Best of Sonic Boom - Game Grumps Compilations

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"It's snowing on Mt. Fuji".

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/FoX_MoLdY 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
now I've heard this is a worst game ever ever well so the story the story is right now that um yeah we're playing this like right when it came out yes and they did not send out review copies always a good sign I guess that even even though they didn't I guess there was like an embargo on reviews so like they'd like they weren't letting anybody reviews don't tell anybody but we worked [ __ ] for a year on this [ __ ] so I guess the the general idea is that they rush this for Christmas and it's just as bad as Sonico say oh my dream [Applause] okay should I just preemptively break my own neck to like avoid doing this I mean I you should see ya dad no dad dad you know releasing the water bottle really [ __ ] breaks the illusion there's always a dismount [ __ ] you Dasani no matter how no matter how good your jump flip is you still gotta go like ya didn't like right yourself yeah isn't that the best when you watch oh wait amazing plot what the [ __ ] is going on should we know what's happening act 3 yeah sorry he's dead he's straight up it's time right the first two acts okay clearly in the plot of the game right the world actually exists in Sonic world okay like the world is actually made up of long paths yes specifically for Sonic yeah they're not just running along the Great Wall of China also knuckles has fingers Wow and apparently my spin is like a ribbon around I feel like we're beta testing right now like alpha dudes it's crazy but see you have tiny quills and large yeah yeah it's very strange what happened what happened to metal I don't know [ __ ] kind of [ __ ] took it over for a while yeah it got alternative quote-on-quote geez oh look it's me in Tales on the wall it's perfectly cartoon Club sighs that's hamburger helpers press the hand button yeah he didn't even press his hand guys this way where death is not he's like I think this wall can be broken all right tube since Sonic and Friends to new places Amy liked tubes thanks I I could have literally just saw that it happened yeah I didn't need it to be explained to me hi Amy sonic can run placing his left foot in front of his right foot and I'm not repeating that pattern backwards pressing the green buttons makes the green buttons get pressed don't forget to repeat the foot changing pattern in an alternating pattern or else he'll just keep walking with his left foot have fun playing the game oh boy looking at the screen will allow you to visually see so I was going through the first sonic boom episode and I noticed as I was watching it there was some weirdness with the game so you can see is that properly exposed pretty much every transition between cameras I don't know wait how you want to call it for a cutscene has some kind of graphical weirdness in this game you can see here we're going through the end of this shot here and then they freeze will knuckles freezes they're still moving but the particles kind of keep moving for a couple frames and then we move into this frame and then upside that goes there that [ __ ] happens and you can actually see that explosions still happening in the background there that's one frame and so like there here this explosions happening and they teleport here and then explosions still happening back there absolutely so when you watch it back and you're watching for that it's like back it just it just it just it just grabs you wow oh wait he's up there it's like I just I don't know I'm sure I'm sure making this is hard but I've been breaking things with the hammer my inflatable hammer should break this and she hits it it's like [Laughter] he's this looks unfinished as well look at how I [ __ ] jump up just like Brooke don't these walls look like some are like went into their boss and they're just say so in about three weeks we should get the final model in the games out okay right now it's just I don't know it's like a craggy wall it doesn't really match the environment or anything that's uh somewhat metallic which is weird but you can you can see it that's the that's the most important part you have to work on it see that it's a wall yeah and they're like great well ships tomorrow oh can you not put my name to this yeah can I not be in the credits play the [ __ ] credits roll and it's just like Ted Smith Ted Smith that's myth like all [ __ ] aliases whoa American History X what damn like Jones did he do that yeah let's see you know what I'll have to look at this later yeah this is good reading BuzzFeed yeah hey meanwhile top 10 list of hot cosplayers this cat saw a dog you won't [ __ ] believe what happened next a duck in a cat living together Wow video right now after the 30 second dad oh god why is his chest blow thank you this is a lovely watch tails friendship bracelets Amy's a girl come on I recalibrated the shackles into an energy beam you know in the last 30 seconds I go to Tony Stark over Oh next time on game grumps you better story don't know I suck in always suck in then okay I'm Jude I'm having so much fun right now okay okay okay let's take a left and right all right well now I'm running man they really don't care what their game is terrific okay Wow this is brutal you know what and I'm not a hyper critical guy of games like you know I love games yeah I love almost everything everybody loves games dude it's pretty rough for me I hate fun yeah I know you hate 90% of thing I'm not a huge I'm not a huge video game fan you're not a fan of stuff yeah there's nothing intuitive about this [ __ ] level this is the weirdest this is this is classic classic sonic gameplay I mean come on guys really I mean sod the Hedgehog at its best [ __ ] out of Ted can I just say the verdict is in my sonic boom is an instant classic join up with your old friends Amy my only criticism is why can't I give this an 11 all right cliff you have to I have to kill these um these leftover fourth of July small-town glowstick firework things these leftover broccolis that have been like far too long in the frigerator like who are these glowing oh I believe that's uh yeah that's I think that's that's instant cancer oh it's just rings dang it yeah why am I wasting all these rings when I have a hundred you always have a hundred rings there's no [ __ ] threats in this game there's none what is there here to upset me aside from everything [Laughter] there's no walkthroughs yet right no cuz this is nobody Sega didn't want anybody to have this game oh boy I'm sorry are there shadows of rings that aren't there [ __ ] yeah that's gross let me see if I can like can you see me now doctor radiation from the biplane no we're currently playing one of the best games ever made yeah 2014 sonic boom oh wow that was just a basic function of the game that wasn't like Boyle I think I'm literally getting sick from complaining yeah yeah it's knee-deep water a hundred rings gun that is the only real threat you have had this entire game a pond let me check the temperature of the water real quick Oh is ridiculous and you've already got half the rings let's find out this guy who doesn't want to talk to me I've got a great idea let's make a town of people everybody hates you yeah and it's just there's no like irony or anything they just hate you not even the characters want to be in this game I don't you can't get it you can't get anyone else there that was probably for another thing they were programming those so check this out if you ever want to get high yeah and I do you just choose knuckles and you jump jump bang and then pauses there you go out and you can keep doing it forever yes supposedly there are people out there that have beaten this game in one hour because you just keep going you just keep on going oh wait oh yeah you have to be good at it oh whoa oh oh damn I'm sorry I didn't mean to go I just get to the very top of this mountain if I wanted I mean what's even up there can you even go up there candy yeah I like have you have they programmed it so that like oh my friends are up there without weight they fell to their deaths okay maybe they'll show up again because I mean who can who knows what could happen in this wacky tad well I'm gonna make it to the top of this this is off of this mountain I [ __ ] it low look in the distance not beautiful [ __ ] oceans man I'm going all the way up are you gonna stop by the clip alright so yeah let's see the cliff Here I am yeah Oh bummer it hold on I can a problem probably make it back up there did it see it like I'm not supposed to be up there anymore but guess what with knuckles I can be up there oh dude you don't you don't play by [ __ ] Nintendo's rules is this tender cool Sega I know right yeah I did it come back up here on the broken place yeah it's not real it's not a real platform I'm not supposed to be here Jase I'm just gonna keep going over here jumpin all right so I got the rhythm yay y'all I'm like Marky Mark I got the rhythm in the rhyme we're like yeah where you goin did it where you go what is this I'm over here okay this is where I'm supposed to be really yeah it's the are you crazy sure about that that does not look like where you're supposed to be that looks like the end of the universe say Missy that's appearing it's for real Oh God Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] I'm just here now oh my god really think I might have broken everything all right say your opinion sonic boom if we could weigh in for a second great game or greatest kid well I don't think anything's gonna change I am ridiculously shiny now though I love it well of course you are you ascended to heaven does this guy have like a wound yeah he does he's an old man man he's been he's seen lots of wars yeah everyone's everyone's been stabbed by the time they're all though okay that's done simple your new mission collapse the universe okay that's eat like what what happened when have I ever gone back in time nothing nothing remotely like that has been established go to the abandoned facility all right all right I will the gems Bentley bear that's just my favorite [ __ ] like do this task I'm a wizard bear of course that's why I was created dead end but it looks like we can find a way to open it I know a way to open it Sonic hey Sonic I know a way to open it knuckles you can sit this one out oh can i more like I can fly this one out goodbye a door hello advancing through the game with your friend knuckles I made it yeah I did it with all of my skills and hearts we'll wait for you here guys looks like we should be heading upwards it's like heading upwards interesting can do so wait so if if Knuckles is the only one that can do this it means he has a different jump engine than everyone else is exactly what that means whatever comes my goddammit I read you were just was appearing in the [ __ ] so how the game works there's a part of me that really doesn't want this playthrough to be just this episode after episode in fact that part of me is all of me I'm totally like oh god no you fell off the nothing anymore nothing [Music] [Music] [Laughter] it really doesn't stop being funny green button sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't it really that is really that's it isn't it it just sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't nope that wasn't one of the lucky times maybe it needs to be a me that activates it let me take care of it this button isn't miss just like the female or guess how the [ __ ] that what I mean what the [ __ ] right like what am I doing wrong I don't know there's a [ __ ] green button right here it's not getting pressed I want to press it that's what I want to do are you quoting me no no you gotta wait for the game Gondor [ __ ] super jump over seven outs so what happens if they just like if the FCC is like all right on the really bad one then terrific then they get everything what if the fffff a the food national what's the food one SDC the FDA FDA yes Franklin Delano Roosevelt not slept in a couple of days I'd okay I want to tell you a little story please do Susie berry and I stayed up late until 5 a.m. last night playing plants versus zombies I mean late like so late it was early 5:00 a.m. like when you left when you left the space was it like when we went to get dinner the Sun was up playing his knucks again bro yeah oh [ __ ] you know like when we were maybe a couple years ago when we were still getting to know each other you know like it takes a little while before like you realized what someone's like you know where someone's boundaries lie in terms of like good you know it's like what you can say what you can't say and and we were talking about hanging out and I was like I want to say like I'm so [ __ ] pumped up I can't wait but I was like it's too early I don't know if like he'd be you know whatever so I was just like I'm excited to see you man and I think you responded with like dude I cannot wait to get inside your ass text now years old already man I'm really excited to hang out with you I cannot wait to ravish that body with my [ __ ] and semen yeah let me get your dick so hard that it explodes into a million tiny dicks I remember it like it was yesterday I'm gonna cover you like a birthday cake it was like that for Kevin with a little bit when he first came in oh sure I didn't really know him so I was like can I say like yeah I wanna take your tiny Filipino body over the table just [ __ ] take you to Frisco town is it okay that I'm talking about yeah sticking my erect wiener in Dan's butthole I wonder I loves to this new person that I would like welcome to the staff keV yeah well by the way Dan Howard is your [ __ ] I would love to take a look at it show it show it show it bigger than ever El Presidente I imagine that's because he must have strong feets from running all the time that's probably what it is but they don't establish the he's a fast runner in the scheme because if there's anything that comes from running it's that your feet get strong just super I meant I mean legs just like a rudder with like really spindly legs and giant [ __ ] feet that's right [ __ ] I run what about it what is that actual lyric I've never actually known what the real lyric is and to me it's just you're an [ __ ] what's that pushed it down on me pushed it down on you you're an [ __ ] that's that's what he says all right it's so clearly you're an [ __ ] hold on I am clearing my Google search term of echidna penis with visual tales whole Bowie pressure they're all I gotta put tails as friend and oh you know how I know this is a good transcription of David Bowie's under pressure they're excellent cuz this is you're an [ __ ] no it starts with boom boom bah day I wrote out the oomba Papa baby a Dada that's okay wow there's a lot of heed a boy paid up yeah dude this crazy man stuck into the [ __ ] Baba's last time you were on it made you sick it does a little bit but it's pretty cool today yeah I guess well cuz we're sitting on we switched our positions on the couch I think that makes it easier for me for you to watch the same exact of image yeah because I'm farther away from the TV now I like a [ __ ] like half a foot six inches yeah dude six inches makes a big deal especially its subway between $3 and $5 am i right yeah and two more stringy bland tasteless rubbery pieces of Turkey eat flesh uh-huh he was great what can you wouldn't [ __ ] am i he was right all along you know Rick James uh and his wife kidnapped a girl and held her as a sex slave like hell there was prisoner did you not know this here here we go to Google Cortney James II beautifully got involved in quote/unquote pimp activity oh yeah let's say solo career so that was like a yeah okay here in 1993 Wow that's he's little I think he was probably like in his 40s by then probably too old too old for kidnapping you should know better in 1993 he and future wife Tanya was something were accused of holding jazzy we're accused of holding 24 year-old Francis Ali hostage for up to six days tying her up forcing her to perform sexual acts that's not cool and whoa and burning her legs and abdomen with a hot end of a crack cocaine pipe during a week on cocaine bin in 1993 while out on bail for that earlier incident indiscretion Rick James under the influence of cocaine assaulted music executive Mary Sagar at the st. James club Sagar claimed she met James jazzy for a business meeting but said the two then kidnapped and beat her over Twitter he kidnapped two people she is he was found guilty of both offences but was cleared of a torture charge oh good for him oh yeah that's you know what justice really is alive he served two years in prison and lost two million dollars for that hungry Snickers yeah that's what I say to Laney sometimes like I really satisfied really really I'm packed with me caramel a new game yeah you know that's the thing is like a Jew eat caramel Center mmm delicious I don't know if we can get in here from the top you know what yes sir all I wanted to do is get to the top and hear you oh you can oh are you seeing this [ __ ] flexing I did this yeah that was me wow I have a very special guest who would like to welcome you back to game grumps hello not selfish this isn't play this is torture mmm what Rick James was acquitted of yeah no torture yeah just kidnapping just kidnap some sexual sleep it's fine it's not torture if if it's you've made a good funk song if you admitted that you are a super freak everybody knows that boy enormous parts in this level just appear and disappear at will it's like real life yeah it's one of the most realistic games I've ever played oh boy oh boy is that like a celebratory oh boy like oh boy even know what I'm feeling anymore can I can I like can I just walk through this where am i where am i where am i where I don't want to fall off oh god no no no baby knuckles Wow thank you having a problem today alright alright so back to the level yeah oh oh it's a thing oh we're in the wall that's not bad and right oh we might be in wait wait wait wait whoa oh no no base you're its face thing that's supposed to be artist was like I'll leave this here in case I need to copy and paste and later this place needs some DLC you better believe it together this game does seem to be like as confused as we are steps of crazy Oh God did the level just load behind me okay oh god sama Jews [ __ ] Aaron hold on hold on hold on Shh quiet [ __ ] oh yeah hold on I think I think I have to activate it by like going in here okay whoa what what what is it what the [ __ ] is this like one want those [ __ ] is happening real now can we walk on it what the [ __ ] I think you can't fix it tails just close your eyes and make believe oh can you walk it now can you it's just here now make us Hale or think about the important things in life you're like your friends whoa God hey and your family blue and chili dogs mug wait so they actually made that cannon like sonic like chili dog but not the roasted land wieners my band has a new name roasted land we roasted land we gotta be a proper now yeah but it'll be under our four ways can you find who for me please [Music] Neptune's toejam yeah I'll find him for you I'll just be marked on the map I don't need to pay attention it was garbage you won't need a mat to find it mostly because he has no idea damn it Oh Salty's brother he's a salamander okay salty says I'm on my map mmm no all right so guess what you'll never see your brother again bye I don't give a [ __ ] I'll give two shits I'm trying to go to the [ __ ] game clearly don't do it you just walk 10 feet he's dead we fat he's dead we found me yeah we buried him so that you wouldn't have to deal with the trauma $40 I like how knuckles does like he's up up and away [ __ ] when he hit something leaking why she's like oh yeah that is cool like imagining he's in a cooler game yeah it's a call man I wish this was anything but this game that's a big ol stack of bears secrets yeah secret secrets tell no one secrets see I love this game I think you need a me for this yep I can't I can't not be knuckles is that right yep so I can't I can't be any of them well you know it's a lot that this exact vantage point moment says about this game yeah dude just bleed rings when you're on here hold on I gotta see this oh man oh goodness me life just [ __ ] land on balance beams as she's falling fuel problemo they've you know it's really not even like I could just I could just barrel through this and it wouldn't even matter what the [ __ ] man was good son I just thought I'd let you hear that Oh cutscene oh no it's just a loading screen yes it just comes back all right hurry up and load this the funny thing is like oh god dude come on just [ __ ] warn me no because I started laughing and then like I realized I was too close to the bike when I was laughing so I shot my head back abashed oh no that's no good like the momentum was carrying me no that's missing a ton of frames area will be able to go through that like the [ __ ] Zapruder film and what that's the footage of Kennedy being assassinated that's been like back well the left Sonic you having a good time [Laughter] don't speed me I'm just beat me up beat me up this is kind of cool oh you know saying any of this up I want to slow down [Music] all right let me just date your head casually meander sonic might be like zip over to the right one oh I say it look there's the lake thank you the lake reminds me of the beach which also reminds me of a pot full of water water reminds me of rains illest a monster coming over the side is happening oh it's a fight you got a fight dude good thing you have a hundred rings do stuff hundred rings the [ __ ] just happened I don't know it's just like this silently up up nevermind they're leaving and Knuckles oh god damn you alright buddy this is like this is like a glitch with that like occasionally breaks out into a game welcome back hey girl I'm fighting a giant green glowing eyeball that's right no big deal mm-hmm just grab a whip and George Harrison was just like he would he actually had the best solo career out of all really iMHO yeah I think so yeah what the [ __ ] I have a gun [ __ ] plasma cannon I'm sorry I've been talking about the Beatles too much it's like a thing that just happened you are the first person to have described the Beatles to me in a way that has made me interested in listening to the really idea I'll make you see things did characters break the camera I think I broke the camera what do you mean I broke the camera look it's not it's not following just like I'm just like [Music] what this is really getting hard to defend Julian to the ground yeah yeah you ScrewAttack to the ground I just yeah I did didn't I yep nothing happened I guess not well great well I think there might be more [ __ ] I don't know dude I'm like losing my mind right now you know what if there's any quote out of context of you that describes this whole playthrough it's I think I could [ __ ] I don't know just now just [ __ ] words or words are spilling out checking in with your brain first I just [ __ ] that tower with that turtle dick I was like it was at the beginning of ninja sex party but like ever since the ninja sex party started what the H just jump with knuckles love Christ I mean like I have that power I feel like every time we say Jesus like if Jesus is out there he's looking at it like what this [ __ ] again just used knuckles I bestowed my powers upon him yeah jeez like a [ __ ] matrix tile fight no it's okay you'll be fine [Laughter] sound like you're drowning all right it's perfect yeah that's a wrap if it does feel like a lot of this was done in one take like they only have the the the actors like they're non-union so they're just like buggy you can't tell me what to do yeah oh here's all drowning scenes I'm going on break hey they like calls his daughter like listen when you hear me do the sonic game when you play that it's gonna sound like I was drowning don't worry daddy's fine she's like he's like I know it's because I'm too busy doing drowning sounds we hear net you never what visit why are you calling me about this dad yeah it's been 10 years yeah oh that's right happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy do you like Applebee's I do really oh yeah oh I had the Applebee's punch card where it was like little apples in a tree and they punch out one of the apples every time you eat there and then when you finish the tree they give you a free meal but I didn't cash it in because I was too proud that I didn't it Applebee's like 14 times they knew my name there Oh God yeah that was in Philly dude it was just right near where I worked and like they had a bar so you could watch the football game and I had I had me a thing for chicken nuggets dude you just got 5,000 rings why would they put a hundred more rings next to the 15,000 rings that just gave you today it was not a cardio day what the [ __ ] is anything right now yeah go on talk about Applebee's go exercise my [ __ ] life stuff I forgive Suzie that I got I don't remember who gave it to us diarrhea somebody gave us $40 of Applebee's gift cards yeah we were like alright let's go to Applebee's yeah we went to Applebee's and we both ate there we were just looking at each like and we both had this same moment where we like look to the people next to us you're like just starting their meal and we were like do you guys want $20 gift card gift card like we're never going back Wow welcome back to another exciting round of my god they made a video game with my co-host and it's cold in here is chilly this is from a sonic boom part 31 people noticed this because it actually quite visible in the the game I'll just go ahead and play it real person you just can't running a few things that happen in rapid succession as is often the case in this game knuckles throwing on a me blips in and out of existence as her want might not notice that they actually teleporting and T poses up there they just kind of they're just like ready that's future knuckles that's future knuckles getting right ready for using the waiting in the wings so to speak a bunch of crazy camera stuff and then there's two Sonic's that's my favorite and he's sort of like falls in a place there he's like wait guys you like kind of blow through yeah just like doppelganger so one magical second the time streams crossed right so that's bad show Steve Rose hey what's up Bros this is Steve there's my partner Steve wear this to Steve's has gone I'm Steve was that established too yeah well that's that's this is Steve I'm Steve we really haven't made an effort to determine which one is which or what the show is about so we're just Steve yeah pretty you know what it's weird that we both have similar voices as will Aaron if I can break character for a second you can probably our best open again just really one for the ages when we can all be proud of Steve tell me a little bit about yourself I know I like Steve around do some Steve things whoa that's crazy no [ __ ] way yeah it's it's it's nuts how similar we are do these characters have no personality like this yeah can we just make two Steve's can we actually make that a show yeah of course two Steve's like an episode yeah hey I'm Steve yeah and then and yeah we actually won't make any game commentary or talk about anything relevant we'll just keep reiterating that our names are Steve don't forget Steve yeah what's that Steve tune in for the Steve power our what how was that how was that physically accurate was that he like speeds and then and then like behind him [ __ ] starts happening I could not agree more watch your health pay attention stupid do you think the game designers of this have seen any of our playthrough and been like these sons of [ __ ] like people are gonna think this game sucks now people really trust these guys opinions and we put our heart and soul into releasing this game in four months welcome back to Janeane Garofalo the expedition to find that what you got to clear these openings with me first all right can I open with Janeane Garofalo expedition absolutely alright run the intro again follows expedition yeah to Mount Everest yeah I'm sorry added in that last part is yeah you know what I'm gonna need clearance on that all right huge anyway start over hey welcome back to Janeane Garofalo this expedition to Mount Everest cool wait I didn't be actually clear goddammit okay yes all right run the intro to Mount Everest starring me Aaron Hansen what why would that be sorry because well somebody's got to narrate it okay it's on her expedition she doesn't have time you're right you're right okay I'm sorry I run the intro Janeane Garofalo expedition to Mount Everest starring Aaron Hansen not starring Ben Abbot in um can we [ __ ] so I'm just out I'm just out then yeah well I mean did you want to be you're gonna [ __ ] strong yeah of course I want to be it always wanted to go to Mount Everest run intro again hey welcome back to Janeane Garofalo exasperation - Mount Everest starring Aaron Hanson and I guess also starring dan expedition expert well [ __ ] right again Mount Everest starring Aaron Hanson and also Dan Avidan who is apparently a stickler for [ __ ] pronunciation yes now we can start game grumps it's a [ __ ] 1 step front somersault yeah sure yeah I'm just is that what you called it when everyone made fun of you in PE yeah it's a faceplant somersault a lot of people do them that's called a hit hit in the face with a dodgeball technique yeah I'm Cryer salting it's where you somersault while crying whatever I'm gonna go talk to girls in my mind [Laughter] this scheme has a lot of graphics I've played games before what's my name I give a [ __ ] how it says right here in the legends yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] up Amy Jesus criminy she's hot though so what do you think just because she's an animal I'm not legally allowed to have sex with her the cops away yeah exactly that's the problem cool I'm glad we could we could all agree on that hey you are not an animal that you would like to [ __ ] in on this hmm we get that on the record I've never never had sex with an animal not even one really yeah how about some brownie points for that little I mean somebody's missing a little [ __ ] up just a little bit like at least once like come on live a little well I mean if you happen to believe in evolution then we are all just West African Apes so technically BAM sheekha BAM Shh boned a ton of animals that what going I boned an animal her name was Roxanne she's a great racer Roxanne we were practically in zinc I thought you were just like making statements as someone who's like never had sex but is like [ __ ] this yeah being that girl Brune Helga she took me into her room and then we did that we turned out the lights and then I put that the you know you know and then I and then I kissed her between leg and she was like he keep going and I was like and I was unstoppable yeah I kept on kissing yeah she lost her virginity for the fourth time that night I made her go she was going all over the place I was covered in her gum how much longer can this game possibly go on for I don't know it really it really like isn't I feel like it's not even trying anymore why did knuckles appear before me in control like that no it's just like worship me I have literally just been like letting the game do its thing and I gradually slowed down Wow before I met you an Oni and like that whole crew like I had no idea what it took to animate something and I have a whole new what is going on with the shadows on his happening with all these shadows what the [ __ ] cutscene was that another game Sonic the flying adventure take a plane tails has a plan doesn't what they never really established it in this I guess she's man that's true I think I have to get up here hmm makes so much sense now at the triple jump yeah yeah guys you guys were trying to communicate something to me and I just wasn't listening and I I apologize you know I'm dead well yeah well cuz I just learned this doesn't isn't Kevin like a term that people use for like a [ __ ] like hot dude who gets all the chicks like it does such a [ __ ] Kevin what yeah yeah okay I I think I read that on urban dictionary cuz you know how like you know sometimes I'll call cops Jake's know that might be a jersey thing cops just a lot of cops look like they they be named Jake Jake's it's like a purely subjective I can just see like five guy named Jake that sort of looked like another cop you saw and you were like man all cops look like Jake I can see them I can I can see them very clearly in a room just be like hey Jake Slater Jake Jake it's funny that you can clearly to the ground nope you're off the ship so yeah oh god oh god stressful this is like the first time this game has demanded anything wow dude you handled that beautifully thank you we can't reach that door which one oh the one that right there right there I can't reach it from where I'm standing they'll never make it we made it hooray [Applause] dude what is what is what what is my name Aaron what is your name Frederick yeah not coming to me Kevin or something like that Frederick your name is Frederick hey guys welcome to welcome to Erin and Frederick sorry my name is first welcome to Frederick and Aaron my name is Aaron and this is Frederick how you doing Fred hi am I supposed to be [Laughter] you know what I'm still eating fruit snack you know what I miss start the episode you know what I miss la cunnilingus why would you because it's been like like you know like a couple hours wait you missed doing it or receiving both is the answer Wow I love it I want um I want our next guest krump to be Gordon Ramsay I mean me too obviously awesome yeah but like no seriously wouldn't it be awesome he's super mellow and we're just [ __ ] chastising him for being a terrible video games what the [ __ ] are you doing I'm just having fun yeah yeah just having a bit of fun sorry sorry just enjoying it that's what video games are supposed to be fun ya know what's your gimmick isn't that what he's always asking the restaurant owners to have like a gimmick for the restaurant really like juice or some kind of thing that separates them well I don't know probably doesn't say the word gimmick that's probably the wrong word especially yeah wow the plane the plane a [ __ ] Fantasy Island reference from 1975 I'm sure that's gonna resonate really strongly with the 11 year old kids this game is [ __ ] design there was like 40 glitches I watched them all I watched them all but I think I can't stop it sending into madness yeah and now rocks are appearing no now they are the ones to be crushed by rocks there okay wait so they can fly on the plane yep no so there was literally no reason for us to do all those laser puzzles because he had a plane that we could all fly on also how is that part of the bridge staying up like everything connecting it was gone also why was Amy saying I can't stop she's not the one flying the plane yeah of course you can't stop Amy you're hanging on the way sonica can't stop stop watch out lasers let's finish this lasers Amy's really trying to get Amy hurry hurry tails is like really the left the right Oh back forward back forward back left boss Sonic's over there now well yeah cuz remember what I was telling you I used to go to remote locations for a radio station and Jesus Christ I don't know wait this might have to wait yeah my interest all right let's go yeah you don't you don't need to he can fly you'll have to push me you don't need to you can can do a spin attack yeah actually oh yeah I mean you know what else can I say it's like WWF like knock her out with the no-look pass she's not even doing it knocked her teeth okay okay he just rips out lyrics [ __ ] heart ah crushes in his hand not my heart not my pudding Cup I was again yeah and I suppose oh yeah earlier what the what what really that Yunus heads they just like beat him up and left him there and then they were like alright let's just enjoy this Wow that's actually the best-looking [Laughter] ever doing that ending was too good oh well wow I'm glad that you could share with us with quality assurance oh man I wonder if any of these people are proud oh these is like people from different countries oh okay what is Oh oh that's Quality Assurance yeah QA got it yeah so Adrienne daily James McNerney yeah James oh yeah functionality why are there so many all these people are like tied up and gagged in a room come on Wow why is it did you hear that yeah I heard oh that burns that is a second degree electrical burn well I'd love to do a Q&A with the QA people well I have some questions like what the [ __ ] yeah why didn't you a your cue [Laughter]
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 1,442,200
Rating: 4.9295754 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, sonic boom
Id: ND2Swq556J8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 36sec (3636 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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