you think in the comments below or else on the subreddit ever and also waiters thank you for your service and also servicemen yeah thank you for your waiting and prostitutes ah thank you thank you sir service absolutely thank you most of all scarecrow thank you for your service yep tennis players the guy who says survey says thank you for your service I shoulda said gynecologist donald vist who was knighted by the Queen thank you for your service yeah your I'll never hit me here guide you might need to go power up and I have never seen such a savage and unmitigated what is happening right now shard of nature's Fang it's much harder than any metal so it's impossible to process I've said the same thing about my wee-wee yeah rumors you know I mean like that's that's really where your genius comes through like obviously there was a dick Joe to be made there that you undercut your own dick joke by referring to and now I've got a rail guards boat look at this [ __ ] [ __ ] awesome I'm getting all this sweet loot trapped in rooms with rubble and debris dude things are looking up for me she was beautiful she loved fish urgently but her voice did not reach me could words have evaded her dream simply beached of my fears I am sure I will know the answers to when I wish to or not finish the training I used to have such a crush on a little mermaid when I was a kid and now that I mean she's wasting as thick dude I guess she is she's also 16 yeah with each passing year it becomes less and less appropriate for me to have these feelings it's got a silly beard and everything but sorry see what's going on [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] I do he just stands there blankly can't place you good eye Rosaline I'm gonna Jeanette pop pop I definitely Camille Frankland yes no that's also Jeanette I already said you know Zelda that was our longest and stupidest joke ever Jesus Christ it's over with my dear cells who's D well I thought the exact same testing like requires you like run against every [ __ ] invisible wall in the game go [ __ ] your ma is called the trial of the sword and will challenge you is you have never been challenged before anally that's as challenging as it gets I've heard all of your weapons and armor will be sealed away you must face your enemies without the tools you've come to rely on I mean I can't stress it enough how could I have an anus not a tree there's no anal sphincter I have a hole in the front but yeah don't that doesn't count don't look at that don't go searching for the hole in the back because it's that you won't find it take it from me as [ __ ] oh I mean sorry that's a little muscle memory that's what dick your chances jamming and there are you crazy we're in a forest no Lube here throw ingredients like mushroom things could go in any hole I just you know what I mean I know we've been on this for I really love doubling down on the joke there's a there's a tree with a homosexual vendor that really wants to have sex with a human beginning Ellie I'm sorry oh yeah so excited I'm so excited oh my god first of all a lot of things really [ __ ] firstly looking at looking at our audio capture is crazy right secondly looking at you doing that is crazy yeah I was like there was some animalistic [ __ ] yeah weirdly I loved the idea of the thought that I could stop you in your tracks at any time you're like just be [ __ ] happy darude sandstrom the live version you're like giving a eulogy my father he was a great man devoted himself only to his cruising at an altitude of I don't know I'm just kind of like this is fun that was a direct hit you actually never shaved his own tits have you well yeah of course really I get hairy nipples you shave your chest just my tits yeah what do you use what do you mean what do I usually use a razor yikes that's that's scary is it I don't want to raise her anywhere near my sweet sensitive nips well I don't run it over my nipples right but just even close close byes like gives me it gives me Parkinson's Wow Aaron Wow okay you could have just said do you not have a steady hand I have eleven you have eleven shoulder hairs chest hair okay so how would you even know how would you turn around fast enough to see them they kingbach oblems up here yes these [ __ ] here's all the enemies yeah well yeah in fact it really it was the enemies that were your main enemy oh I'll take your [ __ ] bat whatever come to my circus my round about circus I beat you up that is the show ride the elephants get [ __ ] up dude did it baby dude leave me rebuild a noodle leave me da de da doot doot build it up build it up build it up up
Channel: Game Grumps Compilations
Views: 3,861,901
Rating: 4.8822236 out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, gamegrumps, compilation, best of, best moments, funniest moments, dan avidan, arin hanson, egoraptor
Id: 4jilRl2n0NQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 11sec (6971 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2018
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